Hangout Marketing Secrets Module 6 Training with Alex Mandossian, Yifat Cohen & Sarah Hill Get your "Marketing Persona" assessed for $0 at MarketingOnline.com © 2013 Heritage House Media, Inc. Alex: Hello and welcome to Module 6 of Hangout Marketing Secrets. This is the world’s first course that teaches monetization on G+ Hangout. It was treason to say that sentence about a year ago, because Yifat Cohen (one of the beta testers and my colleague and co-training partner) didn’t like that sentence to leave her lips. Actually making money from a Hangout? My gosh, how can that ever happen? Now she’s making money as a coach! She’s got a very successful course teaching you how to do Hangouts and you’ll hear more from her on that. I have transformed my business from tele-seminars to Hangouts. The reason is, what you see here is more engagement and more involvement. You have a social influence engine in G+. I don’t think it’s social media platform. It’s a social media influenced engine and by using Google we get out without a list. Through our Circles and increased engagement, we’ll get more social influence, which is the name of the game. If you’ve been with us before, then you know that there is a social influence sequence of success. This success sequence is very simple and there are four steps. Take notes, here we go. Number one is expose and that’s all about the ability to be visible; visibility. It’s just to be seen. The first step is to expose your message, which is what we’re doing today. This is a live Hangout on G+ and on Facebook; we’re syndicating this new Facebook at watchonfacebook.com. That’s a vanity URL we have. This is also on Yifat’s G+ page where the invitation was to broadcast this live, just for live viewers and then our members within the membership area for Hangout Marketing Secrets. If you want more information, go to HangoutMarketingSecrets.com. They are commenting within the private area of that membership and by exposing this to anyone, hopefully we get more interest. The second step is engage. Our tagline is stay engaged and + on; like rock on, but + on. That second step is about responsibility and the ability to respond. That’s engagement. The first is visibility; the

Hangout Marketing Secrets Module 6 Training with …with G+ and with Hangouts, especially Hangout On Air, that is a paid course, is we ask our members for their community wisdom. Today,

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Page 1: Hangout Marketing Secrets Module 6 Training with …with G+ and with Hangouts, especially Hangout On Air, that is a paid course, is we ask our members for their community wisdom. Today,

Hangout Marketing Secrets Module 6 Training with Alex Mandossian, Yifat Cohen & Sarah Hill

Get your "Marketing Persona" assessed for $0 at MarketingOnline.com © 2013 Heritage House Media, Inc.

Alex: Hello and welcome to Module 6 of Hangout Marketing Secrets. This is the world’s first course that teaches monetization on G+ Hangout. It was treason to say that sentence about a year ago, because Yifat Cohen (one of the beta testers and my colleague and co-training partner) didn’t like that sentence to leave her lips. Actually making money from a Hangout? My gosh, how can that ever happen? Now she’s making money as a coach! She’s got a very successful course teaching you how to do Hangouts and you’ll hear more from her on that.

I have transformed my business from tele-seminars to Hangouts. The reason is, what you see here is more engagement and more involvement. You have a social influence engine in G+. I don’t think it’s social media platform. It’s a social media influenced engine and by using Google we get out without a list. Through our Circles and increased engagement, we’ll get more social influence, which is the name of the game.

If you’ve been with us before, then you know that there is a social influence sequence of success. This success sequence is very simple and there are four steps. Take notes, here we go. Number one is expose and that’s all about the ability to be visible; visibility. It’s just to be seen. The first step is to expose your message, which is what we’re doing today. This is a live Hangout on G+ and on Facebook; we’re syndicating this new Facebook at watchonfacebook.com. That’s a vanity URL we have. This is also on Yifat’s G+ page where the invitation was to broadcast this live, just for live viewers and then our members within the membership area for Hangout Marketing Secrets. If you want more information, go to HangoutMarketingSecrets.com. They are commenting within the private area of that membership and by exposing this to anyone, hopefully we get more interest.

The second step is engage. Our tagline is stay engaged and + on; like rock on, but + on. That second step is about responsibility and the ability to respond. That’s engagement. The first is visibility; the

Page 2: Hangout Marketing Secrets Module 6 Training with …with G+ and with Hangouts, especially Hangout On Air, that is a paid course, is we ask our members for their community wisdom. Today,

Hangout Marketing Secrets Module 6 Training with Alex Mandossian, Yifat Cohen, & Sarah Hill

Get your "Marketing Persona" assessed for $0 at MarketingOnline.com © 2013 Heritage House Media, Inc.

ability to be seen as exposure. The ability to be responded to or to respond to others, not react but respond is engagement.

Number three is to expand. You want a greater reachability; your ability to get more reach faster, better with less effort utilizing the power of Google, not an intranet like other social media platforms. Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, no offence, but they’re intranets. Google is the intranet. In fact people get on other social media platforms to rank higher in Google. How do you rank high in Google? YouTube and G+. I rest my case. Expand, reachability, that the ability to get more reach.

Then the fourth is to enrich. Those are all verbs and that’s accountability. The good thing about a Google hangout is I can course correct in real time and I put a T there because it was missing. Accountability comes from the old Roman days of the senate. People used to be accounted for. A senator would stand up and say here and he was accounted for. In those days, it was here. Today, I am … out women, we’re going to have two women on this hangout against me and we’re all going to collaborate together to talk about hangouts on air.

Those are the four different levels of sequence for more social influence. I’ll give them to you one more time if you just joined us; expose, engage, expand and enrich. Get your action guides printed if you’re part of Hangout Marketing Secrets because Sarah will be joining us in about 25 minutes. But Yifat, I’m going to go to you. A Hangout On Air, which is what we’re doing right now and a hangout party. Let’s once again discuss the distinctions between the two and then which of the four E’s most importance to you? First question; what is the difference between Party and On Air?

Yifat: Hangout Party can be a public party open up to the public. But it’s not being broadcasted on YouTube. You can hang out with anyone. You can hang out with individuals, you can hangout with specific circles, but it’s not broadcasted and recorded. That’s the main difference.

Page 3: Hangout Marketing Secrets Module 6 Training with …with G+ and with Hangouts, especially Hangout On Air, that is a paid course, is we ask our members for their community wisdom. Today,

Hangout Marketing Secrets Module 6 Training with Alex Mandossian, Yifat Cohen & Sarah Hill

Get your "Marketing Persona" assessed for $0 at MarketingOnline.com © 2013 Heritage House Media, Inc.

Hangouts On Air; you cannot invite the public unless you share the link for the public to enter and it s broadcasted and recorded on YouTube for later viewing; basically it becomes a YouTube video afterwards. Which of the four E’s are most important to me; expose, engage, expand, enrich; I have two that are side by side; engaging and enriching, is what I like because when you engage with someone, you also enrich the experience by your own whatever it is you’re bringing to the table, otherwise you’re really not engaging with them. Those two are like my main ones.

Alex: Okay, what are the things that we have created for our students in this new level of engagement and exposure, enrichment, expansion with G+ and with Hangouts, especially Hangout On Air, that is a paid course, is we ask our members for their community wisdom.

Today, if you’re in G+ Live, or you’re on Facebook or if you’re a member inside the members area watching this broadcast screaming, I want you to name which of the four you feel are most important and why? Is it exposure that you want? Is it engagement that you think is most important, expansion of your message or enrichment? Once you’ve expanded, you want to continue to enrich for legacy purposes. Here is my answer. There’s a four way type for first place, all four of them. You don’t get to use that because I figured someone would and then everyone follows too. Just pick one if you had to pick one, then I want you to list that and mention why.

Just do it down below. Wherever you are, mention which of the four E’s is most important and why; with engagement, with enrichment, with exposure … with exposure and engagement, enrichment and expansion, we want to expand the consciousness of our Top +ers. Our Top +ers are the most engaged +ers. What’s a +er. It’s a G+ user, which I don’t like the word or a member which doesn’t exist really. We’ve coined the term +er in our glossary of terms.

Sandra Hassan, Bravo de Hassan and Charlene Christiano; congratulations, our top two +ers, they’re the most engaged from

Page 4: Hangout Marketing Secrets Module 6 Training with …with G+ and with Hangouts, especially Hangout On Air, that is a paid course, is we ask our members for their community wisdom. Today,

Hangout Marketing Secrets Module 6 Training with Alex Mandossian, Yifat Cohen, & Sarah Hill

Get your "Marketing Persona" assessed for $0 at MarketingOnline.com © 2013 Heritage House Media, Inc.

Module 5 and the reason we do that is they get engaged again and again. We found that whenever someone gets the Top +ers award, they engage even more in that current hangout. Yifat, are you going to start utilizing that top +er engagement award for your hangouts because I know you’re doing that now. You can if you want. Yes or no; you think you could do that?

Yifat: Maybe. You have to join and see.

