Intuitive Reading Mastery Guide Connect to Your Spirit Guides, Divine Intuition, and the Secrets of The Universe Through Your Own Tarot Deck By Fortune Alexander

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Intuitive Reading Mastery Guide

Connect to Your Spirit Guides, Divine Intuition, and the Secrets of The Universe Through Your Own Tarot Deck

By Fortune Alexander

Table of Contents

How to Connect To Your Divine Intuition Using Tarot Card Divination

The Enlightening Age of Information Discerning Anxiety Vs. Intuition Using the Power of Intention and Meditation

Fire Signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) Air Signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) Earth Signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) Water Signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)

There Is Esoteric Knowledge and Power in Pulling Cards Connecting with Your Tarot Deck Major Arcana Vs. Minor Arcana in Traditional Tarot Divination

The Major Arcana The Minor Arcana Upright Cards Vs. Reversals

Popular Tarot Spreads to Strengthen Your Intuition The Body, Mind, Spirit Spread The Past, Present, and Future Spread Daily Intuitive Pull

The Cards Tell Me That You Have a Bright Future Ahead...

How to Connect To Your Divine Intuition Using Tarot Card Divination

With some of the most confusing times ahead of us, I think that we can all agree that it is more difficult than ever to trust anyone but ourselves.

The only problem with that is that many of us don’t know how to trust ourselves over others. It’s not your fault that you tend to lean into the media more than you do your own intuition... Society was constructed this way to make you second guess those gut feelings, sudden epiphanies, or urgent nudges no matter how many times they prove to be right. The powers that be simply do not benefit from you tapping into your individual power by connecting to your divine intuition. It’s unfortunate that it can take so much deprogramming and reprogramming of your mind to finally lean into trusting your individual spirit. That doesn’t take away from this necessary step in your soul evolution -- no matter how challenging it may be. We live in an age of information with social media use being at an all-time high and Google making any and all data able to be researched at your fingertips. This can be very empowering, but as with anything in this polar universe, there is the potential for misuse of this power: misinformation. If there is one thing that I know about you already, it’s that you are ready to be deprogrammed and reprogrammed for your highest good. You’re ready to trust yourself! How do I know? Well, for one, you’ve been immaculately guided here to this moment, right now where you’re about to learn about one of the most reliable mystical tools to reconnect with your intuition. Secondly, your spirit guides, angels, and ancestors have excitedly shared with me that they’ve also been waiting for this moment…

For you to release fear and invite them into your life to communicate with you more clearly. After all, that’s what those intuitive nudges are: messages from your spirit guides, angels, and ancestors that wish to see you become the best version of yourself. It’s no wonder why following your gut always places you in a better position than if you chose to ignore it!

The Enlightening Age of Information Can I share something kind of heavy that you need to know in order to move forward? Brace yourself… This one may be hard to swallow, but your guides have reassured me that you’re ready to know the truth… Currently, we are all in a spiritual warfare and the battlefield is your mind. I know, I know, it sounds crazy! But, this is very true and I will explain why. We live in a beautiful universe that provides polarity to everything. Literally, there are always two sides to every story, a negative and a positive, black and white, yin and yang, so on and so forth… As much as you would love to subscribe to the idea that this human experience is all about love and light, there is plenty of darkness that would like to suck you in. Up until this point, these negative energies may have thought they had a fighting chance… To give them credit, they have created a world of chaos that can make it extremely difficult to connect to the universal, unconditional love that your guides, angels, and ancestors wish to shower you with.

I mean, there are so many crises going on in the world, it’s impossible to name them all… But the thing that makes you so different is that you choose to have a higher vibrational perspective. Naturally, this means that you’re here to raise the frequency of the world we live in first by connecting with yourself. I have another secret to share with you that your spiritual network wanted me to reveal… The entire planet is shifting frequencies and you’re here to help facilitate this. Literally, scientifically, spiritually, historically, and astrologically, we are shifting ages from The Age of Pisces to The Age of Aquarius. The vibration of the world as we know it is now shifting due to the natural cosmic rhythms, so the existential crisis that we’re all feeling is simply a growing pain that is necessary for the evolution of humanity. Each age lasts about 2,160 years and since we’ve been in The Age of Pisces, humanity has fallen victim to illusions and delusions. The saying of Pisces is I believe… Although there are many beautiful high vibrational traits of Pisces, humanity settled into the lower vibrational frequency of Pisces. This sign is known to be somewhat naive and fall in love with the idea of things rather than the reality -- that is when they don’t trust their intuition -- which speaks very loudly to what we’ve all been dealing with as a human race. Now that we are shifting into The Age of Aquarius, it’s as if Pisces rose-colored glasses are now coming off and we’re searching for the facts rather than going blindly off faith. The more and more that we settle into The Age of Aquarius, people are beginning to wake up because they are exposed to copious amounts of information.

