6 H MUD (1111 ENTRANCE OP 11., C. 11. <Sr X. BRINGS PROSPERITY TO SOL'TII ST. PALL STIMULATES STOCK INDUSTRY Prominent HiihUwsk Men Predict lOn- coarnKinK Expansion of Cattle JUusiiK-NS—Affords Access to lowa. The advantages which will accrue to this city and to South St. Paul from the i \u25a0 \u25a0 th< Burlington, Cedar Rapids Ac Northern art- already becom- ing appan nt, and prominent stock m. n are attributing the present pben nunal boom in Bouth St. Paul to the fact that the road will run into the town by Aug. 1. The most gratifying feature from the Standpoint of the stockmen is that with the entry of the road s afforded a. .ii- i g int i towa, a great catt??- I raising state. With the addeJ railroad \u25a0\u25a0< s which will thus be afforded, the In lustry is experiencing a healthy and a lasting boom. The Cattle Loan any, the Van Dusen-Harrington commission house and * ye nthe proposed Immense packing plant wheh the Cuda- hys of Milwaukee, are contemplating ea- hlng in a measure owe thilr origin to the advent of the Burlington, Cedar j . Northern. This opinion is ! \u25a0! by Gen. M. D. Flower, who In sslng the subject yesterday, said: "I have often wondered why so little has ben written a-b.iut the effect this lino v.-ill have on lo:al industries. Tiie r<'ail is now completed to Owatonna, and I tn Farfbault and men are ;it work betw< h St. Paul and Fari- bault. The very minute tli \u25a0 fir.-t tr:>'n ; i St. Paul a T.oom will : it will not be one of small i \u25a0\u25a0, !\u25a0 state wit it-.ut exag- -0,000 more hogs will Bt >:k yar Is by the road and the proportion of other will be equally as great. A couple of years and the packing bus"ness In St. Paul will have been increased by one-third and all because of railroad r^ n iwadays are turning from wheat raising, especially when they have any money, and going Into the stock business. It is the prop- er caper, for their is more money it it." Trains on the new road wil be run- ning, it is announced, to St. Paul by th'- last of August at the very lat- est. El ill (il i: ARRIVES TOMORROW. First Diamond Jo Packet CoJHlns The first of the Diamond Jo packets ;s now on its way up the river, and will fc) St. Paul before noon tomorrow morning. The steamer is the Dubunue, and it left Dubuque, 10., yesterday aft- ernoon at 1 o'clock. On beard is a fair cargo for this city and a number of pas- rs. I ii the River. At the office of the company yesterday It was said that Indications pointed to an excellent vol.:me of business this year an.l it is not improbable that three pack- ets will be put on th« line. The Dv- i the Qulncy will run regularly and the St. Paul may be put on if the water remains high en mgh during the summer months. The St. Paul is the i boat running north of St. Louis. and has not bei n soon on the upper wa- tt rs for sevi ral years. For the return trip many passengers ar.d a fair amount of freight have been secured, 1 that Is expected to Kt. Paul is the government light- l< r Lily. This boat is coming i:: the stream and has passed Winona. r. w is engaged in repainting all \u25a0iver buoys; hitherto the color has wh"te, but now they will be decor- . uh a coat ol flaming rei. BIG RUSK IS OVER. Homueeken' lUttea Are Off for This With the exception of a few stra^- -glers this morning, the rush of home- rs Is over for this season. Both the Great Northern and the Northern Pacific sent out two sections yesterday practically to,k out all the excur- sionists from the Eastern states. Of these there were alout 1,000, including those who wen; West by the Soo route. genaon. The estimate given In the Globe last Sunday—GQ.o.o—about represents the number of passengers who availed them- Belves of the low rates. Henceforth there will be the usual bi-monthly home- is' excursions, but on these only re- turn tickets will be sold. PL.A.NS OF THE SOO. Ccncral Manager Pennlngton Ont- lines Scope of Iluildiii£C Operations. Owing to the impossibility of securing Sufficient rails for construction purposes. tho management of the Soo has decided that all the building to be dona In North Dakota this year is to be between Wishek and Ashley, a distance of twenty miles. This Information w.13 given yesterday \o a deputation of members of the Com- Jnercial club at Alexander, which waited Upon General Manage:- Pennington to in- quire as to the company's intentions re- garding the Bismarck-Alexander exten- sion. The Polk county extension will, how- •vor, be vigorously pushed, as contracts UN IS HIS H MANITOBA RAILROAD DEAL AP- PROVED EY FEDERAL PAR- LIAMENTARYCOMMITTEE ONLY FORMALITIES REMAIN N. P. Line* Will Me Turned Over to Canadian Northern as Soon us Papers'' Are ".'"-.'*_.'\u25a0' Signed. In spite of opposition of the most vig- orous nature, the deal providing for the lease by the provincial g-.vernment of the lines of the Northern Pac'.fic railway in Manitoba was yesterJay approved by the railway committee of the Canadian house of commons, and all that now re- mains to remove the last obstacle is tha formality of passing concurrent legisla- tion. This will follow as a matter of course, and then, as soon as the neces- sary papers can be signed, the lines will \u25a0be formally turned over to the provincial government and by it to the Canadian Northern railway, which will operate them under a rental agreement. Premier Roblin has won his long and bitter fight, and the people of Manitoba are now assured of lower tariffs on grain shipments to the great luk; s. Th s low- ering of rates may not come this year, although the manager of the Canadian Northern, when in St. Paul recently, de- clared that he saw no reason why there should not be an immediate reduction. This action on the part of the Macken- zie-Mann syndicate will r.sult In the Canadian Paeiiic being compelled to meet the cut, and the farmers of the province will profit. As has been re- peatedly stated by thos- who are in a position to know the situ it on best, the groat bulk of the electorate of the prov- ince are heartly in accord with Premier Roblin and his railway policy. NOTES OF THE ROADS. P D. Chandler, of the general freight depaitment of the G:eat Northern, has been appointed traveling freight agent, vice \V. J. Magner, resigned, F. I. Whitney, general passenger and ticket agent for the Great Northern, left yesterday for Chicago. The assistant general agent, C E. Stone, went to Grand Forks on business. Another orange special is expected to arrive over the Great Northern tMd murning from Seattle. Tho train con- sists of sixteen ca:s, two of which arc loaded with lemons. The special left Seattle on Monday and has come, east at the rate of twenty-two miles per hour. in o;dcr to be better able to accom- modate the growing volume of passengers doily passing through the union depot, the company has commenced work on doul ling the number of swinging door.-;, which ars enroimti red Just before the gates arc reached. At present th^re are six of these ,^ r;'.tes, and a force of men is now engaged in piercing the b;ick v/ail west of the doors which are being used, now. The improvement will take two weeks or longer to finish, and the cost is placed ait $1,800. OFFICIAL, PROCEEDINGS Bo*ird of Flr» OontmlHslonem. St. Paul, May 1, 1901 Regular meeting of the board was neld this d«y at 8 o'clock p. m Piesent-Commissioners Clarkin, Fret- man, Schweizer, Tostevln and President Warner. Mmutes of the previous meotlng road and approved. Communications—From the Corporation Attorney notifying that printing and sta- tionery bills are payable out of depart- ment funds. Accepted and placed on file. Also informing board that settle- ment had been made of suit of the N W. Telephone Exchange Co. vs. Th» city for rental of telephones, and "-submitting bill for $733.57, claimed against fire de- partment, recommending said amount be paid, whereupon the Board passed tho following resolution: Resolved, That a warrant be drawn upon the City Treasury for tho sum of $733.57, payable out of the Firo Department Fund, in full settlement and satisfaction of any and all claims and de- mands of the Northwestern Telephone Exchange Oomp . v of whatever nature. arising cut of the :<^ephone and messen- ger or toll service rendered by said com- pany to the Fire Department of the City of St. Paul up to and including the 31st day of December, ISOO. Commissioners Freeman, Tostevln and Warner were appointed a committee to confer with the general manager of said ,telephone company regarding the making of contract for telephones for use in the department from May 1, 1901. From J. A. Vye, Secretary Agricultural Experiment Station, asking to have fire alarm placed on their grounds. Re- ferred to the Chief Engineer to investi- gate and report. From the City Clerk calling attention to resolution passed by the Common Council, asking the Poard to have at least two keys for each fire alarm box located outside of the business district, and print and maintain on each of said boxes a I'Otice stating where said keys are located and obtainable. Referred to the superintendent of fire alarm for es- timnte of cost on same, and on the re- painting of boxes, and 100 additional keys. From John Espy, asking that statement of facts regarding breaking of light of glass in his building by Hook and Ladder No. 1, be sent to the Legal Department. Referred to the Chief Engineer for said settlement. From Mahle Wagon Company, Schur melcr Wagon Company, and Mitsch Wagon Company, protesting against the awarding of contract for building two chief's buggies, as per specifications fur- nished, for the reason they were unable to comply with specifications filed. Reports— Committee on Buildings re- ported the necessary repairs had t>een made at Engine House No. 10 and Mer- riam Park Engine House. Your commit- tee again recommend the replacing of present frame stable at No." 4 Engine House by a brick structure. Report W til ,::.