THE WASHINGTON HERALD MONDAY JULY 1 1907 I 10 L I The Mans Official Weather and warmer I Store ReportFair The D J Kaufman Great Trademaking Sale Started Saturday with big selling Every Fancy Suit in the house is included in these six great reduction lots and you want to get in early for first pick 1285 Suits 975 1650 Suits 1335 2000 Suits 1665 82500 Suits 1995 3000 Suits 2375 Suits 2775 Moneys Worth or Money Back D j KAUFMAN 10057 Pennsylvania Avenue Summer Is Here You Need Toilet Talcum Powder llornfed nud perfumed with violet Good for prickly bent plinflnpf fttinlnirn and tender feet I lb can Vt elm lOc 1 RELIABLE Drugstore 922924 F Street N W RANDLE HIGHLANDS CCTOLOFUIl- snd Hichlands is the same dtetxaes fnaa- r Capitol as Dupont Circle The U 8 Hear Company broke ai r rrrd in telltog lets ami Tilla sites in 3906 and expects to break its own record In 1907 Mary purchaser 100 per cent profit last yar greater op- pcrtaaitlss this year lots J75 to SOO on small nsorMy rajnipntg Send plat and itftcn- nd free anoroohile to see property Go oat and see city Bpre- adUO REALTY COMPANY 7th St La Av Pa Av N W Rrimni Inionaci Btttdhj HILLDC- On Mir av lt i IViTlirm an1 Handle llighUijdi- Twk for JUg FIORAL HIM Acros- iJlinnfsota arr at end ot Kardlr Highlands cur lint One Lot at Auction Cane out TODAY and hare nor mlejraan bow vou the lot we will sell at tablic Auction Satnr afternone Jnly i t J oclock for the beaettt fi the Oiree most diiircties and charitaKe w- ttitatlms in the District of Colurotia 519 Washington Loan i Trust Bldg 9th 4 F Sis REFRIGERATORS- We sell the best and most scientifically constructed Reriger made Prices grange from 10 up BARBER ROSS Eleventh and C Streets Reliable Camping Goods Fishing Tackle OUTING Tennis Goods Kodaks Canoes Supplies Hammocks TJniret for Morris Canoe Walfords Avenue SPORTING AND ATHLETIC GOOD I TRY OUR the Porch Furniture Swings and Benches beautiful and durable W ANDREWS PAINTS OILS AND GlAS3 1804 14th St N W Phone N2032- i This is the season of the year when Electric Light and i Electric Fans arc the most popular features of the mod em store or home tI Potomac Electric Power Company f 213 FOURTEENTH STREET H W f Tho Famous HOOMAKER PENN RYE r n run pdl2 Alto TENNESSEE 100 The Shoomaker Co 1331 E St Hf pious Main 115851 Prescription No 1024 25cF- or Malaria Chills Keur Apse ic A cure Thone E ItS or a postal will trlng It you FEALYS PHARMACY 11th and Penna Ave 8 E 3500 ri E van s e lb EVANS a- W7C nouSI mftl fur LORAL ann White Sons ators I c 909 Penna GLOSS PAINTF- or i fi I Order > u i Both Eat 1853 to I 2P4i C I t fLy W Lee tttaJ I r 1 LJ Agents t a p 4 55 5 S 44 5 C S I guar- anteed > = + Congregation Gathers About Arboreal Nave INSPIRING SERVICES ARE HELD Thousands Pray with Dr 1lerce- SliiB with Vested Choir Listen to Dr 3IcKlmn Panegyric o Amer- ica on Site Whore Cntlicflrrtl Will RInc Processional In the Woods On the spot where gigantic cathedral with Its lofty spires and commanding arches will coon be raised solemn patri- otic exercises were hold yesterday after noon by the worshipers of St Albans- A glowing panegyric of America and the Episcopal Church was delivered by Rev Dr Randolph McKlm Reverence and sanctity pervaded the atmosphere through every blade In tho thousand grasses through the million leaves veined and edgecut on the bushes and trees through the songn t and marked feather of tho birds through the Insects hum and the color of the butterfly through the soft warm air and clouds God was praised Gath- ered In respectful silence about the sim- ple oak pulpit and the towering peace cross a thousand peoplo prayed with Rev Dr U G B Pierce sang with tho vested choir and listened attentively to Dr McKlm A Sermon In the Woods It was a sermon In the woods with no church but Natures no elTeots and deco- rations but natural ones The clearing In which the pulpit stood was bathed In sunshine th cheering comfortable sun shine of the late afternoon In the back- ground hundreds of broadheaded wide branched oaks which have witnessed the stately march of religion of civilization- of soldiers flung their gnarled arms over- a thick carpet of greensward In some places beeches maples locusts and elms Intermingled with their more numerous brothers and helped to intercept the sun shine which would not be gainsaid In Its effort to present at the services From behind the bushes of the green wood and from under the greenwood bough one would not have been sur- prised to see the rod leggings and green Jerkins of Robin Hood and his merry men pepping between the leaves with leather caps In hand and reverential mien Then too there was the honeysuckle in the hedge and the daisy fields oft to southward Solemn Processional Into this nave of trees the solemn pro cession of vested participants marched From the little red frame chapel of St Albans the pastor Rev Dr Bratenahl led his colleagues the choir and the band Garbed in white the chanting choristers took their seats beneath the pulpit hymnbooks in hand while tho musicians were placed behind them and mingled their soft instruments with the young yokes of singers The sun flashed on the bees and the cornet and the oongregatJon hud ample time to enjoy the beauty of this idyllic scene before the notes of the pro ssional died away By this time the crossbearer hud placed his symbolic burden before the pulpit leaving it in full view of the audience After a moments sllonce the services were begun the evensong edifying sim- ple and Impressive Preuchen Memorial Sermon Assisted by a section of the Marine Band the vested choir sang several of the most commemorative hymns ending with America In which the congregation as- sisted Dr McKlm preached a memorial sermon in anticipation of July 4 Be- ginning with an appropriate commentary- on the Day of Independence he spoke of the author of the Declaration saying that he was proud as every Anglican should be proud to name him among the mem- bers of the Episcopal Church Continuing- in this vein he mentioned that of the fiftyfour signers of the Declaration thir tytwo were Episcopalians and that Mad- ison Monroe and Marshall among others were members of the same creed He spoke of the United States as the country which God had chosen to shower His choicest blessings upon and said that the country lied now reached a stage of wonderful development In every line He predicted that the Anglican church would continue to exert a powerful influence on the welfare and betterment of the and ended by asking Gods blessing on the rulers and Inhabitants of the SINGERS AT VOIGTS FARM Animal Outing of Arlon Society Held Near TentmllytoYvn All roads led to William Voigts farm near Tennallytown for the members of the Arlon Singing Society yesterday who with their wives children sweethearts and friends had their annual outing and picnic at the place mentioned There were the customary speeches by members of the society and by delegates from the Saen gerbund Germanla and the United Singers Entertainments and amusements of all kinds had been provided for the younger element and there was no letup- to the frolic until the sun went down Chorus and solo songs assisted by proper refreshments contributed to make the occasion a most enjoyable one F A Rockar Is president of the society and under his leadership the Arion lisa kept In the front rank of singing societies of this country PATRIOTISM IN CHURCH Independence Day Sermon Prenclicil by Her C II lUcImrdson Services In commemoration of the na- tional Independence Day were held at Ryland Methodist Episcopal Church last night before a large congregation The interior of the edifice was decorated in all parts with giant flags and pennants which formed an admirable setting for Miss Margaret Larcombes reading The American Flag Rev C Herbert Richardson pastor of the church delivered a patriotic sermon on the Declaration of Independence a subject with which he is familiar and which he hits studied for some time At the conclusion of the services the Star Spangled Banner was sung standing the congregation joining In the last stanza while W C Palmer was the soloist The opening hymn was My Country TIs of Thee while Kiplings feces j slonal and Luthers A Mighty Fort- ress were the other selections rendered UltterMtuetxuncaliuna XnmcN OflleerH At the semiannual mooting of the Ger man Unterstuetzungsbund DIstrikt No 40 held last the following officers were elected for the ensuing year F A Rockar president C L Ruppert vice president Wilhelm Hannemann secre- tary Fritz Reckeweg treasurer Abnor conductor and Mrs Katie Hannemann overseer ORSllIPS IN NATURE a the blue be the the hem re- public Lo the I I wee Theo- dore