1. What are the concepts of Artist's Media? Medium refers to the materials which are used by an artist Technique is the manner in which the artist controls the medium to achieve the desire effect. Combined arts are those mediums can be both seen and heard,and these exist in both space and time Painting is the art of creating meaningful effects on a flat surface bu the use of pigments Architecture is the art of designing and constructing a structure Sculpture is the construction of a figure or by putting together module segments of the material to form a figure. 1. What are the medium and technique of arts? Medium comes from the Latin word medium which denotes the meaning by which an artist communicates his ideas.These are the materials which are used by an artist to interpret his feelings or thoughts. Arts are primarily classified as visual and auditory, Visual arts are those whose mediums can be seen and which occupy space. (Two Dimensional which are painting,drawing,and photography while Three Dimensional arts include sculpture,architecture,landscape,community planning and etc.) Auditory arts are those whose mediums can be heard and which are expressed in time. A musician's technique in his ability to make music sound the way he wants it. On the other hand,a sculptor's technique is his way of handling chisel and hammer to produce the desired effect. A pianist's technique is his way of handling the instrument and interpreting a musical composition. 3. What are the medium of visual arts? Painting- is the art of creating meaningful effects on a flat surface by the use of pigments. Watercolor- is difficult to handle because it is difficult to produce warm and rich tones but it invites brilliance and a variety of hues. Fresco- is a painting on a moist plaster surface with colors ground in water or a limewater mixture. Tempera paints- are mineral pigments mixed with eggyolk or egg white and ore. Pastel- is a stick of drien paste made of pigment round with chalk and compounded with gum water. Encaustic- is one of the early mediums used by the Egyptians for the painted portrait on mummy cases. Oil- is one of the most expensive art activities today because of the prohibitive cost of materials.It is the heaviest of painting media.


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1. What are the concepts of Artist's Media? Medium refers to the materials which are used by an artist Technique is the manner in which the artist controls the medium to achieve the desire effect. Combined arts are those mediums can be both seen and heard,and these exist in both space

and time Painting is the art of creating meaningful effects on a flat surface bu the use of pigments Architecture is the art of designing and constructing a structure Sculpture is the construction of a figure or by putting together module segments of the material

to form a figure.1. What are the medium and technique of arts?

Medium comes from the Latin word medium which denotes the meaning by which an artist communicates his ideas.These are the materials which are used by an artist to interpret his feelings or thoughts.Arts are primarily classified as visual and auditory,

Visual arts are those whose mediums can be seen and which occupy space. (Two Dimensional which are painting,drawing,and photography while Three Dimensional arts include sculpture,architecture,landscape,community planning and etc.)

Auditory arts are those whose mediums can be heard and which are expressed in time.A musician's technique in his ability to make music sound the way he wants it. On the other hand,a sculptor's technique is his way of handling chisel and hammer to produce the desired effect. A pianist's technique is his way of handling the instrument and interpreting a musical composition. 3. What are the medium of visual arts?Painting- is the art of creating meaningful effects on a flat surface by the use of pigments.Watercolor- is difficult to handle because it is difficult to produce warm and rich tones but it invites brilliance and a variety of hues.Fresco- is a painting on a moist plaster surface with colors ground in water or a limewater mixture.Tempera paints- are mineral pigments mixed with eggyolk or egg white and ore.Pastel- is a stick of drien paste made of pigment round with chalk and compounded with gum water.Encaustic- is one of the early mediums used by the Egyptians for the painted portrait on mummy cases.Oil- is one of the most expensive art activities today because of the prohibitive cost of materials.It is the heaviest of painting media.Acrylic-is used popularly by contemporary painters because of the transaprency and quick drying characteristics of watercolor and the flexibility of oil combined.Mosaic- is a picture or decoration made of small pieces of inlaid colored stones or glass called"tesserae" which most often are cut into squares glue on a surface with plaster or cement.Stained Glass- is common in Gothic cathedrals and churches. This is made by combining many small pieces of colored glass which are held together by bands of lead.Tapestry- is a fabric consisting of a warp upon which colored threads are woven by hand to produce a design, often pictorials, wall hangings and furniture covering.Drawing- is usually done on paper using pencil, pen and ink, or charcoal. It is the most fundamental of all skills necessary in arts.Bistre- is a brown pigment extracted from the soot of wood and often used in pen and wash drawings.Crayons- are pigments bound by wax and compressed into painted sticks used for drawing especially among children in the elementary grades.Charcoal- These are carbonaceous material obtained by heating wood or other organic substances in te absence of oxygen.Silverpoint- the artist has technique of drawing with silver stylus on specially prepared paper to produce a thin grayish line that was popular during Renaissance period.

