Hybrid Pipeline Hybrid Pipeline Structure for Self- Structure for Self- Organizing Learning Organizing Learning Array Array Yinyin Liu 1 , Ding Mingwei 2 , Janusz A. Starzyk 1 , 1 School of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science Ohio University, USA 2 Ross University ISNN 2007: The 4th International Symposium on Neural Networks

Hybrid Pipeline Structure for Self-Organizing Learning Array Yinyin Liu 1, Ding Mingwei 2, Janusz A. Starzyk 1, 1 School of Electrical Engineering & Computer

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Page 1: Hybrid Pipeline Structure for Self-Organizing Learning Array Yinyin Liu 1, Ding Mingwei 2, Janusz A. Starzyk 1, 1 School of Electrical Engineering & Computer

Hybrid Pipeline Structure for Hybrid Pipeline Structure for Self-Organizing Learning ArraySelf-Organizing Learning Array

Yinyin Liu1, Ding Mingwei2 , Janusz A. Starzyk1,

1 School of Electrical Engineering & Computer ScienceOhio University, USA

2 Ross University

ISNN 2007: The 4th International Symposium on Neural Networks

Page 2: Hybrid Pipeline Structure for Self-Organizing Learning Array Yinyin Liu 1, Ding Mingwei 2, Janusz A. Starzyk 1, 1 School of Electrical Engineering & Computer



•RC systems design of SOLAR

•Dimensionality reduction

•Input selection, weighting

•Pipeline structure

• Experimental results

• Conclusions



Motor cortex Somatosensory cortex

Sensory associativecortex

PrimaryAuditory cortex


Visual associativecortex


Page 3: Hybrid Pipeline Structure for Self-Organizing Learning Array Yinyin Liu 1, Ding Mingwei 2, Janusz A. Starzyk 1, 1 School of Electrical Engineering & Computer


• “…Perhaps the last frontier of science – its ultimate challenge- is to understand the biological basis of consciousness and the mental process by which we perceive, act, learn and remember..” from Principles of Neural Science by E. R. Kandel et al.

E. R. Kandel won Nobel Price in 2000 for his work on physiological basis of memory storage in neurons.

• “…The question of intelligence is the last great terrestrial frontier of science...” from Jeff Hawkins On Intelligence. Jeff Hawkins founded the Redwood Neuroscience Institute devoted to brain research. He co-founded Palm Computing and Handspring Inc.


AI’s holy grailFrom Pattie Maes MIT Media Lab

Page 4: Hybrid Pipeline Structure for Self-Organizing Learning Array Yinyin Liu 1, Ding Mingwei 2, Janusz A. Starzyk 1, 1 School of Electrical Engineering & Computer


How can we design intelligence?How can we design intelligence?

• We need to know how

• We need means to implement it

• We need resources to build and sustain its operation

Page 5: Hybrid Pipeline Structure for Self-Organizing Learning Array Yinyin Liu 1, Ding Mingwei 2, Janusz A. Starzyk 1, 1 School of Electrical Engineering & Computer

5From Ray Kurzwail, The Singularity Summit at Stanford, May 13, 2006

Resources – Evolution of Electronics

Page 6: Hybrid Pipeline Structure for Self-Organizing Learning Array Yinyin Liu 1, Ding Mingwei 2, Janusz A. Starzyk 1, 1 School of Electrical Engineering & Computer

6By Gordon E. MooreBy Gordon E. Moore

Page 7: Hybrid Pipeline Structure for Self-Organizing Learning Array Yinyin Liu 1, Ding Mingwei 2, Janusz A. Starzyk 1, 1 School of Electrical Engineering & Computer


Page 8: Hybrid Pipeline Structure for Self-Organizing Learning Array Yinyin Liu 1, Ding Mingwei 2, Janusz A. Starzyk 1, 1 School of Electrical Engineering & Computer

8From Ray Kurzwail, The Singularity Summit at Stanford, May 13, 2006

Clock Speed (doubles every 2.7 years)

