aj I w TT i i r I > i 1 HARTFORD HERALD KUANK I PBMV Imprlolar IIISIIBlt MATTIIKWS KOIIur i WEDNESDAY MARCh It 1 S- t MARCH came III like a duck Let t us hope It will BO out like a lurk IT Is generally an empty pantr that gives the housewife food for thought IK Mr Brvan would only got dowiV i to his sawbuck let the where It mayl I WHAT would It profit the Trusts tcu gain the whole world and lose their dead cinch on Congress SoANDso and Bryan how does that sound for half of the national 1 Democratic ticket for next year Win should the spirit of mortal b e proud when common ordinary holt meat Issclllng at eighteen cents a pound KKNTVCKY has had lots of wate- C in the last month or two hut we hay < heard of no decline In the whisky marletA IT l Is not supposed that the people oIf Charleston arc starving for a Collector 1 even If President Roosevelt does per MIst In tossing them a Cnini- Wa used to contemplate a billion dollar Congress with horror but tin recent session cut a twobllllon figure and we hear little said about It A iiAMHiKADEH man may not b e any nearer heaven than the other fel- low but he has one consolation he I h S i where parting sliall be no more A FELLOW can learn more abou- h fashions during a little gust of wIn- these h March days than he would ac quire In a month of August weather Tim darkey Is beginning to feel his Importance In the political world and l to demand his rights Hes right about It Tossum without grit Jisu mighty poor dish A FKLLOW gets away up on his car If you call him a polygamlst hut he Is proud of It If I you accuse hluiof beluga polyglot which Is a heap worse sounding word THKIII seems to be much Interest manifested as to whether the fruit has nil been kllled or not but nobody ha thought to ask Col Watterson how his mint beds are getting along Now Is the winter of our discontent t made glorious summer of Joy by the forced retirement of several objection ¬ able characters In Congress notably McKenzle Moss and W J Deboe Ira mans wife Is always his better half how is the portion to be equal ¬ ized when a nlnetyelghtpound fel- lows ¬ frow weighs 210 or a 240pound CVIMV wife tips the beam at 80 Xow one at n Mnu tiluasp- DEMOCKACYS gubernatorial trlum ¬ Irate arc now nosing up to the pole Gor Hcckham has declined to meetl his opponents In Joint debate whichI seems to have settled the debating matter and perhaps It I in well I IT Is a matter of notice that the goldbug press keep on quoting what l Mr Uryan says notwithstanding It I Is alleged he has been politically dead for several years Strange how this ghost talk amounts to so much TIIIIITEKN Senators closed their ca ¬ reers at the ending of the recent Con- gress ¬ The man who brought the bad I luck number to the bunch was evi ¬ dently Senator Deboe as without him I there would have been only twelve flu worst storm of the season is always the latest and the worst roads we ever saw are always tile present seasons product Perhaps this Is most generally true hut forget fulness IK a strong trait of humanity IT I It said that If Gov Keckhams eli ¬ gibility case Is passed on adversely t to I himself there will be several more Democratic candidates for Ouvernor In the Held Uythcway what ever became of lion Henry I D Allens In ¬ cipient gubernatorial boom I lIoN IVMO I hmImAmLIYsays In his remarks concerning the 100000 I Ooebel reward fund that then is not one honest man In his party who does J not want to see the men guilty of com ¬ plicity In Mr Goobers assassination brought to Justice What could he mean Time candidacy of Attorney General Pratt for the Republican nomination for Governor Is nuctlng with a kindly reception at the hands of the Demo cratic press It would DC a real pleas ¬ are to heat a nlco man like Pratt And we could do itso much easier and without so much fuss and feathers as a tougher candidate would demand frot him out TCIHTOU MOOIIH of time Karllngton li starts oil a halfcolumn dlatrlhtl j against a certain class of females h1 saylnu A II unwomanly species of girl and yet not uncommon is tho I one that attempts to make every man sue meets fall in love with her Then Mr Moore goes on to talk about feminine mancatchers etc Won dor Who has been making eyes at handsome Paul Mimn anyhow TUB I Hartford Jltjtulllmn seldom opens Its mouth without putting Its I foot In It Its recent sarcastic Illng at tIme pettit Jury because three 1 Jus ¬ tices of the Peace two of whom ire I Republicans wore members of that body antI also road and bridge cmn mUsloiHTb aroused tho resentment of tho accused gentlemen who wondered what thoy had done to bo thus pub ¬ itchy arraigned Tho frjwMiVnii might take a lesson from time loquaci ¬ ty of tho parrot Enrron LOVING GAINHS of tho Klkton Jroqrcw says TilE HKIIALD scribes wile was away from homo I when ho throw that editorial boquct nb tho Hartford girls Wo can place our hand on that smooth portion of our brow which our woolly friend Jim DcWceso was guying ua about and I say this Is a mistake lImit say Lay- ing ¬ I on the qUiet nownot a ono ofI I Hartfords pretty girls has ever smll j ed at us or sent us a word of appre ciatlon for that rhetorical effort They act like they thought we didnt mean them limit wo did I I A LYHIC poem of more than ordina- ry ¬ I worth and evincing talent of rare I depth will be found upon the local page of TUft HBUALD today It Is entitled liThe Old Bell meaning our I cracked court house belland was I written by one of Hartfords fairest daughters now happily married and living In a distant city It will awaken Interest and emotions In the heart of every citizen of Ohio county who reads It It brings back tender memories of the recent and distant pat which are familiar to mill who- ever passed tho portals over which hung time old court house bellnow discarded for scrap metal rWE are Indebted to our good old Christian friend Rev E M Crowe for a selection which appears on the fourth page of THE HERALD today entitled Love Blossoming Too Late There Is a world of pathos and senti meat true as life contained in this little sketch Somehow wo never read a timing like that without thinking how much the preachers the doctors the newspaper men and a few others do to smoothc the paths of their fellowmen and fellowworaen and how little In the way of kind- ness and appreciation they receive In return They cast their bread upon the waters and If a crumb floats back across the tide of years they feel sat ¬ isfied Too often love blossoms late whyrl the lives of everybody perenlally WE WILL PRINT THE NEWS LTpon several occasions lately and many times in the past TUB HEKALD has been approached by persons ask- ing ¬ that a certain Item of news con ¬ cerning themselves their relatives or their friends he suppressed Divers reasons were given but most general ¬ ly I it was because the news In ques ¬ tion would reflect In some manner upon the parties concerned In some Instances being appealed to strongly we have granted the request of these- s persons solely as a matter of kindness and accommodation at the same time feeling that we had cheated our read ¬ ers out of Just that much good news In few Instances however have we got as much as a feeble Thank you many times from people who were not even subscribers to TilE HEUALD and It Is little or no appreciation we have ever received for these favors Sonic persons seem to think that a newspaper Is printed mostly for the pleasure and accommodation of cer- tain ¬ individuals and that they might Just us Wln too one ot Uiosc tavurcd few as not Such however Is not the case in any sense with a paper that alms to be a wtctpiipf Therefore after much harassment along that line and a large acquaint ¬ ance with the Ingratitude of hu- man ¬ kind we have concluded that hereafter we will PRINT THE NEWS no matter who It concerns or affects We will do this not to satis- fy ¬ a grudge In any case but as a mat ter of duty to time public and to oui subscribers We do not mean by this that we will Intentionally wound the sensibilities or modesty of anybody but we will treat all matters that come within our Jurisdiction In an Im- partial ¬ decent and respectful manner I If we tall to print that which should come within the radlusof our province as a newspaper you may know that was through some oversight ItI I or failure to hear about It It is our purpose to write up people or I things only Insofar as justice and the occasion demand But we will try toI print the news all the news we can i get I I In this connection we want to ask a special favor of the public that no- body ¬ approach us with the request that we keep this matter or that mat- ter ¬ I out of THE HEUALD We are here- to print the news and If people will behave themselves they need not fear anything at our hands A request for the suppression legitimate news will most surely not be granted and we wish to warn the people of the fate of such a request beforehand I Now it Is In all kindness that we give forth this notice and solely ouI account of an appreciation of our full duty In time newspaper Held Bring usI the newsgood news or bad news Its all the same to the public so long as ItI is decently narrated and trust us for the printing of It always provided ItI Is received In time If any of yourI folks get In trouble and we print ItI tell them they might have known t hat Tim HKKALD would get hold ofII It and that It would likely have gotI ten out anyhow Printing time news Is our business and we are going toI try to attend to our business to the best of our ability Send us the news Dangers of Pneumonia A cold at this time if neglected Is liable to cause pneumonia which la so often fatal and even when the patient has recovered the lungs are weakened making thorn peculiarly susceptible to tho development of consumption theI cough heal and strengthen the lungs null prevent pneumonia J H Wll HHIIIH Hartford tn ICapt Ed Porter Thompson Dead That gallant soldier of the Confedera ¬ cy Cunt Ed Porter Thompson died at Frankfort lust Wednesday of lagrippe He laid been ill for two weeks but his family hall begun to believe that he was much Unproved and had a chance to recover Ills trouble however settled on hit Inngs and In hit enfeebled con dition ho was uunble to withstand the ravages of the ululadI I Capt Thompson was widely known t 1 I over Kentucky Ho Wits bortl near Center Metcalfe county Ky May 6 I si834 His father Lewis M Thompson I was a Virginian Ho was roared on n farm hut after ho was nineteen yean Iof age engaged in teaching school until I 1800 when he studied law Before ho- j obtained his license the war between the States broke out Ho took a prominent part in the war After the close of the I war ho engaged for a time in farming teaching and literary work Ho edited l a magazine in Louisville and was the I author of several school books Kentuckys New Senator I The personal popularity of Hon JosI I B MoCroary was well attested in Wash- Ington ¬ I last Thursday by tho ovationI given tine new Kentucky Senator when ho took the oath of office in the Senate I chamber Escorted by the Hon J 0 S Blackburn now the senior Kentucky Senator he walked up to the Vice Pres ¬ idents desk where the oath was ad ¬ ministered while there was round after round of applanso from the galleries which contained many Kentuckians friends and admirers of the Senator