Giraffe Class Learning PowerPoint Friday 26 th February 2021

Giraffe Class Learning PowerPoint Friday 26th February 2021

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Giraffe Class Learning PowerPointFriday 26th February 2021

Welcome to today’s learning!

Here is what we’re going to do today:1. Guided Reading (30 minutes): Code Breaker Challenges!2. Assembly (30 minutes): Teams Live Lesson 10.00-10.30am. 3. Maths (30 minutes): Worksheet Challenges – Times Tables Challenges. 4. English (1 hour): Poetry – Final drafts of poems about Caimans.

Extension task: Descriptive writing, describing a mountain scene.5. Geography (1 hour): Learning about mountains and the mountain

ranges of the world.6. English (30 minutes): Teams Live Lesson 2.30-3.00pm. Sharing our

Caiman Poems (or mountain scene descriptive writing)!

• Please ask your parents/carers to photograph your work and send it to the Giraffe Class email account for feedback – we’d love to see it!

[email protected]

Morning Warm Up!Can you solve this riddle?

Answer: Morning Warm Up!Can you solve this riddle?

There are 24 singers in ‘The Soul Singers’.

24 is the only number between 12 and 32 that divides by 2, 3, 4 and 6.

Word of the Day:Can you use this when you talk today?

•Scrumptious (adjective)

• Tasting extremely good, delicious.

• E.g.

• That was absolutely scrumptious!

• May I have another piece of that absolutely scrumptious cake?

• Those scrumptious chocolates are so hard to resist.

Photo of the Day

“Say ‘Cheese’!”

Video of the Day:Virtual Zoo Tour!

• Robert Irwin's virtual Australia Zoo tour!

• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5YBRu5JFHmw

Newsround – Keep up to date with current events! Watch daily!


Guided Reading –Code Breaking Activities!• Today in Guided Reading,

you are going to crack a code!

• We hope you’ve got your thinking caps on today!

• Have a go at either the Year 3 or Year 4 Code Breaker Challenge – pick which one you’d like to do!

Assembly Live Lesson –10.00-10.30am• Today, we are going to have an assembly!

• How has your first week of Term 4 been?

• What have you got up to at home and at school?

• How are you feeling about the Government’s announcement about everyone going back to school?

• What good karma can we put out into the world today?

• Join Miss Pickup live on Teams at 10.00-10.30am.

• You will need: • A piece of paper • A pencil (and maybe a rubber?!)• A switched-on brain!

Maths – Times Tables Challenges!

There are 5 levels of challenge today! Pick one or two to do!

• Challenge 1: 2, 5, 10 Times Tables Colouring • If you are struggling

• Challenge 2: 2, 3, 5, 10 Times Tables Hunt• Less confident Year 3s

• Challenge 3: 8 Times Table Wheels• Most Year 3s

• Challenge 4: 9 Times Table Wheels• Most Year 4s

• Challenge 5: Ultimate Times Tables Missing Numbers• Confident Year 4s

• You do not need to print – you can work from the screen and write down your answers on paper.

Helpful Maths Slides Follow!

Maths – Times Tables Songs!

• 2 Times Table Song (Cover of Can’t Stop The Feeling! By Justin Timberlake)

• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9C4EN7mFHCk

• 3 Times Table Song - Journey COVER

• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5vNwMWiNxgE

• 3 Times Table set to Moana's How Far I'll Go

• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uneATAeac7Q

• 4 Times Table Song (Cover of I’m Still Standing by Taron Egerton)

• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8QU_E0u-tP4

• 4 Times Table set to The Chainsmokers' Something Just Like This

• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TDxwIDtdMk4

Maths – Times Tables Songs!

• 5 Times Table Song | Skip Counting by 5 Rap For Kids

• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LZAqhF_2vvs

• 6 Times Table Song (Cover of Shake It Off by Taylor Swift!)

• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e7rYbk9PNuM

• 6 times tables set to Imagine Dragons' Demons

• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zL7fRyp35lo

• 7 Times Table Song (Cover of Happy by Pharrell Williams) Easy Learn Skip Count

• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5XT3vxohtBg

• Copy of 7 times table set to Adele's Hello

• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=teB01HseWbM

Maths – Times Tables Songs!