Alex: Okay, all right. I’ll remind everyone. We’re having a reunion with everyone with Hangout Marketing Secrets in December. Just contact us at marketingonlinesupport.com to get the full story. There is tuition; you’ll get the full story just by contacting us, a way to find out more about that. Okay, the quote for today that you’ll find in the action guide if you’re part of our membership with Sarah Hill is and this is … I did this for both of you because you remind me of what I know about Anais Nin. She was a forward thinking, very courageous woman during her day and she was our thought leader. Many of the thought leading men and philosophers couldn’t hold the candle to her and she was really a force to be reckoned with. She said we don’t see things as they are. We see them as we are. In a Hangout, that’s very important. What does that mean to you? How is that relevant to hangout marketing?

Yifat: For Hangout marketing; it’s good. It’s very interesting because you can tell the energy of people in the hangout and like Sarah is going to talk about, this is like the human media and you can see the white in people’s eyes and so for me it resonates. If you’re very self-serving, if you’re very self-pleased, if you’re not cheering or if you’re not communicating, it’s going to show and you’re going to see everybody on the hangout the same way that you are.

This reminds me Alex actually, my dad used to say, the way to recognize a thief is if they have bars on their windows because everybody has common human feel from them. It’s very much so and it sounded like you change yourself, you change the world and

Page 5: Hangout Marketing Secrets Module 6 Training with …with G+ and with Hangouts, especially Hangout On Air, that is a paid course, is we ask our members for their community wisdom. Today,

Hangout Marketing Secrets Module 6 Training with Alex Mandossian, Yifat Cohen & Sarah Hill

Get your "Marketing Persona" assessed for $0 at MarketingOnline.com © 2013 Heritage House Media, Inc.

you change yourself. You change the way you look at things and things change for you. I love that quote. It’s very resonating.

Alex: Another thought leader Gandhi said, “Be the change you want to see in the world.” The concept is you’re a projection of what you see. This starts with you. I don’t know who said it. I don’t know whom, if it’s my dad or my mom, but if you have stripes on your clothes, then you’re probably a thief as well, especially if they’re horizontal.

We want to talk about Hangouts On Air. Please grab a pen. The keyboard is very enticing as is the mouse. I made a fortune through the word of mouse marketing which is the oral tradition of 25 … 3000 years going back, oral tradition. This is the new type of reference; referring people is word of mouse marketing. But rather than using this right now and this, use this, use your pen and take some notes on a sheet of paper and then make sure that you keep it in somewhere where you can find it, because we’re going to talk about the anatomy of the perfect Hangout On Air.

A Hangout On Air gives you more reach. It expands your social influence. It allows you to engage more with more people like we’re doing right now. It also allows you to enrich more people’s lives, not just nine other people inside a Hangout. I asked Yifat to give us the anatomy of the perfect Hangout On Air because I still don’t know what the formula is and we’re leaning and expanding on that. But I’m going to put you on the spot Yifat, give it us.

Yifat: Okay, in my mind, the reason why you’re doing Hangouts On Air is to expose yourself and get more traffic to your website while you can engage deeper and increase you size, visibility and search. You can put thought to action. In my steps, it’s very high overview. The first thing that you want to do is decide whether or not it’s going to be a paid hangout or a free Hangout. You’re going to embed it on your website and if it’s paid, you’re going to put it behind membership password and you’re going to put a Paypal button

Page 6: Hangout Marketing Secrets Module 6 Training with …with G+ and with Hangouts, especially Hangout On Air, that is a paid course, is we ask our members for their community wisdom. Today,

Hangout Marketing Secrets Module 6 Training with Alex Mandossian, Yifat Cohen, & Sarah Hill

Get your "Marketing Persona" assessed for $0 at MarketingOnline.com © 2013 Heritage House Media, Inc.

there. If it’s free, just create the pages on your website that you’re going to send the traffic to.

Alex: Okay, hang on. I can't believe this is one of your steps because …

Yifat: The paid one, right?

Alex: You’ve been converted. I can't believe you’re saying this. Three months ago, she was coming after with me with a meat cleaver. The first thing you’re saying is you want to figure out if it’s free or fee based, is that correct?

Yifat: Yes.

Alex: Okay, what a difference that R makes; all right keep going.

Yifat: Regardless if it’s free or fee, you want to put it on your site. You want to create the pages on you site where your hangout is going to be embedded on. The second one, you need to promote it to expose it. You’re going to do the same thing you will do with any other promotion. Create social media content, create press releases, write blogs about it, creating events in Google and send it everywhere. If you’re on Facebook, send a link from Facebook to your website.

The third one will be to generate engagements before, during and after the Hangout and you can do that with free posts, free articles. In the Google Events, you can share picture and photos and article and start the conversation going before the Hangout even started. The third one, after you’ve finished a hangout, optimize the YouTube video and again share it on Google+, so people get more exposure.

The fifth one will be to repurpose the Hangout. Turn this transcript from the Hangout into blog post. Cut it even shorter and have like 10 video clips from the same Hangout answering different questions. Take the audio and turn it into a Podcast or just put it up on our site as a third way of listening.

Page 7: Hangout Marketing Secrets Module 6 Training with …with G+ and with Hangouts, especially Hangout On Air, that is a paid course, is we ask our members for their community wisdom. Today,

Hangout Marketing Secrets Module 6 Training with Alex Mandossian, Yifat Cohen & Sarah Hill

Get your "Marketing Persona" assessed for $0 at MarketingOnline.com © 2013 Heritage House Media, Inc.

Then a bonus step is what we call the Hangout Echo. How long does the conversation last on the little Hangout chat? The longer it lasts, the better your Hangout was. These are my five steps.

Alex: All right, we’re going to do a recap. Get those steps together again so that those who are still writing say what was that again, you can give it to them one more time. This is a breadth in between the content and then to show you and demonstrate exactly what we’re doing.

First of all, the Hangout Echo is like a karmic echo, which has a spiritual tradition of 2500 years. The more people you serve, the more echoes like the ripple effect and our guest today is all about service. She lives with her content and she gets followers as a result. Most marketers are artificial sweeteners. That’s what I’ve been doing. I artificially sweeten to get more people to follow what I’ve been talking about and teaching and I flip that. I’ve been inspired by many people. But Sarah, most recently has been the most inspiring because she has millions of followers. The exact amount, Yifat you can tell us at the moment of this recording. I’m sure it will double very, very soon because of her echo and the law of compounding. But when you serve, you get served back. What's the Internet driven by? Servers. That echo is through engagement and it takes time to build momentum like a water pump. You’ve got to pump a few times before the first drops come out. But then you have the water streaming and if you’re parched, then Thursday, you want that. That’s the metaphor we always use. It’s the water pump. You need time to build momentum.

Sometimes when I go to screen share, I get knocked out. You will take over if I do and I’m glad I didn’t. This is on Facebook. If you go to, we had a vanity URL… watch on Facebook.com. There’s an app which we’ll be highlighting in the future called 22Social, 22S. This is what we’re doing here; just look at the comments. We’ve got 42 comments here.

Page 8: Hangout Marketing Secrets Module 6 Training with …with G+ and with Hangouts, especially Hangout On Air, that is a paid course, is we ask our members for their community wisdom. Today,

Hangout Marketing Secrets Module 6 Training with Alex Mandossian, Yifat Cohen, & Sarah Hill

Get your "Marketing Persona" assessed for $0 at MarketingOnline.com © 2013 Heritage House Media, Inc.

People on Facebook, we’re not trying to create ADHDs … social influencers. Some people are going between Facebook and Google and then our member area, but this actually playing on Facebook and what you’re going to see, there’s about a seven second delay and that just happened. On the other end of the spectrum what you will see is what's happening on Google. On G+, we have the stream that was an invitation through Yifat. It is playing here, is well. This is playing with everyone. What I love about it is its working.

Something that you may see right now, I hope you can see it, we’re going to give you access to a way to title your Hangouts and your content when you would purpose them so they have meeting. This title is, Make Money with Google+ Hangouts. That’s the title of this. That’s very relevant. You see it right here, if you can see it. It’s tiny, but you can see it. Cash flow with Google + hangouts is another title. We’ll A-B split test that. Recurring income with Google+ Hangouts; that’s another title. We have a tool that gets you the best title for the highest ranking in social influence and those are for members only. I’m ethically bribing you folks to come in and become a member while the tuition stays where it is because it’s going to go 10 times that that topple in a very short time frame and in fact two weeks from today.

There’s a titling search engine application that one of our students has created. I’ve highlighted them in one of our Membership Hangouts. It works and it’s in beta, but it’s working way beyond that. Be on the lookout of how to title your hangouts because it does have high relevance of how you rank. There’s plenty of time to get your thoughts together. Yifat, go ahead and give the anatomy of the perfect Hangout On Air, so people can take notes again.