residing In Washington With the exception of the reception tendered Senator Arthur P Gorman of r Maryland who now lean the Detnorat to forces In the Senate Mr McCreary received more applause than any other new Senator Hon N B Hays Card Hon Napoleon Bonaparte Hays the wellknown Democratic lawyer and I statesman from Bell county is send- Ing ¬ oat the following card to his friends I over the State in advocacy of his i nomi ¬ nation citing the strong points along the lines of party devotion and service Ma 1 HAYS CAItD 1 He was Democratic Elector in I 1808 2 He was Assistant Elector for the I State in 1895 8 He was elector for the State in I 1900 and in each instance canvassed A I a large part of the State at his own ex ¬ pense 4 He was a candidate for the nomi ¬ nation for Attorney General in 1899 and although defeated in the Musici Hall Convention he accepted his defeat with a pledge of loyalty to the ticket which he made good by canvassing the State for its election 5 He comes from the Eleventh Con ¬ gressional District and is one of the 17 000 Democrats who although heretofore having never been recognized in the makenp of the partys State ticket are as loyal and true to the principles and policies of Democracy as were that Old Imperial Guard of Napoleon to the cause of France Foleys Kidney Cure makes the kind neys and bladder right Contains noth- ing ¬ injurious JIL Williams in Grayson Grist I Ifeltchfield Gazelle We learn that a few nights since the Catholic Church near Wax on NolinI was broken into by thieves and a silver chalice and other articles were taken No clew to the parties who committed the robbery Rev C S Markin who had been sta ¬ tioned here for several years as pastor of the Main St M E Church left last Tuesday night for Oklahoma where he will make his future home We do nct know who will succeed him here Mrs Patrick Hickey an old and high ¬ ly respected woman of Caneyville died Tuesday and was interred in the Catholic graveyard here Wednesday the funeral services being conducted byI I Father OConnor from St church Mrs Hickey was the wife of Patrick Hickey who was section fore ¬ man at Caneyville for nearly a quarter of a century and who retired several years ago on account of old age Mr Aaron Salsman of Sadler has a chicken nearly full grown that is prac- tically ¬ without a tongue The chick ¬ ens tongue in some way has grown downward through the throat and gobI ¬ any tongue in the month but this does not seem to interfere with the chickens eatslI 1 life as well as if had a multiplicity tongues 1 s ofI I There is more Catarrh in this of the country than all other diseases put together and until the lost few years was supposed to be incurable For a great many years doctors pronounced it a local disease and prescribed localI remedies and by constantly failing toI cure with local treatment pronounced it incurable Science has proved catarrh to be a constitutional disease and there ¬ fore requires constitutional treatment I 11 Halls Catarrh Cure manufactured by F J Cheney Co Toledo Ohio IsI I the only constitutional cure on the market It is taken Internally in doses from 10 drops to a teaspoonful It acts I directly on the blood and mucous sur ¬ faces of tho system They offer onel I l hundred dollars for any case It mile to cure Send for circulars and testimo ¬ i nials Address F J CHENEY CoI I Toledo Ohio Sold by druggists 7110I I Halls Family Pills are the best 1 An Old Mans Nerve Owcnuboro Inquirer l Felix Blanford of West Louisville I had a very narrow escape from frown ¬ ing a day or two ago He had been to Curdsville and was returning home when his horse became frightened and threw him into the water at tIre side of tire road He had to swim for some dis- tance ¬ before ho could get back into the road When it is considered hois near ¬ ly eighty years old and was weighted down with a heavy overcoat and arctic overshoes his feat is recognized as an extraordinary one Ho walked nearly a mile before he reached shelter yet he came off none the worse for iris duck ¬ ing Pneumonia Follows a Cold But nover follows the use of Foleya Honey and Tar It stops the cough teals and strengthens the lungs and affords perfect security from an attack of pneumonia Refuse substitutes J H Williams tn mt ft t tiErs ELIGIBLE 1 I So Says Judge Cantrill of Gov theI Gubernatorial Race VERSAILLES KY March 6Judge Cantrill this afternoon rendered his opinion in the case of GOT Bockham vs Chairman Young and the Demo ¬ cratic State Executive Committee comI ¬ used at the primary election on May 9 1003 which opinion holds that Beckham is eligible for re- election to the office of Governor Judge J 0 Bcokham of Shelby vllle representing Goy Beckham was the I only attorney in the case who wasI present in the court room when Judge I Cantrills decision was rendered Judge Pryor the Hon John A Fulton and Mr John W Ray all left here early this morning None of the candidates was here either last night or today except Gov Beckham and he was not present in court when the case wan argued The attorneys for the defend ¬ ants immediately entered exceptions unit took an appeal to tine Court of r Appeals The purpose of the procedure is to establish Gov Beckhams eligibili ¬ ty to succeed himself as Governor In rendering his decision Judge Can trill said the language of the Constitu tion was not at aU ambiguous It says I that a Governor is elected for four years I and undoubtedly a man elected for four years is Inellgiblelto succeed him self A man elected for one two or r three Iyears or any time less than four r years is eligible to the office CERALVO KY Special to Tni HBKALD March 9 1903Mrs Rogers an old I and respected lady died recently at the residence lot her daughter Mrs Ben ¬ nett near here Mr P A Milner who has been sick for some time is no better Miss Jessie Barnard returned recently from an extended visit with relatives near Bever Dam She was accompalned home by Miss Vada Render and Messrs Mitchel Render and James Barnes Mr W So Hill who is attending school at Hartford College visited friends and relatives here recently Mr B F Whittaker has been sick for some time Mr W E Morton was at Liver- more and Central City last Monday and TuesdayI Mr C B Everly returned from Louis iana recentlyI Messrs John Cundiff and Dan Barnes went to Central City one day last week Mr DW Kimmel was called toI the bedside of his mother recently who is very sick at her home near Paradise KyI Misses Una Falkerson and Jennie Mathews returned some time ago from a visit with friends and relatives at Coffman Ky You will never wish to take another dose of plUs It you once try Chamber- lains Stomach and Liver Tablets They are easier to take and more pleasant in I effect They cleanse the stomach and l regulate the liver and bowels For sale I by Z Wayne Griffin Bro m I UNION KY Sp <Citl tO TntilEKALDI Mr Wayne Paxton has sold his farm I to Mr Wesley Stevens Consideration I 12250 Mr Paxton contemplates mov ¬ to Greenville Ky ling Ir Bob Oglesby spent Sunday with M Taylor Mr Tammy Shnltz of Shnltztown spent Sunday afternoon with his best girl at Union- R S Jacksou and family visited Mr John Keown Sunday Mr SliM Hoheimer of Sulphur Springs is making trips to Mr John Keowns every Sunday Born to the wife of W S Taylor of the Little Bend the fltli a fine girl Both mother and child are doing well Mr Harry Woods little boy baby who has been sick for some time is thought to be a lIttlebetter The wheat crop of this section is looking fine at present A Remarkable CaseI One of the most remarkable cases of a cold deepseated on the lungs causing pneumonia is that of Mrs Gertrude E Fenner Marion Ind who was entire- ly cured by the use of One Minute Cough Cure She says The coughing and straining so weakened me that I run down in weight from 148 to 92 pounds I tried a number of remedies to no avail l l- I used One Minute Cough Cure Four bottles of this wonderful remedy cured me entirely of the cough strengthened my lungs and restored me to my normal J weight health and strength J H Williams m II of Time March DA coffin Isf lying at the station at Dexter Calloway I county but the person for whom it was intended will live to ship the casketI I back as unclaimed property The maternal head of a family at Dexter was lying at the point of death last week and relatives were assured she could survive but a few hours long- er ¬ As there is no undertaking establ- ishment in Dexter and it was desired f mM The Keystone r ofCoodHealth- p 1 is pure food I Lion Coffee I is aU coffeeno glazing of defects ¬ I qualityFresh Sin inbulk S transport the remains td A distant ti Ito the casket was prdercd by wire Murray to be sent on tho first train The coma was duly forwarded but was still In the dopoC at Dexter this morn ¬ ing Its expectant occupant is recov ¬ ering OLATON KY HHALDIThere Caney Crook and it is still rising Mknyo the oldest citizens say they never know BO II I many log rises in the same length of r time before I wish to correct an error In my last letter wherein I was made to say Miss Gertie Lyons was clerking for W T Young Son when it should have said L Miss Zclina Lyons Dr A R flyers is still confined to his roomDr listI Little Miss Garnett Felix the Doctors daughter has measles Loganhondied I afterI funeral services by Rev Kelley Mr Leo Mason visited Olaton Satur ¬ day The candypulllng given by Mr J A Daniel last Friday night in honor of Mr Fred Daniel of Spring Lick was I largely attended and hugely enjoyed by all especially the young ladles who ex- pressed ¬ a desire that Mr Daniel MUleI back again- The nuptial fever has become very contagious in Olaton and vicinity TheI most recent case is the marriage of Mr Wallace St Clair and Miss Annie Pol ¬ lard which event was consummated SundayevenlngRevHenryDurchllpoker I one Next came the marriage of Mr R Eiell and Miss Ivy Armstrong which event took place on the same evening The third l time is the charm and Mr N B DosI well led Miss Laura Sanders to the hy- meneal altar where Rev McElroy spoket the words that made them one We wish the contracting parties a long and hap py life Our postmaster Mr John T Allen left Olaton list Monday to be absent two or three days and he has not re- turned ¬ I yet Wonder if he has joined Mr Duke and gone duckhuutlug If co we fear they will interfere with Grover Clevelands stock in trade a e Kentucky is Rich aggregatingi823o998 Beckham Friday afternoon by Capt C C Calhoon The checks weredrawn by the Treasury Department and represent the interest accumulation from money furnished by Kentucky to the Federal j Government from 1801 to 1805 The largest of the checks is for 1131777871 Capt Calhouns commission will be 10I I I per cent on the first 100000 col- lected ¬ and C per cent on the bal- ance ¬ The money will most likely be used to wipe out the States bondedt debt of 1000000 The State at pres ¬ ent has not a dollar of floating debt 4 You Know What You Are Takingt When you take Groves Tasteless Chill plainlyfrintad lform tfo Care No Pay SOc y- l IPLEAS T RIDGE KY l Special to TUB HERALD March 9Rev R T Bruner filled lib regular appointment here Saturday antI Sunday The school opened at this place last Monday with quite a number in attend- ance ¬ A S Tanner is the teacher Wenterfleld Bros have built a new blacksmith shop and hardware store