Golf Tour In Sri Lanka 11 Days FROM USD 1250 CODE: ACME: 201115 Tour this Tropical Island, which has many Forests, Tea & rubber Plantation, amazing scenic drives, many Wild Parks and Nature Reserves and 3 very famous Golf Courses. You will have sufficient time for site seeing on the go. You will be able to play Golf in all three of them while at the same time touring the Country. Itinerary DAY 01: AIRPORT / COLOMBO Arrival, welcome & assistance at the airport and transfer to Galle Face Hotel Colombo, a colonial style hotel in the heart of the City. After you have had sufficient time to relax and unwind your chauffeur will organise a leisurely City tour of this bustling City. Colombo, the commercial capital of Sri Lanka, has a long history as a port on ancient east- west trade routes, ruled successively by the Portuguese, Dutch and British. That heritage is reflected in its architecture, mixing colonial buildings with high-rises and shopping malls. The imposing Colombo National Museum, dedicated to Sri Lankan history, borders sprawling Viharamahadevi Park and its giant Buddha.

Golf Tour In Sri Lanka 11 Days - Leisure World Tours · 2020-01-22 · Golf Tour In Sri Lanka 11 Days FROM USD 1250 CODE: ACME: 201115 Tour this Tropical Island, which has many Forests,

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Page 1: Golf Tour In Sri Lanka 11 Days - Leisure World Tours · 2020-01-22 · Golf Tour In Sri Lanka 11 Days FROM USD 1250 CODE: ACME: 201115 Tour this Tropical Island, which has many Forests,

Golf Tour In Sri Lanka 11 Days FROM USD 1250

CODE: ACME: 201115

Tour this Tropical Island, which has many Forests, Tea & rubber Plantation, amazing scenic drives, many Wild Parks and Nature Reserves and 3 very famous Golf Courses. You will have sufficient time for site seeing on the go. You will be able to play Golf in all three of them while at the same time touring the Country. Itinerary DAY 01: AIRPORT / COLOMBO Arrival, welcome & assistance at the airport and transfer to Galle Face Hotel Colombo, a colonial style hotel in the heart of the City. After you have had sufficient time to relax and unwind your chauffeur will organise a leisurely City tour of this bustling City. Colombo, the commercial capital of Sri Lanka, has a long history as a port on ancient east-west trade routes, ruled successively by the Portuguese, Dutch and British. That heritage is reflected in its architecture, mixing colonial buildings with high-rises and shopping malls. The imposing Colombo National Museum, dedicated to Sri Lankan history, borders sprawling Viharamahadevi Park and its giant Buddha.

Page 2: Golf Tour In Sri Lanka 11 Days - Leisure World Tours · 2020-01-22 · Golf Tour In Sri Lanka 11 Days FROM USD 1250 CODE: ACME: 201115 Tour this Tropical Island, which has many Forests,

Return to the hotel for overnight stay.

National Museum Galle Face Beach Gangarama Temple Kelaniya Temple DAY 02: COLOMBO You will commence your first day of Golf at the Royal Colombo, Golf Club. Transfer to and from the Golf course is provided. The Royal Colombo Golf Club is the oldest golf club in Sri Lanka. Established in 1880, it is located in the capital city of Colombo at The Ridgeway Links also known as the Anderson Golf Course.

DAY 03: COLOMBO / KITHULGALA / NUWARAELIYA After an early breakfast proceed to your next Golf Course up in the salubrious hill climate of Nuwara Eliya. You will have a brief stop at Kitulgala, a small town by the river Kelaniya This area is famous for white water rafting and is a renowned location where the academy award winning film the Bridge over river Kwai was filmed. Overnight at Nuwara Eliya DAY 04: GOLF DAY AT NUWARA ELIYA GOLF CLUB The Nuwara Eliya Golf Club, founded in 1889, is one of the oldest golf clubs in Asia and probably the world and is enriched with a tradition and an ambiance, which is hard to equal. The Club is situated at the foot of Mount Pedro (Mount Piduruthalagala) and is surrounded by some of the finest tea gardens in Sri Lanka. The 18-hole course has a length of 6075 yards. The course is a testing par 71 consists of fairways, which are long and narrow, bordered by tall trees and dense shrubbery. Good positional play is required, and the terrain enfolds the golfer in a constant uphill and downhill trek with many water hazards. The grass on the greens is local, mixed with bluegrass. We welcome golfers of all ages and abilities. Overnight stay at Nuwara Eliya

Page 3: Golf Tour In Sri Lanka 11 Days - Leisure World Tours · 2020-01-22 · Golf Tour In Sri Lanka 11 Days FROM USD 1250 CODE: ACME: 201115 Tour this Tropical Island, which has many Forests,

