Published by the Community Bankers Association of Georgia exclusively for Georgia community bankers VOL.2 4 ISSUE 5 SEPT | OCT 2011 I N S I D E 4Finer Points 4Savannah Highlights 4UMDP is Here...Are You Ready? 4Social Media – Don’t Let It Slip! 4CBA University 4From The Top 4New CBA Board Member of ICBA GEORGIA Communities FIRST

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The official publication of Community Bankers Association of Georgia

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4Finer points

4Savannah Highlights

4UMDp is Here...Are You Ready?

4Social Media – Don’t Let It Slip!

4cBA University

4From the top

4New cBA Board

Member of IcBA

GEORGIA Communities


page 16 CBA Board is Elected

V O L . 2 4 I S S U E 5S E p t | O c t 2 0 1 1

Community Bankers Association of Georgia1900 The Exchange, Suite 600, Atlanta, GA 30339

770-541-4490 or 800-648-8215 4 Fax: 770-541-4496 www.cbaofga.com 4 [email protected]

F E A t U R E S 4


page 11 CBA Universitypage 3 CBA Returns

to Savannah!page 1 Finer Points

1 Finer Points3 Savannah Convention Highlights6 UMDP is Here...Are You Ready?8 Patrick G. Blanchard Recognition9 Lifetime Service Award Recipients 11 CBA University12 Social Media - Don’t Let It Slip!14 From The Top, A Story of Giving Back16 CBA’s New Board of Directors17 CBA’s Newly Endorsed Member Companies

I N S I D E 4Carolyn Brown, President & CEO

[email protected]

Steve Bridges, Executive Director ofLegislative & Regulatory Affairs

[email protected]

Donna Coutant, Education & Special Events [email protected]

Teresa Day, Receptionist / Administrative Assistant [email protected]

Lindsay Greene, Marketing & Strategic Partnerships [email protected]

Amy Hellenga, Marketing Intern [email protected]

Tammy Maass, CFO [email protected]

Jodi Swilley, VP, Education & Professional Development

[email protected]

Charlie Watts, Lobbyist

Nick Wilborn, Operations Assistant [email protected]

Peake Wilson, Vice President [email protected]

That every long journey begins with a single first step applies to today’s rare bipartisan agreement in Washington over reversing the decades-long momentum of ever greater financial concentration. Most federal policymakers have vowed to end too-big-to-fail (TBTF) so our country never again faces the unacceptable Hobson’s choice of either bail-ing out irresponsible Wall Street institutions or suffering apocalyptic financial ruin. Since Congress put in place several ICBA-backed mea-sures to rein in and even possibly break up the largest bank and nonbank financial institutions, no definitive action has been taken to back our country away from the cliff edge of financial overconcentration. Regulators are still putting in place the systemic-risk measures in the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform Act. However, four years after the financial crisis no giant financial institution has been told that its once unstoppable appetite to grow ever bigger through un-questioned mergers and acquisitions is a thing of the past. Now the Federal Reserve faces this crucial first step. After holding three public hearings in September and this month, the Federal Reserve must decide whether to ap-prove or deny a proposed acquisition by Capital One of $80

4By Cam Fine, president & cEO,

Independent community Bankers of America


billion in U.S. banking deposits from ING Direct, the Dutch-owned online banking unit in the United States. If allowed, the acquisition would catapult Capital One from being the eighth-largest bank in the United States to being the fifth-largest with $300 billion in assets. Combined with Capital One’s announced plans to purchase the $80 billion HSBC Holdings’ credit card business in the United States, the ING acquisition would only fuel Capital One’s lopsided growth in the volatile specialty business of subprime credit card lending. Increasing Capital One’s overwhelmingly dominant holdings in subprime credit cards—none of its rivals even comes close—would quietly make Capital One as inter-connected and “systemically important” as giants Bank of America and Citicorp. By law and its own public notices, the Federal Reserve must consider whether the Capital One acquisition would create “undue concentration of resources,” cause “decreased or unfair competition” or impose greater “risk to the stability of the United States banking or financial system.” For each criterion, Capital One’s application fails. Now it’s up to the Federal Reserve to simply say so. But as important, it’s up to the Fed to send a clear signal to Wall Street and all of Amer-ica that federal regulators are serious about ending TBTF. When the Wall Street Reform Act passed Congress earlier this year, community bankers understandably had great hopes that TBTF would become a relic of history and that they would once again compete on a more level playing field. To the contrary, nothing has changed since the finan-cial crisis. The largest 10 bank holding companies still con-trol nearly 80 percent of the banking industry’s total assets and the largest four still hold 46 percent of the industry’s assets, the same as it was in 2005. Join ICBA in pressing the case against Capitol One’s ac-quisition of ING. Let’s take this next crucial step together in addressing TBTF. And, of course, it will only be a first step on the long journey ahead.