• 8 Times Table Song (Cover of Rolling In The Deep by Adele)

• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z_BJjR9rdwA

• 8 times table set to Miley Cyrus' Wrecking Ball

• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gjNDS4WfKvA

• 9 Times Table Song • One Direction COVER - What makes you beautiful cover

• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HH171nowcJk

• 9 Times Table set to Ed Sheeran's Shape of You

• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l7LG16y6GHY

• Ten Times Table Song! (Cover of Look What You Made Me Do by Taylor Swift)

• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FDUJ7pCdaW8

Maths – Times Tables Songs!

• 11 Times Table Song | Skip Counting the Multiples of 11

• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p9AxbcO4Kp4

• The 12 Times Table Song | Skip Counting by 12 for Kids

• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PABb8HhmteM

• 12 Times Table set to Ed Sheeran's Perfect

• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VWvQ5F0nS8k

English – Poetry: Today’s Task: Caiman Poems• Today, you should complete the final draft of your poem.

• You should write it out into best, or type it up, and stick it on to your drawing of your caiman, ready for display – please bring these back to school on Monday 8th March!

• Success Criteria:• You must write your poem about caiman.• You must write your poem in free verse.• You must try to create a certain mood – e.g. gloomy/sad,

majestic/powerful, sinister/lurking, joyful/energetic.• You must use interesting words (adjectives, verbs and adverbs).• You must try to include figurative language (simile, metaphor,


• Remember:• Free verse poems are written with no set rhyme or rhythm.• Free verse poems are written following rhythms of natural speech.• There are no rules!

Extension Task (to do if you have finished your poem): Write a description of this mountain scene, using figurative language and interesting vocabulary.

Helpful English Slides Follow!

English – Poetry

• Watch this short video to find out about free verse poems:

• What are free verse poems?• https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/z4mmn39/arti


English – Poetry

• A free verse poem example:

‘What Weeping Face’ by Walt Whitman

What weeping face is that looking from the window?

Why does it stream those sorrowful tears?

Is it for some burial place, vast and dry?

Is it to wet the soil of graves?

English – Poetry

• Read the following two poems about Caiman. (They are also available in a separate word document in the resources on the class page.)

• Look at how the writers are using interesting words, and also figurative language (simile, metaphor and personification).

• Add any words and phrases you like to your mind map from yesterday.

• For each poem, write down three things you notice about how the writer is describing the caiman, and three questions that you would like to ask the writer if you could.

• How are the poems similar or different in the way in which the writers describe the caiman? Can you write a short paragraph comparing the two poems? Is a different mood created in each?

• In the first poem, the writer describes the caiman as…

• In contrast, in the second poem, the caiman is made to seem…

English – Poetry

• Figurative Language:• A simile compares something to something else using

the words ‘like’ or ‘as’.

• E.g. I stood as still as a stone.

• A metaphor says something actually is something else.

• E.g. My heart was a beating drum inside my chest.

• Personification is where something that is not a person is described as behaving like a person, or doing something a person would do.

• E.g. The water crawled across the shore.

English – Poems: Black Caiman with Butterflies by Pascale Petit

Depression is a black caimanlying on the sand,

mud-slicked from the deep,impassive in her armour.

Nothing can get through to her,she’ll lie there for hours, unblinking.

How to explain thenthe appearance of butterflies?

Sparking flambeaux, snowy-whites, at the corner of her eyes,

as if the beauty of the world has cometo perch on her, to drink her tears.

Depression (noun)• the state of feeling

very unhappyImpassive (adjective)• showing no

emotion or feelingFlambeau (noun) (plural Flambeaux) • a flaming torchPerch (verb)• to sit on

English – Poems: Caiman Dream by José Santos Chocano, translated by Caitlin GildrienA great log, hurled by wavesashore, the caiman lies stranded:spine of jagged mountains,an abyss in its jaws, the fearful tail.The sun drapes it in brilliance,shining like an armoured knight,this plated beast whose thrumand glare shimmer the air.Steady as a sacred idol,girded tight in mail and chain,he waits by the water, still and grim,a prince, enchanted,imprisoned now foreverin the limpid palace of the tide.