DAY05:NUWARAELIYA/KANDYAfterbreakfastyouarefreeforaroundofGolf.LeavetoKandyintheeveningen-routevisitateaplantation and watch the process of manufacturing of the world’s best Tea often known as“Ceylon Tea”. Check in to your hotel in Kandy. Visit the temple of the sacred tooth relic ofBuddha.OvernightinKandyDAY06:KANDYAfterbreakfastfulldayGolfinVictoriaGolfcourseinKandy.Transporttothegolfcourse&backwillbeprovided.The 18 holeDonald Steel designedPar 73 golf course is a treat for the experienced or novicegolfer.ThecourseissetonapeninsulaoverlookingtheVictoriaDam.DesignedandmaintainedtoUSGAspecificationthegolfcourseisamustplayforanygolflover.Thedesignandconditionhaswonseveral awards includingBest Course in the SubContinent– voted for by readers ofAsiaGolfMonthly.OvernightinKandy

Page 4: Golf Tour In Sri Lanka 11 Days - Leisure World Tours · 2020-01-22 · Golf Tour In Sri Lanka 11 Days FROM USD 1250 CODE: ACME: 201115 Tour this Tropical Island, which has many Forests,


Kandywas an important independentmonarchy in Ceylon (Sri Lanka) at the end of the 15thcenturyandthelastSinhalesekingdomtobesubjugatedbyacolonialpower.Kandysurvivedtheattacks of Ceylon’s first two colonial rulers—the Portuguese and the Dutch—and finallysuccumbedtothethirdandlastcolonialruler,theBritish,in1818.

Page 5: Golf Tour In Sri Lanka 11 Days - Leisure World Tours · 2020-01-22 · Golf Tour In Sri Lanka 11 Days FROM USD 1250 CODE: ACME: 201115 Tour this Tropical Island, which has many Forests,



AncientCityofSigiriyaTheruinsofthecapitalbuiltbytheparricidalKingKassapaI(477–95)lieonthesteepslopesandatthesummitofagranitepeakstandingsome180mhigh(the'Lion'sRock',whichdominatesthejunglefromallsides).Aseriesofgalleriesandstaircasesemergingfromthemouthofagiganticlionconstructedofbricksandplasterprovidesaccesstothesite.Itwasused as aBuddhistmonasteryuntil the14th century. Sigiriya today is aUNESCO listedWorldHeritageSite.Itisoneofthebest-preservedexamplesofancienturbanplanning.ItisthemostvisitedhistoricsiteinSriLanka.DAY08:KANDYAfterbreakfastfulldayGolfinVictoriaGolfcourseinKandy.TransporttotheGolfCourse&backwillbeprovided.

Page 6: Golf Tour In Sri Lanka 11 Days - Leisure World Tours · 2020-01-22 · Golf Tour In Sri Lanka 11 Days FROM USD 1250 CODE: ACME: 201115 Tour this Tropical Island, which has many Forests,


AfterbreakfastvisittheroyalbotanicalgardensofPeradeniya.Royal Botanic Gardens, Peradeniya are about 5.5 km to the west of the city of Kandy in theCentralProvinceofSriLanka.Itattracts2millionvisitorsannually.ItisneartheMahaweliRiver.Itisrenownedforitscollectionoforchids.Visit the Elephant orphanage at Pinnawela. This orphanage was established to feed, nurse &house young elephants found abandoned in thewild. Continue your journey to the suburb ofMountLavinia,nearColombo.OvernightinMt.LaviniaDAY10:MT.LAVINIAHOTELWasa1806mansionnowrefurbishedasahotel.ThishotelissetonapromontoryoverlookingtheLaccadiveSea;thisstrikingresorthascolonialstyleroomsisseaviews.



Page 7: Golf Tour In Sri Lanka 11 Days - Leisure World Tours · 2020-01-22 · Golf Tour In Sri Lanka 11 Days FROM USD 1250 CODE: ACME: 201115 Tour this Tropical Island, which has many Forests,


DAYDETAILS LUXURYDAY01 GalleFaceHotelRegencyWingDeluxeRoomDAY02 GalleFaceHotelRegencyWingDeluxeRoomDAY03 GrandHotelDeluxeRoomDAY04 GrandHotelDeluxeRoomDAY05 VictoriaGolfClubVillasDAY06 VictoriaGolfClubVillasDAY07 VictoriaGolfClubVillasDAY08 VictoriaGolfClubVillasDAY09 Mt.LaviniaHotelOceanViewRoomDAY10 Mt.LaviniaHotelOceanViewRoomDAY11 DEPARTURESUMMER 2016 EXCLUDING KANDY PERAHERA AUG 2016 - 1ST MAY 2016 TO 31ST OCTOBER 2016


PERPERSON LUXURYUSDRATE2INDIVIDUALS 1385perperson4INDIVIDUALS 1255perpersonINCLUDESAll rates quoted are in US Dollars & net per person inclusive of all applicabletaxes.(Around30%)IfyouaretravelingalonepleasesendusanemailweshalladviseyouthedetailsWelcomeattheairportbyourrepresentative.Accommodation with Twin/Double bed rooms in the hotels mentioned orsimilar.Check-in/Check-out12h00.