-..;" mil «IV kecs iruar^'fprii t.. XTitLE^ Di Special St. Louis White Lead inoil, in OKEW (OS&iC STOVES $4.75. $r%&sn«* "™»u.w»p. west, for the simple reason that our pSre dit i™',!"' °Ithe1 the deaieia i]l tho North" Vi^^^ at prices to * l eBS tnau othe^ask. B. 1 Rolffi^^iY^oo^ SgiS^glS^ call for tho finishing of the line- to a point thirty-three miles northwest of S^ Croix Falls by Sept. 1. This extension Will ultimately extend to Duluth and V*est Superior. DETROIT. Mich., May 2.-The annual ! the stockholders of the Mi h- Igan Central railroad was held here to- The entire board of directors was re-el< ct< rt. as follows: William K. and Frederick w Vander- fcilt. Chauncey M. De.pew, Edwin D. Wor- : Samu 1 F. Barger an.l Hamilton McK. Twombley, of New York; Plenry B. Ledyard and Ashley Bond, of De- troit; Frederick S. Winston, of Chicago. lent Ledyatd announced that no business was done at the meetin™- •Tho election of officers will be held at the board meeting in New York Mlcliljfbii Centra? Directors Connects With the "Twilijfht." Becrinning next Sunday flha Duluth b<M!th Shore & Atlantic roaa will resume connect;,.us with ihe "twiliffnt limited" '•'' the Omaha, at Bibon. Tlie train leav- thte city at 4:25 p. m. arrives at The new service will in- throuffh slc-eper accommodations from Bibon to Houghton. Calumet M-i-- Quette, Bault St.. Marie and all' main line points. adopted and recommendation was con- curred in by vote of full Board. Tho Secretary was instructed to ask author- ity from the Common Council to pro- ceed with the work. The Committee on Machinery reported the necessary repairs had been made on Truck No. 1 as asked for by the Chief Engineer. The Committee on Horses reported the purchase of one horse. The Committee on Claims reported the following bills for allowance: Brings & Co., $28.30: Brown Treacy & Co., $27.40- Cornplanter Oil Co., $18.70; Dispatch Job Printing Co.. 82.80; Decker, Adam, $3.15; Edison Electric Light Co.. $35.-10 Far- well. 9-, an- Kirk & Co., $44.G9; Fenlcy B - S. f.i.iiO; Friend & Son, $47.00; Fitzger- ?*,; J°hn. $1300: Hack Hardware Co $0.14; Jonw \u25a0 & Adams Co., 59.00; Jackson. J°. hnv \\^; Kahlert. August, $77.50; Jv ltBC« A Vafjn^Co-\ ?43-S(); Mahle Wagon Co., ?3.4->: McDonald. P., $140.00; N. VV. Stamp Works, $1.15; Nicols & Dean $55.49; Frenderjrast Bros., $4.75; Railroader Printing House, $85.26; Rugg & Co. $14.F,0- Ryan Drug Co.. $22.05; Rothwell. Jos.. |(.0U; St. Crcix Lumber Co., $10.84; St. Paul Picture Frame Mfg. Co.. $2.03- St Paul Gas Light Co.. $9.82; St. Paul Elec- tric Co $13.16; St. Paul RubMx Co., $0.32; St. Paul Hardware Co., \u2666if 74; St. Paul Printing Co., $15.50; The Globe Co., $67.87; The La France Fir* Engino Co. . 5151.27; Western Union Tel.' Co., $1.00; Wemott &. Howard, $9.65; N. ERE YOU GOING TO BUILD A HOUSE, BARN, ELEVATOR OR GRANARY? 1 s °. Sent! US yOlir LllUbgr estimate tO figure On. also your estimate on every tnmg In the builders 1 line. Have your Lumber estimate itemlzed.so we can figure on it by the car. Nails and all Builders' Hardware at special prices. It v.ll pay you to write us before buying. J. M. 80BERTS SUPPLY HOUSE, MINNEAPOLIS, fUSN. W. Telephone Exchange Co., $733.57; to- tal, $1,538.92, the full board voting for al- lowance. The Chief Engineer reporting he had inspected the premises where hydrant was asked to be located by the American Linseed Oil Co. He considered it neces- sary and proper, submitting statement of bursted hose in the department, rec- ommending that the platforms in front of Engine House No. 11 and Hook and Ladder No. 4 be replaced with brick, and asking that the down spouts on St. An- thony Park Engine House be changed to carry the water outside the building. The report was adopted and the Secre- tary was instructed to ask the Water Board to locate a hydrant, as requested by American Linseed Oil Co. The re- pairs and changes on buildings asked for by the Chief was referred to Chairman on Buildings and Chief Engineer, with power to act. The matter of painting trucks at Head- quarters was referred to Committee on Machinery and Chief Engineer, with power to act. Reports of Superintendent of Fire Alarm, Master Mechanic, Assistant Elec- trical Inspector and Secretary read and ordered filed. The following bids on 2,500 feet of rub- ber hose were received: The autta Percha and Rubber Mfg. Co., Maltese Cross brand, at $1.00 per loot. New York Belting and Packing Co., Black Test brand, at $1.00 per foot. Robinson & Cary Co., White Diamond brand, at $l.co per foot. St. Paul Rubber Co., White Anchor brand, at $1.00 per foot. In case the con- tract for entire amount, 2,a'.0 feet, is awarded to us a special discount of 1 per cent will be given. On motion of Commissioner Freeman the contract was awarded to St. Paul Rubber Co. by the following vote: Ayes—Commissioner b'jeemari, fcichweiz- er. Tostfvin. Mr. President—4. Nay—Commissioner Clarkin—l. The following bids on Chief's buggies were received: H. A Muckle Mfg. Co., $395.00; P. J. Cooney Mig. Co., HSO.OO. The Board by full vote awarded con- tract to H. A. Muckle Mfg. Co. Adjourned. REUBEN WARNER JR., President. WM. O'GORMAN, Secretary. POPULAR WANTS HELP WANTED —MALES. NIGHT CLERK wanted" for first-class hctel; also man with full knowledge of groceries and supplies, as storekeeper. Address "W," this paper, giving age, experience and references, and whether married or single. BARBER—Wanted, first-class Barber, corner Macku-bin-apiijUniversity; steady job. --'•\u25a0 Paving- EagJe Street. Office of the Board of Public AVorks. City of St. Paul, Minn., April 25th, 1001. The reassessment of benefits, costs and expenses arising from paving with Kettle river sandstone, on a sand foundat on, Eagle street, from Third street to the eoi ih line of Franklin street, judgment j having been denied by the District Court of Ramsey County, Minnesota as ! to certain property, January 12th, 10.1, ' in the City of St. Paul. Minnesota b iv- ing been completed by the Board of Pub- lic Works, In and for said city, sad Board will meet at their office In said- city, at 2 p. m. on the. l<kh day of May, A. D. 1901, to hear objections (if any* to said reassessment, at which time' and place, unless sufficient cause is shown to the contrary, said reassessment will be confirmed by said Board. The following is a list of the supposed owners' names, a description of the property specially benefited thereby amounting in the aggregate to 1881.25, and the amounts reassessed against the sariTe to-wit: ' Rice and Irvine's Addition. Supposed Owner and Description. Block. Benefits. Alfred Wharton, westerly 158 73-100 feet of (Third street front) 25 $489.00 City of St. Paul 3 42 f181.25 August Wallentine, easterly 45 feet of 25 SSI 00 Hattie B. Kelliher, westerly 37.6 feet of easterly 52.6 feet of 25 72 00 Katherine Stewart, 30 feet easterly of westerly 75S 73-100 feet of 25 55 ro All objections to said assessment must be made in writing and filed with the Clerk of said Board at least one day prior to said meeting. F. O. HAMMER, Omcial: C. H. BBONSON, Presldent Clerk Board of Public Works. May 3d-lt. Confirmation of !<<•:<*\u25a0 essm n; for BARBER wanted; steady job. Apply at _Colonnade Barber shop. COOK—Wanted, competent cook; good wages. 687 Portland' ECv., one door from _ St. Albans. MOULDER—First-class, used to heavy work; good wages to right man. Eagle _ Foundry Co., Minneapolis. HP?T^ LER wanted at Brennan%s Livery, 452 St. Peter st. - SARBBRS—Two gno'l ba-bers; steady _J_ J i!l. d__?_ oi! d_Pay. 7 East Seventh st. GROCERY CLERK7"for~ inside" and ouT- side work; single man speaking German preferred. Apply fit once. 6Si Edmund St., corner St. Albans. WANTED-Two kitchen men. Germania Cafe, 343 Robert. WANTED-Ten upholsterers. Fred cL _ Genge & Co., St. Anthony Park. _ WANTED—Machinist for railroad shop"; must be first-class workman; answer, _givmg age and experience. Q 27, Globe. KELP WANTED—FEMALES. M A.,TED—Agents everywhere to can- vass for most practical skirt supporter invented; holds shirt waist down and fastens skirt on corset without ping or buttonholes; outfit free. N. C. Ed- wards & Co., 1418 Madison ay., Kansas _City, Mo. DINING ROOM~GIRLS-Two~~experiene~. Ed dining room girls. St. Paul Coffee H.mse, 386 Jackson, between Fifth and bixtn. LAI NDRES3—A compstcnt laundress at once Mrs. H. E. Thompson, SS3 Wood- ward avenue. £< telUB GIRL wa»ted at Windsor~Ho^ WANTED—Two girls, one for dinin" room and one for chamber work. St The mas Coii.