GLOWA Strategic Planning Workshop Final Report March 2011 1 Workshop Overview Global Welfare Association, GLOWA, held its first Strategic Plan workshop in March 2011. The workshop’s main purpose was to formulate GLOWA’s Three-Year Strategic Plan for 2011-2013. GLOWA’s small staff of three attended the Workshop as participants, which included the Executive Director, the Program Office for Professional Rehabilitation, and the Program Office for Human Rights Education. The sessions were facilitated by a U.S. Peace Corps Volunteer. The participants gathered at GLOWA’s headquarters office in Bamenda, Cameroon for five meetings. Design Since GLOWA is a young organization, it was decided to focus on its internal structure and programs for the upcoming three years rather than installing a traditional five year strategic plan. Stakeholders should be invited to the next Strategic Plan workshop as participants after GLOWA initiates a monitoring and evaluation system. The participatory approach was emphasized as both the Executive Director and staff members expressed their thoughts and provided input for each of the sessions. The sessions were conducted as follows: Session and Dates Topics Discussed Session 1: March 8, 2011 1) Introduction to Strategic Planning (SP) 2) Expectations for SP 3) Environmental Scan and SWOT Analysis 4) Brainstorming for the next three years Session 2: March 9, 2011 1) Revising Statements of Purpose (Do Mission, Vision, Value statements reflect direction for the next three years?) 2) Stakeholder Identification for funding/partnership, relationship building, and marketing opportunities

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GLOWA Strategic Planning Workshop Final Report

March 2011


Workshop Overview

Global Welfare Association, GLOWA, held its first Strategic Plan workshop in March

2011. The workshop’s main purpose was to formulate GLOWA’s Three-Year Strategic

Plan for 2011-2013.

GLOWA’s small staff of three attended the Workshop as participants, which included the Executive Director, the Program Office for Professional Rehabilitation, and the Program Office for Human Rights Education. The sessions were facilitated by a U.S. Peace Corps Volunteer. The participants gathered at GLOWA’s headquarters office in Bamenda, Cameroon for five meetings.


Since GLOWA is a young organization, it was decided to focus on its internal structure

and programs for the upcoming three years rather than installing a traditional five year

strategic plan. Stakeholders should be invited to the next Strategic Plan workshop as

participants after GLOWA initiates a monitoring and evaluation system. The

participatory approach was emphasized as both the Executive Director and staff members

expressed their thoughts and provided input for each of the sessions.

The sessions were conducted as follows:

Session and Dates Topics Discussed

Session 1: March 8, 2011 1) Introduction to Strategic Planning (SP)

2) Expectations for SP

3) Environmental Scan and SWOT Analysis

4) Brainstorming for the next three years

Session 2: March 9, 2011 1) Revising Statements of Purpose (Do Mission, Vision, Value

statements reflect direction for the next three years?)

2) Stakeholder Identification for funding/partnership, relationship

building, and marketing opportunities

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March 2011


Session 3: March 10, 2011 1) Problem tree and overall goal statement

2) Program objective statements

3) Logframe charting

Session 4: March 11, 2011 and

March 12, 2011

1) Operational plan for programs

2) Internal operational plan

Session 5: March 15, 2011 1) Implementation

2) Monitoring & Evaluation

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March 2011


Session 1 Findings

Expectations for Strategic Planning

GLOWA recognizes the importance of SP and wants to use this report to increase the

NGO’s legitimacy, to refine its Statements of Purpose, and to implement its Operational

Plan. GLOWA also hopes that this initial SP training, after three years, will direct them

towards their next Strategic Plan.

Environmental Scan/SWOT Analysis

After analyzing GLOWA’s internal and external factors, the following strengths,

weaknesses, opportunities, and threats were discussed for the SWOT analysis.


1) Committed and skilled staff to GLOWA’s mission and work

2) Headquarters office in Bamenda has large office space

3) Location is close to Bamenda center; near victims, general population, and international volunteers

4) Mission and goals appeal to global human rights and is a non-partisan and apolitical organization

5) Connected to various networks and collaborators in Northwest Cameroon region

6) International support and general interests; connected to international volunteers

7) Satellite offices in Ngie and Kumbo to reach victims closer to their villages

8) Information resource access (publications)

9) Support from authorities, traditional fons, and councils

10) Peer counselors (former victims) are part of GLOWA

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1) Limited capacity for resource mobilization (financial)

2) Slow communication between GLOWA and its partners

3) Inactive Board of Directors

4) Staff instability – small staff, high turnover rates, low salaries

5) Lack of documentation


1) Favorable media environment within Bamenda and Cameroon (radio, television, print)

2) Strong civil society and network opportunities

3) Collaboration with international volunteer organizations (U.S. Peace Corps, Volunteer Service Overseas, DED, Helvetas, etc.)

