Take The FAST PATH: How To Attract Women www.CARLOSXUMA.com Start with these they’re FREE! Get Started NOW... © Morpheus Productions, LLC All Rights Reserved Want Confidence With Women? CLICK HERE: Supreme Self-Confidence With Women FREE! Want To Live The Alpha Lifestyle? CLICK HERE: Badass Body Language FREE! Want To Meet And Attract Women? CLICK HERE: How To Meet Women & Flirt With Women FREE!

Get Started NOW - Carlos Xuma

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Page 1: Get Started NOW - Carlos Xuma

Take The FAST PATH: How To Attract Womenwww.CARLOSXUMA.com

Start with these they’re FREE!

Get Started NOW...

© Morpheus Productions, LLC All Rights Reserved

Want Confidence With Women?


Self-ConfidenceWith Women


Want To Live The Alpha Lifestyle?

CLICK HERE:Badass Body Language


Want To Meet And Attract Women?

CLICK HERE: How To Meet Women& Flirt With Women


Page 2: Get Started NOW - Carlos Xuma


“Get CARLOS stuff. IT KICKS! Believe me!!"

"Do you REALLY want to make a CHANGE in your life?Do you REALLY want to live up to your DREAMS?Do you REALLY want more GIRLS in your life?Do you REALLY want to have SUCCESS with women and relationships?Get CARLOS stuff. IT KICKS! Believe me!! No Kidding!!!"

- G. Rocco

“Your material is the best there is...”

"...Your material is the best there is, I have tried a lot of other pick up material out their, yours is by far the most natural.

I have a few of your programs that I have learned a great deal from, I am a better man because of You. I have a great girl that I have been living with for the last 6 months..."

- Scott B.

"Simply all I can say is thank you..."

"For my part I want to say that what Carlos does is a great thing and in my personal life it has helped me more than I can describe with words.

When I first read some material on the web what Carlos was teaching I was a total wussy then. A total nice guy. I thought to myself: "This can not possible work. I must be nice to girls. Buy them stuff, compliment them, kiss ass etc..."

At first I fought against what Carlos teached but luckily I had something inside of me that just told me that his stuff make sense. I though I got nothing to lose since I had really nothing :). A year later and a lot of work on myself I have had a total paradigm change in my life, on how I think things, act on things... on how I live my every day life. No longer I react on my impulses or act like a total wuss.

I started not being able to approach and talk to girls to simply approaching girls when I want, where I want and how I want. I banter, tease and flirt with all women I get a chance to and they love it. Although sometimes I take it over the top being a bit to cocky but hey luckily I am aware of these behaviours. I look at things objectively, learn and move on. I no longer act like a victim and make myself into a martyr. I do my best to take responsibility for my actions and do what is courageous and constructive.

I could write a book about all the things that has changed in my life due to what I have learned from Carlos but simply all I can say is thank you.

... thank's from me to Carlos here where some words to describe my gratitude towards his work. "

- Adrian S.

Praise ForCarlos Xuma’s


Page 3: Get Started NOW - Carlos Xuma

“Why did I not find you and your programs sooner!?"

"I had no idea how to act or talk around women. When I used Carlos' program I was skeptical at first, though I listened to the audio twice, took notes and began to realize that what he was saying was right.

Specifically, I lost my virginity. Not even kidding you, there was this one girl I met through the web, and one day she suggested I should come over. I was tired and didn't feel like it until I remembered how Carlos made it a point in the program to never turn down an invitation.

So I went over to her apartment, played it cool, and kissed a girl for the first time as well as lost my virginity.

I'd tell guys to give it a chance, knowledge is power.

Why did I not find you and your programs sooner!?"

- Vince

“...And this is all about a WHOLE LOT MORE than just seduction...”

"Carlos, you're the MAN... I'm serious man, girls are now looking at me, calling out after me, waving at me in class, approaching ME and want to find out what I'M about.

You helped me go from needy boy to centered man who doesn't crave attention and give up my energy... and this is all about a WHOLE LOT MORE than just seduction.

