Group 18-20a Page 1 Sports Sports

Group 18-20A-Issue 1

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Group 18-20a

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Violence in sports

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Nowadays, violence in sport often happens in close contact sports, for instance baseball, ice hockey, basketball, soccer and American football. Therefore, in this essay, we will talk about the causes of violence in sport, the negative effects of it and how to reduce violence.

What causes violence in sport? Firstly, for participants and spectators, a reason can be unfair penalizations from referees. In April 2 of 2005, Newcastle united teammates Lee Bowyer and Kieron Dyer were sent off after fighting one another near the end of the team's 3-10 loss to Aston Villa. Another kind of violence happens between the fans who support different teams. In July 2000, 13 people, who support the different teams, were trampled to death in a riot at a 2002 FIFA World Cup qualifying match in Harare, Zimbabwe after South Africa took a 2-0 lead over Zimbabwe.

Moving on to the next point, there are lots of negative effects on people, especially kids. Television replays the violent scene again and again. Kids may copy their idols' behaviors and brawl in the same way as their idols.

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Therefore, it is quite important to reduce violence. At the beginning, the players need education. They are role models for children, so they should control their behavior. After that, they also should learn how to control their temper. Bad temper can't help the player to win the game. By contrast, the easier they get bad-tempered, the quicker they lose the game.

In conclusion, violence in sports has a bad influence to people. The authorities must give some methods to reduce it.

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Scuba driving

Do you have a deep desire to extreme sports? Nowadays, many people enjoy watching extreme sports. Because extreme sports are high-risk sports. Players don't bring any protecting equipment and do all kind of dangerous movements in areas with an increased risk like in the sky, mountains, on skyscrapers and so on.

Extreme sports are very dangerous, while scuba diving is safer than others. We can compare the risk between scuba diving and other activities. One out of every 5,555 drivers died in car crashes in United States in 2008. One out of

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every 7692 pregnant women died in 2004, while only one out of every 211,864 divers died in diving fatality. Thus, doing scuba diving is safer than driving on the street or bearing children.

If you really want to take part in extreme sports, scuba diving is a good choice, which is less dangerous. In the meantime you can experience wonderful coral reefs, beautiful underwater views and amazing shipwrecks and sea life..

Although scuba diving is not so dangerous, you also need to protect yourself in this sport. Firstly, before taking part in

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the diving, you should have a health check. Then because of a change in pressure, divers should slowly decent and come back to the surface.

To conclude, scuba diving is safer than other kinds of extreme sports. Avoiding the risks, you can safely enjoy this sport.

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Doing sport is a necessary part of our life. Football, Basketball, swimming, jogging, all these sports are not strange for us. However, sometimes there is little difference of people's choice. Usually people from different generations choose different kind of sport. For example, youths usually go running to train their muscles, while old people usually practice Tai Chi in the morning to get more fresh air. Young people often like exciting and intense kind of sports, just like swimming and jogging. Of course, some of them like to play the game or match with competitors, so they might choose something like football

or basketball. It is a good way for them to have more experience of teamwork. Alternatively, adults prefer to do some sports, which are not so exciting. Majority of these people do not like sweating and they want to

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Sports in generation

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relax or have communication with others during the sport. That is the reason most of them like golf, table tennis and bowling. Recently, there are also some new type of sports witch people call x-sport. In fact, the full name is Extreme sports. These kind of sports are very exciting and dangerous. People often do this sports to challenge themselves. For example, the bungee jumping. The challenger will climb up to the mountain, tower or bridge. Their feet will be tied by a rope. The other end of the rope will be tied on the building's top. After the security has checked the rope, the challenger have to jump from the top. It gives them a crazy feeling.

Anyway, nowadays there are many kinds of sports, but not all of them are good for everyone. Different people in different generations have different choice. Before start doing sports, think about if it is the best one for you.

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The synergy around sports allows

people to share with others who have a common interest or engage in a common activity that bind them. Unfortunately, sports sometimes generate violence due to an extreme feeling of competitiveness and rivalry among the athletes and the public as well. So what is violence? Violence is violent behavior that is intended to hurt or kill somebody. The most violent are team type of sports like ice hokey, football, basketball and rugby. There are a lot of examples of violence.

