.==."G- 1?G?·_^-_-_ the buyer and seller come together for the people's benefit. You Hefe IS Wnere may find a fortune right here if you are wise enough. . . . . ?- THK RATK G?? CLASSmKD WANT ADVERTISING 's ! sent n»r irorâ Net Cash ADVANCE, with n. minimum e«xrt .t ? e«nt» for neh insertion, ??» «nm» rate âJiptlM te dSAtHs. mSrrlar*«, obituari« and »Il oth·» el*w»lfjed notices. No display typt »llowsi In tb· classified columns. LOST AND FOUND. STRAYED FROM MY RESIDENCE, 1UV, Twenty-fifth Street, Hay Mare: White spot »11 end of nose, small stripe on invasi. Any one Unding Samo will re¬ ceive liberiti reward If returned to nbovu address. S. A. 1ÍRAGG. iiKLP WANTED.Male. ANY INTELLIGENT PEKSON MAY earn- good Incorno correspondía»; Cor newspapers; experience unnecessary. Send lor particulars. NOK ? .iJOltN PRESS SYNDICATE, Lockport. ?, Y. SALESMAN"-WANTED, Al SALESMAN, Well acquainted with oily grocery trade. Must come well recommended. VAL¬ HALLA HEALTH FOOD CO., .XC East .Marshall Street. WANTED.MEN TO LEARN THE secret of how to grow hair on. bald heads, to slop falling or breaking hair and lo curo dandruff and all scalp disease!. some of Richmond's most prominent, professional and business men will testify, to the merits <>f the method. îfio per day can easily bo mado by this secret. Daniel's Scien¬ tific tuid .Massage School, 621 East Franklin Street, WANTEN, MEN TO LEAHN BARBER (rode; eight weeks' average time re¬ quired; wages Saturdays while learning; $10 to $15 weekly gun ranteed when through; idustratcd catalogues mailed free. MOLER'S BARBER COLLEGE, 3S0 Canal Street, New York City. WANTED FOR U. S. ARMY.ABLB- bodled unmarried men, between-ages of a and 35. citizens of United States, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write English. For Information apply to RECRUITING OF¬ FICER, HO E. Broad St.. Richmond, Va. I SITUATION WANTED.Male HOTEL CLERK. NOW CONNECTED with ono of the largest in North Cavo- lina, would make a change for more money, location, etc, or' would lease a first-class hotel. Address "CO.MPE- ? TENT," caro this olilce. WANTED. A POSITION (WHERE HON- eaty and intelligence will he appreciated) by an experienced double-entry book-I keeper; havo been with present company over a year, but a change Is desired where there Is chanco of promotion. Ad¬ dress H. 50, care this oillce. WANTED; BY A GENTLEMAN OF IN- telllgoiice, nigh integrity and sobriety, a position as collector, solicitor or any business employment by which he can support his family; highest testimoniala of above can bo given. Address K. 75, care this oillce, j [Wanted; a situation as clerk or watchman by a Confederate veteran I of sober and steady habits, who has had a largo experience! as hotel clerk and watchman; best city reference. Address A. 66, care this ofllce. WANTED. BY YOUNG MAN WITH good reference, a position; experienced In ofllce work and as manager. Address E. 91. this ofllce· __ HELP WANTED--?eraaleT~ A LARC1E NUMBER OF COOKS WAN*- cd, Ten cooks wanted for Grace and Franklin Streets, fifteen cooks and house servants wanted for this city; ilrst-class wages paid for good servants. Apply at once No. 528 E. Broad Street (upstairs), NEGRO EMPLOYMENT AGENCY & LABOR EXCHANGE, j COOK-WANTED, A GOOD COOK FOR «mall family. Also a nurse for young baby. Apply at No. 100 North Linden Street, between Floyd and Park Avenue. WANTED.LADIES TO LEARN THE secret of how to grow hair on bald heads, to stop falling or breaking hair and to cure dandruff and all scalp dis¬ eases. Some rf Richmond's most prom- ineat professional and business m«h will testify to the merits of the meth¬ od. $50 per day can easily be made by this secret. Daniel's Scientific and Massage School, No. C21 East Frank¬ lin Street. STTUATlÖlfwÄNTED.Female j WANTKr ?ß????/??.???G?? YOUNG lady, poil.tloo,.irc oillce or store as cash¬ ier: A-l reference. Address K. 71, care this onice HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE, WANTED. LADY OP. GENTLEMAN OF fair education to travel for a tlrm of ££¦0,000 capital; salary ÎL072 per year and expenses, paid weekly. Address M. PERCIVAL, Richmond, Va. WAITED, THREE C01X1RED MEN. with families, ut a country place '>n null water Virginia; irood wages by the year and everything found, Apply, with references,, to Bf>x co. Richmond, Va, SOLICITORS & SALESMEN. 8AEESMAX-W a ? ? E D, h A LuH ».? ?, already eiigiiged in travelu^c. to fa«ll Etnseed Oil and Paint* bide lln· in Virginias and Southern .Stales; no sam¬ ples needed, Audress Bo* U13. Rich¬ mond, Va. WANTED, EXPERIENCED HAI/ESMaN to bandle our lllgll-grudo specialties; ono acquainted with the manufacturing trade preferred; ., ????? opportunity for tue riKbt party, Address BERO SPEClAl»- TY co.. Cleveland. O. CANDIES. STRICTLY lM/'ilE <.'A">"7ÏÏk7,'""(????? assortment m popular prices m .\·a??· CHETTI'S. Oli E. Broad Street, oldest confectionery on sooth ¿alt Broad oí. WANTED. ALL, ' WEST KKDEIUT TO know that the MONROE CQNFEC- TIONERV, 701 NV, Main Kti" t. is now. open, with a full stock ot ft.-.« confes- turnery, fruits, etc. SIGNS. Full AN tJP-TO-UA'i ?. ???? Ï ANI» uniuue ß???, finished In ilrsi-cJt»»* nut-u« iiLr by expert workmen set. ilAI'.iU HL'uiiH. to: E. Franklin Street- "Pion· UM;_ jT ?'-?? ? ? ??????? j-S ?,??,'.??? POR INVriST.MKM' IN FIRST mortgage bonds und other preferential securities·, entire Issues preferred. Ap¬ plications received freni principals and bickers with authority. « 'LA It ? KHUN. BROOKS & CO., IB Broad Street, N»W York City._ FOlTfALi:. IN WASHINGTON. I). «'., A rtrnt-cluus dining-room, hi business cor,. 1er, With lout; ¡C-aev of house ol eleven rooms; low rein; price ?,d??; splendid, opportunity for live man. G. ?. white. Anonu'i, Bond Building, Washington, ?, «'· WANTED" TO .SKI.!· LKASK l'Oit I'OW- haUui Hotel. Oils eiiy; lease expire* Sep¬ tember ini, with an uddluouul iiptioii for iivo years, or win rent roouib furnished .,· iiiiiumlshed. single or en sullui rooms and urie.«-« to »nil everybody· Apply Ut HOTEL «OFFICE. Tv yoi' a???G??t getting is per cent· to lo per cent, for youi money and srilt-edee easily convertible security, si« or write to C.B. CAWTHOKN. ¡¡? Kbei WolldlliX. BOARDING. EIGHTH ST., N.. S10-N1CELY FUR· iilshed, comfortable rooms! good Ublo permanent and transient boarders) terms reasonable. FRANKLIN. E. 41&-LA.RGK. COM; fortabls roome; good table; permanent and transient; also table boarders; ref¬ erence required._ GRACE."70s! EAST-? E R ? ? ? ? ? ?, translent and table boarders; most con¬ venient location; homelike, attractive. GKACE ST.. I*. 108-WANTED. BOARD- ers for nice second-story front room ami hall room. 103 East O race._ MARSHALlT E.. ICW-TllE LENNOX. Handsome rooms, with or without board; also transients. THIRD,' S. lT-~wTÑTED. 'BOARDERS rnr ontinnr-tini^ rnniim on second and HIRD, S. 11-WANTED. HUAKJIMW for connecting rooms on second and third floors. Apply U S. Third Street. REAL ESTATE.For Sale. FOR SALE-TRUCK FARM. ï'-j MILES from city, iu, mile-·· from car line; Hi acres, rich as a. garden spot; nice house, T moins, in oak grove;' necessary out- hulldints. church and school In sight; line neighborhood; elegant orchards price, 41.S0O; 330 acres. 6 miles from city on (Ino road; HO ncrcs In cultivation; fenced wire and cedar post; bouse, (1 rooms and cellar: telephone, free mall dcllverv; large barn: 20 acre.·-, In grass jiiid grain; line running streams, hog and cattlo pastures; price, $2,5(10, easy payment». Address Lock Box 21. Man¬ chester, Va. ROOMS FOR RENT. CLAY. E. No. u03.ROOMS FOR RENT, with or wltnout board. THIRD. S., i (-FIRST AND SECOND tloors for rent, furnished oruinfurnlshed, suitable for dgbt housekeeping, or can get meals next door. Apply 11 S. Third Street. - FLATS FOR RENT. WANTED; TO RENT FIRST FLOOR OR second floor flat of four rooms on Mam Street near the Traction Car Sheds. Ad¬ dress G. 41. caie this office. REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE. WANTED TO EXCHANGE SOME ASHE- ville real estate that Is paying good In¬ terest; three vacant building lots; Ono. ten-acre Truck Farm; 250 acres un¬ cleared wood land; for cash or merchan¬ dise, wholesale or retail stock. Address J. M. STONER. Asheville. N. C. REAL ESTATE WANTED. WANTED, TO BUY O.N INSTALMENT plan, house, six rooms, good order; West Alain Street or between Broad and Cary Streets; moderale price; state best terms. Address BUSINESS, care Bauer's Drug Store, Posloflìe«! Station It. COAL AND WOOD. WE ARE AFTER YOU; AVE WANT your trade, and If low prices and honest business methods will do It we have your caso won. Try a ton of our genuine Cannelton Lump Splint or genuine Fire Creek Lump at $5.50; you got the best, as Ave do not advertise ono article nnd sell another. QUARLES & WI.,G- F1ELD, Seventeenth and Washington Streets. 'Phono 10S3. FOR WOOD AND COAL SEE ?. ?. LONG, »13 East M-aln Street. He has ¡1 plan, that will allow you to pay by tho week. MEAT ANO CATTLE. WANTED, BUY'ERS FOR FRESH salted and smoked moats, and wanted to buy cattle, bogs, calves, etc. WALTER E. BRAUER. Stall 25, Old Market. Smoked Beef Tongues a specialty. STORAGE. FOR CHEAP AND DRÏ STORAGE rooms apply to RICHARDSON & CHAP- PELL, Storage Department, Belvldere Building. EOI W. Main Street. 'Phone S4£ PP.INT1N·. ; TRY US ON PRINTING; WE KNOW we can suit you. TAYLOR & TAYLOR PRINTING CO.. Quick Printers, No. 1 Govtw Street. BOOKBINDING AND PRINTING. S. B. ADKINS & CO., BOOKBINDERS and Printers. Bank and court work a specially. Nos. 4 and 6 Governor Street, 'phone 2282. WINES AND LIQUORS. SPECIAL LOW PRICES ON ALL whiskeys for Xrow holidays. I pay freight on all orders $10 and over. Mail orders solicited. Write to-day for prices. R. C. BATCHELOR, 1U19 E. Broad Street. Richmond. Va. OYSTERS, FISH, GAME. ! FINE YORK RIVER OYSTERS. CHOICE Fresh Fish, Wild Turkeys, Pheasants, Qua!! and Duck. W. C. CRAY. U12 E. Marshall. 