-ge. Merriam Park. FINANCIAL. ?io Kl@^E¥* 915—YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD WITH «k:o— QUICK LOANS on HOUSE- JS2S—HOLD GOODS, PIANOS, ETC., Sj?3O—WITHOUT REMOVAL FROM YOUR RESIDENCE. EASY #40—WEEKLY PAYMENTS OR MONTHLY PAYMENTS. LOAVEST $50—RATES. "... LOADS' TO SALARIED PEOPLE ?100-WITHOIT MORTGAGE Oil IN- DORSER, PAYAIILI3 IN EASY IN- STALLMEvYTS. WE HAVE PRIVATE IXTERVIEWIXG ROOMS AND CAN GUARANTEE ABSOLUTE PRIVACY AXD CONFIDENTIAL TREATMENT. FRONT OFFICE'S, SECOND FLOOR. OPEN EVENINGS. WALK UP OXB FLIGHT. AMERICAN 1 LOAN CO., ROOM 2OG MANHATTAN BLO. Notice of Applications fop Liquor City Clerk's Office, St. Paul, Minn., May 3, 1901. To whom it may concern: Notice Is hereby given that the follow- ing named persons have applied for a li- cense to sell intoxicating liquors for ono year from date of the opening of th»ir respective places of business? at tho place or location hereinafter named- Gilbert, J. R., 43"M41 Jackson street. Hernisch, Wm., 107 Concord street. Miller, Albert, 221 East Seventh street Nelson & Anderson, 890 Payne avenue. Rossberg, Ernst, 773-775 Wabasha. Sehiebelbcrger, Jos., 289 Robert street. Now, therefore, notice is hereby given that the said applications will be heard and considered by the Common Council at regular meetings of both branches thereof, held in the City Hall, on and after the 16th day of May. 1901, where all persons interested may appear and be heard. MATT JENSEN, 1 « \u0084-,« City Clerk. May S.fclo. License.*. CONTRACT WORK. Pave Lroenst Street. Office of the Board of Public Works City of St. Paul, Minn., April 20th l<)01 Sealed bids will be received by the Board of Public Works in and for the corporation of the City of St. Paul, Min- nesota, at their office in said city, until 2 p. m. on the 9th day of May, A. D. 3901 for the paving of Locust street from Sev- enth street to Tenth street, in said city according to plans and specifications orl tile in tho office ot said Board. A bond with at least two (2) sureties In a sum of at least twenty (20) per cent or a certified check on a bank of St Paul' in a sum of at least ten (10) per cent of the gross amount bid, must, accompany each bid. Said check shall be made pay- able to the Clerk of said Board. The said Board reserves the right to re- ject any and all bids. F. O. HAMMER, Official: C. H. BRONSON, resident- Clerk Board of Public Worka Apl 2C-19Pl-10t. CONTRACT WORK. Grade Prior Avenue. Office of the Board of Public Works City of St. Paul, Minn., April 25 1901 Sealed bids will be received by tho Board of Public Works in and for the corporation of the City of St. Paul Min- nesota, at their office in said city, until 2 p. m. on the 9th day of May, A. D 3901 for grading Prior avenue from Minne- haha street to Chelton street, in said city, according to plans and specification* on lll<2 in the office of said Board. A bond with at least two (2) sureties in a sum of at least twenty (20) per cent or a certified check on a bank of St. Paul' in a sum of at least ten (10) pr-r cent of the gross amount bid. must accompany each bid. Said check shall be made pay- able to the Clerk of said Board. The said Board reserves the right to re- ject any and all bids. F. O. HAMMER, Official: C. H. BRONS?ON. Clerk Board of Public Works. Apl 2t;-19Gl-10t. THE PAN-AMERICAN EXPOSITION Held at Buffalo, N. V., May Ist to Nov. Ist, 1001. On April 20th, and daily thereafter, tha ! Chicago Great Western railway, will sell through excursion tickets to Buffalo good to return within fifteen days at a fare and one-third for the round trip i A special rate for every Tuesday 'in May will be one fare plus $1 for the round trip. These tickets will be good leavin~ Buffalo until midnight on the Saturday following the day of sale. The lowest rates will alwa»T be In force on the Chicago Great Western rail- way, and its equipment and accommoda- tions are unsurpassed. The company has issued a neat, illus- trated folder, giving a map of Buffalo ana of the Exposition grounds, a list ot hotels, time card of its trains and their Eastern connections, and much other val- uable information. For full information and Pan-4merican folders address any Great Western agent or J. N. Storr,. City. Ticket Agent, corner Filth and Robert streets, St. Paul. Resumes service on Northern Pacific next Sunday, May sth, at 9:30 a. m. Tt Is popularly known as the crack train of the Northwest, and it is just that "North Const Limited" LOANS to salaried people holding per- manent positions with reliable concerns; only security your name; to others on furniture, pianos, etc., without removal; monthly or weekly payments; open neon hour; confidential. 316 and 337 Pio- neer Press Bldg., third floor, Minne- sota Mortgjge Loan Co. MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE on their plain notes. You're making no mistake when you come to us. CHEAPEST RATES FOR A CER- TAINTY. EASIEST PAYMENTS. No mortgage. No indorser. No Pub- licity. Rcom 301, New York Life Building. ST. PAUL FINANCIAL COMPANY. 4Vi TO si,i PER CENT money to loan on first-class improved inside St. Paul property. The Middlesex Banking Co., Pioneer Press Bldg. 6 AND 6 PER CENT MONEY to loan on improved property in St, Paul and Minneapolis. V. C, Oilman. New York T.ifp Bldg. FOR SALE. GRANULATED SUGAR, 18 pounds, $1. Cream of wheat. 12% cents per pack- age. Best Minnesota flour, 87 cents a sack. We sell everything in the gro- cery line on a very small margin. It will pay you to call and see us if you live in the city, and if you live out of the city send us a postal card, and we will mail you prices. T. M. Roberts Supply House. Minneapolis, Minn. - HORSES AND CARRIAGES. HORSES! HORSES!—Barrett & Zimmer- man's Midway Market la heavily sup- plied with farm horses, team horses, delivery horses and high bred drivers and coach horses. Call and pick your kind. Part time given if desired. Bar- rett & Zimmerman, Midway, St. Psyul, Minn. FOR SALE—Horse; sound and gentla; •weight. 1,100 rounds. 1043 Payne ay. CARPET CLEANING. CARPETS, mattresses and feathers ren- ovated; rugs woven for old carpets. Helps' Carpet Cleaning Works, 115 Unl- versity ay. Tel. 2141-J2. CLAIRVOYANTS. MRS. WHlTE.occultist, 125 West Fourth, tells, past present, future; readings daily; circles Friday evenings. STATE OF MINNESOTA, COUNTY OP Ramsey—ss. In the Probato Court Spo- cial Term April ISth, 1901. In the Matter of the Estate of Terrence Mclrovern, Deceased: On reading and filing the petition of Winnifred McGovern, administratrix of the Estate of Terrence McGovern, De- ceased, representing among other things that she has fully administered S'ld es- tate, and praying that a time Find placa be fixed for examining and allowing her final account of administration, and for the assignment of the residue of said es- tate to the persons entitled thereto; It is ordered, that the said account te examined, and petition heard, by the Judge of this Court, on Monday, the Thirteenth day of May, A. D. ltOl, at 10 o'clock a. m., at the Probate Court Room ir. the Court House, In St. Paul in said County. And it is further ordered, that notice thereof be given to all persons interested by publishing a copy of this order for three successive weeks, once in each Week, prior to said day of hearing 1, In the St. Paul Globe, a "legal newspaper printed and published in said County. By the Court: E. W. BAZIT/LE, (L. S.) Judge of Probate. Stevens, O'Brien. Cole & Albreciit, At- torneys for Administratrix. CONTRACT WORK. Pave Bradley, 3fortU and Bedford Streets. 5t \u25a0 Jtfc Office of the Board.of Public "Works, City of St. Paul,. Minn., April 25th, 1901. Sealed bids will.if'jbe received by the Board of . Public.; Y\?erks In and for the corporation of this Gijty of St. Paul, Min- nesota, at their pfflo^ In said city, until 2 p. m. on the 9ttada#> of May, A. D. \u25a01901, for paving Bradley 'Street, from Seventh ! street to North street; North street, from ; Bradley" street To \u25a0••Bedford street, and Bedford street, 2!from North street to Decatur street, \u0084in said city, according ; to plans and specifications on file in the office of said Board. . A bond -with at ; least two (2) sureties In a sum of at least twenty (20) per cent or a certified check on a b.<hk of St. Paul, in a sum of at least ten (10) per cent of the gross amount bid. must ac- company each bid. Said check shall be I made payable to the Clerk of said Board. The said Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. - - ' F. O. HAMMER, President. Official: C. 11. BRONSOX Clerk Board of Public Works. 