1 Nov. 3, 2019 God invites us into His family. I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength. Philippians 4:13: DATE PONDER POINT THE BIG GOD STORY REMEMBER VERSE Ruth 8:45-9:05 Play Kids play in playroom while parents drop off kids. (15 minutes): 9:05-9:20 Welcome, Rules, Worship & Connect (15 minutes) Establishes community and engag- es kids, drawing them in and preparing them to hear God’s word. 9:20-9:35 The Big God Story (12-15 minutes) Creates space for children to hear God’s word. 9:35-9:42 Mail Time & Worship (7 minutes): Breaks up the Big God Story to keep kids engaged and teaches the importance of memorizing scripture. 9:42-9:58 Small Groups (16 minutes): Kids respond in small groups to what they heard in the Big God Story. 9:58-10:00 Dismiss (2 minutes): Allows children to practice their memory verse and be sent out with a sense of peace so they can be a blessing to others.

God invites us into His family. - Northside Christian Church€¦ · that God is like our perfect dad. When we follow him, he views us as his kids!) • Then have kids go back and

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Page 1: God invites us into His family. - Northside Christian Church€¦ · that God is like our perfect dad. When we follow him, he views us as his kids!) • Then have kids go back and


Nov. 3, 2019

God invites us into His


I can do all things through Christ

who gives me strength.

Philippians 4:13:




8:45-9:05 Play Kids play in playroom while parents drop off kids. (15 minutes):

9:05-9:20 Welcome, Rules, Worship & Connect (15 minutes) Establishes community and engag-

es kids, drawing them in and preparing them to hear God’s word.

9:20-9:35 The Big God Story (12-15 minutes) Creates space for children to hear God’s word.

9:35-9:42 Mail Time & Worship (7 minutes): Breaks up the Big God Story to keep kids engaged

and teaches the importance of memorizing scripture.

9:42-9:58 Small Groups (16 minutes): Kids respond in small groups to what they heard in the Big

God Story.

9:58-10:00 Dismiss (2 minutes): Allows children to practice their memory verse and be sent out

with a sense of peace so they can be a blessing to others.

Page 2: God invites us into His family. - Northside Christian Church€¦ · that God is like our perfect dad. When we follow him, he views us as his kids!) • Then have kids go back and


GOAL: Worship & welcome is all about engaging kids and helping them enter into worship, letting

them know that class has begun preparing their minds for what they are going to hear. Establishes

community and engages kids, drawing them in and preparing them to hear God’s word.

WELCOME & RULES - 4 minutes (Host) IMAGE: Welcome

We are so glad you are here at Critter Land today. Personalize your welcome. Relate to what’s happening such as holidays, school year, church camp, etc. Pique the curiosity about today’s Ponder Point/Story, tell a joke, do something to draw in the attending of the kids and mention any announcements!

RULES VIDEO: Sheriff Hawk

WORSHIP - 3 minutes (Worship Leader/Host) If you brought offering, go put it in the squirrel feeder while we worship!

WORSHIP VIDEO: Super Wonderful

(Direct kids to get with their groups and circle up with their small group leader before sitting down)

SMALL GROUP CONNECT QUESTIONS - 4 minutes (Host) VIDEO: 4 minute countdown

• Have you had to go to a new school, church or home? How did it feel?

• How can you help new kids who come to church feel welcome and a part of our church


• What is your favorite thing to do as a family?

WARDROBE OF WONDER - 5 minutes (Host) What’sIt: Grain

VIDEO: Wardrobe of Wonder Intro

Choose 1 volunteer. Volunteer picks two hats from wardrobe one for himself, one for host. Tell other kids to put on their “imaginary thinking caps”. Volunteer peeks in the What’s It box. Host gives 3 clues, kids get to vote on what they think it is.

Then as host you say….

If you think our clue is a , raise your hand.

If you think our clue is a , raise your hand.

If you think our clue is a , raise your hand.

Let the child volunteer tell which answer is correct!

ASK: 9:00

I wonder why there is a ________ in the wardrobe? Let’s find out in the Big God Story!

Video: The Big Story Intro

Digging Into the Heart of God. Copyright © Group Publishing, Inc. Permission to reproduce granted for local church use.

