research & development Hendrik Schmidt France Telecom NSM/RD/RESA/NET [email protected] SpasWin07, Limassol, Cyprus 16 April 2007 Comparison of Network Trees in Deterministic and Random Settings using Different Connection Rules

Hendrik Schmidt France Telecom NSM/RD/RESA/NET hendrik.schmidt@orange-ftgroup

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Comparison of Network Trees in Deterministic and Random Settings using Different Connection Rules. Hendrik Schmidt France Telecom NSM/RD/RESA/NET [email protected] SpasWin07, Limassol, Cyprus 16 April 2007. Overview. 1. Introduction and motivation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Hendrik Schmidt  France Telecom NSM/RD/RESA/NET hendrik.schmidt@orange-ftgroup

research & development

Hendrik Schmidt France Telecom NSM/RD/RESA/[email protected]

SpasWin07, Limassol, Cyprus16 April 2007

Comparison of Network Trees in Deterministic and Random Settings using

Different Connection Rules

Page 2: Hendrik Schmidt  France Telecom NSM/RD/RESA/NET hendrik.schmidt@orange-ftgroup

SpasWin07 - 16 April 2007 - H. Schmidt – p2 research & development France Telecom Group

Introduction and motivation

Geometric support: Models and their fitting

Comparison of network trees

Infrastructure and costs

Outlook and conclusion







Page 3: Hendrik Schmidt  France Telecom NSM/RD/RESA/NET hendrik.schmidt@orange-ftgroup

SpasWin07 - 16 April 2007 - H. Schmidt – p3 research & development France Telecom Group

1Introduction and motivation

Page 4: Hendrik Schmidt  France Telecom NSM/RD/RESA/NET hendrik.schmidt@orange-ftgroup

SpasWin07 - 16 April 2007 - H. Schmidt – p4 research & development France Telecom Group


Real data

Study areas in Paris

A single study area

Page 5: Hendrik Schmidt  France Telecom NSM/RD/RESA/NET hendrik.schmidt@orange-ftgroup

SpasWin07 - 16 April 2007 - H. Schmidt – p5 research & development France Telecom Group

Place lower level devices (LLDs) in a serving zone Each LLD is connected to the corresponding higher level device (HLD) Length distribution LLD → HLD influences costs and technical possibilities

Serving zone (two levels of network devices), connection along infrastructure

Network devices in the plane, Euclidean distance connection

Distribution of distances LLD → HLD





Page 6: Hendrik Schmidt  France Telecom NSM/RD/RESA/NET hendrik.schmidt@orange-ftgroup

SpasWin07 - 16 April 2007 - H. Schmidt – p6 research & development France Telecom Group

Geometric considerations are essential: The access network … … runs along the infrastructure … contributes mainly to total network costs

Telecom providers are confronted with new challenges Network analysis of competing providers / in different countries New technologies / data

Need for simple and global modeling tools Fast comparison of scenarios Fast technical and cost evaluations Minimal number of parameters, maximal information about reality

One solution: Stochastic-geometric modeling Disregard too detailed information for the sake of clarity Study random objects and their distribution Take into account the spatial geometric structure of networks

IntroductionStochastic Subscriber Line Model

Page 7: Hendrik Schmidt  France Telecom NSM/RD/RESA/NET hendrik.schmidt@orange-ftgroup

SpasWin07 - 16 April 2007 - H. Schmidt – p7 research & development France Telecom Group

IntroductionSSLM: Main roads

Main roads

Cells: Subscribersare situated there

Page 8: Hendrik Schmidt  France Telecom NSM/RD/RESA/NET hendrik.schmidt@orange-ftgroup

SpasWin07 - 16 April 2007 - H. Schmidt – p8 research & development France Telecom Group

IntroductionSSLM: Main roads and side streets

Main roads

Two level hierarchyof side streets

Page 9: Hendrik Schmidt  France Telecom NSM/RD/RESA/NET hendrik.schmidt@orange-ftgroup

SpasWin07 - 16 April 2007 - H. Schmidt – p9 research & development France Telecom Group

IntroductionSSLM: Infrastructure, subscriber, serving zones

A serving zone


Page 10: Hendrik Schmidt  France Telecom NSM/RD/RESA/NET hendrik.schmidt@orange-ftgroup

SpasWin07 - 16 April 2007 - H. Schmidt – p10 research & development France Telecom Group

The SSLM consists of 3 parts

Random objects (infrastructure, equipment, topology) provide a statistically equivalent image of reality Are defined by few parameters Allow to study separately the three parts of the network

Geometric Support(infrastructure)

Network equipment (nodes, devices)

