Page 1 of 36 GLOBAL MIND CONTROL & TORTURE This message ties right into CERN and the experiments that were going on out at the Montauk Air Force Base. Remember they were caused a whole ship to disappear, and they were causing things out of their minds to appear. Different levels of mind control and torture were used and they were practicing using psychic abilities, meditation and mind control on the public unbeknownst to them. Since then they have been perfecting all levels of their technology and we know that CERN is way more advanced than what was going on at Montauk. This is where we pick up today. I’m going to be sharing information given by Eugene Irvin in a presentation describing the implementation of a global mind and behavior control system

GLOBAL MIND CONTROL & TORTURE - Three … · GLOBAL MIND CONTROL & TORTURE ... He said the genome research lab had the audacity to engrave their initials with nanomytography – crystalline

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This message ties right into CERN and the experiments that were going on out at

the Montauk Air Force Base. Remember they were caused a whole ship to

disappear, and they were causing things out of their minds to appear. Different

levels of mind control and torture were used and they were practicing using

psychic abilities, meditation and mind control on the public unbeknownst to

them. Since then they have been perfecting all levels of their technology and we

know that CERN is way more advanced than what was going on at Montauk. This

is where we pick up today.

I’m going to be sharing information given by Eugene Irvin in a presentation

describing the implementation of a global mind and behavior control system

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“The internet is the global mind.” (statement online)

which exploits human creative ability and is operated by artificial intelligence.

Matt.25:15,24-30 – And unto one He gave five talents, to another two, and to

another one; to every man according to his several ability; and straightway took

His journey. (summarize the wicked and lazy servant thrown into outer darkness)

This mind control being done to the masses is targeting driving you away from

God. Away from His purpose for your life. Away from pleasing Him with your

talents that He has given you.

Eugene Irvin is an activist, Co-Founder & Lead Field Researcher, A Call to Actions.

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This information is very technical and vital to get out to the world. We need to

understand what is going on without our permission or awareness.

Wave function collapse, active observation collapse a wave potentiality, which

makes a situation or an event or an object with acute mobility become physical.

Basic rule of quantum physics and theory has always been about. This is the

Heisenburg uncertainty principle. This technology goes back to the 1930’s.

Today we can see light behaving as a particle and a wave.

John 8:12 – Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying I Am the Light of the world:

he that followeth Me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the Light of Life.

Isn’t it easy to see Jesus was matter (consisting of particles when He walked this

earth) yet we know in Heaven, there will be no need for light because Jesus and

God are the Light! (Rev. 21:23)

This is not new age mumbo jumbo. This is coming from some of the best minds

on earth. This is directly relevant to technology that has been used since this time.

We can now see light behaving as both matter and a wave. We have igon states

that are propagated as wave form, and this is wave potential. When we observe

waves we have a change in the physical environment that is expressed tangibly

for us in many different ways. AI is spreading wave lengths from the towers and

smart grid etc.

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Cell phone tower

Collapse of quantum wave function is playing out in nature. The ultimate

coupling of man and machine.

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Artificial stimulus in the environment that is seeding the environment with

artificial wave form and we have the collapse of the quantum wave function

inherent to our own observation at that point we have participated in the

generation of artificial timeline in a real sense and it’s our perception that makes

time lines what they are.

This is the basis of general and special relativity in that time is constrained by the

velocity of the sea 186,000 thousand miles per second and mass also distorts

space, time and thoughts. Therefore also having mass will distort space time. So

when they can seed fake thoughts it’s having a manifestive result in the


He introduced a satanic document called “Modeling an Artificial Universe” 1997

p. 14 of 25 This is classified information that is known to satanic professors, DOD,

and the intelligence community. He talked about DARPA

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And that this is a color coded document that has to do with transhumanism and it

goes all the way back to the tower of Babyl. Once again we see ancient satanism

in our government.

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They activated this system on purpose. The reason he has this document is that

he BCI’D it off of the internet. The system is called “Towers of Abstraction.” Do

you see how they keep using spirituality in their documents? It is Montauk type

of technology refined and incorporated into global communication infrastructure

and used with AI to control not only human thought processes and emotion but

to steal the creative ability to have a negative manifestation. **This is going on

around us. Layers of abstraction.** I don’t see negative manifestation being

stolen – because we see the mind controlled victims sometimes go off and shoot

up a store or church or whatever. I’d say that’s a negative manifestation.

