Chapter 1: Structure and Movement Standardized Test Practice 1 If 99% of the people who died in bicycle accidents were not wearing a helmet, to the nearest whole number, how many people who died in bicycle accidents in 2000 were wearing bicycle helmets? A) 6 B) 8 C) 7 D) 9 2 Which year had the fewest total number of bicycle deaths? A) 1996 B) 1998 C) 2000 D) 1999 3 What is the predominant type of muscle shown in the diagram? A) cardiac B) skeletal C) smooth D) tendon 4 What type of joint do your shoulders have? A) gliding B) hinge C) ball-and-socket D) pivot 5 What type of joint allows you to move your forearm forward and backward? A) hinge B) ball-and-socket C) gliding D) pivot 6 Which of the following is an example of an involuntary muscle? A) muscles that move food through the digestive system B) muscles in the face that allow you to smile C) muscles in your arms and hands D) muscles in your legs and feet

Glencoe Life Science Human Body Systems Standardized Test Practice With Key

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Page 1: Glencoe Life Science Human Body Systems Standardized Test Practice With Key

Chapter 1: Structure and Movement

Standardized Test Practice

1 If 99% of the people who died in bicycle accidents were notwearing a helmet, to the nearest whole number, how manypeople who died in bicycle accidents in 2000 were wearingbicycle helmets?

A) 6

B) 8

C) 7

D) 9

2 Which year had the fewest total number of bicycle deaths?

A) 1996

B) 1998

C) 2000

D) 1999

3 What is the predominant type of muscle shown in thediagram?

A) cardiac

B) skeletal

C) smooth

D) tendon

4 What type of joint do your shoulders have?


A) gliding

B) hinge

C) ball-and-socket

D) pivot

5 What type of joint allows you to move your forearm forwardand backward?

A) hinge

B) ball-and-socket

C) gliding

D) pivot

6 Which of the following is an example of an involuntarymuscle?

A) muscles that move food through the digestivesystem

B) muscles in the face that allow you to smile

C) muscles in your arms and hands

D) muscles in your legs and feet

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7 What makes your skin tan when exposed to sunlight?

A) oil glands

B) sweat glands

C) vitamin D

D) melanin

8 What is the function of cartilage at the ends of bones?

A) nourishment

B) strength

C) shock absorption

D) vitamin D production

9 What do ligaments do?

A) attach muscles to bones

B) hold bones together

C) cover the surfaces of bones

D) make red blood cells

10 Which of these structures is not found in the dermis?

A) blood vessels

B) hair follicles

C) sweat pores

D) oil glands

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Chapter 2: Nutrients and Digestion

Standardized Test Practice

1 What is the name of the digestive organs labeled B in thediagram?

A) esophagus

B) gallbladder

C) pancreas

D) salivary glands

2 How does the organ labeled "C" help break down food?

A) forms food into a ball

B) makes saliva

C) secretes enzymes

D) chews food

3 If you had one serving of this vanilla ice cream, how manygrams of saturated fat and what percentage of your DailyValue (DV) would you eat?

A) 19 g, 29%

B) 30 g, 84%

C) 112g, 55%

D) 11 g, 55%

4 How much fiber do two servings of this vanilla ice creamcontain?

A) 10 g

B) 22 g

C) 0 g

D) 44 g

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5 From which food group should you eat the most servingseach day?

A) bread and cereal group

B) fruit group

C) milk, yogurt, and cheese group

D) vegetable group

6 From which food group should you eat the fewest servingseach day?

A) bread and cereal group

B) meat group

C) milk group

D) fats, sweets, and oils group

7 Which of the following is an example of chemical digestion?

A) chewing food

B) enzymes breaking molecules down

C) churning food

D) mixing food

8 Which digestive organ is lined with villi?

A) esophagus

B) small intestine

C) large intestine

D) stomach

9 This meal is a good source of

A) vitamin A.

B) vitamin B.

C) vitamin C.

D) vitamin D.

10 Where does digestion start?

A) in the mouth

B) in the esophagus

C) in the small intestine

D) in the stomach

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Chapter 3: Circulation

Standardized Test Practice

1 Which of the following is not a function of blood?

A) carry oxygen to body cells

B) carry wastes to the kidneys

C) carry carbon dioxide to the lungs

D) remove lymph from around cells

2 During which activity was Ashley's body temperature the greatest?

A) Activity 2

B) Activity 3

C) Activity 4

D) Activity 5

3 Which of the following could you hypothesize Ashley was doing

during Activity 5, based on the data provided?

A) sitting down

B) sleeping

C) jogging

D) walking slowly

4 Which of these can help prevent cardiovascular disease?

A) regular checkups

B) diet high in saturated fats

C) sedentary lifestyle

D) smoking

5 Where does oxygen-rich blood first enter the heart?

A) left atrium

B) left ventricle

C) right atrium

D) right ventricle

6 Blood vessels that move blood away from the heart are called

A) capillaries.

B) arteries.

C) valves.

D) veins.

7 Which of the following is an organ of the lymphatic system?

A) gallbladder

B) heart

C) spleen

D) lungs

8 Which of these organs makes lymphocytes?

A) blood

B) thymus

C) kidneys

D) tonsils

9 A person with type AB blood can donate blood to a person with

A) type A blood.

B) type AB blood.

C) type B blood.

D) type O blood.

10 The blood vessels that supply the heart with nutrients and oxygen make up

A) coronary circulation.

B) pulmonary circulation.

C) hypertensive circulation.

D) systemic circulation.