1 April 27-lflQl-10t. THE ST. PAUL GLOBE, FRIDAY, MAY 3, IDOI. REAL ESTATE. CONTRACT WORK. CONTRACT WORK. POPULAR WANTS REMOVAL My office is now in room 420 Ger- mania Life building (exactly opposite old location). Don't fail to call on ms in the mat- ter of Rents, Real Estate, Loans and Fire insurance. E. P. RCBBEKTS, 420 Cermaiiia Life Bldg. SITUATIONS WANTED—MALES. Anybody oot of work In St. Paul ?»r Minuenitulltt may insert nn mlvi-v- --tiseuient untler tliis heading lrce of cltarKe. A HIGH SCHOOL graduate would like come kind of light office work in or out of city. Address W> Snelling aw, St. I-aul. COACHMAN ThorougMv experienced coachman, with very best of city ref- erences, desires a position at once. In- _ quire 639 Endlcott Bldg, COOK-Wanted, situation by first-class moat cook; references. Address A., VJ2 Ccmo ay., St. Paul. COACHMAN wants situation; thorougV understand care and treatment of horses, carriages and harness; careful driver and obliging. Address C. Pestell. _JS7C St.Peter st. CLERK—WouId like to get a position as shoe clerk. Address or call evenings, _H. S. S., 204 East Indiana ay. BOOKKEEPER— Wanted, position by young man as bookk<-epr-r or stenog- rapher; salary moderate-, had exp i ence in one of the leading Bchoo's of. the city. Address 605 Blair St., St. Paul,. _Mlnn. STRONG YOUNG MAN. w'no is willing to work, wants situation of some kini; strictly temperate; twenty-eiirht years old. J: Roberts,_lss Forbed FIREMAN—Wanted, a job as stationary fireman by young man of experi Fred Ball. _W 29 ••:, p HOUSE CLEANING—Good man wants to get work, such as house cleaning, car- pet, yard and lawn to clean, etc. Send __pestal_to M. E., East Canada st. A BOY of sixteen years woi Id like to have work at any time. Address T. S., 845 James st. STENOGRAPHER—Wanted, position as \ stenographer or bookkeeper by young man; salary moderate; good references. Address 681 St. Albans st. SALESMAN—Position wanted in or out of city by a thoroughly c impetent clothing, gents' furnishing and shoe salesman. Spsak Scandinavian; A 1 references. A. O. Anderson, No. 7, _Lyons _Conrt. YOUNG MAN wants any kind of work; good penman: .nuick at figures; low $al- ary. V 3, (Uobe. "WANTED—By an honest, industrious young man, with a good education, a position of some kind in a wholesale house. Address J. L. Larson, 16 Sura- Mit ay. WANTED—Young man, with good ref- erences, wants a plac to tend bar. Ad- dress 162 Como ay., city. POPULAR WANTS i FOR RENI^STTBURBAN. NEWLT BT'TLT cittngo at Mabtoxnedf, White Bear Lake; seven rooms; rent $100 for season. Ntwttr. R. Frost, 51 East Fouith st; SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALES Minneapolis may inner* an adver- tisement under this heading free of cliarse. Anybody out of work In St. Paul oe REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. ONE SINGLE and o room with r board. 260 West Sixth __________ A LADY would like to go out washing and cleaning-. Call at 101- West Third Room 10. DRESSMAKER wants work in shop» must be easy work. Call or write, 413 _ Concord St., St. Paul. HOUSEWORK— by two nent German girls, a place to do housework In a small family at White Bear lake. Address M. H., iC3 Charles_ St.; in_rear. HOUSEKEEPER— position as housekeeper by German lady. Apply Room 3, 55C Wabasha. STENOGRAPHER—Competent lady sten- ographer desires position; small salary; references. A 277 Pleasant. OFFICE WORK— situation for half day's work In oflico; cashier, clerk- Ing or some work of the kind; willing to try other places. Address W 31. Globe. - STENOGRAPHER— lady stenog- rapher wishes position; willing to work for very moderate compensation where there Is a chance for advancement. Ad. dress Stenographer, 224 Clermont St., _ city. STENOGRAPHER—Young lady desires a position as stenographer or any kind of office work; can furnish references. Address L- A Globe. YOUNG LADY employed part of day would like place to assist with work for board. Address H2, Globe. WANTED—Summer dresses and chil- dren's sewing at 315 Martin st. WOULD like to get position as part co> lector and office work. Address M. 3., 204 East Indiana ay. YOUNG lady desires! position in doctor or dentist's office; willing to da any kind of writing. Address 523 Carroll st. STENOGRAPHER Experienced lady stenographer desires position or piece work; owns machine, wIU leave city with reliable party. Address 97 Arch st. HOUSES FOR BJEJTT. FOR RENT—Five-room cottage, city water and very convtnlsnt. 2i's Acker st. Inquire at ">'.• Mississippi st. MAY IST IS J HERE, but we still have ! hundreds of homtseektrs visit us. To j get a good tenant or sell prop- i erty quickly, visit m a itv3 a i i«w -> i the successful, CElLffnmi fice4cy~^ hustling , .X7Pi"P"B^^irfity ' ROOMS WANTED. AJIKUICAX MKXM.OAX. AsSOCIATtU.V MEETS IX ST. PAIL Jt.Mi 4TH TO BTH.. .. . WANTED One thousand fnrnishe.l rooms in private-families for visiting physicians during the meeting. All per- Bona having one or -move pleasant rooms in which they can accommodate guests are requested to write to tho COMMITTEE ON HOTELS. .-0 I.OW- KY ARCADE, stating nvmher of rooms, location and price per day for one or more occupants. It is desired, where possible, that guests be furnish- ed with breakfasts, and where this can be done the price should be stated It is urgtntly i guested that all who have desirable rooms will place them at the disposal of iho physicians. ROOMS FOR RENT. AT FOLK HoTi^S Ni.W.'.V JfUJtNISfcU ed steam-heated rooms; all prices, i 1 j, week or month; depot cars pass th« doors. The Western. 103 Bast E ghtn: imperial Hot-1, 16 East hth; Yukon Hotel, 127 East Eighth; Economy Hotel, _jj6o__ Jackson st : transient ftid^ \u25a0 \u25a0 << <•••> i. VIRGINIA AY.. 441—Desirable front room for rent in private family; all tho modern conveniences. $850 BUYS ftlty-fool lot on \u25a0\u25a0''•,iUor rt., between Jay st. and Farrlngton ay. P. A Bullman. 105 Manhattan Blig. LOST AND FOUND. LOST—Small black wallet on Sunday be. tween end of Grand ay. line and river; suitable reward 1 to H. A. Clifford, No. Sl6 Northern Pacific build- _J n»- * LOST—A bunch of keys; tag No. IS R - turn to Eld Neuman, pollc man at cen- tral station and get reward. BOARD OFFERED. BOARD WANTED. "WANTED—Room and board by young man in good Catholic family or board- ing house. R 35, Globe. BICYCLES. RAMBLERS are no experiment; they have been i<st'd r'<>r twenty-two years; you i your mone wort li: ui«> $35, $40, $50 and SCO; over l,Wi in St Paul; see our second-hand line. Bird Cycle company, 71 and 73 Weat Sev- enth. WANTED TO BUY. SPOT CASK for old books; any d.uan- tities, and all kinds of schDol bojks and fiction bought, sold and exchang- ed. 404 Wabasha st., opposite Schum;- man & Evans- Lincoln Avennc Seirer. Office of the Board of Public Works City of St. Paul. Minn.. «,'jril 29th, 1901. Sealed bids will "be received by the Board of Public Works in and for the corporation of the City of \u25a0S-f. Paul, Min- nesota, at their ofHce in said city, until 2 p. m. on the 13th day of May," A. D. 1901, far the construction of a sewer on Lincoln avenue, from IvTilton street to a point tihree hundred and twenty (330) feet v/est, in said city, according to plans and specification on file in the office of said Board. A bond with at least two (2) sureties 4n a sum of at least twenty (20) per cent or a certified check on a bank of gt. Paul, in a sum of at lenst ten (10) per cent of the gross amount bid. must ac- company each bid. Said check Shall be made payable to the Clerk of said Board. The said Board reserves the right to •ceiect any and ail bids. F. O. HAJD.tER, President. Official: C. H. BROXSON. Clerk Board of Public Works. April 30-ISOI-10t. CONTRACT AVOKK. Grade Tnsenrorn Avenue, From Mil- ton to Cbataworth. Office of the Board of Public Worl:s, City of «t. Paul, Minn., April 23rd. 1901. led bids wJll be received by the Bo;ird of Public Works In and for tho corporation of the City of St. Paul Min- nesota, at their office, in .said city, until 2 p. m. on the fith day of May, A. D. 1901, for the grading of Tusoarora u^nue f:om Milton street I i Chatsworth i in said city, according to plans and iflcaticns on Jilt- in the ofllce oi stid Beard. A bond with at least tv;o (2) sur in a sum of at least twenty (2o> per c^nt, or a certified ch< ck on a bank nf St. Paul in a sum nf at least ten fiO) per cent , of the grcss amount bid, must' accom:- -: pany each bid. Said check shall b' payable t.> the ('!