Topology of connections


IntroductionSSLM: Summary

Page 11: Hendrik Schmidt  France Telecom NSM/RD/RESA/NET hendrik.schmidt@orange-ftgroup

SpasWin07 - 16 April 2007 - H. Schmidt – p11 research & development France Telecom Group

2Geometric support: Models and their fitting

Page 12: Hendrik Schmidt  France Telecom NSM/RD/RESA/NET hendrik.schmidt@orange-ftgroup

SpasWin07 - 16 April 2007 - H. Schmidt – p12 research & development France Telecom Group

Stationary non-iterated Poisson tessellations Characterized by one parameter, called intensity (measured per unit

area) PLT (Poisson Line Tessellation): … mean total length of edges PVT (Poisson Voronoï Tessellation): … mean total number of cells PDT (Poisson Delaunay Tessellation): … mean total number of vertices

Non-iterated tessellations


Page 13: Hendrik Schmidt  France Telecom NSM/RD/RESA/NET hendrik.schmidt@orange-ftgroup

SpasWin07 - 16 April 2007 - H. Schmidt – p13 research & development France Telecom Group

Non-iterated tessellationsMean value relationships

Consider facet characteristics They can be expressed in

terms of the intensity

Mean values Model →per unit area ↓

PLT [L]-1

PDT [L]-2

PVT [L]-2

Mean number of vertices L-2 2/ 2

Mean number of edges [L]-2 2 2/ 3 3

Mean number of cells [L]-2 2/ 2

Mean total length of edges [L]-1 32 /(3 ) 2

Page 14: Hendrik Schmidt  France Telecom NSM/RD/RESA/NET hendrik.schmidt@orange-ftgroup

SpasWin07 - 16 April 2007 - H. Schmidt – p14 research & development France Telecom Group

The mean total length of edges is always

0600400204 ...

PLT/PLT PLT/PVT PLT/PDT0= 0.02 1= 0.04 0= 0.02 1= 0.0004 0= 0.02 1= 0.0001388

Nesting of tessellations

Page 15: Hendrik Schmidt  France Telecom NSM/RD/RESA/NET hendrik.schmidt@orange-ftgroup

SpasWin07 - 16 April 2007 - H. Schmidt – p15 research & development France Telecom Group

PLT / PVT with Bernoulli thinning PLT multi-type nesting

Nesting of tessellationsGeneralizations

Bernoulli thinning: Nesting in cell with probability p Multi-type nesting: Different nestings in different cells

Page 16: Hendrik Schmidt  France Telecom NSM/RD/RESA/NET hendrik.schmidt@orange-ftgroup

SpasWin07 - 16 April 2007 - H. Schmidt – p16 research & development France Telecom Group

Mean value relationships X0 / pX1

with and hence

Immediate application toPVT/(PLT, PVT, PDT), PDT/(PLT, PVT, PDT) and PLT/(PLT, PVT, PDT)

Nestings of tessellations

Page 17: Hendrik Schmidt  France Telecom NSM/RD/RESA/NET hendrik.schmidt@orange-ftgroup

SpasWin07 - 16 April 2007 - H. Schmidt – p17 research & development France Telecom Group

Raw data Preprocessed data

Model fitting

Page 18: Hendrik Schmidt  France Telecom NSM/RD/RESA/NET hendrik.schmidt@orange-ftgroup

SpasWin07 - 16 April 2007 - H. Schmidt – p18 research & development France Telecom Group

Estimation of characteristics Choice of a distance function Class of tessellation models Minimization of distance function

Realisation of the optimal tessellation: PLT 0 /PLT 1

Preprocessed data

Model fitting

Page 19: Hendrik Schmidt  France Telecom NSM/RD/RESA/NET hendrik.schmidt@orange-ftgroup

SpasWin07 - 16 April 2007 - H. Schmidt – p19 research & development France Telecom Group

Model fittingUnbiased Estimation

Page 20: Hendrik Schmidt  France Telecom NSM/RD/RESA/NET hendrik.schmidt@orange-ftgroup

SpasWin07 - 16 April 2007 - H. Schmidt – p20 research & development France Telecom Group

Solution of minimization problem analytically for non-iterated models numerical methods for nested models, e.g. Nelder-Mead algorithm

• fast• easy to implement• minimum depends on initial point → random variation

Example: Simulated PLT/PLT model ( )

Model fittingNumerical Minimisation

06.01.0 10

Page 21: Hendrik Schmidt  France Telecom NSM/RD/RESA/NET hendrik.schmidt@orange-ftgroup

SpasWin07 - 16 April 2007 - H. Schmidt – p21 research & development France Telecom Group