Players could make it in purpose or by accident. It occurs randomly and unexpectedly. One little push, stumble or kick and player already laying on the floor. But most of the time it happens because players of competitive team want to win, but outside of the rules. One example what I remember happened not so long time ago in Amsterdam. Two teams, which played football, beaten up the referee. The reason why they did it is unknown, but the result is terrible, he died one day after this game. Both teams were banned and pulled out of football league. In fact, one of the most violent sport is ice hokey. Have you ever seen an ice hokey player

who has all teeth or not broken nose? I didn't. After games they have a lot of bruises and scars. It's not normal when players acting like this during the game. But most of the time players who behave violent get really light punishment. Definitely it should be changed. Violence in sport is unacceptable, but there are many factors which do not allow to change situation like money, career contracts and bets. People would like to see a nice game without violence, but it is really impossible to make it happen.

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Violence in Sports

In recent years, a variety of violence has appeared in modern sports. These violent events are particularly common in some competitive sports, like boxing and football. In this essay I will analyze these factors and give a solution.

� http://www.britannica.com/blogs/2006/12/violence-and-sports-ugly-but-useful/The violence happen into sports are mainly divided the fall

� http://www.bleacherreport.com/articles/370563-violence-and-aggression-in-sports-an-in-depth-look-part-3

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Violence in sports occurs because of several reasons. First of all, the disagreement between both teams. Obviously, in fierce competition, players are always under great pressure, because they all want to be a winner. Thus, it will make them impulsive due to some minor things, such as an unpredictable body collision.

� http://www.eusa.eu/en/projects/prevention_sexual_violence.htm?sso=done Furthermore, sometimes the athletes do not make the violence deliberately. Especially in some ball games. Lets take a football game as an example. It is well known that in a football game, there are 11 players per team. When 22 individuals try to catch a ball, there will obviously be some body contact. In this case, two players are more likely to collide. Thus, the violence will happen. In addition, some teams use a more unethical way of playing, such as hurting the other team members in order to win the game.

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Even willing to commit a crime. It is important to find a solution to solve this problem. In my opinion, governments should establish relevant policy to control violence. Besides that sportsmen and their fans should also have positive attitude towards the game and the competitors.

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Violence in sports It can not be denied that there is an increase in violence in sport, especially in football. What is more, it’s still shown in public media to attract people's interest. As for me, it is certainly the case that the violence in sports should be banned. Obviously, what should be first taken into account is that the violence in sports brings some disadvantages in the education of teenagers. When teenagers see this behavior, they tend to imitate it. As we know, idols play an important role in shaping behavior of young people. For example, it is quite common to see that teenagers are deliberately make complaints about referees or fight with others during the game. Also, we can not ignore the potential trouble which might harm an athletes body and reputation given by the majority. A large number of athletes or arbiters get hurt or injured in fights, influencing the viewers negatively. In conclusion, people have every reason to be concerned about the pros and cons of competition. As far as I am concerned, sport is a platform for athletes and sport players to show their sense of competition or to get honor after experiencing hard and long training. But the violence in sports damages peaceful and competitive atmosphere of sport. So, the one showing violent behavior in sport should get stronger punishment. http://wap.unisk.cn/dlf/upload/39/cc201008041616302249.jpg

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Violence in sports Violence plays an important role in sports, and it has become more widespread and visible. Violence has been associated with close contact sports such as basketball, football and ice hockey. What’s more, people enjoy watching sports competitions. Also, we all love rooting for our favorite teams and cheering when they make a goal or score a point. However, sometimes we have also seen sports player offending each other and even stumping their opponent. The Pacers–Pistons brawl was a conflict that occurred in a NBA game between the Detroit Pistons and Indiana Pacers on November 19, 2004, at The Palace of Auburn Hills in Auburn Hills, Michigan. With less than a minute left in the game, a fight broke out between players.

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In my opinion, there are two main reasons of violence in sports. The first one is the education of children. They are told that it is very important to be successful in many ways. The second reason is that people pay more attention to themselves, instead of the complete

situation. Violence is not a good thing, so we should come up with some solutions. The first thing we should focus on - is education. We should teach children that it’s not important whether you

win or lose and we should only enjoy the game. The second one is to make people think more about others instead of only themselves. This can reduce violence in sports and also can improve relationships with friends. Sport is a physical activity and requires our body to be used positively. So, we should make sure that we do so through sport or fitness, rather than hitting somebody. We need to do our best to stop violence in sports and make sure these sport players are not setting a bad example for children.

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