Teaching Awards 2012 1

HUU Student Led Teaching Awards Shortlist

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HUU's Student Led Teaching Awards Shortlist.

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I am extremely proud to have developed Hull University Union’s first ever Student Led Teaching Awards. For the first time, we are providing students with the opportunity to recognise and reward the members of staff that have made a significantly positive impact on their student experience and their personal development whilst studying at the University of Hull.

Hull University Union has successfully engaged over 583 students to put forward nominations for University of Hull members of staff – a response which has been extremely overwhelming. I would like to thank the HUU Education Zone committee for all their amazing work. The Zone were collectively responsible for deciding the categories of the awards and also the development of the criteria for each award category. The Committee have been instrumental in promoting the awards to students and also in the painstaking process of judging the awards (which took 5 hours!!). They have really shown themselves to be extremely active this year, and the success of the awards is no doubt a consequence of their hard work.The awards have been developed not only to celebrate excellence in teaching and to reward good practice, but it is also a campaign to improve the quality of teaching at our institution. By effectively disseminating good practice that we have identified from our nominations process, Hull University Union hopes to inspire other members of staff within the institution to improve as teachers or to adopt more innovative, engaging teaching styles. This publication serves to give other

members of staff a flavour for what students perceived to be excellent teaching practices. We will be disseminating this publication across the institution, to show others what deserves to be recognised.

583 nomination forms are not just pieces of paper. They are 10s of 1000s of words, written by students, to acknowledge what they perceive excellent teaching to be. HUU will be using these forms as qualitative data to define what student expectations are in relation to learning and teaching. For example, by unpacking the comments from students in the nomination forms, we can better understand what good feedback means to students... What great teaching involves... and various other questions that we have never known the answers to.

Our Student Led Teaching Awards are also designed to raise the profile of the impact of learning and teaching. In an era of increased student fees, there is a temptation for


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institutions and staff to put a heavier focus on research and the revenue that research funding can bring into an institution. We hope that our SLTA’s can pro-actively promote a balanced relationship with research informed teaching at the forefront.

Over the next few years, with increased fees and the marketisation of the Higher Education sector, there will also be the temptation for students to see themselves as consumers. Our Student Led Teaching Awards are designed to promote partnership. By actively engaging students to nominate their members of staff, it is not only promoting a positive relationship between staff and students but encouraging students to feel empowered within their learning experience.

Throughout the awards we are raising money for the Helena Kennedy Foundation. The Foundation exists to overcome social injustice by providing financial bursaries, mentoring and support to disadvantaged students from the further and adult education sectors, enabling them to complete their studies in higher education and move on successfully into employment. I am extremely honoured that their Chief Executive and former NUS President, Wes Streeting, will be speaking at our awards and I strongly urge you to donate generously.In the future, we hope that Hull University Union and the University of Hull can collectively harness the power of our Student Led Teaching Awards. We are hopeful that a Student Led Teaching Award could be used as evidence for a University Teaching Fellowship or perhaps even be used as promotional criteria. It is also an aspiration to organise a conference, inviting winners to present their good practice to other members of staff or students. It is without doubt that these awards have been extremely powerful and I hope they can continue long in

to the future!

On a personal level, I have thoroughly enjoyed my two years as Vice President Education. I would like to thank my fellow sabbatical officers and all the HUU staff for their fantastic support. I would like to especially thank Lee Fallin and Hannah Pomfret who have been spectacularly helpful over the last two years and will no doubt go on to great things. Lastly, I would like to wish Victoria Winterton the very best of luck for next year as VP Education as well as the rest of the new sabbatical team. I have no doubt that with the excellent support from the University of Hull and the willingness to listen that I have enjoyed, they will all be extremely successful.

Thanks and good luck!

Matthew Barrow Vice-President Education

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Criteria: An outstanding module will be well resourced, well organised and will have high quality teaching. Students will know what is expected of them and the module will help them to perform to the best of their academic abilities. Students will enjoy studying the module perhaps because they find the content interesting, the staff that deliver the module are particularly outstanding or the module is relevant to employability. There may be excellent access to resources such as books, eBooks or ebridge content and the communication with students should clear and concise.

