H einiö Mikko

Heiniö - Fennica Gehrman

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Mikko Heiniö (b. 1948) has been a freelance composer since vacating the chair in musicology at the University of Turku a few years ago. As a researcher he is aware of the different

types of music abroad in the world, and his widespread interest can be detected in his compositions on the topic of the human race and culture. He does not engage in playful irony with stylistic borrowings or dismiss them as ‘seen them all’. Instead, he cultivates an exultant but carefully-contrived brand of hybridism, vitality, positive energy and rhythmic drive. “I have a strong liking for characterised rhythm rooted in the spine and the pelvis. Rather than the mathematical ab-straction of serial music, I must have a physical sense of rhythm.”

Heiniö wrote his first opera, The Knight and the Dragon (Riddaren och draken, 1999–2000) for performance in a multi-dimensional, echoing church. Though by nature a static mystery play, it has an in-tensive pulse that generates a strong experience of spirituality. Then came The Hour of the Serpent (Käärmeen hetki, 2002–05), a character drama for a conventional opera stage. His third opera is about King Eric XIV of Sweden and Karin Månsdotter.

His symphonies so far number two. Possible Worlds (1987) in post-modern style is marked by pluralism, reflection on tradition, borrow-ings and stylistic adaptations. The music is a combination of the un-expected and the inevitable, leading the listener ever onwards to a new experience. The result is a unique story that spirals back to its point of departure.

MIKKO HEINIÖ’S MUSIC – vitality, positive energy and rhythmic drive

An element of the unexpected, and a physical sense of rhythm are fundamental features of the music of Mikko Heiniö, as are the playful and absurd, the gleeful feet-off-the-ground feeling. In composing his music, he wishes to emulate the way in which Federico Fellini the film director and An-toni Gaudí the architect approached their art. “Their work has tremendous humanity, fantasy, humour and playfulness. I couldn’t work with a frown any more than they could.”

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The second symphony, Songs of Night and Love (Yön ja rakkauden lauluja, 1997) has a baritone so-loist. Heiniö describes it as a symphony with a pro-gramme that is sung. The orchestra has plenty of in-dependent things to say, and the baritone is only one voice among many. The work covers a broad span, from the nocturnal world of longing to the ecstatic-rhythm procession music of the finale.

Tendency towards rhythmic drive

Heiniö was using ethnic influences to give his works extra life before there was ever any talk of world mu-sic. “I don’t know how it originally came about. At school, I played rhythm music in a rock band. My teacher during my year in Berlin in 1975 was Witold Szalonek, who was interested in ethnic cultures. I chose my records and concerts on two grounds: eth-nic and contemporary.”

The rhythm emanating from the pelvis really goes to town in On the Rocks (1998) for orchestra.

The orchestral song cycle Vuelo de alambre (1983) is based on poems by anonymous Chilean prisoners. Despite their grim background, the texts also express memories and longing. The hidden melodies of the Andies, the marching songs and Latin-Ameri-can rhythms sometimes find themselves on a collision course, but the emergent eloquence finally radiates sympathy, tenderness and opti-mism.

“I have a tendency towards rhythms of African origin, even if they have travelled via South America and the Caribbean. But I avoid stuck-on effects, because they lead to postcard folklorism. I examine the deep structures from a European, analytical perspective to see what I can build on them. Pentatonicism, for example, has somehow to be chromaticised, and the overall sound ends up as European.”

Vuelo de alambre uses a 12-note row from which two pentatonic scales gradually become distinguishable as the work proceeds. Expres-sive chromaticism and folk music overlap, join and part.

Heiniö liberally bends types of music with a strong rhythm to suit his purpose: tango, boogie, rhythm & blues and jazz. The time he spent in Benin in West Africa is reflected in the part for five percus-sionists in his piano concerto Khora.

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Hybrids and singability

In composing his music, Heiniö wishes to emulate the way in which Federico Fellini the film director and Antoni Gaudí the architect ap-proached their art. “Their work has tremendous humanity, fantasy, humour and playfulness. I couldn’t work with a frown any more than they could.”

Hybrids – unexpected and often crossover formats – are a fun-damental feature of Heiniö the composer. The sixth piano concerto, Hermes (1994), and the seventh, Khora (2001), are both dance works although they can also be performed as concert versions. In the sixth the solo piano is offset by a string orchestra and soprano, in the sev-enth by five percussionists. Envelope (2002) for solo trumpet and or-chestra was composed round the Haydn Trumpet Concerto, and to be performed without a break between the movements. The Haydn orchestra plays up on the platform, but the other instruments ‘envelop’ the audience. The soloist moves from place to place.

As a young man, Heiniö dreamt of a career as a writer and phi-lologist but in the end chose music. In many of his songs and choral works he has subjected the linguistic parameters of his texts to almost systematic treatment. At one extreme are the works whose texts are broken down into their basic phonetic units devoid of any semantic content. Representing the other extreme are the vocal works in which the meaning is all-important.

In Non-Stop (1995) for mixed choir the nonsense words provide flexible substance for timbres and rhythms lent im-pact by consonants. The rolling beat unfolds over a pliable harmonic background.

The dialect of Western Finland also supplies colour and laid-back rhythms in the setting of poems by Heli Laaksonen in the five-movement Pikavuaro Turkku (Turku Express, 2001) for mixed choir. Heiniö gives the poems an airi ly tonal, folk song-like ambience over-laid with discreet layers of polyphonic rhythm.

Wind Pictures (1991) for choir

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and orchestra is in one sense a Requiem for Hei niö’s daughter, who died when still very young, but it also expands into a broad wind met-aphor the harmony of which is fecundated by a 10-note chord dis-covered in some sketches by Skryabin. Also in the fourth movement, Tuuli Maria, is a Heiniö lullaby he sang to his daughter.

Heiniö has admirably solved the problem of singability in modern music. In the Sextet (2000, for baritone and Schönbergian “Pierrot en-semble”) there are no awkward interval jumps. Diatonic cells can be detected, and there are no bulky chromatic blocks in the melodic flow. Embraced in the light, bright sound of the seven-movement work is an awareness of disappointment wounded by love, detached and numb. The falsetto singing in the skittish scherzo creates some ironic, comic dimensions.