flits coun- try ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ PLACES OF INTEREST Library af Congress Open 9 a m to IB p a on sfwtar slays from 2 p ra to 10 p m on Sundiyj and en certain holidays Public Libr n Open 9 a ra 9 p m holidays H a m to If p m Swd j I to M p m- Eiceatire Jan on0rn 10 a m to 2 p m United States rtol0ili 9 a a to 433 p 1 United States TreawrrOptn 9 a m to 2 p State War awl Nary Dep rtm nUOp n 9 a to 2 p oririual Deekntien of Indepen- dence Is hi the Library of State Department United State Patent OJSceOpen 9 a m to 2 p m United States Pension Ilareau Open 9 a m to United States PostASceOpen 9 a m to 2 p Washington City Iostoflke Oprn alt hours TUt Dead Office te In the city jwstafflce National ItoUnic GirdeniOpeji 8 a m to 5 p in FIsH CommtosiouOr 9 am ta 430 p m Army Medical MaaeumOpen 9 a ra to lilt p ra National MirnnmOpea 9 a ra to 130 in eroding holidays Smith antan InttitttUMOpea 9 a m to 30 p ra- lixrodtez bolMaj- jApwnhtml l eparti ent Open 9 a m te tito P m Itvrmu of EBjraTtee and PrintingOreo 9 a ra to 13 p ra- Va hlBBtoa Maimaeat IMKK feet In helghUOpen 3a K to p ra Btetalor doe net run after 439 p m Coreersn ArtOpen 938 a ra to t p ra in winter 9 a ra to i p ra In summer Sundays 131 p ra to S p ra exeepitoe In raid simmer AdrtMtoa free OR Tuesdays Thursdays Baturdayi and Sundays other df Ve admission Cerentraeitt Printing Office Open M a m to 2 p ra Nosy YardOpen 9 a m to Sit p ra- Southwocih Cottage th st and Prospect are IN TUB SUHUUUS Mount Verses the home and tomb af Wualsj- teaOpen 11 a aa to p m- Ariteetoa National Cmei ry Open aH day CVtbednl GrewMb Ttmallrtewa readOpen 3 a m 8 p m United SoHka HeaieOptn 9 a m to ZooJcfical IurkOpm all day Iloek Crwk llrWg sad Park Ctwiy Chaw KnqttactoM Ctttupaake Beach and Lnwi Park Kami Obacrntocy Open J a m te 3 p m Cbiit catholic UnirenUy sad Alex aadria PRIZES GIVEN Sunday School Boys and Girls Re warded for Scholarship Committees Are nmcd for the An Tomorrow St Patrieks Sunday school cteeod yes- terday morning with UM dletclbutlen of awards and premiums Rev T B McGuigan director of the Sunday school announced to the children Dr Stafford and the teacbars con sidered the work of the pest year suc- cessful Tuesday morning the teachers and pupils wilt accompany the congrega- tion on the annual parish excursion to River View The following were awarded itreraittme in the boys department drank hMwrOMfg ftBtaa Md CbMtes niter Bibfe hfeterTTboBM CMa Vfctar lingh PrgM- AdTumd cau hfa Btnurd n a Ashley Lr- prtox 1Ml r rta WUMMI SaUhB MM l c- Orne Md Dnwl Chase Intcrawdtote Bi Alon o HMto Mm MiifM- Htowrth Lny Visit Wrist Walter lam ry WISDOM IMl Mmrti Sham nr Md- ComwU nteehhm rial RMMdcuc Jowph Nai Fenin Jute She John MeVter toll houses WtUtew Orient Wulfeat WUtt Kay and Wrlfc NornM U b rt Felix Chrtotofan- li org Itertfj and James Hymn Vrtmtrj Itotna John SniiU Iteny- d rte H roW Gin U Kdmid Mrtebril Jeha Ian HcraMd Hocbon MrtcMl ruMMcm WMTM Crane Stanley bases DeeM 2 f sk CUAri KDnrortk Oumitea John Aadcnon Ohm Jo Mcawk KeCkrtky JoKa Waver arid Josrph Lnct l rajtr rlawMieaaH Cotwi J eph OorSM- lJtagtuf Koanta Wunw Dews Tony DWMln Md Jo I 4rto The following sanctuary boys were awarded premiums Albert Httmjr muter of encanait ThosHi Victory Qaitau Hckly CharM Fisher IM- Ufaes IpJn JMH PCM Tutrtt Ctorfc- Il mtnl Henry litllMB Hmdi F nu Ifeektr Frank l rt Iaul Fiat These PerdTml HaiMa Holaod Marrim JMMR K U- MViwmt Child Frank MeOwaott KdwMd MeUcr motto Oorndins CallalMa sad NdwanI Kmnttj ReT IIHam J Carroll Is director of the sanctuary boys Premiums were awarded to the foliow lug in the girls department nmrch htatoryUBfc Mumfek Strffe Cellos WWe hMaryKdM Meant hear 9tecAr Wright Marie White lIMe MaeDoMM Md Merle Itotwruon IB admnwd wtechtam Lffitan Xttehcn Kthel- Itrmra AIM rhristofiMU llarjorie Jessie CoUlD UtuMtf KlimMh KrM Alter LOOM Grace Morgan Kimiw Whjrte Jessie Nor rfc Isabel Doats Klinbetb iinwvfeTr nto Annie kits Mazy MeKrwtjr H gMM fVhef out Monroe Iabel Wuwa Helen FtotI- ntenDMbary ande Katie Pesui Katie Coltiert- Koerimd rrfUn SUlks K nMy AHKIB Jaeqn Edith fHtni M n Nettie Lamhtrt flelen beckeb Mary Btmwr A B Clark May Lyorn Ago MeXnKy Rose ClasS Manrrt Victory Mildred MorrUoa KAtb rta- OConaor Grace tMi m Anna SuUiiiUL M4ela- Mrrfcl Mary Childelli WAry Chawt femsBMry Lame Mary Kncaoi Cynthia ChuU and Mary Deeds Trhnary grade Hertha Yeaser Irene Anderson Willie Chase rtrwie Ritz Marie Armstrong Alice User SIUMBDH Vrlsht Oertnuk Mulroe Mary Foley Pauline Sebastian Marpiret- Lyoo Gertnide Schaefer Margaret MeBray llrfen- Orttul and J turi Distaste OnaeH eKtecaiHBAdek WMMMB May Meidy- Klonnre J PTOM Slices Carenei Wu oa and OtUtrriB Lappia Prayer eUwDorothy LqreUa Lyon Fmniui Mftrian Ghosts Evelyn hahn FnuwM- Kald Bbaea and Emma Stoner Every care has been taken to make St Patricks parish excursion an enjoyable affair and assure safety to the many children who will accompany the con- gregation The following committees will serve on the occasion Bxccutire cnmaiUetIleT T K McQufem Her Ja e A Smyth and Mevtn Harry Frisk Jones D wh Conttell Joke 0 Alien Mrs Mary MeDemott Misses Lottte Waters Mary T and MainS Jnhamen- Sflperrisinc commHteeMeMn Rdmni J lIen nan Matthew P KeMard Thorn Novell J ll- HtigersM A C Joy and John MeKeam Committee on tramfiartaUon MeiMn patrick A E Stopww Daniel Ilanmn MHuel George Monks J R Weld Urkey Riley Michael ConloB Mtee OnerirTfl- Comtolly Johanna OkieUmr and Karaite SiUcn- CooaniUee on cnterUhunent Mime Mary Can- non Ida JnaasMti Marg rei Corcoran Ilhe M- IUdcrrar KtU Collier Anna Mttrphr UWrie- JohanwH Carrie IloMnnn Anwv SmillwooJ Alice and Ella Murphy R fredi ent coaunitteeMlsses Daby Brick Car AUnt Mrs I AUey Mime KKzabeth Net Bwyer Annie Connote KHxaKHh MHorkh Gertrade- Vhyte Wtaifrwl Ktpin Julia LoU Annie hugh Anna Bnaltwood Sea Waters K Itohn- UrbaiKth McGovan and Basal Corcoran Ticket committeeJohn A Madipuj K Bdward- MiteheU Victor Decker and A H Staant- CofMotttoe on athletic John 0 Allen Petals CanneJI K N Hill Frank Mitovkk and Albeit Keamey The orphan children of St Josephs Vincents asylums will be under the immediate care of the St Vincent de Paul Society Summer Congress Meeting Tomorrow evening the regular meet- ing of the Summer Congress of the George Washington Law School wilt be held in the main lecture hall of the university corner Fifteenth and H streets House bill No 92 Resolved by the University Congress That women be given franchise- In all national elections will be up for TUB HOME OF runE WHISKY a standard quality Whisky- Its satisfying and beaefidaL I I to IlL IlL IlL tIle the Cpm IlL Letter P IlL i J Gal 11 of Ii te States MttWt Bridge AT ST PATRICKS nunl Rscnrlon to River that MIlt lies Xhain Fist John Fisher Lou 1wffMr nark PIt arM MIll rA- nt Deeds Kit SlIm Mar Annie hells 111 uses Pita Gout mil liar ri Fits RO- OSt iisctision llottk Chas Kraemer h7 est John icw roe bike Minis WiShes Willis Loose sad 1LsSPs LaUreate lark Deeds iso elks Janet June RON TON L = ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > ¬ > < ¬ ¬ < CAMPS Public Urged to Aid Good OPENS FOR SUMMER TODAY Achievement of the Outings Com- mittee Are Ilevleived by Preacher Attention Called the Need for More KH mis The XcnHpapcrn Are Thanked for Their Asnlntance I ask all tho members of this parish I ask all citizens of Washington Irre- spective of creed to support this work by volunteer personal service and by financial contributions I am in a position- to know that the money Is wisely and effectively spent that the children In greatest need receive the greatest help and that enough pure jcJy la stored up on yonder grooms hill to last the boys and girls a year With this eloquent appeal on behalf of Camp Good Will Rov John Van Schafck Jr concluded bis sermon on Work and Rest a prevaeatkm observation at the Church of Our Father Unlversallst yes- terday morning Speaking of the summer outing work in this city Dr Van Schaick said In part During th past four yours a move- ment has grown up In Washington to give summer outings to people In need Thousands of the welltodo go away to the mountains or tho seashore but other thousands have to stay Some live irt little tenements with crowded rooms with not much chance for a breath of air Four yours ago it was proposed to give at least a few of these suffering thousands the outing they BO sorely needed and the suggestion met with instant response Opens for Summer Three years ago Camp Good Will was established Tomorrow July 1 It opens for the summer It was made possible by wise publicspirited Commissioners who donated the use of a farm In Rock Creek Park It was planned and oared