\u25a0 rk <>i uaid Bo The said board reserves the right to re- j Ject any and all bids. F. O. HAMMER, _ President. Official: C. H. BHONSON", Clerk Board of Public Works. April 24-1001-lot. PROPOSALS WANTED Chica^, Milwaukee & St. Paul Rj. For Reflooi-ir.gr Lafayette Avenue I!rl<lxo. City Clerk's Office, St. Paul. Minn., April 27th, 1901. Notice is hereby given that sealed pro- posals, marked "Proposals Refloorlng 1 Lafayette Avenue Bridge," will be re- ceived at the Office of the City f'lerk of the City of St. Paul until May 7th, 1901 j at 5 o'clock p. m., for the reflooiing of the Lafayette avenue brM^ro, crossing tho Great Northern and Northern Pacific railway tracks, in accordance with plans and specification on lile in the Oflice of the City Engineer. A bond in the sum of twenty per cent : of the amount bid, with two sureties j residents of the State of Minnesota or ! a surety company bond in the same j amount, or a certified check of ten per cent of the amount bid, must accom- pany each propof-al aa surety for the making and execution of a contract. Proposals must be on forms to be fur- nished by the ( ity Engineer. The Common Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids By order of the Common Council MATT JENSEN. City Clerk. April 27-Bt. CONTRACT WORK. BWil mm Eschliaoh'n Addition. Office of the Board of Public Works, City of St. Paul, Minn., April26th, 1901. Sealed bids will be received by tho Board of Public Works in and for tlio corporation of the City of St. Paul, Min- nesota, at their office in eaid city, until 2 p. m. on the Cth day of May, a. D. 1901, for grading the alley in Block Threo (3>, Messerli and Eschbach's Addition, in city, according to plans and specification^ on file in the office of said Board. A bond with at least two (2) sureties in a sum of at least twenty (20) per cent or a certified check on a bank of St. Paul, in a sum of at least ten (10) per cent of the gross amount bid, must ac- company each bid. Said check shall be made payable to tho Clerk of said Hoard. The said Board reserves the" right to reject any and all bids F. O. HAMMER, President. Official: C. IT. T:r:o>:SON\ Clerk Board T Public Works. April 2flth-1601 April 21 i.h-ISOI-lOt. Grade Alley In Illock 3, Messerli nu«l COMRAtT WORK. mIMi St. Clnlr Street Sewer. Office of the Board of Public "Works City of St. Paul, Minn., April 29th, 1301. Sealed bids will be received by the Board of Public Works in and for the j corporation of the City of fit. Paul, Mln- I nesota, at their office in said city, until 2 p. m. on the 13th day of May, A. D. 1901, for the construction of a sewer on St. Clair street, from Oxford street to a point two hundred (200) feet west, in said city, according to plans and specifications on file in the office of said Board. A bond with at least two (2) sureties in a sum of a,t least twenty (2t>) per cent or a certified check on a bank of St. Paul, in a sum of at least ten (10) per cent of the gross amount bid, must ac- company each bid. Sai.l check shall be made payable to the Cltrk of said Board. The said Board re-sorves the right to reject any and all bids. F. O. HAMMER, President. Official: C. H. BRONSOX, Clerk Board of Public Worka. April 30-1901-10t Congress Street Sewer. Office of the Board of Public Works. City of St. Paul, Minn., April 20th, I**ol- Sealed bids will be received by the Board of Public Works in and for the corporation of the City of St. Paul Min- nesota, at their office in said city, until 2 p. m. on the 13th day of May, A. D. 1901, for the construction of a sewer on Congress street, from Bancroft street to a point one hundred (KtO) fet-t easterly, in said city, according to v.lans and %,tc. iflcations on file in the office of said Board. A bond with at letist t^vo (2) sureties In a sum of at least twenty (20) per cent or a certified check on a bank of St. Paul, in a sum of at least ten (I'M p«r cent of the gross amount hul. must ac- company each bid. Said check ahS'.l be made payable to. the Clerk of said Board. The said Board reserves tlio rlglu 10 reject any and all bids. F. O. HAMMER. President. Official: C. IT. BROXSON T, Clerk Board of Public Work*. April 30-1501-lOt. TRAVELERS' GUIDE. iTvro.v DEroi 1, M:III.KV street. follows 3 leave and arrive at St. raul as JORTH^IsfEpTiE LU=jrcr^T. P. M'.'kt Q.P'vra**^ (lilicc :v.n^ Unlicrl St. >l*Uun« 4>u. tEx. S«n. iEx. Stt. I " ' (Ex. Mo-- Others LEAVE AR^"/3 Farther Stats Ktitsii 1 P .•»') pi « Chios-, Ml!.. Ma-115n.... l' sr i r'r-* J Chicago Atlanta Ex.' .... 11.10 otn 11.15 "^ort^vS, , 6 - 55 - "J" 1 imtel J. 3^-j 74j r'-'caer VI!.. Madison-.... i I pm -,-, W'ausax F. dv La;. Gnti Ba/ 6.55 -,-n 901,, r/ £ -:tovo-. Ehsboyrn tf>.ss i-n'§7! til-, tchth. Superior. A.-l.loi .. t 8.50 n t;4in IwllFKht l.imi el 1 4 o \u25a0 1 mh'tK' £urerlor. Achlni . I pr i '-% H'sr-.kan St. Jirno^, Su. City t 7.40 i~i » I"' n Head-wood, !<!ac'< rfllli . it 74.T^-ni 71 a ,4 Elmer* Alßona. 1 Das Maine3?. t7!40 am t7-35 >n Oiraha Kxprcu 1 ti\Ol V i\ rr. City Omaha. K=i~.. Ci/ f * in ' -'-,' st. Ames. New Ulra Trac/.. 10.00->~ii 7.3? >ti New Ulm. Elmoru t4.5D?-n t!o.V>«n Omaha ijmltsl 1 r a.JO fe/°:?.3^ Su. City. Omaha, Kan. City f m I a,n THE MILWAUKEE LINE Ticket Of **: T?o«ia r t -»-..». 'P^nn .1. Leave. * D^lly. 1 Eg. SaTiiy. Ar.-JM. •P-30 a m Ch!ca-r?. L-*. Ml!wauv9) .. i ' 16-1 s•> V •L':3spm Chi;ago, Lax, Mllwauksj ... •11:51 i 1 t;SS p m Chlca-j. LtjcMllwaukjj ... *2:55 > a ;8:"°, tail pioneif mmDii •3.65 Pn: Ollfaga, Fcribo. D ibuquv .. |* 10: n i t 13:35 am H;stl-.;;j,R3 i Wp. Roch'tsr't 1 1:50 1-I 18:30 im La Cross, Dub-.iq- 9, R< Isl'ni HO:tS 1 n •E:ooamiNortlifi3iJ Faribo, Kaa. City »6-05 i n ie:2o a m Orton/lllj. Millbank .. .. t6:30 j-n •6:sopm;Ortonvillj, Abord.si. Fargo »7:35 1 it 17:20 p mlNorthfieli Fariba. Auat.i. .. | I>?:3J i m /^H^. TICKET OFFICE (£r~J&\ Cor- st!i and Robert st I J\f¥^3t\) Union Station, St. Paul. W.^«W MUwaukee Btatloo.tt V-iCli^^ Dining and Pullman Bleeping Cars on __*<ni^ Vi'iiinippg rtinl Coast Tmlni. •Daily. tKxc«pt Honday. Leave j Anno ' PiC'.flo Eip. Fargo, Jamestown, i Helen*, liutte. Uluonla, Bpo '5 Cq A #I) rnp kanr,Taccr.ia,Scaltle,l'ortl»nil O.uJm, L.iUa Eiiota&Via. Eip. FBrfto.Fprmi^ Fftllj, AVah|i.Hon, llrnoknion. *7 PH ? "1/ !C» Qd. Forte, Urafton, Winnipeg O.UUm 1.1 Oh Tirgo tsj Loceh Laio Local, St. Cloud. Brainerd, Walker, T7 Tip a fp HA HemldJl. Fargo....'. .' (j L\)yi Q.UUni 'Duluth Short Lino" tTTi>i-'T>T^T> 2.2 ajm f2.:3 pa E^_N___SwMMM mmmmmm Ticket Office—ur Robert St., Cor. Fourth. Tii me Main 856. iLeave. I *Kx. Sun. others I | Arrive.' *B:SoamlSt. < I'd, jpfes:F'lsUF'rgol, •s:4opm mlWillmar, via St. Cloudl *s:4opm 9:1 oam Kly^r -Mont. & P. Coast 2-3inni •9-10-im (Willmar, B. P., Y'ktonj ,«:„ a.ioaml ( y x C{t Browr .. s Val) I »4:4opm Elk R.TM. & Sandstone *.\0:00am •4:4opm|Wayzata & Hutchinson *0:15a:n 7:ospm Breck.,Fargo, <; F.Wpg 7:43 am M ... Minn & Dak. Kxp... 7:."oam EASTERN MINNESOTA RAILWAY. nigmi Duluth & W- B"^"°r. | -jgS5 Sleeper for 11:10 p. m. train can bo oc- cupied at any time after 0 p. m. Best Lime to CHICAGO AND ST. LOUIS RH Lv. For Bl .M :• 8.05 urn Winooa, La I and Chicago, ( Ecepi Bunday 12.45 pm 8.05 am Winona, LaCrosse,T)nbu( and SI 8.05pm V.'i in na 1..- > . \u25a0 c Dubi ; :i>-.-i^-'i and P 1 15 am Ticket \u25a0 Tel. Chicago Great Western Rk "The Maple Leaf Route." City Ticket Office, sth & Robert Sts., St. Paul. . Ex. Bonds: ;> daily. JJfIR~j«R:yrFRCJJ K«nyon, Dod?a Center, Oal- 1 8.10 ani ~10.00 pm weln, Du'.uqua, Freeport, I 8.10; 7.50 a-n _ Chicago and East. 1 1.20 pm| 12.50 ?m Cedar Falls, V/atarloo. Mar- 10.30 am 7.25 poi £hsi:town, Da-, Molnas, St. 8.10 cm 7.50 am osoph. Kan City. I 1.20 12.50pm Cannon Falls, Roi "Wine, 8.10 a:n 110.00r,m Northfield. Farlbault. Wa- 6.03 9.50 tervl I-;. Mank-.to. I' 'crvilla t.-, -\u25a0;. 6.05 :in 9.50 ani Minneapolis & St. Louis RR Office, j39Bßoijort. 'Phoiia 661; St. Louis Djpal Leava I *Dal / 1Except Suiviay | Arrivs t9:00 MEW OHOaT T0 t7:33 •8:0 D *a-J3 pm. A»° 0E» «OIM-'. I'ri 3 Albert Lea, C«dar RaplJ3, Chi-, t9:ooam ca^o, Kansas City. t7:30 pm •7:00 pm ..Chicago & St. Louis Limits 1. *d:43 am V/atertov/n, New Ulm, St.; James, Sherburne, Estharvills; ie:3o«m ..and Storm tS:SO ?m Mew U:m Local—St. Jama 3,' V:00 pm .. .Sharburno and Estherviils. . ,#lo:4oirn llf M., ST. P. & S. S. M. RY. ||J City Ticket Office. 379 Robert St. TeL IC6L Union Depot. St. PauL Leavel EAST. JArrlva 7:2opm|.Atlantic Limited (daily).l -;:4r>ira KhOOamlKhinf-lunder LocaK(,-x.Sun)i 4:4ipia 6:2spm'St. Croix Falls Local, ex ISuniiay, From Broadway Eepot. foot Fouith 9:iSan( WEST. 9:osam [Pacific Expreso (Pacific Coast) dally. j flSonnj _B:ospm Glenwood 13xpres3(exSun)I O-.SOani WISCONSIN CENTRAL R'Y CO. ':ii.y Office. 37S Robert St. 'Phono No. 894. St.Paui! All Trains Dally. s^SS |Kau Claire, »Jn;t>. L<'aus,i S;ooarr.[Milwaukee ana Chicagol. B:lsara |A«hlan(), Cbippewa F'la.l J:4opm|.Oshkosh. Mil. and Chi.! s:oorni Steamer Dubyque Will leave for St. Louisa inlennediat* landings on Snn;! \u25a0\u25a0 * . Til-ay 'tit, at i<> n. m. Special Excursion —St. Paul to St. Louis and return, including mcafa and berth, OfslY $20.00 Tickets good to return until June ;s. For full information regarding passcn- pror and freight rates address HARItf CLAP.X, Gcn'l Agt" ofUce foot of SiMc.y; street, opposite l.'nion Depot, St I'auL Telephono Call. Main C 3. BUY THE GENUINE^ ... KAKOTAOTUiUU) BY ... CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. rr xdte the k a mk.