4) Large youth population for volunteers and interns

5) Available legal framework; GLOWA operates as a non-governmental organization

6) Country receptive to receiving independent international volunteers

7) International donors and grants

8) Democratic government – relative peace and stability


1) Lack of infrastructure (bad roads limits access to schools) and technology

2) Unstable relationships with administrative authorities and potential conflicting interests (i.e. not enforcing the law)

3) Inter-tribal conflicts put rural children at greater risk as victims

4) Lack of incentives for youth to volunteer

5) Limited government support (finances)

6) Corruption

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Organization Chart

GLOWA’s programs and general structure was recently constructed by an independent

American volunteer. The staff reviewed and approved the organization chart.

See Appendix A for the Organization Chart.

Brainstorming for 2011 – 2014

GLOWA was asked to brainstorm programs and activities for the next three years. The

staff discussed enhancing programs; reaching out to victims in 5 subdivisions throughout

the Northwest region; strengthening relationships with other NGOs and networks;

launching advocacy efforts through the councils; creating community observatories (or

neighborhood watch groups); training young peer campaigners; creating a filing system

in the office; documenting GLOWA’s work; accurate budgeting; establishing a Monitoring

& Evaluation framework; creating a resource center within the office; standardizing a

general cash flow mechanism for finances; organizing fundraising events; and generating

a generic “canned response” format for writing grants.

Many brainstorming ideas were contributed and the staff believes they are feasible to

implement in three years’ time.

Session 2 Findings

In this session, the GLOWA staff reviewed and revised their Statements of Purpose to

reflect its direction for the next three years.


GLOWA believes that every child has the right to grow in an environment where s/he feels free, valued, and given the opportunity to maximize their potentials without succumbing to domestic and sexual servitude. We aspire to build child-friendly and abuse-sensitive communities where children are empowered as claim holders and promoters of their basic human rights. We are committed to upholding these rights as a way of preparing future generations of Cameroonians to become productive citizens of society.

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March 2011



GLOWA combats human trafficking and the damage it creates in communities

throughout the Northwest region of Cameroon through raising awareness, rehabilitation,

and advocacy. Our work aims to nurture a culture of respect for human rights,

particularly those of children and women, and fight against the systematic abuses faced

by the most vulnerable.

Value Statements


-Treat everyone with respect and love, regardless of age and/or gender.

-Be committed and dedicated to your work.

-Always be honest.

-Be another one’s keeper.

-Always be receptive to working with others.

-Listen to each other with an open heart and an open mind.

-Be friendly and courteous.

-Be supportive.


-Harm women and children.

-Take advantage of the needy and those vulnerable.

-Hesitate to give information to anyone at any time.

-Be lazy.

-Stray from your values and mission.

-Give out confidential information about clients.

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Stakeholder Identification

Next, the staff identified and categorized primary and secondary stakeholders. This

reinforced GLOWA’s assessment that existing NGOs, networks, international

organizations, and international volunteers present significant opportunities for

collaboration efforts and future donors. GLOWA will continue to nurture and strengthen

relationships with the following stakeholders identified:


Children, parents, communities, traffickers


Community institutions

Schools, hospitals, orphanages


Ministry of Social Affairs, Ministry of Youth Affairs, Ministry of Scientific Research &

Innovation, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Territorial

Administration, municipal and traditional councils (chiefs, fons, quarterheads, lamidos),

U.S. Department of State, U.S. Embassy, UNFPA, U.N. Sub-Regional Center for Human

Rights, U.N. Human Rights Council

NGOs, community groups, other agencies

Cultural & Development Associations, Justice and Peace, Union of Northwest Human

Rights Organizations, Women in Action Against Gender-Based Violence (WaCameroon),

Community Human Rights and Advocacy Center (CHRAC), Cameroon Alliance of

Voluntary Organizations for Development (CAVOD), International Forum for Child

Welfare, Women’s Global Network for Reproductive Rights, Plan International, U.S.

Peace Corps, U.N. On-Line Volunteers, UAF Nairobi, Herperian Foundation, Amnesty

International, Women’s Global Network for Reproductive Rights, Counterparts

International, SNV, individual volunteers

Program Donors

MTV Staying Alive Foundation, Mensen met een Missie, Hearts for Cameroon Los

Angeles, World Association for Christian Communications (WACC), Free to Charities,

Idealist, Foundation Center, Amando

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Session 3 Findings

Problem Tree

In order to acknowledge the focal problem that GLOWA is addressing, a problem tree was

constructed to understand the causes and effects that relate to child trafficking. GLOWA’s

focal problem:

High rates of child trafficking in Northwest Cameroon

See Appendix B for the Problem Tree.