for by the Associated Charities of this Dtetriot through a committee established for that purpose It has been brought- to attention of people of this community by the generous help of the newspapers their frank ready Intel- ligent recognition of what the move- ment meant earnest editorial commenda- tion free advertising rind financial sup portLike alt others I grumble about the newspapers when they run counter to my idea Like alt other I think I could improve them In some ways But when I sit down calmly said think I know how much as a community we owe them how they help the churches and how constantly they place alt forms of organ ized philanthropy under a debt of gist IttMfe Camp Good Will Is possible be- cause of newspaper help A brief survey of the wrk of the summer outings committee In fItS is Thirtysix hundred ear Uek ts were distributed This meac MM car riMs by people In need Twentyfour day excursions were solicited ptaMed and conducted HnndredH Get to Srnnliorc Some of these excursions took to the seashore The navy yard employes took nine hundred to Chesa- peake Beech Three hundred sad fifty two mothers sail children were given vacations at Camp Good W1IL Sixtysight churches and organizatIons cooperated- by means of religious services and In other ways Rlghtyone Individuals end firms contributed equipment Fits hun- dred and sixtyfour individuate buted money Nine physicians t rllm tod professional services usually for a week Serentyfour Individuals contributed voluntw prvtc In connw with day outings lawn fetes and at Good Will The total expenditures- of the committee in 1966 were JS5HIO This year the camp has been enlarged and improved An open dining pavilion has been erected Bathing facilities have been increased A ladles auxiliary has been established and the most efficient management possible has been So Itlnen Drairn In taking children to Camp Good Will no of religion or creed are drawn Catholics Protestants and Jews are all there Race lines however have to be drawn Camp Good Wilt te for whites All the money contributed goes to a white But Inspired by the success of the colored people this year have start- ed a camn at Tuxedo Md for colored children They are raising money to sup port it among colored people and that camp also will open July 1 In the three past it baa riot been hard to rateo needed The real charity end the hard common sense united In the movement appeal to alt classes of the community Four thousand dollars is called for this year If the word could get around it would be raised Inside of a week The appeals have just gone 041 1 MAGRUDERS PRETTY DISPLAY White Hook Iltliln AViiter Vnctl to Advnntncc In Window Pedestrians along Connecticut have for the past week been a big display In one of the show windows of Magruders store The window in ques- tion lies been high with bottles of White Rock water on a back- ground of red The display contains fully 300 pints and quarts attractively arranged in a solid design with a big pyramid as the center The pyramid is capped with a big replica of the trademark picture of the bottler of White Rock It took days to arrange the exhibit the piling of tho bottles requiring skill and a steady hand The exhibit has led to a demand for White Rock that heavily drawn on the sup- ply on hand and consequently the design wits broken Saturday by taking out a number of bottles TALK ON TEMPERANCE WORK loniliers AntlSnloon League Celc Fonrteeiith Anniversary The fourteenth anniversary of the Anti Saloon League was celebrated yesterday afternoon in the First Presbyterian Church in the presence of a large au- dience of interested who have witched the growth Rev Carl G the president of the league opened the meeting with an ad dress on The Relation of the loon League to Liquor In counted the good that has been done in the cause Rev Donald C MacLeod followed with a discourse on The AntiSaloon League- In Its Relation to the Church Mm Clinton Smith president of the C T U and Dr George Maydwell pastor of Waugh Church also spoke Hymns and musical selections were also sung The AntiSaloon League has alr y been es- tablished In fortysix States and Terri- tories while 400 persons are exclusively engaged In the wprk It is estimated that 40COOOO pages of literature are dis- tributed oy DrV au Scliaiek to the the In- spiring hun- dreds Ctrl secure lines work year avenue pled p- atent I member Done AntS W ever month WORK LAUDED Will each ion Camp has limb ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ REV F SEWALL TO TRAVEL Church of the New Jerusalem Clones for the Sn miner The Church of the New held Its closing service for the present season yesterday morning The pastor Rev Frank Sewnll will spend the summer In Europe visiting other places the home of 8wo The subject of the sermon was the para- ble of the trees choosing a king Judges lxS brought down to the needs of every- day In public and private life The musical part of the service wan noteworthy one feature being a fine rendering of Mendelssohns He Is Watch- Ing Over Israel and another a tenor solo This last was an arrangement of the hymn Abide With Me composed by Mr Ernest Szemellnyl of Washing ton NOT MISS OTTS ASSAILANT Suspect HelonHod After Inspection by nidireler W Vn Woman Because he Is not the man wanted by Sheriff Ncthen of Keyser W Va for an attack on Nellie Ott living In Rldgeley W Va Charles Sailor was released by the local police yesterday Sailor answered the description of the assailant and when It was found that he had recently arrived In this city from Cumberland Md a few miles from where the deed occurred the original charge of vagrancy on which he was arrested was erased from the books at the Sixth precinct station and that of being a fugitive from justice entered in its place Miss Ott came to Washington early yesterday morning In company with Sheriff Nethen to identify the prisoner but upon looking at the man said that he was not her assailant Miss Ott left for Cumberland on the noxt train ARMY IS ALL RIGHTTAPT Nothing Wrong with Organization in Secretarys Opinion Interprets Gen Dellii Remarks ns Referring to Desire for Increase In the Military Force There is nothing wrong in the array so far as the officials of the War De- partment are aware said the Secretary of War yesterday In answer to a re- quest for an expression of opinion con- cerning the remarks of MaJ Gen J Franklin Doll In addressing the army officers at Leavenworth Kane Gen Boll is quoted as having said There is wrong In the army It is known in Washington and an effort will 1 made to correct It White not informed as to the mean- ing of the remarks attributed to I have no doubt the explana- tion entirely simple relates to an Increase In the army said the Scr- tary As a chief of staff Gen Belt favors a larger army and his enthusiasm probably led him to make the statement quoted Having Jtad numerous conferences with him in regard to army matter I am aware of his sentiments- in titLe direction This Is the only interpretation which I can place upon the remarks of Gets Bell in whom the department loss the utmost confidence PLAN OUTING TO BEACH Yard Employee to Hemcinber- Uufortunnten In City Preparations nave now been made for the annual free outing to Chesapeake Beach given each year by the emptoyes of the navy yard to the children and mothers of the city who are seldom If ever with trips to the beach of wen gets to work early in the morning on the day of the picnic putting up the box lunches mak- ing lemonade and preparing in various ways to the day thoroughly enjoy- able to people In addition to the fun incident to a trip to Chesapeake Beach the navy yard men will provide for each person a box lunch a tin dipper three glasses of lemonade a dish of ice a bag of peanuts two amuse games with prizes and bathing Children and mothers wilt be selected by agents of the Associated Charities the general care and detailed work of the ex- cursion will be made under the direction- of the summer outing committee and it Is expected that nothing will be left undone to make this outing a complete success The following is the committee In charge of arrangements for the navy yard men A J Berres president George Griffith vice president J Walter Edelln secretary Messrs Tadd Escavllle Price Bright Squler Cook La Clare Reynolds Eckhanlt Thompson McAllister John son Bowen Disney and Barber CONFERENCE OF UNION Army ned Navy Orcnnlzntion Ar rniiKf for Meeting Here Delegates from the Army and Navy Union representing Barry Porter and Henry and Roosevelt garrisons held a business session yesterday afternoon on the lawn of the Juvenile Many important questions wljlch come up before the