Zinc Zinc is a trace mineral found in all parts of the body: organs, tissues, bones, fluids and cells. Zinc plays an important role in maintaining good health. It helps metabolize carbohydrates, fats and protein and improves vitality. Zinc deficiency can lead to many diseases. Vitamin C Vitamin C is generally known for supporting the body’s immune system. It is needed for the growth and repair of tissues in all parts of our body. Vitamin C is necessary to: • Form an important protein used for general make up of the body • Repair and maintain cartilage, bones and teeth. As our body does not produce vitamin C and it is a water soluble vitamin, it needs to be continuously replenished in our body. Boost Your Life You can only live life to the fullest with a healthy body. Here are some ways to maintain a healthier, happier life. MYSUB150203a 1 MAR 2016 MAL20020034XCR Each SURBEX ® Zinc tablet contains Zinc, which is equivalent to 8 juicy oysters, with the goodness of Vitamin B-complexes and Vitamin C to help boost energy levels and strengthen your body’s immunity. With enhanced vitality, you perform better day and night even under stressful conditions. K.K.L.I.U. : 0190/2016 Abbott Laboratories (M) Sdn Bhd (163560-X) No. 22, Jalan Pemaju U1/15, Seksyen U1, Hicom-Glenmarie Industrial Park, 40150 Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia For more information, please call 1-800-88-0709 (Mon to Fri, 9.00am to 5.00pm) j This is a supplement product advertisement Ini iklan produk supplemen Surbex Zinc ialah suplemen B-kompleks terlaris.* Bio-Enhanced Technology Bio-Enhanced technology for optimal absorption to optimize the benefits of the supplements. Surbex Zinc The top selling B-complex supplement.* Pharmaceutical-grade health supplements Undergoes stringent tests to ensure quality, purity & safety. Suplemen kesihatan gred farmaseutikal Melalui ujian ketat bagi memastikan kualiti, ketulenan & keselamatan. Top from left to right: • SURBEX ® Evening Primrose Oil (MAL05051048XCR) • SURBEX ® Fish Oil Plus (MAL06081248XCR) • SURBEX ® Natopherol ALA Plus (MAL09011498XCR) • SURBEX ® Natopherol Bio-Enhanced (MAL19990228XCR) • SURBEX ® CoQ10 (MAL15055022NCR) • SURBEX ® Protect (MAL14055007NCR) • SURBEX ® Zinc (MAL20020034XCR) Bottom from left to right: • SURBEX ® Nutri-Fiber • SURBEX ® Calcium D3 (MAL15025029NCR) • SURBEX ® Bio C Plus (MAL15105007NCR) • SURBEX ® Krill Oil (MAL16055020NCR) • SURBEX ® SoyLife (MAL16100013TCR) • SURBEX ® Opti-V (MAL17015001NCR) Provides a wide range of supplements for your family’s health needs. SURBEX menyediakan suplemen untuk keperluan kesihatan keluarga anda. Teknologi Bio-Enhanced Menggunakan teknologi Bio-Enhanced berpaten. Penyerapan optimum untuk mengoptimumkan manfaat suplemen. Available in all leading pharmacies. * Source: IMS data for Malaysia Private Sector Pharmaceuticals MAT Sep 2015 ® ® Get the Zing of oysters in one tablet Boost Your Energy Supplementation with important vitamins and minerals, such as B vitamins, help boosts physical energy particularly when you need it most: Vitamin B Complex • Thiamine (B1) • Riboflavin (B2) • Niacin (B3) • Pantothenic Acid (B5) This group of vitamins works better together and is often referred to as B-complex. Vitamin B-complex helps to release energy from the food that you eat. A daily intake of B-complex is vital as it increases physical energy to help overcome fatigue and tiredness. It also helps to improve your vitality and endurance. In tired situations, our body is depleted of Vitamin B, our energy vitamin. You can easily replenish Vitamin B with supplements. • Pyridoxine (B6) • Cyanocobalamin (B12) • Folic Acid Start a hobby you love Enjoying a hobby can improve your health. Relaxation Engage in relaxing activities such as a spa massage, going for a holiday, listening to soothing music or taking up your favourite games or sports. Exercise regularly Exercise helps to maintain a healthy body and helps the body relax. Your support network Having a strong network of supportive friends and family contributes to your psychological well-being. It gives you a sense of belonging, increases your sense of self-worth and gives you a feeling of security. So, love your friends and family. SURBEX ZINC boosts energy levels and strengthens your body’s immunity. With enhanced vitality, you perform better. Jom aktif dengan SURBEX ® Zinc Dapatkan zink dalam 8 tiram dengan hanya satu tablet Get the energy to enjoy life to the fullest with Surbex Zinc today. The top selling B-complex supplement in Malaysia.* • 7 Vitamin B complex: Provides optimal energy to improve stamina • 15mg Zinc: Assists in wound healing and improves vitality • 400mcg Folic acid: Helps in the formation of red blood cells • 750mg Vitamin C: Strengthens body’s immune system K.K.L.I.U. : 1513/2017 MYSUB150203a 14 AUG 2017

Get the Zing of oysters in Surbex Zinc one tablet · Zink Zink ialah mineral surih yang terdapat pada semua bahagian tubuh: organ, tisu, tulang, cecair dan sel. Zink memainkan peranan

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ZincZinc is a trace mineral found in all parts of the body:organs, tissues, bones, fluids and cells.