'Phone 1516. MISCELLANEOUS. FOR THE GREATEST VARIETY OF Candy go to MARCHETTl'S. 017 East Broad, the oldest confectionery on south elde Broad Street. TEE-DEE BRANCHES Tilo following Branch Offices have been established for .the benetit tboce living at a dlstunce from the Main ottici, of The 'Times-Dispatch; Thu Tee-Dee Wants leti at any of these branches will receive Oil· sumo careful attention us though they hud been left ut ibe Main onice, and there will be no extra cost to 'thu udver- user: SLAUGHTER'S DRUG STORE, Twer). ty-ninth and Venable Street». W. F, EANES, Tv/enty.tilth and Lelub Street». A. A. SCOTT, Twenty-fifth and Broad Street*. ROOT. J. WILLIAMS, Twenty-first pnd Marshall Street». H. H. M, HARBISON, Foushee and Broad Street». G. W. LAT1MER, No, 800 Went Mar- shall btrttt. THOMPSON'S DRUG STORE, No. 1521 We»», Main Atreet. I. L. BEVERIDGE, Brook Avenue and Clay Stieet. RADY'S DRUG STORE, Barton Helfjlvte· HEOPl-E's DRUG STORE, No, 3900 VVHMamtburg Avenue, Fulton. ROBINS* PHARMACY, No. 200 East Marshall Street, pl-? DRUG STORE, No. HI) Ea8t Main Street, corner Fifteenth, JUDSON CUNNINGHAM, No. 2027 East Main, corner Twenty.tirat. PINE STREET PHARMACY, No. 334 South Pine Street. POINDEXTER-KIRK-PARRISH CO., ?*. 418 East Broad Street. THE PARAGON PHARMACY, No. SOI West Cary Street. EATON PHARMACY, Twenty, clf/lllh and ? 6treet|. RISON'S PHARMACY, No. 119 Canai Street, YOUR OLD SOFA may be just what someone is look¬ ing for. Why not exchange it for something you do want? The Tee-Dee Want Ad. Exchange col¬ umn will do it for you--costs one cent per word. · FOR SALE. I POSITIVELY GUARANTEE TO STOP falling or breaking hair, to cure dandruff and ¡ill scnlp diseases and to grow hair on bald bonds; a number of Richmond's most prominent nnd reliable business men who wero bald will testify to the truth of my statement. Wanted pupils to learn the only method that was ever discovered that will bring the results. DANIELS'S SCIENTIFIC PHYSICAL CULTURE AND MASSAGE, «21 East Franklin Street. MANY PROMINENT R.I C II M ? N D ladies have been cured of fornaio com¬ plaints, nervousness, weakness, etc., and made strong and healthy by DANIELS S Scientific Physical Culture and Massage. A positive guiiranten In every case; don't be skeptical, Call and sen the hun¬ dreds of testimonials of miraculous cince of chronic cases. 021 E. Franklin St root. FROSTBITES .AND CHILBLAINS. AS well as chapped skin, uro quickly-re¬ lieved by LATIMER'S Compound Cam¬ phor Ice. 10 and 25 cents per box at drug stores, or by mall on receipt of price. LATIMER'S DRUG STORE, 500 W. Marshall. 'Phone 67. JÜRGENS' WILL SELL YOU A "1'oR- tuno" or "Mrs. Rorcr" Gas Range, and If It does not cook, bake or broil as well 'as nny oiner stoce will refund your money; 410-21 E. Broad Street. FOR SALE-? PAYING MILLINERY business In ? town of several hundred Inhabitants in the best .section of Vir¬ ginal. Address B. 22, caro this office. SAVE THE COUPONS OF VALHALLA Cereal Coffee and recelvo a large nickel- plated French drip coffee pot. Ask your grocer for Valhulla. ! WEATHER STRIPS KEEP OUT COLE wind, snow, rain and dust. We are headquarters for Weather Strips. VAUGHAN'S, 002 East Broad. LADIES' BEST QUALITY STORM RU1> bei·« at 85c. per pair. ALBERT STEIN, .i2S E. Broad. AUTOMOBILE FOR SALE. APPLY TO W. C, S.V.-1TH, 311 N. Fifth Street. WEDDING PRESENTS. FURNITURE, CHINA AND WEDDING presents packed und shipped with care. JACOB UMLAUF, 705 W. Main Street. .Phone &92._ .»»»llÑTINa. COUNTRY ORDERS SOLICITED. TAY¬ LOR & TAYLOR PRINTING CO., No. 1 Governor Street. Richmond. Va. STENOGRAPHY, STENOGRAPHY.MRS- MAUD SWIN¬ DELLS desires day and night pupils In Pitman's system of stenography. New typewriters used in school exclusively. Address 10» E. .ualn StreeL Phone 2S5S. FINE UPHOLSTERING AND MAT- TRESSES. FURNITURE REUPHOLSTERED IN best manner; nice hair mattresses made to order; old ones made over like new; slip covers cut and mndo. JACOB UM¬ LAUF, 705 W. Main Street. 'Bhonç ;{£«. CARRIAGES "AND WAGONS. SPECIAL BARGAINS IN NEW AND second-hand Wagons. We trade for anything we can handle. »RICHARD¬ SON BROS., ?13 Brook Avenue. BUGGIES, HURRIES AND SPRING7 Wagons at THE WATT PLOW CO., K|f- lecnth and Franklin and 1101 East Main Street. The largest and most complete Une in the city. MONEY SAVED ...j. HAVING YOUR Carriages and Wagons painted and re¬ paired by RICHARDSON BROS., Brook Avenue. 'Phone 1407. HACK FOR SALE. ?.???/? \V, C. SMITH, Sil N. Fifth Street. MACHINERY. STEAM AND GASOLENE ENGINES. Saw Mills and Wood Saws at THE WATT PLOW CO., Fifteenth and Franklin Street, 1014 E. Main Street. i'SLEioHs; SLEIGHS AND SLEIGH{RUNNERS TO lit anv buggy at THE WATT PLOW CO., Fifteenth and Franklin Streets and 1101 E. Main. PAPER HANGING. IF YOU WANT YOUR ROOMS PAPER- «¦d as they should be and at tho right price call on Ol H. MOORE, 201 North Fourth Street. Large selection of latest designs In Wall Paper. ? CULTURE. WANTED,"LAD ? ? N D G15 ? T L E M EN pupils to learn DANIELS'S method of Kclentltlf·. physical and massage. It lias cured every ailment the body Is heir to. Hundreds of testimonials of mira¬ culous cures In Richmond. Call and la convinced, fl'.'t IS. Franklin Street. . SHOI. RU'AiHIiiO SPECIAL. FO|*l THE i.KHK ENDING FEB. ITÌL Cut out this coupon and bring cauli with kIioch and get tlie following discount: 76c, halfsolo men's, 20c, off; i,oc. halfsolo la«lles'. !¦'<¦· off! Wç. hftlfSOla children's, 10c. r.ll". Renumber every pair sewed; lest while oak leather. Rubber Heels, S&r. Men'«, our own make, sewed strong, Bhoe», UM. DREW'S ELECTRIC SHOE FACTORY TIC E. Main. 'Phone -??7. ROOFING, KLAG. GRANITE AND GRAVEL ROOF- Ing, guaranteed for (en years. Rufer· i-i-.c-: American National Hank (sky¬ scraper), Mutual Assurance Building (skyscraper!. Joffppfon Hotel, New Richmond Hotel, Uhcsterilold Flats, American T./bacco Co., American Can en., AJiierlcau L/iconiOtlvU Works, Rich¬ mond Cellar Works, Gallego MGIs. Wrlie for price to ARMITAGE MFG. CO., Richmond. Va. RUBBERS«. LADIES '.REST QUALITY STURM RUIL beta ,.i .·'-'-' per pali. ALUEKT STEIN, i& B. üie-ad. ; NOTICE. ; ».-~.--. .¦» Richmond, Va., Jan. ¡11, lOOo. TO THE Vuliiita OF THE CITY OF Richmond; After mature consideration 1 havo óonoluded to yield to tho wishes and advlco of friends and hereby an- nounco myself a candidato for the Houso of Delegates from the. city of-Richmond, subject to tho Democratic Primary. So¬ liciting your vote and Influence, I am, Very respectfully, GEORGE N. SKIP¬ WITH.. IT CURES EVERY AILMENT THE body is heir to for it places tho body In Its natural state, driving out every vestage of disorder. Daniel's Scien¬ tific Physical Culture and Massage, No. 021 East Franklin Street. Hundreds of testimonials of wonderful cures In Richmond. THE SMOKERS OF THE WEST END will no longer have to go down town to get their cigars, A full Une of the same will be found at the MONROE CON- FECTIONERY. 701 W. Main Street wäoted. "I WISH I COULE LET THE. WHOLE' world know what a wonderful cure you have inailo In my ease that nil other sufferers could be benefited as I havo been.".Mrs. .,.., of this city, who boa been tl sufferer of fermile troubles for your«, said of-Mr. Daniel's Scien¬ tific Physical Culture nnd Massage. No. f!21 East Franklin Street. Cull and see testimonials. WANTED.ASK YOUR GROCER FOR Pocahontas Corn, Poenhontas Peas; tho perfection of lino canned goods. upholstering! levy. the upholsterer, makes mattrewes, cushions and etlp covers to order» 644 Brook Avenue. 'Phone 103». QUICK SERVICE FOR BIJOU. THEATRE-GOERS CAN BE ACCOMMO- dated both before and after the show with the Finest Oysters On tho half shell at 20c. dozen or ono dozen fry for 30c. Quick Lunches, Sandwiches, also a one-pound Porter,House Steak for 25c, .In our restaurant. Quick service and polito attention. Between tho acts you can get guaranteed. ten-year-old Wills- key for 10c, or the finest Budwelser Beer on draught.;' It only takes you a minute to run over from the now Bijou. FRANCIONIE'S, Nos. 905 and 907 East Broad Street. Ladles dining-room up¬ stairs. Old 'phono 1252. REDUCED (»RICES, PRICES REDUCED ON WATCH WORK.! Cleaning. SI: Mainsprings $1; twenty years' experience. WM. TOBIEN, Jr., Í0S E. Broad Street., - Richmond, Va. Spectacles and Eyeglasses, 25-cents. AH work guarantee,!. - _ ~~ CEREAL COFFEE. VALHALLA MAKES NEW BLOOD AND new blood makes healthy people. At all grocers. ¦> VALHALLA CEREAL COFFEE IS recommended by physicians. No sick headaches or Indigestion where Valhalla is used._¦ PIANOS AND ORGANS. ESTEY PIANO AND ORGAN AGENCY have Organs from,$15 up In good order. Splendid bargains on hand tills week In new and second-hand Pianos. ~DYEÏNG AJÑD CLEANING. CLEANING ANDdYYElNG· OF GENTSV ladies' and chlldres's suits and clou Its, rugs of every description, at low prices; best .'werk guaranteed; goods called for and delivered. The' Old Reliable MU¬ TUAL STEAM DYETNG & CLEANING WORKS SI2 W. Broail Street. 'Phono 2271. ' ·.··.' '·,' DENTISTRY. SOUTHERN DENTAL -ROOMS. ????· site the poatotHce. 'Phone 3290., Exam¬ inations <xnd estimates free, ANTIQUES. ANTIQUES OF EVERY DBSCRIPTION bought and soldi funi turo of all kinds repaired, parked.and shipped wlth^caro; satisfaction guaran cod. GUARAN¬ TEE \NTIQUE CO., 107 E. Main Street. LARGEST COLLECTION OF ANTIQUES In th.