Helping my Child The first way to help your child with their studies in History is to discuss what they are learning in lessons and take an active interests

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Page 1: Helping my Child The first way to help your child with their studies in History is to discuss what they are learning in lessons and take an active interests
Page 2: Helping my Child The first way to help your child with their studies in History is to discuss what they are learning in lessons and take an active interests

Helping my Child• The first way to help your child with their studies in History is to discuss what they are

learning in lessons and take an active interests in their studies.• Visiting museums and historical sites are also a great way to get your child involved in

the learning process. • There are a number of documentaries on TV that can be an aid to learning and the

History Channel has a wealth of information on a number of topics.• Getting books on the topics studied from the library or bookshops can also help your

child get to know their studies in detail. • The internet can also be an invaluable source of information, however if your child is

using the internet for research, it is important to oversee they are not simply ‘copying and pasting’ chunks of information but writing up any research in their own words. A great site for students to use is; www.schoolhistory.co.uk, but there are a number of others.

• There will be a History HW Project for students in years 7 and 8 posted on the Longdean Learning Platform, this should be done independently by students but there is no harm in helping students organise their work and ensure they are fully aware of what it is they need to do.

• On the next few slides are the topics covered in each year in History as well as the key historical figures they will be looking at and the Assessments they will be undertaking.

Page 3: Helping my Child The first way to help your child with their studies in History is to discuss what they are learning in lessons and take an active interests

Topic 1 History Skills Content; Understanding key skills;

Bias, Chronology, Timelines, Connectives.

Assessment; Knowledge Test on understanding of History Skills

Topic 2 Raiders and InvadersContent; Who were the Romans, the Growth

of the Empire, The Roman Army, The Battle of Hastings,

Individuals; Julius Caesar, William the Conqueror,Assessment; Why was the Roman Army so successful ?

Page 4: Helping my Child The first way to help your child with their studies in History is to discuss what they are learning in lessons and take an active interests

Topic 3; Medieval RealmsContent; The Power of the Church, The Black Death, The

Peasants Revolt, Individuals Richard II, Wat Tyler, Thomas Becket, Henry II Assessment; The Murder of Thomas Becket.

Topic 4; Kings and QueensContent; Henry VIII and the break from Rome, ‘Bloody’ Mary,

Elizabeth and the Armada, The English Civil war and the Execution of King Charles,

Individuals; Henry VIII, ‘Bloody’ Mary, Queen Elizabeth, Oliver Cromwell.

Assessment; Explain the reasons for the failure of the Spanish Armada.

Page 5: Helping my Child The first way to help your child with their studies in History is to discuss what they are learning in lessons and take an active interests

Topic 1; Trade and EmpireContent; The Industrial Revolution, the Growth of the British

Empire, The Slave Trade. Individuals Richard Arkwright, William Wilberforce Assessment; The Atlantic Slave Trade.

Topic 2; The 20th Century WorldContent; World War 1(Life in the Trenches) The Treaty of

Versailles, The Rise of Hitler, World War 2 (Battle of Britain, Dunkirk), The Cold War,

Individuals; Lloyd George, Adolf Hitler, Winston Churchill, Joseph Stalin.

Assessment; Life in the Trenches.

Page 6: Helping my Child The first way to help your child with their studies in History is to discuss what they are learning in lessons and take an active interests

Topic 1; Medicine Through TimeContent; Theory of the Four Humours, Medieval beliefs in

illness. The Renaissance, Vaccination, Germ Theory, Public Health, The NHS, DNA.

Individuals Galen, Jenner, Pasteur, Koch, Fleming, Bevan, Watson & Crick.

Assessment; Exam 1hour 15mins

Topic 2; Surgery 1845-1918Content; Problems of Pain and the discovery of Anaesthetics,

Problems of infection and anti-Septic, Blood Loss and solutions, Surgery during warfare.

Individuals; James Simpson, Joseph Lister, Robert Landsteiner, Harold Gilles.

Assessment; Exam 1 hour 15 mins

Page 7: Helping my Child The first way to help your child with their studies in History is to discuss what they are learning in lessons and take an active interests

Topic 3; The American WestContent; The lives of the Indians, Migration to the West

(Farmers, Miners, Mormons), The Railroads, The Homesteaders, The Indian Wars.

Individuals Little Crow, Red Cloud, Big foot, General Custer. Assessment; Exam 1hour 15mins

Topic 4; Crime and Punishment Content; This unit is coursework based and subject to change

each year. Students will research a particular topic and write a thesis on this, as well as answer two source based questions under controlled assessment conditions.

Assessment; Two hours under controlled conditions