Again, we are presented with an opportunity to explore two sides since we do live in a polar universe. It’s important to note that the vibrational change is also reflected in the elements of the astrological signs: water vs. air. Pisces is a water sign which is highly emotional, which makes sense as to why so many people were emotionally attached to their beliefs, clouding their judgment. Aquarius is an air sign which is very cerebral. It makes sense as to why people spend more time trying to figure out what adds up logically rather than just trusting a feeling. The high vibrational side of Aquarius is very community-related, forward-thinking, and shows up as a humanitarian, always rooting for the underdog. It’s said that Aquarius is the great equalizer as its ruling planet is Uranus which invites technology and innovation into the picture. The low vibrational side of Aquarius can include mental illness, anxiety and depression for being lost in the mind too far in the future or stuck in the past, and information overload. Right now, your guides are nudging you to continue building this spiritual connection with them so that they can assist you in helping the planet lean towards a higher vibration. This is no small feat, but you incarnated one a specific day for a reason! It’s no coincidence or mistake that your soul chose to be here, in these unprecedented times and connecting you with this sacred information.

Discerning Anxiety Vs. Intuition

You’ve probably heard of the “holy trinity,” right? Well, here’s yet another esoteric secret that your spiritual team wanted me to share with you: there in fact is a trinity -- it’s called the mind, body, and soul.

Your spirit guides, ancestors, and angels are inviting you to lift the veil of blind belief and go deeper. There are truths to the things that we’ve been taught throughout The Age of Pisces, but you must use all of your eyes to see… Including your third eye! Your guides shared with me that it’s important that you get comfortable with this idea of integrating the mind, body, and soul so that you understand the importance of honoring all 3 areas of your life. This is the only way that you’ll be able to navigate this spiritual, mental warfare and trust yourself. You must learn what it feels like when your mind is sending you a thought. Is your mind projecting an egotistical thought or a productive, logical thought? You must learn when your body is sending you a message. Is your heart rate going up because genuine fight or flight is kicking in, or are you just feeling a bit anxious? You must also learn what it feels like to get a spiritual ping. What does it feel like to you to have something resonate with your soul? These are all necessary questions that you must ask yourself... And no one -- not even me -- can give you those answers. However, once you ask, you shall receive it yourself! Once you sit with those questions, your awareness will be brought to these 3 areas of your life. You’ll begin to notice how your human vessel works in conjunction with the mind and the spirit.

You’ll also begin to find the peace that comes when you’re able to harmonize this trinity and actually follow it. Your body is simply a vessel to channel universal energy and bring your creative ideas to life. Literally, you are so powerful! You are a CO-CREATOR in this universe! Simply start to acknowledge how your body feels when a certain thought or nudge comes through for you. Yes, this takes much more awareness than most people are used to, but you can do it! The next time an idea comes to you, notice how you feel. If you feel your heart race and even pain or discomfort in your chest, it’s most likely from the anxiety of the mind. That is a fear-based reaction. If you feel in your gut that this particular idea is either really good or really bad in your gut, this is an indicator that this is your intuition. Usually, it’ll feel like butterflies in your belly if it’s a good thing or an undeniable stomach ache if it’s a bad one. By simply practicing awareness of the feelings that follow your thoughts, you will be one step closer to connecting with your divine intuition. This is the basis of being able to learn how to dive into Tarot Card Divination to receive sacred messages from your spirit guides, angels, and ancestors.

Using the Power of Intention and Meditation

Everyone in this complex, unique universe has their own individual gifts, but intuition is something that we all have. Unfortunately, many of us simply choose not to listen to it.

