Holy Trinity Parish 5718 Steubenville Pike, Robinson Township, PA 15136-1311 Holy Trinity Mass Schedule Saturday 5:00pm Sunday 8:00am, 10:00am, 12:00pm, 7:00pm Monday-Friday 6:30pm Friday 8:15am Reconciliation Monday-Friday 5:30-6:15pm Adoration First Friday All Day & All Night Church Website: rockenrocatholics.org Church e-mail: [email protected] Church Phone: 412-787-2140 Church Fax: 412-787-3799 School Website: holytrinityelementary.org School e-mail: [email protected] School Phone: 412-787-2656 School Fax: 412-787-9487 Parish Grouping Clergy Rev. David Poecking, Administrator [email protected] Rev. Alan Morris, Senior Parochial Vicar [email protected] Rev. Robert Zajdel, Parochial Vicar [email protected] Rev. Michael Ruffalo, Part-time Parish Chaplain [email protected] Rev. Robert Herrmann, In Residence (Holy Trinity) [email protected] Rev. Lou Vallone, In Residence (St. John of God) [email protected] Rev. Regis Ryan, In Residence (St. John of God) Rev. Russell Maurer, In Residence (St. Malachy) Deacon Tim Killmeyer [email protected] Holy Trinity Rectory (412) 787-2140 ~ St. malachy rectory (412) 771-5483 ~ St. john of god Rectory (412) 771-5646 ~ February 3, 2019 St. John of god 1011 church avenue—mckees rocks, pa 15136 Mass Schedule Saturday 4:30pm Sunday 9:45am Monday-Friday 9:30am Reconciliation Saturday 3:30-4:15pm St. Malachy 343 forest grove rd - Coraopolis, pa 15103 Mass Schedule Saturday 4:00pm Sunday 8:00am, 11:00am Mon.-Thurs. 8:30am Saturday 8:30am Reconciliation Saturday 11:00-12:00pm

Holy Trinity Parish...Feb 03, 2019  · Natalie Krulac Mark Joseph Roberts Sunday, Feb. 10 7 pm Cynde Hackney-Fierro Brian Barbisch Melissa Cullin Henry

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Page 1: Holy Trinity Parish...Feb 03, 2019  · Natalie Krulac Mark Joseph Roberts Sunday, Feb. 10 7 pm Cynde Hackney-Fierro  Brian Barbisch Melissa Cullin Henry

Holy Trinity Parish 5718 Steubenville Pike, Robinson Township, PA 15136-1311

Holy Trinity Mass Schedule

Saturday 5:00pm Sunday 8:00am, 10:00am, 12:00pm, 7:00pm Monday-Friday 6:30pm Friday 8:15am

Reconciliation Monday-Friday 5:30-6:15pm


First Friday All Day & All Night

Church Website: rockenrocatholics.org Church e-mail: [email protected] Church Phone: 412-787-2140 Church Fax: 412-787-3799 School Website: holytrinityelementary.org School e-mail: [email protected] School Phone: 412-787-2656 School Fax: 412-787-9487

Parish Grouping Clergy Rev. David Poecking, Administrator [email protected] Rev. Alan Morris, Senior Parochial Vicar [email protected] Rev. Robert Zajdel, Parochial Vicar [email protected] Rev. Michael Ruffalo, Part-time Parish Chaplain [email protected] Rev. Robert Herrmann, In Residence (Holy Trinity) [email protected] Rev. Lou Vallone, In Residence (St. John of God) [email protected] Rev. Regis Ryan, In Residence (St. John of God) Rev. Russell Maurer, In Residence (St. Malachy) Deacon Tim Killmeyer [email protected]

Holy Trinity Rectory (412) 787-2140 ~ St. malachy rectory (412) 771-5483 ~ St. john of god Rectory (412) 771-5646 ~