Yifat: Put it on your website, deciding whether it’s fee or free and promote it, generate engagement before, during and after. Optimize the YouTube video that is created after your hangout is over. Repurpose the Hangout and then do your best to get the longest Hangout Echo possible.

Page 9: Hangout Marketing Secrets Module 6 Training with …with G+ and with Hangouts, especially Hangout On Air, that is a paid course, is we ask our members for their community wisdom. Today,

Hangout Marketing Secrets Module 6 Training with Alex Mandossian, Yifat Cohen & Sarah Hill

Get your "Marketing Persona" assessed for $0 at MarketingOnline.com © 2013 Heritage House Media, Inc.

Alex: Okay, awesome. Then just to show you what is possible in monetization because we’re making a little history. Being the first is no big deal, but it does have its benefits. This is within the member’s area of Hangout Marketing Secrets. You see hangout, we have a + sign, so we’re trying to get clever and cute there. But it’s worked well for us. We’re at module 6 and when we got to Hangout Training, the morning session is about training and teaching. The afternoon session is about implementing, so that we collapse the learning, doing gap.

Here you see Sarah Hill action guide and then we have resources and then we have the comments. Right now, let’s see how many comments we’ve got. We’ve got 92 comments happening right now and it hasn’t even been 20 minutes. We generally get about 300 comments. Those are very engaged folks. What I want to call your attention to, is repurposing. This is the anatomy of a Hangout on air afterward. We gave a free hangout that was on how to repurpose your own hangouts and it’s available to you if you just opt in at Hangout Marketing Secrets, you can get it on the thank you page. It’s available for free. We won't you hold you hostage that you have to purchase the course. There’s an action guide where we have all the different ways that you can make money. This is one that I filled out… 33 Powerful Ways that you can Change Lives and how to Utilize Google Hangouts.

I hope you can see this okay. I’ll enlarge the screen a bit so you can see it. But Hangouts can be used as team huddles like I have every other morning. Family reunions … by the way, family reunions, think about a place where you can actually mute family members like you wish you could in real life, you can mute them on a hangout. That’s a great therapy tool for you guys. Study group; you can monetize Hangouts to do study groups. I’ve done crowd sourcing in my titles. An example is leadership summits, and we can monetize that! We’re going to have a leadership summit like we’re having now. This is a leadership summit. I’m the least smart

Page 10: Hangout Marketing Secrets Module 6 Training with …with G+ and with Hangouts, especially Hangout On Air, that is a paid course, is we ask our members for their community wisdom. Today,

Hangout Marketing Secrets Module 6 Training with Alex Mandossian, Yifat Cohen, & Sarah Hill

Get your "Marketing Persona" assessed for $0 at MarketingOnline.com © 2013 Heritage House Media, Inc.

person in the room when it comes to G+ and we’ve had some great thought leaders and some more surprises coming up.

We also hold open office hours. You’ll see it in Module 6, and there’s many, many more. Just simply going to Hangout Marketing Secrets, opt in and you can watch this Hangout. This is the filled out action guide. Why is a filled out action guide so powerful, because it engages you because the empty action guide looks like this. This is something I’ve utilized over the years as start empty and end full. At the beginning of …

Yifat: Alex is back in.

Alex: All right. When I usually get dropped, I go “Oh! My gosh, my lower third, what do I do. What’s going to happen?” Now I just go piece of cake. You get better at this stuff. Then you want fore-warm people if I get dropped off. Make sure you have a colleague. I got dropped. Sometimes it happens with screen shift. But the reason is, it’s free, who cares. I’m back.

The way you engage people is to have an Action Guide. They actually write stuff down and it is better for your teaching ability to accelerate people’s learning. Yifat, we did a Hangout together and again this is all about Hangouts On Air. We did one together for your try and we got an action guide and you got some pretty good review. Back then, I wasn’t very popular because I was talking about monetization. But that was the first time I believe you had an action guide on a Hangout. What was your experience and is that something you’re going to continue? That’s not a lob question. I really want to get your answer.

Yifat: Because otherwise, I would lie. It’s great. It’s great for engagement and enticing and it’s awesome when you’re teaching because usually when people are watching hangout or tele-seminar or just listening, they’re multitasking. They’re doing a bunch of things. If they have an action guide they’ll be listening to the answers and they’ll be writing it down and then it engraves better. They

Page 11: Hangout Marketing Secrets Module 6 Training with …with G+ and with Hangouts, especially Hangout On Air, that is a paid course, is we ask our members for their community wisdom. Today,

Hangout Marketing Secrets Module 6 Training with Alex Mandossian, Yifat Cohen & Sarah Hill

Get your "Marketing Persona" assessed for $0 at MarketingOnline.com © 2013 Heritage House Media, Inc.

understand better. If they can implement at the same time, awesome.

Alex: Okay. I’m going to go back to just one of the 33 points, which are open office hours. Yifat, take notes on this one. I think you’re doing it. But part of my funnel, I have a funnel, marketing funnel for even marketers. It starts at for free and it goes down to $50,000, which is an inner circle. One of the tiers of my funnel, in fact tier number 5 is a $25,000 one-on-one deep dive who was a thought leader who wants to build their funnel.

It could be anyone who has product they want to sell to teach them how to create a funnel. One of the features of that offering; they come in for a full day. I create a funnel with them for them with their team. We do some follow up calls. But the most … or hangouts; the most valuable thing we’ve done is what's called open office hours.

Listen carefully because I haven’t seen this utilized anywhere else. I’ve seen it done on Facebook. I’ve some colleagues, Kevin Nations a colleague of mine, very brilliant, strategic thinker and he has a mastermind of his own. He has been doing it on Facebook for years. But by bringing it over to hangouts, this is what we do. We have what's called an open office hours Circle. I’m just going to make these up. Let’s say my open office hours are on Mondays, U.S. time from 10 AM to 11 AM and that’s according to Time.gov or some centralized time system.

Then let’s say the other hour is on Wednesday from 5 PM to 6PM Pacific, why that way Asia, Australia and other parts of the world, Europe can get access to it. What happens is we have a Circle just with people who are eligible for those open office hours? They come in and they just ask questions. We could just be working. Then they come in, they go, Alex, I have this question and you’re not doing one on one consulting. You’re doing one on many depending on who is there.

Page 12: Hangout Marketing Secrets Module 6 Training with …with G+ and with Hangouts, especially Hangout On Air, that is a paid course, is we ask our members for their community wisdom. Today,

Hangout Marketing Secrets Module 6 Training with Alex Mandossian, Yifat Cohen, & Sarah Hill

Get your "Marketing Persona" assessed for $0 at MarketingOnline.com © 2013 Heritage House Media, Inc.

Here’s what typically happens, just like when Sarah came in. If let's say Sarah was coming in for open office hours and Yifat was there as well, they stop talking to me. I’m no longer the thought leader. They just start talking to each other until I have to stop and say take it offline because they network with each other. This continues for 12 weeks for my program. If you have the ability to have open office hours as a coach, as a consultant, as a thought leader have them defined and two hours a week, anyone can come in that you invite from that Circle and it is a Party. It’s a closed Hangout and up to 10 people can be in there, nine plus you. That’s called open office hours. It is monetizable, it’s used for coaching and we’re teaching it again and again. I hope you utilize it. What's your sense of that idea Yifat because I know you’re going to start using it because of your class coming up? It adds a great value, don’t you think?

Yifat: Yes, I love it. What's really great about this is that people know you are available to them face-to-face and aside of that, they’re coming to you for your expertise, but the group is really amazing. I just taught last Saturday a class of value with us, and the group was so amazing, helping each other and critiquing each other and learning from what the other person is doing. You’re adding extra value by bringing other people there and usually those people are in the same level as everybody else, you’re really networking with your likeminded people, for getting tons value from that.

Alex: I’m in a blue box Sarah, just for a moment. But Sarah, I’ll introduce you in just a moment. But she is our guest of honor. She is our thought leader of the day, probably of the quarter, possibly the year. Stay tuned for her. We’ll be going to her in about three minutes. We’ve talked about titling your Hangouts On Air intentionally. Intentional titles with keywords that are going to create bait honey to attract more followers, more tribes people coming your way, a higher level of impact on Google. There are ways to do this. We will be teaching this.

Page 13: Hangout Marketing Secrets Module 6 Training with …with G+ and with Hangouts, especially Hangout On Air, that is a paid course, is we ask our members for their community wisdom. Today,

Hangout Marketing Secrets Module 6 Training with Alex Mandossian, Yifat Cohen & Sarah Hill

Get your "Marketing Persona" assessed for $0 at MarketingOnline.com © 2013 Heritage House Media, Inc.