biennial gathering were dis- cussed This conference will be held here on July 17 and will continue for three days Col Robert Alton chairman or the delegation presided- A resolution was passed favoring the giving of two months extra pay to sick and disabled soldiers of the Spanish American war who were discharged The delegates pledged themselves to further the candidacy of Gen A S Burt U S A for national commander DISTRICTS OLDEST TO MEET Association Will DC Guests of Mr Anyen nt Alton Farm The Association of the Oldest Inhabi tants of the District of Columbia will celebrate Independence Day at Alton Farm as the guests of Crosby S Noyes president of the society and owner country seat where the gathering will be held Extensive arrangements have been completed for the celebration and It Is expected that the septuagenarians antI octogenarians of the association will renew their youth beneath the beautiful shade trees nnd on the green lawns of Alton Farm The notice of the secretary states that the members will assemble in the parlors of the Rlggs House at 10 oclock on the morning of July 4 and will be conveyed- by special cars to the farm Each guest Including the members of the society and their famines Is expected to wear the badge society or the visitors badge which will be furnished by the committee of arrangements at the Riggs House or at the gate of the farm With out such means of Identification no one can gain admission to the grounds Following Is the programme of exer- cises prepared for the day liiulRess meeting 11 a m to 12 m- lUceM Song America Andtaee dotting to our heat H 0 Iran Declaration ef Independence J B McCarthy SUrKpanekd llannw Mrs Thus C Nojes Liberty UtU Fred E Harbour KIDS Let Me Like a Soldier Oration Auld Lang Syne Audience Jerusalem among Gn- U tat I SIn Cave male ere compUte Court vic DeL some- thing conscientious PLAN ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ in Doubt Buy of House Herrmn- nM Summer Floor Coverings Jj We are now offering deeply reduced prices on M number of patterns in good quality Mattings and we have many splendid values to offer you H in Rugs of different sizes We are always glad arrange accommodating terms of credit to suit you 5 HOUSE HERRMANN SEVENTH AND I STS N W Your Watch Put in Running Order No Matter in What r We Will Repair It for Only For Today and Tomorrow OnlyF- or today nnd tomorrow only I will repair your wntcli for 9100 regardless of condition Mr object IK thlit I have the brutequip lied watchrepair department In use city nnd I wnnt everybody to know It If have n wntch that others have failed to repair or have naked you KJOO or GOO to put In good condition hiring It to me and If the repairs are not worth more than the watch I will put It In good repair for only 9100 Do not think that your watch Is worthier It In surely worth 9100 What Is your gain by this mode of advertising may liut your acquaintance nnd confidence In my nlillltj will re- pay me In the future Look for the Big Clock F Street Corner Ninth iU When I to I EYE I- I Before Going Away Have Per- fect Condi- tion ou b- elT SELIN G ERS i IM- a 0 4 r 0 5 S S C S its loss ¬ ¬ = CONSUMPTIVES ARE SlUT OUT Immigration Measure Becomes Effective Today Creates Additional Divisions of the Service and nn Assistant Com missioner General A new immigration law approve by the President on February 31 becomes j effective Regutattehs under which It wilt be enforced have been promulgated by the Secretary of Commerce and Labor Section 1 of the new law Increases the head tax from TZ to M and provides for Its aseaement on every alien entering the United States except those who have resided In Canada Newfoundland Cuba or Mexico for one year Immediately pre- ceding their application to enter Section 2 adds to the excluded classes Imbeciles feebleminded persons persons afflicted with tuberculosis those certified upon medical examination to be mentally or physically defective to such an extent as to affect their ability to earn a living and persons who admit guilt of crime Section M makes the decision of the board of special inquiry final not only AS to the rejection of aliens afflicted with loathsome or dangerous contagious dis- eases or with mental or physical bringing them within the excluded claeces but also as to persons afflicted with tuberculosis For a more careful enforcement of the alien contract labor laws ftGOO Is made available Under the Hew law a division of infor- mation will be established Its duties to consist of promoting a beneficial distribu- tion of admitted aliens among the several States and Territories desiring immigra- tion Terence V Powderly formerly grand master of the Kinghts of Labor who un- til a few years ago was General of Immigration has been appoint- ed chief of the division of naturalization Peter J Donohue of Brooklyn until re- cently secretary to Commissioner General Sargent has been named as Mr Pow derlys assistant The law creates the office of Assistant Commissioner General of Immigration This place has been filled by the promo tion of Frank J Lamed of Maryland for many years chief clerk of the bureau Mr Larned has connected with the immigration service for many years LOCAL MENTION EXCUUSIOXS TODAY To Fort Monroe Norfolk Newport News and all in every cTtntag te tie year at 630 and day steamer icily at S a ra To Mount Yemen StMBKT Maealester dally U A ra and 239 p m from Seventh street wharf Chesapeake BeachSee time table To llock Creek JlrWgA Zoolecical Park Chary Chase and KmsiBgtOMCara from Fifteenth street and New York arcane cecil fifteen BteMtes- Tt AlexandriaKerry stean r Lataawanna eftrr hour and a half truss 6 a m to 6 p m Comfort and health flails Connnrl the use of Jno G Melnbergs Bread at this sensed Highly nourishing yet readily digested and assimilated Your table ought to have It Grocers Bakery 716 11th se Chqlcc Old rotators UOc Ier Ieck lOc pure vanilla 4 for 25c layer figs 7c lb Quaker matches lOc Pyles Stores 412 4th se 914 11th se 6 Harrison Ana costla 11 7 tli ne 3d and Md ave ne 15th and G ne 4th and H ne 214 H nw N J ave and R nw HIS P nw 1714 14th nw The Mercantile Society 10D5 F street northwest claims the lowest loan rate in Washington Investigate Ilnve Soul Ileiirlchn Beer For twenty years and are still selling It Maerzen and Senate bottling Arlington Bottling Company same old place W 34 Most economical best bakers C A Mudcllman Co GIG 12th st hungarIan Gypsy Orchestra n Park Hotel Summer Garden Rathskeller N y ave and 11th st F Entires Prop Jamestown visitors are arriving dally and looking for furnished rooms An ad Jn The Herald will get them The Herat has the largest circulation at Norfolk and Jamestown of any Washington paper New I been pdnts awl Wsshtsgtsnnigtst steam Jewel Ranges today dis- ability SsesItsN6rfMk Chicago fins ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > < Ic IB effect If yon want an official copy of tk agreement pamphlet forms and to know the e feet ot concemiotn upon American labor aod f- cihntry for The Amerkan KcoDomirt H66 a par iblBhed by AMERICAN PROTECT lYN TARIFF LEAGUE 3 Broadway New Yerk ONLY Easy Payments For thl tenyear guaranteed Prophead Snrinj Machine all of the latest a regu- lar Jtt Tilue The greatest offer ever In a strictly highclan Machine PPENHEIMERS 514 Ninth St Phone Main 1518 t FUEL THATS BEST FOR COOKING J Theres eTry reason fur Cote In A preference to other fuel for cooking is inexpemire and gi e the best results Well P iprlj you Cok- eS Bushels jrgr roSe dellwwd SIM 41 BGshrli Take delitered JAit O Bnshels Large oXitered SJ A SBwbrfs Crushed Coke detirered JJW Bushels Crashed rake dellvend 4M J GO IliMhels Crushed Coke dcnrered JH38 WASHINGTON GASLIGHT CO- 4J TENTH ST NW Purity Cleanliness Excellence Youie on the Hie aide al It miner np eU the lotna nor rawtes humus broanse brewed Bottled for and smarts hy FULLY AUKU At bars and bottled p1 dps hue Dttreied in unfettered wagom if Chr Hourich Brewing Co frWW WVW WIV W WtrWWVl Note this Reduction on Highgrade Writing Paper al ANDREWS Eafh week DIM Ml art be wntag Snore InterKtin All mr 2Sc Writing Paper Fiench Madras finish tuW or un ruled Onfjiound imckiflc tJC- H ire nine away soon it would be tffll to buy wirnil i mn 3g at this price R P Andrews Paper Co Incorporated The Hmiw with the Yrll w Front the nrmr of Tth and Pa are do on Stturdny at 1 oclock Citlirr Sara at 5 p ra The New German Tariff Agreement > In Ito send J N w f 1 i Coke t < Large t rae t I t e 1 i PERFECT LAGER A t lJIl choose Lat I W 37 desired I I II La ace tear We Window Screens Screen Doors fO f S 1975tl ai I U cuing x x4 Bars way liSUflths ama mire its ILlS ritlfll you John Espeys > >