February 3, 2019

St. John of god 1011 church avenue—mckees rocks, pa 15136

Mass Schedule

Saturday 4:30pm Sunday 9:45am Monday-Friday 9:30am

Reconciliation Saturday 3:30-4:15pm

St. Malachy 343 forest grove rd - Coraopolis, pa 15103

Mass Schedule

Saturday 4:00pm Sunday 8:00am, 11:00am Mon.-Thurs. 8:30am Saturday 8:30am

Reconciliation Saturday 11:00-12:00pm

Page 2: Holy Trinity Parish...Feb 03, 2019  · Natalie Krulac Mark Joseph Roberts Sunday, Feb. 10 7 pm Cynde Hackney-Fierro  Brian Barbisch Melissa Cullin Henry

MASS & SACRAMENT SCHEDULE MONDAY, FEBRUARY 4 6:30pm AndrewKutzavitch,Jr. (KutzavitchFamily)TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 5 - St. Agatha 6:30pm EllenArbuckle (Silvana&PeteMariani) WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 6 - St. Paul Miki and Companions 6:30pm AnnaMarie(Dolly)Buckshaw (DorothyBarberich)THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 7 6:30pm Dec’dMembersoftheJamiolkowski &NiemiecFamilies (Family)FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 8 - St. Jerome Emiliani; St. Josephine Bakhita 8:15am ChuckMoran (H.T.ChurchStaff)6:30pm Maria (Anna&Family)SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 9 - Blessed Virgin Mary 5:00pm Fr.KennethKeene (H.T.Ushers)SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 10 - Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time; World Marriage Day 8:00am KathyStrong (Darci&RaySmith&Family)10:00am RobertBridge (Wife,Anita&Family)12:00pm Charles&AngelineMignanelli (Peg,Paul,&Fr.AlanMorris)7:00pm RobertBeck (Marybeth&JakeMcCutcheon)

HOLY TRINITY PARISH Confession:Monday-Friday5:30-6:15pmAdoration: Every Thursday after 6:30 pm Masswith Benediction at 8:15 pm; 24-hour adoration onFirstFridays.Baptism: Byappointmentonly.Times—TheFirstSundayofthemonthduringaMass&theThirdSundayof the month at 1 pm. Baptism class required (3rdWednesdayofthemonthat7pm):CallAnitaBridgeat724-227-3390.Holy Communion to Home Bound (pleaseinformtheParishReceptionistifamemberofthefamilyisnolongerabletoattendMass)RCIA — Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults — JourneyofthoseseekingJesusintheCatholicChurch—MeetsMondayat7pmintheParishMinistryCenter

ORGAN PRELUDE SuiteduDeuxiemeTon–2.DuobyL.N.Clerambault

OFFERTORY ANTHEM “GoNotFarfromMe”byZingarelli

COMMUNION ANTIPHON “Makeyourfaceshineuponyourservants:savemeinyourmercy.Letmenotbeconfounded,OLord,forIhavecalleduponyou.”Psalm30:17,18“Inyou,OLord,haveIhoped,letmeneverbeconfounded;delievermeinyourjustice.”Psalm30:2COMMUNION ANTHEM

“Be Still, My Soul” by Hal H. Hopson ORGAN POSTLUDE “DerTag,der ist so freudenreich” fromOrgelbuchleinbyJ.S.Bach

PRESENTATION OF OFFERTORY GIFTS ParishionersareencouragedtoparticipateinthepresentationofoffertorygiftsatWeekendMasses.Pleasesignthebooklocatedonthecounterbetweentherestroomandbride’sroomandalsocheckinwiththeusherstenminutesbeforetheMassthatyouhaveselected.

4th Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 2

PARISH DONATIONS FOR THE WEEKEND OF December 29 & 30th , 2018$8,325.50 RegularSundayEnvelope$1,168.50 ParishShare(PSP)$9,494.00TOTALThankyou!

Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Faith, hope and love remain, these three; but the greatest of these is love. — 1 Corinthians 13:13

Page 3: Holy Trinity Parish...Feb 03, 2019  · Natalie Krulac Mark Joseph Roberts Sunday, Feb. 10 7 pm Cynde Hackney-Fierro  Brian Barbisch Melissa Cullin Henry

Sunday, February 3, 2019 Page 3

Volunteer Appreciation SundayofferingsarenottheonlygiftthefuelsthemissionoftheChurch,thoughofcoursethesearegratefullyreceivedandusedtothebestofourabilities.Butvolunteersarealsoessentialtothelifeoftheparish.AtSundayMass,mostofthepeoplewhomakeithappenarevolunteeraltarservers(andparents!),choristers,Communionministers,readers,sacristans,ushers,andmore.Volunteersalsodriveoursocialoutreachandmostofourcatecheticalprograms.Stillothersassistmeandtheotherclergyinthegov-ernanceoftheparishes.Inrecognitionofthisimportantwork,IamhappytohostavolunteerappreciationeventonMarch3.(Ifyou’reavolunteer,pleasemarkyourcalendars!)Invitationsaregoingoutviavariousministryandorganizationcoordinators.Butgiventhehundredsofvolun-teersweenjoy,invitationsareaherculeantask,andI’msuretomisssomeone.Ifyou’reaparishvolunteerandyoudon’tgetaninvitationbyFebruary16,pleasealertyourparishreceptionistandwe’lltrytocorrectthefailure.Thankyouforyoursupportofthemis-sionofChristandhisChurch!Ifyou’renotaparishvolunteer,pleaseconsiderbecomingone.The irststepisalwaystocompletetheSafeEnvironmentprogram.Inadditiontothediligentbackgroundchecks,theSEprogramalsotrainsvolunteerstorecognizebestpracticesandunacceptablerisksintheprotectionofchildrenandyouth.Theseincludehowdoorsarelockedorunlocked,howmeetingsandeventsarearranged,andhowcertaintypesofactivitiesmightblurthelinesbetweenwholesomeandabusivecontact.Ourhopeisthatifeveryvolunteerknowsthebestpractices,thenwecaneliminatetheconditionsunderwhichtheyoungmightbeatrisk. *AlthoughthememorialofSt.BlaseisthisyeardisplacedbySunday,theclergyofRocKenRowillbeblessingthroatsafterMassesonFebruary3. *Bp.ZubikwilladministertheSacramentofCon irmationtotheyouthandothercandidatesfromRocKenRoonThursday,March14.Inordertoprepare,theyouthofHolyTrinityareonretreatthiscomingSaturday.Pleaseprayforthem! —Fr.Dave

Page 4: Holy Trinity Parish...Feb 03, 2019  · Natalie Krulac Mark Joseph Roberts Sunday, Feb. 10 7 pm Cynde Hackney-Fierro  Brian Barbisch Melissa Cullin Henry

READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Gn1:1-19;Ps104:1-2a,5-6,10,12,24, 35c;Mk6:53-56Tuesday: Gn1:20—2:4a;Ps8:4-9;Mk7:1-13Wednesday: Gn2:4b-9,15-17;Ps104:1-2a,27-28, 29bc-30;Mk7:14-23Thursday Gn2:18-25;Ps128:1-5;Mk7:24-30Friday: Gn3:1-8;Ps32:1-2,5-7;Mk7:31-37Saturday:Gn3:9-24;Ps90:2-4abc,5-6,12-13;Mk8:1-10Sunday:Jer17:5-8;Ps1:1-4,6;1Cor15:12,16-20;Lk6:17,20-26

ALTAR SERVERS FOR FRIDAY @ 8:15AM February8—LukeBaker,HunterGorsuchFebruary15—TannerGorsuch,GiannaKennellyFebruary22—NatalieKrulac,RileyLecker