Monte Carlo test Null hypothesis H0 : The optimal model is PLT 0= 0.02384 / PLT 1= 0.013906 Decision: H0 is not rejected

Main roads Side streets

Model fittingExample

Fitting strategy: Exploit hierarchical data structure

Page 22: Hendrik Schmidt  France Telecom NSM/RD/RESA/NET hendrik.schmidt@orange-ftgroup

SpasWin07 - 16 April 2007 - H. Schmidt – p22 research & development France Telecom Group

3Comparison of network trees

Page 23: Hendrik Schmidt  France Telecom NSM/RD/RESA/NET hendrik.schmidt@orange-ftgroup

SpasWin07 - 16 April 2007 - H. Schmidt – p23 research & development France Telecom Group

Comparison of network trees

Geometric support

Two levels of network devices:• Lower level devices (LLD)• Higher level devices (HLD)

Two connection rules:• Euclidean distance • Connection along geometric support

Page 24: Hendrik Schmidt  France Telecom NSM/RD/RESA/NET hendrik.schmidt@orange-ftgroup

SpasWin07 - 16 April 2007 - H. Schmidt – p24 research & development France Telecom Group

LLD and HLD in the planeConnection according to

Euclidean distance

LLD and HLD on the roads Connection along infrastructure

Distribution of distances LLD → HLD

LLD and HLD on optimal geometric support

Connection along infrastructure

Note: Run time of simulations is very


Comparison of network trees

Page 25: Hendrik Schmidt  France Telecom NSM/RD/RESA/NET hendrik.schmidt@orange-ftgroup

SpasWin07 - 16 April 2007 - H. Schmidt – p25 research & development France Telecom Group

Comparison of network treesExample 1: Influence of fitting procedure LLD and HLD on optimal

geometric supportConnection along infrastructure

LLD and HLD on other geometric support

Connection along infrastructure

Page 26: Hendrik Schmidt  France Telecom NSM/RD/RESA/NET hendrik.schmidt@orange-ftgroup

SpasWin07 - 16 April 2007 - H. Schmidt – p26 research & development France Telecom Group

Comparison of network treesExample 1: Different models – different distributions

50 km

20 km

… geometric supports

Comparisons: Different … … intensities

Page 27: Hendrik Schmidt  France Telecom NSM/RD/RESA/NET hendrik.schmidt@orange-ftgroup

SpasWin07 - 16 April 2007 - H. Schmidt – p27 research & development France Telecom Group

LLD and HLD in the plane Connection according to

Euclidean distance

LLD and HLD on the roadsConnection along infrastructure

Distribution of distances LLD → HLD

LLD and HLD on optimal geometric support

Connection along infrastructure

Note: Run time of simulations is

very long!

Comparison of network trees

Page 28: Hendrik Schmidt  France Telecom NSM/RD/RESA/NET hendrik.schmidt@orange-ftgroup

SpasWin07 - 16 April 2007 - H. Schmidt – p28 research & development France Telecom Group

Comparison of network treesExample 2: Influence of fitting procedure

LLD and HLD on optimal geometric support

Connection along infrastructure

LLD and HLD on other geometric support

Connection along infrastructure

Page 29: Hendrik Schmidt  France Telecom NSM/RD/RESA/NET hendrik.schmidt@orange-ftgroup

SpasWin07 - 16 April 2007 - H. Schmidt – p29 research & development France Telecom Group

Comparison of network trees Example 2: Different models – different distributions

Comparisons: Different …

50 km

20 km

… geometric supports … intensities

Page 30: Hendrik Schmidt  France Telecom NSM/RD/RESA/NET hendrik.schmidt@orange-ftgroup

SpasWin07 - 16 April 2007 - H. Schmidt – p30 research & development France Telecom Group

Comparison of network treesExample 2: Non-iterated vs. iterated models

LLD and HLD on the roadsConnection along infrastructure

Optimal geometric support:Non-iterated model

Optimal geometric support:Iterated model

Page 31: Hendrik Schmidt  France Telecom NSM/RD/RESA/NET hendrik.schmidt@orange-ftgroup

SpasWin07 - 16 April 2007 - H. Schmidt – p31 research & development France Telecom Group

4Infrastructure and costs

Page 32: Hendrik Schmidt  France Telecom NSM/RD/RESA/NET hendrik.schmidt@orange-ftgroup

SpasWin07 - 16 April 2007 - H. Schmidt – p32 research & development France Telecom Group

An example of the SSLM Geometric support: Stationary PLT Network devices: 2 layer model of stationary Poisson point processes

• Lower level devices (LLD) • Higher level devices (HLD)

Topology of connection• Logical connection: LLD connected to closest HLC• Physical connection: Shortest path along the infrastructure

Questions What are the mean shortest path costs from LLD to HLD? Is a parametric description of the distribution possible?