I a IM- Herrmn- M We are now Mattings Ichroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045433/1907-07-01/ed-1/seq-10.pdfHear Company broke ai r rrrd in telltog lets ami Tilla sites in 3906 and

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IThe Mans

Official Weather andwarmerI Store


The D J Kaufman GreatTrademaking Sale

Started Saturday with big sellingEvery Fancy Suit in the house isincluded in these six great reductionlots and you want to get in earlyfor first pick

1285 Suits 9751650 Suits 13352000 Suits 1665

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3000 Suits 2375Suits 2775

Moneys Worth or Money Back

D j KAUFMAN10057 Pennsylvania Avenue

Summer Is HereYouNeed

Toilet Talcum Powderllornfed nud perfumed with

violet Good for prickly bentplinflnpf fttinlnirn and tender feetI lb canVt elm lOc

1 RELIABLEDrugstore

922924 F Street N W



snd Hichlands is the same dtetxaes fnaa-r Capitol as Dupont Circle The U 8Hear Company broke ai r rrrd in telltoglets ami Tilla sites in 3906 and expects tobreak its own record In 1907 Mary purchaser

100 per cent profit last yar greater op-

pcrtaaitlss this year lots J75 to SOO on smallnsorMy rajnipntg Send plat and itftcn-

nd free anoroohile to see property Go oatand see city Bpre-


Rrimni Inionaci Btttdhj


On Mir av lt i IViTlirm an1Handle llighUijdi-

Twk for JUg FIORAL HIM Acros-iJlinnfsota arr at end ot Kardlr Highlands cur lint

One Lot at AuctionCane out TODAY and hare nor mlejraan bow

vou the lot we will sell at tablic Auction Satnrafternone Jnly i t J oclock for the beaettt fithe Oiree most diiircties and charitaKe w-

ttitatlms in the District of Colurotia

519 Washington Loan i Trust Bldg 9th 4 F Sis


We sell the bestand most scientificallyconstructed Reriger

made Pricesgrange from


Eleventh and C Streets

Reliable Camping Goods

Fishing TackleOUTING Tennis Goods

Kodaks CanoesSupplies Hammocks

TJniret for Morris Canoe




the Porch FurnitureSwings and Benchesbeautiful and durable


1804 14th St N W Phone N2032-

iThis is the season of the

year when Electric Light andi Electric Fans arc the most

popular features of the modem store or home

tI Potomac Electric Power Company f213 FOURTEENTH STREET H W f

Tho Famous


r n run pdl2Alto TENNESSEE 100

The Shoomaker Co1331 E St Hf pious Main 115851

Prescription No 1024 25cF-

or Malaria Chills Keur Apse ic Acure Thone E ItS or a postal will

trlng It you

FEALYS PHARMACY11th and Penna Ave 8 E



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White Sons




909 Penna




IOrder > u i


Eat 1853







W Lee

tttaJI r

1 LJ


t a p


5 5 5 S 44 5 C S I





Congregation Gathers AboutArboreal Nave


Thousands Pray with Dr 1lerce-SliiB with Vested Choir Listento Dr 3IcKlmn Panegyric o Amer-

ica on Site Whore Cntlicflrrtl WillRInc Processional In the Woods

On the spot where gigantic cathedralwith Its lofty spires and commanding

arches will coon be raised solemn patri-

otic exercises were hold yesterday afternoon by the worshipers of St Albans-A glowing panegyric of America and theEpiscopal Church was delivered by Rev

Dr Randolph McKlmReverence and sanctity pervaded the

atmosphere through every blade In thothousand grasses through the millionleaves veined and edgecut on thebushes and trees through the songn t

and marked feather of tho birds through

the Insects hum and the color of thebutterfly through the soft warm air and

clouds God was praised Gath-

ered In respectful silence about the sim-

ple oak pulpit and the towering peacecross a thousand peoplo prayed withRev Dr U G B Pierce sang with thovested choir and listened attentively toDr McKlm

A Sermon In the WoodsIt was a sermon In the woods with no

church but Natures no elTeots and deco-

rations but natural ones The clearing In

which the pulpit stood was bathed Insunshine th cheering comfortable sunshine of the late afternoon In the back-

ground hundreds of broadheaded widebranched oaks which have witnessed thestately march of religion of civilization-of soldiers flung their gnarled arms over-

a thick carpet of greensward In someplaces beeches maples locusts and elmsIntermingled with their more numerousbrothers and helped to intercept the sunshine which would not be gainsaid In Itseffort to present at the services

From behind the bushes of the greenwood and from under the greenwoodbough one would not have been sur-

prised to see the rod leggings and green

Jerkins of Robin Hood and his merry menpepping between the leaves with leathercaps In hand and reverential mien Thentoo there was the honeysuckle in thehedge and the daisy fields oft tosouthward

Solemn ProcessionalInto this nave of trees the solemn pro

cession of vested participants marchedFrom the little red frame chapel of StAlbans the pastor Rev Dr Bratenahlled his colleagues the choir and theband Garbed in white the chantingchoristers took their seats beneath thepulpit hymnbooks in hand while thomusicians were placed behind them andmingled their soft instruments with theyoung yokes of singers

The sun flashed on the bees andthe cornet and the oongregatJon hudample time to enjoy the beauty of thisidyllic scene before the notes of the prossional died awayBy this time the crossbearer hud placed

his symbolic burden before the pulpitleaving it in full view of the audienceAfter a moments sllonce the serviceswere begun the evensong edifying sim-ple and Impressive

Preuchen Memorial SermonAssisted by a section of the Marine

Band the vested choir sang several of themost commemorative hymns ending with

America In which the congregation as-

sisted Dr McKlm preached a memorialsermon in anticipation of July 4 Be-

ginning with an appropriate commentary-on the Day of Independence he spoke ofthe author of the Declaration saying thathe was proud as every Anglican shouldbe proud to name him among the mem-

bers of the Episcopal Church Continuing-in this vein he mentioned that of thefiftyfour signers of the Declaration thirtytwo were Episcopalians and that Mad-

ison Monroe and Marshall among otherswere members of the same creed

He spoke of the United States as thecountry which God had chosen to showerHis choicest blessings upon and said thatthe country lied now reached a stage ofwonderful development In every line Hepredicted that the Anglican church wouldcontinue to exert a powerful influence onthe welfare and betterment of the

and ended by asking Gods blessingon the rulers and Inhabitants of the


Animal Outing of Arlon Society HeldNear TentmllytoYvn

All roads led to William Voigts farmnear Tennallytown for the members ofthe Arlon Singing Society yesterday whowith their wives children sweetheartsand friends had their annual outing andpicnic at the place mentioned There werethe customary speeches by members of thesociety and by delegates from the Saengerbund Germanla and the UnitedSingers Entertainments and amusementsof all kinds had been provided for theyounger element and there was no letup-to the frolic until the sun went down

Chorus and solo songs assisted byproper refreshments contributed to makethe occasion a most enjoyable one F ARockar Is president of the society andunder his leadership the Arion lisa keptIn the front rank of singing societies ofthis country


Independence Day Sermon Prenclicilby Her C II lUcImrdson

Services In commemoration of the na-

tional Independence Day were held atRyland Methodist Episcopal Church lastnight before a large congregation Theinterior of the edifice was decorated inall parts with giant flags and pennantswhich formed an admirable setting forMiss Margaret Larcombes reading TheAmerican Flag

Rev C Herbert Richardson pastor ofthe church delivered a patriotic sermonon the Declaration of Independence asubject with which he is familiar andwhich he hits studied for some time Atthe conclusion of the services the StarSpangled Banner was sung standing thecongregation joining In the last stanzawhile W C Palmer was the soloist

The opening hymn was My CountryTIs of Thee while Kiplings feces j

slonal and Luthers A Mighty Fort-ress were the other selections rendered

UltterMtuetxuncaliuna XnmcN OflleerHAt the semiannual mooting of the Ger

man Unterstuetzungsbund DIstrikt No40 held last the following officerswere elected for the ensuing year F ARockar president C L Ruppert vicepresident Wilhelm Hannemann secre-tary Fritz Reckeweg treasurer