We’ve talked about syndication. We are syndicating this show in our member’s area, on G+ and on Facebook. You want more reach and you want more exposure. You also want more engagement. How you do that? You want to syndicate like radio or television. Before we being, let me introduce Sarah. I want you to know there are three ways for content to drive a following. I’ve learned this over the years, over 20 years. Yet, even though I’ve learned it, I haven’t followed my own teaching. Yet, she does and I’ve observed it and I’ve been observing it for about three weeks now because that is how long she has been in my consciousness. I’m ashamed to admit it, but she is … we’re in two different worlds and now I go to her G+ page to see what she has to say because she has such a following. She does it through editorial content.

In marketing many times, we try to attract people by giving them what they want and that’s fine. It’s very Socratic. But when your purpose is so firm, when you’re so connected with your tribe that what you say is what they want to hear because you’re connected with them. There are three ways to drive content to get more following. Here they are, take notes.

Content driven social influence, first of all, it has to be high impact. If it’s not a high impact, forget. Exposure is worthless. In fact, if it’s low impact, exposure will make it worse for you. Think about what social media has done to lives of professional athletes and presidents in the past.

Number two is high frequency. Okay, to be trusted there has to be a level of the rhythm or frequency. This is what I’m guilty of. If I take a one-week break, I’m a dinosaur on G+ or anywhere because I don’t exist anymore. One day is like a month offline. One day online is like a month offline. High frequency, every single day; I like at least an hour a day. I have a timer; I do two 30-minute sessions. One in the morning, one in the evening, that’s how I’m engaging with content.

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Hangout Marketing Secrets Module 6 Training with Alex Mandossian, Yifat Cohen, & Sarah Hill

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Content that is the purpose of high content, high frequency and then you want to give ongoing support, which is engagement. It’s not only edifying your content, but it’s re-edification and +ing, commenting, sharing other people so that you can get your tribe. I follow 10 people right now and they’re part of our faculty. One of those 10 happens to be Sarah.

I want to just do a brief introduction because Sarah is world renowned as a broadcaster. That’s editorial content, no advertising. She is a video storyteller. I’ve never heard that term until I read her background. She is a veteran’s cheerleader. You see the flag in the background. She is a social media strategist and hangout host. She is being interviewed this go around. She said, “Give me whatever you’ve got. I’m a reporter.” I said, “Okay, fine, I will.”

She has nearly 3 million +ers following her. She probably will reach 10 million very, very soon. They have her in their circles. You can typically catch her hanging out with heroes because she is one of the most influential people on G+ as +er and on the planet, Sarah, welcome. We’re graced by your presence. We can't wait to hear what you have to say. How does it feel to be interviewee versus the interviewer?

Sarah: Yeah, it’s a little different and I don’t know if I can live up to that intro or not or that I agree with what you say about on the planet and thanks for them. I’m happy to be here, happy to share about how we’re using human media and tell you about some of our projects that we are using this space in order to put our veterans and our heroes up on a platform on which they deserve to be.

Alex: Thank you. I’ll have Yifat start with the first question. But if you have your action guide, now is the time. Now is the time, so please start writing notes. If you don’t have an action guide because you’re not part of our membership yet, then just take notes because here we go. Yifat, go for it.

Yifat: Sarah, Why are Google+ Hangouts a game changer for passionate social influencers?

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Hangout Marketing Secrets Module 6 Training with Alex Mandossian, Yifat Cohen & Sarah Hill

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Sarah: They’re a game changer because of the combination; the unique combination of a variety of things on this platform and this platform that I’m talking about is Google+. You have the unique combination, not just of a group video chat room where we can interact face-to-face. But you have the combination of a crowd sourcing tool or search. You have the ability to crowd source an audience or feature audience and you have the ability to crowd source guests. You have the combination of YouTube on this platform. Google+ is the left hand and YouTube is the right hand and together they create a powerful broadcasting platform that really people haven’t realized other than the people who are already on here.

I don’t even know if Google has realized yet the power of this platform as a broadcasting platform. That unique combination of a broadcasting platform with a social network, with a crowd sourcing tool, with group video chat is a force to be reckoned with and that’s forming a new layer of social media that we call human media. No longer are we just interacting via text based social media comments. You are in my office, I am in yours and we have the ability to connect face-to-face and it’s a deeper level of engagement than any text based tweet or social media post.

Alex: What media? So I know how to spell it out.

Sarah: Human, yeah … human H-U-M-A-N. It’s social media in the days of the bulletin boards. Even on Twitter and Facebook, it’s all text-based interaction, okay. No longer do we have to chat with just someone’s avatar or profile picture. We have the ability to be in a real living, breathing conversation with them. For business particularly, it will be interesting to watch how human media evolves in the future because it’s essentially a magic carpet that blows out all geographic bounds, a magic carpet that takes you around the world or around the block in a matter of seconds. I am right in your physical, virtual space and it’s reducing the physical space between us. This Hangout platform is a human media and it is very powerful for business. When human media campaigns are

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Hangout Marketing Secrets Module 6 Training with Alex Mandossian, Yifat Cohen, & Sarah Hill

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combined with social media campaigns it allows you to reduce the physical space between you and your customer.

Alex: Excellent.

Yifat: Love it.

Alex: Yifat … Keep it going …

Yifat: What are Google+ hangouts on air? Why are they cost efficient media source to expose your message?

Sarah: Easy answer, they’re free. This is a free broadcast tower in the middle of a crowd-sourcing tool for business. You don’t have to pay anything at all. It used to be back in the day for YouTube live and it still is you have to have 1000 subscribers before you can get a YouTube live account. But with Hangouts, anyone who has a Google+ account has the ability to open up what's called a Hangout On Air. A Hangout, the space that we’re talking right here is just a 10 person video chat room, nine individuals plus the host. It’s kind of a mini-TV station because it kind of has like a production switch or control room embedded within it. But really all it is, is a video call.

There are two kinds of Hangouts. There are private Hangouts with just up to those 10 people and then there are Hangouts On ir which stream live on YouTube for anyone in the world to watch what's going in that hangout. That is the key there for our business. That’s what makes it essentially a free broadcast tower is the fact that any business has the ability to broadcast around the world. Any business has the ability to bring in other individuals in that conversations to either share their expertise, to hold classes, to reduce the physical space between you and your customers.

That in a very small nutshell is an example of what a hangout is. Hopefully, I answered that question. I could go on and on essentially about all of the components of a hangout, the ability to put a lower third underneath you. It’s like a mini TV station. You

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Hangout Marketing Secrets Module 6 Training with Alex Mandossian, Yifat Cohen & Sarah Hill

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have a graphics package that comes in and it’s absolutely free. As far as your business cost, the only cost is time. If you can dial the telephone, you can learn how to dial this videophone and that’s essentially what a lot of us are doing, teaching people how to dial this new kind of videophone. It’s really easy. You just click a button, invite some individuals or email them the link to the hangout and then you’re able to connect with them face-to-face.

Alex: That was a very good answer actually. Many people are taking this medium for granted, but they don’t realize the sheer power it has. We have a saying with our organization, never invent. Always improve. Nikola Tesla was an inventor. Thomas Edison was an improver. The 2000 car manufacturers before Ford, they were inventors; they died in poverty, most of them. Ford was an improver. Bill Gates was an improver. He mostly improved upon for open source and rest of the world what Steve Jobs originally created in act number one and in act number two, Steve Jobs improved upon of course not only democratizing music, but the mp3 player into the iPod.

This is all about improvement and don’t take it for granted if you’re watching. You have power at your fingertips from your home and not just customers, but from family members to your team to vendors et cetera, crowd sourcing just about anything. I’m taking notes. I hope you guys are taking notes too guys and gals. I’m taking notes, so we’re going to do a review rampage at the very end. Please take notes. if you’ve missed anything, I’ll make sure I review.

Now we are all chatting and acknowledging each other. Yifat and I are chatting. So you go first, she says no pressure Sarah, happy face. Yifat and I are going back and forth; make sure you’re blue boxing Alex, blah, blah, blah. I’m looking at the chat. So Sarah, how can chat inside G+ be better utilized for engagements because I don’t think we’ve tapped into that power so much?

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Hangout Marketing Secrets Module 6 Training with Alex Mandossian, Yifat Cohen, & Sarah Hill

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Sarah: There’s a private chat going on. A lot of times in Hangouts, you’ll have a variety of different conversations going. You’ll have the conversation that’s going on the main stage, but you also have the side conversation that’s going via text based chat. You’ll also have, if you cross-pollinate your hangouts on other platforms, Facebook, Twitter wherever, you also have the ability to crowd source those comments, people commenting on all those different platforms. When we do our shows, we have a comment producer and her whole job is to pull in those comments and then bring them into the broadcast, so and so, thank you for your re-tweet. Thank you for … here’s a question coming from New York something like that.