Holy Trinity Parish Page 4

Date Extraordinary Ministers of

Holy Communion

Lectors Altar Servers

Saturday, Feb. 9 5 pm

DanielSullivan,MaryPatSullivan,KarenLukas,JosephineMastilak,Den-nisKocsuta,GemmaRuggiero,AndreaKurtz,MaryShiwarski<1MinisterNeeded>AnitaBridgeSandraHess EmmaLewis<1ServerNeeded>

Sunday, Feb. 10 8 am

StephanieBaker,RogerFroats,FrankGardner,KathrynKon,FrankVietmei-er,SusanVietmeier,KatherineMary-LouiseClarke,GregoryClarke,StanleyStavishDianaFroatsBonniePendergast LucasBakerJamesBaker

Sunday, Feb. 10 10 am

MichaelHarr,JamesManion,DebbieManion,JoanneFerlazzo,SusanZiders,IrwinZiders,SteveMosur,Jr.,LisaPompeani,JudithReedDuncanPenneyKennethBuckley AlexPalusoSophiaHanni

Sunday, Feb. 10 12 pm

CharlesDonina,AndrewIezzi,Berna-dineParrish,GregoryLeininger,Ve-ronicaRojahn,DeniseCarr,DavidMartin,CathyO’Toole,DianeMoranKimberlyFeeleyMaryCatherineBura-nosky NatalieKrulacMarkJosephRoberts

Sunday, Feb. 10 7 pm

CyndeHackney-Fierro<3MinistersNeeded> BrianBarbischMelissaCullin HenryBarbisch<1ServerNeeded>

Traveling Chalice Participation IfyouwouldliketoparticipateintheTravelingChaliceprogram,please illouttheformbelowandreturntotheRectory. NameofFamily______________________________________________PhoneNumber______________________________________________CircleMassTimeYouNormallyAttend:

• Saturday,5pm• Sunday,8am• Sunday,10am• Sunday,12pm• Sunday,7pm

Page 5: Holy Trinity Parish...Feb 03, 2019  · Natalie Krulac Mark Joseph Roberts Sunday, Feb. 10 7 pm Cynde Hackney-Fierro  Brian Barbisch Melissa Cullin Henry

ON MISSION FOR THE CHURCH ALIVE Put Out Into Deep Water And Lower Your Nets For A Catch – When we reflect on the life and min-istry of Jesus it is pretty clear that so much of it was unexpected. God’s chosen people were certainly awaiting a Messiah, a Savior, but they were expect-ing a rich and powerful king, not an itinerant preach-er. Even the people Jesus surrounded himself with – the poor, sinners, the marginalized – were unex-pected. Why wouldn’t the Savior surround himself with more influential people? Yet, we know that Christ came to save all, not just some and that he casts his net far and wide in order to draw all people to himself. As followers of Christ, we seek to be his face and hands and heart in the world today and we look for countless ways to invite others to share in his life of faith. The words he speaks to Peter and the Apostles are spoken to us. “Do not be afraid” to “put out into deep water” and inspire the hearts of every-one you meet to know and love Jesus. While you may not think so, your witness of faith can be just what someone else needs to go deeper themselves in their relationship with the Lord. On Mission for The Church Alive! invites us all to look for ways build up the Body of Christ. Visit onmissionchurchalive.org to learn more and to stay informed

CALENDAR OF EVENTS FOR THIS WEEK Sun., Feb. 3 — “Souper Bowl” Sunday; CCDClasses,9AM&11AMMon., Feb. 4—RCIA, 7pm, PMC Tues., Feb 5— Taco Tuesday, 6:30PM, PMC Thurs., Feb 7— Ladies Guild, 7PM, School Cafeteria Sat., Feb. 9— Confirmation Retreat Sun., Feb. 10— CCD Classes, 9AM & 11AM ***************************************************

“SOUPER BOWL” SUNDAY WEEKEND Inconjunctionwiththenationalorganization,“SouperBowlDayofCaring,”theCCDConfirmationCanidateswillbecollectingmonetarydonationsafterallMasses;TODAY!Do-nationswillbesenttothediocesanmis-sioninChimbote,Peru.Asalways,yourgenerosityisgreatlyap-preciated!