John 10:10 – The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I

Am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.

Stealing your joy and peace, destroying your relationships, and killing some fast

and some slow.

They use metaphors. The “cloud” inter phase. Even CERN has what is called igon

mode generator. What this means is it is generating wave form that can be

perceived by the human organism that is artificial. A wave potentiality that

makes physical situations able to be something we can experience. Making a

virtual reality on a level that is so complicated, this is really the matrix.

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Next he spoke about a document which came out of UC Berkley dated Nov.

15,2014. SWARM – The swarm at the edge of the cloud integrating man/machine

transhumanism agenda.

Remember the bees we talked about a few weeks ago. God will hiss for the bee

and for the fly. Isaiah 7:18 (hissing is the tinkling sound that causing bees to


He said the genome research lab had the audacity to engrave their initials with

nanomytography – crystalline structures – morgellans artifacts. NASA signed their

name too and it all can be traced back to Berkley.

The swarm gives the cloud eyes, ears, hands and feet enabling services that are

directly embedded in the physical world rather than just the cyber world. Satan is

always copying god.

1 Cor.12:27 – Now ye are the body of Christ, and members in particular.

Making the platform open and universal will unleash millions of swarm devices

and swarmlet developers just as smart phone platforms opened the door to

millions of app developers.

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What most cannot see here due to the compartmentalization, is that these very

systems are and have been intending to move humanity into transhumanism.

NSA spying, all has to do with this system.

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Snowden worked for NSA and Booz, Allen, Hamilton were contracted to spy on

the U.S. citizens

Cloud, AI based data center for IBM advancements with IBM they have had for a

long time.

(remember Ms. Jeanie who said that her healthcare provider wanted to do

molecular genetic testing and that IBM was on board/they designed the punch

cards and provided the machines during the holocaust for a profit.)

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The largest elementary school in the Dallas Independent school district has

refined Montauk equipment right on the playground. Children are being

indoctrinated the same way they were at Montauk. The school is called– Anne


Anne Frank died at age 15 in a concentration camp.

When I write I can shake off all my cares. My sorrow disappears, my spirits are revived! But, and that's a big question, will I ever be able to write something great, will I ever become a journalist or a writer?

— Anne Frank

The equipment on the playground right beside the basketball court is a class B

carcinogen and there is a radio frequency warning on it.

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Mind control technology is dismissed for its effectiveness. Refined Nazi type of

technology right out in plain sight. Highly subjective subliminal environment.

They use the kids this way in order to have the manifested result that they tune

them to. We know that DNA is a fractal antenna in electromagnetic fields and so

does the FCC and other organizations. The neuropathways at this age are being

reworked to a specific form of pathway routing in the human body due to this

electromagnetic thing. ((**Remember the message on Mind Control – Part Five

when Magnus Olsson stated that Bill Gates has a patent on the “human


And another part of this is the electro poration, they electrify the air

in order to deliver DNA and pharmaceuticals into the human cell.

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Plasma theory is incorporated into this too. Time is effected and everyone is

plugged into this cloud through the interfacing of the EEG technology in the

devices themselves. Using electroencephalogram (EEG for short) we are

developing applications to digitize analog electrical brainwaves.

An EEG that fits inside the ear.

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Scott used to work here.

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Making things light up with your mind and meditation.

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They (the elite – illuminati) are only generating the waves that they want you to

think about and then you begin to think about them.

Psalm 1:2-3 – But his delight is in the law (the Bible) of the LORD; and in His law

doth he meditate day and night. And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers

of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season, his leaf also shall not wither;

and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.

They are getting people to meditate in their mind, on selfish things and on

opening up their 3rd eye for enlightenment and new spiritual experiences. This is

all demonic.

This document had an actual picture of the tower of Babyl in it.

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Nimrod is like the hallmark of satanic worship. Babyl writing language that

interacts with human consciousness. Babyl used as coding.