The ability to bring people outside the hangout inside the Hangout, it’s really interesting to watch the private chat in the many different conversations that come about in there. Just a word about improvement, I’m glad you mentioned that because this essentially is an improvement of a social network that people don’t yet know they want because this is not a faster horse. Back in Henry Ford’s day, people thought they wanted was faster horses and they didn’t know they wanted a car. This is a car. It’s no longer, “Can you hear me now?” on the telephone. It’s “Can you see me now?” That new layer is a huge improvement to social media. The new layer is human media and what goes beyond that in the future, I don’t know. Time will tell. Will we all be operating virtual storefronts? Right now websites are traditionally text based.

Is this the vehicle that will allow us to bring a human to that website and simulate essentially a physical storefront where someone greets you at the door and invites you in and says would you like to see my products? This has the ability to do that and will be interesting to see what smart businesses pick up that torch and decide, you know what? We’re going to try to put a human front on our website and service people via customer service, eye ball to eye ball instead of talking with them and not seeing them or texting with them, emailing them and not seeing them, interesting to see. If you’re in a business that wants to do that, let me know because I love to collect those used cases. I find it fascinating.

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Hangout Marketing Secrets Module 6 Training with Alex Mandossian, Yifat Cohen & Sarah Hill

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Alex: Yifat, you mentioned something as fascinating before. Those are my next questions. You said you have a comment producer, which is fascinating to me because we’re about intimacy, engaging in high frequency and just making sure we’re acknowledging along the way. You have a comment producer. I want to know specifically what he or she does and how he or she does it. We have an engagement manager and its his sole job … he is actually one of my partner’s sons. His sole job is to engage different platforms so that he connects people and that didn’t even exist like Chief Information Officer didn’t exist 20 years ago, but now it does, even Chief Technology Officers, CEOs existed for a while, but Chief Engagement Manager, it would be interesting to have that as a position in a company because that is the motor that ties all the bricks together and makes this building. What do the comment folks do as a comment producer? It sounds great and I want to know what the exact tasks are?

Sarah: Right. Let me reiterate to that. We are all crowd sourcing comments. When I do broadcast now with this handy hands free device Google Glass, I can … have the ability to crowd source comments and see when people tweet me. If you want to tweet me right now @SarahMidMO, I have the ability to see your comments just by going through my thumbnails there. In the past, I also use a laptop as well. We’re all curating those comments.

What that producer does essentially during the Live broadcast, they are looking because we cross-pollinate our Hangouts everywhere. By cross-pollinating, don’t just post on Google+, post them everywhere so that you can have the most impact. That producer is in our same studio just out of eyeshot and she is monitoring YouTube, Google+, Twitter, all of our Facebook channels for the Veterans United Network and seeing the comments that are being expressed and then she types those comments in the private chat of the Hangout, I’m able to see those comments and then we mentioned them on the air or I’ll find them myself when the interviewee talking and I have a spare break to go through and look

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Hangout Marketing Secrets Module 6 Training with Alex Mandossian, Yifat Cohen, & Sarah Hill

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through there. It’s crowd-souring comments, bringing people outside of the Hangout inside of the Hangout.

Yifat: Go ahead.

Sarah: She is a member of our human media team and that’s another job in the future that in addition to developing just text based social campaigns, people will also be developing human media campaigns where they are reaching out to their demographic face-to-face.

Yifat: Two questions. One, are you using comment tracker to aggregate all the comments?

Sarah: We’ve experimented with that. But with our studio set up, my Hangout window has to be kept pristine because I’ve got a monitor in the back and we’re just mirroring the image. To make a long story short I won't give you the big technical explanation. But we have used comment tracker in the past and it’s a great resources. It just so happens that is easier for us because we have comments coming in; the majority of our comments actually come in on Facebook because that’s where our largest following of the Veterans United Network is. Right now, Our Veterans United Network Google+ page is growing by leaps and bounds. But it’s easier right now for a human to actually curate those comments than for us to rely on comment tracker, which we’d have to open up on another window inside our hangouts screen, if that makes sense.

Yifat: Yeah. You were talking about bringing people into a store front and having that personal interaction. Which brings me to the second question, did you thinl about that because of Glass? Otherwise you will be tied to your computer.

Sarah: Absolutely. Yeah, imagine this in the future that your physical store clerks, if they had Glass or some other hands free device and they could serve not only the physical customers who come in the store, but also the virtual customers who come in the store online, talk to them in real time. I have a pair of shoes here. Would you like to see

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Hangout Marketing Secrets Module 6 Training with Alex Mandossian, Yifat Cohen & Sarah Hill

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these shoes that are on the shelf? These aren’t the ones you want. Okay, how about this? Instead of relying on still pictures or videos or anything like that, you have the ability to put a human store clerk on your website.

Click here for a live help and instantly you are transported into that person’s living room. Hands free, that individual would have the ability via Hangouts because Google Glass has the ability to open up a hangout, you would have the ability to join that hangout with that customer and make a sale online as well as a physical a store front as well and that will be interesting to watch, to see businesses that embrace the idea that it’s not just a virtual front porch for your website that it is the house as well, not just a front porch.

Yifat: Love it. How do you think Google+ Hangouts compare to Skype, go to Web Meeting, WebEx, all the other video platforms out there?

Sarah: Yeah, I’ve tried all of them. ooVoo, TinyChat, Spreecast, Zoom; there’s a whole bunch of them out there. I would encourage all of you to experiment with them. The unique properties of Hangouts that are unlike Skype; Skype is not attached to a crowd sourcing tool. If I go to Skype, I cannot find individuals who are interested in veterans’ related issues or who have posted on their social networks about veterans relegated issues.

Because Google+ is uniquely paired with a crowd sourcing tool, that’s what makes it unique. GoToMeeting … the same way, it’s the ability to find people on the platform and bring them into a face-to-face conversation. With Skype or GoToMeeting, you either have to know who to invite, you have to know who their address is in order to reach out to them and bring them in. They are not integrated with search that I’m sure they will if … Facebook integrated search and it will be interesting to see if Facebook comes up with a group video chat. That is the unique difference between those. I cannot find these individuals on a Skype or a GoToMeeting.

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Hangout Marketing Secrets Module 6 Training with Alex Mandossian, Yifat Cohen, & Sarah Hill

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Alex: Well done. You keep saying crowd-sourcing tool and we’ve been calling it a social media engine because it’s not really even a platform. It is the Internet. It’s just a subset of it and its influence … through social influence whereas back in the day, I’m going 10 years, it was all about keywords and robots and search engine optimizers. They were like engineers. They got more traffic and now it seems to be shifting over to social influence, which is the human interaction, you can't fake it. What's behind technology, a human? Even to push a button requires a human and that’s why our quote for the Hangout is we don’t see things as things are. We see them as we are because ultimately it’s our projection of that technology that’s going to define what you’re seeing right now.

The next question is why and how are some of the production tips so important to make a good Hangout great because there is a different between good ones and great ones. We’re trying to set a standard here. You’ve done probably more and had more reach than anyone else I’ve ever interviewed. What are some of the tips to make good ones great?

Sarah: I’m lucky if the Veterans United Network that I have a team that can help to put great lighting in … good looking set and all of that, but not all individuals have that and you do not need to spent thousands and thousands of dollars in order to do a hangout. It’s free. I’m in my office right now. You guys likely are in your offices as well. You don’t need a big fancy background or anything else. All you need is a webcam. I use a Logitech webcam and I use a headset, just because it makes me easier … give me the ability to hear you better since I am in an office area. Essentially as far as production, what you need is the ability to know how to frame yourself.

Do you have enough headroom? Are you not eating your lower third like this? You have to frame yourself so that you’re able to see your eyes and little bit of your headroom, adjust your background so that what's in the shot people can see. Also white balancing; a lot of people don’t know if they can white balance their camera.

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Hangout Marketing Secrets Module 6 Training with Alex Mandossian, Yifat Cohen & Sarah Hill

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What white balancing is essentially; I’m a broadcaster, so I’ll explain this in terms of it’s telling you camera what the color white is so that other colors don’t appear distorted and your skin tones are right. What do you do to white balance? You essentially hold up a white piece of paper to your webcam. Do you see how those colors change right there in my webcam. Then it also changes your skin tones as far as the contrast goes. A lot of people don’t realize that they can white balance their webcam.

That’s a good tip there. Audio is obviously also key. A headset works great for audio. I also use sometimes an external Heil H-E-I-L, USB mic. It’s a handheld microphone that you can plug directly into your laptop. On some of my mobile hangouts before Glass, I would walk around with a laptop with that USB microphone, now via glass just all hands free. I have the ability to go live essentially or bring other individuals into that conversation for some hands free reporting.

Alex: Okay. I’m going to be unfair and ask you to answer the next question in less than 120 seconds.

Sarah: Okay, sorry.