HOLY TRINITY LADIES GUILD HolyTrinityLadiesGuildwillholdourmonthlymeetingonFebruary 7, 2019,at7:00 pm intheschoolcafeteria.WewouldliketoextendaninvitationtoallLadiesfromHolyTrinity,St.MalachyandSt.JohnofGod.WemeetontheFirstThursdayofeachmonthuntilMay.Hopetoseeyouthere.

CONFIRMATION DATE ConfirmationwillbeonMarch 14th at

7:00PM atSt.Malachy’sChurch.BishopZubikwillbethecelebrant.Moredetailswillbeforthcoming.

4th Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 5

PLEASE PRAY FOR THOSE WHO ARE ILL CharlesBastyr,DorothyBastyr,ClareBeer,DoloresBianco,DollyBlumling,SaraBobro,StanleyBokoski,TheresaBoros,AnthonyDavis,HazelDolence,PhyllisDowns,KatieGasior,RobertaHodgkiss,CarolHolzapfel,LauraKammermeier,StevenKanuch,SusieKanuch,RoseKerestes,Lor-raineKriger,SandraKutzavitch,Msgr.Lamonde,JohnLeaman,LoriLeaman,SilvanaMariani,BettyMatyaz,DoloresMcGuire,PatriciaMisklow,DianeMoorhead,JeanMoran,ShellyMorgan,EddieNagel,BettyAnnNavickas,JudeOstrowski,VincentNuttall,BarbaraPlacek,MargaretRuprecht,DanteSabatucci,MarieSabatucci,EvelynSchiefer,FranSmith,HarrySuehr,KenVavrek,LeonaWarren,PatriciaZerishnek.Ifyouknowofanyonewhoisillandwouldliketoreceivethesacraments,pleasecalltheparishoffice.

A Heartfelt Thank You TheKeenefamilywouldliketoexpresstheirwarmestanddeepestthankstoFr.DavidPoecking,allofourPriestsandourHolyTrinityParishFamilyforyouroverwhelmingoutpouringofprayers,loveandsupportathetimeofFr.Ken’shospitaliza-tionandduringthebereavementperiod.Wecantrulysayyourprayersweretheinstrumentthatcarriedusthroughthosedif icultdays.Spacedoesnotpermitustolistallofyoubutyouknowandweknowwhoyouare.Weextendoursincereappreciationtoyouforthevisitationstothefuneralhome,Massofferings, loralarrangements,food,donationstotheFr.KenScholarshipFundandtoHolyTrinityChurch.Wordscannotadequatelyexpressourgratitudetoyou.Pleaseknowthateachandeveryoneofyoutouchedoutheartsdeep-ly.PleasehelpkeepFr.Ken’smemoryalivebyprayingforvoca-tionstotheholypriesthoodandreligiouslifeaswellasforholymarriagesandthesinglelife.Pleaseprayalsofor“RespectforLife”fromconceptiontothegrave.

Page 6: Holy Trinity Parish...Feb 03, 2019  · Natalie Krulac Mark Joseph Roberts Sunday, Feb. 10 7 pm Cynde Hackney-Fierro  Brian Barbisch Melissa Cullin Henry

2019 ROBINSON FARMERS MARKET Savethedate-theRobinsonFarmersMarketwillopenonMay13,2019!Nowinourthirdseason,weareseekinginterestedpartieswhowouldliketohelpmaketheMarketthebestitcanbe.Ifyouhaveideasforhowtoimprovethemarketandarepassionateaboutsupportinglocalsmallbusinesses,providingaccesstohealthyfoods,andevangelizationinourcommunity,pleaseconsiderapplyingtoday!Seethebanneronwww.rockenrocatholics.orgformoreinfor-mation,ortoapply.

