Green School Capital Campaign Presentation to parents: June 2009

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Green School Capital Campaign Presentation to parents: June 2009 Slide 2 Agenda 2008/9 in review 2009/10 in outlook Slide 3 This is our mission Delivering a generation of global citizens who are knowledgeable about and inspired to take responsibility for the sustainability of the world. Question: How did we do in 2008/9 against the mission? Slide 4 Paper Airplane Man Aeronautics was never as much fun as when the paper plane man came to town Slide 5 Ben teaches kids how to make natural Ice Cream Learn Ice Cream making from the worlds most famous expert How cool is that !!!! Slide 6 Kids learn how to make Chocolate Students learnt how to choose ripe cacao pods for harvesting; to separating & dry roasting beans; how to separate creamy white cocoa butter from cocoa grounds, to blending palm sugar to make Green Schools delicious organic chocolate. Slide 7 Celebrate Balinese Style Galungan and Nyepi are important days in the Balinese calendar, and Green School was sure to impress students how holy the holidays are. 7-8 student Ira and Indonesian teachers Pak Agung and Ibu Desak took the stage to explain what the holidays mean to the Balinese people. Slide 8 and Western style too Slide 9 Kids learn about Movie Making Years 5/6/7/8 get a teaching visit by Film- maker Steven Starr, and are now involved in making a mini- documentary. Bali Water Film will be made by the combined forces of the Creative Services Department, Teaching Staff and Student Volunteers. Slide 10 We see Art as a tactile experience Slide 11 All types of art Slide 12 Sometimes we even use the classrooms......though not always the desks Slide 13 So no hiding at the back of the class for these kids Slide 14 Learning in a multi-cultural environment helps kids have a wider understanding of our world Slide 15 We love getting kids to think for themselves Slide 16 ..use high teacher to child ratios Slide 17 open their eyes to new ideas... Slide 18 to be curious about nature Slide 19 to use their bodies as well as their minds Slide 20 ..and we believe being hands on is an engaging way to learn Slide 21 Physics challenge: How to support 200 kg using just bamboo and rubber bands Slide 22 Building a clubhouse: kids develop a range of skills Slide 23 Including a head for heights Slide 24 Learning about optimising new and old technologies Slide 25 an understanding of Physics Slide 26 Utilizing one on one coaching Slide 27 You dont always need a calculator or tape measure Slide 28 Planning is critical in construction & a important skill for kids to learn Slide 29 and the importance of teamwork how long do I have to stand here? Slide 30 Planting Organic Veggies Slide 31 Means you can grow your own lunch Slide 32 and harvest them for the kitchen Green School Lunches are 50%+ grown on campus with planting, caring and harvesting all assisted by students Slide 33 ..making Cookery Lessons really fun Pizza making with head chef Signor Maurizio from the Lotus Garden in Ubud and hailing from Naples, Italy. Slide 34 Recycling is a central plank of the Green School Platform Slide 35 Geology lessons are in 3D Slide 36 on & off campus Class 5/6 & 7/8 go volcano climbing Metamorphic, Sedimentary & Igneous rocks and Plate Tectonics come alive when you are halfway up Mt. Batur Slide 37 Green School invited to EARCOS conference In an exceptional move, this year EARCOS invited Green School students to present on water sustainability, not- withstanding the fact that we are still too young a school to formally register as an EARCOS member.. Slide 38 Green School hosts World Harmony runners GS hosts a group of World Harmony runners, who came bearing a symbolic torch that had passed across 80 nations before arriving at The Heart of School for a candle-lit, sacred ceremony Slide 39 Surfs Up !! At our regular surf camps, students spend the weekend days learning to surf while their nights are devoted to hanging out together on the beach. Slide 40 The Green School Community starts to build with a parent run family picnic/sports day Slide 41 We are banging the Green School Drum Slide 42 That learning involves partnership more on that later. Slide 43 Campus Our amazing campus has been created by master architects and designers, craftsmen, builders and landscape gardeners using a blend of cutting- edge technology and traditional materials and methods. Slide 44 Inspiring architecture.. Slide 45 stimulating critical thinking The result is a truly inspirational teaching and learning environment that stimulates critical thinking and creative problem solving. Slide 46 with sustainable furniture.. Slide 47 ..and local materials.. Slide 48 Makes learning inspiring Slide 49 or just breathtaking Slide 50 so our kids can learn in a leading edge environment: Mother Earth Slide 51 And finally Green Camp Launched Easter 09 GC offers young people the chance to develop leadership skills; to study environmentalism and artisanship in Bali, whilst having the adventure of a lifetime. Slide 52 For those not able to attend Green School, Green Camp is an ideal way for students to access a Green education to supplement their studies. And finally Green Camp Slide 53 In summary then Slide 54 We are educating for 2,025 Our students receive an education that is appropriate for the challenges of the 21st Century. One that wraps the traditional academic disciplines in a rich layer of experiential, environmental and entrepreneurial learning. Slide 55 We are educating for 2,025 They see that there is always a way of looking at an obstacle differently to find a solution. Slide 56 ..with a focus on sustainability.. Students learn practical ways of caring for, and making the most of the environ- ment Slide 57 empowering them to become leaders of communities and become the environmental stewards the planet so desperately needs. and reusing/recycling Slide 58 Connecting learning with creativity Our bamboo bridge that spans Ayung is emblematic of what we aim to achieve at Green School: connecting learning with creativity; environmental responsibility with scientific knowledge; respect for self with