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Hey, Parents. What That iPad is Doing to Your Kid is Kind of Shocking

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Kid Is Kind of Shocking.Every parent needs to read this...

Margaret Rock in Modern Parent

he restaurant is overrun with children. Some kids are antsy,

others are well-behaved, but a good number of them have one

thing in common: their heads are facing down, as they play games on

smartphones and tablets.

Oh, and 1-in-10 have ADHD.


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According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in the

U.S. alone, over six million children aged 4 to 17 have, at some point,

been diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Before

1990, less than 5 percent of school-age kids were thought to have the

condition, but data from the CDC reported that, in the two decades

since, those numbers more than doubled to 11 percent, making it the

most common childhood behavioral disorder.

It has become an epidemic.

Meanwhile, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation, children, on

average, spend nearly seven and a half hours each day staring at those

tiny displays, up 20 percent from just five years ago, leading some

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experts to believe the surge of ADHD diagnosis coincides with the

skyrocketing use of mobile devices, the New York Times reported.

To be clear, these findings are correlations, and not causal links. But to

understand any relation between the two, we need to explore how our

gadgets are affecting the developing minds of our children.

Let’s go back to our restaurant and shine a spotlight on that 1-in-10 kid

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with ADHD. Since boys with the condition outnumber girls, we’ll call

him Josh.

Josh is playing Minecraft. His head is down, his attention rapt, his eyes

riveted on the display. He looks like every other child his age, but as he

plays on the tablet, his mind is processing information in a much

different way than the other kids running around the room.

If we could scan his brain, we would see that his mind is working harder

to absorb the barrage of sensations, and that increased neural activity

makes it more difficult for him to focus on any one task. In fact, his

ability to concentrate on the game, and not anywhere else, is a hallmark

sign of hyperactivity.

It might look like concentration, but it isn’t — at least not in the way we

think of it. According to Christopher Lucas, associate professor of child

psychiatry at New York University School of Medicine, Josh’s focus on

video games and television isn’t the same form of attention he’ll need to

thrive in school and life.

“It’s not sustained attention in the absence of rewards,” he told the New

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York Times. “It’s sustained attention with frequent intermittent


When kids play games, they rack up points, move to higher levels and

unlock characters and goodies, and their brains are rewarded by one

thing: dopamine, a neurochemical that’s released every time they “win.”

That sensation of pleasure is often the reason they love electronics, and

some experts even believe they seek out gadgets because they have

problems with their natural dopamine systems.

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Medication, like Ritalin, attempts to control ADHD by increasing

dopamine activity, the Wall Street Journal reported, so when Josh plays

Minecraft, it’s as if he’s self-medicating, giving his brain that extra boost

of pleasure that his internal circuitry doesn’t release.

That’s why separating Josh from excessive use of his iPad isn’t easy. To

make matters worse, when kids with ADHD are ridiculed and

ostracized, the isolation sends them back to those gadgets, and they

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end up developing an emotional dependency to their consistent

electronic companions that extends beyond dopamine.

When Josh is utterly focused on the iPad, he keeps constant eye-

contact with the display. But without it — or his computer or portable

gaming console — he’s a handful. That’s because it’s far easier for him to

find solace in screens. They don’t shun him. They give him a place to

escape and become a different person.

“They can also create false personas about themselves that are more

positive than is realistic and thus make virtual friends online better

than in person,” Russell Barkley, a clinical professor of psychiatry and

pediatrics at the Medical University of South Carolina, said.

More than anything, Josh would benefit from taking an electronic

“time-out.” But ironically, he can’t pull himself away.

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No one knows the origins of ADHD. Its symptoms, of course, have been

among us for as long as recorded history. But the modern study of the

condition was only brought to the laboratory, from the realm of

punishment, within the last century.

In 1902, George Frederic Still, the father of British pediatrics, presented

a study to the Royal College of Physicians in London about a group of

20 children, who were “excessively emotional or passionate… and had

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little inhibitory volition.”

