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GLG 101 Week Assignment Deserts Lab[1]

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Axia College Material

Appendix M

Page 2: GLG 101 Week Assignment Deserts Lab[1]

Week Six Lab Report: Deserts

Reply to the laboratory queries for this week and sum up the laboratory experience using this form.

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Cautiously go through pages pp.265-276 of Geoscience Laboratory.

Finish this week’s laboratory by filling in your answers to the queries from Geoscience Laboratory. Pick solutions are given for you in red font to help you with your laboratory work. Though you are just needed to reply to the queries in this worksheet, you are asked to reply others from the text by yourself.

Lab Questions

15.4. Provided rules 1–4 on page 265, describe the happening of the two different environments highlighted in Figure 15.5.

Solution: Phoenix and California have got two extremely different environments since Phoenix is located in high altitude and California is moist due to the humidity from the sea. Given that Phoenix is circled by hills it is almost always breezy and the air from California blows into Phoenix however when it gets to Phoenix it loses its humidity due to the heat of the surroundings.

15.8. Why are nights in dry lands remarkably cold? Tip: Think about a characteristic of the environment which keeps daytime heat throughout the night

Solution: The alteration happens when the cloud blanket which traps heat vanishes. The terrain is vacant so when the sun vanishes the heat vanishes and there's nothing to keep or absorb the heat.

15.14. What's the existing breeze path shown by the barchan dunes in Figure 15.14?

Solution: From west to east

15.16. Observe in Figure 15.14 that a few of the dunes aren't completely symmetrical such as that demonstrated in Figure 15.13. (A) Explain this asymmetry, and (B) attempt to describe it. Tip: Research the caption to Figure 15.13A.

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Solution: The sand hills demonstrated in the figure are barchans dunes. Barchans dunes are crescent-shaped plus they are created by winds with a nominal flow of sand. The symmetry is produced with the continuous flow of sand. The symmetry is developed by the continuous breeze blowing in just one path.

15.17. On page 278 of the Solution Page sketch a topographic report from coordinates F-6.7 to H.5-10 in the Lakeside quadrangle.

15.18. Which is the steeper area of this dune—the northwest area or the southeast area?

Solution: Southwest area since the winds arrive across the northwest making a steeper incline on the other part.

15.19. Which type of dune created in Figure 15.15 do you think you traversed with your topographic report?

Solution: Barchan

15.20. From which path did the breeze which created the sand hills of the Laeside area hit (NE, NW, SE, or SW)?

Solution: from the northwest


A. What type of rock seems to be upturned round the edges of the salt dome in Figure 15.18—igneous, sedimentary, or metamorphic?

Solution: Sedimentary

B. What's the proof for your solution?

Solution: It's layered

Laboratory Summary

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Discuss the below queries in a 100- to 200-word synopsis:

Sum up the overall rules and aim of the laboratory.

Describe how this laboratory assisted you better comprehend the subjects as well as ideas addressed this week.

Explain what you discovered difficult regarding this laboratory.

Explain what you discovered exciting regarding this laboratory.

Write your synopsis here:

In this week’s laboratory we discovered how weather regulates our planet, particularly in the glacial and desert areas. I go to the deserts occasionally and when I look at sand dunes these days I can recognize the kind of sand dunes which are in the wasteland. I invariably believed it was hot at all times in the wilderness however since finishing this laboratory I now realize that is not the situation because during the night when the sun sets the heat fades away since there is nothing to carry or digest the heat. The problem I had was considering which way the breeze blows to produce the forms of the sand dunes.