just in front of their dry goods store Miss Mattie Moseley left for Hartford I Saturday to enter school there The Library Club is preparing for an intertainment soon Mr M J Cox left last week for Paducah Ky- Farmers are very busy in this com ¬ munity preparing for large crops j The Matter of Expensei Nelson t i In a published appeal for money to help In the expense of the defense of Powers and Howard it is stated they cannot afford to bring their witnesses from their distant homes in the mount ¬ alas And yet hundreds were brought from the mountains to aid in killing j GoebeL Revenge seems to be sweeter to certain martyrs than charity Sold His Skull to a Doctor NKV YORK March 9By an agree- ment ¬ duly drawn up signed and wit ¬ nessed Joe Mandy 22 years of age living atNo SOI East Seventeenth street has contracted to sell his skull to Dr M A Belter of No 52 St Marks place for 500 the skull to be claimed after j Mandys l1ethI I By the terms of the agreement Dr Setter is paying Mandy 5 a month and is to pay it until 500 has been given Mandy Should Mandy die before the ull amount has been paid the surgeon- s I 3 1 to get the skull The agreement states that the purchase is made in the interest of medical science I If Mandy performs feats with his head l that would kill or render unconscious most men These consist in breaking heavy china plates chair legs and heavy glassware over his head s The Stomach Is the Man A weak stomach weakens the man because it cannot transform the food he 1 eats into nourishment Health and 1 strength cannot be restored to any sick I l man or weak woman without first re- storing ¬ J health and strength to the atom ¬ ach A week stomach cannot digest enough food to feed the tissues and reo vive the tired and run down limbs and t organs of the body Kodol Dyspepsia Curs cleanses purifies sweetens and f strengthens the glands and membranes f f- I f- of the stomach and cures indigestion dyspepsia and all stomach troublesI J H William I s Burled With Ills Shotgun j MOUNT VERNON IND March 8 South Jenkins ohio of the pioneers of Posey county died today aged 70 years He was A hunter of some renown and a shotgun powder horn and razor were placed in his coffin at his request > 1 f J L Asthma II One of my daughters had a terrible cue of asthma We tried almost everything but without reo lief We then tried Ayers Cherry Pectoral and three and onehalf bottles cured herEmna Jane Entsmlnger Langsvllle 0 Ayers Cherry Pectoral certainlycurcs manycases of asthma And it cures bronchitis hoarseness weak lungs whooping cough croup winter coughs night coughs and hard colds fhr sizes IV month fur an ordinary toll 0cuit right for bronchltli boa- nIIfhUd colds ttei II I most ronomtul for chronic cur mil tn ktn on Imnd- J C ATUIl CO ioweII M- ar THE NEWS IN BRIEF The Louisville and Noshvilln RaIlway Company will employ 5000 men In its new shops now under construction in Louisville Plttaburg capitalists have purchased 72000 acres of time richest land in tire Tennessee Iron belt and will spend a large sum developing it During the two sessions of tho Filly seventh Congress 10420 bills arid resolu ¬ tions were introduced in time House land 8430 of these were acted on The Cumberland Telephone Company is constructing a telephone line from Greenville to Norton vllle over the right ofway of tire Illinois Central railroad The citizens ticket made up of Demo ¬ crate and Independent Republicans anti headed by M E Ingalla for Mayor was formally nominated by a musscon ¬ vention Saturday night in Cincinnati Another big land deal has been con- summated ¬ in Hopkins county W D Coil of Nebo has bought 1344 acres of laud lying on the Illinois Central rail- road ¬ near St Charles from W II Rue tonof Evanivllle Jnil for JHCKX Secretary of the Navy Moody has de ¬ cided that the three 10000tou battle ships recently provided for shall be MirulsoIta I I will bo named Mississippi and Idaho I Several leaders of tho Lilly White movement in Alabama have received ioleuee1The j I of a secret meeting heM by negruwwnie days ago- George I Boone was arrested In Owen county Friday charged with the umr Ier of his wife who died er sustaining a beating at his handsi I i j Owing to talk of mob violence Boone was taken to the Currollton jail I Four thousand employe will be- hrown out of work when the American Window Gloss Company closes its In ¬ diana plants The COIUimuy vrafllncor porated to manufacture operate and sell glassmaking machines which to 1I large extent will do away with hnlllI laborThe Illinois coal operators and miners have signed a wage scale to run one year from April 10 The men threaten- ed ¬ to strike if they were not granted an increase of nine cents but finally agreed to the raise of six cents provided for by the Indianapolis national con ¬ ferenceWilliam R Merriam Director of the Census has tendered President Roose ¬ velt his resignation to take elect May 15 Mr Merriam quits hlsuflko to take a position with a New York mercantile agency Former Congressman Mercer of Omaha and several others are appli cants for the position I I The plant of the Robards Tobacco Company at Henderson was destroyed by fire at 380 Sunday morning with allI its contents inclnding 500000 pounds of tobacco The loss is estimated at 175000 The fire is thought to hays been caused by lime which had beenI slacked by the heavy rain during the night I II The Weather Bureau has issued aI flood bulletin and warnings covering the Mississippi from Cairo to Natchez The River will continue to rise for a period of several days the bulletin says and is already above the danger line On the lower Ohio the danger line lila passed at Owensboro Eyansvllle and other points l To Cure a Cold In One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets All druggists refund tho money if it fails to cure E W Groves signature is on each box 25c y i Near Smith Mills Henderson county Allen Melton ehofixml killed his nlxtoon yearold stepdaughter and probably fatally wounded Mrs John Culver hU wifes sister When parentAl by a posse and brought to bay Ina barn Mellon attempted to commit suicide by swal lowing Paris green and by shooting both attempts being unsuccessful Ho A TEXAS WONDER Halls Ureat Discovery One small bottle of Halls Great Dis- covery ¬ cures all kidnoy and bladJcr troubles removes gravel cures diaa betes seminal emissions weak and lame backs rheumatism and all irreg ¬ i ularities of the kidneys and bladder in i both men and women regulates blad der troubles lu children If not sold bya your druggist it wlll bo sent by mail on receipt of 11i Ono small bottle is two months treatment and will curq I any case above mentioned Dr E W Hall sole manufacturer P O Box OJ0c St Louis Mo Send for testimonials Sold by all druggists and T P TRY ¬ lor Co Druggists Third and JotTer son Louisville READ THISI I HOPKIN8VILLE ICY Juno 7th 1001 This Is to certify that I was troubled with kidney and bladder diseases for three years and found nothing torelioye me until I tried The Texas Wonder Halls Great Discovery which has given me positive relief and I think a per ¬ manent cure Jas M HUUCINB 0 I hr I I IAstollishillg j i rl IN ID IDI l Every DopartmelltP J P IliFihi I i is now tho rulo in our etoro inoro than p ovor boforo These values nro represented in p j everything that is now seasonable For a r ifrow lays longer wo will continUo to soil our jll j ti I Iroom no goods must go to tI for our Spring Stock and those prices j jr f j r monoyqi 1I 1Ipartinont I of our Winter Goods It is It S It ItA GRANDI I IJ I IOn SALE all heavy goods Shoes Underwear Hats Shirts Overshoes Clothing Overcoats Fur ii iilliSlliflgSGOO18 Etc Our Dress Goods De ¬ lj ladielj ¬ tractive bargains wo arc offering Hero aro I i I goods that will wear you way into tho sum ¬ I j pricesSanue t f t wintert U I WHERE YOU SAVE DOLLARS l On big purchases and dimes on small things t tIt will bo to your interest to take advantage iI of this fr r ll Ilget posted I make I ourIi1 1 class and embody tho very best wearing ma ¬ It highii t Tho sooner you come tho bettor you will bo lIJj fl 1 1SIltiSfiCl with your purchases il- I c i 15he ECONOMY A Dry Goods Store mJI t = was lodged In the MorKanflelU jail and later takca to Henderson Tho shoot Ing was the outcome of domestic troubles Melton and bU wit had agreed to separate and Mm Melton had gouo to time home of her sister Mrs Culver Dig Monopoly Broken PiiiLAUKUiiiA PN March 7 Time seventeenycars patent which had placed an absolute prohibition on most forms of electric storage batteries dur ¬ ling that period expired today Manu- facturers ¬ aro now at liberty to bring on the market inventions along the same line and it is expected that this freedom will in the near future redonml to the vast improvement > of electric automo ¬ hues It was the fourth aud last of time sweeping patents on storage battery electrodes which were obtained by Charles F Brush of Cleveland 0 in 1880 the inventor of tho first dynamo and tho first commercially valuable arc byI the Electric Storage Battery Company of this city anti hair kept most electric concerns out of time field of storage bat ¬ tory manufacture Educate Your Dowel With CmearcU foreverLJMZC Proposed a Barbecue of a Human Being MEXICO CITY March DTho char coal burners on tho Soa Hacluda hav- Ing ¬ n disagreement with their foreman Juan Cnillenno killed him and cremat ¬ ed the body Their method was origi ¬ nal as they proposed making a barbe- cue The body watt placed in a pit und hot fire built over it and kept going for ten lays The men have not been ar ¬ rested having lied Working Overtime Eight hour laws are ignored by those tlrtlessf little workersDr Kings New Life Pills Millions are always at work night and day curing Indigestion Bill oneness Constipation Sick Headache and all Stomach Liver and Bowel troubles Easy pleasant safe sure Only 25j at J II Williams drug store Hartford m Insanity Caused by Cigarettes LANCASTER KY March 7W Cas mus Pnmphroy of tills place was today in tine Garrard County Court adjudged insane and ordered to tine Lexington Asylum Ono month ago ho smashed merchants front window at Stanford and has been in jail there since The physicians whom tho court ordered to examine him pronounced hit insanity due to tine excessive use of cigarettes Ho is prominently connected A Severe Cold For Three Jlontbs The following letter from A J Nns banm of Batesville Ind tells Its own tory I suffered for three months with a severe cold A druggist prepa- re ¬ me some medicine and a physician prescribed for me yet I did not im ¬ prove I tht n tried Foloys Honey anti Tar and eight doses oared mo Refuse substitutes J II Williams ui f Have a CUIll orland- felonhone I i 1 t resit ¬ once or place of I Ibusincss in and direct put 1 contact with the Lon iDjstance Llnot f To all parts of the i L United States For terms call on- NOIWN C P IaQer THE Rough River f TELEPHONE COMJANYlNIOarOAnD Subscribers have free use of lines to about 175 In Ifford If 0 Lions In Ohio county Service better 1 JpeUtor S T 1Iarttord jContemplate j jI f JL estimates from B HBEIBERT dJers i I Ky They will Make You Estimates And do your work by the tiny or contract They keep Door Window and all kindijof Build I tug Material conitantlf t I Itt It i 1tiQdy material t iuarqter ° Dwltt1wi FoPIImHlIIria 7 J