Page 9: Hybrid Pipeline Structure for Self-Organizing Learning Array Yinyin Liu 1, Ding Mingwei 2, Janusz A. Starzyk 1, 1 School of Electrical Engineering & Computer

9From Ray Kurzwail, The Singularity Summit at Stanford, May 13, 2006

Page 10: Hybrid Pipeline Structure for Self-Organizing Learning Array Yinyin Liu 1, Ding Mingwei 2, Janusz A. Starzyk 1, 1 School of Electrical Engineering & Computer



•RC systems design of SOLAR

•Dimensionality reduction

•Input selection, weighting

•Pipeline structure

• Experimental results

• ConclusionsBroca’sarea


Motor cortex Somatosensory cortex

Sensory associativecortex

PrimaryAuditory cortex


Visual associativecortex


Page 11: Hybrid Pipeline Structure for Self-Organizing Learning Array Yinyin Liu 1, Ding Mingwei 2, Janusz A. Starzyk 1, 1 School of Electrical Engineering & Computer


Traditional ANN HardwareTraditional ANN HardwareTraditional ANN HardwareTraditional ANN Hardware

– Limited routing resource.

– Quadratic relationship between the routing and the number of neuron makes classical ANNs wire dominated.



information flow


Interconnect is Interconnect is 70% of chip area70% of chip area

Page 12: Hybrid Pipeline Structure for Self-Organizing Learning Array Yinyin Liu 1, Ding Mingwei 2, Janusz A. Starzyk 1, 1 School of Electrical Engineering & Computer


Biological Neural NetworksBiological Neural Networks Biological Neural NetworksBiological Neural Networks

Cell body

From IFC’s webpage Dowling, 1998, p. 17

Page 13: Hybrid Pipeline Structure for Self-Organizing Learning Array Yinyin Liu 1, Ding Mingwei 2, Janusz A. Starzyk 1, 1 School of Electrical Engineering & Computer


Sparse StructureSparse Structure

• 1012 neurons in human brain are sparsely connected

• On average, each neuron is connected to other neurons through about 104 synapses

• Sparse structure enables efficient computation and saves energy and cost

Page 14: Hybrid Pipeline Structure for Self-Organizing Learning Array Yinyin Liu 1, Ding Mingwei 2, Janusz A. Starzyk 1, 1 School of Electrical Engineering & Computer


Why should we care?Why should we care?


Page 15: Hybrid Pipeline Structure for Self-Organizing Learning Array Yinyin Liu 1, Ding Mingwei 2, Janusz A. Starzyk 1, 1 School of Electrical Engineering & Computer














% Area Memory

% Area ReusedLogic

% Area New Logic

Percent of die area that must be occupied by memory to maintain SOC design productivity

Design Productivity Gap Design Productivity Gap Low-Value Designs? Low-Value Designs?

Source = Japanese system-LSI industry

Page 16: Hybrid Pipeline Structure for Self-Organizing Learning Array Yinyin Liu 1, Ding Mingwei 2, Janusz A. Starzyk 1, 1 School of Electrical Engineering & Computer



•RC systems design of SOLAR

•Dimensionality reduction

•Input selection, weighting

•Pipeline structure

• Experimental results

• ConclusionsBroca’sarea


Motor cortex Somatosensory cortex

Sensory associativecortex

PrimaryAuditory cortex


Visual associativecortex


Page 17: Hybrid Pipeline Structure for Self-Organizing Learning Array Yinyin Liu 1, Ding Mingwei 2, Janusz A. Starzyk 1, 1 School of Electrical Engineering & Computer


SOLAR System DesignSOLAR System Design

• SOLAR Introduction Entropy based self-


– data-driven

– Local connection Dynamical reconfiguration Local and sparse

interconnections Online inputs selection Feature neurons and

merging neurons Pattern recognition,


Page 18: Hybrid Pipeline Structure for Self-Organizing Learning Array Yinyin Liu 1, Ding Mingwei 2, Janusz A. Starzyk 1, 1 School of Electrical Engineering & Computer