He had a copy of a memo or e-mail with Professor Edward Lee on it who was

implicated in child trafficking and many other things listed on it. As well as senior

members of defense committee. A web address of: shadow.darpa.mil (shadow

government that Snowden talks about and everyone who knows about the

illuminati). The first line of this documents said: begin 666 complex systems

propl. It was generated out of Corey Hall. You have to ask yourself, why is a

statement like “power of consciousness” in a government document?

In 1960 the internet was online.

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If you take a look at www compared to the Hebrew alphabet you will see that W =

vav and that is same as the number 6. So www = 666. He said this is fundamental

to off planet contact that came upon this earth. There are many things that add

up to 666 and www just happens to be one of them.

Rev.13:17-18 – And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or

the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that

hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man;

and his number is Six hundred threescore and six. ((also the beast had a wound

by the sword and did live. Rev. 13:14 so doesn’t make sense to me how a

computer could have a wound by a sword and live again unless it is a synthetic or

transhumant maybe)) They are able to put a dead person’s consciousness into a

synthetic body and it seems that the person keeps living – but there is no soul.

He believes the image of the beast will be a holographic manifestation through

the pineal function located in the forehead. There is a projector in your head, like

in a dream flying, tangible emotion, the essence of the pineal gland.

**Remember Al Bielek spoke of lord maitreyes who in the end times would

telepathically emit a thought around the world in everyone’s language and an

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image would also appear – and he said, yes we have the technology and that was

back in the 90’s.**


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AI = Artificial Intelligence: mimicking, seeking to take over the human ability.

Eye of ra is the hypothalamus area of the pineal gland.

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All satanic having to do with the pineal gland, same as opening the 3rd eye and

also same as committing homosexual acts to open the 3rd eye – they all go


Look up into the dome of the U.S. capital, there is the apotheosis, which depicts

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George Washington becoming god. The Apotheosis of

Washington depicts George Washington sitting amongst the heavens in an

exalted manner, or in literal terms, ascending and becoming a God (apotheosis).

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This is over Washington’s head: “Out of many, one.”

And remember Washington was a freemason.

Time Warner, they are using fiber optics to interact with your pineal function.

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All seeing eye, eye of ra, peacocks are worshipped.

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Peacock in Persia or Middle East linked to King Solomon (1 Kings 10:22)

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In the Vatican – Peacocks symbolize resurrection. (demonic)

In Hinduism, peacock is related with divine powers. The Peacock, National bird of India. The peacock in Christianity

According to the Catholic Church, the peacock represents immortality and resurrection. The reason for this is because peacocks do not decay and when they die and when they shed their feathers, they are replaced by colours more brilliant than the last.

It comes as no surprise then that peacock feathers are used to decorate churches around Easter as they mirror the theme of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. They

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are also often found in art and other forms of iconography depicted death and rebirth.

In Muslim myth, the peacock is said to guard the Gates of Paradise. Given the similarities between Islamic beliefs and Christianity, it is interesting to note the two birds standing guard beside the 3rd eye chakra pinecone – the gateway to God – in the Vatican.

However, in Islamic myth, the peacock is said to allow Iblis (Satan) to enter the Garden of Eden where he tempts Eve. The peacock is expelled from Paradise with them.

The Peacock in ancient myth

In ancient Greek, the peacock is associated with Argos, a monster with one hundred eyes that could see everything – the all-seeing eye. It is no coincidence that in medieval Europe (Italy and UK), the feather of the peacock became associated with bad luck and called the ‘evil eye’.

Apollo in the middle with peacocks on either side. There is the 13 leaf laurel leaf that the UN uses.

The peacock was also associated with the all-seeing eye of the Egyptian sun gods, Amon-Ra and later Horus. In Egyptian myth, the Sun God’s are killed and restored to life, thus again we see the peacock associated with bad luck and regeneration.

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The reason why there are two either side of the pinecone in the Vatican is the duality of good luck and bad luck.

John 11:25 – Jesus said unto her, I Am the Resurrection, and the Life: he that

believeth in Me, though he were dead, yet shall he live.

Fiber optics allows internet to work, sole conduit will be fiber optics. The world is

entirely dependent upon it for all 3D interactions. He believes the image of the

beast is holographic. Worshipping the image of the beast is a coupling of man

and machine which utilizes pineal function. This in turn brings physical situations

into one’s existence through the observation of artificially induced wave form.