Playfulness and drama in chamber music

The musicians performing Heiniö’s works are also offered a touch of physical drama, as in the Piano Quintet (1993), where they are ex-pected to speak and hum text by Lewis Carroll. The resonances of the human body serve as a physical timbral extension that also has the ingredients for a hybrid. The playful and absurd, the gleeful feet-off-the-ground feeling are features of this composer.

Wood is present in the piano quartet The Voice of the Tree (Puun ääni, 2006) inspired by the poetry of Eira Stenberg, in a very concrete manner; its feel is part of the physical aspect of the music. In addi-tion to being played in the normal way, the strings are dampened, plucked, struck, tapped and rubbed to bring out the intrinsic sound of the wood, the soulfulness of which is far from mere dry woodwork-ing. The string trio and piano together constitute a vision in which the listener may similarly detect the tree swaying in the wind, the move-ments of the branches and details of the foliage.

Mikko Heiniö has long been a focal figure on the Finnish musical scene and continues to be so as Chairman of the Society of Finnish Composers and Vice-Chairman of Teosto, the Finnish Composers’ Copyright Society. He has been composer-in-residence of the Turku Philharmonic Orchestra for more than a decade, and he was the au-thor of the volume on contemporary music in the History of Finnish Music that won the nation’s most prestigious prize for non-fiction, the Tieto-Finlandia.

Jukka IsopuroTranslation: Susan Sinisalo

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Mikko Heiniö (born on 18 May 1948) studied piano with Liisa Pohjola and composition with Joonas Kokkonen at the Sibelius Academy from 1971 to 1975. The two years

1975–77 were spent with the Polish teacher Witold Szalonek in Ber-lin. Heiniö also studied musicology at the University of Helsinki, fin-ishing his doctoral thesis in 1984 and working as Professor of Musi-cology at the University of Turku from 1985 to 2005.

Heiniö´s repertoire contains over 80 works. The main pieces of his music are his orchestral works such as eight piano concertos, Vuelo de Alambre (cycle for voice and orchestra, 1983), two symphonies (Pos-sible Worlds, 1987 and Songs of Night and Love, 1997), Wind Pictures for choir and orchestra (1991), On the Rocks (1998), trum-pet concerto Envelope (2002) and Alla Madre for violin and orchestra (2006). Among his main chamber music works are Framtidens Skugga for soprano and brass band (1980), Piano Trio (1988), Piano Quintet (1993), Treno Della Notte (2000) and Café au Lait (2006). Of his choral works, one could mention Three Folk Songs (1977), Lu-ceat (1992), Non-Stop (1995) and Pikavuaro Turkku (Turku Express, 2002).

Especially in his piano concertos Heiniö has combined different musical genres and types of expression: his fourth piano concerto Genom Kvällen (Through the Evening, 1986) features a choir and a string orchestra with the soloist; in the sixth (Hermes, 1994) there is a soprano and a string orchestra as well, and his eight, Månkonsert (The Moon Concerto, 2008) intro-duces a mezzo-soprano and a large orchestra. Hermes and his seventh piano concerto Khora were planned together with choreographer Tii-na Lindfors for the dance theatre ERI. Lindfors has also three other choreographies on her account made for Heiniö´s music.

In recent years, Heiniö has been gearing towards musical thea-tre. He composed a church opera, The Knight and the Dragon (Rid-daren och Draken, 2000) for Turku Cathedral´s 700th anniversary and Käärmeen hetki (The Hour of the Serpent, 2002–2005), an opera premiered by the Finnish National Opera. His third opera about the

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King Eric XIV of Sweden and his wife Karin Månsdotter was com-missioned for Turku’s year as Eu-ropean Capital of Culture in 2011.

In addition to composing, Mik-ko Heiniö is one of Finland’s lead-ing musicologists. His doctoral dissertation entitled “The idea of innovation and tradition” (1984) dealt with the musical philosophy of contemporary Finnish compos-ers. Articles by him on 20th cen-tury Finnish music, neoclassicism,

dodecaphony, serialism and postmodernism are to be found in The History of Finnish Music (Volume 4, Contemporary Music). Heiniö has also had a number of articles published in the Finnish Music Quarterly. The total amount of his musicological articles reaches over two hundred overall. He has been granted a number of awards such as Tieto-Finlandia (1997) together with Erkki Salmenhaara and Fa-bian Dahlström, and Suomi-palkinto (the Finland Award, 2006) by the Cultural Ministry of Finland.

Heiniö is a member of the Board of Teosto (the Finnish Compos-ers’ Copyright Bureau) and Luses (the Foundation for the Promotion of Finnish Music). He has been the Chairman of the Society of Finn-ish Composers since 1992. He has also been elected as a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Music in May 2004.

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The Knight and the Dragon / Riddaren och draken (1999–2000)Church OperaLibretto by Bo Carpelan (in Swedish) 2 sopranos, 1 mezzo-soprano, 1 alto, 1 tenor, 1 bass-baritone, 1 bass, 2 female choirs, 2 male choirs, orchestra: 2222/4331/13/0, organ, stringsIntrada – Act I – Intermezzo – Act II – CodaDuration: ca. 1 h 15 minCommissioned by the City of Turku and its congregations, Turku University and Opera Society for the 700th anniversary of Turku CathedralFp: Turku City Orchestra, cond. Ulf Söderblom, Turku Cathedral, November 9, 2000

Appeal to the eye, the ear and the mindOne of the most impressive operas written over the past few years … The music depicting light, in particular, generates a sense of dazzling beauty …A successful appeal to the eye, the ear and the mind. Helsingin Sanomat 2000

The Hour of the Serpent / Käärmeen hetki (2002–2005)Opera in Two ActsLibretto by Juha Siltanen (in Finnish)3 sopranos, 1 mezzo-soprano, 1 alto, 1 tenor, 1 baritone, 1 bass-baritone, 1 bass, mixed choir, orchestra: 3333/4331/13/1, piano, stringsDuration: ca. 2 h 30 minCommissioned by the Finnish National OperaFp: cond. Hannu Lintu, dir. Erik Söderblom, Finnish National Opera, September 15, 2006