SHORTLISTED NOMINEESClinical Biostatistics

This module was predominantly delivered using online learning, with face-to-face teaching when needed. However, taking such a complex subject and simplifying it enough for students to understand from anywhere in the world clearly indicates very well-written course materials. Students were presented with lots of real life examples and the end of course assessment was considered a fair test of the preceding modules.

“Professor Bland’s Clinical Biostatistics module transformed a terrifying and confusing area of study into a logical, useful and increasingly

clear subject. The module was well-designed, exceptionally useful and relevant.”

Financial Management

This module was shortlisted for the excellent teaching and support outside the classroom from staff. Students knew exactly what was expected of them and although they found the module extremely challenging, they said it was never boring!

“Tony Boczko found a way to make the learning easy to grasp. He also provided many office hours to help us if we were finding it difficult. He went out of his way to help us, so I’d like to go out of my way to nominate him!”

Law Clinic

In this module, students are given the opportunity to help

the local Hull community residents with their legal problems. This not only gives the local community free legal advice, but gives students the chance to have invaluable

experience in the legal world. The module

is also extremely well resourced and benefits from

really supportive teaching and supervision.

Social and Developmental Psychology

This module was shortlisted because the panel felt that the use of eBridge was excellent. Resources were clear, organised and easy to


“Law Clinic is a brilliant module that should definitely be recognised throughout the

University as it is actively helping people in the community whilst also helping law students see

what a career as a lawyer would be like, as well as contributing to

our degree.”

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navigate and materials were put online well in advance of lectures and tutorials. The module also benefited from great teaching and there were also lots of extra reading materials made available to students.

“Sarah McGeown, Dr Helen St Claire Thompson and Anna Sandfield were very enthusiastic lecturers who made the work very interesting, had clear lecture slides and provided extra resources and reading materials.”

Criteria: Excellent feedback will be substantial, fair and constructive. It will formatively enable students to learn and improve. Great feedback will motivate students to understand what they’ve done well, where they have gone wrong and how they can improve. Feedback should be timely, clear and legible. The winner of this award might go above and beyond to provide

students with additional feedback and

support. They might use innovative feedback mechanisms which actively engage students.

SHORTLISTED NOMINEESDr. James Zborowski – Department of Media, Culture and Society

In the modules Theorising Popular Cultures and Valuing Popular Cultures, James Zborowski provides an exceptional level of feedback. He makes sure that feedback is timely and can be used in time for the next assignment. He types all his feedback to ensure that it is perfectly legible and fills in an entire sheet of A4 paper with detailed comments.

“James stands out as he is willing to engage with your work, agree/disagree with it and point out flaws and areas for improvement, even on better essays. By doing this, James always makes you feel like you can do better.”

Dr. Chris Longmore – Department of Psychology

Dr Longmore implemented a brand new standardised feedback form within the department which has enabled staff to type


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feedback but has also led to feedback being much more consistent and well rounded. The implementation of this has transformed the feedback process for the entire department.

“The feedback received was supremely constructive and included positive feedback where it was appropriate even though the score on the paper was fairly low.”

Dr. Michael Lumsden – Department of English

Michael Lumsden communicates to students when their feedback will be due for collection and never fails to deliver. Michael divides up the feedback into sections related to the marking criteria providing students with the chance to improve on particular aspects of their work, rather than an overall comment. Michael also gave useful feedback throughout the module, helping students to learn effectively.

“Throughout the module there were plenty of opportunities to ask for help and feedback upon your work and if you have any queries about the assignments he will helpfully respond quickly, even during the holiday period.”

Managing People Module – Business School

This module gave generic feedback and personal feedback in a likert scale form with direct reference to the marking criteria and the grade boundaries. Further personal feedback was also made available.