· Stale; everything at rock bottom rices. BIGGS, No. 615 East Main I reel. fil C. M. MOORE, G09 ?,.????; ANTIQUES, ovorythlng original; fine furniture, brass Shellleid; gpqdS. )_j_;_j. ' DO YOU KNOW WHERE THE COT- tage Meat Market Is? O, yesl Cheap¬ en placo In town to buy fresh and salt meats. Givo us a trial. 823 W. Broad S.reet. _| ~'"^etTñg7 Richmond. Va. Jan. 17, 19ft). THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE Stookholders Tho Tlmes-DIspatch Company will bo held In Richmond, Va., lu the oillce of the Company, on Wed¬ nesday, February 8, 1905. at 1 o'clock P. M. A, TC. 1IOLDERBV, Jr.. Secretary. Tin·; anniTal MEETING OF THE Stockholder« of tho Richmond Morso Sh-.w asm,<-ialion will ho held at to» E. Main Street 0|Y ?«"<1">'· Kohruary 20th, at 12 noon. ' ¦'¦ . W. Ü, WARTUEN, Secretary, Th'k "aNn'ÜÄl M'EE'TlNO OF THE Stockholders of the Union Envelope Company will bo hold nr the City Ban.t of Richmond, Richmond, Va., Wednes- day afternoon, February 1st, 1005. at 4 o'clock. All stoohholders ero.requBetq« to be present, , I. L RlIKUTAN, Boerotary and Treasurer. The Confederato Museum· TWELFTH AND CLAY STREETS. Opens daily from » A?'M< £.£· r*' Admiselon. 26 cent·. Fre», on 8oturjay. The" Valentine Mutuiti, ÜLLVENTH AND.CLAY STREBT* OPEN 10 ?. ?. ?????? M. ADMISSION, «G. ffRBB ON BA-T«»»*-** EXCHANGE. WAITED, TO EXCHANGE A DOUBLE tint-top olllco Desk for writing paper and envelopes, or will take $10 cash for eamo. 2027 B. Main Street, Richmond, Va. BRAND NEW SEWING MACHINE, flrst-olnss, will oxchaneo for anything of llko value. Address C. 68, caro this of¬ fice. WANTED. TO EXCHANGE FULL Dross Suit, size SS- What have you to ox- chango for It. Address E. 53, caro this olllce. I HAVE A DOUBLE OAK BEDSTEAxJ, In good condition, which I would j.«o to exchange, for some doslrablo household artlcles7 What havo you to offer?/.d- drcss C. C2, care this office. WILL EXCHANGE AN ODD SQUARE Piano for something of oqual value. Ad¬ dress C. B7, this office. PERSONALS. ?? APPRECIATION WAS PRO- nounced 'positively necessary in 28 cases of female complaints In past four .months; instead of tho operation, they took up the Danlol's Sclontillc Physical Culturo and Massage Course and uro ??·?\ enjoying perfect health. A cure guarantor«! In every case, No. 021' East Franklin Street. WILL REUPHOLSTER YOUTt PARLOR Bult In tho latest style, make over your mattresses good as new and let you pay us for It In monthly Installments. JÜR¬ GENS', 418-21 E. Broad Street. Don't put it,off; we're mighty busy. SURE CURE FOR INDIGESTION. Gout. Urlo Acid. Bladder and Kidney troubles is Harris's Antl-D.vspeptlo and Lithla Water; springs locateti at Burke- ville, Va.; can furnish testimonials. J. A. MORRIS & CO. 'Phone 48S2.·_]- MONRO'i CONFECTIONERY, 701 W. M-aln «street, finest line of confectionery and fruits in the West End. Now open. You aro cordially invited to call. WHEN SUFFERING WITH COUGHS. colds, bronchitis try a 2C cent bottle of BROWN'S Bronchial Balsam, at drug stores. WEATHER STRIPS KEEP OUT COLD wind, snow, rain and dust. Wo are headquarters for Weather Strips. VA COHAN'S, 002 East Broad. NO MORE INDIGESTION. SICKHBAD- uches, tired fooling, nnd goneral broken down condition where Valhalla Cereal Coffee is used. At all grocers. BOY MURDERED. Believed That the Man to Whom He Was Bound Killed Him. (Special to Tho Tlmes-Dlspnlcli.) WILMINGTON, N. C. Jun. 31..Jeff. Davis, a while boy, sixteen yours of ago, wus murdered and his body thrown Into a pond near Armour, Columbus county, January 2-lth, and J. W. Collins' to whom tho boy -was bound until ho became of age, is believed to hiivo committed the crime. Immediately after Davis disappeared Col¬ lins left home and baa not been hcaril of or'seen since. A. warrant for his urrest Is in the. hands of officers, and an effort is imlng mude to have the Governor offer a reward for his arrest. The boy was killed by his ueck being broken. Ills body was not found until yesterday. Suspicion rests strongly on Collins,· who has been running un Illicit distillery, and It is believed that he murdered young Davi» beca usa ho was afraid the boy knew too-much about his, unlawfulness. Collins Is a middle-aged mun and has ii wlfo. but no children. His wife professes total Ignoruiioo of the crime, and declares that she doesn't know tho whereabouts of her husband. Tho murdered boy was an orphan. - e TWO LADIES CREMATED. Went Into Burning House to Save Some Articles. (Spcólul to Tho TImos-Dlspateh.) CHARLOTTE, N. C, Jap. 31,-At Tony, a lively little hamlet In a remote section of C'asweli county, yesterday afternoon, Mrs. Sarah A. Florence and her daugh¬ ter, Miss Bottle, were, cremated in a lire which entirely destroyed their home. Tho lire was discovered at 1 o'clock, and thou flames enveloped tho nonno, Tlie two la¬ dles wero In tho front yard. Both rushed back into the liouae in order to save some prized treasure's, and before they could bo roscued Iho walls'fell, entombing them alive. Tho house burned to ilio ground; and their churretl -remains- were found by neighbors, A box containing sovoral liun¬ dred dollars In gold, untouched by tho llamos,' was found near the bodies. Mrs. Floronco was the mother of a. prominent and wealthy merchant of Burlington, Ala- manco county. AMUSEMENTS. A_~ J^.^... Frh n"d Sat.,' ACfcwdemy, sat. Matinee, America's Foremost Emotional Actress Margaret fnglin Presenting the Brilliant Succès», A Wife's Strategy, Supported by John E. Kellerd and a Storllng Company. Prices: Matinee.»1, 76c, 60c, Î6o.; Night.11.50, »1, 75c. B0c. 36c, 26c ACADEMY TONIGHT MISS ELANOR ROBSON MERELY MARY ANN. prices: $1.50, $1, 76c, 50c, 25c, 2üc ? I a o u WALTER EDWARDS SHERLOCK HOLMES In Sir ?. Cunan' Doyle's great Detective Story, ...SION OF THE FOUR..,, All the Wook. Regular. Matinees. «»"¦¦'' ni» ?. H ""¦ LEGISLATURE OF A-l.il! lo Prevent Bee Hives Near. Public High¬ ways, FIVE CANDIDATES FOR MAYO« iSpoelal to The Tlnioe-Blsputcli.) RALEIGH,'N. C!. Jan. ni.--.Tlie General. Assembly of North Carolina Is having bills offore«! for Ilio regulation of all man nor of industries and. all grades of Ilio animal creation, thu latest being ii bill by Represenotlvo Moekins, or· Tyrrell coun¬ ty. 11 Is a bill to protect trnvel on thn nubile highways of Tyrrell county und makes It unlawful for any boo hive to bo kopt within less, than fifty foot of a pub- Ilo road. Tho Judlclury Cominlttco con¬ sidered · the bill to-day und decided to recommend Its passage. NO EXTENSION. " A hard fight was »undo to-day'before the Houso Osmrnltteo on Ciuintlus, cities und Towns for a bill extending tho cor¬ porato limits of tho town ot Monroe, Mr. William Heath, of the Monroe Cotton Mill, mndn tho light single-handed against, the bill, opposing a big delegation of citi¬ zens, who favored the extension, and succeeded In Inducing tho committee to report tho bill unfavorably, with the Sen¬ ator and the Repriiscntnilvo from tho county favoring t.ho bill, too. Tho plea by Heath was that the extension would take in his mill and Impose nddlltonal heavy taxes that the business could not hear, while ho .had been Induced to locate thorc by assurances of exemption from municipal tnxe-s. MUNICIPAL FIGHT. Thei'o tiro now Ilvo ciindldulcs In tho field to succeed A. M. Powell, as Mayor of Raleigh next May, and thero Is prom¬ ise of still others. They nro J. 1. John¬ son, J. S. "Wayne, Frimk Stroniich. J. E. Pogtic ana Joe If. Weathers. Maydr Powell announced somo timo ago thut lip would not be a candidate for re-elcc!lon, having tilroady served three time«. Too |lt|iior question will ligure promi¬ nently In the campaign this timo, sciltl- fent being divided between dispensary, prohibition and open saloons. While the dispensary Iiuh been a big sucrifâs financially, having yielded the city and county a revenue of »56,000 the past your. It Is realized that It Is not « temporaneo Institution at all, thero being moro Intoxicants drank now than when there wero open ??????«. The Judiciary Committee of the Houso decides to report unfavorably, tho bill be¬ ing urged by the merchants of tho State, making It a misdemeanor to obtain; goods from merchnnts untici· promise to pay to ut. some futuro time out ot wages to be received and then fulls without good reason to fulfil the promise. HEATERS*CUT OFF. Strike Threatened Because Work¬ men Have to Work in Cold. (Special to Tho Tlnics-Dlspatch.) SALISBURY. ?- C." Jan. lli.-On ac¬ count of being «P-prlved of rusloniury iihc of heaters, at the Southern Railway shops nt Spencer, a serious strike \¡f Jurent eneo among Ilio omploycs of the company at: that place. The heater* wero ordered out of -servie«) Sunday, nhd tho men in t|ie round houso and on the vards have since been forced to work in the cold. A griev¬ ance committee representing the vurlous labor organizations and unions liero left to-nlglit for Washington to lay their com¬ plaint beforo the higher officials of the Southern.' Tho report of this commltteo Is now awaited with intenso Interest by tho hun¬ dreds of omploycs. who express the hopo that a general strike may be averted. LADY BURNED. Supposed to Have Fallen in the Fire While in Epileptic Fit. (Special to The Tlnx's-Dlepatch.) CHARLOTTE, ?., C Jan. Sl.