i p I listI I winter coughs rjll ti monoyqi our j afterI f j · aj I w TT i i r I > i 1 HARTFORD HERALD KUANK I PBMV Imprlolar IIISIIBlt MATTIIKWS KOIIur i WEDNESDAY MARCh It1 S-MARCH

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Page 1: i p I listI I winter coughs rjll ti monoyqi our j afterI f j · aj I w TT i i r I > i 1 HARTFORD HERALD KUANK I PBMV Imprlolar IIISIIBlt MATTIIKWS KOIIur i WEDNESDAY MARCh It1 S-MARCH

ajI w TT

i ir







S-tMARCH came III like a duck Lett

us hope It will BO out like a lurk

IT Is generally an empty pantrthat gives the housewife food for

thoughtIK Mr Brvan would only got


to his sawbuck let thewhere It mayl

IWHAT would It profit the Trusts tcu

gain the whole world and lose theirdead cinch on Congress

SoANDso and Bryan how does

that sound for half of the national1

Democratic ticket for next year

Win should the spirit of mortal be

proud when common ordinary holt

meat Issclllng at eighteen cents a


KKNTVCKY has had lots of wate-Cin the last month or two hut we hay <

heard of no decline In the whisky

marletAIT lIs not supposed that the people oIf

Charleston arc starving for a Collector 1

even If President Roosevelt does perMIst In tossing them a Cnini-

Wa used to contemplate a billiondollar Congress with horror but tinrecent session cut a twobllllon figure