“THIS WAS VERY HELPFUL!!! Especially for my first year, as it made me realise the importance of the marking criteria at this early stage.”

Criteria: This award is for personal supervisors, dissertation supervisors or research supervisors that go above and beyond to promote a fantastic student experience. They will be approachable, accessible but also proactive in offering help and support for students. They will be highly adept in resolving a range of student issues as well as offering excellent personal development opportunities for students.

SHORTLISTED NOMINEESDr. Helen Wright – Computer Science

Helen is extremely committed to students. She goes out of her way to ensure that students feel supported.

“If I hadn’t been allocated this supervisor I would have dropped out of my degree course in my first year. Dr Helen Wright is an absolute credit to the University of Hull. She has that ability to make each individual student feel special and reassured, where sometimes you can feel lost in a sea of students. Having her as my personal supervisor has really built upon my overall experience of studying here.”

Cat Fergusson-Baugh

As a dissertation supervisor, Cat gives students enough information so that they feel supported, but holds enough back to spur them on to research. Cat has supported students in


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getting tested for disabilities and mitigating circumstances and goes above and beyond to ensure students don’t feel lost.

“A friend was saying that their housemate had no idea who to email in their department about problems, I know I’d email Cat straight away, no doubt, and she’d be willing to help regardless.”

Dr. Cristina Leston-Bandeira – Politics

Cristina goes beyond her role of supervisor by researching matters which may affect students’ work. As a dissertation supervisor, she ensures that students obtain the best marks possible by producing informative hand outs, responding efficiently to emails and allowing appointments with her outside of her student hours. Cristina has also helped students with their career opportunities and has also helped to support the student

politics society as well as setting up the politics student mentoring scheme.

“I think she thoroughly deserves to be recognised for going above and beyond her

role, and because she encourages students to better themselves.”

Dr. Peter Clough

Peter responds to emails very quickly and has supported students to reach their academic potential. Dr Peter Clough has marked students’ mock essays for them

and given suggestions on where to improve. He is a

very open, kind and honest person and is always willing to


“...He is a very open, kind and honest person and is always willing to help .And if they

aren’t reasons enough, his office has been invaded by Daleks (I think he may have even had a

life size one at some point) and he randomly plays the ukulele.

What a hoot! “

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Criteria: An innovative teacher will explore new methods of teaching. They will proactively engage students in different ways. They may use new forms of technology that facilitate effective learning or they may undertake different, creative teaching styles that promote a positive student experience. It might be that the content of the module is new and exciting or that it is presented in a unique way. An innovative teacher might encourage students to work or think in different ways. The feedback might be delivered to students under a new format or the assessment methods might encourage students to work in a new, interesting way.

SHORTLISTED NOMINEESPeter Andrews – Business School – Consumer and Buyer Behaviour

Peter encourages students to apply academic theory to real life situations. He uses videos as well as interactive games to make teaching engaging and enjoyable for students. Peter uses clickers to enable students to engage in a real time interactive quiz, whereby students can vote on answers and see the results instantly on the lecture screen. In the assignment, rather than complete another essay, students were required to create a poster presentation with diagrams, pictures, coloured card and anything else they could imagine!

“I found the module really interesting and I definitely paid more attention because of the

techniques that Peter used.”

Dr. Alexander Trautrims - Logistics - International Logistics

Alexander delivered an extremely interesting module providing students with the opportunity to gain real life work experience. Students were put into groups with other international institutions from the USA and Austria. Students had daily skype meetings with their group members and had 8 days to complete an assignment. The module gave student s the experience of the global business world and the difficulties such as different time zones which are involved.

“This experience also helped me to meet new people from other parts of the world. He gave students real life experience of the obstacles involved with communication due to the time differences of US, UK and Austrian students. I hope Alexander’s contribution of innovative ideas will be recognised.”