Abnor conductor and Mrs KatieHannemann overseer



the blue





































Library af Congress Open 9 a m to IB p a onsfwtar slays from 2 p ra to 10 p m on Sundiyjand en certain holidays

Public Libr n Open 9 a ra 9 p m holidays

H a m to If p m Swd j I to M p m-

Eiceatire Jan on0rn 10 a m to 2 p mUnited States rtol0ili 9 a a to 433 p 1

United States TreawrrOptn 9 a m to 2 pState War awl Nary Dep rtm nUOp n 9 a

to 2 p oririual Deekntien of Indepen-dence Is hi the Library of State Department

United State Patent OJSceOpen 9 a m to 2

p mUnited States Pension Ilareau Open 9 a m to

United States PostASceOpen 9 a m to 2 pWashington City Iostoflke Oprn alt hours TUt

Dead Office te In the city jwstafflceNational ItoUnic GirdeniOpeji 8 a m to 5 p inFIsH CommtosiouOr 9 am ta 430 p mArmy Medical MaaeumOpen 9 a ra to lilt p raNational MirnnmOpea 9 a ra to 130 in

eroding holidaysSmith antan InttitttUMOpea 9 a m to 30 p ra-

lixrodtez bolMaj-jApwnhtml l eparti ent Open 9 a m te tito P mItvrmu of EBjraTtee and PrintingOreo 9 a ra

to 13 p ra-

Va hlBBtoa Maimaeat IMKK feet In helghUOpen3 a K to p ra Btetalor doe net run after439 p m

Coreersn ArtOpen 938 a ra to tp ra in winter 9 a ra to i p ra In summerSundays 131 p ra to S p ra exeepitoe In raidsimmer AdrtMtoa free OR Tuesdays ThursdaysBaturdayi and Sundays other df Ve admission

Cerentraeitt Printing Office Open M a m to 2

p raNosy YardOpen 9 a m to Sit p ra-

Southwocih Cottage th st and Prospect areIN TUB SUHUUUS

Mount Verses the home and tomb af Wualsj-teaOpen 11 a aa to p m-

Ariteetoa National Cmei ry Open aH dayCVtbednl GrewMb Ttmallrtewa readOpen 3 a

m 8 p mUnited SoHka HeaieOptn 9 a m to

ZooJcfical IurkOpm all dayIloek Crwk llrWg sad ParkCtwiy Chaw KnqttactoM Ctttupaake Beach and

Lnwi ParkKami Obacrntocy Open J a m te 3 p mCbiit catholic UnirenUy sad Alex



Sunday School Boys and Girls Rewarded for Scholarship

Committees Are nmcd for the An


St Patrieks Sunday school cteeod yes-terday morning with UM dletclbutlen ofawards and premiums

Rev T B McGuigan director of theSunday school announced to the children

Dr Stafford and the teacbars considered the work of the pest year suc-cessful Tuesday morning the teachersand pupils wilt accompany the congrega-tion on the annual parish excursion toRiver View

The following were awarded itreraittmein the boys department

drank hMwrOMfg ftBtaa Md CbMtesniter

Bibfe hfeterTTboBM CMa Vfctarlingh PrgM-

AdTumd cau hfa Btnurd n a Ashley Lr-prtox 1Ml r rta WUMMI SaUhB MM l c-

Orne Md Dnwl ChaseIntcrawdtote Bi Alon o HMto Mm MiifM-

Htowrth Lny Visit Wrist Walter lamry WISDOM IMl Mmrti Sham nr Md-

ComwU nteehhm rial RMMdcuc Jowph NaiFenin Jute She John MeVter

toll houses WtUtew Orient Wulfeat WUtt Kayand Wrlfc NornM U b rt Felix Chrtotofan-

li org Itertfj and James HymnVrtmtrj Itotna John SniiU Iteny-

d rte H roW Gin U Kdmid Mrtebril JehaIan HcraMd Hocbon MrtcMl ruMMcm WMTMCrane Stanley bases DeeM 2 f sk CUAri

KDnrortk Oumitea John Aadcnon OhmJo Mcawk KeCkrtky JoKa Waver

arid Josrph Lnctl rajtr rlawMieaaH Cotwi J eph OorSM-

lJtagtuf Koanta Wunw DewsTony DWMln Md Jo I 4rto

The following sanctuary boys wereawarded premiums

Albert Httmjr muter of encanait ThosHiVictory Qaitau Hckly CharM Fisher IM-Ufaes IpJn JMH PCM Tutrtt Ctorfc-

Il mtnl Henry litllMB Hmdi F nuIfeektr Frank l rt Iaul Fiat ThesePerdTml HaiMa Holaod Marrim JMMR K U-MViwmt Child Frank MeOwaott KdwMd MeUcrmotto Oorndins CallalMa sad NdwanI Kmnttj

ReT IIHam J Carroll Is director ofthe sanctuary boys

Premiums were awarded to the foliowlug in the girls department

nmrch htatoryUBfc Mumfek Strffe CellosWWe hMaryKdM Meant hear 9tecAr

Wright Marie White lIMe MaeDoMM MdMerle Itotwruon

IB admnwd wtechtam Lffitan Xttehcn Kthel-Itrmra AIM rhristofiMU llarjorie JessieCoUlD UtuMtf KlimMh KrM AlterLOOM Grace Morgan Kimiw Whjrte Jessie Norrfc Isabel Doats Klinbetb iinwvfeTrnto Annie kits Mazy MeKrwtjr H gMM fVhefout Monroe Iabel Wuwa Helen FtotI-

ntenDMbary ande Katie Pesui Katie Coltiert-Koerimd rrfUn SUlks K nMy AHKIB

Jaeqn Edith fHtni M nNettie Lamhtrt flelen beckeb Mary Btmwr A B

Clark May Lyorn Ago MeXnKy Rose ClasSManrrt Victory Mildred MorrUoa KAtb rta-OConaor Grace tMi m Anna SuUiiiUL M4ela-Mrrfcl Mary Childelli WAry Chawt femsBMry LameMary Kncaoi Cynthia ChuU and Mary Deeds

Trhnary grade Hertha Yeaser Irene AndersonWillie Chase rtrwie Ritz Marie Armstrong AliceUser SIUMBDH Vrlsht OertnukMulroe Mary Foley Pauline Sebastian Marpiret-Lyoo Gertnide Schaefer Margaret MeBray llrfen-Orttul and J turi Distaste

OnaeH eKtecaiHBAdek WMMMB May Meidy-

Klonnre J PTOM Slices Carenei Wu oaand OtUtrriB Lappia

Prayer eUwDorothy LqreUa LyonFmniui Mftrian Ghosts Evelyn hahn FnuwM-Kald Bbaea and Emma Stoner

Every care has been taken to make StPatricks parish excursion an enjoyableaffair and assure safety to the manychildren who will accompany the con-gregation The following committees willserve on the occasion

Bxccutire cnmaiUetIleT T K McQufem HerJa e A Smyth and Mevtn Harry FriskJones D wh Conttell Joke 0 Alien Mrs MaryMeDemott Misses Lottte Waters Mary T

and MainS Jnhamen-Sflperrisinc commHteeMeMn Rdmni J lIen

nan Matthew P KeMard Thorn Novell J ll-

HtigersM A C Joy and John MeKeamCommittee on tramfiartaUon MeiMn

patrick A E Stopww Daniel Ilanmn MHuelGeorge Monks J R Weld Urkey

Riley Michael ConloB Mtee OnerirTfl-Comtolly Johanna OkieUmr and Karaite SiUcn-

CooaniUee on cnterUhunent Mime Mary Can-

non Ida JnaasMti Marg rei Corcoran Ilhe M-

IUdcrrar KtU Collier Anna Mttrphr UWrie-JohanwH Carrie IloMnnn Anwv SmillwooJ Alice

and Ella MurphyR fredi ent coaunitteeMlsses Daby Brick Car

AUnt Mrs I AUey Mime KKzabeth NetBwyer Annie Connote KHxaKHh MHorkh Gertrade-

Vhyte Wtaifrwl Ktpin Julia LoU Anniehugh Anna Bnaltwood Sea Waters K Itohn-UrbaiKth McGovan and Basal Corcoran

Ticket committeeJohn A Madipuj K Bdward-MiteheU Victor Decker and A H Staant-

CofMotttoe on athletic John 0 Allen PetalsCanneJI K N Hill Frank Mitovkk and AlbeitKeamey