and we hear little said about It

A iiAMHiKADEH man may not be

any nearer heaven than the other fel-

low but he has one consolation he IhSi

where parting sliall be no more

A FELLOW can learn more abou-hfashions during a little gust of wIn-



March days than he would ac

quire In a month of August weather

Tim darkey Is beginning to feel his

Importance In the political world andl

to demand his rights Hes rightabout It Tossum without grit Jisumighty poor dish

A FKLLOW gets away up on

his car If you call him a polygamlst

hut he Is proud of It IfI you accuse

hluiof beluga polyglot which Is a

heap worse sounding word

THKIII seems to be much Interestmanifested as to whether the fruit hasnil been kllled or not but nobody hathought to ask Col Watterson howhis mint beds are getting along

Now Is the winter of our discontentt

made glorious summer of Joy by theforced retirement of several objection ¬

able characters In Congress notablyMcKenzle Moss and W J Deboe

Ira mans wife Is always his betterhalf how is the portion to be equal ¬

ized when a nlnetyelghtpound fel-



frow weighs 210 or a 240poundCVIMV wife tips the beam at 80 Xowone at n Mnu tiluasp-

DEMOCKACYS gubernatorial trlum ¬

Irate arc now nosing up to the pole

Gor Hcckham has declined to meetl

his opponents In Joint debate whichI

seems to have settled the debatingmatter and perhaps It Iin well

IIT Is a matter of notice that the

goldbug press keep on quoting whatlMr Uryan says notwithstanding It IIs

alleged he has been politically deadfor several years Strange how thisghost talk amounts to so much

TIIIIITEKN Senators closed their ca ¬

reers at the ending of the recent Con-



The man who brought the badI

luck number to the bunch was evi ¬

dently Senator Deboe as without himI

there would have been only twelve

flu worst storm of the season

is always the latest and the worst

roads we ever saw are always tilepresent seasons product Perhapsthis Is most generally true hut forgetfulness IK a strong trait of humanity

IT IIt said that If Gov Keckhams eli ¬

gibility case Is passed on adversely ttoI

himself there will be several moreDemocratic candidates for OuvernorIn the Held Uythcway what ever

became of lion Henry ID Allens In ¬

cipient gubernatorial boomI

lIoN IVMOI hmImAmLIYsays In hisremarks concerning the 100000 I

Ooebel reward fund that then is notone honest man In his party who doesJ

not want to see the men guilty of com ¬

plicity In Mr Goobers assassinationbrought to Justice What could hemean

Time candidacy of Attorney General

Pratt for the Republican nominationfor Governor Is nuctlng with a kindlyreception at the hands of the Demo

cratic press It would DC a real pleas ¬

are to heat a nlco man like PrattAnd we could do itso much easierand without so much fuss and feathersas a tougher candidate would demandfrot him out

TCIHTOU MOOIIH of time Karllngton

li starts oil a halfcolumn dlatrlhtl j

against a certain class of females h1saylnu A II unwomanly species of

girl and yet not uncommon is thoI

one that attempts to make every mansue meets fall in love with her ThenMr Moore goes on to talk about

feminine mancatchers etc Won

dor Who has been making eyes athandsome Paul Mimn anyhow

TUB IHartford Jltjtulllmn seldomopens Its mouth without putting ItsI

foot In It Its recent sarcastic Illng

at tIme pettit Jury because three 1Jus ¬

tices of the Peace two of whom ireI

Republicans wore members of thatbody antI also road and bridge cmn

mUsloiHTb aroused tho resentment of

tho accused gentlemen who wondered

what thoy had done to bo thus pub ¬

itchy arraigned Tho frjwMiVnii

might take a lesson from time loquaci ¬

ty of tho parrot

Enrron LOVING GAINHS of tho

Klkton Jroqrcw says TilE HKIIALD

scribes wile was away from homo


when ho throw that editorial boquctnb tho Hartford girls Wo can placeour hand on that smooth portion ofour brow which our woolly friend JimDcWceso was guying ua about and


say this Is a mistake lImit say Lay-




on the qUiet nownot a ono ofII

Hartfords pretty girls has ever smll j

ed at us or sent us a word of appreciatlon for that rhetorical effortThey act like they thought we didntmean them limit wo did


I A LYHIC poem of more than ordina-ry

¬ I

worth and evincing talent of rareI depth will be found upon the localpage of TUft HBUALD today It Is

entitled liThe Old Bell meaning ourI cracked court house belland wasI written by one of Hartfords fairestdaughters now happily married andliving In a distant city It willawaken Interest and emotions In theheart of every citizen of Ohio countywho reads It It brings back tendermemories of the recent and distantpat which are familiar to mill who-

ever passed tho portals over whichhung time old court house bellnowdiscarded for scrap metal

rWE are Indebted to our good oldChristian friend Rev E M Crowe fora selection which appears on thefourth page of THE HERALD todayentitled Love Blossoming Too LateThere Is a world of pathos and sentimeat true as life contained in thislittle sketch Somehow wo neverread a timing like that withoutthinking how much the preachersthe doctors the newspaper men and afew others do to smoothc the paths oftheir fellowmen and fellowworaen

and how little In the way of kind-ness and appreciation they receive In

return They cast their bread uponthe waters and If a crumb floats backacross the tide of years they feel sat¬

isfied Too often love blossoms latewhyrlthe lives of everybody perenlally

WE WILL PRINT THE NEWSLTpon several occasions lately and

many times in the past TUB HEKALD

has been approached by persons ask-


that a certain Item of news con ¬

cerning themselves their relatives ortheir friends he suppressed Diversreasons were given but most general ¬

lyI it was because the news In ques ¬

tion would reflect In some mannerupon the parties concerned In someInstances being appealed to stronglywe have granted the request of these-

s persons solely as a matter of kindnessand accommodation at the same timefeeling that we had cheated our read ¬

ers out of Just that much good newsIn few Instances however have we gotas much as a feeble Thank youmany times from people who were noteven subscribers to TilE HEUALDand It Is little or no appreciation wehave ever received for these favorsSonic persons seem to think that anewspaper Is printed mostly for thepleasure and accommodation of cer-


individuals and that they mightJust us Wln too one ot Uiosc tavurcd fewas not Such however Is not the casein any sense with a paper that almsto be a wtctpiipf

Therefore after much harassmentalong that line and a large acquaint ¬

ance with the Ingratitude of hu-


kind we have concluded thathereafter we will PRINT THENEWS no matter who It concerns oraffects We will do this not to satis-fy


a grudge In any case but as a matter of duty to time public and to ouisubscribers We do not mean by thisthat we will Intentionally wound thesensibilities or modesty of anybodybut we will treat all matters thatcome within our Jurisdiction In an Im-


decent and respectful mannerIIf we tall to print that which shouldcome within the radlusof our provinceas a newspaper you may know thatwas through some oversight ItII

or failure to hear about It It isour purpose to write up people or


things only Insofar as justice and theoccasion demand But we will try toIprint the news all the news we can i

get II

In this connection we want to ask aspecial favor of the public that no-


approach us with the requestthat we keep this matter or that mat-ter


out of THE HEUALD We are here-to print the news and If people willbehave themselves they need notfear anything at our hands A requestfor the suppression legitimate newswill most surely not be granted andwe wish to warn the people of the fateof such a request beforehand I