It’s a spiritual muscle that we all have to use to strengthen -- and just as if you skipped days at the gym, you’ll begin to lose your stability and definition. Since you were born you have an innate ability to connect with the messages your spirit network wants to share with you. Unlike many others, you can harness the power of your mind and truly focus your intention to connect with the spiritual realm, bringing you that much closer to divine intuitive messages. In fact, your birthdate says a lot about you and the best way that you’re able to connect with your guides. As with anything in this universe, you can learn a lot by observing nature. The 4 elements that create this ethereal planet can be found in each and every person cosmically. You can especially learn about the way that you can tap into the divine universal intelligence by the element of your zodiac sign. Of course, everyone is unique in their own way, but trust me, you might tap into your “knowing” that much faster by honoring your natural birth element. Since I can foresee a future where you’ll be helping others connect with themselves very soon, I’ll go ahead and unveil the best way for each sign to connect with their spiritual network -- including you!

Fire Signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) Take a look at the fire element. It represents passion and can burn through many things, but it can also burn out if it does not continue moving or burning something. The traditional idea of meditation can be difficult for fire signs to master because they prefer to be constantly moving. However, mediation isn’t just achieved by sitting in a single spot cross-legged. In fact, I would recommend that fire signs try active mediation which incorporates some type of movement with their mindfulness.

This could be jogging, yoga or even swimming can allow a fire sign to comfortably get into a meditative state to connect with the messages from their spirit guides, ancestors, and angels. The most important part is setting the intention beforehand.

Air Signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) If you study the wind, you’ll notice that it can change directions at any moment. This is similar to how the minds of air signs work. They are constantly moving, shifting, and changing directions so it can be difficult to calm the mind enough to get into a meditative state traditionally. Instead, I would actually recommend a meditation that invites the mind to relax but still remains stimulating. This modern form of meditation is known as automatic writing. Basically, relax the body enough and allow words to flow from the mind all the way to the tip of your pen onto the paper. It’s surprising to find a different dialect, a different writing style, or a channeled message that could come through from the spiritual realm.

Earth Signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) Of course, the best way for an earth sign to meditate is to connect with the earth! While most earth signs are already very calm and can appear to be centered, they still require just as much grounding as any other sign. I would recommend that earth signs spend time outside during their mediation. Take off the shoes and socks and sink those little piggies into the dirt! The negative ions in the earth will scientifically balance the positive ions in the body and provide a feeling of relief. Not to mention being able to deeply breathe fresh air and receive downloads from the earth’s energy source, the sun. This meditation practice is very simple and can be enhanced if you find a very huggable tree nearby and give it a grateful squeeze.

Water Signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)

If you study water, you will find that it flows just like emotions. There are ebbs and flows that water signs feel, which can cloud their ability to decipher divine messages from their ancestors, angels, and spirit guides. However, they are extremely creative people that can channel their emotions to create beautiful things. Diving into a creative project after setting the intention to receive a message or connect with a guide can be immensely clarifying for water signs. It’s surprising the words and images that come to mind when a water sign finally lets go of their expectations and just trusts that whatever needs to come through will come through. Now that you’ve learned both about yourself and your soul’s ideal style of meditation, it’s time to dive into the divination of Tarot so that you can learn to completely trust yourself through and through.

There Is Esoteric Knowledge and Power in Pulling Cards The fact that you’re here, right now, reading this guide to connecting to your divine intuition tells me a lot about you... You want something different for your life -- to lead a life of legacy, not any obligation. As someone who’s personally connected with the loving energy of your spirit guides, I know that they want you to continue on this path as you’re just around the corner from tapping into this limitless esoteric knowledge. The thing about learning how to trust yourself is that you must acknowledge the fact that you have all of the answers you need within you. I’m here to confirm this! As easy as it would be to tell you that “you need me” to guide you towards your life’s purpose, I do not operate that way. In fact, it goes against every fiber in my being to do so.

I am simply here to empower you and remind you of the divine intuitive energy you have within yourself. The best way to do this is to connect to your own intuition by learning about Tarot Divination. Your guides want you to know that only you know what is best for you and they are constantly giving you hints and messages to keep you on track towards what you really want in life. I am so excited to share with you more information about Tarot Divination because the cards never lie. The spiritual team that wants to see you reach your highest potential would never lie. Tarot is another tool that you can use to receive messages from your spirit guides, angels, and ancestors when you need clarity while on your soul path.