Overall Goal

Once the problem tree was analyzed, GLOWA proposed the following overall goal to

address the focal problem statement:

The rate of child trafficking in NW Cameroon will be lowered by 50% within three years.

This is a “SMART” (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, time-bound) goal that

GLOWA believes is feasible in the next three years after its programs are officially

launched and implemented.

Program Objectives Statements

Once GLOWA’s main programs were confirmed in its organization chart, the staff visited

the general objective statements for each program. The following were confirmed:

1) Trafficking Awareness Program To raise awareness on child trafficking and its impact on rural and urban communities.

2) Counter Child Trafficking Resource Center To provide information and resources to the general community towards anti-child

trafficking activities.

3) Support Programs for Victims of Trafficking To provide rehabilitation services to current and potential victims.

4) Advocacy To encourage policy at local and national levels that will contribute to reducing child-

trafficking rates.

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Logframe Charting

In preparation for completing GLOWA’s Operational Plan, logframe charting was deemed

important to streamline how their activities will contribute to the Program Objectives and

lead to the Overall Goal. The traditional logframe structure for goal, purpose, outputs,

activities, indicators, means of verification, and risk and assumptions were considered,

but a more general logframe chart was executed for GLOWA’s first Strategic Plan, which

focuses on objectives, results, and activities. The emphasis on these components will help

realize the Monitoring & Evaluation process for each of its programs. Once GLOWA’s

programs are fully implemented, the Executive Director may wish to conduct the

traditional logframe model for its next Strategic Plan process.

Four separate logframes were devised for each of GLOWA’s programs. See Appendix C for

these four logframes.

Session 4 Findings

Operational Plan for Programs

The operational plan serves as the next step to prepare for implementation. GLOWA took

the program activities from the four logframes and placed them into the operational plan.

This provides the staff a panoramic view of their programs for the next three years in a

chronological time frame, time frame for activities to be completed, ongoing activities,

staff members responsible for the activity, and resources needed. The staff seemed

relieved to have these priorities documented.

See Appendix D for the Operational Plan for Programs.

Internal Operational Plan

In addition to the OP for programs, the facilitator and GLOWA’s Executive Director felt it

was necessary to implement an internal operational plan to address the needs and

weaknesses within GLOWA, such as creating by-laws the Boards of Directors and

Advisory Board, improving the annual budget and annual report, marketing, and human

resources strategies. The Executive Director and the Peace Corps Volunteer will be

responsible for implementing this internal OP.

See Appendix E for the Internal Operational Plan.

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Session 5 Findings


After drafting the Operational Plans, GLOWA’s staff devised individual actions plans for

each program in which they are responsible. This holds everyone accountable to complete

specific activities towards each program objective. The Executive Director will monitor

the OP for Programs and the Peace Corps Volunteer will oversee the Internal OP to

ensure deadlines are met within the time frames.

Monitoring & Evaluation

Here, monitoring activities was emphasized in order to do proper evaluation and decide if

GLOWA’s work is efficient, effective, and impactful. This session noted the importance of

collecting information documents as part of the monitoring process, such as letters,

reports, plans, contracts, attendance lists, forms, invoices, receipts, and meeting minutes.

This is essential as GLOWA’s programs develop and progress according to the

Operational Plans. In the future, focus groups and questionnaires should be conducted to

gather more information. For now, GLOWA agreed to abide by the implementation

process and revisit M&E in upcoming months.

A general, tentative schedule for evaluation was remarked for the next three years:

May, August, and November 2011 – Self-Evaluation (quarterly per year)

February, May, August, and November 2012 – Self-Evaluation (quarterly per year)

June 2012 – Participatory Evaluation

End of 2012 – Interactive Evaluation

February and May 2013 – Self-Evaluation (quarterly per year)

June 2013 – Participatory Evaluation

M&E will be addressed in the Internal Operational Plan as it approaches these evaluation


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GLOWA recognizes its work can significantly reduce child trafficking rates in Cameroon.

By fine tuning its Statements of Purpose, understanding its internal

strengths/weaknesses and external opportunities/threats, acknowledging its full range of

stakeholders, devising and implementing operational plans, and monitoring and

evaluating its work for the next three years, GLOWA is better prepared to fulfill its

mission and vision. This Strategic Planning workshop served as the first step in the

documentation process so the staff remains focused in reaching out to donors and

organizations relevant to its core values.

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Appendix A: Organization Chart

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Appendix B: Problem Tree

Effects Causes

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Appendix C: Logframes

Overall Goal: The rate of child trafficking in NW Cameroon will be lowered

by 50% within three years.

Trafficking Awareness Program

Objective: To raise awareness on child trafficking and its impact on rural and urban


Results: child trafficking cases

peer educators

cases to court


Campus Tour Campaign

Community education

Community observatories (including Young Campaigners manual)

Promotional materials

Media appearances

Documentary screenings

Child trafficking drama

Social media campaign

Counter Child Trafficking Resource Center

Objective: To provide information and resources to the general community towards anti-

child trafficking activities.