Thanks man - Deep Love to you... I can't thank you enough man"

- Peter K.

“Carlos you are the man!”

"Your alpha tips are second to none...Carlos you are the man!!"

- Evan L.

“...This program is like money in the bank..."

“My situation before I found this product was all work and no play.

When I use Carlos' program I have women asking me out for lunch, potlucks or a few beers, its awesome.

Specifically, my fellow co-workers male and female alike don’t understand how this happens with me now. I consistantly have woman looking for me.

... this program is like money in the bank..."

- Frank R. - El Paso, TX

“You are a !@#$%^& GENIUS!"

"What do I do once your techniques prove to be so powerful that I end up meeting THE woman of my dreams and worships the ground I walked on? I don't want to get complacent, but...geez, I kinda like this!

The kicker: I'm 51! and this WORKS, even for this old coot! I KNOW it will work for the younger guys out there! You are a !@#$%^& GENIUS!"

- J. S.

Page 4: Get Started NOW - Carlos Xuma

"Since I've received your information, the transformation is amazing..."

"Dear Mr. Xuma,

I never write or e-mail to people I've never met, or don't actually know in some way, but in your case I have to make an exception. I started getting you newsletter and videos before Christmas and what a change has come over my social life as a result...

I just couldn't attract the type of women I wanted, and whenever I tried, I would stumble and bumble and just be an a**! It was strange and out of character, and of course the worse it got, the worse I got. I decided to start doing some research, and there you were with videos, newsletters, free reports, and some great advice. I saw the qualities you espoused, and realized I had them all in spades, I just wasn't using them socially.

Since I've received your information, the transformation is amazing! I am now dating lawyers, teachers, doctors, and lots of other intelligent, attractive career women ranging in ages from 27 to 40. Exactly what I want. I now carry myself socially with women the way I have for years with men that I've lead. I'm now inline with myself. What a difference!

The reason for this e-mail is that today was truly amazing! I saw this incredible red head talking with a friend. I walked over to the two ladies, apologized for interrupting, but said that if I didn't introduce myself to the two of them, I would always regret it.

We talked for a few moments, the friend was married (perfect!) and the next thing I had a lunch date for tomorrow with the red head, along with a phone number and e-mail! It wasn't even a pick-up! It was just a conversation between a secure, confident man and an attractive woman!

Eventually, through dating and meeting lots of women, I will find the one I want to spend the rest of my days with. I believe I have you to thank for that Carlos, for making me realize I had what it takes, I just needed to align my inner game with my outer game, and express those alpha values in a consistent way in all areas of my life.

Keep up the great work, and by the way, I'm 41 years old so its never to late to learn something. All the best, and I must go now because I have a date tonight with Doctor of Electrical Engineering. Should be a great conversation! "

- Dave P.

“This stuff WORKS !!”

"This stuff WORKS !! I've tried out so many places with a large number of ladies...n got success everytime. Guaranteed 100%...this is the kind of system every man out there needs... rock solid natural game ! "

- M. B.

"...Get these programs..."

"My situation sucked. I was that nice guy wuss I thought girls would go for yet time and time again the girl I liked would go out with or be stolen from me by the bad boy or even worse, the jerk. I had no confidence and no game. I was extremely shy and very depressed. Not pretty.

When I used Carlos' program, things started to turn around. I stopped caring about who I offended or who didn't like me. I stopped caring about peoples' opinions of trivial things, like how I looked or dressed or whatever (this is the Bad Boy Formula). I thought things would backfire, but girls got more interested and for once I got a good explanation for why being the nice guy is not the way to go.

Now, I am that fun guy who always has something interesting to say. I'm very flirty now, I know how to tease women in the right way and I know how to not take shit from them when they flake out without being a total asshole.

Page 5: Get Started NOW - Carlos Xuma

“When I used Carlos' program the world opened up for me...”

"My situation before I found this product wasn’t at all where I wanted to be. I could start off great with women, but it would slowly get awkward. Or, I would hit it off great with a women and slowly but surely they thought I was a weird dork.

