Hello. This is Pianoheart. Many foreigners are having difficulty buying piano scores, since this website does not have foreign language service yet. Whenever I look at the comments on Youtube and Facebook, I could see lots of request and complaints about using Pianoheart web site. Therefore, I will explain how to use the web site mainly focused on the Chrome browser. You can install Chrome browser at this URL. https://www.google.com/intl/ko/chrome/browser/desktop/index.html When the Chrome browser installation is completed, run the Chrome browser and access to Pianoheart web site. www.pianoheart.co.kr To purchase the piano scores of Piano Heart, you must join as a member of the web site. Click the red rectangular box below and move to membership application page.

Hello. This is Pianoheart. Many foreigners are having difficulty

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Hello. This is Pianoheart.

Many foreigners are having difficulty buying piano scores, since this website does not have foreign

language service yet.

Whenever I look at the comments on Youtube and Facebook, I could see lots of request and

complaints about using Pianoheart web site.

Therefore, I will explain how to use the web site mainly focused on the Chrome browser.

You can install Chrome browser at this URL.


When the Chrome browser installation is completed,

run the Chrome browser and access to Pianoheart web site.


To purchase the piano scores of Piano Heart, you must join as a member of the web site.

Click the red rectangular box below and move to membership application page.

Then, you can see the menu like this.

It is standardized contract about protecting personal information.

To sum up, it is the promise that we will never use your personal information

(such as your ID or e-mail) for other purpose.

Check ① and click ② to join as a member properly.

The next menus are deciding your ID and password.

Please fill them out.

Part ① is checking to make sure that your ID and e-mail are not overlapped with others.

After filling in the ID and e-mail, click 중복확인.

If it is possible to use that ID and e-mail, the orange colored sentences in ② will change to "사용

할 수 있는 아이디입니다.", and "사용할 수 있는 이메일입니다."

For the phone number menu, you can just make up a fake phone number.

But please make sure that your name and e-mail are exact,

because those will be interlocked with Paypal.

And ③ is choosing whether you would want to receive the Pianoheart newsletter by your e-mail.

Check as you like.

When you are done, you will see this page.

Part ① might be a little bit difficult, but you need to see the sentences like above.

When everything is done, click 확인 to complete the joining process.

When the process is done, the web site will

be moved to the main page as logged in.

The words you can see at the logged in

condition means "Mr. Do Hyun-suk, Have a

nice day." Coins that you have : 0

로그아웃 means ‘log out’ and 정보수정하

기 means 'modify personal info'.

Then Sign Up Now that is complete , we

will process a full-scale purchase sheet music .

Please search the music you are looking for in the search box at the top of the main page.

Please type search terms only song title.

If the music is Korean music, the title is written in Korean.

And foreign music in English.

If you don't know the Korean title exactly,

just copy and paste the title from the Pianoheart Youtube Channel.

( Pianoheart Youtube Channel URL: https://www.youtube.com/thepianoheart )

And you can also see the whole list of the scores at the bottom part of the web page.

After searching the score, click it and you will see this page.

First, click ① and take a look at the sample of the score.

You can see the first page of the whole score as the sample.

If you click, you will see a new pop-up like below.

If Acrobat Adobe

Reader is installed in

your computer, you will

be able to see the

sample score page.

If not, click the red box

악보 보는 프로그램 설

치 and install the Adobe


The version doesn't

matter that much.

After the Adobe Reader is installed, please reboot the computer and log in to the website again.

Try again and you can see the sample score like this.

The button in the red box is the 'print' button.

I suggest you to test printing also.

When you are done with checking the sample,

close the pop-up score and click the 'purchase' button.

Look at the picture below, and you can find the purchase button in the red box.

구입하기 means purchase.

After you click the purchase button, the page will be changed like this.

This page is the 'Cart' menu.

You can temporarily save your wish list and pay.

When you are purchasing in Korea, you can use many different ways of payment,

but in other countries, Paypal is the easiest and safest way of payment.

Click the 'Pay Now' at the bottom part of the page and charge $10 amount of coins.

(The only available amount of charge is $10 for now.)

When you charge $10, you will get 11,000 points that you can use as coins in Piano Heart.

The charging process will be done automatically, and you can use the points (coins)

in Pianoheart right after you charge.

You can see how much point (cash) you have in the log in page just like the picture below.

Now you have charged the points. (coins)

Go to the 악보소개 (score introduction) and click the 구입하기 button

Then, you can see the 'Cart' page that you saw just before.

① is choosing the score to purchase.

You can put many scores in the cart by

purchasing on the previous page..

Then, select how you would like to pay.

But since you have to pay by coins (points),

you must select ②.

Then, click ③ to purchase completely.

③ means order / purchase.

If you click the order / purchase button, a small pop-up will come out.

It is asking if you really want to purchase the score or not.

The 확인 in the box means Yes, and next to it, 취소 means No.

Click 확인 to finish purchase.

Then, you can see a little pop-up like


It means that the purchase process is


The score you have purchased can be

checked in 내 악보함.

내 악보함 is considered as the list of

your purchase.

Click 확인 and move to 내 악보함 and you can see the score you just bought


Click the score you just bought.

Then you can see the score introduction page.

Click 악보보기 to see the score.

Before purchasing, the 악보보기 had been 구입하기,

but since you purchased the score, it has changed to 악보보기.

If you click, you can see the pop-up that shows the whole sheet music.

The red box in the picture above is printing menu button.

You can print the score.

Moreover, you see the score on your smart phones or tablet PCs.

Scores you have purchased are kept in the 내 악보함 and you can print them as many times as

you want. Of course whenever.

If you want to print again, log in to Piano Heart, go to 내 악보함, and repeat the process above.

내 악보함 is located there.

(See the picture below.)

Both red squares mean 내 악보함.

I ask to be excuse, since this became such a long document.

Under the premise that the user cannot read a single Korean, the explanation became quite long.

Please follow the process in here for now,

and we will complete the English version of the Pianoheart website.

Thank you.