-Mrs. Henry M. Watts died at her home here at 10 o'clock this morning In great agony from burns sustained last night by falling into an open liro. Airs, Watts was sub¬ ject to epileptic fit» and It'Is presumed that she wus seized with one of theso at¬ tacks, as sho was alone In her .home. Hor husband went home last night and found her on the hearth writhing in agony, lier body charred from tho llamea ¦which hod crfveloped her. Hor eye¬ sight was destroyed and her hair burned off bv the lire. She Is survived by a. husba'nd and one young »on. * STEAMBOATS. 0 LD DOMINION STEAMSHIP COMPANY. Night Line for Norfolk Leave Richmond every evening (loot A.h Street) it 7 I'. M., (topping at Newport New, en roule. Fare, 12.50 one way, 14.50 round trip, Including «laleroom berth; meal·, 50c, each, Street Can to Steamer'. Wharf. FOR NEW YORK. V|s Night Une Steamer, (except Saturday) making connection In Norfolk with Main bine Ship following day at 7 P. M., alto Norfolk & Wettern Ky. at 9 A. M. and 9 V. M. and Che.apesk« 6c Ohio Ry. at 9 ?. M. and 4 P. M., making connection dally (except Sunday) it Nor- lolk with Main Une Ship, .ailing at 7 P. M. ?. ?, CHALKLEY, City Ticket Acent, 808 E. Main St, ]. F, MAYER, Aeem, Steamer Wharf. H. B, WALKER. V. ?, and ?, M. New York. ?. Y, Vfij[nía Navigation Co., JAMES RIVER DAY LINK. ? 'G E A M H FOCAIIONT.iS loaves, MONDAY, WED,NES- X. DAY AND FRIDAY at 7 A. M., for- Norfolk! Portsmouth, *" Oui Point. Newport New«, ciuj-omont and Jamen Rivir landing»., and connecting nt Old .Point for WuBhiimton, Baltimore and tho North,. Suite- rooms reserved for thn night iu mod. rato, prices.- Blectrle cara direct lo tho wharf, Fare only Jl-60 and U to Norfolk. FrelKht received-for Above-named places ani all points In eastern Vlrirlnla and North Cnrj» Una. inviN WElfiiaKR, Clon'l Mer. ?, ?? RARliER. Jr., Secretary. U A Y UN E TO UAl,TIM~Ô7tÏÏ via, C. Ac O, Rwy, awl old Po, m U. ?, MAH. ROUTE. I^ave Richmond via C, & o, dully except Sunday, nt i j». jj connci'tlnti ut Old ,I'oli)t with et6iii)ii!is of Old lloy Line, Iwiv- Iiib 7:15 G, M., nrrlvjnir Ruin, moro ti ilio ?. M., connecting; North, East und West. For tickets und Information apply to O. & O. Rwy,, Richmond Transfer Company, or No· 830 East Main Street. ¡ÎÏRCiA TRANSPORTATION COMPANY Steamers leavo Norfolk for Boston Tuesday, Boston. Mass., & Providence, R. J, Wednesday; "Friday und Sunday, For Provi- dei)io Míinday, Thursday and Saturday ut a P. M, PiUjueiiKers und freight taken for ali New Eatflnnd pointu. Ticket? °n salo at O. & O. Ry, nnd ?, & W. Ry. onice·/, and No, sia Ko4t Main- "ctVDE STOAMsRf^ COMPANY'S PHILADELPHIA, RICHMOND AND NORFOLK LINW· Freight received and delivered dally at C. »nd O. Rwy. Co's Depot, Seventeen!? und Broad Streets. H. K. WOPDFIN, Soliciting A«tnt, Y». Nav. Co.'« Wharf. Rockett», RAILROADS. - Hours and aiî iMliiutes to Norfolk, , ' Jail.-17-llíOO. ?,??^AyB, lllCHiioND-lilASTnOUND. ?'«? ?, ¡M..VVOfk Days.Local lo NoWDort ».«n Nt'v.'' ttl"<·. «"»? billions. p i:,',,.il?,TrP»alLy*-.';l',,lJ,,,d'-Arrl';0" wiiiiam«· V,u,*li,M. A. M, Newport New« 10:30 A.» a"mü'V01"1 ???.?· M., Norfolk 11:2· t,Mu m' ."."rtmii'Jiuíi 1???5 A, M, uuJi'ûn* ly-i'Pu'-ial-Arrlvo« William»). ru,,*,',0.»· N·'. Newujrt Now* 0:30 l», M. 2'dr.j»ln I P. M., Norfolk Bu» P, M. Rki7)y.('','l! »>(iv»~L'cid to on pulnt, ?·20 V \ÏUÎN 1«1NH"WJ¿S'1'HUUND. jporiru- °Cä,""v,'*t,li Jüa>li_'1'0 ClirtoB ''"'niicV,?,',^'!1^···^''!!' llitoiigli Pullman for ??,, ,"*"' lndlitnapiUU.and ciiieugo witu- vinr » "?1·".· l'i'diiiiui «ii.rvicü for Lonin- BID ».unr.,t>1· »'O''1»· 10:41 l> ?'"'"?'';'.'lt l'aya-Licul io Gordonsvllle. via« ?,.?'' ,l.v-L!iiiUeU-Wlth Pullman bei- «'aï ciin-j, ,cln"<1'1' *?'?1,'?,·,ß? Ht- boula «ISO ? M '\AJ"'''*..HIVER LINE, L?*?u¿7^aH''-I··'t>'1·,0»,·~,''0 LynchburK, bài «-,?'¦ ?"·< '-.iiftoii Forge «mu prlncl· i.ejii.il.t iítirl,Jr Cdri ',r'r'oní''r.,.Si ??* «l'.'M.Wf'S" «1*5·."". älld.{»?l»"?iVnV',,A,,,,,.^e»t T:3° A' « ,la"» 1 « ?,?/^ 1>'1,:?'?'> »''«o Local 7:4.-, 1*. Ac'fiUn S "î"î?1."0 (·",·'"!* .'.'«rue: Oordonevllle tu, ?.« '?, »'«'«I« «I«'*. Ci3S m h;;T,,u,)ï. )",-'c11',1 ..m c,lfl°n For«· KÎ. su,,^' *l»y; Kotiwril Accorri, S:« A. Aï.. U: Wn«tnW'n· W. O. WARTHEN, ab"f,l'llaf?',AKt· Dint, Pue». Art. C E. DOYLK, rjen'l. Manager R P i¿ ï*·¦ Kldimoiid, Frederick«. ,"", ' W * " b,l,'K * Cotonine IT. R. V-'iftc »·-II·?,?.°| niellinomi.Northward. C:45 a \Í"~RU J'"t'.ftl"· Bt· Ttirouiii. !.;^??,.G.????^?,? «V .fI"uu«"· ¿» ¦g$S^ Bt* L,;"*,",','1'11 Dnys-Elba. At-hland Ac- «.Irt c,0'"'»i"lHtloii. átoiVÍ; ly~"'''rtl m' V»ousb. Lrcal 1|'tSH1r%,l,,l',at'-|,>"1 Kt· Through. ?',?'?,^'0,< I^y-Dyd Öl. Proderleke» r..'v,V.urF,'lA.com»'0'latlon¿? B;2í } " f,f.''0"y-M'dn St; Through. eoinmoili.tloii. t., ií'-?Dally-l»ir,l St. Through. '¦··"¦« AiTlvtf Richmond.Southward. ?.???. M.--A\Vek Days-Elba. Aaliland Ac ...,n «"oiimiodatlon. ÍT.'.,C't^'«"* Oitya-Hyrd Si. Fredorlck«- -,,r ".u'Jf. Accommodation.· u'.ïï, » î!--pu,1>'-»^'td ¡"t. Through. ?.? A. M..Week Duys-llyrd öl. Through. Local «loue., í:.'t *',· -V.-l/o-iir.-Muln Ht. Through. 6.13 1 Al..Week Days-Elba. Ashlnnd Ac- ¦¿ coinints],itliiii. ?':}..1,.· il·"r>«lly~Wyril «¡.Through. t.W 1. -M.-Duliy-nyrJ St. Throuirli. Local .'loi··,. ?:4ß îi' -i·.ÜBlly-MAin St. ThrouBh. All Pullman Car». 10:50 P. ??..lHi(l}--t.Má¡ii .St. Threueh. 11:40 1J. M..Wfli-k Dayt.Hyrd St. Tnixtueli. All Pullman Cars. NOTB.Pullman Siffphiir or Tarli-r ram on all above traimi except trulnii urrlilng tlloh- mond 11:60 A. M. n-ctk «ta)·*, und local aicom- uiodatlun». Timo of arrivals ami dinari urta mid conne·)- tlons not «uiirantefil. w: d, DUKB.. c. w. cijr.r, %v. v. tati.ok, Qen'l. Man'r., Aaa't/Uon'l. Arun'r.. Traf. Alan. LEAVE IHCHMO.NU DAILY. 9:00 A. AI.-.VOUKOLK LIAIITISD. 'Arrive· Norfolk Ut» A. Al. Stop« only ui VfeteMburf, Waverly and Suffolk. 9:0C A.'M..CHICAGO EXPUESH. Hufftt Parlor Car, Petersburg io Lynchcurg and Roaiiok«. Pullman hlccperi Ituanolc« lo Coluni- bu·, llluefltld to Cincinnati) "I* > Roanoke «o Knoxvlllc, and Knoxvllli, to Memphis. Car· Dining Car Roanoke lo Vivian. 12:10 P. ?.????'??? EXPRESS for Fani)- vllla, l^yrichtMirg and Itnaunke. 3:00 P. ??..OCEAN SHORE LIMITE». Ar¬ rive» Norfolk G>:?0 P. Af. Stop« only nt VHou- burg, Waverly nnd HiUYo'ik. Connecta ivlth ateainera tu lloaton, Provldnrict-, New York, Baltimore and Washington, 7:Î5 P. ??..For Norfolk nnd all stations rant of Petersburg. »ISO P. ??..NEW ORLEANS 8???? LINE. Pullman Sleeper« Richmond.to Lyiichburg and Roanoke, Potcmbtiru w Emi Itudlerd, l.yncli- burg to Chattanooga, Alcniutlla arni New Or¬ leans. Cafe Dim?? Car. .,,.,., 8:30 P. AL.HT. LOUIS EXPRESS. Pullman Sleeper Petemburg to'lloanoke and Roanoko to Columbus. Dining <U\r. , Trains arrive from the Went 7:13 A. Al,, 3.1* P. M. and 9:18 P. ??.; from Norfolk 11:10 A. Al. and 6:20 P. At. Office No. Sin East Alain Mtr'-nt. IV. B. REVILL, C. H. JIOSLEY. Ocn'l. Pass. Agt. Diet. Pirns. Agt. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. scjuh:dul,e in effect dec. hi. iooi. TRAINS LEAVE ItlCHMONO. "¡00 ?. ??..Datly.Locul for Churlott,.·. N. C. 13:30 P. ??..Dally.Limited.Uuffei Pullman to Atlunta.itml lllrniliighiiiii. Now Orleans, Memphis, oliatiauooga und «til Mio Soutli. 6:00 ?, ??..Ex. flunduy.Koysvllle Local. 11:30 P.' ??..Daily.Limited.Pullman ready D*)^ P. AL, for all thu Sou«),. YORK RIVEH .'.IN12. The favorito route to Ualtlinoro and Ea-îtorn points, Leavo-Richmond t:'ju P. M. .Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. 2:15 ?, ??..Local.AlonJuya, Wcdiicsdieys und Fridays. ·|·? P. ??..Except 'Sunday.For Wist Point, connecting with steamers for Haltlmoie and river landings .Mondays, Wednesday· and Fridays. Stennier calls at Gloucester Point, Allnionds and I'luy Hank. «¡13 A. M..Except .Suiiduy.l^ocal inlxod for Went/Bol «it; TRAINS ARRIVI". RICHMOND, ? 6:5S A. M. and 0:42 1'. ??..From all tho South. Siilo P. At..From Clinrlutlo und Durluun. 8:40 A. M..Frani Keysvllle. , |)·"6 ?. Al.-llnlllinoru «ml West l'Oint. 10:16 ?. ?·,Wednesdays und Fridays; Cs»"*; ??.. dally, except Sunday.From Woit r -tvP°WBSTniiRV, D. P. ?., Richmond, \'a._ %\. nARDWICH. ¿ W. ?- TAYLOB, C. II. ACKERT Gen''·. M«r. ?\'??ß????^10??, U. C, SEABOARD Air Line Üailwav ?????? LEAVE' iVlü'llMQlNb.DAILY, 0:iû ?, M.-Wcul-Eor ?,-a-lIna, inai .Hamlet-. ,,:?,¿ ri M._Si'ul)oiii'.l Fasi ?a??-SaviiiiiiBlt, " Jacksonville, Allanta and tSiiiitbivesl. ».DO P.M.-Florida Llnilted-Solld Pullmnn New York to St. Augiistliu·. il DO ? Al.-Scubuiird Exin-ess-Sovnnnah, Jack- ¿nnvlllo, Allanta und Southwest. TRAINS ARRI VU RIl.'ll.MOND. »','»«-A M.Solid Pullulai) from St vMigustlm·. CUS ?.' .M·.Proin Florida, Atlanta and Soiitli- 4;D5 ?."??·.Prom Plui'lda, Atilinta und Soutli- 6-.30 ìv AÏ.-Prom Locul Points. ATLANTIC COAST LINE. riu.Ns »^A^¿^l'á-^o^'^-RyRD. Effective sunuav, jan. stii. 0;Cii ?. ?·.A- C, ' lixpresii 10 nil polnl» ??no AU*M-Pi>tersbiirK end Norfolk. ?":io ? Al.-PeU-ri-liurb" und ?. and Vf, West. 5:00 V. ?..lJ»'t«;ri>burB and Norfolk. .4·?? A -lii.lJbhoro Local- i'-*L M.-Petersburg l-ocal. ,:íí {, M .'-Florida limi West Indian Lim· lied" to all l'Olniu South, ».so îi m..Potorsbui'B und and W. West, ??'?? i>' ?. Petersburg Lical. ¿i'i'mi ?' M.-New York und Florida Spoetai. '¦».RAINS ARRIVI'! RIUH.MO.N'D-DAILV. 4M A AI-; OH» A. -M.: 7:43 A. M. ; ·8:33 ?. M .«??'·45 ?-? IL''" ?. ?.¡ |:00 ?. M.¡ 3:05 ?, -a» ?. 7:IJ P. M.; u;lS P. M, «Pyrenl' Sunday. »».Sunday only. W01 0. OAMPBRl.L, Dlv. Pass. Agt. .PjT, j', CRAIG. Oftli. Pass. Agt. RICHMOND AND PETERSBURG ELECTRIC RAILWAY, Car· leave corner n( Perry and HüV-.-nta atrsuts, Manciiostcr, overy hour (on Hie lutir) irôin 0 M. to 111 P. ??.; last car 12 midnight. Cars leave Petersburg, tiot of Sycamore Street, overy hour from 6:i'i ?. M. «0 10:35 P. V ? last car 11:40 P. Al. All cars from PotemburB conncçtlim Rieb«: moni dît..