Sunday, February 3, 2019 Page 6

LENTEN BIBLE STUDY JoinusforafascinatingjourneythroughSt.Paul'senigmaticlettertotheRomans!ComeandwalkwithusaswediscoverthebeautyofSt.Paul'smostintriguingwork.ThisstudywillbeginonMonday, March 11,at7:00PMatJoJo'sPlaceRestaurant.Itwillcontinuethenext5weeksonMarch18,25,&April1,8,15.FormoreinfoortosignupcontactDaveat412-855-0960ore-mailatdave@canapologetics.net

Page 7: Holy Trinity Parish...Feb 03, 2019  · Natalie Krulac Mark Joseph Roberts Sunday, Feb. 10 7 pm Cynde Hackney-Fierro  Brian Barbisch Melissa Cullin Henry

Holy Trinity Parish Page 7

National Geographic GeoBee

Fifth through eighth grade students participat-ed in the school level National Geographic Geobee at Holy Trinity School. The National Geographic GeoBee includes three levels of competition; school, state, and national. Schools conduct a GeoBee and name a school champion. The school champion takes a proctored online qualifying test and the top 100 ranked students in each state qualify to represent their school at the state level Geo-Bee competition. Caiden Ohrn, 8th grade stu-dent, is Holy Trinity’s school winner and he will now compete in the on-line state competi-tion. 7th grader, Aaron Williams, was the second place winner and Elise Hornyak, 5th grader, finished third. James Baker, Alan Betten, Dominic Bodek, Sean Frosell, and Tyler Sidhom also participated in the school-level GeoBee.


Holy Trinity’s Forensic Team attended their second meet on Saturday, January 11th at Our Lady of Fatima School. There were nine schools that competed at this meet, and the Holy Trinity team took 3rd place out of the nine teams. Holy Trinity's team received eight 1st place, fourteen 2nd place and three 3rd place rib-bons. Bianca Golomb and Allison Weaver both received two 1st place ribbons. Riley Lecker, Evie Minzer, Olivia Mulvay, and Olivia Wegrzynowicz each received one 1st place ribbon.

Page 8: Holy Trinity Parish...Feb 03, 2019  · Natalie Krulac Mark Joseph Roberts Sunday, Feb. 10 7 pm Cynde Hackney-Fierro  Brian Barbisch Melissa Cullin Henry

SAM PRAYER MINISTRY OnThursday, February 7, 2019,thecommunitySAMTeamwillgatherintheParish Family Room in the back of the church at Saint Margaret Mary in Moon Township at 6:30 pm.,topraya“RosaryforRecovery”forallthosewhoareaf lictedoraffected,orhavelostlovedonestoad-diction.Followingtherosary,therewillbeanopportunitytogatherinfellowship.SAMisasupportiveministryforfamiliesandindividualsandisNOTintendedtoreplacecounseling,therapy,treatment,orparticipationin12-stepprograms.


Apply Now for the OLSH Class of 2023! Prospectiveninthgradestudentsareinvitedtosubmitanapplicationforadmissionatwww.olsh.org.Classspaceislimitedandisfilledonafirst-come,first-servedbasis.Formoreinformationortoscheduleavisit,contactMrs.JessicaSellman’[email protected] LoveWalk for the Poor Sunday, February 10 YouareinvitedtojointheOLSHcommunityonSunday,February10,aswegatherinprayerforthoselessfortunate.Participantsareencouragedtobringbabyblankets,babylotion,pacifiers,diapers,babywipesorbabyformulaforChoicesPregnancyServices,and/ornon-perishableitemsforOurLady’sFoodPantry.Masswillbeheldat9:00amintheOLSHChapelandafterMass,participantswillcarrythecollecteditemswiththemonawalktoexperiencethehard-shipsfacedbythepoor.PleasecontacttheOLSHMainOfficeat(412)264-5140toRSVPorifyouhavequestions.