When I used Carlos' program the world opened up for me. I stopped hesitating, and started to voice my opinion, which needless to say spark the attention of ALL WOMEN and men as well.

Specifically, I gained the respect of peers ... one of a strong sexual and confidant MAN. No longer do I get the "that a boy!" comment. I now have people calling me to hang out on a regular basis

...either buy this program, or risk becoming a pick up artist or a player, neither of which will get you where you want to be. Carlos teaches you the fundamentals of being a real man. You'll find that your "powers" will exceed those of even men of age who you used to just follow. After these programs, you’ll have advice to give your father.

I'd just like to personally thank you Carlos. The legacy that your living is most definitely admired by me. Also in the Ultimate Inner Game program you said you would sacrifice yourself for a person in need. The utmost respect is all I give you homie. Buddha, Gandi, Jesus, whoever you believe in, they would most certainly be proud of you."

- Jordan

“...My girlfriend got more and more interested in me...”

"I found more and more women interested in me without having to try ... my girlfriend got more and more interested in me because of my alpha attitude..."

- Patrick W. - U.K.


"AWESOME!! Xuma is right on! ... This guy is more than a dating guru! He almost can be your psychologist. He's basically a life coach!"

- RussX5Z

“...And your approach is absolutely the best.”

"...I have been receiving newsletters from a couple different ''dating gurus'' (yours too!) for a few months already and I have dramatically improved my self-confidence, self-esteem ... RESULTS! I wanted to thank you for that by the way

But there is one thing I found out about you recently and it is that you focus on women and dating, but thats not all you talk about and suggest people to focus on, what you want us to learn is being ''Alpha Males'' in all areas of our life...

...i've been studying all other areas of life before dating... and your approach is absolutly the best."

- Olivier, France

“...It changed my life!!”

"Hey carlos i recently bought your Ultimate Inner Game and it changed my life!! you're so damn cool!"

- Al G.

I'd tell guys to get these programs. Seriously. Carlos said that he teaches how to become the Bad Boy (or better) with honor and integrity and he delivers. The Alpha Masculinity Program helped me get rid of all the bad traits of the nice guy and become the man I always wanted to be... it has turned into one of the best investments I ever made."

- Steve K - Chicago

Page 6: Get Started NOW - Carlos Xuma

IMPORTANT: The information contained in or made available through Carlos Xuma’s programs cannot and is not intended to replace or substitute for the services of trained professionals in any field, including, but not limited to, psychological, financial, medical, or legal matters. In particular, you should regularly consult a doctor in all matters relating to physical or mental health, particularly concerning any symptoms that may require diagnosis or medical attention.

DD Publications/Morpheus Productions, LLC, and our licensors or suppliers make no representations or warranties concerning any treatment, action, or application of medication or preparation by any person following the information offered or provided herein. Neither Carlos Xuma nor our associates, or any of their affiliates, will be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential, special, exemplary or other damages that may result, including but not limited to economic loss, injury, illness or death.

Testimonial DisclaimerIn accordance with the FTC guidelines concerning use of endorsements and testimonials in advertising, let us make you aware of the following circumstances:

• Testimonials appearing here or on Carlos Xuma’s site are actually received via email submission. They are individual experiences, reflecting real life experiences of those who have used our products and/or services in some way or other. However, they are individual results and results do vary. We do not claim that they are typical results that consumers will generally achieve. The testimonials are not necessarily representative of all of those who will use our products and/or services.

• The testimonials displayed are given verbatim except for correction of grammatical or typing errors. Some have been shortened, meaning; not the whole message received by the testimony writer is displayed, when it seemed lengthy or the testimony in its entirety seemed irrelevant for the general public.

• Carlos Xuma is not responsible for any of the opinions or comments posted to our site. Carlos Xuma’s site is not a forum for testimonials, however provides testimonials as a means for customers to share their experiences with one another. To prevent against abuse, all testimonials appear after they have been reviewed by management of Carlos Xuma. Carlos Xuma does not share the opinions, views or commentary of any testimonials on this site, and are strictly the views of the reviewer.


For More Information On Carlos Xuma’s



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