Hefe Wnere together people's enough. IS€¦ · Hefe.==."G-1?G._^-_-_ the buyer and seller come together for the people's benefit. You IS Wnere may find a fortune right here if you

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Page 1: Hefe Wnere together people's enough. IS€¦ · Hefe.==."G-1?G._^-_-_ the buyer and seller come together for the people's benefit. You IS Wnere may find a fortune right here if you

.==."G- 1?G?·_^-_-_ the buyer and seller come together for the people's benefit. YouHefe IS Wnere may find a fortune right here if you are wise enough. . . . .


ADVERTISING's ! sent n»r irorâ Net Cash t«

ADVANCE, with n. minimum e«xrt.t ? e«nt» for neh insertion,??» «nm» rate âJiptlM te dSAtHs.mSrrlar*«, obituari« and »Il oth·»el*w»lfjed notices. No display typt»llowsi In tb· classified columns.

LOST AND FOUND.STRAYED FROM MY RESIDENCE, 1UV,Twenty-fifth Street, Hay Mare: Whitespot »11 end of nose, small stripe on

invasi. Any one Unding Samo will re¬

ceive liberiti reward If returned to nbovuaddress. S. A. 1ÍRAGG.

iiKLP WANTED.Male.ANY INTELLIGENT PEKSON MAYearn- good Incorno correspondía»; Cor

newspapers; experience unnecessary.Send lor particulars. NOK ? .iJOltNPRESS SYNDICATE, Lockport. ?, Y.

SALESMAN"-WANTED, Al SALESMAN,Well acquainted with oily grocery trade.

Must come well recommended. VAL¬

HALLA HEALTH FOOD CO., .XC East.Marshall Street.

WANTED.MEN TO LEARN THEsecret of how to grow hair on. baldheads, to slop falling or breaking hairand lo curo dandruff and all scalpdisease!. some of Richmond's most

prominent, professional and businessmen will testify, to the merits <>f the

method. îfio per day can easily bomado by this secret. Daniel's Scien¬tific tuid .Massage School, 621 EastFranklin Street,

WANTEN, MEN TO LEAHN BARBER(rode; eight weeks' average time re¬

quired; wages Saturdays while learning;$10 to $15 weekly gunranteed when

through; idustratcd catalogues mailedfree. MOLER'S BARBER COLLEGE,3S0 Canal Street, New York City.

WANTED FOR U. S. ARMY.ABLB-bodled unmarried men, between-ages of

a and 35. citizens of United States, of

good character and temperate habits, whocan speak, read and write English. For

Information apply to RECRUITING OF¬FICER, HO E. Broad St.. Richmond, Va. I

SITUATION WANTED.MaleHOTEL CLERK. NOW CONNECTEDwith ono of the largest in North Cavo-

lina, would make a change for more

money, location, etc, or' would lease a

first-class hotel. Address "CO.MPE- ?

TENT," caro this olilce.

WANTED. A POSITION (WHERE HON-eaty and intelligence will he appreciated)by an experienced double-entry book-Ikeeper; havo been with present companyover a year, but a change Is desiredwhere there Is chanco of promotion. Ad¬dress H. 50, care this oillce.

WANTED; BY A GENTLEMAN OF IN-telllgoiice, nigh integrity and sobriety, a

position as collector, solicitor or anybusiness employment by which he can

support his family; highest testimonialaof above can bo given. Address K. 75,care this oillce, j

[Wanted; a situation as clerkor watchman by a Confederate veteran Iof sober and steady habits, who has hada largo experience! as hotel clerk andwatchman; best city reference. AddressA. 66, care this ofllce.

WANTED. BY YOUNG MAN WITHgood reference, a position; experiencedIn ofllce work and as manager. AddressE. 91. this ofllce·


HELP WANTED--?eraaleT~A LARC1E NUMBER OF COOKS WAN*-cd, Ten cooks wanted for Grace andFranklin Streets, fifteen cooks and houseservants wanted for this city; ilrst-classwages paid for good servants. Apply atonce No. 528 E. Broad Street (upstairs),NEGRO EMPLOYMENT AGENCY &LABOR EXCHANGE, j

COOK-WANTED, A GOOD COOK FOR«mall family. Also a nurse for youngbaby. Apply at No. 100 North LindenStreet, between Floyd and Park Avenue.

WANTED.LADIES TO LEARN THEsecret of how to grow hair on baldheads, to stop falling or breaking hairand to cure dandruff and all scalp dis¬eases. Some rf Richmond's most prom-ineat professional and business m«hwill testify to the merits of the meth¬od. $50 per day can easily be madeby this secret. Daniel's Scientific andMassage School, No. C21 East Frank¬lin Street.

STTUATlÖlfwÄNTED.Female jWANTKr ?ß????/??.???G?? YOUNG

lady, poil.tloo,.irc oillce or store as cash¬ier: A-l reference. Address K. 71, care

this onice


WANTED. LADY OP. GENTLEMAN OFfair education to travel for a tlrm of

££¦0,000 capital; salary ÎL072 per yearand expenses, paid weekly. Address M.PERCIVAL, Richmond, Va.

WAITED, THREE C01X1RED MEN.with families, ut a country place '>n

null water Virginia; irood wages by the

year and everything found, Apply, withreferences,, to Bf>x co. Richmond, Va,

SOLICITORS & SALESMEN.8AEESMAX-W a ? ? E D, hALuH».??,already eiigiiged in travelu^c. to fa«llEtnseed Oil and Paint* a» bide lln· in

Virginias and Southern .Stales; no sam¬

ples needed, Audress Bo* U13. Rich¬mond, Va.

WANTED, EXPERIENCED HAI/ESMaNto bandle our lllgll-grudo specialties; ono

acquainted with the manufacturing tradepreferred; ., ????? opportunity for tue

riKbt party, Address BERO SPEClAl»-TY co.. Cleveland. O.

CANDIES.STRICTLY lM/'ilE <.'A">"7ÏÏk7,'""(?????assortment m popular prices m .\·a??·CHETTI'S. Oli E. Broad Street, oldestconfectionery on sooth ¿alt Broad oí.


know that the MONROE CQNFEC-TIONERV, 701 NV, Main Kti" t. is now.

open, with a full stock ot ft.-.« confes-turnery, fruits, etc.


Full AN tJP-TO-UA'i ?. ???? Ï ANI»uniuue ß???, finished In ilrsi-cJt»»* nut-u«iiLr by expert workmen set. ilAI'.iUHL'uiiH. to: E. Franklin Street- "Pion·UM;_

jT ?'-?? ? ? hü ??????? j-S

?,??,'.??? POR INVriST.MKM' IN FIRSTmortgage bonds und other preferentialsecurities·, entire Issues preferred. Ap¬plications received freni principals andbickers with authority. « 'LA It ? KHUN.BROOKS & CO., IB Broad Street, N»WYork City._

FOlTfALi:. IN WASHINGTON. I). «'., Artrnt-cluus dining-room, hi business cor,.1er, With lout; ¡C-aev of house ol elevenrooms; low rein; price ?,d??; splendid,opportunity for live man. G. ?.white. Anonu'i, Bond Building,Washington, ?, «'·

WANTED" TO .SKI.!· LKASK l'Oit I'OW-haUui Hotel. Oils eiiy; lease expire* Sep¬tember ini, with an uddluouul iiptioii foriivo years, or win rent roouib furnished.,· iiiiiumlshed. single or en sullui roomsand urie.«-« to »nil everybody· Apply UtHOTEL «OFFICE.

Tv yoi' a???G??t getting is percent· to lo per cent, for youi money andsrilt-edee easily convertible security, si«or write to C.B. CAWTHOKN. ¡¡? KbeiWolldlliX.

BOARDING.EIGHTH ST., N.. S10-N1CELY FUR·iilshed, comfortable rooms! good Ublopermanent and transient boarders)terms reasonable.FRANKLIN. E. 41&-LA.RGK. COM;fortabls roome; good table; permanentand transient; also table boarders; ref¬erence required._

GRACE."70s! EAST-? E R ? ? ? ? ? ?,translent and table boarders; most con¬venient location; homelike, attractive.

GKACE ST.. I*. 108-WANTED. BOARD-ers for nice second-story front room ami

hall room. 103 East O race._MARSHALlT E.. ICW-TllE LENNOX.Handsome rooms, with or withoutboard; also transients.

THIRD,' S. lT-~wTÑTED. 'BOARDERSrnr ontinnr-tini^ rnniim on second andHIRD, S. 11-WANTED. HUAKJIMWfor connecting rooms on second and

third floors. Apply U S. Third Street.

REAL ESTATE.For Sale.FOR SALE-TRUCK FARM. ï'-j MILESfrom city, iu, mile-·· from car line; Hiacres, rich as a. garden spot; nice house,T moins, in oak grove;' necessary out-

hulldints. church and school In sight;line neighborhood; elegant orchardsprice, 41.S0O; 330 acres. 6 miles from cityon (Ino road; HO ncrcs In cultivation;fenced wire and cedar post; bouse, (1rooms and cellar: telephone, free malldcllverv; large barn: 20 acre.·-, In grassjiiid grain; line running streams, hogand cattlo pastures; price, $2,5(10, easypayment». Address Lock Box 21. Man¬chester, Va.

ROOMS FOR RENT.CLAY. E. No. u03.ROOMS FOR RENT,with or wltnout board.

THIRD. S., i (-FIRST AND SECONDtloors for rent, furnished oruinfurnlshed,suitable for dgbt housekeeping, or canget meals next door. Apply 11 S. ThirdStreet. -

FLATS FOR RENT.WANTED; TO RENT FIRST FLOOR ORsecond floor flat of four rooms on MamStreet near the Traction Car Sheds. Ad¬dress G. 41. caie this office.


ville real estate that Is paying good In¬terest; three vacant building lots; Ono.ten-acre Truck Farm; 250 acres un¬cleared wood land; for cash or merchan¬dise, wholesale or retail stock. AddressJ. M. STONER. Asheville. N. C.

REAL ESTATE WANTED.WANTED, TO BUY O.N INSTALMENTplan, house, six rooms, good order; WestAlain Street or between Broad and CaryStreets; moderale price; state best terms.Address BUSINESS, care Bauer's DrugStore, Posloflìe«! Station It.

COAL AND WOOD.WE ARE AFTER YOU; AVE WANTyour trade, and If low prices and honestbusiness methods will do It we have yourcaso won. Try a ton of our genuineCannelton Lump Splint or genuine FireCreek Lump at $5.50; you got the best,as Ave do not advertise ono article nndsell another. QUARLES & WI.,G-F1ELD, Seventeenth and WashingtonStreets. 'Phono 10S3.

FOR WOOD AND COAL SEE ?. ?.LONG, »13 East M-aln Street. He has ¡1

plan, that will allow you to pay by thoweek.


WANTED, BUY'ERS FOR FRESHsalted and smoked moats, and wanted tobuy cattle, bogs, calves, etc. WALTERE. BRAUER. Stall 25, Old Market.Smoked Beef Tongues a specialty.

STORAGE.FOR CHEAP AND DRÏ STORAGErooms apply to RICHARDSON & CHAP-PELL, Storage Department, BelvldereBuilding. EOI W. Main Street. 'Phone S4£


TRY US ON PRINTING; WE KNOWwe can suit you. TAYLOR & TAYLORPRINTING CO.. Quick Printers, No. 1Govtw Street.

BOOKBINDING AND PRINTING.S. B. ADKINS & CO., BOOKBINDERSand Printers. Bank and court work aspecially. Nos. 4 and 6 Governor Street,'phone 2282.


SPECIAL LOW PRICES ON ALLwhiskeys for Xrow holidays. I payfreight on all orders $10 and over. Mailorders solicited. Write to-day for prices.R. C. BATCHELOR, 1U19 E. BroadStreet. Richmond. Va.