Alex: No. I’m being unfair because I want to be on for another two hours, but we promised to go through. I want Yifat to cover the last few questions and so I want to get out and focus on the rooms, on the virtual rooms and engage. Yifat, be ready to do the rest of them. The big question now is what do you think? You’ve been listening to Sarah; you’ve been hearing her viewpoint. Let’s go to the wisdom of the crowd. Whether you’re on G+ or you’re on Facebook. We’re syndicating the show. If you’re in the members’ area, give us some feedback. What's your biggest ah-huh moment so far? We’re doing an intermediary ah-huh moment. Pack your bags.

If you can pack your bags right now because you’ve got what you wanted, PMB moment, what is your PMB moment of what you’ve

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Hangout Marketing Secrets Module 6 Training with Alex Mandossian, Yifat Cohen, & Sarah Hill

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heard so far? We’re half way through the content. We’re going to speed it up a bit. But most important is; what is one specific distinction you’ve got in the last 20 minutes while she has been on that you didn’t know before that made it worth your while to spend this precious time with us? Please write that down. The reason for that is so she gets feedback because it is a crowd-sourcing tool. We are doing it in real time and we do it now, not later. What gets on my nerves is a survey that’s done a week later, if you’ve purchased a car or if you’re with the telecommunications company, I don’t even remember what I did two minutes ago. I didn’t remember the last question unless I wrote it down.

Because you’re in the zone and you’re in the feeling of it coming from the heart, let us know; let her know because she will be reading it, what is most meaningful to you? You see things as you are so far that she has said and that’s a great crowd sourcing service that I could do for her and Yifat and I can do for her just to go into other areas, other than veterans. I want to know why veterans as well as this next question because I’m going to ask you why veterans after you’ve answer this and then Yifat take over, but give us your feedback, give us why.

One thing you can't be short on to make a good hangout great is passion. When you see Sarah speaking in to the camera, most people look down, if they’re not seasoned. You see Yifat speaking into the camera when they talk and then they can look at as when they’re not, the eyes are the windows to the soul. That’s a very simple tip that many people just overlook because it’s weird speaking into a camera. I’m looking at something inanimate. It says Logitech on one side, and Carl Zees on the left side. HD 1080p whatever that means, it doesn’t matter. I’m looking straight into the camera, so hopefully you get the passion as being exuded.

Let’s talk about how hangouts can integrate with other internet marketing best practices including a new one which is what we’re looking at, but we don’t even know what it is called Glass. People say Glass, what is that; so let’s start with that.

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Hangout Marketing Secrets Module 6 Training with Alex Mandossian, Yifat Cohen & Sarah Hill

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Sarah: Absolutely. Do you want me to answer the veteran’s question?

Alex: After you’re done with the first one.

Sarah: Okay, after I’m done with this one, sounds good. Google Glass is essentially a hands free computer and it’s a hands free computer for your face. You have the ability to have the Internet in your eye sockets. I’ll show you the device. Essentially, it’s not glass at all. It is just frame of glass. Do you see that? It’s just a glass frame. It fits directly on the high on your … the bridge of your nose. This is what it looks like on this side. Essentially, it’s kind of like projecting a big screen TV out in you field of vision there. You have the ability to have the technology there when you need it and away when you don’t. For instance, you noticed when we wear Glass high on the bridge of your nose and it’s kind of out of your field of vision. To see it, I would then look up and have the ability to scroll through my social media feed. I would have the ability to respond to people who talk to me on social media. I’d have the ability to go through my calendar, get calendar reminders, time…

Alex: What are you doing there when you’re doing this? Are you scrolling?

Sarah: Yeah, scrolling through a timeline on Glass. There are a few different keystrokes if you will on Glass. If you tap you temple, that’s kind of like a click on a website. You can share a photo, you can record a video, and you could open up a Hangout. It’s not compatible with Hangouts On Air yet, but crossing my fingers and toes that will happen because that will really make hands free broadcasting … really enhancing experience. All of that are hands free, you swipe down. It is how you exit things. You swipe down, click and then you can move forward through your feed like that and it’s also voice controlled if you chose to. You can say, okay Glass and then up pops a screen and you have the ability to select from the different menu options.

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Hangout Marketing Secrets Module 6 Training with Alex Mandossian, Yifat Cohen, & Sarah Hill

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This obviously is a prototype. It hasn’t been released to the public yet and the developers have their hands on it first because they’re creating apps to enhance the experience to have the ability to share all of our social networks and hopefully some smart developer out there will find a way that we can hook an external mic into glass to do interviews. That’s one of the things that we noticed when interviewing people. The audio of the other person doesn’t come through. But your audio does come through great. You also have sound as well. It has a bone conduction device that you have the ability to hear the people in the hangout. It’s a really unique experience. I was walking in the airport in New York shortly after I received tem and I’m in a hangout conducting a hangout and I’m talking with people from the U.K. from Australia, from Austria and they’re all like directly in my field of vision, like they’re walking right next to me. It simulates real life as well.

Having it hands free just frees up your hands to do other things whether it be a storefront to show them something or to carry bags for instance. Had I been on that phone via the phone, I would had to put my hands, right as you’re walking through the airport because it was hands free, I just had the ability to … I had the ability to walk through and I don’t have to worry about it. Was that a 130 seconds? Do I still have time to say why veterans…

Alex: Yeah, you do have time and this is I know as an interviewer reporter. When I say 120, I really means 180. You know that.

Sarah: All right, sounds good.

Alex: The phone, this may become obsolete, it may not be. But bottom line is what Google is doing here is really integrating the net so that even when you do hangouts you have a different Google result when you’re in Google+ than if you’re not in Google+. There’s a lot more to come on this and it’s beyond the scope of this interview. Why not veterans? I could answer that question. Why not? Why wouldn’t it be veterans, but why specifically for you veterans, what's the connection there, what's the heritage behind it.

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Hangout Marketing Secrets Module 6 Training with Alex Mandossian, Yifat Cohen & Sarah Hill

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Sarah: They pay the ultimate price. They wrote out a blank check every time they go overseas, payable up to it including their lives. How can we not put our veterans up on a platform and let people get to know them and have a personal relationship with them. My grandfather was a World War II veteran. I got involved with the Honor Flight Program. I help start an Honor Flight hub back about seven years ago, here in Columbia, Missouri when we flew World War II veterans to see their memorial, physically flew them. What happened was, we were finding that a lot of these veterans were too sick to travel. They could not travel on a physical plane.

What we are doing human media is simulating that experience now for these terminally ill and aging veterans who can't leave their hospital bed or their nursing home. We’re bringing a Hangout to them. We are bringing in individuals from all around the world, from the Washington DC memorial, the beaches of Normandy, France and D-Day, Pearl Harbor, the USS Alabama, all of these beautiful places that our veterans so deserve to see, but they can't physically travel. We’re simulating that experience via Hangouts.

I was using Glass a couple of weeks ago to do a Hangout tour in Washington DC and it gave the veterans essentially a first person perspective. It allowed them to be in my field of vision and see exactly what I’m seeing, seeing and hearing. I’m excited to use this and we get … the veterans in our network are excited to continue to figure out how Glass can enhance that experience for veterans. Then I want to encourage anyone out there who knows of a terminally ill or aging veteran who has not seen their memorial, do let us know. Get in contact with me and we will get them on our list and we will get them a virtual tour.

Alex: Now I know, thank you.

Yifat: I love that.

Sarah: Basically, veterans had always been my beats. I worked for many years at the NBC Affiliate in Columbia and when the job came open

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Hangout Marketing Secrets Module 6 Training with Alex Mandossian, Yifat Cohen, & Sarah Hill

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at Veterans United, it was my beach, right; veterans and military families is what I loved.

Alex: Thank you.

Yifat: I was like how can I move from that to another Google hangout questions, but I will. How can Google Hangout expand exposure and engagement of training? It’s like what you’re talking about.

Sarah: Exposure of training; is that what you said?

Yifat: Yes, engagement of training, yes. Engagement and training.

Sarah: Anytime you use hangouts, it creates something called Google juice, which is a very dumb downed way to talk about SEO. But essentially, the more you use this tool of Google+, the more it can have an impact on something called author rank, the more it can have an impact on SEO. The higher your rankings can go in Google search. We don’t know what Google index says and it doesn’t. But if you do a Facebook post, a Twitter post and a G+ post with a hash tag and then search that hash tag in Google search, I would bet that that Google+ post shows up first because what we found in our informal test is that Google indexes Google+ post faster than they do Facebook and Twitter.

Alex: I wonder why? I mean, do you have a guest? Maybe that’s the case, is it non-partisan, what's the deal there?

Sarah: I don’t know you’d have to ask them. I’m not sure about that. But it’s important for businesses to recognize that this platform can have a huge impact on your rankings in Google search and that enough alone is a reason to pay attention to what's happening in this space.

Alex: Awesome.

Yifat: How can Google+ Hangouts be best utilized to moderate focus groups?