Geometric support

(infrastructure) Network equipment (devices)



The model

Page 33: Hendrik Schmidt  France Telecom NSM/RD/RESA/NET hendrik.schmidt@orange-ftgroup

SpasWin07 - 16 April 2007 - H. Schmidt – p33 research & development France Telecom Group

Geometric support: Assume stationary PLT Xl with intensity (> 0)

Infrastructure and costsGeometric support …

Geometric support: PLT

Page 34: Hendrik Schmidt  France Telecom NSM/RD/RESA/NET hendrik.schmidt@orange-ftgroup

SpasWin07 - 16 April 2007 - H. Schmidt – p34 research & development France Telecom Group

Road system: Assume stationary PLT Xl with intensity

Higher level devices (HLD) Stationary point process (independent of Xl ) Poisson process on Xl (Cox process) with

linear intensity

Stationar planar point process XH with planar intensity

Infrastructure and costs… and network devices



Page 35: Hendrik Schmidt  France Telecom NSM/RD/RESA/NET hendrik.schmidt@orange-ftgroup

SpasWin07 - 16 April 2007 - H. Schmidt – p35 research & development France Telecom Group

Road system: Assume stationary PLT Xl with intensity

Higher level devices (HLD) Stationary point process (independent of Xl ) Poisson process on Xl (Cox process) with

linear intensity

Stationar planar point process XH with planar intensity

Lower level devices (LLD) Stationary point process (indep. of Xl and XH) Poisson process on Xl (Cox process) with linear

intensity Stationar planar point process with planar intensity

Infrastructure and costs… and network devices


X~ 2L


Page 36: Hendrik Schmidt  France Telecom NSM/RD/RESA/NET hendrik.schmidt@orange-ftgroup

SpasWin07 - 16 April 2007 - H. Schmidt – p36 research & development France Telecom Group

Random placement of HLD along the lines Each LLD is connected to the closest HLD Serving zones induce a Cox-Voronoi tessellation (CVT)

Infrastructure and costsLogical connection

Page 37: Hendrik Schmidt  France Telecom NSM/RD/RESA/NET hendrik.schmidt@orange-ftgroup

SpasWin07 - 16 April 2007 - H. Schmidt – p37 research & development France Telecom Group

Infrastructure and costsPhysical connection (1)

Page 38: Hendrik Schmidt  France Telecom NSM/RD/RESA/NET hendrik.schmidt@orange-ftgroup

SpasWin07 - 16 April 2007 - H. Schmidt – p38 research & development France Telecom Group

Infrastructure and costsPhysical connection (2)

Page 39: Hendrik Schmidt  France Telecom NSM/RD/RESA/NET hendrik.schmidt@orange-ftgroup

SpasWin07 - 16 April 2007 - H. Schmidt – p39 research & development France Telecom Group

Infrastructure and costsMean shortest path length (1)

Natural approach


Page 40: Hendrik Schmidt  France Telecom NSM/RD/RESA/NET hendrik.schmidt@orange-ftgroup

SpasWin07 - 16 April 2007 - H. Schmidt – p40 research & development France Telecom Group

Infrastructure and costsMean shortest path length (2)

Alternative approach

Disadvantages Simulation not clear Not very efficient

Page 41: Hendrik Schmidt  France Telecom NSM/RD/RESA/NET hendrik.schmidt@orange-ftgroup

SpasWin07 - 16 April 2007 - H. Schmidt – p41 research & development France Telecom Group

Infrastructure and costsMean shortest path length (3)

Application of Neveu

Independent from

The typical serving zone (the typical cell of a CVT) has to be simulated

Page 42: Hendrik Schmidt  France Telecom NSM/RD/RESA/NET hendrik.schmidt@orange-ftgroup

SpasWin07 - 16 April 2007 - H. Schmidt – p42 research & development France Telecom Group

Infrastructure and costsMean shortest path length (4)

Page 43: Hendrik Schmidt  France Telecom NSM/RD/RESA/NET hendrik.schmidt@orange-ftgroup

SpasWin07 - 16 April 2007 - H. Schmidt – p43 research & development France Telecom Group

Infrastructure and costsMean shortest path length (5)

Estimation of

Note: The integrals can be calculated analytically

Page 44: Hendrik Schmidt  France Telecom NSM/RD/RESA/NET hendrik.schmidt@orange-ftgroup

SpasWin07 - 16 April 2007 - H. Schmidt – p44 research & development France Telecom Group

Infrastructure and costsMean shortest path length (6)