Abyss (noun)• a very deep hole that has

no bottom.Plated (adjective)• covered with a thin layer of

metalSacred (adjective) • considered holyGirded (verb)• to tie something around

your bodyChain mail (noun)• metal rings joined together

like clothEnchanted (adjective)• affected by magicLimpid (adjective)• clear and transparent

Geography – Mountains

• Task 1: Read the following pages about mountains.

• Task 2: Answer the questions about what you have read. (Questions on the next page).

• Task 3: Use the page showing the ‘Mountain Ranges of the World’ (also available as a separate document in the resources section of the class page) to help you complete the Labelling Challenge on the separate worksheet – there are three levels of challenge to choose from – choose Challenge 1, 2, or 3.

Geography – Mountains: Questions:1. How high does landscape with steep slopes have to

be to be classed as a mountain?

2. What is a group of mountains called?

3. What is the name of the highest mountain in the world?

4. Why do mountains have shiny white surfaces – what are they covered in?

5. What happens to air, the higher up the mountain you go?

6. What are two problems that mountain climbers can experience because of the cold?

What is a mountain?

A mountain is usually defined as a part of the landscape with steep slopes that rise over 300m. Some geographers define a mountain as a summit of at least 600m high.

Some mountains are found in groups called ranges such as the Lake District in England and Snowdonia in Wales. Others are isolated summits.

When mountain ranges are found together they make up mountain chains. The Alps in Europe, the Rocky Mountains in North America and the Andes in South America are all mountain chains.

Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world. It is in the Himalayas, or the border of Nepal and China, and is 8,848 metres high.

Famous Mountains

Kilimanjaro is the highest mountain in Africa. It is a volcanic mountain that is 5,895 metres high.

Mount Fuji is a volcano in Japan. It is 3,776 metres high.

Mount McKinley is the highest peak in the USA. It is 6,294 metres high.

Famous Mountains

Temperature on a Mountain

Mountains are colder at their peak because as

the warm air rises, it expands and cools down.

Mountains have shiny white surfaces because of

the ice and snow. It reflects the sun, keeping the temperature freezing

during summer.

Glaciers on a Mountain

Glaciers are made from ice and snow that has never been melted. As it moves down a

mountain, it takes rocks with it and erodes away the mountain. Glaciers

can leave large U-shaped valleys carved out of the


Ice on a Mountain

Many mountains have sharp peaks, ridges

and valleys. These are formed by frost, ice and

glaciers.In the summer, the

rain gets trapped in the cracks. During winter it freezes causing rocks to split from the mountain,

leaving sharp, jagged edges.



Is a huge mass of moving snow, they can contain

millions of tonnes of snow

and move over 300 kilometres an hour. They

are normally triggered by a small shock. The

snow will destroy everything in its path.

Altitude Sickness

The higher up the mountain you are, the thinner the air is. This means that a climber will have to take more breaths to

get the same amount of oxygen as they would get if they were on the ground.

Climbers can become dizzy, short of breath and tired

when walking in high altitudes; this is known as

altitude sickness.

Cold Kills

Climbers can get frost bite and

hypothermia from the severe cold on a mountain. Both of these illnesses can kill if not treated


Danger on the Slopes

English Live Lesson –2.30-3.00pm• Today, the lesson will be an opportunity for you to

share your poems about caiman with each other, (or your writing about mountains).

• We will be discussing how we felt about the poetry task and what we found easy or challenging, as well as reflecting on how much we enjoyed writing free verse compared to haiku or rhyming/more structured poems.

• Join Miss Pickup live on Teams at 2.30-3.00pm.

• You will need: • Your poem about caiman (or your writing about mountains).• A pen or a pencil.• Your brain, and your ideas!

We hope that you have enjoyed today’s learning!

Miss Pickup & Mrs Gray