Now it Is In all kindness that wegive forth this notice and solely ouIaccount of an appreciation of our fullduty In time newspaper Held Bring usIthe newsgood news or bad news Itsall the same to the public so long as ItIis decently narrated and trust us forthe printing of It always provided ItIIs received In time If any of yourIfolks get In trouble and we print ItItell them they might have knownt hat Tim HKKALD would get hold ofII

It and that It would likely have gotIten out anyhow Printing time newsIs our business and we are going toItry to attend to our business to thebest of our ability Send us thenews

Dangers of PneumoniaA cold at this time if neglected Is

liable to cause pneumonia which la sooften fatal and even when the patienthas recovered the lungs are weakenedmaking thorn peculiarly susceptible totho development of consumptiontheIcough heal and strengthen the lungsnull prevent pneumonia J H WllHHIIIH Hartford tn

ICapt Ed Porter Thompson DeadThat gallant soldier of the Confedera ¬

cy Cunt Ed Porter Thompson died atFrankfort lust Wednesday of lagrippeHe laid been ill for two weeks but hisfamily hall begun to believe that he wasmuch Unproved and had a chance torecover Ills trouble however settledon hit Inngs and In hit enfeebled condition ho was uunble to withstand theravages of theululadI I

Capt Thompson was widely known

t 1


over Kentucky Ho Wits bortl nearCenter Metcalfe county Ky May 6 I

si834 His father Lewis M Thompson I

was a Virginian Ho was roared on nfarm hut after ho was nineteen yean

Iof age engaged in teaching school untilI1800 when he studied law Before ho-

j obtained his license the war between theStates broke out Ho took a prominentpart in the war After the close of theI

war ho engaged for a time in farmingteaching and literary work Ho editedl

a magazine in Louisville and was theI

author of several school books

Kentuckys New Senator I

The personal popularity of Hon JosII

B MoCroary was well attested in Wash-Ington


last Thursday by tho ovationI

given tine new Kentucky Senator whenho took the oath of office in the SenateI

chamber Escorted by the Hon J 0S Blackburn now the senior KentuckySenator he walked up to the Vice Pres ¬

idents desk where the oath was ad ¬

ministered while there was round afterround of applanso from the gallerieswhich contained many Kentuckiansfriends and admirers of the Senatorresiding In Washington

With the exception of the receptiontendered Senator Arthur P Gorman ofrMaryland who now lean the Detnoratto forces In the Senate Mr McCrearyreceived more applause than any othernew Senator

Hon N B Hays CardHon Napoleon Bonaparte Hays the

wellknown Democratic lawyer andI

statesman from Bell county is send-Ing


oat the following card to his friends I

over the State in advocacy of his i nomi ¬

nation citing the strong points alongthe lines of party devotion and service


1 He was Democratic Elector inI


2 He was Assistant Elector for theI

State in 1895

8 He was elector for the State inI

1900 and in each instance canvassed AI

a large part of the State at his own ex ¬

pense4 He was a candidate for the nomi ¬

nation for Attorney General in 1899

and although defeated in the Musici

Hall Convention he accepted his defeatwith a pledge of loyalty to the ticketwhich he made good by canvassing theState for its election

5 He comes from the Eleventh Con ¬

gressional District and is one of the 17

000 Democrats who although heretoforehaving never been recognized in themakenp of the partys State ticket areas loyal and true to the principles andpolicies of Democracy as were thatOld Imperial Guard of Napoleon to thecause of France

Foleys Kidney Cure makes the kindneys and bladder right Contains noth-ing


injurious JIL Williams in

Grayson GristIIfeltchfield Gazelle

We learn that a few nights since theCatholic Church near Wax on NolinIwas broken into by thieves and a silverchalice and other articles were takenNo clew to the parties who committedthe robbery

Rev C S Markin who had been sta ¬

tioned here for several years as pastorof the Main St M E Church left lastTuesday night for Oklahoma where hewill make his future home We do nctknow who will succeed him here

Mrs Patrick Hickey an old and high ¬

ly respected woman of Caneyvilledied Tuesday and was interred in theCatholic graveyard here Wednesdaythe funeral services being conducted byIIFather OConnor from Stchurch Mrs Hickey was the wife ofPatrick Hickey who was section fore ¬

man at Caneyville for nearly a quarterof a century and who retired severalyears ago on account of old age

Mr Aaron Salsman of Sadler has achicken nearly full grown that is prac-tically


without a tongue The chick ¬

ens tongue in some way has growndownward through the throat andgobI ¬

anytongue in the month but this does notseem to interfere with the chickenseatslI1

life as well as if had a multiplicitytongues

1 sofII

There is more Catarrh in thisof the country than all other diseasesput together and until the lost fewyears was supposed to be incurable Fora great many years doctors pronouncedit a local disease and prescribed localIremedies and by constantly failing toIcure with local treatment pronouncedit incurable Science has proved catarrhto be a constitutional disease and there¬

fore requires constitutional treatment I11

Halls Catarrh Cure manufactured byF J Cheney Co Toledo Ohio IsII

the only constitutional cure on themarket It is taken Internally in dosesfrom 10 drops to a teaspoonful It acts


directly on the blood and mucous sur ¬

faces of tho system They offer onelIlhundred dollars for any case It mile tocure Send for circulars and testimo¬

inials Address F J CHENEY CoIIToledo Ohio

Sold by druggists7110II

Halls Family Pills are the best


An Old Mans NerveOwcnuboro Inquirer l

Felix Blanford of West Louisville I

had a very narrow escape from frown ¬

ing a day or two ago He had been toCurdsville and was returning homewhen his horse became frightened andthrew him into the water at tIre side oftire road He had to swim for some dis-


before ho could get back into theroad When it is considered hois near¬

ly eighty years old and was weighteddown with a heavy overcoat and arcticovershoes his feat is recognized as anextraordinary one Ho walked nearlya mile before he reached shelter yet hecame off none the worse for iris duck ¬


Pneumonia Follows a Cold

But nover follows the use of FoleyaHoney and Tar It stops the coughteals and strengthens the lungs andaffords perfect security from an attackof pneumonia Refuse substitutes JH Williams tn

mt ft t


So Says Judge Cantrill of GovtheIGubernatorial Race

VERSAILLES KY March 6JudgeCantrill this afternoon rendered hisopinion in the case of GOT Bockhamvs Chairman Young and the Demo¬

cratic State Executive Committee


used at the primaryelection on May 9 1003 which opinionholds that Beckham is eligible for re-election to the office of Governor

Judge J 0 Bcokham of Shelbyvlllerepresenting Goy Beckham was theI

only attorney in the case who wasI

present in the court room when JudgeI

Cantrills decision was rendered JudgePryor the Hon John A Fulton andMr John W Ray all left here earlythis morning None of the candidateswas here either last night or todayexcept Gov Beckham and he was notpresent in court when the case wanargued The attorneys for the defend ¬

ants immediately entered exceptionsunit took an appeal to tine Court ofrAppeals The purpose of the procedureis to establish Gov Beckhams eligibili ¬

ty to succeed himself as GovernorIn rendering his decision Judge Can

trill said the language of the Constitution was not at aU ambiguous It saysI

that a Governor is elected for four yearsI

and undoubtedly a man elected forfour years is Inellgiblelto succeed himself A man elected for one two orrthree Iyears or any time less than fourr

years is eligible to the office


March 9 1903Mrs Rogers an oldI

and respected lady died recently at theresidence lot her daughter Mrs Ben ¬

nett near hereMr P A Milner who has been sick

for some time is no betterMiss Jessie Barnard returned recently

from an extended visit with relativesnear Bever Dam She was accompalnedhome by Miss Vada Render and MessrsMitchel Render and James Barnes

Mr W So Hill who is attendingschool at Hartford College visitedfriends and relatives here recently