H MUD UN IS HIS H WANTS - Chronicling America · 2017. 12. 16. · are attributing the present pben nunal boom in Bouth St. Paul to the fact that the road will run into the town by

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    H MUD (1111ENTRANCE OP 11., C. 11. 'n

    ; i St. Paul a T.oom will: it will not be one of smalli \u25a0\u25a0, !\u25a0 state wit it-.ut exag-

    -0,000 more hogs willBt >:k yar Is by

    the road and the proportion of otherwill be equally as great. A couple

    of years and the packing bus"ness InSt. Paul will have been increased

    by one-third and all because of railroadr^ n iwadays are

    turning from wheat raising, especiallywhen they have any money, and goingInto the stock business. It is the prop-er caper, for their is more money it it."

    Trains on the new road wil be run-ning, it is announced, to St. Paul byth'- last of August at the very lat-est.

    El ill(il i: ARRIVES TOMORROW.

    First Diamond Jo Packet CoJHlns

    The first of the Diamond Jo packets ;snow on its way up the river, and will

    fc) St. Paul before noon tomorrowmorning. The steamer is the Dubunue,and it left Dubuque, 10., yesterday aft-ernoon at 1 o'clock. On beard is a faircargo for this city and a number of pas-


    I ii the River.

    At the office of the company yesterdayIt was said that Indications pointed toan excellent vol.:me of business this yearan.l it is not improbable that three pack-ets will be put on th« line. The Dv-

    i the Qulncy will run regularlyand the St. Paul may be put on if thewater remains high en mgh during thesummer months. The St. Paul is the

    i boat running north of St. Louis.and has not bei n soon on the upper wa-tt rs for sevi ral years. For the returntrip many passengers ar.d a fair amountof freight have been secured,

    1 that Is expected toKt. Paul is the government light-

    l< r Lily. This boat is comingi:: the stream and has passed Winona.

    r. w is engaged in repainting all\u25a0iver buoys; hitherto the color haswh"te, but now they will be decor-. uh a coat ol flaming rei.


    Homueeken' lUttea Are Off for This

    With the exception of a few stra^--glers this morning, the rush of home-

    rs Is over for this season. Boththe Great Northern and the NorthernPacific sent out two sections yesterday

    practically to,k out all the excur-sionists from the Eastern states. Ofthese there were alout 1,000, includingthose who wen; West by the Soo route.


    The estimate given In the Globe lastSunday—GQ.o.o—about represents thenumber of passengers who availed them-Belves of the low rates. Henceforththere will be the usual bi-monthly home-

    is' excursions, but on these only re-turn tickets will be sold.


    Ccncral Manager Pennlngton Ont-lines Scope of Iluildiii£C Operations.Owing to the impossibility of securing

    Sufficient rails for construction purposes.tho management of the Soo has decidedthat all the building to be dona In NorthDakota this year is to be betweenWishek and Ashley, a distance of twentymiles.

    This Information w.13 given yesterday\o a deputation of members of the Com-Jnercial club at Alexander, which waitedUpon General Manage:- Pennington to in-quire as to the company's intentions re-garding the Bismarck-Alexander exten-sion.