A Test Case on TBTF

F I N E R 4 p O I N t S

- 2 -


Savannah4 3 R D A N N UA L M E E T i N G & T R A D E S H o W … A n E v e n t t o R e m e m b e r

Friday’s opening ceremony included the South Effingham High School Junior RoTC group presenting the Georgia and United States flags, while a local vocalist gracefully sang the Star Spangled Banner. Congratulations to Brad Rutledge, Executive Vice President of Renasant Bank in Jasper, for winning t h e F r i d a y c a s h p r i z e , a n d t o D a w n G r i f f i n , President & CEo of Liberty First Bank in Monroe, for winning the Saturday cash prize. The much anticipated golf tournament was a close call with the first and second place teams tied at 62. The first place team won in a scorecard playoff and included Derek Williams, First Peoples Bank, Pine Mountain; Erik Bagwell, CenterState Bank, Atlanta; Chris Wright, CenterState Bank, Atlanta; and Eric Wimbush, Federal Home Loan Bank of Atlanta. The second place team consisted of Ken Barber, Metro Bank, Douglasville; Johnny Blankenship, Metro Bank, Douglasville; Dan oliver, Vinings Bank, Smyrna; and, Brad Crawford, banc-serv Partners, LLC, Westfield, iN. The Closest to the Pin was won by Ron Mitchell, Mauldin & Jenkins, LLC, on hole #18 and the Longest Drive was won by Erik Bagwell on hole #12.

Community bankers, board members, vendors speakers and regulators gathered in Savannah at The Westin Savannah Harbor Golf Resort and Spa for CBA’s 43rd Annual Meeting and Trade Show and 2nd Annual Georgia Bank Directors’ College, September 21-25, 2011. Attendees heard from industry experts, regulators, strategists, fellow bankers, and motivational speaker Kimberly Dozier, Associated Press Correspondent and Best-Selling Author of Breathing the Fire. This year, CBA introduced Exhibitor Bingo, during which bankers were eligible to participate in a drawing for either $500 cash or a $150 gas card. Congratulations to Preston Conner, President & CEo, Southern Bank, Sardis, who won $500 cash and Charlie Curry, President & CEo, First State Bank of Randolph County, Cuthbert, who won the $150 gas card. The Welcome Reception & Dine-Around, held Thursday night, opened with a local Savannah G i r l S c o u t T r o o p w e l c o m i n g b a n k e r s a n d exhibitors, as well as handing out silent auction programs encouraging attendees to participate.



Savannah4 3 R D A N N UA L M E E T i N G & T R A D E S H o W … A n E v e n t t o R e m e m b e r Sponsors

P l a t i n u m Spon s o r s

Si l v e r Spon s o r s

B r o n z e Spon s o r s

I n d i v i d u a l E v e n t Spon s o r sBoard Appreciation Reception

Board Appreciation Dinner

Convention Program

Convention Signs

Convention Totes

Name Badges

Registration Packet & Saturday Break

Hotel Key Cards & In-Room Welcome Gift

Silent Auction Program

Welcome Refreshments

Welcome Reception & Dine-Around

Friday Cash Prize

Friday Golf Tournament

Keynote Speaker

Saturday Cash Prize

Friday Breakfast & Newspapers

StokeS LazaruS & CarmiChaeL LLpat t o r n e y S at L aw

Savannah4 3 R D A N N UA L M E E T i N G & T R A D E S H o W … A n E v e n t t o R e m e m b e r

ExhibitorsAasys Group, inc.ACGBanc Consulting Partnersbanc.serv Partners, LLCBankers insight Group, LLCBankSmart Solutions, LLCCalyx SoftwareCash Transactions, LLCComputer Services, inc.Consultants & BuildersCrescent MortgageCRS DataCSRA Business LendingCummins-Allison CorporationDell SecureWorksDeNyse CompaniesDiebold, inc.Dittrich & AssociatesFirst Date CorporationFiSCAL Credit SuiteGenesys Technology GroupGeorgia Dept. of Community AffairsGuaranty Wholesale TrustHigh CottoniCBA SecuritiesiCS Risk AdvisorsiHELP Private Student Loan ProgramiMPACT Financial ServicesJack Henry BankingLee & Mason Financial Services, inc.Marquisoffice of the Comptroller of the CurrencyPriority Payment SystemsPULSEQwickRateSageworks inc.SHAZAMSouthwest Financial Services, Ltd.Swift KnowledgeThe Corvus GroupTravelersTriad Financial Services, inc.Warren, Averett, Kimbrough & Marino, LLC

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have created the Uniform Mortgage Data Program (UMDP) to standardize requirements for delivery of all appraisal and loan data. The UMDP will affect all appraisals for mortgages sold to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, and applies to any report with a date of inspection on or after September 1, 2011. Are you and your appraisers ready for the change? Meeting the requirements set forth by the UMDP will require adaptation and training on the part of many of your

appraisers, and this process has the potential to create the need for a labor-intensive quality control process. While appraisal management companies can alleviate much of the stress of adapting to these changes, some community lenders worry that such a course of action may require a decreased utilization of existing appraisal panels. Needless to say, these relationships are essential to both community bankers and to local appraisers. An AMC should offer the option for

UMDP is here...are U ready?