Page 3: God invites us into His family. - Northside Christian Church€¦ · that God is like our perfect dad. When we follow him, he views us as his kids!) • Then have kids go back and


Point out that what kids are about to hear is true and is recorded in the Bible. Open your Bible to

the passage and leave it open and visible throughout The Big God Story. Invite kids to open their

Bibles and follow along as you storytell. Children respond to what the Holy Spirit is teaching them

as they reflect on the day’s portion of The Big God Story.

STORYTELLING - 12 minutes (Storyteller) Well today, we’re going to talk about a place where everybody belongs, a place where you know

you’re invited and where you know you’re accepted. That place is God’s family!

We talk a lot about God’s family. Well, God started it with a guy named Abraham and his wife Sarah. From there, more and more people began to be born. Eventually they were enough to be a whole nation called Israel. The Israelites were God’s family, God’s chosen people. They really were set apart and special to God. But there were other people in the world too, people who weren’t related to Abraham and Sarah. And they didn’t follow God or know that God promised to

send a rescuer named Jesus.

One group of people who weren’t in God’s family were called the Moabites, because they were

from Moab. Just like God’s family is called the Israelites because they were from Israel.

But in the Bible, we find out that God wants EVERYONE to follow him, not just Israelites. When we follow him, we become included in his family! One Moabite woman who experienced this

was named Ruth.

Ruth was blessed to meet an Israelite in the land of Moab, and marry him. His father and mother had moved from Israel to Moab because of a famine in the land, and they were afraid there would not be enough food in Israel for their family. Once they moved to Moab, they had land and farmed and lived there as the boys grew up. Naomi was the boys mother, and she loved her daughter in laws as if they were her own

The Prayer of Release allows children and

leaders to pause, be still, and ask God to

quiet their hearts and minds. Before you

pray, you might ask the kids to hold out

their hands, palms up, in a spirit of releas-

ing their worries and distractions in order

to better receive what the Holy Spirit might

have for them today. Then encourage the

kids to quiet their voices, take a seat, and

pray with you.

Digging Into the Heart of God. Copyright © Group Publishing, Inc. Permission to reproduce granted for local church use.

Page 4: God invites us into His family. - Northside Christian Church€¦ · that God is like our perfect dad. When we follow him, he views us as his kids!) • Then have kids go back and


daughters. She taught them about the One True God, and how He rescued them from slavery to the Egyptians and many other stories of God taking care of His people. They were all very happy as a family in Moab. Unfortunately, not long after Naomi’s sons got married, the father, Elimelek died… then not too long after that Naomi’s sons died. So Orpah, Ruth and Naomi were left alone. Orpah was the other daughter in law and she went back to her family in Moab. Ruth could have gone back to her family in Moab. But she decides to stay with Naomi on the long journey back to Israel so she can follow Naomi’s God and be part of his family! Let’s watch a video to see what happens—look closely to see if Ruth feels left out or like she doesn’t really

belong. As you watch, see how Ruth gets to be part of God’s family.

Tech Cue Video: KBS / Ruth (about 3 minutes)

So how did Ruth get to be part of God’s family? (Let kids respond). That’s right, God caused a guy named Boaz to care about her. He saw that she needed food, and he gave it to her. He saw that she needed a husband, and he even married her. And they had kids…who had

kids…who had kids…and on and on until who was born? (Let kids say: Jesus.) Yep, Jesus!

And guess what? God loves ALL of us and wants us all to be in his family. It doesn’t matter if we live in Israel or Moab or America in _________(site location)—or wherever! Now that God sent Jesus the Rescuer, when we realize that we mess up, believe that Jesus rescued us and

choose to follow God, we get to be part of his family!

In fact, Jesus gave his followers a very special job: he said to go and make his family bigger! There are lots of ways we can make God’s family bigger. Let’s see if we can think of a few. Everybody, stand up! (Let kids stand.) I’m going to say a few ideas. If it’s a way to make God’s family bigger, stretch your arms out wide, like this. If it’s not, shake your head “no” and say “nope.” Ready?

Tech Cue slide with bullet points.

• Invite a friend to church so they can hear about Jesus (bigger)

• Tell your friends about Jesus (bigger)

• Be rude to others (nope; could ask kids “why not?”)

• Show your friends that Jesus loves them by helping them out (bigger)

• Make fun of somebody you don’t like (nope; ask “why not?”)