Connecting with Your Tarot Deck Tarot combines the art of storytelling with symbolism, so naturally, it’s important for you to study the stories of the cards. Remember, you’re always the main character of the story so even when you see a card that’s represented by the opposite gender, the energy of that card is universal and still applied to you. This deck comprises 78 cards organized into two categories: the Major Arcana and the Minor Arcana that is traditionally known in the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck (our modern westernized traditional tarot deck). Major Arcana cards tell a story of the fool becoming a hero in his own story over time through experiencing universal life lessons that are overarching in the human experience. This is called either The Fool’s Journey or The Hero’s Journey.

Then, the Minor Arcana cards include 4 suits -- Swords, Batons, Coins, and Cups -- and also “Court” cards that can be interpreted in many ways, but mostly as people, as personalities, as situations, personality traits, characteristics or provide clues about how a person thinks or what motivates them. When you first begin to get into Tarot, it can be overwhelming. There is a lot of information to take in and you could feel a certain pressure to memorize all of the traditional meanings of each card. However, I encourage you to simply get into a meditative space, set the intention to connect with your spiritual team, and take a childlike approach to connect with your tarot deck. After all, when you pull cards, you are connecting with the divine, universal intelligence. The deck that you’re using is a sacred tool that should be highly revered. Each time that you pull out your cards, get into a space of gratitude and appreciation for the messages that you’re inevitably about to receive. Also, become really clear about what you’re asking for clarity on. The clearer the question, the clearer the answer will be and you’ll receive positive reinforcement for trusting your intuition. The special thing about connecting with your higher self, guides, and angels is that they know you better than anyone else does. Trust that they will send you a message in a way that you will be able to understand. Sure, each card has a “traditional meaning” behind it, but you may receive a very important download by simply interpreting the symbolism on a card. Yes, it is important to study the meanings of each individual card, but it’s not more important than leaning into your first gut feeling about your tarot spread. Don’t apply too much pressure on yourself to memorize everything. Remember, you should be trying to honor your trinity by connecting your mind to your body and spirit. Don’t just rely on the power of your mind’s ability to memorize things!

Major Arcana Vs. Minor Arcana in Traditional Tarot Divination

In traditional Tarot Divination, there are two ways to begin understanding both of its parts. There is the Major Arcana portion of the Tarot deck that covers major overarching themes in a lifetime. There is also the Minor Arcana which focuses on more specific circumstances on the journey through human existence. No matter what, always remember that the point of Tarot Divination is to learn to trust your own intuition when you pull cards. I’ve said it earlier, but I will say it again because it’s that important: although there are traditional meanings to each of these cards, ultimately your spiritual network may have a card fly out to you during a reading because they know that you will interpret it a certain way. Yes, you can always go a step further and read a guidebook to learn more-- but the first feeling or thought that comes up when you see a card is the message that’s meant to be received.

The Major Arcana As I mentioned earlier, the Major Arcana references major life lessons that every person will experience at one point in life or another. In fact, you can find more out about yourself based on the Tarot card that is connected to your astrological sign. Since you were born, your spirit guides want to reveal the deeper purpose of your soul in this lifetime’s incarnation with your Tarot Birth Card Story.

I highly encourage you to take time to study this tale on your own -- especially when you’re faced with uncertainty or confusion -- and you’ll be reminded of your soul’s true mission. The Major Arcana features 22 cards, each denoting an allegorical figure in this order:

1. The Fool (0) 2. The Magician (1)

3. The High Priestess (2) 4. The Empress (3)

5. The Emperor (4) - Aries

6. The Hierophant (5) - Taurus 7. The Lovers (6) - Gemini

8. The Chariot (7) - Cancer 9. Strength (8) - Leo

10.The Hermit (9) - Virgo

11.Wheel of Fortune (10) 12.Justice (11) - Libra

13.The Hanged Man (12) 14.Death (13) - Scorpio

15.Temperance (14) - Sagittarius

16.The Devil (15) - Capricorn 17.The Tower (16)

18.The Star (17) - Aquarius 19.The Moon (18) - Pisces

20.The Sun (19)

21.Judgment (20) 22.The World (21)

Each story behind each of the Major Arcana cards will reveal much more about each sign, but especially about your own.