Mr B F Whittaker has been sick forsome time

Mr W E Morton was at Liver-more and Central City last Mondayand TuesdayIMr C B Everly returned from Louisiana recentlyIMessrs John Cundiff and Dan Barneswent to Central City one day last week

Mr DW Kimmel was called toIthe bedside of his mother recentlywho is very sick at her home nearParadise KyIMisses Una Falkerson and JennieMathews returned some time ago froma visit with friends and relatives atCoffman Ky

You will never wish to take anotherdose of plUs It you once try Chamber-lains Stomach and Liver Tablets Theyare easier to take and more pleasant inI

effect They cleanse the stomach andl

regulate the liver and bowels For saleI

by Z Wayne Griffin Bro m I


Mr Wayne Paxton has sold his farmI

to Mr Wesley Stevens Consideration I

12250 Mr Paxton contemplates mov ¬

to Greenville KylingIr Bob Oglesby spent Sunday with

M TaylorMr Tammy Shnltz of Shnltztown

spent Sunday afternoon with his bestgirl at Union-

R S Jacksou and family visitedMr John Keown Sunday

Mr SliM Hoheimer of SulphurSprings is making trips to Mr JohnKeowns every Sunday

Born to the wife of W S Taylor ofthe Little Bend the fltli a fine girlBoth mother and child are doing well

Mr Harry Woods little boy babywho has been sick for some time isthought to be a lIttlebetter

The wheat crop of this section islooking fine at present

A Remarkable CaseIOne of the most remarkable cases ofa cold deepseated on the lungs causingpneumonia is that of Mrs GertrudeE Fenner Marion Ind who was entire-ly cured by the use of One Minute CoughCure She says The coughing andstraining so weakened me that I rundown in weight from 148 to 92 poundsI tried a number of remedies to no avail ll-I used One Minute Cough Cure Fourbottles of this wonderful remedy curedme entirely of the cough strengthenedmy lungs and restored me to my normal J

weight health and strength J HWilliams mII of Time

March DA coffin Isflying at the station at Dexter Calloway

Icounty but the person for whom it wasintended will live to ship the casketIIback as unclaimed property Thematernal head of a family at Dexterwas lying at the point of death lastweek and relatives were assured shecould survive but a few hours long-


As there is no undertaking establ-ishment in Dexter and it was desired


mM The Keystone rofCoodHealth-



is pure foodI

Lion Coffee I

is aU coffeeno glazing of

defects ¬ I



transport the remains td A distanttiIto the casket was prdercd by wireMurray to be sent on tho first train

The coma was duly forwarded but wasstill In the dopoC at Dexter this morn ¬

ing Its expectant occupant is recov ¬



HHALDIThere CaneyCrook and it is still rising Mknyo theoldest citizens say they never know BO


many log rises in the same length ofrtime before

I wish to correct an error In my lastletter wherein I was made to say MissGertie Lyons was clerking for W TYoung Son when it should have saidL

Miss Zclina LyonsDr A R flyers is still confined to his

roomDrlistILittle Miss Garnett Felix the Doctorsdaughter has measles

Loganhondied IafterIfuneral services by Rev KelleyMr Leo Mason visited Olaton Satur ¬

dayThe candypulllng given by Mr J A

Daniel last Friday night in honor ofMr Fred Daniel of Spring Lick wasI

largely attended and hugely enjoyed byall especially the young ladles who ex-


a desire that Mr Daniel MUleI

back again-The nuptial fever has become very

contagious in Olaton and vicinity TheI

most recent case is the marriage of MrWallace St Clair and Miss Annie Pol ¬

lard which event was consummatedSundayevenlngRevHenryDurchllpoker I

one Nextcame the marriage of Mr R Eiell andMiss Ivy Armstrong which event tookplace on the same evening The thirdl

time is the charm and Mr N B DosIwell led Miss Laura Sanders to the hy-meneal altar where Rev McElroy spoket

the words that made them one We wishthe contracting parties a long and happy life

Our postmaster Mr John T Allenleft Olaton list Monday to be absenttwo or three days and he has not re-



yet Wonder if he has joinedMr Duke and gone duckhuutlug Ifco we fear they will interfere withGrover Clevelands stock in trade

a eKentucky is Rich

aggregatingi823o998Beckham Friday afternoon by Capt CC Calhoon The checks weredrawn bythe Treasury Department and representthe interest accumulation from moneyfurnished by Kentucky to the Federal j

Government from 1801 to 1805 Thelargest of the checks is for 1131777871Capt Calhouns commission will be 10I



per cent on the first 100000 col-lected


and C per cent on the bal-ance


The money will most likely beused to wipe out the States bondedtdebt of 1000000 The State at pres ¬

ent has not a dollar of floating debt4

You Know What You Are TakingtWhen you take Groves Tasteless Chill

plainlyfrintadlform tfo Care No Pay SOc y-


Special to TUB HERALD

March 9Rev R T Bruner filledlib regular appointment here SaturdayantI Sunday

The school opened at this place lastMonday with quite a number in attend-ance


A S Tanner is the teacherWenterfleld Bros have built a new

blacksmith shop and hardware storejust in front of their dry goods store

Miss Mattie Moseley left for Hartford I

Saturday to enter school thereThe Library Club is preparing for an

intertainment soonMr M J Cox left last week for

Paducah Ky-

Farmers are very busy in this com ¬

munity preparing for large cropsj

The Matter ofExpenseiNelson ti

In a published appeal for money tohelp In the expense of the defense ofPowers and Howard it is stated theycannot afford to bring their witnessesfrom their distant homes in the mount¬

alas And yet hundreds were broughtfrom the mountains to aid in killing j

GoebeL Revenge seems to be sweeterto certain martyrs than charity

Sold His Skull to a DoctorNKV YORK March 9By an agree-


duly drawn up signed and wit ¬

nessed Joe Mandy 22 years of ageliving atNo SOI East Seventeenth streethas contracted to sell his skull to Dr MA Belter of No 52 St Marks place for

500 the skull to be claimed after jMandys l1ethII

By the terms of the agreement DrSetter is paying Mandy 5 a monthand is to pay it until 500 has been givenMandy Should Mandy die before theull amount has been paid the surgeon-s

I 3


to get the skull The agreementstates that the purchase is made in theinterest of medical science IIf

Mandy performs feats with his head lthat would kill or render unconsciousmost men These consist in breakingheavy china plates chair legs and heavyglassware over his head

sThe Stomach Is the Man

A weak stomach weakens the manbecause it cannot transform the food he 1

eats into nourishment Health and 1

strength cannot be restored to any sick Ilman or weak woman without first re-

storing¬ J

health and strength to the atom ¬

ach A week stomach cannot digestenough food to feed the tissues and reovive the tired and run down limbs and t

organs of the body Kodol DyspepsiaCurs cleanses purifies sweetens and f

strengthens the glands and membranes ff-I


of the stomach and cures indigestiondyspepsia and all stomach troublesIJ H William I

sBurled With Ills Shotgun j

MOUNT VERNON IND March 8South Jenkins ohio of the pioneers ofPosey county died today aged 70 yearsHe was A hunter of some renown and ashotgun powder horn and razor wereplaced in his coffin at his request


1 f J


AsthmaII One of my daughters had a

terrible cue of asthma We triedalmost everything but without reolief We then tried Ayers CherryPectoral and three and onehalfbottles cured herEmna JaneEntsmlnger Langsvllle 0

Ayers Cherry Pectoralcertainlycurcs manycasesof asthma

And it cures bronchitishoarseness weak lungswhooping cough croupwinter coughs nightcoughs and hard colds

fhr sizes IV month fur an ordinarytoll 0cuit right for bronchltli boa-nIIfhUd colds ttei III most ronomtulfor chronic cur mil tn ktn on Imnd-

J C ATUIl CO ioweII M-ar


The Louisville and Noshvilln RaIlwayCompany will employ 5000 men In itsnew shops now under constructionin Louisville