Ground-breaking modern opera…An example of the most ambitious and most ground-breaking modern opera drama ever staged in Finland. Turun Sanomat 2006



Hermes (Piano Concerto No. 6) (1994)Dance Pictures for Piano, Soprano and StringsSee: Works for Soloist(s) and Orchestra

Khora (Piano Concerto No. 7) (2001)Dance Images for Piano and Five Percussionists See: Works for Soloist(s) and Orchestra

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Päivi Nisula in Heiniö’s opera The Hour of the Serpent8 Mikko Heiniö

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Concerto grosso (1975)string orchestra and harpsichordDuration: 21’Commissioned by the Oslo KammerorkesterFp: Oslo Kammerorkester, cond. Ornulf Boye Hansen, Oslo, April 22, 1977manuscript

Tredicia (1976)3333/4331/13/0, stringsDuration: 13’Fp: Finnish Radio Symphony Orchestra, cond. Leif Segerstam, Helsinki, December 13, 1978manuscript

Concerto for Orchestra (1982)3333/4331/13/1, piano, stringsDuration: 28’Commissioned by the Turku Philharmonic OrchestraFp: Turku PO, cond. Pertti Pekkanen, Turku, November 11, 1982manuscript

Drone (1982)(third movement of Concerto for Orchestra)Duration: 6’manuscript

Possible Worlds (1987)A Symphony3333/4331/13/1, piano, stringsDuration: 34’Commissioned by the Turku Philharmonic OrchestraFp: Turku PO, cond. Igor Bezrodnyi, Turku, December 10, 1987Fp (with choreography): Dance Theatre ERI, Tiina Lindfors, choreography, Turku PO, cond. Hannu Lintu, Turku, September 16, 1999

Dall’ ombra all’ombra (1992)Seven Variations, Theme and Coda for Orchestra and Synthesizer2222/4330/13/0, synthesizer, stringsDuration: 13’Commissioned by the Turku ConservatoryFp: Turku Conservatory Symphony Orchestra, cond. Janne Haapanen, Turku, November 28, 1992

Trias (1995)de “O quam mundum” (Piae Cantiones 1582: LXXI)2222/4631/13/0, stringsDuration: 10’

Sonata da chiesa (2005)Four Serpent Scenes in the Old Testament brass, celesta and percussion (4 French horns, 3 trumpets, 3 trombones, tuba, celesta, timpani, 3 percussionists)1. The Serpent in Eden (Käärme Paratiisissa)2. Moses Turns the Staff into a Snake (Mooses muuttaa sauvan käärmeeksi)3. The Bronze Snake (Pronssikäärme)4. Leviathan (Leviatan)Duration: ca. 16’Commissioned by the Turku and Kaarina Parish Union Fp: Turku Philharmonic Orchestra, cond. Markus Lehtinen, Katedraali soi! festival, Turku, February 9, 2006

Sensual timbres and swing!Heiniö has an ear for sensual timbres, but equally marked in this new work is his liking for rhythmic romping. For the second movement of the Church Sonata is a real boogie with a swing that sets one wondering what sort of music Heiniö would write for big band.Turun Sanomat 2006

Maestoso, Variations on a Theme by erik XIV (2008)3333/4331/13/1, stringsDuration: 8’

Commissioned by the University of Turku for its 75th anniversaryFp: Turku Philharmonic Orchestra, cond. Janne Haapanen, Turku, May 26, 1995

Minne (1996)string orchestraDuration: 18’Commissioned by the Korsholm FestivalFp: Ostrobothnian Chamber Orchestra, cond. Juha Kangas, Korsholm Music Festival, June 27, 1997

Symphony No. 2 ”Songs of Night and Love” (“Yön ja rakkauden lauluja”) (1997)See: Works for Soloist(s) and Orchestra

On the Rocks (1998)3333/4331/13, piano (doubling celesta), stringsDuration: 13’Commissioned by the Finnish Broadcasting CompanyFp: Finnish Radio Symphony Orchestra, cond. Sakari Oramo, Helsinki, November 13, 1998

Enjoyable opening numberI didn’t expect On the Rocks to be so fine, quite a masterpiece in fact. …I enjoyed it purely as music, eagerly drinking in its gentle harmonies, its graceful melodies and magnificent timbres.Etelä-Suomen Sanomat 2004


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Khora (Piano Concerto No. 7) (2001)Dance Images for Piano and Five Percussionists solo piano+percussion group (5 players)Introduction (Johdanto) [in the scene version only]1. Khora I2. The Mirror (Peili)3. Oidipus4. Eros & Thanatos5. Khora IIDuration: 45’ (concert version 35’)Commissioned by the Dance Theatre ERI with support of the Madetoja FoundationFp: Juhani Laukola, piano, Kroustikon Percussion Ensemble, cond. Risto Pulkkinen, Dance Theatre ERI with choreography by Tiina Lindfors, Turku, November 8, 2001

Happy combination of rhythm and sound…A magnificent, innovative and sonorous piece for small ensemble. …The fact that Heiniö scored it almost exclusively for percussion well supports the message and gives it a touch of originality. Åbo underrättelser 2001 A thundering text that beautifully balances the choreography. The timpani and other percussion nuances combined with the clear voice of the piano are sublime. Hufvudstadsbladet 2001


Tiina Lindfors and Alexander Zilbermann as Eros and Thanatos in Heiniö’s Khora

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Khora (Piano Concerto No. 7)

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Fué anoche

Fué anocheallá en el sur,entre la última primaveraacumulada, que llegaron tus manos como un suave golpe de aqua.No hablaste,estabas ahí.

El sol, mientras tanto,proponía a los árbolessu estatura de sombras.

Y en el silenzio de la luzy de los patios,trotaban mis hijoscon pasitos de esquina y mariposa.

Y entre tu sombra y la míavolantines transitorioslevantaron hacia el nortesu vuelo de alambre.

En la tarde,organizada en la distanciala intranquilidad de los espacios,mi retorno,como la lluvia,como tus manos.