Don’t forget to make yourself the main character when you’re allowing this story to unravel before your eyes. This story is called “The Fool’s Journey” or “The Hero’s Journey” in which a soul undergoes a huge transformation throughout its entirety. It may be helpful to lay out your deck’s Major Arcana cards in order and see what pops out for you when you’re connecting with your deck. If you see several Major Arcana cards fly out during your personal reading, your guides want you to know that this is a pivotal time in your life where you’re gaining very important knowledge and experience.

The Minor Arcana The Minor Arcana is just as important as the Major Arcana, but it is more specific to different circumstances in life. When you see many Minor Arcana cards, your guides are being very specific with you about the message that they are trying to give. Many people struggle with interpreting Minor Arcana cards because there are so many variations. This is where I encourage you again to trust your gut! The Minor Arcana includes 4 suits (the Suit of Swords, the Suit of Batons or Wands, the Suit of Coins or Pentacles, and the Suit of Cups). Each suit has 14 cards that include ten numbered cards and four court cards: the King, Queen, Knight, and Jack. Your spiritual team wants you to know that the Minor Arcana is how they share the “small secrets” of everyday life. Each suit represents a different area of life. The Suit of Swords deals with the mentality of the person being read, which could bring up issues of mental illness like anxiety or stress. This can also be signifying dealing with an air sign -- Gemini, Libra, or Aquarius.

The Suit of Batons or Wands deals with passions and motivations in life. When this suit shows up, this could bring forth egotistical behavior, impulsiveness, independence, or lack thereof of any of these things. This can also signify dealing with a fire sign. The Suit of Coins or Pentacles deals with materialization, work ethic, or career which can bring up finances, values in life, lack of spirituality, wealth, and abundance. This can also signify dealing with an earth sign. The Suit of Cups deals with emotions, love, and spirituality. When this suit shows up, relationships and deeper matters of the soul may be the theme of the spread. Cup cards can indicate a new emotionally charged project, igniting creativity, and love coming into your life or the opposite depending on whether the card is upright or reversed (we will cover reversed cards in just a second). This can also signify dealing with a water sign. If you see an overwhelming amount of one suit or another during a reading, your guides are signaling to you which area of life is being currently affected. If you had any questions regarding a certain person, you can also rely on these cards to identify them in the reading with these traditional spiritual hints:

● Swords ○ Dark black or brown hair ○ Dark black or brown eyes ○ Olive skin tone

● Wands ○ Fair or red hair ○ Blue or light eyes ○ Fair or light skin

● Pentacles ○ White hair ○ Any color eyes ○ Fair skin

● Cups ○ Light to medium brown hair ○ Hazel or green eyes ○ Medium to olive skin

As you can probably tell, these are traditional interpretations that are reflective of the past times when Tarot was first emerging in the 17th and 18th centuries. Now, there are many instances where people read their own cards and find consistently that sword suits may actually represent someone with very light hair, skin, and piercing blue eyes. There also have been many instances where people read their own cards and consistently find that pentacle cards actually represent people with darker skin and natural hair. Again, it is very important to connect with your divine team of guides, angels, and ancestors so that you begin to notice the patterns that they choose to speak to you through.

Upright Cards Vs. Reversals It is completely up to you if you decide to honor cards when they are reversed. Personally, I can tell that you’re highly intuitive already and won't have a hard time tapping into your intuition. However, until you feel confident and find constituency in your spreads and readings, I would recommend interpreting cards in the upright or the traditional meaning. When you begin to feel more confident in your ability to clearly interpret the signs and symbols being shown to you, try incorporating alternative messages from cards that show up reversed. This simply means that you can start considering the polarity of each card. Just as there is a high vibration of anything in this universe, there is also a matching low vibration. The same applies to the wide variety of tarot cards that you may pull in your spread. Above all else, trust your gut feeling!

Popular Tarot Spreads to Strengthen Your Intuition

You’ve probably been waiting on this -- it’s finally time to practice! As much as I’m sure that you would love to continue learning more, I am going to encourage you to flow into the high vibrational energy of The Age of Aquarius by getting to know how it feels to pull cards for yourself rather than tapping into the low vibration of The Age of Aquarius where you may encounter information overload. The best way to truly begin connecting to your intuition is to actually get to know your deck with lots of practice. Intuition is something that we all have, but many choose not to tune into it because it takes time and patience to begin actually listening to it. I have a final secret that your guides want me to share with you... They told me that most of us lack just one thing that could change the course of our lives: faith. We simply do not have faith in our intuitive feelings, which lowers our vibration. Faith raises your frequency. Practicing these simple tarot spreads will teach you to trust your intuition as you start to see the messages that come through actualize in your life. The first spread that I would love to share with you is very easy to do and very powerful.