! FINE YORK RIVER OYSTERS. CHOICEFresh Fish, Wild Turkeys, Pheasants,Qua!! and Duck. W. C. CRAY. U12 E.Marshall. 'Phone 1516.

MISCELLANEOUS.FOR THE GREATEST VARIETY OFCandy go to MARCHETTl'S. 017 EastBroad, the oldest confectionery on southelde Broad Street.

TEE-DEE BRANCHESTilo following Branch Offices have

been established for .the benetit oítboce living at a dlstunce from theMain ottici, of The 'Times-Dispatch;Thu Tee-Dee Wants leti at any ofthese branches will receive Oil· sumocareful attention us though they hudbeen left ut ibe Main onice, and therewill be no extra cost to 'thu udver-user:SLAUGHTER'S DRUG STORE, Twer).ty-ninth and Venable Street».

W. F, EANES, Tv/enty.tilth andLelub Street».

A. A. SCOTT, Twenty-fifth and BroadStreet*.

ROOT. J. WILLIAMS, Twenty-firstpnd Marshall Street».H. H. M, HARBISON, Foushee andBroad Street».

G. W. LAT1MER, No, 800 Went Mar-shall btrttt.

THOMPSON'S DRUG STORE, No.1521 We»», Main Atreet.

I. L. BEVERIDGE, Brook Avenue andClay Stieet.

RADY'S DRUG STORE, BartonHelfjlvte·

HEOPl-E's DRUG STORE, No, 3900VVHMamtburg Avenue, Fulton.

ROBINS* PHARMACY, No. 200 EastMarshall Street,

pl-? DRUG STORE, No. HI) Ea8tMain Street, corner Fifteenth,

JUDSON CUNNINGHAM, No. 2027East Main, corner Twenty.tirat.

PINE STREET PHARMACY, No. 334South Pine Street.

POINDEXTER-KIRK-PARRISH CO.,?*. 418 East Broad Street.


EATON PHARMACY, Twenty, clf/lllhand ? 6treet|.

RISON'S PHARMACY, No. 119 CanaiStreet,

YOUR OLD SOFAmay be just what someone is look¬

ing for. Why not exchange it

for something you do want? TheTee-Dee Want Ad. Exchange col¬umn will do it for you--costs one

cent per word. ·

FOR SALE.I POSITIVELY GUARANTEE TO STOPfalling or breaking hair, to cure dandruffand ¡ill scnlp diseases and to grow hairon bald bonds; a number of Richmond'smost prominent nnd reliable businessmen who wero bald will testify to thetruth of my statement. Wanted pupilsto learn the only method that was ever

discovered that will bring the results.DANIELS'S SCIENTIFIC PHYSICALCULTURE AND MASSAGE, «21 EastFranklin Street.

MANY PROMINENT R.I C II M ? N Dladies have been cured of fornaio com¬

plaints, nervousness, weakness, etc., andmade strong and healthy by DANIELS SScientific Physical Culture and Massage.A positive guiiranten In every case;don't be skeptical, Call and sen the hun¬dreds of testimonials of miraculous cinceof chronic cases. 021 E. Franklin St root.

FROSTBITES .AND CHILBLAINS. ASwell as chapped skin, uro quickly-re¬lieved by LATIMER'S Compound Cam¬phor Ice. 10 and 25 cents per box atdrug stores, or by mall on receipt ofprice. LATIMER'S DRUG STORE, 500W. Marshall. 'Phone 67.

JÜRGENS' WILL SELL YOU A "1'oR-tuno" or "Mrs. Rorcr" Gas Range, andIf It does not cook, bake or broil as well'as nny oiner stoce will refund yourmoney; 410-21 E. Broad Street.

FOR SALE-? PAYING MILLINERYbusiness In ? town of several hundredInhabitants in the best .section of Vir¬ginal. Address B. 22, caro this office.

SAVE THE COUPONS OF VALHALLACereal Coffee and recelvo a large nickel-plated French drip coffee pot. Ask yourgrocer for Valhulla. !WEATHER STRIPS KEEP OUT COLEwind, snow, rain and dust. We areheadquarters for Weather Strips.VAUGHAN'S, 002 East Broad.

LADIES' BEST QUALITY STORM RU1>bei·« at 85c. per pair. ALBERT STEIN,.i2S E. Broad.



FURNITURE, CHINA AND WEDDINGpresents packed und shipped with care.JACOB UMLAUF, 705 W. Main Street..Phone &92._



STENOGRAPHY.MRS- MAUD SWIN¬DELLS desires day and night pupils InPitman's system of stenography. Newtypewriters used in school exclusively.Address 10» E. .ualn StreeL Phone 2S5S.


FURNITURE REUPHOLSTERED INbest manner; nice hair mattresses madeto order; old ones made over like new;slip covers cut and mndo. JACOB UM¬LAUF, 705 W. Main Street. 'Bhonç ;{£«.

CARRIAGES "AND WAGONS.SPECIAL BARGAINS IN NEW ANDsecond-hand Wagons. We trade foranything we can handle. »RICHARD¬SON BROS., ?13 Brook Avenue.

BUGGIES, HURRIES AND SPRING7Wagons at THE WATT PLOW CO., K|f-lecnth and Franklin and 1101 East MainStreet. The largest and most completeUne in the city.

MONEY SAVED ...j. HAVING YOURCarriages and Wagons painted and re¬

paired by RICHARDSON BROS., BrookAvenue. 'Phone 1407.

HACK FOR SALE. ?.???/? \V, C.SMITH, Sil N. Fifth Street.

MACHINERY.STEAM AND GASOLENE ENGINES.Saw Mills and Wood Saws at THEWATT PLOW CO., Fifteenth andFranklin Street, 1014 E. Main Street.


lit anv buggy at THE WATT PLOWCO., Fifteenth and Franklin Streets and1101 E. Main.


«¦d as they should be and at tho rightprice call on Ol H. MOORE, 201 NorthFourth Street. Large selection of latestdesigns In Wall Paper. ?

CULTURE.WANTED,"LAD ? ?N D G15 ?T LEM ENpupils to learn DANIELS'S method ofKclentltlf·. physical and massage. It liascured every ailment the body Is heirto. Hundreds of testimonials of mira¬culous cures In Richmond. Call and laconvinced, fl'.'t IS. Franklin Street. .


FO|*l THE i.KHK ENDING FEB. ITÌLCut out this coupon and bring cauli withkIioch and get tlie following discount:76c, halfsolo men's, 20c, off; i,oc. halfsolola«lles'. !¦'<¦· off! Wç. hftlfSOla children's,10c. r.ll". Renumber every pair sewed;lest while oak leather. Rubber Heels,S&r. Men'«, our own make, sewed strong,Bhoe», UM. DREW'S ELECTRICSHOE FACTORY TIC E. Main. 'Phone-??7.


KLAG. GRANITE AND GRAVEL ROOF-Ing, guaranteed for (en years. Rufer·i-i-.c-: American National Hank (sky¬scraper), Mutual Assurance Building(skyscraper!. Joffppfon Hotel, NewRichmond Hotel, Uhcsterilold Flats,American T./bacco Co., American Canen., AJiierlcau L/iconiOtlvU Works, Rich¬mond Cellar Works, Gallego MGIs. Wrliefor price to ARMITAGE MFG. CO.,Richmond. Va.

RUBBERS«.LADIES'.REST QUALITY STURM RUILbeta ,.i .·'-'-' per pali. ALUEKT STEIN,i& B. üie-ad.

; NOTICE.; ».-~.--. .¦»

Richmond, Va., Jan. ¡11, lOOo.TO THE Vuliiita OF THE CITY OFRichmond; After mature consideration1 havo óonoluded to yield to tho wishesand advlco of friends and hereby an-nounco myself a candidato for the Housoof Delegates from the. city of-Richmond,subject to tho Democratic Primary. So¬liciting your vote and Influence, I am,Very respectfully, GEORGE N. SKIP¬WITH..

IT CURES EVERY AILMENT THEbody is heir to for it places tho body InIts natural state, driving out everyvestage of disorder. Daniel's Scien¬tific Physical Culture and Massage, No.021 East Franklin Street. Hundredsof testimonials of wonderful cures InRichmond.

THE SMOKERS OF THE WEST ENDwill no longer have to go down town toget their cigars, A full Une of the samewill be found at the MONROE CON-FECTIONERY. 701 W. Main Street

wäoted."I WISH I COULE LET THE. WHOLE'world know what a wonderful cure youhave inailo In my ease that nil othersufferers could be benefited as I havobeen.".Mrs. .,.., of this city, whoboa been tl sufferer of fermile troublesfor your«, said of-Mr. Daniel's Scien¬tific Physical Culture nnd Massage.No. f!21 East Franklin Street. Cull andsee testimonials.

WANTED.ASK YOUR GROCER FORPocahontas Corn, Poenhontas Peas; thoperfection of lino canned goods.

upholstering!levy. the upholsterer, makesmattrewes, cushions and etlp covers toorder» 644 Brook Avenue. 'Phone 103».


THEATRE-GOERS CAN BE ACCOMMO-dated both before and after the showwith the Finest Oysters On tho halfshell at 20c. dozen or ono dozen fry for30c. Quick Lunches, Sandwiches, also aone-pound Porter,House Steak for 25c,

.In our restaurant. Quick service andpolito attention. Between tho acts youcan get guaranteed. ten-year-old Wills-key for 10c, or the finest BudwelserBeer on draught.;' It only takes you a

minute to run over from the now Bijou.FRANCIONIE'S, Nos. 905 and 907 EastBroad Street. Ladles dining-room up¬stairs. Old 'phono 1252.


PRICES REDUCED ON WATCH WORK.!Cleaning. SI: Mainsprings $1; twentyyears' experience. WM. TOBIEN, Jr.,Í0S E. Broad Street., - Richmond, Va.Spectacles and Eyeglasses, 25-cents. AHwork guarantee,!. -



VALHALLA MAKES NEW BLOOD ANDnew blood makes healthy people. At allgrocers. ¦>

VALHALLA CEREAL COFFEE ISrecommended by physicians. No sickheadaches or Indigestion where Valhallais used._¦PIANOS AND ORGANS.

ESTEY PIANO AND ORGAN AGENCYhave Organs from,$15 up In good order.Splendid bargains on hand tills week Innew and second-hand Pianos.

~DYEÏNG AJÑD CLEANING.CLEANING ANDdYYElNG· OF GENTSVladies' and chlldres's suits and clou Its,rugs of every description, at low prices;best .'werk guaranteed; goods called forand delivered. The' Old Reliable MU¬TUAL STEAM DYETNG & CLEANINGWORKS SI2 W. Broail Street. 'Phono

2271. ' i· ·.··.' '·,'

DENTISTRY.SOUTHERN DENTAL -ROOMS. ????·site the poatotHce. 'Phone 3290., Exam¬inations <xnd estimates free,

ANTIQUES.ANTIQUES OF EVERY DBSCRIPTIONbought and soldi funi turo of all kindsrepaired, parked.and shipped wlth^caro;satisfaction guaran cod. GUARAN¬TEE \NTIQUE CO., 107 E. Main Street.

LARGEST COLLECTION OF ANTIQUESIn th.· Stale; everything at rock bottomrices. BIGGS, No. 615 East MainI reel.fil

C. M. MOORE, G09 ?,.????; ANTIQUES,ovorythlng original; fine furniture,brass Shellleid; gpqdS. )_j_;_j. '

DO YOU KNOW WHERE THE COT-tage Meat Market Is? O, yesl Cheap¬en placo In town to buy fresh and saltmeats. Givo us a trial. 823 W. BroadS.reet. _|

~'"^etTñg7Richmond. Va. Jan. 17, 19ft).

THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THEStookholders oí Tho Tlmes-DIspatchCompany will bo held In Richmond, Va.,lu the oillce of the Company, on Wed¬nesday, February 8, 1905. at 1 o'clock P.M. A, TC. 1IOLDERBV, Jr..