The orphan children of St JosephsVincents asylums will be under the

immediate care of the St Vincent de PaulSociety

Summer Congress MeetingTomorrow evening the regular meet-

ing of the Summer Congress of the GeorgeWashington Law School wilt be held inthe main lecture hall of the universitycorner Fifteenth and H streets Housebill No 92 Resolved by the UniversityCongress That women be given franchise-In all national elections will be up for


a standard qualityWhisky-

Its satisfying and beaefidaL





IlL tIlethe




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nunl Rscnrlon to River







Fisher Lou


nark PItarM




Kit SlIm













Chas Kraemer h7 est



roe bike








Deeds iso























Public Urged to Aid Good


Achievement of the Outings Com-

mittee Are Ilevleived by PreacherAttention Called the Need forMore KH mis The XcnHpapcrn AreThanked for Their Asnlntance

I ask all tho members of this parishI ask all citizens of Washington Irre-spective of creed to support this workby volunteer personal service and byfinancial contributions I am in a position-to know that the money Is wisely andeffectively spent that the children Ingreatest need receive the greatest helpand that enough pure jcJy la stored up onyonder grooms hill to last the boys andgirls a year

With this eloquent appeal on behalf ofCamp Good Will Rov John Van SchafckJr concluded bis sermon on Work andRest a prevaeatkm observation at theChurch of Our Father Unlversallst yes-

terday morningSpeaking of the summer outing work

in this city Dr Van Schaick said In partDuring th past four yours a move-

ment has grown up In Washington togive summer outings to people In needThousands of the welltodo go away tothe mountains or tho seashore but otherthousands have to stay Some live irt

little tenements with crowded roomswith not much chance for a breath of airFour yours ago it was proposed to give atleast a few of these suffering thousandsthe outing they BO sorely needed and thesuggestion met with instant response

Opens for SummerThree years ago Camp Good Will was

established Tomorrow July 1 It opensfor the summer It was made possibleby wise publicspirited Commissionerswho donated the use of a farm In RockCreek Park It was planned and oaredfor by the Associated Charities of thisDtetriot through a committee establishedfor that purpose It has been brought-to attention of people of thiscommunity by the generous help of thenewspapers their frank ready Intel-ligent recognition of what the move-

ment meant earnest editorial commenda-tion free advertising rind financial sup

portLikealt others I grumble about the

newspapers when they run counter to myidea Like alt other I think I couldimprove them In some ways But when Isit down calmly said think I know howmuch as a community we owe themhow they help the churches and howconstantly they place alt forms of organized philanthropy under a debt of gistIttMfe Camp Good Will Is possible be-

cause of newspaper helpA brief survey of the wrk of the

summer outings committee In fItS isThirtysix hundred ear Uek ts

were distributed This meac MM carriMs by people In need Twentyfourday excursions were solicited ptaMedand conducted

HnndredH Get to SrnnliorcSome of these excursions took

to the seashore The navy yardemployes took nine hundred to Chesa-peake Beech Three hundred sad fiftytwo mothers sail children were givenvacations at Camp Good W1IL Sixtysightchurches and organizatIons cooperated-by means of religious services and Inother ways Rlghtyone Individuals endfirms contributed equipment Fits hun-

dred and sixtyfour individuatebuted money Nine physicianst rllm tod professional services usually fora week Serentyfour Individualscontributed voluntw prvtc In connw

with day outings lawn fetes and atGood Will The total expenditures-

of the committee in 1966 were JS5HIOThis year the camp has been enlarged

and improved An open dining pavilionhas been erected Bathing facilities havebeen increased A ladles auxiliary hasbeen established and the most efficientmanagement possible has been

So Itlnen DrairnIn taking children to Camp Good Will

no of religion or creed are drawnCatholics Protestants and Jews are allthere Race lines however have to bedrawn Camp Good Wilt te for whitesAll the money contributed goes to a white

But Inspired by the success of thecolored people this year have start-

ed a camn at Tuxedo Md for coloredchildren They are raising money to support it among colored people and thatcamp also will open July 1 In the three

past it baa riot been hard to rateoneeded The real charity end

the hard common sense united In themovement appeal to alt classes of thecommunity Four thousand dollars iscalled for this year If the word couldget around it would be raised Inside ofa week The appeals have just gone 041 1


White Hook Iltliln AViiter Vnctl toAdvnntncc In Window

Pedestrians along Connecticuthave for the past week beena big display In one of the show windowsof Magruders store The window in ques-

tion lies been high with bottles ofWhite Rock water on a back-ground of red

The display contains fully 300 pints andquarts attractively arranged in a soliddesign with a big pyramid as the centerThe pyramid is capped with a big replicaof the trademark picture of the bottlerof White Rock

It took days to arrange the exhibit thepiling of tho bottles requiring skill

and a steady hand The exhibithas led to a demand for White

Rock that heavily drawn on the sup-ply on hand and consequently the designwits broken Saturday by taking out anumber of bottles


loniliers AntlSnloon League CelcFonrteeiith Anniversary

The fourteenth anniversary of the AntiSaloon League was celebrated yesterdayafternoon in the First PresbyterianChurch in the presence of a large au-

dience of interested who havewitched the growthRev Carl G the president of theleague opened the meeting with an address on The Relation of theloon League to Liquor Incounted the good that has been done inthe cause

Rev Donald C MacLeod followed witha discourse on The AntiSaloon League-In Its Relation to the Church MmClinton Smith president of the C TU and Dr George Maydwell pastor ofWaugh Church also spoke Hymns andmusical selections were also sung TheAntiSaloon League has alr y been es-

tablished In fortysix States and Terri-tories while 400 persons are exclusivelyengaged In the wprk It is estimatedthat 40COOOO pages of literature are dis-


oy DrV au Scliaiek


the the


















ever month

































Church of the New Jerusalem Clonesfor the Sn miner

The Church of the New heldIts closing service for the present seasonyesterday morning The pastor RevFrank Sewnll will spend the summer InEurope visiting other places thehome of 8wo

The subject of the sermon was the para-ble of the trees choosing a king JudgeslxS brought down to the needs of every-day In public and private life

The musical part of the service wannoteworthy one feature being a finerendering of Mendelssohns He Is Watch-Ing Over Israel and another a tenorsolo This last was an arrangement ofthe hymn Abide With Me composedby Mr Ernest Szemellnyl of Washington


Suspect HelonHod After Inspectionby nidireler W Vn Woman

Because he Is not the man wanted bySheriff Ncthen of Keyser W Va for anattack on Nellie Ott living In RldgeleyW Va Charles Sailor was released bythe local police yesterday

Sailor answered the description of theassailant and when It was found thathe had recently arrived In this city fromCumberland Md a few miles from wherethe deed occurred the original chargeof vagrancy on which he was arrestedwas erased from the books at the Sixthprecinct station and that of being afugitive from justice entered in its place

Miss Ott came to Washington earlyyesterday morning In company withSheriff Nethen to identify the prisonerbut upon looking at the man said thathe was not her assailant

Miss Ott left for Cumberland on thenoxt train


Nothing Wrong with Organizationin Secretarys Opinion

Interprets Gen Dellii Remarks nsReferring to Desire for Increase

In the Military Force

There is nothing wrong in the arrayso far as the officials of the War De-

partment are aware said the Secretaryof War yesterday In answer to a re-

quest for an expression of opinion con-

cerning the remarks of MaJ Gen JFranklin Doll In addressing the armyofficers at Leavenworth Kane Gen Bollis quoted as having said There is

wrong In the army It is knownin Washington and an effort will 1

made to correct ItWhite not informed as to the mean-

ing of the remarks attributed toI have no doubt the explana-

tion entirely simple relates to anIncrease In the army said the Scr-tary As a chief of staffGen Belt favors a larger army and hisenthusiasm probably led him to make thestatement quoted Having Jtad numerousconferences with him in regard to armymatter I am aware of his sentiments-in titLe direction

This Is the only interpretation whichI can place upon the remarks of GetsBell in whom the department loss theutmost confidence


Yard Employee to Hemcinber-Uufortunnten In City

Preparations nave now been made forthe annual free outing to ChesapeakeBeach given each year by the emptoyesof the navy yard to the children andmothers of the city who are seldom Ifever with trips to the beach

of wen gets to workearly in the morning on the day of thepicnic putting up the box lunches mak-

ing lemonade and preparing in variousways to the day thoroughly enjoy-able to people In addition tothe fun incident to a trip to ChesapeakeBeach the navy yard men will providefor each person a box lunch a tin dipperthree glasses of lemonade a dish of ice

a bag of peanuts two amusegames with prizes

and bathingChildren and mothers wilt be selected

by agents of the Associated Charities thegeneral care and detailed work of the ex-

cursion will be made under the direction-of the summer outing committee and it Isexpected that nothing will be left undoneto make this outing a complete success