4Southwest Financial Services, LLC is a CBA Endorsed Member Provider

4By Mark Schroeder, Sales Representative,

Southwest Financial Services, LLc

community lenders to choose which appraisers are used to complete UMDP compliant reports, and should be able to train current local appraisers to ensure they meet all necessary UMDP requirements. Southwest Financial Services, Ltd. is pleased to announce an expanded relationship with the Community Bankers Association of Georgia, which now includes comprehensive appraisal management. Over the past 3 decades, Southwest Financial has developed a cutting-edge, proprietary appraisal management system designed to guarantee accuracy and efficiency. Southwest Financial understands and appreciates the value of your relationships with locally approved appraisers, and we value them as well. Our appraisal management services work to utilize community lender appraisal networks, while supplementing such local networks with a national panel of experienced appraisers. Such collaboration allows local lenders access to appraisers outside their traditional market areas, and improves prospects for expansion. Lenders who utilize the Southwest Financial appraisal management program can rest assured in the knowledge that each processed appraisal undergoes a comprehensive quality control review to ensure completeness and compliance. All appraisal reports reviewed by Southwest Financial meet federal standards and requirements, and comply with USPAP and UMDP regulations. Lenders also benefit from user-friendly access to online ordering and process transparency. Lenders are able to place orders, upload documents, view status and order notes, submit inquiries, and view appraisal images from their desktops. To comply with Dodd-Frank requirements, and in partnership with the CBA of Georgia, Southwest Financial will work with individual lenders to determine reasonable and customary appraiser fees for specific markets, applying a “cost-plus” pricing model. For more information, please contact Southwest Financial today at 1-800-733-3312 to discuss our appraisal management process in greater detail. Since its inception, Southwest Financial Services has remained focused on its unwavering commitment to unique customer needs. Southwest Financial’s success is a testament to its ongoing dedication to serving its customers, and the relationships that have been forged over the past 28 years remain the focus of the company as it moves into a new era. Southwest Financial Services, Ltd. is proud to be a leader in providing innovative appraisal products and services.4Southwest Financial Services, Ltd. is a CBA Endorsed Member Company.

Time for your 2012 Marketing Budget?


Watch for details on how your company can maximize

your exposure to Georgia’s community banks.cBA will soon be sharing details on marketing opportunities for

2012 which include directory, website, e-Newsletter, and magazine advertising. Be first to secure your spot for event, convention,

annual meeting, golf tournament, educational events and networking partnerships.

4For more details, contact Lindsay Greene at CBA at 770-541-4490 or [email protected].

Patrick G. Blanchard, Vice Chairman of First Bank of Georgia in Augusta and CBA Board Member, was recognized with a Resolution recently by the Community Bankers Association of Georgia (CBA) for his continued commitment to community banking in Georgia. CBA honored Mr. Blanchard at the 43rd Annual Meeting & Trade Show in Savannah. Mr. Blanchard was recognized for his 50-years of community banking service, which will be reached in 2012. “The Association is excited to recognize Pat for his commitment to community banking. Georgia is very fortunate to have community bankers such as Pat who have provided this much needed service to their local communities,” explained Carolyn Brown, President & CEo of the Community Bankers Association of Georgia. “it is our pleasure to recognize Pat’s accomplishments and the inspiration he has been to a new generation of community bankers.” Derek Williams, President & CEo of First Peoples Bank in Pine Mountain and 2010-2011 CBA Chairman, presented Pat with a plaque, customized gold and diamond lapel pin, and the Board Resolution. Mr. Blanchard served as President and CEo of Georgia-Carolina Bancshares, inc. during its formulative

first ten-year history of the company and continues to serve as Vice Chairman of the Board of its subsidiary, First Bank of Georgia in Augusta. Mr. Blanchard has formerly served as Assistant State Treasurer of Georgia, as well as President of Georgia State Bank in Martinez, Georgia Bank & Trust Company of Augusta, and Georgia-Carolina Bancshares, inc., in Augusta where he was also the Founder and Principal organizer of all three organizations.