respect for the many cultures represented in and around the School. Slide 59 Scholarships fund 20% of places Green Schools uniqueness is further enhanced by our interaction with the communities of the local Balinese villages which surround us. 20% of our students are Balinese children who attend Green School through a donor funded scholarship program. Slide 60 This is our mission Delivering a generation of global citizens who are knowledgeable about and inspired to take responsibility for the sustainability of the world. Question: How did we do in 2008/9 against the mission? You be the judge. Slide 61 So in perspective: Year 2008/9 First Bamboo International School to grow from the Jungle opens for business in September 2008 Slide 62 So in perspective: Year 2008/9 An ambitious roll out saw a simultaneous launch of Kindergarten to Year 8 sustainable education has just become a reality for kids up to 14 years old Slide 63 Perspective: Year 2008/9 Leadership changes as Directors go and come; rotation is high amongst teaching staff as Green School experiences growing pains But we land Ron possibly the most experienced international educator in all of Asia How great is that !!!! Slide 64 Perspective: Year 2008/9 Syllabus debate: what does preparing children for the 2025 job market look like? A summary of the finalised Curriculum is on the following pages What is sustainable education? Slide 65 Green School Curriculum 3 main drivers The essential elements of English, Mathematics and Science recognising the importance of continuity and progression. Green Studies a hands-on study which evolves from Nature Study to Study of Ecology to Environment Studies to Studies of Sustainability. Creative Arts embracing Art, Crafts, Music, Drama, Story-telling, and so much more. greenschool Curriculum Pack a) Nursery to Kindergarten b) Grades 1-to 6 c) Grades 7-& 8 d) Grades 9 & 10 e) Grades 11 & 12 Slide 66 Curriculum: Nursery, Pre-K and Kindergarten A hands-on experiential, early years program incorporates basic skills in pre-reading, pre-mathematics, and pre-science with a heavy emphasis on the creative arts. The approach to learning is Steiner influenced. Slide 67 Primary Curriculum: Grades 1 thru 6 An international curriculum which blends the essential skills of English, Mathematics and Science with a hands-on experiential Green Studies. Includes nature & ecological study, and a creative arts program which emphasizes Balinese cultural and artistic influences. The approach to learning is Steiner influenced. Slide 68 Secondary Curriculum: Grades 7 & 8 An international curriculum which blends the essential skills of English, Mathematics and Science with a hands- on experiential Green Studies Curriculum which evolves from ecological study to environment study. The Creative Arts program combines the marvel of global music, art and drama, with an emphasis on Balinese cultural and artistic influences. Slide 69 Secondary Curriculum: Grades 9 & 10 Courses under the umbrella of the International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) designed by University of Cambridge International Examinations. We teach 2-year courses in English, Mathematics, 21st Century Science and Business Studies, Environment Management, Global Perspectives, and Drama with optional examinations at the end of the courses. In addition, all students will study Creative Arts, Physical Education and Life Skills. Slide 70 Secondary Curriculum: Grades 11 & 12 The intention is to offer courses under the umbrella of International Baccalaureate (IB). Although no application needs to be made to IBO until mid 2010, the regional office is very supportive and consequently has offered to mentor Green School in the interim. Slide 71 Green School Teachers Recent studies revealed that the most important component in student performance was the quality of teachers. With this in mind our teachers are an extraordinarily talented, passionate and experienced group of educators from around the world. They come from a variety of teaching backgrounds, but all are committed to the success of every child. Slide 72 Perspective: Year 2008/9 Unexpectedly a global recession hits as the school opens for business Green School founders experience this first hand affecting the school development funding But our school ambition remains List of improvements for 2009/10 Slide 73 School expansion means 2 new classrooms Slide 74 20 scholarships needed for 2009/10 Slide 75 Musical Instruments to make the Green School sound good Slide 76 Sports field needs a tune up and some better sports equipment Slide 77 An IT Lab and computers to go in it Slide 78 Library stocked with Books Slide 79 Language learning lab Slide 80 Drama studio so the kids can act up here rather than at home Slide 81 Art Studio to get kids painting like Masters Slide 82 Kids Kitchen to teach how growing organic veggies can turn into great tasting dinners Slide 83 Year 2009/10: Income Gap Attendance in 2009/10 forecast to increase to c. 120 pupils More teachers are coming with more relevant experience and consequently higher costs We want to further enhance the school infrastructure 2 New Classrooms (year 8 & 9) Fully stocked Library IT Lab complete with computers Interactive Language lab Good quality sports field Musical instruments Art studio Drama studio Kids Kitchen Leaving a current funding gap between projected income and projected costs of US $800,000 Slide 84 The Capital Campaign Green School will continue to raise funds through existing means (buy a bamboo etc.) As part of the Green School community, we seek your help to enhance those efforts Your network Your energy Your money Slide 85 Your Network We need to access your contacts to help us get corporate sponsorship We seek partnerships with corporations and high wealth individuals Can you open doors for us?. Slide 86 Your Energy We need fundraising programmes Sponsored thons and the like We need organizational help We need ticket sellers We need ideas Can you help us? Slide 87 Your Money We need to fund 20 scholarships Each costs $10,000 Can be funded in whole or part Can you help? Slide 88 Please give us feedback and/or offer to help at Slide 89