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Hangout Marketing Secrets Module 6 Training with Alex Mandossian, Yifat Cohen & Sarah Hill

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Sarah: Yeah, moderate focus groups. You don’t have to spend money to travel somewhere or to go out and find people. You can crowd source people for focus groups without leaving your office and then invite them into a Hangout. We here at Veterans United use this tool for virtual career fares to bring in individuals who are interested in positions at Veterans United. Focus groups would be so easy. Think about all of the money that you would save on travel. Think about how if your focus group isn’t just the geographic people you’re able to bring in from say Columbia, Missouri where I live, but your geographic area is the world that you would have the ability to crowd source. It just pluses your world, it expands your world when you’re able to have that unique crowd-sourcing ability, crowd-sourcing with a social network. I’d be interested to see if anybody is using them for focus groups.

Yifat: Yeah. You came from broadcasting, reporting journalism background and now this term of citizen reporter. How do you think Google Hangouts can create new jobs maybe for citizen reporters?

Sarah: Yeah, they already have created new jobs. There are variety of new jobs that came about in the space one is a Hangout driver. That’s individuals that you hire to drive your Hangout, to run it for you and being in there then they make themselves invisible during the broadcast. We use hangouts drivers. But for citizen reporting, this allows you to put a human element on for instance a text-based tweet. No longer does it just have to be a text based tweet with a still pic during your breaking news event, you have the ability instead of live tweeting to live hang. You have the ability to open up a hangout in the middle of that breaking news event, walk through the parade, walk through the riot or the demonstration and show people what you’re seeing and that’s why Glass for journalism hands free reporting is really going to be interesting to watch because it gives the reporter an extra set of hands to use, yes most definitely.

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Hangout Marketing Secrets Module 6 Training with Alex Mandossian, Yifat Cohen, & Sarah Hill

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Yifat: The last one; how can Google Hangouts attract more Google+ followers faster and easier? You touched on that.

Sarah: When you interact with somebody face-to-face, you’re more memorable. People remember you. People want to do business with people whom they know. People want to follow people whom they know. Essentially, it’s like I’ve been in your house, Yifat and Alex. Why wouldn’t I want to bring you into my circle? Hangouts are one way to do that, sharing compelling content is another way to do that. Photos usually get more engagement than link posts, although you want to be careful with sharing photos and just putting link underneath because then that might need … that link is not a followed link, F-O-L-L-O-W-E-D, I won't go into that now, but Google it because it’s something that all businesses should know when it regards to sharing Google+ posts with links on them. Did that answer your question? I completely forgot what the question was. But hopefully...

Yifat: No, that’s awesome. I was watching your tech talk and because this is … I’m fascinated with the hangout, your tech talk was talking about the human media and how hangouts are totally broader than what anyone sees or listened.

Sarah: Not just the killer app. They are the app and really some people are just using this platform specifically to have that group video chat feature.

Yifat: Right and so you were giving that talk before you had Glass. Now that you have Glass, how do you think that affects the entire human media and what do you think that will … would do for communication and not just the business, but also really the world relationship?

Sarah: It makes the ability to have a face-to-face conversation with someone on the other side of the world easier. It essentially shrinks your world. If that conversation is easier to get into, if I don’t have to get my smart phone or I don’t have to be in front of a webcam, essentially that webcam is on my face now. It is going where I go. It

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Hangout Marketing Secrets Module 6 Training with Alex Mandossian, Yifat Cohen & Sarah Hill

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is mobile. It is simulating people being right next to me to the right and left of me directly in my field of vision during a hangout. It will greatly enhance the human media experience and allow us to break down the barriers, the geographic boundaries of whether it be our market or our business or anything else and develop closer relationships with people in other countries.

Yifat: It’s fascinating, just that whole integration thing.

Sarah: Integration and hands free. We will probably capture a lot more moments with Glass than we ever did with our smartphones because it was several clicks to get a picture on your smartphone. You’ve got to get it out of your purse, your pocket. Okay, there it is. With Glass, I have the ability, take a picture. I took a picture right there. Think about that.

Yifat: That’s so awesome.

Sarah: It’s quicker and you have the ability to be in the moment, but yes, still capture the moment at the same time, one word about cell phones, smart phones. We’ll still have smart phones for a while because you essentially need; right now you need a smart phone in order to pair it to get text messages and things with Glass. I’m sure in the future that might go away. I’m not sure. We’ll still have some kind of hand held device. But this is more like a go phone, like a go phone for your face essentially.

Alex: Excellent. I’m going to do a quick review. Yifat, is that okay?

Yifat: Go for it. Yeah, I can talk to Sarah forever.

Alex: All right. Now those of you watching, in fact, all of you watching please give us your biggest ah-huh moment. It’s called a P as in Paul, M as in my, B as in bag; Pack My Bag moment. You could pack your bags when you heard this from Sarah or anyone of us and give us your ah-huh moment, the big take away from this Hangout and write it down so we can crowd source what was important to you. We don’t see things as they are. We see them as we are, just so we

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Hangout Marketing Secrets Module 6 Training with Alex Mandossian, Yifat Cohen, & Sarah Hill

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don’t have any blind spots. Let us know what was important to you. Sporadically, we can crowd source and improve our content to mirror and to get more aligned and integrated; comes from the work integrity to get more integrated with what you want to see in the future.

This is our final module, but we do have surprises coming up and I do hope it’s not my final interview with Sarah. I’m going to ethically bribe her in about five minutes. So stay tuned for that and brace yourself Sarah. She heard that term about 30 minutes about. She was like, what is ethical bribery. I’m about to do it. It won't be something that puts you on the spot, I promise. It’s about raising funds for the veterans. I want to do a quick review while you’re writing, wisdom of the crowd and of the group, while you were writing on G+ or Facebook or in the member’s area, your biggest ah-huh take away moment here is a review rampage, what we call it of what just happened. Sarah starts by saying that humanization of media. There was an interesting book, 1992 October … in 1992 October 13, Harper Collins. Collins came out with a popcorn report. Sarah, you remind me a lot about faith popcorn talked about.

She talked about cocooning where we would go in our little homes and cocoon and still connect with each other. Now we have that tool, the cocoon and still get out to the rest of the world without being recluse in our own communities or citizen reports. We can be out and still be in our own neighborhood or house. Humanization of media is what hangouts have done and the theme as Hangouts On Air. Why are hangouts a game changer? They have a combination of a variety of video chat crowd souring, YouTube; they have a compounding effect. Darren Hardy, friend of mine who publishes Success Magazine, he wrote a book called The Compounding Effect. Albert Einstein said that compounding is the most powerful force in the universe. It’s not one and one makes two.

It’s like one and one makes 11, not even three, think about that, right 11. There’s a compounding effect and there’s deeper human

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Hangout Marketing Secrets Module 6 Training with Alex Mandossian, Yifat Cohen & Sarah Hill

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involvement intimacy from the marketing perspective, communication perspective when there’s not just texting, but there’s this involvement here. Why are HOA, G+ HOSs, Hangouts On Air more cost efficient? She said it’s a free broadcast tower combined with crowd sourcing, a hangout on air has a lot more reach than a hangout party which is private. It’s like having your own mini TV station with the ability to have audio and video. By the way it is recorded for free on your YouTube channel, which is what we’re doing right now. Hangouts On Air allows you to do that.

Number 3, how can chat inside of a G+ Hangout be better utilized for engagement? She talked about private chat. We’re having a private chat right now. Yifat and Sarah are talking and I don’t want to multitask and read what they’re saying, this is private. But what she said would intrigue me was a comment producer. Having a comment producer cross pollinating the engagement between all different platforms … if you look at how pollination works with honey bee and what Mr. Fuller talked about was precession, like how do flowers multiply through the honey bee. They don’t even know what's going on, but there’s this compounding effect happening. That’s what this comment producer can do. You don’t even know the benefits that can come out of the cross pollination of comments and new ideas can pop out of nowhere.

Sarah: I would say, speaking of comments, there are bunches of people commenting on the G+ stream now who are watching this broadcast talking about virtual store fronts, Pierre Provas has a question. He says Sarah Hill is an early adopter. Not everyone is going to use the Google Glass. You are correct, but you would have the ability to simulate a virtual storefront via hangout with a laptop or a smart phone. It doesn’t necessarily have to be Google Glass. But, great questions, Ronnie Bensar, Shawn Addams, Elegna Lansky, Tom Batken, Cathy Brown; it’s great to see you guys commenting on the platform there.

Alex: Thank you, Sarah. She was a comment producer right there. You saw it in real time. It’s different than reporter getting a tweet

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Hangout Marketing Secrets Module 6 Training with Alex Mandossian, Yifat Cohen, & Sarah Hill

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because there’s a time delay. She is doing it in real time. There’s engagement happening. You are walking the walk and talking the talk. Thank you for that. She says, I have a comment in the private comment and that’s a great way to use comments. I was looking there, so forgive me for continuing on that. How does G+ Hangouts compare to Skype, GoToMeeting? She has tried them all, but what's unique about G+ and Hangouts is it’s all about crowd-sourcing paired with the impact of visibility and getting more exposure through Google.