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Chapter 4: Respiration and Excretion

Standardized Test Practice

1 What is the name of the structure labeled D in the diagram?

A) ureter

B) renal artery

C) aorta

D) renal vein

2 Which structure in the diagram corresponds to the urethra?

A) A

B) E

C) F

D) G

3 Which body system is shown in the diagram?

A) urinary system

B) excretory system

C) lymphatic system

D) respiratory system

4 What is the main source of body water loss?

A) urine

B) feces

C) lungs

D) skin

5 Which structure warms and moistens the air you breathe in?

A) larynx

B) pharynx

C) nasal cavity

D) trachea

6 Bronchial tubes can contract quickly when a person has

A) chronic bronchitis.

B) emphysema.

C) lung cancer.

D) an asthma attack.

7 Which of the following is not an excretory organ?

A) large intestine

B) liver

C) heart

D) lungs

8 The arrow in the diagram shows the direction that

A) blood flows back to the heart.

B) blood enters the kidneys.y

C) urine moves to the ureter.

D) urine moves to the nephrons.

9 When you inhale, which way does the rib cage move?

A) down

B) out

C) in

D) stays the same

10 The release of energy from glucose using oxygen is called

A) respiration.

B) breathing.

C) exhalation.

D) inhalation.

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Chapter 5: Control and Coordination

Standardized Test Practice

1 Which part of the brain controls heartbeat and breathing?

A) cerebellum

B) brain stem

C) cerebrum

D) spinal cord

2 Voluntary muscle movements are coordinated by the

A) brain stem.

B) cerebrum.

C) cerebellum.

D) spinal cord

3 Information from the senses is interpreted by the

A) brain stem.

B) cerebellum.

C) spinal cord

D) cerebrum.

4 The basic functioning units of the nervous system are

A) neurons.

B) axons.

C) dendrites.

D) synapses.

5 In some states, the legal blood alcohol percentage limit for driving under theinfluence of alcohol is 0.06 percent. How many drinks would it take a 72-kgman to exceed this limit?

A) four

B) one

C) two

D) three

6 Which structure of the eye does light pass through first?

A) cornea

B) lens

C) pupil

D) retina

7 Which of these is a structure of the inner ear?

A) cochlea

B) anvil

C) eardrum

D) ear lobe

8 What is the main function of the semicircular canals?

A) hearing

B) smell

C) vision

D) balance

9 The structure labeled A in the diagram is a(n)

A) axon.

B) dendrite.

C) synapse.

D) cell body.

10 The structure labeled D in the diagram is either a cell body or a

A) dendrite.

B) axon.

C) receptor.

D) neurotransmitter.

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Chapter 6: Regulation and Reproduction

Standardized Test Practice

1 According to the information in the graph, in which year was

the syphilis rate the highest?

A) 1973

B) 1982

C) 1990

D) 1993

2 When do males begin producing sperm?

A) before birth

B) during puberty

C) during infancy

D) during childhood

3 An egg is released from an ovary about once per month

A) implantation.

B) fertilization.

C) menstruation.

D) ovulation.

4 Which of the following glands is found in the abdomen?

A) pineal

B) adrenal

C) pituitary

D) thyroid

5 In a study done in Europe in 1991, one group of pregnant women wasgiven extra folic acid, and the other group did not receive extra folic acid.What can you conclude based on the data in this table?

A) Pregnant women should avoid foods with folic acid.

B) Pregnant women should take mega doses of folic acid.

C) Pregnant women should take multivitamins that lack folic acid.

D) Pregnant women should take a folic acid vitmain supplement.

6 What does the illustration show?

A) the stages of implantation

B) the stages of development

C) the stages of fertilization

D) the stages of the menstrual cycle

7 On which day does menstruation begin?

A) Day 7

B) Day 14

C) Day 1

D) Day 28

8 Identical twins result from

A) one egg that has been fertilized by two sperm.

B) two eggs that have been fertilized by one sperm.

C) one egg that has been fertilized by one sperm.

D) two eggs that have been fertilized by two sperm.

9 Adolescence usually begins around age

A) 1.

B) 6.

C) 12.

D) 18.

10 Which of the following glands is attached to the brain?

A) adrenal gland

B) pancreas

C) pituitary gland

D) thymus

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Chapter 7: Immunity and Disease

Standardized Test Practice

1 According to the information in the graph, which group had the highest lifeexpectancy in both 1975 and 1994?

A) black females

B) black males

C) white males

D) white females

2 Which of the following is a sign of inflammation?

A) bruising

B) swelling

C) numbness

D) temperature decrease

3 Which of the following diseases had the greatest drop in cases after itsvaccine was available?

A) diphtheria

B) measles

C) mumps

D) pertussis

4 Which of the following vaccines had the smallest impact on the population?

A) tetanus

B) diphtheria

C) pertussis

D) rubella

5 Which step in the diagram corresponds to immunity?

A) 4

B) 1

C) 2

D) 3

6 During which step in the diagram do B cells produce antibodies?

A) 1

B) 3

C) 4

D) 2

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7 Which of these causes infectious diseases?

A) uncontrolled cell growth

B) pathogens

C) genetics

D) poor diet

8 Which of the following is a noninfectious disease?


B) diabetes

C) influenza

D) polio

9 Which of the following is not a way to prevent cancer?

A) eating a healthy diet

B) avoiding pollutants

C) using sunscreen

D) smoking

10 Which of these states has the highest incidence of diabetes?

A) Montana

B) Georgia

C) Nebraska

D) Wyoming

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