According to PBS, he had noticed a pattern of behavioral issues

appearing in children before the age of eight, occurring in three times as

many boys than girls, and afflicting those even raised in decent, stable

households. The disorder, he concluded, might be related to biological

traits inherited from families, similar to conditions like depression and


His theory was groundbreaking.

Before then, uncontrollable behavior was merely chalked up to a failure

of moral conduct by the child, or bad teaching by the parent. Or both.

And the prescribed “treatment” was often physical punishment.

Then, in 1934, Eugene Kahn and Louis Cohen extended Still’s research

and published a study in the New England Journal of Medicine that

described a biological link to hyperactivity. And as scientists began to

suspect that neurology, rather than the devil, was causing the behavior,

a different method of observation emerged.

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In the ’60s, when researchers began to study families, especially

children, it became clear that the syndrome was in some way connected

to genetics. A decade later, the condition had been defined to include

not only hyperactivity, but also subtle signs like being impulsive or

distracted. By then, scientists understood that the use of medication

could improve, but not cure, the imbalance.

ADHD continues to elude science. Like autism, there is no conclusive

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test to diagnose it, so doctors must learn by observing for one of several

developmental or behavioral problems, such as depression or bipolar


Researchers are reluctant to say whether there is a direct link between

gadgets and ADHD, but there are strong parallels between the upswing

in diagnoses and an increase of screen time. One important finding:

children and young adults who overdo TV and video games are nearly

twice as likely to suffer from a variety of attention span disorders,

according to the Journal Pediatrics.

“ADHD is 10 times more common today than it was 20 years ago,”

Dimitri Christakis, a George Adkins Professor of Pediatrics at the

University of Washington in Seattle, said. “Although it is clear that

ADHD has a genetic basis, given that our genes have not changed

appreciably in that timeframe, it is likely that there are environmental

factors that are contributing to this rise.”

In other words, while the disorder tends to run in families, gadgets may

also play a role in the condition.

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Part of the problem is the fragmented, action-packed nature of

electronic media. Christakis found that fast-paced TV shows increased

the risk of attention issues. And when the children adapt to those

speeds, they struggle to pay attention in the slower pace of life because

it’s less stimulating and rewarding.

When Josh puts down his iPad, his brain finds the real-world

underwhelming compared to his virtual realms.

Take a closer look at his beloved Minecraft: the game operates on its

own day and night schedule, so he experiences three days’ worth of

action within one hour. When he goes back to life, he literally feels a

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drag, like the feeling we get from stepping off a movable walkway at the


Christakis, though, concedes the science is still emerging. “If I thought I

knew the answer definitively, as to what was causing ADHD,” he said, “I

wouldn’t still be doing research.”

ADHD isn’t a short-term condition. While sufferers often outgrow the

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symptoms, others — like high-profile Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps

— must learn to deal with it well into adulthood. And the continued

bombardment of technology requires changes in the way we deal with,

accommodate and even think about the condition.

“There continues to be, in the media and the public, this idea of ADHD

as an overblown problem that’s being over-treated,” William Barbaresi,

director of the Developmental Medicine Center at Boston Children’s

Hospital, told Forbes. “We have to create a system that’s designed to

treat ADHD as chronic health issue, not just a kid disorder.”

But some experts believe the growing attachment to our gadgets is

actually part of the solution. “Maybe the kids’ focus on games could be

used to draw them out as a way of developing social skills,” Stephen

Shore, author of “Beyond the Wall,” told me. After being non-verbal

until the age of four, he was diagnosed with “strong autistic

tendencies.” Today, he’s a professor of special education at Adelphi


Rather than look at the issue as a problem, Shore believes we need to

view it as a challenge. “These games are compelling to the kids,” he said.

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Modern Parent

“Instead of battling to eliminate them, we could use them to actually

develop social skills.”

In the end, the first step to finding a cure to ADHD is to understand its

causes and conditions, and one piece of the puzzle, it seems, is to

determine the impact of technology on kids like Josh, and let him enjoy

his iPad, instead of being inadvertently harmed by it. ♦

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