When we talk about more search engine optimization, we’re not talking search engine. We’re not talking Yahoo; we’re not talking Northern Lights or any of the old search engines. We’re just talking Google. If you want to stay within the Google family, obviously G+ will have an advantage, as does YouTube. The fifth question is what are a few production tips to make good hangouts great? “Great lighting”, she said. There’s no need to spend a lot of money. You need a webcam. She said there she has a Heil external mic. Is it H-E-I-L, was that correct?

Sarah: H-E-I-L. Yeah, while you’re talking, I’ll show it to people.

Alex: Okay. That’s all about audio. I believe audio is 80% of any video presentations. You really do need audio, otherwise … you can't hear much and it doesn’t make sense. That’s what mute does. Go ahead, Sarah, show us.

Sarah: Yeah, essentially, it’s just a microphone like this and it has a cord that plugs into it. I don’t have it accessible here, but H-E-I-L. The other thing that I didn’t mention as far as production techniques, is stay away from distractions like a loud ceiling fan. We’ve had fire alarms chirping because their battery is low, a squeaky chair, stay away from squeaky chairs, stay away from doing that on your mic had a little noise.

Alex: I’ve seen this a lot moving off …

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Hangout Marketing Secrets Module 6 Training with Alex Mandossian, Yifat Cohen & Sarah Hill

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Sarah: Yeah, because you go in and out and in and out of frame. We tell our individuals, act like you have glue in your shoes. Stay right there and make sure that you are in a quiet place with no ceiling fans, squeaky chairs, paper rustling and your notifications are on mute on your computer.

Alex: Excellent. She also talked about headroom. You don’t want to be like this, you don’t want to do lower third on top, you want to do it right in the middle. I have a middle point between my name and the logo, so I keep my chin right there. White balancing is also important. I thought that was the most intriguing thing I’ve heard all day and hat was my biggest take away. Thank you for that.

Sarah: Yeah, I worked with a great videographer. He showed me that.

Alex: Another thing is you want the light in front of you, not in back of you because that does [inaudible 01:14:14] us, the easiest tip I’ve learned over the years. How can hangouts integrate into Internet marketing best practices? How can Google Hangouts not integrate into best practices? G+ being what it is gets you more exposure, but we talked about Google Glass. You’re observing Google Glass at a beta version, very high-level beta version. I feel like, I don’t know if you’re old enough to remember Logan’s Run, Sarah but in the old days, it was the space travel and all that stuff was about being in two places at once and being hands free. This is exactly what we’re seeing these days and it’s in real time. It’s happening.

How can Hangouts expand exposure and engagement? Anytime you have a Hangout she says you have more Google juice. I like to say it’s Google nectar. I mean it’s the juice within the juice because it’s within the Google family; you have more impact with authoring, which is what we’ve talked about in the past. Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn okay, a post there versus G+ post; what's going to get preferential treatment? Come on, okay. Blood is thicker than water folks. We know. It’s G+, doesn’t mean it has to be fair. It’s justice. Just take advantage of it. You get indexed faster and you get indexed with more reach. It’s obvious. Please utilize it especially

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Hangout Marketing Secrets Module 6 Training with Alex Mandossian, Yifat Cohen, & Sarah Hill

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those of you watching on Facebook right now because there are people who resist Facebook like Yifat.

If you’re resisting Google+, you will be horse and buggy like the banker that Henry Ford used. He didn’t finance the car and look what happened to him. We don’t hear from him anymore. He’s not part of the big story. How can Hangouts create new jobs for citizen reporters? Hangout drivers, she said are invisible, but it brings in a human element for text based messaging and interaction. If you have breaking news, someone can walk with just a headset, a hands free … headset, just walk through the crowd. I hope that we don’t have that in another type of a war setting or any kind of a disaster because that’s when it’s most used. I hope we can do it during a celebration. But the bottom line is it gets you in there and ultimately you’re in the crowd as if you are physically there and you no longer have to picture it mentally. How can Hangouts attract G+ followers faster and easier? Bottom line is compelling content, which is I hope what you’ve received today.

What Sarah talked about is be careful with pictures. A picture is worth a thousand words. A mental picture is worth 10,000 pictures, the concept of info graphics; I have found is to be very powerful. Sarah, I’m going to get your opinion about an info graphic, is you have words and pictures and those things get +’ed and passed on. There was recent one Yifat that I want you to show. It showed a two-lane highway or a freeway. One had G+, the other one was Facebook and they just get passed on and on and on and that’s a combination of written work, your mental picture and the visual picture, which is the graphic itself. Just passing on graphics doesn’t work.

Here’s the final thing I want to leave you with. I’ve raised a lot of money for kiva.org and I’ve done it through tele-seminars and I’m going to start doing it through Google Hangouts. It’s micro donations; $10, $30, $40 and there’s no refunds because it’s a donation. I want to put it out to you Sarah. If you want to reach out to me or we can connect, we will have a huge micro fundraiser

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Hangout Marketing Secrets Module 6 Training with Alex Mandossian, Yifat Cohen & Sarah Hill

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where anyone can donate. A 10-year-old kid can donate $10 when you bring the veterans story because many people only know veterans through World War II movies or Korean war movies or Vietnam movies. They’re too young to even imagine what it was like and so bring that story back versus other stories are important. I’m extending that to you publicly as ethical bribery if you want to do that the future. No cost to you, I’ll benefit so that expose that micro fundraising is here to stay. Is that fair?

Sarah: Absolutely, I’d be happy to chat with you about that and veterans are no longer grandpas. These are young guys coming back from Iraq and Afghanistan that we need to find jobs for them. I’m happy to chat about that. I’m very familiar with Kiva and the important work that it’s doing around the world.

Alex: One thing I’ve noticed is veterans and people coming back who are young kids now, they get to sit first class in an airplane and finally, when I see them, I go thank you because I have no idea what that’s like. That’s the way we can pass that on and it has had more of an impact because there are things that we don’t think about, but are still real. I hope all of you have enjoyed it. We have a final word that we go around robin, but I want to go to you first Yifat, your final comments about this. We’ll go to Sarah and we’ll do final word. Go for it.

Yifat: I love the engagement that Google Glass is bringing. The only challenge that I see with it is that now I’m getting slapped for always being on my phone like that without with my dear old three and a half year old. I can see these will be like, hold on a second. Aside of that, that level of engagement and getting to know people from all over the world, it’s fascinating, it’s a new world. I love it. My word is engagement.

Alex: Engagement. Sarah you’ve got the final comments and final word.

Sarah: Human media is the new layer of social. You have a free broadcast tower in the middle of a crowd-sourcing tool, the ability to bring

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Hangout Marketing Secrets Module 6 Training with Alex Mandossian, Yifat Cohen, & Sarah Hill

Get your "Marketing Persona" assessed for $0 at MarketingOnline.com © 2013 Heritage House Media, Inc.

your customers and your future customers into a closer relationship with you. Google+ Hangouts are essentially a magic carpet that can take you around the block or around the world in a matter of seconds and it’s absolutely free.

Alex: My word is balance. Where I get that from is intimacy; engagement can take you away from things that are meaningful to you. For example, Glass can take away from kids, when I’m with them. I get unplugged with the rest of the world when I’m with my kids because those two roles colliding, father and entrepreneur don’t work for me and there’s a conflict. Finding a balance, technology can put us in one direction. But a balance to me is extremely important. I’m saying it publicly to hold myself accountable, so when I see the replay and my kids are watching right now, they see; dad, put the phone away. They’re looking at you Sarah and they’re saying, “Oh! My gosh, I know what he’s going to get next.” I can see my little kids walking around with that.

Sarah: This comes off, right. This comes off just like a smart phone or anything else. You don’t have to wear it all the time.

Alex: Awesome. Excellent! All right ladies, thank you. Seminal module and I don’t think anyone will worry about being a little bit over. This is the longest module. I’m glad it was. If you’d like to hear from Sarah again or what topics intrigue you most, just for her give her some feedback, show her some love on the comment boards at G+, Facebook or the members area and let her know and she will scour those boards and we will comment report to her as well. On behalf of Yifat Cohen of Hangout Marketing Secrets and Sarah Hill.

Sarah: Hangout high five!

Alex: That’s a high fifteen almost! That’s awesome. I’m Alex Mandossian. Thank you for participating, engaging. Keep the conversations flowing; let’s make this engagement echo keep going. I’m going to end the broadcast right now and we’ve maintained the viewers throughout this whole process. All good wishes and I hope our paths cross again soon.