Page 8: Golf Tour In Sri Lanka 11 Days - Leisure World Tours · 2020-01-22 · Golf Tour In Sri Lanka 11 Days FROM USD 1250 CODE: ACME: 201115 Tour this Tropical Island, which has many Forests,

TourbasedonBed&BreakfastBasis(RoomBreakfastforTenNights).VisitsasperProgramentrancefeestobepaidbyclientsdirectly.AllchargesforGolfGreenFeesetc.tobepaiddirectlybyclientsA summary of charges is provided (Golf course prices are subject to changewithoutPriorNoticesometimesslightly).AirConditionedLargervehiclewithEnglishspeakingchauffeurwillbeprovidedforthefulltourincludingtransfersto&fromhotelstotheGolfcourses.Thechauffeurwilllookafterhismeals&accommodationbyhimself.EXCLUDESAllEntrancefeesasperprogramtobepaiddirectlybyclients-AroundUSD125perperson.(EntranceFeesareSubjecttoChangeslightlywithoutPriorNoticesometimes)(Someplacesofvisitswillprovidechildrenunder12year’shalfratecharges.)**KandyPeraheraPeriodfortennightsfrom08thto17thAug2016-Perroompernight.DuringKandyHotelNightsonlyextra if clientsare inKandyduring theKandyPeraheraPeriod.USD65perroompernightwillapplyextra.ForReservationsduringSuperPeakPeriod–21December2016to15January2017periodpleasecontactusforfurtherdetails.As Peak supplements apply at hotels during this period & this will changeaccordingtothecategoryofhotelsandactualdaysofstayateachhotel.SERVICESNOTINCLUDED:Single room supplement, the personal spending (tips, laundry, mini bar,telephone,faxetc....)Beverages,therightstousecamerasorvideoatsiteswheremostplacestheyarefreewhenyoupaytheentrancefeesexceptatKandyToothTemple & Pinnawela Elephant orphanage there are extra charges for VideoaroundUSD05perperson,medicalexpenses,insurance,internationalflights.SriLankaVisachargesareUSD35perpersonforNONSAARCcountries&USD20forSAARCcountries,canbeobtaineddirectlyviatheinternetpleasevisitthissite.http://www.eta.gov.lk/The process is not complicated if you have any difficulty we could makearrangementsforsametooin48hrstoobtainsameifdetailsareprovidedtousbymail.

Page 9: Golf Tour In Sri Lanka 11 Days - Leisure World Tours · 2020-01-22 · Golf Tour In Sri Lanka 11 Days FROM USD 1250 CODE: ACME: 201115 Tour this Tropical Island, which has many Forests,

Paymentscanbepaidonline&withtheconfirmationdocumentprintout&codeyouhavetosubmitpassportonarrivalonly.The passport has to be valid for sixmonths from the day of arrival return airtickets&sufficientfundsorreservationsfortheholidayshouldbewithyou.AllhavetoobtainavisitvisaexceptforSingapore&Maldivianpassportholders.All Golf charges / Green fees etc. to be paid directly by the clients to the GolfCourses.Wecanreservethedaysfortheclients.CANCELLATIONYoumaycancelyourbookingatanytimepriortocommencementofthetourbynotifying us in writing, whichmust be acknowledged by our company. If youcancelonorbefore30daysbeforethefirstdayofthetour,wewillretainyoursmall deposit to cover our costs. In addition, if the cancelation notification isreceived less than 30 days prior to the first day of the tour, additionalcancellationchargesshallbeasfollows:AMOUNTOFCANCELATIONCHARGES:29-15Daysbeforethefirstdayofthetour-50%Lessthan14Daysbeforethefirstdayofthetour75%Lessthan7Daysbeforethefirstdayofthetour100%No-showorearlydeparture100%ThankyouforchoosingLeisureWorldTours.Yourserviceswillbeattendedtoby ACME Travels, our trusted partner. We hope you will have an enjoyableholiday inour tropicalCountry.Please sendus your reviewsaswedependonyourfeedbacktomakefurtherimprovementstoourservices.RegdeLiveraManagingDirectorLeisureWorldToursSkype;regdelivera1Mailto:[email protected]