The Body, Mind, Spirit Spread Yes, I’m bringing you back to the trinity once again... This is a very mighty spread that your guides wanted me to share with you to help you find harmony between these 3 important areas of your life.

You’ll begin to understand what your physical body needs, where your mind is currently, and the motivations behind the calling of your spirit. Intention is very important when pulling cards. Personally, I like to call upon my guides for assistance and ask for a clear message regarding my mind, body, and spirit. I think that this can be super beneficial for you, too! You can even speak aloud how many times you plan to shuffle the cards -- the more clarity the better! Then simply lay the cards out either horizontally or vertically depending on what you intuitively feel is best. If you need more cards for clarity, don’t hesitate to pull more.

The Past, Present, and Future Spread When you feel lost, the Past, Present, Future spread can help guide the way. Hands down, the best teacher in life is experience. Your guides want you to know that it’s normal to lose sight of everything that you’ve been through because you’re so focused on the future -- but it’s critical to integrate your past experiences to create a better future. Sometimes, pulling a “past” card can remind you of how far you’ve come. Pulling the “present” card can remind you of the fact that the most important moment you have is “the now.” Finally, pulling the “future” card can empower you and remind you that your future is up to you. If you don’t like the outcome of that card, all you have to do is alter the present moment.

This is a very reflective spread that gives you the option to change your destiny by integrating lessons from the past into your present moment so that you can change your future.

Daily Intuitive Pull This is one of my favorite ways to connect to my intuition every day... If you can’t tell already, your spiritual network of angels, ancestors, and spirit guides want to connect with you. They’ve been waiting for this moment! And honestly, this is a relationship that should be maintained with consistency and care. They would love nothing more than for you to commit to building this unconditional relationship with them by dedicating time to pulling at least one card a day. This daily pull is best done in the rising, before you’ve had any influences from other people, social media, coworkers, etc. After a good shuffle, focus your mind’s eye on setting a clear intention to receive a message to think about that day. Just see what comes up… You’ll be amazed by the end of the day how much that card may resonate as your day plays out. The more that your intuition strengthens, then you’ll be able to actually start predicting things about your life. Before you know it, you’ll be channeling messages from your spirit guides, angels, and ancestors with little to no effort at all!

The Cards Tell Me That You Have a Bright Future Ahead...

I just felt compelled to pull a few cards for you… I pulled 3 Major Arcana cards -- you know what that means, right? This is a quintessential time in your life where many things are about the change! Let me reassure you that this everything you’re about to encounter is for your highest good… To start, I pulled The Fool card, which is the very first card of the Major Arcana. Remember how I told you this marks the beginning of a new chapter in life when you start to learn about the story of The Fool’s journey? It might feel frightening, like you don’t know enough or that there are too many different possibilities, but the Fool still embarks on the journey anyway, trusting that he will learn all that he needs to know along the way. I hope that you can invite The Fool’s energy into your life and lead with faith as well. There is no such thing as too many possibilities. There is simply untapped potential! Secondly, I pulled the Judgement card from the Major Arcana which depicts naked women, children, and men rising up from their graves and rising up to the skies above. Above, the messenger of the universe blows his trumpet, calling for the souls to reach a higher level of consciousness. The call is now! You’re realizing that it’s time to tune into a higher frequency and that you have a much more profound purpose than you originally thought. By continuing down this path, you’ll discover what this means for you… Finally, the Star card from the Major Arcana jumped out at me. This card directly follows the Tower card in The Fool’s Journey, which means that it follows right after there’s been a big upheaval in your life.

Maybe everything that you thought was true has been revealed as false truths. Maybe this is why you’re being guided to trust yourself more… The Star card delivers the energy of retrieval and a new sense of self, a new appreciation for the core of your new being. With the energy of the Star card, anything is possible and there is magic flowing all around you. Now more than ever we need people like you that are willing to step up to the plate and help lost souls here on earth… I know that you have it in you... You’re destined for this! All you have to do is learn to rely on yourself, have faith, and trust that the cards will never steer you wrong... → Go here to get started on...