Zinc plays an important role in maintaining good health.It helps metabolize carbohydrates, fats and protein andimproves vitality. Zinc deficiency can lead to many diseases.

Vitamin CVitamin C is generally known for supporting the body’simmune system. It is needed for the growth and repair oftissues in all parts of our body.

Vitamin C is necessary to:

• Form an important protein used for general make upof the body

• Repair and maintain cartilage, bones and teeth.

As our body does not produce vitamin C and it is a watersoluble vitamin, it needs to be continuously replenishedin our body.

Boost Your LifeYou can only live life to the fullest with a healthy body.Here are some ways to maintain a healthier, happier life.







R 2







Each SURBEX® Zinc tablet

contains Zinc, which is equivalent

to 8 juicy oysters, with the

goodness of Vitamin

B-complexes and Vitamin C

to help boost energy levels

and strengthen your body’s

immunity. With enhanced vitality,

you perform better day and night

even under stressful conditions.



U. :





Abbott Laboratories (M) Sdn Bhd (163560-X) No. 22, Jalan Pemaju U1/15, Seksyen U1, Hicom-Glenmarie Industrial Park, 40150 Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia

For more information, please call

1-800-88-0709(Mon to Fr i , 9.00am to 5.00pm)j

This is a supplement product advertisement Ini iklan produk supplemen

Surbex Zinc ialah suplemen B-kompleks terlaris.*

Bio-Enhanced TechnologyBio-Enhanced technology for optimal absorptionto optimize the benefits of the supplements.

Surbex Zinc The top selling B-complex supplement.*

Pharmaceutical-grade health supplementsUndergoes stringent tests to ensure quality,purity & safety.

Suplemen kesihatan gred farmaseutikal Melalui ujian ketatbagi memastikan kualiti, ketulenan & keselamatan.

Top from left to right: • SURBEX® Evening Primrose Oil (MAL05051048XCR) • SURBEX® Fish Oil Plus (MAL06081248XCR)• SURBEX® Natopherol ALA Plus (MAL09011498XCR) • SURBEX® Natopherol Bio-Enhanced (MAL19990228XCR) • SURBEX® CoQ10 (MAL15055022NCR) • SURBEX® Protect (MAL14055007NCR) • SURBEX® Zinc (MAL20020034XCR)Bottom from left to right: • SURBEX® Nutri-Fiber • SURBEX® Calcium D3 (MAL15025029NCR) • SURBEX® Bio CPlus (MAL15105007NCR) • SURBEX® Krill Oil (MAL16055020NCR) • SURBEX® SoyLife (MAL16100013TCR) • SURBEX® Opti-V (MAL17015001NCR)

Provides a wide range of supplements foryour family’s health needs.

SURBEX menyediakan suplemen untuk keperluankesihatan keluarga anda.

Teknologi Bio-Enhanced Menggunakan teknologi Bio-Enhanced berpaten. Penyerapan optimum untukmengoptimumkan manfaat suplemen.

Available in all leading pharmacies.

* Source: IMS data for Malaysia Private Sector Pharmaceuticals MAT Sep 2015



Get the Zing ofoysters in

one tablet

Boost Your EnergySupplementation with important vitamins and minerals, such as B vitamins, help boosts physical energy particularly when you need it most:

Vitamin B Complex• Thiamine (B1)• Riboflavin (B2)• Niacin (B3)• Pantothenic Acid (B5)

This group of vitamins works better together and is oftenreferred to as B-complex. Vitamin B-complex helps torelease energy from the food that you eat. A daily intakeof B-complex is vital as it increases physical energy tohelp overcome fatigue and tiredness. It also helps toimprove your vitality and endurance.

In tired situations, our body is depleted of Vitamin B, ourenergy vitamin. You can easily replenish Vitamin B withsupplements.

• Pyridoxine (B6)• Cyanocobalamin (B12)• Folic Acid

Start a hobby you loveEnjoying a hobby can improve your health.

RelaxationEngage in relaxing activities such as a spamassage, going for a holiday, listening tosoothing music or taking up your favouritegames or sports.

Exercise regularlyExercise helps to maintain a healthy body and helps the body relax.

Your support networkHaving a strong network of supportivefriends and family contributes to your

psychological well-being. It gives you a sense ofbelonging, increases your sense of self-worth and givesyou a feeling of security. So, love your friends and family.

SURBEX ZINC boosts energy levels and strengthens yourbody’s immunity. With enhanced vitality, you perform better.