Pipeline OverviewPipeline Overview

node computing ability → “soft” connections

Four modes

1. Idle2. Read3. Process4. Write

Page 19: Hybrid Pipeline Structure for Self-Organizing Learning Array Yinyin Liu 1, Ding Mingwei 2, Janusz A. Starzyk 1, 1 School of Electrical Engineering & Computer


Pipeline Signal Flow 1Pipeline Signal Flow 1

Page 20: Hybrid Pipeline Structure for Self-Organizing Learning Array Yinyin Liu 1, Ding Mingwei 2, Janusz A. Starzyk 1, 1 School of Electrical Engineering & Computer


Pipeline Signal Flow 2Pipeline Signal Flow 2

Page 21: Hybrid Pipeline Structure for Self-Organizing Learning Array Yinyin Liu 1, Ding Mingwei 2, Janusz A. Starzyk 1, 1 School of Electrical Engineering & Computer


Pipeline Signal Flow 3Pipeline Signal Flow 3

Page 22: Hybrid Pipeline Structure for Self-Organizing Learning Array Yinyin Liu 1, Ding Mingwei 2, Janusz A. Starzyk 1, 1 School of Electrical Engineering & Computer


Node OperationsNode Operations

Implemented with Xilinx picoBlaze

Runs at higher frequency

Page 23: Hybrid Pipeline Structure for Self-Organizing Learning Array Yinyin Liu 1, Ding Mingwei 2, Janusz A. Starzyk 1, 1 School of Electrical Engineering & Computer



•RC systems design of SOLAR

•Dimensionality reduction

•Input selection, weighting

•Pipeline structure

• Experimental resultsExperimental results

• ConclusionsBroca’sarea


Motor cortex Somatosensory cortex

Sensory associativecortex

PrimaryAuditory cortex


Visual associativecortex


Page 24: Hybrid Pipeline Structure for Self-Organizing Learning Array Yinyin Liu 1, Ding Mingwei 2, Janusz A. Starzyk 1, 1 School of Electrical Engineering & Computer


Em(x) Simulation ResultsEm(x) Simulation Results

Page 25: Hybrid Pipeline Structure for Self-Organizing Learning Array Yinyin Liu 1, Ding Mingwei 2, Janusz A. Starzyk 1, 1 School of Electrical Engineering & Computer


Iris Data ProcessingIris Data Processing

4x7 array processing Iris data

Linear growth of HW cost

Page 26: Hybrid Pipeline Structure for Self-Organizing Learning Array Yinyin Liu 1, Ding Mingwei 2, Janusz A. Starzyk 1, 1 School of Electrical Engineering & Computer


Chip LayoutChip Layout

Page 27: Hybrid Pipeline Structure for Self-Organizing Learning Array Yinyin Liu 1, Ding Mingwei 2, Janusz A. Starzyk 1, 1 School of Electrical Engineering & Computer






Hardware DevelopmentHardware Development

Page 28: Hybrid Pipeline Structure for Self-Organizing Learning Array Yinyin Liu 1, Ding Mingwei 2, Janusz A. Starzyk 1, 1 School of Electrical Engineering & Computer


Future WorkFuture Work- System SOLAR- System SOLAR

Page 29: Hybrid Pipeline Structure for Self-Organizing Learning Array Yinyin Liu 1, Ding Mingwei 2, Janusz A. Starzyk 1, 1 School of Electrical Engineering & Computer


Conclusions & Future workConclusions & Future work

• Sparse coding building in sparsely connected networks

• WTA scheme: local competition accomplish the global competition using primary and secondary layers –efficient hardware implementation

• OTA scheme: local competition produces neuronal activity reduction

• OTA – redundant coding: more reliable and robust

• WTA & OTA: learning memory for developing machine intelligence

Future work:

• Introducing temporal sequence learning

• Building motor pathway on such learning memory

• Combining with goal-creation pathway to build intelligent machine