Plttaburg capitalists have purchased72000 acres of time richest land in tireTennessee Iron belt and will spend alarge sum developing it

During the two sessions of tho Fillyseventh Congress 10420 bills arid resolu ¬

tions were introduced in time House

land 8430 of these were acted on

The Cumberland Telephone Companyis constructing a telephone line fromGreenville to Norton vllle over the rightofway of tire Illinois Central railroad

The citizens ticket made up of Demo ¬

crate and Independent Republicans antiheaded by M E Ingalla for Mayorwas formally nominated by a musscon ¬

vention Saturday night in CincinnatiAnother big land deal has been con-


in Hopkins county W DCoil of Nebo has bought 1344 acres oflaud lying on the Illinois Central rail-road


near St Charles from W II Ruetonof Evanivllle Jnil for JHCKX

Secretary of the Navy Moody has de ¬

cided that the three 10000tou battleships recently provided for shall be


will bo named Mississippi and IdahoI

Several leaders of tho Lilly Whitemovement in Alabama have received



of a secret meeting heM by negruwwniedays ago-


Boone was arrested In Owencounty Friday charged with the umrIer of his wife who dieder sustaining a beating at his handsiIij

Owing to talk of mob violence Boonewas taken to the Currollton jail I

Four thousand employe will be-

hrown out of work when the AmericanWindow Gloss Company closes its In ¬

diana plants The COIUimuy vrafllncorporated to manufacture operate andsell glassmaking machines which to 1Ilarge extent will do away with hnlllIlaborThe

Illinois coal operators and minershave signed a wage scale to run oneyear from April 10 The men threaten-ed


to strike if they were not granted anincrease of nine cents but finallyagreed to the raise of six cents providedfor by the Indianapolis national con ¬

ferenceWilliamR Merriam Director of the

Census has tendered President Roose ¬

velt his resignation to take elect May15 Mr Merriam quits hlsuflko to takea position with a New York mercantileagency Former Congressman Mercerof Omaha and several others are applicants for the position I


The plant of the Robards TobaccoCompany at Henderson was destroyedby fire at 380 Sunday morning with allIits contents inclnding 500000 poundsof tobacco The loss is estimated at175000 The fire is thought to haysbeen caused by lime which had beenIslacked by the heavy rain during thenight III

The Weather Bureau has issued aIflood bulletin and warnings coveringthe Mississippi from Cairo to NatchezThe River will continue to rise for aperiod of several days the bulletin saysand is already above the danger lineOn the lower Ohio the danger line lilapassed at Owensboro Eyansvllle andother points


To Cure a Cold In One DayTake Laxative Bromo Quinine TabletsAll druggists refund tho money if itfails to cure E W Groves signatureis on each box 25c y i

Near Smith Mills Henderson countyAllen Melton ehofixml killed his nlxtoonyearold stepdaughter and probablyfatally wounded Mrs John Culver hUwifes sister When parentAl by a posseand brought to bay Ina barn Mellonattempted to commit suicide by swallowing Paris green and by shootingboth attempts being unsuccessful Ho

A TEXAS WONDERHalls Ureat Discovery

One small bottle of Halls Great Dis-covery


cures all kidnoy and bladJcrtroubles removes gravel cures diaabetes seminal emissions weak andlame backs rheumatism and all irreg ¬ iularities of the kidneys and bladder in iboth men and women regulates bladder troubles lu children If not sold byayour druggist it wlll bo sent by mailon receipt of 11i Ono small bottle istwo months treatment and will curq I

any case above mentioned Dr E WHall sole manufacturer P O Box OJ0cSt Louis Mo Send for testimonialsSold by all druggists and T P TRY ¬

lor Co Druggists Third and JotTerson Louisville


HOPKIN8VILLE ICY Juno 7th 1001

This Is to certify that I was troubledwith kidney and bladder diseases forthree years and found nothing torelioyeme until I tried The Texas WonderHalls Great Discovery which has givenme positive relief and I think a per ¬

manent cure Jas M HUUCINB



hr II

IAstollishillgj i

rl IN IDIDIl Every DopartmelltPJP

IliFihiI iis now tho rulo in our etoro inoro than povor boforo These values nro represented in p

j everything that is now seasonable For ar ifrow lays longer wo will continUo to soil ourjlljtiIIroom no goods must go to tI

for our Spring Stock and those prices jjrf jrmonoyqi1I1IpartinontI

of our Winter Goods It is





IIOn SALEall heavy goods Shoes Underwear Hats

Shirts Overshoes Clothing Overcoats FuriiiilliSlliflgSGOO18 Etc Our Dress Goods De¬

ljladielj ¬

tractive bargains wo arc offering Hero aroIiI goods that will wear you way into tho sum ¬

Ij pricesSanue


l On big purchases and dimes on small thingsttIt will bo to your interest to take advantage iIof thisfrr

ll Ilget postedI


class and embody tho very best wearing ma¬


Tho sooner you come tho bettor you will bo


11SIltiSfiCl with your purchases il-


i 15he ECONOMY A

Dry Goods StoremJIt=was lodged In the MorKanflelU jail andlater takca to Henderson Tho shootIng was the outcome of domestictroubles Melton and bU wit hadagreed to separate and Mm Melton hadgouo to time home of her sister MrsCulver

Dig Monopoly BrokenPiiiLAUKUiiiA PN March 7

Time seventeenycars patent which hadplaced an absolute prohibition on mostforms of electric storage batteries dur ¬

ling that period expired today Manu-facturers


aro now at liberty to bring onthe market inventions along the sameline and it is expected that this freedomwill in the near future redonml to thevast improvement > of electric automo ¬

huesIt was the fourth aud last of time

sweeping patents on storage batteryelectrodes which were obtained byCharles F Brush of Cleveland 0 in1880 the inventor of tho first dynamoand tho first commercially valuable arcbyIthe Electric Storage Battery Companyof this city anti hair kept most electricconcerns out of time field of storage bat¬

tory manufacture

Educate Your Dowel With CmearcU

foreverLJMZCProposed a Barbecue of a Human

BeingMEXICO CITY March DTho char

coal burners on tho Soa Hacluda hav-


n disagreement with their foremanJuan Cnillenno killed him and cremat ¬

ed the body Their method was origi ¬

nal as they proposed making a barbe-cue The body watt placed in a pit undhot fire built over it and kept going forten lays The men have not been ar ¬

rested having lied

Working OvertimeEight hour laws are ignored by those

tlrtlessf little workersDr Kings NewLife Pills Millions are always at worknight and day curing Indigestion Billoneness Constipation Sick Headacheand all Stomach Liver and Boweltroubles Easy pleasant safe sureOnly 25j at J II Williams drug storeHartford m

Insanity Caused by CigarettesLANCASTER KY March 7W Cas

mus Pnmphroy of tills place was todayin tine Garrard County Court adjudgedinsane and ordered to tine LexingtonAsylum Ono month ago ho smashed

merchants front window at Stanfordand has been in jail there since Thephysicians whom tho court ordered toexamine him pronounced hit insanitydue to tine excessive use of cigarettesHo is prominently connected

A Severe Cold For Three JlontbsThe following letter from A J Nns

banm of Batesville Ind tells Its owntory I suffered for three monthswith a severe cold A druggist prepa-re


me some medicine and a physicianprescribed for me yet I did not im ¬

prove I tht n tried Foloys Honey antiTar and eight doses oared mo Refusesubstitutes J II Williams ui


Have a

CUIll orland-



tresit ¬

once or place ofIIbusincss in


put 1

contact with theLon


Llnot f

To all parts of the i L

United States Forterms call on-



Rough River f


Subscribers have free use of lines toabout 175 InIffordIf 0Lions In Ohio county Service better 1JpeUtorS T 1IarttordjContemplatejjIf

JLestimates from B HBEIBERTdJers iI

Ky They will

Make You EstimatesAnd do your work by the tinyor contract They keep DoorWindow and all kindijof BuildItug Material conitantlf t IIttIt i1tiQdymaterialt iuarqter °

Dwltt1wiFoPIImHlIIria 7 J