    The Polk county extension will, how-•vor, be vigorously pushed, as contracts




    N. P. Line* Will Me Turned Over to

    Canadian Northern as Soonus Papers'' Are ".'"-.'*_.'\u25a0'


    In spite of opposition of the most vig-orous nature, the deal providing for thelease by the provincial g-.vernment ofthe lines of the Northern Pac'.fic railwayin Manitoba was yesterJay approved bythe railway committee of the Canadianhouse of commons, and all that now re-mains to remove the last obstacle is thaformality of passing concurrent legisla-tion. This will follow as a matter ofcourse, and then, as soon as the neces-sary papers can be signed, the lines will\u25a0be formally turned over to the provincialgovernment and by it to the CanadianNorthern railway, which will operatethem under a rental agreement.

    Premier Roblin has won his long andbitter fight, and the people of Manitobaare now assured of lower tariffs on grainshipments to the great luk; s. Th s low-ering of rates may not come this year,although the manager of the CanadianNorthern, when in St. Paul recently, de-clared that he saw no reason why thereshould not be an immediate reduction.This action on the part of the Macken-zie-Mann syndicate will r.sult In theCanadian Paeiiic being compelled tomeet the cut, and the farmers of theprovince will profit. As has been re-peatedly stated by thos- who are in aposition to know the situ it on best, thegroat bulk of the electorate of the prov-ince are heartly in accord with PremierRoblin and his railway policy.


    P D. Chandler, of the general freightdepaitment of the G:eat Northern, hasbeen appointed traveling freight agent,vice \V. J. Magner, resigned,

    F. I. Whitney, general passenger andticket agent for the Great Northern, leftyesterday for Chicago. The assistantgeneral agent, C E. Stone, went to GrandForks on business.

    Another orange special is expected toarrive over the Great Northern tMdmurning from Seattle. Tho train con-sists of sixteen ca:s, two of which arcloaded with lemons. The special leftSeattle on Monday and has come, east atthe rate of twenty-two miles per hour.

    in o;dcr to be better able to accom-modate the growing volume of passengersdoily passing through the union depot,the company has commenced work ondoul ling the number of swinging door.-;,which ars enroimti red Just before thegates arc reached. At present th^re aresix of these ,^ r;'.tes, and a force of menis now engaged in piercing the b;ick v/ailwest of the doors which are being used,now. The improvement will take twoweeks or longer to finish, and the costis placed ait $1,800.

    OFFICIAL, PROCEEDINGSBo*ird of Flr» OontmlHslonem.

    St. Paul, May 1, 1901Regular meeting of the board was neldthis d«y at 8 o'clock p. m

    Piesent-Commissioners Clarkin, Fret-man, Schweizer, Tostevln and PresidentWarner.

    Mmutes of the previous meotlng roadand approved.

    Communications—From the CorporationAttorney notifying that printing and sta-tionery bills are payable out of depart-ment funds. Accepted and placed onfile. Also informing board that settle-ment had been made of suit of the NW. Telephone Exchange Co. vs. Th» cityfor rental of telephones, and "-submittingbill for $733.57, claimed against fire de-partment, recommending said amount bepaid, whereupon the Board passed thofollowing resolution:

    Resolved, That a warrant be drawnupon the City Treasury for thosum of $733.57, payable out of the FiroDepartment Fund, in full settlement andsatisfaction of any and all claims and de-mands of the Northwestern TelephoneExchange Oomp . v of whatever nature.arising cut of the :eenmade at Engine House No. 10 and Mer-riam Park Engine House. Your commit-tee again recommend the replacing ofpresent frame stable at No." 4 EngineHouse by a brick structure. Report

    W til ,::.-..;" • mil«IV kecs iruar^'fprii t.. XTitLE D̂i Special St. Louis White Lead inoil, in

    OKEW (OS&iC STOVES $4.75. $r%&sn«* "™»u.w»p.west, for the simple reason that our pSre dit i™',!"'°Ithe1the deaieia i]ltho North"Vi^^^ at prices to *leBS tnau othe^ask. B.1Rolffi^^iY^oo ŜgiS^glS^call for tho finishing of the line- to apoint thirty-three miles northwest of S^Croix Falls by Sept. 1. This extensionWill ultimately extend to Duluth andV*est Superior.

    DETROIT. Mich., May 2.-The annual! the stockholders of the Mi h-Igan Central railroad was held here to-The entire board of directors wasre-el< ct< rt. as follows:

    William K. and Frederick w Vander-fcilt. Chauncey M. De.pew, Edwin D. Wor-: Samu 1 F. Barger an.l HamiltonMcK. Twombley, of New York; PlenryB. Ledyard and Ashley Bond, of De-troit; Frederick S. Winston, of Chicago.

    lent Ledyatd announced that nobusiness was done at the meetin™-•Tho election of officers will be held atthe board meeting in New York

    MlcliljfbiiCentra? Directors

    Connects With the "Twilijfht."Becrinning next Sunday flha Duluthb: McDonald. P., $140.00; N. VV.Stamp Works, $1.15; Nicols & Dean $55.49;Frenderjrast Bros., $4.75; RailroaderPrinting House, $85.26; Rugg & Co. $14.F,0-Ryan Drug Co.. $22.05; Rothwell. Jos..|(.0U; St. Crcix Lumber Co., $10.84; St.Paul Picture Frame Mfg. Co.. $2.03- StPaul Gas Light Co.. $9.82; St. Paul Elec-tric Co $13.16; St. Paul RubMxCo., $0.32; St. Paul Hardware Co.,

    \u2666if74; St. Paul Printing Co., $15.50; TheGlobe Co., $67.87; The La France Fir*Engino Co. . 5151.27; Western Union Tel.'Co., $1.00; Wemott &. Howard, $9.65; N.

    ERE YOU GOING TO BUILD A HOUSE, BARN, ELEVATOR OR GRANARY?1 s°. Sent! US yOlir LllUbgr estimate tO figure On. also your estimate on everytnmg In the builders 1 line. Have your Lumber estimate itemlzed.so we canfigure on it by the car. Nails and all Builders' Hardware at special prices. Itv.ll pay you to write us before buying. J. M. 80BERTS SUPPLY HOUSE,MINNEAPOLIS, fUSN.

    W. Telephone Exchange Co., $733.57; to-tal, $1,538.92, the full board voting for al-lowance.

    The Chief Engineer reporting he hadinspected the premises where hydrantwas asked to be located by the AmericanLinseed Oil Co. He considered it neces-sary and proper, submitting statementof bursted hose in the department, rec-ommending that the platforms in frontof Engine House No. 11 and Hook andLadder No. 4 be replaced with brick, andasking that the down spouts on St. An-thony Park Engine House be changed tocarry the water outside the building.The report was adopted and the Secre-tary was instructed to ask the WaterBoard to locate a hydrant, as requestedby American Linseed Oil Co. The re-pairs and changes on buildings asked forby the Chief was referred to Chairmanon Buildings and Chief Engineer, withpower to act.

    The matter of painting trucks at Head-quarters was referred to Committee onMachinery and Chief Engineer, withpower to act.

    Reports of Superintendent of FireAlarm, Master Mechanic, Assistant Elec-trical Inspector and Secretary read andordered filed.

    The following bids on 2,500 feet of rub-ber hose were received:

    The autta Percha and Rubber Mfg.Co., Maltese Cross brand, at $1.00 perloot.

    New York Belting and Packing Co.,Black Test brand, at $1.00 per foot.

    Robinson & Cary Co., White Diamondbrand, at $l.co per foot.

    St. Paul Rubber Co., White Anchorbrand, at $1.00 per foot. In case the con-tract for entire amount, 2,a'.0 feet, isawarded to us a special discount of 1per cent will be given.

    On motion of Commissioner Freemanthe contract was awarded to St. PaulRubber Co. by the following vote:

    Ayes—Commissioner b'jeemari, fcichweiz-er. Tostfvin. Mr. President—4.Nay—Commissioner Clarkin—l.The following bids on Chief's buggieswere received:H. A Muckle Mfg. Co., $395.00; P. J.Cooney Mig. Co., HSO.OO.The Board by full vote awarded con-

    tract to H. A. Muckle Mfg. Co.Adjourned.

    REUBEN WARNER JR.,President.

    WM. O'GORMAN,Secretary.


    NIGHT CLERK wanted" for first-classhctel; also man with full knowledge ofgroceries and supplies, as storekeeper.Address "W," this paper, giving age,experience and references, and whethermarried or single.

    BARBER—Wanted, first-class Barber,corner Macku-bin-apiijUniversity; steadyjob. --'•\u25a0 -»

    Paving- EagJe Street.Office of the Board of Public AVorks.City of St. Paul, Minn., April 25th, 1001.

    The reassessment of benefits, costs andexpenses arising from paving with Kettleriver sandstone, on a sand foundat on,Eagle street, from Third street to theeoi ih line of Franklin street, judgment jhaving been denied by the DistrictCourt of Ramsey County, Minnesota as !to certain property, January 12th, 10.1, 'in the City of St. Paul. Minnesota b iv-ing been completed by the Board of Pub-lic Works, In and for said city, sadBoard will meet at their office In said-city, at 2 p. m. on the. l ithe successful, CElLffnmifice4cy~^hustling , .X7Pi"P"B^^irfity '


    MEETS IX ST. PAIL Jt.Mi 4TH TOBTH.. .. .