Vuelo de alambre (Barbed-wire flight) (1983)soprano and orchestra: 3333/4331/13/1, celesta and piano (1 player), stringsTexts: anonymous Chilean prisoners (in Spanish)1. Prelude2. Tengo (I Have)3. Electra4. Fué anoche (It Happened Last Night)5. Tres Alamos6. PostludeDuration: 28’Commissioned by the Finnish Broadcasting CompanyFp: Eija Orpana-Martin, soprano, Finnish Radio Symphony Orchestra, cond. Jorma Panula, Helsinki, April 3, 1985

Neljä yölaulua / four Night Songs (1972)baritone or contralto and orchestra: 2222/4230/11/0, celesta, piano, strings(also available as a version for voice and piano)Text: Mikko Heiniö (in Finnish)Duration: 10’Fp: Olavi Hautsalo, baritone, Pentti Koskimies, piano, Helsinki, May 10, 1973manuscript

Concerto for french Horn and orchestra (1978)solo horn+2222/0230/12/0, piano, stringsDuration: 26’Fp: Esa-Pekka Salonen, horn, Pori City Orchestra, cond. Atso Almila, Pori, March 5, 1980manuscript

Concerto for Piano and orchestra No. 3 (1981)solo piano+2222/4330/13/0, celesta, stringsDuration: 28’Fp: Liisa Pohjola, piano, Tampere Philharmonic Orchestra, cond. Atso Almila, Tampere, February 23, 1984

genom kvällen (Concerto for Piano and orchestra No. 4) (1986)See: Choral Works

Concerto for Piano and orchestra No. 5 (1989)solo piano+2222/4330/12/0, stringsDuration: 25’Commissioned by the Association of Finnish Symphony OrchestrasFp: Ralf Gothóni, piano, Turku Philharmonic Orchestra, cond. Pertti Pekkanen, Turku, April 5, 1990

Hermes (Piano Concerto No. 6) (1994) Dance Pictures for Piano, Soprano and StringsDuration: 52’–55’Commissioned by the Dance Theatre ERI and Turku Music FestivalFp: Juhani Lagerspetz, piano, Camilla Nylund, soprano, Ostrobothnian Chamber Orchestra, cond. Juha Kangas, Dance Theatre ERI with choreography by Tiina Lindfors, Turku Music Festival, August 11, 1995

It Happened Last Night

It happened last night,down there in the south,when spring wasat its height,our hands came,like a gentle shower of water.You did not speak,You just were there.

The sun, meanwhile,offered the trees its shade,the whole way down.

And in the silence of the lightand the courtyards,ran my childrenwith steps as light as a butterfly.

And between your shadow and minethe passing kitesrose towards the northon their barbed-wire flight.

In the afternoon,at an organized distancethe restlessness of space,my return,like rain,like our hands.

Chacabuco, February 7, 1974

It is high time…My pal Guy Rickards astutely described Vuelo de Alambre and Possible Worlds as ‘like serial Villa-Lobos’; Hermes is pulsing with energetic life; and now an opera, The Knight and the Dragon, which is a phenomenal achievement. It’s high time we started paying a lot more attention to Heiniö.Toccata Press 2001 (Martin Anderson)

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alla madre (2007)solo violin+3333/4331/13, harp, strings1. Arrivo (Allegretto pesante – Agitato)2. Aura (Andante – Allegro)3. Carezza (Cadenza – Cantabile)Duration: 30’Commissioned by the Turku Philharmonic OrchestraFp: Kurt Nikkanen, violin, Turku PO, cond. Petri Sakari, Turku, May 15, 2008

A fantasy journey…An instrumental adventure and a fantasy journey. It is obviously challenging and fun to do for soloist and orchestra alike and keeps the audience’s interest awake every moment. Helsingin Sanomat 2008

envelope (2002)for Haydn’s Trumpet Concerto in Ebsolo trumpet+3333/4331/13/1, piano, stringsDuration: pre Haydn 12’30”, post Haydn 7’30”(the work is played without breaks before and after the Haydn Concerto; it includes also a cadenza and two sections linking the separate concerto movements together)Commissioned by the Turku Philharmonic OrchestraFp: Ole Edvard Antonsen, trumpet, Turku PO, cond. Rudolf Werthen, Turku, September 19, 2002

Rhythmic riot from HeiniöThe wildest torrent of sound was unleashed in Mikko Heiniö’s Envelope. In this riot of postmodern timbres, tumult and rhythm the composer has “enveloped” the Trumpet Concerto by Joseph Haydn.Helsingin Sanomat 2008

Symphony No. 2 ”Songs of Night and Love” (“Yön ja rakkauden lauluja”) (1997)baritone and orchestra: 3333/4331/13/1, celesta and piano (1 player), stringsText: Lassi Nummi (in Finnish)1. Haluan sinua, haluan sinut (I Want You, All of You)2. Meren hiljaisuus (Silence of the Sea)3. Sydänyöllä (At Dead of Night)4. Juhla, unen aalto (Celebration, a Wave of Sleep)Duration: 37’Commissioned by the Turku Philharmonic OrchestraFp: Tommi Hakala, baritone, Turku PO, cond. Ilpo Mansnerus, Turku, May 14, 1998

Sensual music – Heiniö’s “Tristan” The second symphony is Mikko Heiniö’s “Tristan”, so much Wagnerian semi-darkness and mood does it contain. …Heiniö has written sensual music, a long orchestral ballad…Hufvudstadsbladet 2001

Moon Concerto / Månkonsert (Piano Concerto No. 8) (2007–08)Reflections and Variations on Themes by John Dowland and Hugo Ingeliusmezzo-soprano, piano and orchestra: 3333/4331/13/1, celesta, stringsText: Edith Södergran, Carl Snoilsky (in Swedish)1. Nocturne2. Rosso3. FinaleDuration: 38’Commissioned by the Finnish Radio Symphony OrchestraFp: Heini Kärkkäinen, piano, Monica Groop, mezzo-soprano, Finnish RSO, Helsinki, September 23, 2009

Syyskesän laulu / Late Summer Song (2008)bass and chamber orchestra: 2222/2200/1, strings(also available a version for bass and piano)Text: Lassi Nummi (in Finnish)Duration: 17’1. Suuri valo (The Great Light)2. Kun saavumme tähän hetkeen (When We Reach this Moment)3. Tämä outo seutu (This Strange Region)4. Virran partaalla (By the Stream)5. Välimeri (The Mediterranean)6. Taivaalla kuu (The Moon in the Sky)7. Syyskesä (Late Summer)Commissioned by the Turku and Kaarina Parish Union