WORKING WARRIORS LUNCHEON WorkingWarriorFoundationishostingfreeluncheonforVeteransonSunday, February 17th at 2PM intheHolyTrin-ityCafeteria.GuestofHonorisDaveLeffler,JeopardyChampionandWorkingWarriorFoundationvolunteer.Veteran’s+1guesteatforFREE!Non-militaryguests$10donationatthedoor.RSVP:textorcall(724)712-9192.

ST. MALACY SPEAKER SERIES PleasejoinusforourspeakerseriesonFebruary 19th at 7PM featuringFr.RichardS.Joneswhowillbespeakingon“HowtohaveamoremeaningfulLent.”FatherJonesisapriestknownforhishumility,compassionandwillingnesstoservethefaithcommunity.HeisaPittsburgheducatednativewhohasservedinareaparishesfor30years.HeisrenownedasaspeakerandhehaswrittenforthePitts-burghCatholicforthelast18years.HehaswrittenfourbooksallavailableviaAmazon.HehasrecentlyreturnedtohispositionasinresidenceChaplainatUPMCMercyHospi-tal.FormoreinformationcontactSt.MalachyParishofficeat412-771-5483.


Begin March 12 at St. Malachy Areyouinterestedinmaintainingorimprovingyourbal-ance,flexibility,andcoordinationasyougetolder?TheChi-neseartofT’aiChiCh’uanisknowntodoallthataswellasloweringbloodpressure,strengtheningbones,andincreas-ingtherangeofmotionofthejoints(especiallythehip,knee,andanklejoints).Itisconsideredamovingmeditationthatcombinesacoordinationofbreathingwithseriesofslow,deliberatebodymovements.(Alsoamartialart,thefocusherewillbeonthehealthbenefits.)T’aiChi’sslow,relaxed,rhythmicmovementsrelievestressandpromoterelaxation.Whiletheselow-impactmovementsaregreatforolderindividuals(regardlessofhealthissues)youngerfolkswhotakeitupandcontinuewillfindanexercisethatonlygetsbettertheoldertheyget.StudieshaveshownmanybenefitsofT'aiChi,including-improvedbalance,coordination,andflexibility-promotescorrectposturealignmentandefficientmuscleuse-lowersbloodpressure,strengthensheart,increasescircu-lation-strengthensbones,increasesrangeofmotionofthejoints-improvesmemory,relaxation,meditation,andstressre-ductionDeaconTimKillmeyerhasbeenstudyingT’aiChioffandonforover35yearsandwouldliketosharesomeofwhathehaslearnedwiththemenandwomenoftheRocKenRogrouping.ClasseswillbeginonTuesday, March 12 at 6:30 pm in the St. Malachy gymandcontinueonthatdayandtimeonasomewhatregularbasis.Theywilllastanhourandarefree.Theonlyequipmentneededissomeloosefit-tingclothing.FormoreinformationortoregisterpleasecallDeaconTimat412-787-1472oremailhimattimkillmeyer@verizon.net

4th Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 8

Page 9: Holy Trinity Parish...Feb 03, 2019  · Natalie Krulac Mark Joseph Roberts Sunday, Feb. 10 7 pm Cynde Hackney-Fierro  Brian Barbisch Melissa Cullin Henry

Parish Mission Statement: We, the members of Holy Trinity Roman Catholic Parish, inspired by the Blessed Trinity and honored to call ourselves disciples of

Jesus Christ, strive to glorify God with our lives by promoting reverence for the Eucharist as the source and summit of our faith. We continually catechize parishioners of all ages, guiding them into a personal relationship with Jesus. We encourage all members to

give of their time, talent and resources, and we commit to evangelize those within our parish and the community at large.