WILL YOU STAND VICTORIOUS?? - Strong delusion…


Nanoscale interface technologies . This is a human rights violation, going on

through morgellans.

Biological signals into digital signals. Talks about permeating the transmembrane

of proteins, your DNA, cellular singular processing all run through an artificial

intelligence monitoring the levels of disease and other things in the human body

in real time on a massive scale.

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Unmanned spraying chemicals.

Done in conjunction with Microsoft and others. This was an official DARPA

solicitation document done in an old Microsoft format. Biology to digital

converter systems that enable direct real time conversion of biological signals into

real time digital information. Ongoing research of nano technology starting to

demonstrate control of fabrication of high quality nano structures. Micro dots,

quantum dots, fibers – these are things people have experienced.

They can do it in real time and bio encoding is a genetic specific technology to the

point to where, whatever the source may be, a drone, or the towers, or

something in your home, it can target you. Now they do it through your devices:

your cell phone, your tablets, wifi, it is genetic specific to the point to where there

could be a crowd of a billion people out there and they could hit one person and

nobody else would feel it.

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One control device was featured on the PopSci website: “The U.S. Defense

Department has tested some spooky weapons, but those involving mind control

and telepathic attack may be near the top of the list. A newly declassified 1998

document released under the U.S. Freedom of Information Act describes

potential weapons for crowd control, such as a microwave gun that could beam

words silently into people’s ears, and an electromagnetic pulse that causes

epilepsy-like seizures.” –


This can be an array of different types of symptomology that can be pushed onto

somebody unknowingly to hurt them, to torture them.

This technology in the wrong hands is a violation of human rights. They are

stealing your cellular function. * I can guarantee you it is already in the wrong

hands on a large scale and even on a small scale. *

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Linda is a TI, and this is her arm after being hit by a weapon while taking a walk.

She said it felt like glass hitting her skin.

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Patty is a TI and she received this burn May of this year.

Self assembling holographic biosensors and bio computers = from Sandia

Nano Bio interface from Leebers - was a Harvard document.


Our tax dollars are paying for this. Just like our tax dollars are paying mercenaries

and paying our top military/government officials to be assassins and paying the

military to target victims with these weapons.

Neurodust – placement of nanoscale below the blood brain barrier in the brain.

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This is way behind what has already been implemented in the military. He had a

document that talked about the remote control of brain activity using ultrasound

and it was from 2010.

Could control the whole planet with a small system and the system will try to take

the programmer over.

Builderburgh group is involved. They are illuminati.

Transhumanist sculpture at the sight of the Bilderberg conference 2013.

There was a fire out at UC Berkely a few years ago and after that happened, the

government shut down for a week. NSA meltdown is connected to UC Berkely.

The transhumanist agenda has become a primary part of an unconsensual arms race with the general public caught in the middle.

Eugene Irvin – chemtrails / killing us



Refined Montauk Technology – Presentation given by Eugene Irvin

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I explained I was a child assassin and sex slave forced to have numerous rape

babies against my will. The first was at age 9 by the C.I.A. U.S. Naval intel

operative who posed as my biological father with fake documents . His name was

Wylie Duke Nichols . I bare an unusual scar from a highly unusual surgical

procedure only seen when a child gives birth to a child , as well as unusual

surgeries only seen when a very small child is raped and must be surgically

reconstructed and sewn back up. I have been told by shocked gynecologist that

this was repeated many times.




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2 Thess.2:11-12 – And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that

they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the

truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

All these people trying to open the 3rd eye and get to “new consciousness” and

different realms and being involved in all of this torture enforced on others and

taking part in all the creating the programs to drive the technology and testing it

on people and willingly killing them and destroying their lives.

Rev.19:19-21 Read

Eph.2:10 – For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works,

which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.

Psalm 139:14 – I will praise Thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made:

marvelous are Thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.

WE ARE MADE IN HIS IMAGE. We don’t need all the computer parts and nano

technology added to us and forced on us.

Prayer: strong faith not to fail, keep our armor on at all times, not to turn back no

matter the trials and tests we face, hedge of protection, power in numbers – pray

against this technology – pray it will fail, lift up military and victims…