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Symphony No. 2 “Songs of Night and Love”

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Symphony No. 2

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Suite for flute and Two guitars (1974)Duration: 15’Fp: Ilari Lehtinen, flute, Rolf Holmberg and Pekka Vesanen, guitars, Helsinki, May 10, 1974manuscript

Trio for oboe, Bassoon and Harpsichord (1976)Duration: 15’Fp: Aale Lindgren, oboe, Matti Tossavainen, bassoon, Kari Jussila, harpsichord, Helsinki, July 29, 1976

akasa (1977)6 trombonesDuration: 11’Fp: Trombone course of the Jyväskylä Arts Festival, cond. Mikko Heiniö, Jyväskylä, July 7, 1977Publisher: Jasemusiikki

four finnish folktunes / Neljä kansansävelmää (1977)(arr.)4 trombonesDuration: 6’30’’

Notturno di fiordo (1978)flute/piccolo and harpDuration: 17’Commissioned by NOMUSFbp: Ilari Lehtinen, flute, Marjatta Haahti, harp, Finnish Broadcasting Company, 1979Publisher: Society of Finnish Composers

Brass Mass (1979)4 trumpets, 4 trombones and tuba (ad lib.)Duration: 16’Fp: Finnish Brass Ensemble, cond. Mikko Heiniö, Helsinki, April 15, 1980

Duo for Violin and Piano / Duo per violino e pianoforte (1979)Duration: 16’30’’Commissioned by the Finnish Broadcasting CompanyFbp: Erkki Palola, violin, Risto Kyrö, piano, Finnish Broadcasting Company, May 5, 1980

Champignons à l´herméneutique(1979)Divertimento for Flute and GuitarDuration: 16’30’’Fp: Liisa Ruoho, flute, Pekka Vesanen, guitar, Helsinki, December 16, 1980Publisher: Jasemusiikki

Minimba 1 (1982)Canon for 4 (or 3) GuitarsDuration: 7’30’’Fp: Pekka Vesanen, Kari Äikäs, Juan Antonio Muro, Ilmari Hytönen, guitars, Espoo, May 3, 1984Publisher: Jasemusiikki

“...in spe” (1984)Diaphony for Saxophone and Marimba/VibraphoneDuration: 7’30’’Fbp: Pekka Savijoki, saxophone, Tim Ferchen, marimba/vibraphone, Finnish Broadcasting Company, 1985Publisher: Jasemusiikki

Piano Trio (1988)Duration: 13’Commissioned by the Kuhmo Chamber Music FestivalFp: Fontenay Trio (Wolf Harden, piano, Michael Mucke, violin, Niklas Schmidt, cello), Kuhmo Chamber Music Festival, July 19, 1989

In g (1988)cello and pianoDuration: 7’Commissioned by the Musical Society of Turku for the Turku Cello Competition 1990Fp: Participants in the Turku Cello Competition (2nd round), January 16–17, 1990

aurora (1989)Fanfare for Brass4 horns, 3 trumpets, 3 trombones, tubaDuration: 1’Fp: Turku Philharmonic Orchestra, cond. Jacques Mercier, Turku, May 9, 19902nd prize in the competition of the 350th Anniversary of the University of Helsinkimanuscript

Wintertime (1990)Seven Fragments for Vibraphone/Marimba and HarpDuration: 9’Fp: Risto Pulkkinen, vibraphone/marimba, Mikko Leistola, harp, Stockholm, November 8, 1991Publisher: Jasemusiikki

Piano Quintet (1993)2 violins, viola, cello, pianoText: Lewis Carroll (in English)Duration: 15’

Commissioned by the Kuhmo Chamber Music FestivalFp: New Helsinki Quartet (Jan Söderblom, I violin, Petri Aarnio, II violin, Ilari Angervo, viola, Jan-Erik Gustafsson, cello), Heini Kärkkäinen, piano, Kuhmo Chamber Music Festival, July 20, 1994

ReLay (1998)violin and celloDuration: 13’Commissioned by the Turku Music FestivalFp: Per Enoksson, violin, Martti Rousi, cello, Turku, August 7, 1998

7.2.1949 (1998)50 Measures and Coda for Seppo Kimanen for his 50th Anniversary Dayclarinet, cello and pianoDuration: 1’40’’Fp: Kari Kriikku, clarinet, Jan-Erik Gustafsson, cello, Juhani Lagerspetz, piano, Helsinki, February 7, 1999manuscript

espresso (1999)violin, cello and pianoDuration: 3’Commissioned by the Juvenalia Chamber Music CompetitionFp: Juvenalia Chamber Music Competition, February 2001Publisher: Modus Music

Treno della notte (2000)clarinet, cello and pianoDuration: 18’Commissioned by the Kuhmo Chamber Music FestivalFp: Tuulia Ylönen, clarinet, Marko Ylönen, cello, Heini Kärkkäinen, piano, Kuhmo Chamber Music Festival, July 29, 2001

Tremendous drive Treno della notte is a simply splendid work. It has tremendous drive from beginning to end. …The syncopated beat with traces of jazz and Klezmer sets feet tapping. Helsingin Sanomat 2001

Café au lait (2006)flute, clarinet, violin, cello and piano1. Le matin – Timporata2. Mami Wata3. Tipinti et Abalacodje – La nuitDuration: 16’Commissioned by the Turku Music Festival

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Lindgreniana (1975)oboeDuration: 10’Fp: Aale Lindgren, Helsinki, March 10, 1980Publisher: Jasemusiikki

Suite for Bassoon (1976)Duration: 10’Fbp: Matti Tossavainen, Finnish Broadcasting Company, 1977Publisher: Jasemusiikki

Three Repetitive Dreams / Kolme repetitiivistä unta (1982)pianoDuration: 9’Fp: Matti Raekallio, Jyväskylä, July 4, 1983Publisher: Modus Music

Deductions I (1979)pianoDuration: 17’Fp: Annikka Konttori, Helsinki, November 23, 1979