• Pray that other people will know Jesus (bigger)

Does anybody remember who told YOU about Jesus and how they did it? (Let kids respond. Share your story of how you know Jesus.) There are LOTS of awesome ways to invite people into God’s family. (Let kids respond.) Me too! (Share a personal story of a friend you want to share Jesus with and how you plan to do it) Let’s talk to him together (lead kids in praying): Dear God, thank you for inviting each of us to be part of your family and allowing us to know you. We want others to know you too and to experience your love. Please give us the opportunity to share you this week. Amen. That’s our Big God Story for this week! Come back next week and learn all about another Big God Story!

MAIL TIME & WORSHIP - 7 minutes (Host/Worship Leader) VIDEO: Mail Time Intro IMAGE: Remember Verse

Digging Into the Heart of God. Copyright © Group Publishing, Inc. Permission to reproduce granted for local church use.

Page 5: God invites us into His family. - Northside Christian Church€¦ · that God is like our perfect dad. When we follow him, he views us as his kids!) • Then have kids go back and


I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.

Philippians 4:13

I can thumbs towards self

Do all things pointer finger point left to right

Through Christ Both pointer fingers point up

Who Gives Me Hands on heart

Strength. Muscle Arms

Host: Way to say your verse! Now let’s all keep standing and sing a song! WORSHIP VIDEO: Don’t Be a Turkey DISMISS TO SMALL GROUPS (Host)

Digging Into the Heart of God. Copyright © Group Publishing, Inc. Permission to reproduce granted for local church use.

Page 6: God invites us into His family. - Northside Christian Church€¦ · that God is like our perfect dad. When we follow him, he views us as his kids!) • Then have kids go back and


GOAL: Kids respond in small groups to what they heard in the Big God Story.

MAKE IT PERSONAL SUPPLIES • Plain paper (2 per child) • Markers • Crayons

ENGAGE Part 1 Give each kid a piece of colored paper. Tell them to draw themselves with markers or crayons (or both) As they draw, ask them the following discussion questions and review the Big God Story. DISCUSSION QUESTIONS 1. Why wasn’t Ruth a part of God’s family at first? (she was from Moab; God’s family was from Israel) 2. How did Ruth and Naomi become friends? (Ruth was married to Naomi’s son) 3. How did Ruth take care of Naomi? (she went home with her and got a job) 4. How did God take care of Ruth? (he caused Boaz to leave food out for her, then marry her) 5. How did Ruth get to become a part of God’s family? (marry Boaz and eventually Jesus was born into her family line) 6. Why does God want Everyone to be a part of his family? (he loves every one of his creation)

Part 2: • Choose an area of the room and have kids lay their self-portraits next to each other. • Stand back and tell them this is a family picture. Ask them how we’re all family (remind them

that God is like our perfect dad. When we follow him, he views us as his kids!) • Then have kids go back and draw somebody they want to be part of God’s family! 2

*After kids finish, pray together and ask God to give all of them (and you!) the strength to invite others into his family this week. Ask kids to say the name of the person they want to join God’s family.

Digging Into the Heart of God. Copyright © Group Publishing, Inc. Permission to reproduce granted for local church use.

Page 7: God invites us into His family. - Northside Christian Church€¦ · that God is like our perfect dad. When we follow him, he views us as his kids!) • Then have kids go back and


Host will welcome kids to Critter Land. Worship Leader will lead kids in a time of worship and allow kids to give offering. Song 1:Don’t Be A Turkey Song 2:My God is Powerful

Play Station (Play)—Kids will have time to play and en-joy each others company. Different play options will be provided.

Big God Story (BGS)—The storyteller will present the Bi-ble lesson and point to pon-der.

Memory Work (MW)—

1. Practice Memory Verse

2. Use Color Activity Sheet

(In 10:15 Bin)

3. Bathroom Break

I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.

Philippians 4:13

I can thumbs towards self

Do all things pointer finger point left to right

Through Christ Both pointer fingers point up

Who Gives Me Hands on heart

Strength. Muscle Arms

Kids will regather in Large

Group space for pick up


Transition DVD/Video:

10:30 - 10:43 10:45 - 10:58 11:00 - 11:15

Owls Play (113) BGS (114) MW (115)

Bunnies MW (116)

Turtles MW (115) Play (113) BGS (114)

Frogs MW (116)

Snails BGS (114) MW (115) Play (113)

Squirrels MW (117)

Digging Into the Heart of God. Copyright © Group Publishing, Inc. Permission to reproduce granted for local church use.