Tin·; anniTal MEETING OF THEStockholder« of tho Richmond MorsoSh-.w asm,<-ialion will ho held at to» E.Main Street 0|Y ?«"<1">'· Kohruary 20th,at 12 noon. ' ¦'¦


W. Ü, WARTUEN, Secretary,Th'k "aNn'ÜÄl M'EE'TlNO OF THEStockholders of the Union EnvelopeCompany will bo hold nr the City Ban.tof Richmond, Richmond, Va., Wednes-day afternoon, February 1st, 1005. at 4o'clock. All stoohholders ero.requBetq«to be present, , I. L RlIKUTAN,

Boerotary and Treasurer.

The Confederato Museum·TWELFTH AND CLAY STREETS.Opens daily from » A?'M< *° £.£· r*'

Admiselon. 26 cent·. Fre», on 8oturjay.

The" Valentine Mutuiti,ÜLLVENTH AND.CLAY STREBT*

OPEN 10 ?. ?. ?????? M.ADMISSION, «G.

ffRBB ON BA-T«»»*-**

EXCHANGE.WAITED, TO EXCHANGE A DOUBLEtint-top olllco Desk for writing paper andenvelopes, or will take $10 cash for eamo.2027 B. Main Street, Richmond, Va.

BRAND NEW SEWING MACHINE,flrst-olnss, will oxchaneo for anything ofllko value. Address C. 68, caro this of¬fice.

WANTED. TO EXCHANGE FULLDross Suit, size SS- What have you to ox-

chango for It. Address E. 53, caro thisolllce.

I HAVE A DOUBLE OAK BEDSTEAxJ,In good condition, which I would j.«o toexchange, for some doslrablo householdartlcles7 What havo you to offer?/.d-drcss C. C2, care this office.

WILL EXCHANGE AN ODD SQUAREPiano for something of oqual value. Ad¬dress C. B7, this office.

PERSONALS.?? APPRECIATION WAS PRO-nounced 'positively necessary in 28cases of female complaints In past four.months; instead of tho operation,they took up the Danlol's SclontillcPhysical Culturo and Massage Courseand uro ??·?\ enjoying perfect health.A cure guarantor«! In every case, No.021' East Franklin Street.

WILL REUPHOLSTER YOUTt PARLORBult In tho latest style, make over yourmattresses good as new and let you payus for It In monthly Installments. JÜR¬GENS', 418-21 E. Broad Street. Don'tput it,off; we're mighty busy.

SURE CURE FOR INDIGESTION.Gout. Urlo Acid. Bladder and Kidneytroubles is Harris's Antl-D.vspeptlo andLithla Water; springs locateti at Burke-ville, Va.; can furnish testimonials. J.A. MORRIS & CO. 'Phone 48S2.·_]-

MONRO'i CONFECTIONERY, 701 W.M-aln «street, finest line of confectioneryand fruits in the West End. Now open.You aro cordially invited to call.

WHEN SUFFERING WITH COUGHS.colds, bronchitis try a 2C cent bottle ofBROWN'S Bronchial Balsam, at drugstores.

WEATHER STRIPS KEEP OUT COLDwind, snow, rain and dust. Wo areheadquarters for Weather Strips.VA COHAN'S, 002 East Broad.

NO MORE INDIGESTION. SICKHBAD-uches, tired fooling, nnd goneral brokendown condition where Valhalla CerealCoffee is used. At all grocers.

BOY MURDERED.Believed That the Man to WhomHe Was Bound Killed Him.

(Special to Tho Tlmes-Dlspnlcli.)WILMINGTON, N. C. Jun. 31..Jeff.

Davis, a while boy, sixteen yours of ago,wus murdered and his body thrown Intoa pond near Armour, Columbus county,January 2-lth, and J. W. Collins' to whomtho boy -was bound until ho became of age,is believed to hiivo committed the crime.Immediately after Davis disappeared Col¬lins left home and baa not been hcarilof or'seen since. A. warrant for his urrestIs in the. hands of officers, and an effortis imlng mude to have the Governor offera reward for his arrest. The boy waskilled by his ueck being broken. Ills bodywas not found until yesterday.Suspicion rests strongly on Collins,· who

has been running un Illicit distillery, andIt is believed that he murdered youngDavi» beca usa ho was afraid the boyknew too-much about his, unlawfulness.Collins Is a middle-aged mun and hasii wlfo. but no children.His wife professes total Ignoruiioo of

the crime, and declares that she doesn'tknow tho whereabouts of her husband.Tho murdered boy was an orphan.- e


Went Into Burning House toSave Some Articles.

(Spcólul to Tho TImos-Dlspateh.)CHARLOTTE, N. C, Jap. 31,-At Tony,

a lively little hamlet In a remote sectionof C'asweli county, yesterday afternoon,Mrs. Sarah A. Florence and her daugh¬ter, Miss Bottle, were, cremated in a lirewhich entirely destroyed their home. Tholire was discovered at 1 o'clock, and thouflames enveloped tho nonno, Tlie two la¬dles wero In tho front yard. Both rushedback into the liouae in order to save someprized treasure's, and before they couldbo roscued Iho walls'fell, entombing themalive.Tho house burned to ilio ground; and

their churretl -remains- were found byneighbors, A box containing sovoral liun¬dred dollars In gold, untouched by thollamos,' was found near the bodies. Mrs.Floronco was the mother of a. prominentand wealthy merchant of Burlington, Ala-manco county.


A_~ J^.^... Frh n"d Sat.,'ACfcwdemy, sat. Matinee,

America's Foremost Emotional Actress

Margaret fnglinPresenting the Brilliant Succès»,

A Wife's Strategy,Supported by John E. Kellerd and a

Storllng Company.Prices: Matinee.»1, 76c, 60c, Î6o.;

Night.11.50, »1, 75c. B0c. 36c, 26c


MERELY MARY ANN.prices: $1.50, $1, 76c, 50c, 25c, 2üc



SHERLOCK HOLMESIn Sir ?. Cunan' Doyle's great

Detective Story,

...SION OF THE FOUR..,,All the Wook.

Regular. Matinees.«»"¦¦'' ni» ?. H ""¦

LEGISLATURE OFA-l.il! lo Prevent Bee Hives

Near. Public High¬ways,


iSpoelal to The Tlnioe-Blsputcli.)RALEIGH,'N. C!. Jan. ni.--.Tlie General.

Assembly of North Carolina Is havingbills offore«! for Ilio regulation of all mannor of industries and. all grades of Ilioanimal creation, thu latest being ii bill byRepresenotlvo Moekins, or· Tyrrell coun¬ty. 11 Is a bill to protect trnvel on thnnubile highways of Tyrrell county undmakes It unlawful for any boo hive to bokopt within less, than fifty foot of a pub-Ilo road. Tho Judlclury Cominlttco con¬sidered · the bill to-day und decided torecommend Its passage.


A hard fight was »undo to-day'beforethe Houso Osmrnltteo on Ciuintlus, citiesund Towns for a bill extending tho cor¬porato limits of tho town ot Monroe, Mr.William Heath, of the Monroe CottonMill, mndn tho light single-handed against,the bill, opposing a big delegation of citi¬zens, who favored the extension, andsucceeded In Inducing tho committee toreport tho bill unfavorably, with the Sen¬ator and the Repriiscntnilvo from thocounty favoring t.ho bill, too. Tho pleaby Heath was that the extension wouldtake in his mill and Impose nddlltonalheavy taxes that the business could nothear, while ho .had been Induced to locatethorc by assurances of exemption frommunicipal tnxe-s.

MUNICIPAL FIGHT.Thei'o tiro now Ilvo ciindldulcs In tho

field to succeed A. M. Powell, as Mayorof Raleigh next May, and thero Is prom¬ise of still others. They nro J. 1. John¬son, J. S. "Wayne, Frimk Stroniich. J. E.Pogtic ana Joe If. Weathers. MaydrPowell announced somo timo ago thut lipwould not be a candidate for re-elcc!lon,having tilroady served three time«.Too |lt|iior question will ligure promi¬

nently In the campaign this timo, sciltl-fent being divided between dispensary,prohibition and open saloons.While the dispensary Iiuh been a big

sucrifâs financially, having yielded thecity and county a revenue of »56,000 thepast your. It Is realized that It Is not «

temporaneo Institution at all, thero beingmoro Intoxicants drank now than whenthere wero open ??????«.The Judiciary Committee of the Houso

decides to report unfavorably, tho bill be¬ing urged by the merchants of tho State,making It a misdemeanor to obtain; goodsfrom merchnnts untici· promise to pay tout. some futuro time out ot wages to bereceived and then fulls without goodreason to fulfil the promise.


Strike Threatened Because Work¬men Have to Work in Cold.

(Special to Tho Tlnics-Dlspatch.)SALISBURY. ?- C." Jan. lli.-On ac¬

count of being «P-prlved of rusloniury iihcof heaters, at the Southern Railway shopsnt Spencer, a serious strike \¡f Jurent eneoamong Ilio omploycs of the company at:that place. The heater* wero ordered outof -servie«) Sunday, nhd tho men in t|ieround houso and on the vards have sincebeen forced to work in the cold. A griev¬ance committee representing the vurlouslabor organizations and unions liero leftto-nlglit for Washington to lay their com¬plaint beforo the higher officials of theSouthern.'Tho report of this commltteo Is now

awaited with intenso Interest by tho hun¬dreds of omploycs. who express the hopothat a general strike may be averted.


Supposed to Have Fallen in theFire While in Epileptic Fit.

(Special to The Tlnx's-Dlepatch.)CHARLOTTE, ?.,C Jan. Sl.-Mrs.

Henry M. Watts died at her home here at10 o'clock this morning In great agonyfrom burns sustained last night by fallinginto an open liro. Airs, Watts was sub¬ject to epileptic fit» and It'Is presumedthat she wus seized with one of theso at¬tacks, as sho was alone In her .home.Hor husband went home last night and

found her on the hearth writhing inagony, lier body charred from tho llamea¦which hod crfveloped her. Hor eye¬sight was destroyed and her hair burnedoff bv the lire. She Is survived by a.

husba'nd and one young »on.



Leave Richmond every evening (loot A.h Street) it7 I'. M., (topping at Newport New, en roule. Fare, 12.50one way, 14.50 round trip, Including «laleroom berth;meal·, 50c, each, Street Can to Steamer'. Wharf.

FOR NEW YORK.V|s Night Une Steamer, (except Saturday) making

connection In Norfolk with Main bine Ship following dayat 7 P. M., alto Norfolk & Wettern Ky. at 9 A. M. and9 V. M. and Che.apesk« 6c Ohio Ry. at 9 ?. M. and 4P. M., making connection dally (except Sunday) it Nor-lolk with Main Une Ship, .ailing at 7 P. M.

?. ?, CHALKLEY, City Ticket Acent, 808 E.Main St, ]. F, MAYER, Aeem, Steamer Wharf.H. B, WALKER. V. ?, and ?, M. New York. ?. Y,

Vfij[nía Navigation Co.,JAMES RIVER DAY LINK.? 'G E A M tí H FOCAIIONT.iSloaves, MONDAY, WED,NES-

X. DAY AND FRIDAY at 7 A.^« M., for- Norfolk! Portsmouth,*" Oui Point. Newport New«,

ciuj-omont and Jamen Rivirlanding»., and connecting nt Old .Point forWuBhiimton, Baltimore and tho North,. Suite-rooms reserved for thn night iu mod. rato,prices.- Blectrle cara direct lo tho wharf,Fare only Jl-60 and U to Norfolk.FrelKht received-for Above-named places ani

all points In eastern Vlrirlnla and North Cnrj»Una. inviN WElfiiaKR, Clon'l Mer.

?, ?? RARliER. Jr., Secretary.

UA Y UNE TO UAl,TIM~Ô7tÏÏvia, C. Ac O, Rwy, awl old Po,m

U. ?, MAH. ROUTE.I^ave Richmond via C, & o,

dully except Sunday, nt i j». jjconnci'tlnti ut Old ,I'oli)t withet6iii)ii!is of Old lloy Line, Iwiv-Iiib 7:15 G, M., nrrlvjnir Ruin,

moro ti ilio ?. M., connecting; North, East undWest. For tickets und Information apply toO. & O. Rwy,, Richmond Transfer Company,or No· 830 East Main Street.