Heiniö picks up where Debussy and Ravel left off It is roundly astonishing how Mikko Heiniö – a serialist twenty years ago – can now write music which picks up where Debussy and Ravel left off … if you like Jeux d’Eaux, you’ll be at home with his piano suite Deductions, which is a major addition to the repertoire.Finnish Music Quarterly 2007

Into Sleep / Uneen (1986)pianoDuration: 2’Commissioned by JasemusiikkiFbp: Annikka Konttori, Finnish Broadcasting Company, 1988Publisher: Jasemusiikki

Ritornelli (1991)pianoDuration: 8’Fp: Liisa Pohjola, Helsinki, April 28, 1992

The High Sky / Den höga himlen (2007)organDuration: 9’30”Commissioned by Ville Urponen with the support of Madetoja FoundationFp: Ville Urponen, Turku, October 25, 2008

Fp: Anne Eirola, flute, Karin Dornbusch, clarinet, Cecilia Zilliacus, violin, Erkki Lahesmaa, cello, Henri Sigfridsson, piano, Turku, August 19, 2006

A living RavelCafé au lait was fragrant and throbbing with snappy rhythms and timbres in a way that Ravel, had he been alive today, could, without any problem, have embraced…Hufvudstadsbladet 2006

Canzona (2006)per trio d’archiviolin, viola and cello1. Il grembo del vento estivo (Dolce arioso) –2. Il mattino fiero dell’autunno (Deciso) –3. Lo splendore immobile dell’inverno (Maestoso e luminoso) –4. Il blu e il verde della primavera (Animato)Duration: ca. 13’Commissioned by the Nauvo Music FestivalFp: Tuomas Rousi, violin, Jussi Aalto, viola, Roi Ruottinen, cello, Nauvo, July 5, 2007

Piano Quartet “The Voice of the Tree” (“Puun ääni”) (2006)violin, viola, cello and piano1. Questione (Andante recitativo e pesante – Doppio movimento) –2. Scherzo (Sciolto) –3. Interno (Allegretto tranquillo)Duration: 16’40”

Commissioned by the Kuhmo Chamber Music FestivalFp: Philippe Graffin, violin, Eriikka Nylund, viola, Marko Ylönen, cello, Heini Kärkkäinen, piano, Kuhmo, July 19, 2007

Inspiring bull’s-eye The Voice of the Tree proved to be an inspiring bull’s-eye. …Playfulness and absurdity, and having a merry fling belong to the image of Heiniö the composer.Helsingin Sanomat 2008

A recital of chamber music by Heiniö was held in Beijing in 2008

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Piano Quartet “The Voice of the Tree”

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Piano Quartet

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Drei finnische Volkslieder / Kolme kansanlaulua (1977)double mixed choirText in Finnish and in German, translation by the composer1. Tirlil2. Sommernacht / Kesäyönä3. Der Spielmann / PelimanniDuration: 8’Fp: Finnish Radio Chamber Choir, cond. Harald Andersén, Rovaniemi, 1977

Kinerva (1978)tenor and male choirText: Finnish folk poetry (in Finnish)Duration: 7’Commissioned by the Finnish Broadcasting CompanyFp: Helsinki University Chorus (YL), cond. Matti Hyökki, Helsinki, May 14, 1980manuscript

Landet som icke är (The Land That Is Not) (1980)children’s or female choir and pianoText: Edith Södergran (in Swedish, with a Finnish translation by the composer)Duration: 19’Commissioned by the Finnish Broadcasting CompanyFp: Finnish Radio Children’s Choir, Pertti Eerola, piano, cond. Heinz Hofmann, Helsinki, May 12, 1981

Mannerkantaatti (Continent Cantata) (1985)soprano, baritone, mixed choir and orchestra2222/4331/12/0, piano, stringsText: Lassi Nummi (in Finnish)Duration: 60’Fp: Satu Vihavainen, soprano, Pertti Lehtinen, baritone, Helsinki Philharmonic Orchestra, cond. Pertti Pekkanen, Helsinki Festival, August 21, 1992manuscript

I den ljusa natten (In the Light Night) (1985)male choirText: Bo Carpelan (in Swedish)Duration: 8’Fp: Akademiska Sångföreningen, cond. Tom Eklundh, Helsinki, March 7, 1988

genom kvällen (Through the evening) (1986)(Concerto for Piano and Orchestra No. 4)piano, mixed choir and string orchestraText: Bo Carpelan (in Swedish)Duration: 26’Commissioned by the City of EspooFp: Liisa Pohjola, piano, Tapiola Chamber Choir, Tapiola Sinfonietta, cond. Juhani Lamminmäki, Espoo, May 21, 1989

Minimba 2 (1988)male choirDuration: 5’Commissioned by Muntra MusikanterFp: Muntra Musikanter, cond. Markus Westerlund, Helsinki, March 26, 1993manuscript

Wind Pictures (Tuulenkuvia) (1991)2222/4331/03/1, synthesizer, strings, mixed choirTexts: L. F. Kämtz, Bible (Psalm 103), Eduard Mörike, Francesco Petrarca (in German, Latin and Italian)Duration: 35’Commissioned by the Chorus Cathedralis AboensisFp: Chorus Cathedralis Aboensis, Turku Philharmonic Orchestra, cond. Jacques Mercier, Turku, November 26, 1992

Luceat (1992)mixed choirText: Fragments from Requiem text (in Latin)Duration: 10’Commissioned by the Jubilate ChoirFp: Jubilate Choir, cond. Astrid Riska, Helsinki, December 6, 1992

Skålbordun (1993)male choirText: Folk songs (in Swedish)Duration: 5’Commissioned by the Helsinki University Chorus (YL)Fp: Helsinki University Chorus, cond. Matti Hyökki, Mikkeli, March 18, 1994

Non-Stop (1995)mixed choirDuration: 11’30”Commissioned by the Finnish Broadcasting CompanyFp: Finnish Radio Chamber Choir, cond. Heikki Liimola, Helsinki, October 13, 1995

Juhlamarssi hiljaisille miehille (festive March for Quiet Men) (1996)male choirDuration: 5’Fp: Polytech Choir, cond. Tapani Länsiö, Turku, May 10, 1997