    WANTED — One thousand fnrnishe.lrooms in private-families for visitingphysicians during the meeting. All per-Bona having one or -move pleasantrooms in which they can accommodateguests are requested to write to thoCOMMITTEE ON HOTELS. .-0 I.OW-KY ARCADE, stating nvmher ofrooms, location and price per day forone or more occupants. It is desired,where possible, that guests be furnish-ed with breakfasts, and where this canbe done the price should be stated Itis urgtntly i guested that all who havedesirable rooms will place them at thedisposal of iho physicians.


    ed steam-heated rooms; all prices, i1 j,week or month; depot cars pass th«doors. The Western. 103 Bast E ghtn:imperial Hot-1, 16 East hth; YukonHotel, 127 East Eighth; Economy Hotel,

    _jj6o__ Jackson st : transient ftid^ \u25a0 \u25a0 ,Messerli and Eschbach's Addition, incity, according to plans and specification^on file in the office of said Board.

    A bond with at least two (2) suretiesin a sum of at least twenty (20) per centor a certified check on a bank of St.Paul, in a sum of at least ten (10) percent of the gross amount bid, must ac-company each bid. Said check shall bemade payable to tho Clerk of said Hoard.

    The said Board reserves the" right toreject any and all bids

    F. O. HAMMER,President.

    Official: C. IT. T:r:o>:SON\Clerk Board T Public Works.

    April 2flth-1601April 21 i.h-ISOI-lOt.

    Grade AlleyIn Illock 3, Messerli nu«l


    St. Clnlr Street Sewer.Office of the Board of Public "Works

    City of St. Paul, Minn., April 29th, 1301.Sealed bids will be received by the

    Board of Public Works in and for the jcorporation of the City of fit. Paul, Mln- Inesota, at their office in said city, until2 p. m. on the 13th day of May, A. D.1901, for the construction of a sewer onSt. Clair street, from Oxford street to apoint two hundred (200) feet west, in saidcity, according to plans and specificationson file in the office of said Board.

    A bond with at least two (2) suretiesin a sum of a,t least twenty (2t>) per centor a certified check on a bank of St.Paul, in a sum of at least ten (10) percent of the gross amount bid, must ac-company each bid. Sai.l check shall bemade payable to the Cltrk of said Board.

    The said Board re-sorves the right toreject any and all bids.

    F. O. HAMMER,President.

    Official: C. H. BRONSOX,Clerk Board of Public Worka.

    April 30-1901-10t

    Congress Street Sewer.Office of the Board of Public Works.

    City of St. Paul, Minn., April 20th, I**ol-Sealed bids will be received by the

    Board of Public Works in and for thecorporation of the City of St. Paul Min-nesota, at their office in said city, until2 p. m. on the 13th day of May, A. D.1901, for the construction of a sewer onCongress street, from Bancroft street toa point one hundred (KtO) fet-t easterly,in said city, according to v.lans and %,tc.iflcations on file in the office of saidBoard.

    A bond with at letist t^vo (2) suretiesIn a sum of at least twenty (20) per centor a certified check on a bank of St.Paul, in a sum of at least ten (I'M p«rcent of the gross amount hul. must ac-company each bid. Said check ahS'.l bemade payable to. the Clerk of said Board.

    The said Board reserves tlio rlglu 10reject any and all bids.

    F. O. HAMMER.President.

    Official: C. IT. BROXSON T,Clerk Board of Public Work*.April 30-1501-lOt.

    TRAVELERS' GUIDE.iTvro.v DEroi 1, M:III.KVstreet.

    follows 3 leave and arrive at St. raul as

    JORTH^IsfEpTiELU=jrcr^T. P. M'.'kt Q.P'vra**^(lilicc :v.n^ Unlicrl St. >l*Uun« 4>u.

    tEx. S«n. iEx. Stt. I " '(Ex. Mo-- Others LEAVE AR^"/3

    Farther Stats Ktitsii 1 P .•»') pi«Chios-, Ml!.. Ma-115n.... l' sri r'r-* JChicago Atlanta Ex.' .... 11.10 otn 11.15"^ort^vS, , 6-55 - "J"1 imtel J. 3^-j 74jr'-'caer VI!.. Madison-.... i I pm -,-,W'ausax F. dv La;. Gnti Ba/ 6.55 -,-n 901,,r/£-:tovo-. Ehsboyrn tf>.ss i-n'§7! til-,tchth. Superior. A.-l.loi .. t 8.50 n t;4in

    IwllFKht l.imi el 1 4 • o \u25a0 1mh'tK' £urerlor. Achlni . I pri '-%H'sr-.kan St. Jirno^, Su. City t 7.40 i~i » I"' nHead-wood, !~ii 7.3? >tiNew Ulm. Elmoru t4.5D?-n t!o.V>«n

    Omaha ijmltsl 1r

    a.JO fe/°:?.3^Su. City. Omaha, Kan. City f m I a,nTHE MILWAUKEE LINE

    Ticket Of **:T?o«ia rt -»-..». 'P^nn .1.Leave. * D^lly. 1 Eg. SaTiiy. Ar.-JM.

    •P-30 a m Ch!ca-r?. L-*. Ml!wauv9) .. i' 16-1 s•> V•L':3spm Chi;ago, Lax, Mllwauksj ... •11:51 i 1t;SS p m Chlca-j. LtjcMllwaukjj ... *2:55 > a;8:"°, tail pioneif mmDii•3.65 Pn: Ollfaga, Fcribo. D ibuquv .. |* 10:n i t13:35 am H;stl-.;;j,R3 i Wp. Roch'tsr't 1 1:50 1-I18:30 im La Cross, Dub-.iq-9, R< Isl'ni HO:tS 1 n•E:ooamiNortlifi3iJ Faribo, Kaa. City »6-05 i nie:2o a m Orton/lllj. Millbank .. .. t6:30 j-n•6:sopm;Ortonvillj, Abord.si. Fargo »7:35 1 it17:20 p mlNorthfieli Fariba. Auat.i. .. | I>?:3J i m/^H^. TICKET OFFICE(£r~J&\ Cor- st!i and Robert stI J\f¥^3t\) Union Station, St. Paul.W.^«W MUwaukee Btatloo.ttV-iCli^^ Dining and Pullman Bleeping Cars on__* daily. JJfIR~j«R:yrFRCJJK«nyon, Dod?a Center, Oal- 1 8.10 ani ~10.00 pm

    weln, Du'.uqua, Freeport, I 8.10; 7.50 a-n_ Chicago and East. 1 1.20 pm| 12.50 ?mCedar Falls, V/atarloo. Mar- 10.30 am 7.25 poi

    £hsi:town, Da-, Molnas, St. 8.10 cm 7.50 amosoph. Kan City. I 1.20 12.50pmCannon Falls, Roi "Wine, 8.10 a:n 110.00r,m

    Northfield. Farlbault. Wa- 6.03 9.50tervl I-;. Mank-.to.

    I' 'crvilla t.-, -\u25a0;. 6.05 :in 9.50 ani

    Minneapolis &St. Louis RROffice, j39Bßoijort. 'Phoiia 661; St. Louis DjpalLeava I *Dal / 1Except Suiviay | Arrivst9:00 MEW OHOaT T0 t7:33

    •8:0D*a-J3pm. A»° 0E» «OIM-'. I'ri3

    Albert Lea, C«dar RaplJ3, Chi-,t9:ooam ca^o, Kansas City. t7:30 pm•7:00 pm ..Chicago & St. Louis Limits 1. *d:43 am

    V/atertov/n, New Ulm, St.;James, Sherburne, Estharvills;

    ie:3o«m ..and Storm tS:SO ?mMew U:m Local—St. Jama 3,'V:00 pm .. .Sharburno and Estherviils. . ,#lo:4oirn

    llf M., ST. P. & S. S. M. RY. ||JCity Ticket Office. 379 Robert St. TeL IC6L

    Union Depot. St. PauLLeavel EAST. JArrlva

    7:2opm|.Atlantic Limited (daily).l -;:4r>iraKhOOamlKhinf-lunder LocaK(,-x.Sun)i 4:4ipia6:2spm'St. Croix Falls Local, ex

    ISuniiay, From BroadwayEepot. foot Fouith — 9:iSan(WEST.

    9:osam [Pacific Expreso (PacificCoast) dally. j flSonnj

    _B:ospm Glenwood 13xpres3(exSun)I O-.SOani

    WISCONSIN CENTRAL R'Y CO.':ii.y Office. 37S Robert St. 'Phono No. 894.

    St.Paui! All Trains Dally. s^SS|Kau Claire, »Jn;t>. L