Results: access to resources

partnerships with academics, media outlets, lawyers, authorities, NGOs, etc.


Material acquisition


Staff training



Information exchange




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Support Programs for Victims of Trafficking

Objective: To provide rehabilitation services to current and potential victims.

Results: professional reintegration of victims into society

number of survivors returning to school

collaborators in various sectors

cases taken to court

victims seeking legal redress


Scholarships (Survivors Academic Rescue Fund)


Vocational training (tailoring and embroidery)

Referral services

Partnerships with small, local businesses

Paralegal cases

HIV/AIDS trainings


Objective: To encourage policy at local and national levels that will contribute to reducing

child-trafficking rates.

Results: child trafficking cases in court

local authority involvement

lawyers representing victims

traditional authorities enacting the law

Change in legislation

Change in U.S. Tier classification


Research on existing policy at local, national, and international levels

Client cases

Lobbying to local and traditional authorities

Lobbying to enforce current law with U.S. Embassy

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Appendix D: Programs Operational Plan 2011-2013

Activities Time Frame

(begin by, completed by)

Person Responsible Costs/Inputs

(finances, people, materials,

services, transport)

Promotional Materials Ongoing Richard $, paper, art design

Campus Tour Campaign Ongoing Richard/Ferdi Time, transport, promo


HIV training 1/4/11 – ongoing Richard/Valerie HIV manual, transport,


Community education Ongoing All Time, promo materials,


Documentary Ongoing All Documentary, laptop,


Vocational training Ongoing Ferdi/Fridoline Materials, machines, $

Counseling Ongoing Ferdi/Mado Time, staff training

Paralegal services Ongoing Richard/Mado/Ferdi Time, $, lawyer

Referral services Ongoing All Materials

Media appearances Ongoing Richard Time, transport, research

Social media campaign Ongoing Carmen Time, research, internet

access, materials, $

Resource center material


1/6/11 – 30/9/11 Richard/Ferdi Internet, materials

Survivors Academic

Rescue Fund

March 2011 – 30/6/11 Richard/Ferdi Time, $, internet

Community observatories March 2011 – 31/12/11 Richard/Ferdi $, transport, materials,

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UN Volunteer services

Drama March 2012 Ferdi/Mado GTC Sabga contact,

transport, materials

Internet box (Livebox) 1/10/11 – 31/12/11 Richard/Carmen Internet

Donations Ongoing All Time, internet, materials,


Publications Ongoing Richard $, paper, art design

Workshops March 2012 Richard/Carmen Guest speakers, space,



Interns for resource


2013 Richard Internet, time to train

Volunteers Ongoing Richard Internet, marketing

documentary, social


Policy research June 2012 – December


Richard Research materials,

internet, lawyers,

activists, journalists,

social workers

Client cases June 2012 – ongoing Ferdi/Mado Lawyers, journalists,

policy research and


Lobbying 2013 Ferdi/Mado Policy research,

materials, lobbyists

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Appendix E: Internal Operational Plan 2011

Activities Time Frame

(begin by, completed by)

Person Responsible Costs/Inputs

(finances, people, materials,

services, transport)

Establish rules for Board

of Directors and Advisory


15-3-2011 to 15-3-2011 Richard and Carmen Time, research

Recruit Board of Directors

and Advisory Board

16-3-2011 to 16-5-2011 Richard, Carmen, and


Time, research,


Budget 2011 and Annual

Review 2010

21-3-2011 to 30-4-2011 Richard (Annual Review)

and Carmen (Budget)

Time, previous Annual

Review and Budget notes

Marketing Plan and

brainstorming income-

generating ideas (newsletters, website, calendar,

documentary, t-shirts, etc.)

May 2011 Carmen Time, research,


Independent auditor for

audit report

May 2011 Richard and Carmen Time, research,


Wish list for resources

(filing system, record keeping, HR


Now – 31-3-2011 Richard Time, research, budget

Potential grantors

(due dates, match existing

programs with potential grantors,

find overhead cost grantors)

May 2011 Richard Time, research

Website April 2011 – ongoing Carmen Time, research, printed


Year-long schedule for

grantors (due dates)

May 2011 Richard and Carmen Time, research, potential

grantors list

Two year calendar for June 2011 Richard and Carmen Time, research, potential

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funding end dates grantors list

Staff job descriptions and

Performance Reviews

May 2011 Carmen Annual Review, action


Field work report forms May 2011 Carmen Annual Review, action


Employee handbook May 2011 Carmen Staff job descriptions,

work report forms, action


Volunteer application

form (on-line and paper


July 2011 Carmen and Richard Website