Pikavuaro Turkku (Turku express) (2002)mixed choirText: Heli Laaksonen (in Finnish)1. Aurink kunnas2. Stari3. Kaukka kaunis4. Kiittämättömi5. Lehm ja koivDuration: 14’30’’Commissioned by the Turku University Student Choir (TYY), dedicated to the memory of Jaakko FredmanFp: TYY, cond. Tapani Saarinen, Turku, May 10, 2002

Tomumieli (Mind of Dust) (2003)male choir and two djembe drumsText: Lassi Nummi (in Finnish)Duration: 6’30’’Commissioned by the Helsinki University ChorusFp: Helsinki University Chorus, cond. Matti Hyökki, Helsinki, April 5, 2003

Splendid setting The programme concludes with one of the strongest items: Mind of Dust, Mikko Heiniö’s splendid setting of Lasse Nummi’s evocation of the terracotta warriors at Xian for male choir and two West African Drums.Nordic Sounds 2005

The Bishop’s Spring Dream (2005)five male voices (5 or 15 singers)Text: Juha Siltanen (in English)Duration: 6’30” Commissioned by Talla for the Northlights Project with the support of the Madetoja FoundationFp: Lamentabile Consort, Quattro stagioni and Talla, Tampere Vocal Music Festival, Tampere, June 9, 2005

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Neljä yölaulua (four Night Songs) (1972)baritone or contralto and piano(also available as a version for orchestra)Text: Mikko Heiniö (in Finnish)Duration: 10’Fp: Olavi Hautsalo, baritone, Pentti Koskimies, piano, Helsinki, May 10, 1973manuscript

Tre böner (Three Prayers) (1976)baritone and pianoText: Elmer Diktonius (in Swedish)Duration: 9’Fbp: Olavi Hautsalo, baritone, Mikko Heiniö, piano, Finnish Broadcasting Company, 1978manuscript

Halllieder (1977)soprano and pianoText: Constanze Hall (in German)Duration: 10’Fp: Anette Hall, soprano, Mikko Heiniö, piano, West Berlin, May 21, 1977manuscript

The Shadow of the future / framtidens skugga (1980)soprano, 4 trumpets, 4 trombones and tubaText: Edith Södergran (in Swedish, with an English translation by Jeremy Parsons)Duration: 22’Fp: Rita Bergman, soprano, Finnish Brass Ensemble, cond. Mikko Heiniö, Helsinki, March 14, 1981

La (1985)Quintet for Piano and Four Voices (soprano, mezzo-soprano/contralto, tenor, baritone)Duration: 10’Commissioned by the Association of Finnish SoloistsFp: Gustav Djupsjöbacka, piano, Merja Wirkkala, soprano, Eeva-Liisa Saarinen, mezzo-soprano, Risto Saarman, tenor, Sauli Tiilikainen, baritone, Helsinki, March 9, 1986

Three Morning Songs (2003)baritone and pianoText: Juha Siltanen (in English)

Sextet (2000)baritone, flute, clarinet, violin, cello and pianoTexts: fragments from Ultime lettere by Ugo Foscolo (in Italian); letters by John Keats (in English) and Franz Kafka (in German)1. Ritornello I (attacca)2. Aria I3. Ritornello II 4. Scherzo (attacca)5. Ritornello III (attacca subito)6. Aria II7. Ritornello IVDuration: 18’Commissioned by Tommi Hakala Fp: Tommi Hakala, baritone, Focus Ensemble (Esa-Veli Riuttamäki, flute, Mikko Kauppinen, clarinet, Liisi Nuora, violin, Juha Malmivaara, cello, Katariina Liimatainen, piano), Time of Music Festival, Viitasaari, July 8, 2000

Modern music that sings The most impressive piece on the disc is Mikko Heiniö’s Sextet. …Heiniö has done a fine job solving the problem of writing modern music that sings.Helsingin Sanomat 2003

1. The End2. Aubade3. JazzDuration: 13’Commissioned by Tommi Hakala with support of the Foundation for the Promotion of Finnish Music LUSES

Professori Huldénin aika-aaria (Professor Huldén’s aria) (2006)from the opera Käärmeen hetkivoice and pianoText: Juha Siltanen (in Finnish)

Syyskesän laulu(Late Summer Song) (2008)bass and piano (also available a version for chamber orchestra)Text: Lassi Nummi (in Finnish)Duration: 17’1. Suuri valo (The Great Light)2. Kun saavumme tähän hetkeen (When We Reach this Moment)3. Tämä outo seutu (This Strange Region)4. Virran partaalla (By the Stream)5. Välimeri (The Mediterranean)6. Taivaalla kuu (The Moon in the Sky)7. Syyskesä (Late Summer)Commissioned by the Turku and Kaarina Parish Union

Publisher: Fennica Gehrman unless otherwise mentioned • Fp: First performance • Fbp: First broadcast performance

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Discographygenom kvällen Finlandia 1576-53378-2 (FACD 378) (1989) Liisa Pohjola, piano, Tapiola Chamber Choir, Espoo Chamber Orchestra, cond. Juhani Lamminmäki

Vuelo de alambre, Possible Worlds – a SymphonyFinlandia 1576-54408-2 (FACD 408) (1991)Karita Mattila, soprano, Turku Philharmonic Orchestra, cond. Jacques Mercier

Suite for flute and two guitarsNikolauscommunity NCD 2 (1991)Rainer Risberg, flute, Jorma Salmela, Hannu Siiskonen, guitars

Kolme kansanlaulua (Drei finnische Volkslieder)Ondine ODE 796-2 (1992)Tapiola Chamber Choir, cond. Eric-Olof Söderström

Minimba 1Finngospel FGCD 1074 (1993)Jam Quartet (Matts Kulvik, Paul Pajarinen, Juho-Pekka Putkonen, Kari Rantanen, guitars)

RitornelliSibelius Academy SACD-4 (1994)Liisa Pohjola, piano

Duo for Violin and PianoMILS 9439 (1994)Sakari Tepponen, violin, Liisa Pohjola, piano

Tuulenkuvia (Wind Pictures)Finlandia 1576-54452-2 (FACD 544522) (1994)Turku Philharmonic Orchestra, Chorus Cathedralis Aboensis, cond. Jacques Mercier

