Governments & Governance Where is the Power 072011

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  • 8/3/2019 Governments & Governance Where is the Power 072011


    Governments & Governance: Where is the power?

    by Steve Baron

    (816 words)

    [Steve Baron holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science & Economics. He is a published

    author, a regular columnist in various publications throughout NZ, the Founder of Better

    Democracy NZ, a former businessman and Waipa Mayoral candidate.]

    The world is changingpolitical power is changing. Sovereign governments around the

    world are persistently signing their countries up to international agreements, laws and

    conventions, usually with the intention to strengthen human rights, improve free trade due

    to the increase in global trade, quell armed conflict and to address environmental

    concerns. The question for New Zealanders to consider thoughis the government (and

    therefore New Zealanders) handing over power to an unknown group of outsiders who

    then control our destinies? Is there cause for concern or is this just the way the world is

    going and we simply need to jump on for the ride as this international governance is simply

    a new process or new method of governing?

    There now appears to be a growing disparity in power between governments and

    governance. Governments appear to becoming weaker and international governance

    much stronger than ever before. Governance is the act of governing but this is not

    necessarily the act of the government of a country, such as New Zealand. International

    agreements, laws and conventions are growing in stature and often influence governments

    who sign up to them. They often take precedence over domestic laws. As prominent New

    Zealand journalist, Colin James, once said, In a globalised world international treaties and

    rule-making bodies increasingly shape domestic law and constrain domestic legislation

    and administration. There are however, many who question the effectiveness of these

    international organisations. Even six months after the Asian tsunami disaster in 2004,

    many countries had not fully paid the money they had pledged to the United Nations (UN).

    The USA had paid 43 per cent, Canada 37 per cent and Australia 20 per cent. The

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    International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank also have their critics. Joseph

    Stiglitz, a renowned economist, Nobel Laureate, Chairman of Bill Clinton's Council of

    Economic Advisor's and World Bank Chief Economist stated, The IMF prescribed

    outmoded, inappropriate, if 'standard' solutions, without considering the effect on the

    people in the countries told to follow these policies.Once the New Zealand government signs up to these international agreements, laws and

    conventions, it is then obligated to adhere to any subsequent changes that are made in

    these agreements. This consequently places significant power in the hands of these

    international authorities such as the UN, the IMF, the World Trade Organisation (WTO), the

    World Health Organization (WHO) or the World Bank, and citizens are effectively

    powerless to stop these decisions. Free trade agreements such as the Trans-Pacific

    Partnership Agreement (TPPA) are a concern to some New Zealanders. TPPWatch is agroup of concerned unions, groups and individuals who have organised themselves to

    oppose this free trade agreement. This group has taken out advertisements in major

    newspapers highlighting their concerns and arguing the TPPA is a threat to New Zealand's

    democracy. For example, if New Zealand were to sign up to a free trade agreement with

    the USA, this may put pressure on the New Zealand government to remove the power

    Pharmac (New Zealand's pharmaceutical management agency) possesses to control the

    distribution and importation of medication to New Zealand. Some might argue this would

    be a good thing, however the Pharmac scheme has also brought many advantages via

    buying power to New Zealanders.

    Should citizens have the final say as to whether or not New Zealand becomes aligned with

    any international agreements, laws and conventions? Switzerland is an interesting

    example in this area. For a long time, the Swiss people refused to agree to become a

    member of the UN and still today, refuse to be members of the European Union (EU). The

    difference with Switzerland is that before the government can sign up to such agreements,

    the country must agree to the decision in a nationwide referendum. Switzerland voted

    against joining the EU in December 1992 but has still developed bilateral agreements to

    maintain competitiveness. In March 2001, the Swiss people again refused the chance to

    start accession negotiations with the EU. It was not until 2002, and after an intense and

    controversial debate, that the Swiss people finally agreed to becoming a full member of the

    UN in a referendum.

    Perhaps even, these international agreements, laws and conventions offer us a

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    decentralisation of power and are possibly a real benefit to New Zealanders? Perhaps we

    should even embrace them as they may set new standards that are above what our own

    government might be prepared to implement? One advantage may be that this

    international governance involves a complex group of people and organisations which do

    not limit themselves by ideological political beliefs or agendas which are indoctrinated inNew Zealand party politics? Unlike Switzerland, to date there seems to be very little public

    demand for citizens to have the final say in such decisions. It will be interesting to see if

    this desire grows. It must be said that the desire for direct democracy around the world

    seems to be growing.