Dr. Max Hope – Education – Democracy and Education

Students were invited to participate in debates where they would critically analyse democracy in schools. Lectures were a mixture of traditional taught sessions, classroom discussion and activities in which all students were able to participate in voicing their opinions. In one of the classes, the room was transformed into a court-room in which one student volunteered to be the judge, whilst the other students debated for and against a statement.

“Max was innovative with the way in which she organized the module to encourage students to actively participate in discussions by utilizing classroom based activities and in the way she encouraged students to answer their own questions.”


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Dr. Mike Rogerson – Geography – Past Environments

Mike has a very engaging and interactive method of teaching. He used buckets, ping pong balls and a chain of students to demonstrate oxygen isotope theory which was not just fun for students, but helped to visually explain a very complex concept.

“The lecturer allows for independent thinking and as a result is very inspirational within his subject field.”

Criteria: This award recognises that postgraduate provision and the postgraduate student experience is often very different to that of an undergraduate. This award will be given to an exceptional member of University staff that teaches, supports or supervises postgraduate students. They will engage and inspire postgraduates to perform to their potential and/or they will go above and beyond to support PG students.

SHORTLISTED NOMINEESProfessor Chris Bovis – Law - PhD

Chris has been a PhD supervisor giving students superb guidance, feedback and support. Professor Chris Bovis’ internationally renowned reputation has a motivational impact on students. His commitment to go beyond to support students and when necessary praise

students efforts makes the student experience highly rewarding. He also allows students to have freedom in their work and create new, exciting knowledge about the world.

“All in all I feel that I am very lucky to have a well established and internationally renowned Professor as my supervisor. I strongly believe that the quality of my output is also a reflection of his excellent support.”

Anamaria Camargo – Education – Introduction to online Learning and Teaching

Anamaria was extremely supportive to students. She could easily identify when a student was struggling and was highly motivational in helping them to succeed. She was also very understanding and helpful to a student suffering a bereavement.

“Anamaria was absolutely brilliant at keeping us motivated she is excellent at spotting students who are struggling and stepping in to help them.”

John Bennett – Education – Primary PGCE

John’s character and manner is extremely inspiring to PGCE students. He doesn’t use innovation or tricks to make lessons engaging but he encourages students to participate in an interactive way.

“He controls a room full of potential teachers (i.e. characters) with ease and grace. His sessions are great to be in, and a prime example of the good practice I hope to take into many classrooms in my lifetime!”

Dr. Adrian Midgley – Sport Health and Exercise Science – PhD

Adrian is extremely supportive to students and


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is always there to offer advice and guidance. He is extremely modest with regards to his own abilities and is always trying to better himself and those around him.

“He will help anyone and at anytime. Midge has a wife and 2 young children, yet he is always working and his dedication to teaching and research is incredible. He is always looking at ways to improve himself and others and provides training and professional development for staff.”

Criteria: This award will be given to a non-academic member of staff who contributes to a positive student experience. They might be extremely helpful and supportive in dealing with questions or concerns from students. They might be highly adept at delivering outcomes that improve the student experience. This award could be given to an unsung hero, someone that is friendly, approachable and cares about students. It could also be given to someone behind the scenes that facilitates processes that have an invaluable impact of the lives of students.


Paula is the central clog that holds the drama department together. On the madness of deadline day, she is always there to re-assure students and nothing is too much of an ask.

“Incredible! Always there to help all of our students at any point no matter what the issue. Definitely worthy of this award.”

Liz Pearce – Learning and Teaching Support Unit

Liz is extremely committed to the development of the student experience. Last year she helped to develop the HUU/UoH Feedback Charter, she provided invaluable support to HUU’s SWS and this year helped enormously in the development of HUU’s Student Conference. Lastly, the Student Led Teaching Awards themselves would not have been possible without her backing and continual support.

“It’s a shame that not many students will ever meet Liz, as her work takes place behind the scenes, but the work she puts in has a huge impact on the development of the student experience at the University of Hull.”