Parish Staff:

Deacon Tim Killmeyer, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

[email protected]

Deacon Lee Miles, Director of Religious Education/ Youth Ministry/First Holy Communion & Confirmation Contact

(412) 787-2140 ext. 156 [email protected]

Kristin Hayes, Coordinator of Middle School Ministry (412) 787-2140, ext. 156 [email protected]

Anita Bridge, RCIA/Baptism Prep/Ministry of the Word (Readers) (724) 227-3390 [email protected]

Bonnie Amendola, Business Manager (412) 787-2140 ext. 108

[email protected]

Brendan Barker, Director of Music (412) 787-2140 ext. 112

[email protected]

Erin Stuvek, Director of Evangelization (412) 787-2140 ext. 103

[email protected]

Carl Stuvek, Young Adult Ministry (412) 787-2140 ext. 103

[email protected]

Michelle Roun, Bulletin Editor/Receptionist (412) 787-2140 ext. 100

[email protected]

Marybeth McGinley, Bookkeeper (412) 787-2140 ext. 105

[email protected]

Karen Vinci-Stack, Contributions/Safe Environment Coordinator (412) 787-2140 ext. 102

[email protected]

School: Kimberly Stevenson, School Principal

(412) 787-2656, Ext. 151 [email protected]

Gemma Ruggiero, School Secretary (412) 787-2656 ext. 150

[email protected]

Charlotte Osso, Cafeteria Manager (412) 787-2656 ext. 154

[email protected]

Leslie Williams, School Director of Advancement (412) 787-2656 ext. 152

[email protected]

Parish Ministries and Contacts:

Pastoral Council, Linda Gomulka (Facilitator) [email protected]

Finance Council, David Hess (Facilitator) [email protected]

Building and Grounds, Dan Betten [email protected]

Food Pantry, Rose Mary Weprich (412)-874-7559

Ushers, Mike Pendergast [email protected]

Altar Servers, Andrew Carr [email protected]

Sacristans Coordination Contact, Dan Skantar

(412) 788-1427 [email protected]

Communion Calls Contact, Kim Hogan Zeh (412) 337-6112 [email protected]

Training Contact, Marguerite Thomas (412) 787-1296 [email protected]

Liturgical Ministry Coordinator , Melissa Cullin (412) 397-8633 [email protected]

Wedding Coordination Program, Louise Java (412) 857-2119 [email protected]

Traveling Chalice Program, Bonnie Pendergast (412) 527-1711 [email protected]

Arts and Environment, Linda Gomulka (412) 859-8599 [email protected]

Respect Life Committee, Helen Stamatakis (412) 788-1974 [email protected]

Bereavement Ministry, Mary Stevens (412) 787-5306 [email protected]

Welcome (New Parishioner) Ministry Denise Carr: (412) 716-3961 [email protected] Louise Java: (412) 857-2119 [email protected]

Knights of Columbus, Kevin Buck (Grand Knight) 412) 977-1455 [email protected]

Catholic Men’s Fellowship, Pat Joyce [email protected]

Ladies of Charity, Fran Smith (412) 944-8162 [email protected]

Ladies Guild, Barb Ondo

(412) 787-1668 [email protected]

Reporting Child Abuse: Diocese Victim Assistance Coordinator: (412) 456-3060

Abuse Hotline: (800) 932-0310 or 866-872-1677 Catholic Charities: (412) 456-6999

Child and Youth Services Allegheny County: (412) 473-2000 Child Care Information Services: (724) 228-6969

Mental Health Services Allegheny County: (412) 454-9000 Cyber Tip Hotline: (800) 843-5678


Bulletin and Webpage Submissions: Notices and pictures for the bulletin should be

e-mailed to [email protected] or submitted into the rectory by the Friday afternoon, one week

before publication. Please indicate the duration you would like your item to appear in the bulletin. ** Inclusion is subject to approval and space availability**

Page 10: Holy Trinity Parish...Feb 03, 2019  · Natalie Krulac Mark Joseph Roberts Sunday, Feb. 10 7 pm Cynde Hackney-Fierro  Brian Barbisch Melissa Cullin Henry

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