SculptureStone-is a hard and brittle substance formed from mineral and earth material.Fade- is a fine,colorful stone, usually green, and used widely in Ancient China.Metals-include any class of elementary substances such as gold,silver,or copper all of which are crystalline when solid and many of which are characterized by capacity,ductility,conductivity, and peculiar luster when freshly fractured.Bronze- is one of the oldest alloys of metal composing chiefly of copper and tin with color and is one of the most universally popular metals for sculpture.Brass- an alloy of copper and zinc, is not popularly used by artists because of its limitations as a medium.Copper- which has a peculiar brilliance, is used as a costing medium. This is basically shaped by hammering.Lead- a bluish gray metal,flexible,and permanent material, is used for casting and forging.Clay-is a natural earthy material that has the nature of plasticity when wet,consisting essentially of hydrated silicates of aluminum used for making bricks and ceramics.Architecture is an art. In its strictest meaning, it is an art of designing a building and supervising its constructing.4.What are the factors in the choice and use of architectural materials?1.structural property-workability with tools when used as construction materials

compressive strength tensile porosity lightness durability rigidity gracefulness flexibility of use

2.physical property- aesthetic use of the material for beauty texture tonal quality color

3.weakness of the material rotting corrosion due to moisture susceptibility to infection by "bukbok",termites and other pests discolorization solar radiation fungus growth

4.longevity of the material-lifespan of the material 10 yrs 20 yrs half a century more than s century

5.other inherent properties weight water resistance heat resistance acoustic value

6.others(non inherent properties)

availability economy

5.What are the classifications of architectural materials? the materials of nature(direct product of nature)o Stone is one of the oldest and perhaps the most permanent material

Lime Stones has a fine even texture and its color range from a light cream to a buf from a light gray to a darker,bluish gray.Granite is a coarse-grained stone and useful for large,bold forms with little carving.Marble is type of limestone sufficiently close in texture to admit of being polished.Sandstone- consists of various colors from white to different tints of red,brown,blue or gray.

o Wood-is not a permanent material but with proper care ,it will last for a century. It is the common building material before the 90's.

materials manufactured or made by mano Ceramic Materials can be manufactured in different ways such as clay and glasso Metal are objects of iron and other metals that were cast in form

Bronze wherein its permanency and beauty are very prominents in architectural features.Wrought iron is elastic and fibrous and is worked upon the anvil while it's hot or cooling.Copper is ductile and is adaptable foe cornices,spandrels and roofing.Chrome-nickel steel is hard,non corrosive metal which can lend itself to welding,stamping, and forging.Aluminum is a white metal and noted for its lightness.Monel Metal is a mixture of nickel and copper with an addition of iron,silica, and manganese giving a surface resembling that of a nickel.Nickel Silvers is characterized as soft and has dull textures and combines well with marble and wood for stylistic types of architecture.

o Concrete Material are more and more dominant in architectural building materials in design today because of their durability availability etc.

o Plastics open up new architectural form and designs in the field of architecture. indigenous materials are found in the locality and are widely used for sculpture and

architecture.6.What are the mediums of the performing arts?Music is art and culture reflected in art.Vocal Music is the oldest and natural form of music.

Correct Posture- standing correctly allows the air n the diff. body cavities to vibrate and flow fully.Correct breathing- quality and volume of the voice depends upon breathing.Correct placement of the voice- to develop good tone quality and never force to prevent throating singing.Correct diction- diction has nothing to do with the air vibration but it is important singing utterance.Correct interpretation- interpret the song properly, the vocalist should make the message clear as it is sung.

7.What are the diff. musical instruments?Musical instruments have always been a source of wonder to both the player and listener. Musical instruments are of three main types:

Instruments which are bowed

Instruments which are blown Instruments which are struck

4 groupings:Brasses because they are usually made of brassWoodwinds because they originally made of wood.Modern Flute and Piccolo that are almost made of metal.Struck which are called percussion instruments.8.What are the properties of musical sound?Pitch is the highness or lowness of a tone in a musical scale.Duration is the property of sound that depends on the length f time over which vibration is maintained.Volume refers to force or percussive effects as a result of which the tone strikes us as being loud or soft.Forte means loud and piano means soft.Timbre or tone color is the individual quality of the sound produced by other instruments.9.What is literature?Literature is a term used to describe written and sometimes spoken material. Derived from the Latin literatura meaning "writing formed with letters," literature most commonly refers to works of the creative imagination, including poetry, drama, fiction, nonfiction, journalism, and in some instances, song. 10.Methods of art production and presentationRealism is the attempt to portray the subject as it is.Abstraction is used when the artist becomes so interested in one phase of a scene or a situation that he does not show the subject at all as an objective reality but only his idea or his feeling about it.Symbolism is a visible sign of something invisible such as an idea or a quality.Fauvism was the first important art movement in 19000'Dadaism a protest movement in the arts was formed in 1916 by a group of artists in Zurich, Switzerland.Futurism is developed in Italy about the same time cubism appeared in France.Surrealism is a movement in art and literature was founded in Paris in 1914 by the French poet Andre Breton.Expressionism was introduced in Germany during the first decade of the twentieth century. Its influence was felt by the European artists from 1910 up to the present.