Page 45: Hendrik Schmidt  France Telecom NSM/RD/RESA/NET hendrik.schmidt@orange-ftgroup

SpasWin07 - 16 April 2007 - H. Schmidt – p45 research & development France Telecom Group

Infrastructure and costsMean shortest path length (7)

Page 46: Hendrik Schmidt  France Telecom NSM/RD/RESA/NET hendrik.schmidt@orange-ftgroup

SpasWin07 - 16 April 2007 - H. Schmidt – p46 research & development France Telecom Group

Infrastructure and costsMean shortest path length (8)

Page 47: Hendrik Schmidt  France Telecom NSM/RD/RESA/NET hendrik.schmidt@orange-ftgroup

SpasWin07 - 16 April 2007 - H. Schmidt – p47 research & development France Telecom Group

Infrastructure and costsMean shortest subscriber line length

Page 48: Hendrik Schmidt  France Telecom NSM/RD/RESA/NET hendrik.schmidt@orange-ftgroup

SpasWin07 - 16 April 2007 - H. Schmidt – p48 research & development France Telecom Group

Infrastructure and costsApplication



LH NA50c .

.* .

Mean length from LLD to HLD [km]



LH VNA77390c ..

.* . Study zone: Area A [km2]

Geometric support: Within the study zone of length V [km], type PLT

Placement of network devices: LLD on the geometric support (number N0) HLD on the geometric support (number N1)

Mean total length from LLD to HLD in A [km]



0 VNAN77390 ..

.*LH .L

Logical connection: LLD connected to closest HLD according to Voronoi principle Physical connection: Shortest path along the geometric support

Intensity of PLT (est.) [km-1]=V/A

Mean length from LLD to HLD [km] in case of spatial placement

Page 49: Hendrik Schmidt  France Telecom NSM/RD/RESA/NET hendrik.schmidt@orange-ftgroup

SpasWin07 - 16 April 2007 - H. Schmidt – p49 research & development France Telecom Group

5Outlook and conclusion

Page 50: Hendrik Schmidt  France Telecom NSM/RD/RESA/NET hendrik.schmidt@orange-ftgroup

SpasWin07 - 16 April 2007 - H. Schmidt – p50 research & development France Telecom Group

Analysis of shortest paths Formulas for other types of geometric support Not only mean values but (parametric) distributions of cost functions

Typology of infrastructure Within the cities Nationwide extension

Deterministic PDT in France (level préfectures and sous-préfectures)

Main roads: Optimal intensity of nested tessellation (within PDT)


Page 51: Hendrik Schmidt  France Telecom NSM/RD/RESA/NET hendrik.schmidt@orange-ftgroup

SpasWin07 - 16 April 2007 - H. Schmidt – p51 research & development France Telecom Group

Analysis of shortest paths Formulas for other types of geometric support Not only mean values but (parametric) distributions of cost functions

Typology of infrastructure Within the cities Nationwide extension

Analysis of inhomogeneities Intensity maps

Intensity map of Paris (suppose underlying PLT)


Page 52: Hendrik Schmidt  France Telecom NSM/RD/RESA/NET hendrik.schmidt@orange-ftgroup

SpasWin07 - 16 April 2007 - H. Schmidt – p52 research & development France Telecom Group

C. Gloaguen, H. Schmidt, R. Thiedmann, J.-P. Lanquetin and V. Schmidt (2007). Comparison of Network Trees in Deterministic and Random Settings using Different Connection Rules, Proceedings of "SpasWin07", 16 April 2006, Limassol, Cyprus

C. Gloaguen, F. Fleischer, H. Schmidt and V. Schmidt (2006). Fitting of stochastic telecommunication network models via distance measures and Monte-Carlo tests. Telecommunication Systems 31, pp.353-377, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11235-006-6723-3

C. Gloaguen, F. Fleischer, H. Schmidt and V. Schmidt (2007). Analysis of shortest paths and subscriber line lengths in telecommunication access networks, Networks and Spatial Economics, to appear

H. Schmidt (2006). Asymptotic analysis of stationary random tessellations with applications to network modelling, Ph.D. Thesis, Ulm University, http://vts.uni-ulm.de/doc.asp?id=5702



Page 53: Hendrik Schmidt  France Telecom NSM/RD/RESA/NET hendrik.schmidt@orange-ftgroup

SpasWin07 - 16 April 2007 - H. Schmidt – p53 research & development France Telecom Group

This presentation is based on collaborative work withC. Gloaguen, J.-P. Lanquetin – France Telecom R&D,

Paris&Belfort, FranceF. Fleischer, V. Schmidt, R. Thiedmann – Institute of Stochastics,

Ulm University, Germany