Vuelo de alambreFinlandia 4509-99403-2 (1995)Karita Mattila, soprano, Turku Philharmonic Orchestra, cond. Jacques Mercier

Piano QuintetOndine ODE 865-2 (1995)Avanti! Quartet (John Storgårds, violin, Anna Hohti, II violin, Tuula Riisalo, viola, Lea Pekkala, cello), Jaana Kärkkäinen, piano

SkålbordunFinlandia 4509-98993-2 (1995)Helsinki University Chorus (YL), cond. Matti Hyökki

Hermes, In gOndine ODE 870-2 (1996)Juhani Lagerspetz, piano, Camilla Nylund, soprano, Ostrobothnian Chamber Orchestra, cond. Juha Kangas, Tuija Rantamäki, cello

Piano TrioFifty Fifty Records FFCD-1014 (1996)Simo Vuoristo, violin, Jukka Perksalo, cello, Jukka Juvonen, piano

LindgrenianaSuomen oboe- ja fagottiseura FUGA 9102 (1998)Tommi Mentu, oboe

Vuelo de alambre, Possible Worlds – a Symphony, Wind Pictures, genom kvällen, SkålbordunFinlandia 3984-23404-2 (2 CD; 1999) “Meet the Composer”various performers (previously released material)

Juhlamarssi hiljaisille miehille(festive March for Quiet Men)Polyteknikkojen Kuoro PKCD16 (1999) “Matkalla / Male Voice Voyage”Polytech Choir, cond. Tapani Länsiö

Piano TrioTritonus TRICD-001 (2000) “Poike”Jukka Juvonen, piano, Simo Vuoristo, violin, Jukka Perksalo, cello

Landet som icke ärLYRANCD-2 (2001) “Lust”Akademiska Damkören Lyran, cond. Kari Turunen

The Knight and the Dragon (Riddaren och draken)BIS-CD-1246 (2001)Turku Philharmonic Orchestra, Turku Opera Chorus and soloists, cond. Ulf Söderblom

SextetJaseCD0040 (2003)Tommi Hakala, baritone, Focus Ensemble (Katariina Liimatainen, piano, Liisi Nuora-Kapanen, violin, Juha Malmivaara, cello, Mikko Raasakka, clarinet, Esa-Veli Riuttamäki, flute)

Tomumieli (Mind of Dust)Ondine ODE 1045-2 (2004)Helsinki University Chorus (YL), cond. Matti Hyökki

Pikavuaro Turkku (Turku express)TYYK 004 (2004)Turku University Student Choir (TYY), cond. Tapani Saarinen

Minimba IFuga 9194 (2004)Kari Äikäs, Ilmari Hytönen, Juan Antonio Muro, Pekka Vesanen, guitars

DeductionsJaseCD 0045 (2007) “PianoHorizons”Tuomas Mali, piano

Symphony No. 2 “Songs of Night and Love”, alla madreSony BMG (2009)Tommi Hakala, baritone, Kurt Nikkanen, violin, Turku Philharmonic Orchestra, cond. Petri Sakari

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CD sampler 1. Possible Worlds 3:36

3rd movement Placidamente – Appassionato (excerpt)Turku PO / Jacques MercierFinlandia CD 3984-23404-2

2. Vuelo de alambre (Barbed-wire flight) 5:534th movement Fué anoche (It Happened Last Night)Turku PO / Jacques Mercier, sol. Karita MattilaFinlandia CD 3984-23404-2

3. Symphony No. 2 Songs of Night and Love 6:252nd movement Meren hiljaisuus (The Silence of the Night) (excerpt) Finnish RSO/Hannu Lintu, sol. Tommi HakalaFinnish Broadcasting Company (YLE)

4. Wind Pictures 7:064th movement Tuuli MariaTurku PO/Jacques Mercier, Chorus Cathedralis Aboensis /Juha KuivanenFinlandia CD 3984-23404-2

5.– 6. Riddaren och draken (The Knight and the Dragon) 12:55Act 1, scenes 4&5Turku PO / Ulf Söderblom, Turku Opera Chorus and soloistsBIS-CD-1246

7. on the Rocks 3:35 (excerpt)Finnish RSO / Sakari OramoYLE

8. Khora, Piano Concerto No. 7 4:315th movement Khora II (excerpt)Kroustikon Percussion Ensemble / Risto Pulkkinen, sol. Jussi Laukola

9. Hermes, Piano Concerto No. 6 3:458th movement Finale (excerpt) Ostrobothnian Chamber Orchestra / Juha Kangas, sol. Juhani Lagerspetz, Camilla NylundOndine ODE 870-2

10. Sextet 3:134th movement Scherzo Focus Ensemble, sol. Tommi HakalaJaseCD 0040

11. Piano Quintet 5:50(excerpt) Avanti! Quartet & Jaana KärkkäinenOndine ODE 865-2

12. Piano Quartet The Voice of the Tree (Puun ääni) 3:093rd movement Interno (excerpt) Philippe Graffin (vl), Eriikka Nylund (vla), Marko Ylönen (vc), Heini Kärkkäinen (pf )YLE

13. Non Stop 3:13(excerpt)Radio Chamber Choir / Heikki LiimolaYLE

14. Pikavuaro Turkku (Turku express) 2:214th movement Kiittämättömi Turku University Student Choir (TYY) / Tapani SaarinenTYYK 004

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Editor: Henna SalmelaDesign: Pirkko HuttunenCV text and work list: © FimicPhotos: Society of Finnish Composers / Annu Mikkonen (cover photo), Finnish National Opera / Stefan Bremer, Fimic / Maarit Kytöharju, Robert Seger, Turku Philharmonic Orchestra / Seilo Ristimäki, ERI Dance Theatre / Jari Laurikko

Copyright © 2009 Fennica Gehrman Oy Ab

ISMN 979-0-55009-613-4 • ISBN 978-952-5489-08-8

Unless otherwise mentioned, all works are published by Fennica Gehrman

PO Box 158, FI-00121 Helsinki, FinlandTel. +358-10-3871220, Fax +358-10-3871221www.fennicagehrman.fi • [email protected]

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