Proposal for I AM KARACHI Campaigns


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Proposal for I AM KARACHI Campaigns

A Country of over 130 Million Cell

Phone Subscribers


Cellular services cover the urban and

rural centers throughout the


With Such high penetration and coverage, mobile is an ideal medium to reach the

Pakistani consumers

The Real Question is How?

Pakistanis have perfected the art of “missed calls”

A missed call is a free, personal and convenient way to connect with people you know

This is where flashcall comes in..

Flashcall connects brands with consumers through a missed call.

How Flashcall Works?

The user flashcalls the brand’s number

Flashcall records the user interaction

The Brand interacts with the consumer through text, callback, content, etc

Just a few campaign ideas:Bringing Citizens of Karachi together

Use Flashcall to support and organize ongoing campaigns of I AM KARACHI

Anyone can be a part of the campaign by just giving a missed call on any campaign’s particular Flashcall number and get subscribed too

I AM KARACHI can then send out regular updates to the subscribers and plan out activities, all through text messages

Bringing Citizens of Karachi together

Example: OWN KARACHI campaign

Plan out cleanliness drives in Karachi using Flashcall

Send out targeted messages to citizens of specific areas (a different number for each area) and organize community wide activities

Seaview Cleanliness Drive

Flashcall now at 021-3400000 if you wish to be a part of our next Cleanliness Drive at Seaview on Sunday 20th February

Pledge Campaign

Use Flashcall to gather public support through Pledges for any social cause, through just missed calls

Get maximum pledges by providing the ease and convenience of pledging through free missed calls

Communicate with all the supporters by sending out text messages regarding any activities planned to promote the cause or to ask the citizens to do more

Pledge Campaign


‘Stand up against Terrorism Campaign’

Make the citizens of Karachi take a pledge to stand up against terrorism and speak up against it in their communities

Organize activities in support of the campaign by sending out messages to all those who pledged

Do your part in Eliminating Terrorism and stand united! Pledge your support now against Terrorism by Flashcalling at 021-340000 and get updates on our next gathering to show solidarity with the victims of the recent Pesawar attack.

Promote Events

Events, organized or sponsored by I AM KARACHI, can be promoted in several ways using Flashcall Platform

For example: anyone can receive more information on any event by just giving a missed call

I AM KARACHI can send out regular updates about the event to all those interested, and also communicating any changes to the event

Ticketing can also be handled by Flashcall

Promote Events Example: ‘Youth Festival’

I AM KARACHI can have a flashcall number associated with this event where any caller can get subscribed to receive updates

If the event requires purchase of tickets, a flashcall number can be used to take orders through just missed calls

Virtual tickets can also be introduced to manage event attendance and have records of all the attendees for future purposes

If you wish to volunteer for the Youth Festival, just give us a missed call at 021-3400000 and our representative will get in touch right away with more details!