Jom aktif dengan SURBEX® Zinc

Dapatkan zink dalam 8 tiram dengan hanya satu tablet

Get the energy to enjoy life to the fullest with Surbex Zinc today.

The topselling B-complexsupplementin Malaysia.*

• 7 Vitamin B complex: Provides optimal energy toimprove stamina

• 15mg Zinc: Assists in woundhealing and improves vitality

• 400mcg Folic acid: Helps inthe formation of red blood cells

• 750mg Vitamin C: Strengthensbody’s immune system



U. :










14 A




ZinkZink ialah mineral surih yang terdapat pada semua bahagiantubuh: organ, tisu, tulang, cecair dan sel.

Zink memainkan peranan penting dalam menjaga kesihatan. Iamembantu memetabolismekan karbohidrat, lemak dan proteindan meningkatkan kecergasan. Kekurangan zink bolehmenyebabkan pelbagai penyakit.

Vitamin CVitamin C membantu menyokong sistem imun tubuh. Iadiperlukan untuk pertumbuhan dan pemulihan tisu di semuabahagian tubuh kita.

Vitamin C juga diperlukan untuk:• Membentuk protein penting yang digunakan untuk

pembinaan tubuh badan sihat. • Menyembuhkan luka.• Membaiki dan mengekalkan rawan, tulang dan gigi.

Oleh kerana tubuh kita tidak menghasilkan vitamin C dan iamerupakan vitamin larut air, ia perlu diganti setiap hari dalamtubuh kita.

Setiap sebiji pil SURBEX® Zinc mengandungi sejumlah Zink yang samadengan Zink daripada 8 ekor tiram yang dipenuhi jusnya. Pil ini turut dipenuhi kebaikan Vitamin B kompleks dan Vitamin C untuk mempertingkatkan tahap tenaga danmenguatkan keimunan tubuh anda. Dengan meningkatnya tahap kecergasan,prestasi diri anda akan turut bertambah tidak kira siang mahupun malam, malah ketika anda dalam keadaan tegang pun.

Tingkatkan TenagaVitamin dan mineral suplemen seperti vitamin B kompleks penting untuk meningkatkan tenaga fizikal anda.

Vitamin B Kompleks• Thiamine (B1)• Riboflavin (B2)• Niacin (B3)• Asid Pantothenic (B5)

Kumpulan vitamin di atas dikenali sebagai B-kompleks danadalah lebih baik jika diambil bersama. Kekurangan Vitamin B-kompleks akan mengakibatkan gejala seperti tekanan ataumasalah tekanan yang berkaitan. Maka pengambilan Vitamin B-kompleks secara rutin harian adalah penting agartahap tenaga dapat dipertingkatkan untuk mengatasi masalahkeletihan dan lemah. Ia juga dapat menjadikan anda lebihberdaya dan bertenaga.

Dalam keadaan keletihan, tubuh kita kehilangan Vitamin B, iaituvitamin tenaga kita. Anda boleh menggantikan Vitamin B secaramudah dengan suplemen.

• Pyridoxine (B6)• Cyanocobalamin (B12)• Asid Folik

Mulakan hobi yang anda minatiHobi dapat meningkatkan kesihatan anda.

KetenanganMelibatkan diri dalam aktiviti yangmenenangkan seperti urutan spa, bercuti,mendengar muzik kegemaran atau bermainsukan kegemaran anda.

Kerap bersenamSenaman membantu menjaga kesihatan tubuh dan membantu anda relaks.

Rangkaian sokonganMemiliki rangkaian sokongan yang kukuhdaripada rakan dan keluarga menyumbang kepada

kesejahteraan anda. Ia membantu anda rasa disayangi,meningkatkan harga diri anda dan memberikan anda rasa yangselamat. Oleh itu sayangilah rakan-rakan dan keluarga anda.

SURBEX ZINC meningkatkan tahap tenaga dan menguatkanimuniti tubuh anda. Dengan kecergasan yang meningkat,prestasi anda adalah lebih baik.

Suplemen B-kompleksterlaris diMalaysia.*

• 7 Vitamin B kompleks:Memberikan tenaga optimumbagi mempertingkatkan stamina

• 15mg Zink: Membantupenyembuhan luka danmeningkatkan kecergasan

• 400mcg Asid folik: Membantupembentukan sel darah merah

• 750mg Vitamin C: Menguatkansistem imun tubuh

Tingkatkan tenaga untuk menikmati kehidupan sepenuhnya

dengan Surbex Zinc hari ini.

Serlahkan Kehidupan AndaAnda hanya boleh menikmati kehidupan yang sepenuhnya dengantubuh yang sihat. Berikut ialah beberapa cara untuk menjagakesihatan untuk kehidupan yang lebih sihat dan menyerlahkan.

Boleh didapati di semua farmasi terkemuka.











Dapatkan kekuatan

tiram denganhanya satu tablet