¡ÎÏRCiATRANSPORTATION COMPANYSteamers leavo Norfolk for Boston Tuesday,

Boston. Mass., & Providence, R. J,Wednesday; "Friday und Sunday, For Provi-dei)io Míinday, Thursday and Saturday ut aP. M, PiUjueiiKers und freight taken for aliNew Eatflnnd pointu. Ticket? °n salo at O. &O. Ry, nnd ?, & W. Ry. onice·/, and No, siaKo4t Main-


RICHMOND AND NORFOLK LINW·Freight received and delivered dally at C.

»nd O. Rwy. Co's Depot, Seventeen!? undBroad Streets. H. K. WOPDFIN, SolicitingA«tnt, Y». Nav. Co.'« Wharf. Rockett»,


- Hours and aiî iMliiutes to Norfolk,,

'Jail.-17-llíOO.?,??^AyB, lllCHiioND-lilASTnOUND.?'«? ?, ¡M..VVOfk Days.Local lo NoWDort».«n Nt'v.'' ttl"<·. «"»? billions. p

i:,',,.il?,TrP»alLy*-.';l',,lJ,,,d'-Arrl';0" wiiiiam«·V,u,*li,M. A. M, Newport New« 10:30 A.»a"mü'V01"1 ???.?· M., Norfolk 11:2·

t,Mu m' ."."rtmii'Jiuíi 1???5 A, M,uuJi'ûn* ly-i'Pu'-ial-Arrlvo« William»).ru,,*,',0.»· N·'. Newujrt Now* 0:30 l», M.2'dr.j»ln I P. M., Norfolk Bu» P, M.

Rki7)y.('','l! »>(iv»~L'cid to on pulnt,?·20 V \ÏUÎN 1«1NH"WJ¿S'1'HUUND.

jporiru- °Cä,""v,'*t,li Jüa>li_'1'0 ClirtoB

''"'niicV,?,',^'!1^···^''!!' llitoiigli Pullman for??,, ,"*"' lndlitnapiUU.and ciiieugo witu-vinr » "?1·".· l'i'diiiiui «ii.rvicü for Lonin-

BID i» ».unr.,t>1· »'O''1»·10:41 l> ?'"'"?'';'.'lt l'aya-Licul io Gordonsvllle.

via« ?,.?'' ,l.v-L!iiiUeU-Wlth Pullman bei-

«'aï ciin-j, ,cln"<1'1' *?'?1,'?,·,ß? Ht- boula

«ISO ? M '\AJ"'''*..HIVER LINE,L?*?u¿7^aH''-I··'t>'1·,0»,·~,''0 LynchburK,bài «-,?'¦ ?"·< '-.iiftoii Forge «mu prlncl·i.ejii.il.t iítirl,Jr Cdri

',r'r'oní''r.,.Si ??* «l'.'M.Wf'S" «1*5·."".älld.{»?l»"?iVnV',,A,,,,,.^e»t T:3° A' « ,la"»1 « ?,?/^ 1>'1,:?'?'> »''«o Local 7:4.-, 1*.Ac'fiUn S "î"î?1."0 (·",·'"!* .'.'«rue: Oordonevllle

tu, ?.« '?, ?· ?· »'«'«I« «I«'*.Ci3S i· m h;;T,,u,)ï. )",-'c11',1 ..m c,lfl°n For«·KÎ. su,,^' *l»y; Kotiwril Accorri, S:« A. Aï..U: Wn«tnW'n· W. O. WARTHEN,ab"f,l'llaf?',AKt· Dint, Pue». Art.C E. DOYLK, rjen'l. Manager

R P i¿ ï*·¦ Kldimoiid, Frederick«.,"", ' W * " b,l,'K * Cotonine IT. R.V-'iftc »·-II·?,?.°| niellinomi.Northward.C:45 a \Í"~RU J'"t'.ftl"· Bt· Ttirouiii.!.;^??,.G.????^?,? «V .fI"uu«"· ¿»

¦g$S^ Bt*

L,;"*,",','1'11 Dnys-Elba. At-hland Ac-«.Irt c,0'"'»i"lHtloii.átoiVÍ; ly~"'''rtl m' V»ousb. Lrcal

1|'tSH1r%,l,,l',at'-|,>"1 Kt· Through.?',?'?,^'0,< I^y-Dyd Öl. Proderleke»r..'v,V.urF,'lA.com»'0'latlon¿?B;2í } " f,f.''0"y-M'dn St; Through.eoinmoili.tloii.

t., ií'-?Dally-l»ir,l St. Through.'¦··"¦« AiTlvtf Richmond.Southward.?.???. M.--A\Vek Days-Elba. Aaliland Ac...,n «"oiimiodatlon.

ÍT.'.,C't^'«"* Oitya-Hyrd Si. Fredorlck«--,,r ".u'Jf. Accommodation.·

u'.ïï, » î!--pu,1>'-»^'td ¡"t. Through.?.? A. M..Week Duys-llyrd öl. Through.Local «loue.,í:.'t *',· -V.-l/o-iir.-Muln Ht. Through.6.13 1 Al..Week Days-Elba. Ashlnnd Ac-¦¿ coinints],itliiii.?':}..1,.· il·"r>«lly~Wyril «¡.Through.t.W 1. -M.-Duliy-nyrJ St. Throuirli. Local

.'loi··,.?:4ß îi' -i·.ÜBlly-MAin St. ThrouBh. All

Pullman Car».10:50 P. ??..lHi(l}--t.Má¡ii .St. Threueh.11:40 1J. M..Wfli-k Dayt.Hyrd St. Tnixtueli. All

Pullman Cars.NOTB.Pullman Siffphiir or Tarli-r ram on

all above traimi except trulnii urrlilng tlloh-mond 11:60 A. M. n-ctk «ta)·*, und local aicom-uiodatlun».Timo of arrivals ami dinari urta mid conne·)-

tlons not «uiirantefil.w: d, DUKB.. c. w. cijr.r, %v. v. tati.ok,Qen'l. Man'r., Aaa't/Uon'l. Arun'r.. Traf. Alan.


Norfolk Ut» A. Al. Stop« only ui VfeteMburf,Waverly and Suffolk.

9:0C A.'M..CHICAGO EXPUESH. HuffttParlor Car, Petersburg io Lynchcurg andRoaiiok«. Pullman hlccperi Ituanolc« lo Coluni-bu·, llluefltld to Cincinnati) "I* > Roanoke «oKnoxvlllc, and Knoxvllli, to Memphis. Car·Dining Car Roanoke lo Vivian.12:10 P. ?.????'??? EXPRESS for Fani)-

vllla, l^yrichtMirg and Itnaunke.3:00 P. ??..OCEAN SHORE LIMITE». Ar¬

rive» Norfolk G>:?0 P. Af. Stop« only nt VHou-burg, Waverly nnd HiUYo'ik. Connecta ivlthateainera tu lloaton, Provldnrict-, New York,Baltimore and Washington,

7:Î5 P. ??..For Norfolk nnd all stations rantof Petersburg.

»ISO P. ??..NEW ORLEANS 8???? LINE.Pullman Sleeper« Richmond.to Lyiichburg andRoanoke, Potcmbtiru w Emi Itudlerd, l.yncli-burg to Chattanooga, Alcniutlla arni New Or¬leans. Cafe Dim?? Car. .,,.,.,

8:30 P. AL.HT. LOUIS EXPRESS. PullmanSleeper Petemburg to'lloanoke and Roanoko toColumbus. Dining <U\r. ,

Trains arrive from the Went 7:13 A. Al,, 3.1*P. M. and 9:18 P. ??.; from Norfolk 11:10 A. Al.and 6:20 P. At.Office No. Sin East Alain Mtr'-nt.

IV. B. REVILL, C. H. JIOSLEY.Ocn'l. Pass. Agt. Diet. Pirns. Agt.

SOUTHERN RAILWAY.scjuh:dul,e in effect dec. hi. iooi.

TRAINS LEAVE ItlCHMONO."¡00 ?. ??..Datly.Locul for Churlott,.·. N. C.13:30 P. ??..Dally.Limited.Uuffei Pullman to

Atlunta.itml lllrniliighiiiii. Now Orleans,Memphis, oliatiauooga und «til Mio Soutli.

6:00 ?, ??..Ex. flunduy.Koysvllle Local.11:30 P.' ??..Daily.Limited.Pullman ready D*)^

P. AL, for all thu Sou«),.YORK RIVEH .'.IN12.

The favorito route to Ualtlinoro and Ea-îtornpoints, Leavo-Richmond t:'ju P. M. .Mondays,Wednesdays and Fridays.2:15 ?, ??..Local.AlonJuya, Wcdiicsdieys und

Fridays.·|·? P. ??..Except 'Sunday.For Wist Point,

connecting with steamers for Haltlmoieand river landings .Mondays, Wednesday·and Fridays. Stennier calls at GloucesterPoint, Allnionds and I'luy Hank.

«¡13 A. M..Except .Suiiduy.l^ocal inlxod forWent/Bol «it;TRAINS ARRIVI". RICHMOND, ?

6:5S A. M. and 0:42 1'. ??..From all tho South.Siilo P. At..From Clinrlutlo und Durluun.8:40 A. M..Frani Keysvllle. ,

|)·"6 ?. Al.-llnlllinoru «ml West l'Oint.10:16 ?. ?·,Wednesdays und Fridays; Cs»"*;

??.. dally, except Sunday.From Woit

r -tvP°WBSTniiRV, D. P. ?., Richmond, \'a._%\. nARDWICH. ¿ W. ?- TAYLOB,

C. II. ACKERT Gen''·. M«r.?\'??ß????^10??, U. C,

SEABOARDAir Line Üailwav

?????? LEAVE' iVlü'llMQlNb.DAILY,0:iû ?, M.-Wcul-Eor ?,-a-lIna, inai .Hamlet-.,,:?,¿ ri M._Si'ul)oiii'.l Fasi ?a??-SaviiiiiiBlt,"

Jacksonville, Allanta and tSiiiitbivesl.».DO P.M.-Florida Llnilted-Solld Pullmnn

New York to St. Augiistliu·.il DO ? Al.-Scubuiird Exin-ess-Sovnnnah, Jack-

¿nnvlllo, Allanta und Southwest.TRAINS ARRI VU RIl.'ll.MOND.

»','»«-A M.Solid Pullulai) from St vMigustlm·.CUS ?.' .M·.Proin Florida, Atlanta and Soiitli-

4;D5 ?."??·.Prom Plui'lda, Atilinta und Soutli-

6-.30 ìv AÏ.-Prom Locul Points.

ATLANTIC COAST LINE.riu.Ns »^A^¿^l'á-^o^'^-RyRD.

Effective sunuav, jan. stii.0;Cii ?. ?·.A- C, ' L· lixpresii 10 nil polnl»??no AU*M-Pi>tersbiirK end Norfolk.?":io ? Al.-PeU-ri-liurb" und ?. and Vf, West.5:00 V. ?..lJ»'t«;ri>burB and Norfolk..4·?? }· A -lii.lJbhoro Local-i'-*L 1« M.-Petersburg l-ocal.,:íí {, M .'-Florida limi West Indian Lim·

lied" to all l'Olniu South,».so îi m..Potorsbui'B und ?· and W. West,??'?? i>' ?. Petersburg Lical.¿i'i'mi ?' M.-New York und Florida Spoetai.

'¦».RAINS ARRIVI'! RIUH.MO.N'D-DAILV.4M A AI-; OH» A. -M.: 7:43 A. M. ; ·8:33 ?.

M .«??'·45 ?· ?-? IL''" ?. ?.¡ |:00 ?. M.¡ 3:05?, 'µ -a» ?· ?. 7:IJ P. M.; u;lS P. M,«Pyrenl' Sunday. »».Sunday only.W01 0. R· OAMPBRl.L, Dlv. Pass. Agt..PjT, j', CRAIG. Oftli. Pass. Agt.


Car· leave corner n( Perry and HüV-.-ntaatrsuts, Manciiostcr, overy hour (on Hie lutir)irôin 0 A· M. to 111 P. ??.; last car 12 midnight.Cars leave Petersburg, tiot of Sycamore

Street, overy hour from 6:i'i ?. M. «0 10:35 P.V ? last car 11:40 P. Al.

All cars from PotemburB conncçtlim Rieb«:moni dît..