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Chris Kirman – Physics

Whether it’s the forgotten barcode or a time table clash, Chris Kirman is always there for students. Chris Kirman is extremely committed to students who liken her to a relative. She regularly responds efficiently to questions and goes out of her way to find solutions to problems.

Valerie Monaghan – World of Work Office – Hull University Business School.

Valerie and the rest of the world of work office team have been extremely helpful in supporting students to gain advice on their placements. They organise helpful events, advertise available roles and run various workshops. Not only this, but they provide personalised advice that is very helpful.

“Every single one of Valeries’ team are very helpful, and I feel that without their help I would not be in the position I am currently in. Although, I guess Val would accept the award on the behalf of the WOW office, I think it should be for the office as a whole.”

Criteria: The inspiring teaching award will be given to an exceptional member of teaching staff who effectively engages students in the content of the module. Their ability to make content interesting or relevant will have a transformative impact on the student experience and their passion for good teaching will motivate students to perform academically at their full potential. The feedback they give to students will be developmental and enable students to learn and improve. The teacher will immerse students in the module, providing them the opportunity to think differently or critically. The teacher may be an expert in their area and inspire students with up to date research led teaching. The teacher may go out of their way to help students, acknowledging that some students need extra support.

SHORTLISTED NOMINEESRob Miles – Computer Science – Electronics and Interfacing

Rob has deep knowledge of his subject and provides a fun and exciting experience to the students that he teaches. Rob is extremely approachable outside of lectures and never rejects any students seeking help. Rob provides students with state of the art equipment and supports students to be the best they can possibly be, whilst encouraging them to take part in activities outside of the curriculum.


“Chris is less an administrator and more a stand-in mother

for the cold, scared and alone physics students who look to her

for everything. It would be no exaggeration to say there is not a single member of staff I owe my

continued degree progress to more than Miss Kirman.”

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“Rob Miles is very skilled in all areas of the programming language and shares this knowledge with all the students that he teaches. Rob is an inspiring lecturer who is constantly helping students and I believe that he deserves the award.”

Christine Murphy – Biological Sciences.

Christine’s feedback is very detailed and constructive. She has also used individualised audio recording to give feedback on assignments. Christine gives extensive advice on exam preparation to help students reach their potential. She has extensive expertise and knowledge of her area and is able to advise students on career opportunities. It is clear that Christine works extremely hard for her students whilst pushing students to work hard and be independent.

“Thanks to her help my grades and the grades of other students with whom I am acquainted have improved. I cannot think of a more deserving member of staff for this award.”Dr. Christian Billing – Drama and Film – Refiguring Antiquity

Christian is an extremely engaging lecturer

who can put things into metaphors that 21st century students can relate to. He brings out the potential in students and constantly pushes student to achieve. He inspires students to go beyond and think critically about the world they live in, whilst making teaching fun.

“Christian has the ability to transform the academic chore into a joyous pleasure. His classes can be compared to the hit television series ‘Stars in Their Eyes,’ for we walk in as ourselves, and once we walk through the heavily applied dry ice, we arrive on the other side, enriched and mentally invigorated. ‘Tonight, Matthew, I’m going to be... a better student and a better person.”

Denise Hardy – Counselling Department (Scarborough) – Personal Development and Awareness

Denise is extremely student focussed. She offers individualised warmth and support to every student and communicates extremely effectively via emails. When a student had a problem with their particular group, she was able to listen and resolve the situation in a positive way.

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“Denise is an exceptional tutor in that she lives what she teaches. I have found that I have made immense personal progress under her teaching as she is so inspiring and enthusiastic in her approach. She is excellent as providing students with positive affirmations.”


Criteria: Overall Outstanding Achievement Award - This will be awarded to an outstanding member of University staff. Someone that stands out as exceptional. They may be an outstanding teacher, member of support staff or just about anyone within the institution that helps to positively develop the all round student experience or makes a positive impact on the individual lives of students.

To be announced

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HUU Education Zone

HUU Education Zone Committee

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SUEI Gold awarded to Hull University Union.

Hull University Union.

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