The following is the committee Incharge of arrangements for the navyyard men A J Berres president GeorgeGriffith vice president J Walter Edellnsecretary Messrs Tadd Escavllle PriceBright Squler Cook La Clare ReynoldsEckhanlt Thompson McAllister Johnson Bowen Disney and Barber


Army ned Navy Orcnnlzntion ArrniiKf for Meeting Here

Delegates from the Army and NavyUnion representing Barry Porter andHenry and Roosevelt garrisons held abusiness session yesterday afternoon onthe lawn of the Juvenile Manyimportant questions wljlch come upbefore the biennial gathering were dis-

cussed This conference will be held hereon July 17 and will continue for threedays Col Robert Alton chairman or thedelegation presided-

A resolution was passed favoring thegiving of two months extra pay to sickand disabled soldiers of the SpanishAmerican war who were discharged Thedelegates pledged themselves to furtherthe candidacy of Gen A S Burt U S Afor national commander


Association Will DC Guests of MrAnyen nt Alton Farm

The Association of the Oldest Inhabitants of the District of Columbia willcelebrate Independence Day at AltonFarm as the guests of Crosby S Noyes

president of the society and ownercountry seat where the gathering

will be held Extensive arrangementshave been completed for the celebrationand It Is expected that the septuagenariansantI octogenarians of the association willrenew their youth beneath the beautifulshade trees nnd on the green lawns ofAlton Farm

The notice of the secretary states thatthe members will assemble in the parlorsof the Rlggs House at 10 oclock on themorning of July 4 and will be conveyed-by special cars to the farm Each guestIncluding the members of the society andtheir famines Is expected to wear thebadge society or the visitorsbadge which will be furnished by thecommittee of arrangements at the RiggsHouse or at the gate of the farm Without such means of Identification no onecan gain admission to the grounds

Following Is the programme of exer-cises prepared for the dayliiulRess meeting 11 a m to 12 m-

lUceMSong America Andtaeedotting to our heat H 0 Iran

Declaration ef Independence J B McCarthySUrKpanekd llannw Mrs Thus C NojesLiberty UtU Fred E Harbour

KIDS Let Me Like a SoldierOration

Auld Lang Syne Audience



Gn-U tat





ere compUte





















in Doubt Buy of House Herrmn-

nM Summer Floor CoveringsJj We are now offering deeply reduced prices on

M number of patterns in good quality Mattingsand we have many splendid values to offer you

H in Rugs of different sizes We are always gladarrange accommodating terms of credit to

suit you


Your Watch Put inRunning Order No

Matter in What rWe Will Repair It

for OnlyFor Today and Tomorrow OnlyF-

or today nnd tomorrow only I will repair your wntcli for 9100regardless of condition Mr object IK thlit I have the brutequiplied watchrepair department In use city nnd I wnnt everybody to knowIt If have n wntch that others have failed to repair or have nakedyou KJOO or GOO to put In good condition hiring It to me and If therepairs are not worth more than the watch I will put It In good repairfor only 9100 Do not think that your watch Is worthier It In surelyworth 9100 What Is your gain by this mode of advertising may

liut your acquaintance nnd confidence In my nlillltj will re-pay me In the future

Look for the Big Clock

F Street Corner Ninth






Before Going Away HavePer-









0 5 S S C S







Immigration Measure Becomes

Effective Today

Creates Additional Divisions of theService and nn Assistant Com

missioner General

A new immigration law approve by

the President on February 31 becomes j

effective Regutattehs under which

It wilt be enforced have been promulgatedby the Secretary of Commerce and LaborSection 1 of the new law Increases thehead tax from TZ to M and provides forIts aseaement on every alien enteringthe United States except those who haveresided In Canada Newfoundland Cuba

or Mexico for one year Immediately pre-

ceding their application to enterSection 2 adds to the excluded classes

Imbeciles feebleminded persons persons

afflicted with tuberculosis those certifiedupon medical examination to be mentally

or physically defective to such an extentas to affect their ability to earn a living

and persons who admit guilt of crimeSection M makes the decision of the

board of special inquiry final not only

AS to the rejection of aliens afflicted withloathsome or dangerous contagious dis-

eases or with mental or physicalbringing them within the excluded

claeces but also as to persons afflictedwith tuberculosis

For a more careful enforcement of thealien contract labor laws ftGOO Is madeavailable

Under the Hew law a division of infor-

mation will be established Its duties toconsist of promoting a beneficial distribu-tion of admitted aliens among the severalStates and Territories desiring immigra-tion

Terence V Powderly formerly grandmaster of the Kinghts of Labor who un-

til a few years ago wasGeneral of Immigration has been appoint-ed chief of the division of naturalizationPeter J Donohue of Brooklyn until re-

cently secretary to Commissioner GeneralSargent has been named as Mr Powderlys assistant

The law creates the office of AssistantCommissioner General of ImmigrationThis place has been filled by the promotion of Frank J Lamed of Maryland formany years chief clerk of the bureauMr Larned has connected with theimmigration service for many years



To Fort Monroe Norfolk Newport News and all

in every cTtntag te tie year at 630 and day

steamer icily at S a raTo Mount Yemen StMBKT Maealester dally U

A ra and 239 p m from Seventh street wharfChesapeake BeachSee time tableTo llock Creek JlrWgA Zoolecical Park Chary

Chase and KmsiBgtOMCara from Fifteenth streetand New York arcane cecil fifteen BteMtes-

Tt AlexandriaKerry stean r Lataawanna eftrrhour and a half truss 6 a m to 6 p m

Comfort and health flails Connnrlthe use of Jno G Melnbergs Bread at

this sensed Highly nourishing yet readilydigested and assimilated Your table oughtto have It Grocers Bakery 716 11th se

Chqlcc Old rotators UOc Ier IecklOc pure vanilla 4 for 25c layer figs 7clb Quaker matches lOc Pyles Stores412 4th se 914 11th se 6 Harrison Anacostla 11 7 tli ne 3d and Md ave ne 15thand G ne 4th and H ne 214 H nw N Jave and R nw HIS P nw 1714 14th nw

The Mercantile Society10D5 F street northwest claims the lowestloan rate in Washington Investigate

Ilnve Soul Ileiirlchn BeerFor twenty years and are still selling ItMaerzen and Senate bottlingArlington Bottling Company same oldplace W 34

Most economical best bakers C AMudcllman Co GIG 12th st

hungarIan Gypsy Orchestra n ParkHotel Summer Garden Rathskeller Ny ave and 11th st F Entires Prop

Jamestown visitors are arriving dallyand looking for furnished rooms An adJn The Herald will get them The Herathas the largest circulation at Norfolk andJamestown of any Washington paper




pdnts awl Wsshtsgtsnnigtst steam

Jewel Ranges





Chicago fins













Ic IB effect If yon want an official copy of tkagreement pamphlet forms and to know the efeet ot concemiotn upon American labor aod f-cihntry for The Amerkan KcoDomirt H66 apar iblBhed by AMERICAN PROTECTlYN TARIFF LEAGUE 3 Broadway New Yerk



For thl tenyear guaranteed Prophead SnrinjMachine all of the latest a regu-

lar Jtt Tilue The greatest offer ever Ina strictly highclan Machine


Phone Main 1518



J Theres eTry reason fur Cote InA preference to other fuel for cooking

is inexpemire and gi e the best resultsWell Piprlj you Cok-

eS Bushels jrgr roSe dellwwd SIM41 BGshrli Take delitered JAitO Bnshels Large oXitered SJ

A SBwbrfs Crushed Coke detirered JJWBushels Crashed rake dellvend 4M

J GO IliMhels Crushed Coke dcnrered JH38



Purity Cleanliness Excellence

Youie on the Hie aide al

It miner np eU thelotna nor rawtes humus

broanse brewed


for and smartshy FULLY AUKU At barsand bottled

p1 dps hueDttreied in

unfettered wagom if

Chr Hourich Brewing Co


Note this Reduction on HighgradeWriting Paper al

ANDREWSEafh week DIM Ml art be wntag Snore

InterKtin All mr 2Sc Writing PaperFiench Madras finish tuW or unruled Onfjiound imckiflc tJC-

H ire nine away soon it would betffll to buy wirnil i mn 3g at this price

R P Andrews Paper Co

IncorporatedThe Hmiw with the Yrll w Front

the nrmr of Tth and Pa aredo on Stturdny at 1 oclock

Citlirr Sara at 5 p ra

The New

German Tariff




N w f



t< Larget rae t

Ite 1



A t lJIl chooseLat


W 37 desired



La ace tearWe

Window Screens

Screen Doors



1975tlai I





Bars way liSUflths

ama mire its




John Espeys
