How About a Law Firm for the 21st Century? Totally Paperless Operation Building a Trial Book from “Day One” Immediate Responses to Inquiries Fingertip Litigation from any Location Completely Documented Defense Handling Unprecedented Defense Coordination Never “Reinventing The Wheel”

How About a Law Firm for the 21st Century? Totally Paperless Operation Building a Trial Book from “Day One” Immediate Responses to Inquiries Fingertip

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How About a Law Firm for the 21st Century?

• Totally Paperless Operation

• Building a Trial Book from “Day One”

• Immediate Responses to Inquiries

• Fingertip Litigation from any Location

• Completely Documented Defense Handling

• Unprecedented Defense Coordination

• Never “Reinventing The Wheel”

Paperless Operation

• Every Document Generated and Received Imaged and Completely Available

Building A Trial Book From “Day One”

• Every Pleading Scanned

Building A Trial Book From “Day One”

• Every Discovery Document Scanned

Building A Trial Book From “Day One”

• Every Medical Record Scanned

Building A Trial Book From “Day One”

• Every Medical Record Scanned With Key Portions Highlighted For Cross-Examination at Trial

Building A Trial Book From “Day One”

• Every Key Medical Article or Other Authoritative Writing Obtained and Marked for Cross-Examination

Building A Trial Book From “Day One”

• Every Important Film Imaged and Imported

Building A Trial Book From “Day One”

• Demonstrative Evidence Created and Imported

Immediate, and Substantive Responses To Inquiries

• No More, “I’ll Pull the File and Call You Back”

• Efficient Information Management Allows Attention to Detail and Deeper Analysis

• Since All Documents Can Be Located Immediately, Our Responses Can Be Immediate

• Any Document Needed Can Be Transmitted Anywhere by Fax or E-Mail

Completely Documented Defense Handling

• Every E-Mail, Fax, Correspondence and Document Sent and Received Is Maintained in both Graphical and, if Desired, in Text-Searchable Format Via OCR Technology

• Even Important Voice Mails are Converted to MP3 Format and Retained

“Fingertip Litigation” From Anywhere

• Complete Availability of Documents Means Never Being “Caught Short” or “Left Behind”

• Broadband Internet Used Inside and Outside of the Office

Unprecedented Claims-Defense Counsel Coordination

• Tight and Well-Controlled Diary System, Coordinated with Official Court Websites, Ensures That Appearances are Properly Tracked

Unprecedented Claims-Defense Counsel Coordination

• ...and that Key Tasks are Completed

Unprecedented Claims-Defense Counsel Coordination

• “Turn on a Dime” Switch to Pressing Need is Easily accomplished

Unprecedented Claims-Defense Counsel Coordination

• Webex Meetings With Claims Representatives, Insureds and Experts-the Utmost In Efficiency

Unprecedented Claims-Defense Counsel Coordination

• No Paper-piling On Experts

Never “Reinventing The Wheel”

• Continually Supplemented Databases of:

• Legal Research on Procedural and Substantive Issues

Never “Reinventing The Wheel”

• Medical Research and Literature

Never “Reinventing The Wheel”

• Continually Supplemented Databases of:

• Adverse Experts CV, Literature and Background Information with Transcripts of Past Trial and Deposition Testimony

Never “Reinventing The Wheel”

• Trial Exhibits, Generated From Scans, Downloaded Anatomic Drawings, Videos and Other Sources

• Projected and Not Printed

So…How Can We Help?

• We Can Interface Seamlessly to your Imaging Systems Through E-Mail of Images in your Preferred Format

• We Can Invoice Electronically, Graphical or ASCII Format

• We Can Provide You Backup of all Disbursements

But…Most of All, We Can...

• Give You All That You Need To Set Your Reserves

• Keep Your Reinsurers Up To Date

• and, If Trial Is Required, we will…


Law Office of Stephen P. Haber

445 Hamilton Avenue, Suite 1204

White Plains, New York 10601

(914) 997-1500