4For more information about the recognition, contact CBA at 770- 541-4490 or email [email protected].

4Derek Williams, Gwen and Pat Blanchard, Carolyn Brown

PATRiCK G. BLANCHARD Receives Resolution Recognition from CBA of GA

On Saturday, September 24th, during the chairman’s Legacy Banquet at the 43rd Annual Meeting & trade Show, the community Bankers Association of Georgia (cBA) paid tribute to bankers who have served 30 years or more in the banking industry. Honorees included Ken Barber, President/CEO, Metro Bank, Douglasville - 35 years; Mary Ann Bowers, Senior Vice President, Chief Technology Officer, persons Banking company, Inc., perry - 46 years; Rick Drews, CEO/Director, century Bank of Georgia, cartersville - 33 years; Dawn Griffin, President/CEO, Liberty First Bank, Monroe - 38 years; Gary Ledbetter, President/CEO, columbus community Bank - 31 years; Dan Oliver, President/CEO, Vinings Bank, Smyrna - 39 years; and Kenny Wade, pictured in the photo on the right, Executive Vice President, Alma Exchange Bank & trust - 50 years. “the Association is excited to present this new program which recognizes community bank employees who have reached milestones in their careers. Our state is very fortunate to have community bankers in the industry who have provided this much needed service to their local communities,” explained carolyn Brown, president & cEO of the community Bankers Association of Georgia. “the honorees represent

CBA of Georgia Presents Lifetime Service Awards to seven Georgia

Community Bankers

4Look for the Georgia Communities First Nov./Dec. issue for a special section on legacy bankers and banks across the state.

272 years of collective service to the banking industry. It is our pleasure to recognize their legacy and the inspiration they have been to a new generation of community bankers.” Derek Williams, president & cEO of First peoples Bank in pine Mountain and 2010-2011 cBA chairman, presented the awards and gave a brief bio on each recipient. Honorees will be featured in an upcoming issue of the cBA’s Georgia communities First magazine and cBA today eNewsletter. Each recipient received a plaque from the cBA and Kenny Wade was also presented with a custom-designed 50-year gold and diamond lapel pin.

4Derek Williams and Kenny Wade

OctOber SchOOlS Compliance School Monday - Thursday, october 17-20, 2011, Atlanta

Consumer Lending School Monday-Friday, october 24-28, 2011, Atlanta

UPcOMING OctOber eDUcAtIONAl OFFerINGS10/18 Developing & Documenting iT Project Management10/20 Mandatory Compliance Training Series: Job-Specific BSA Training for Lenders10/24 Consumer Lending School , Atlanta 4 ½ days10/25 How To Prepare For Your Next Regulatory Exam, Brunswick10/25 Workplace “Noon-Time” Telephone Forum10/25 Responding to official Demands for Customer Funds10/27 Auditing iRS Reporting


Over 130 community bankers Attend the 2nd Annual Georgia bank Directors' college

on September 21-22, 2011, in two half-day sessions, over 130 community bankers and representatives from CBA associate member companies attended the 2nd Annual Georgia Bank Directors’ College (BDC) in the beautiful, historic city of Savannah. Community bank directors and others gained valuable information regarding a variety of topics relating to interest rate risk management and monitoring; allowance for loan and lease losses; stress testing the loan portfolio; Commercial real estate management and workouts; regulatory reporting of problem loans and troubled debt restructurings; loss share agreements; the Dodd-Frank Act, and best practices for bank boards and much more. The CBA would like to thank the luncheon speaker, Jim McAlpin, Partner, Bryan Cave, LLP, Atlanta and Tom Dujenski, FDiC Atlanta Regional Director, Frank Gray, Atlanta Assistant Regional Director, and other senior officials from the Atlanta Regional office for their valuable time and expertise in making the BDC a great success. The banking industry, while still quite strong, continues to face challenges. one of the keys to successfully meeting the challenges is to have bank management and directors fully informed of the issues, responsibilities, rules, and regulations. The CBA commends those who participated in this important event, and CBA is committed to providing the best training for Georgia community bankers and their board of directors. The next CBA bank training event is the 4th Annual Bank Directors’ & Executive Management Conference to be held Monday, December 5, 2011, at the Intercontinental Buckhead, Atlanta. Please SAVE THE DATE and watch for details to arrive soon.

the cBA University is dedicated to providing quality educational programs in a variety of formats covering topics that are timely, beneficial, and valuable to the bank. Each program is designed to advance the skills of all personnel in a community bank…from the frontline to the board room. to learn all about the October cBA University schedule and to register, please visit the cBA website at www.cbaofga.com or contact the cBA Education Department at [email protected]. continuing professional Education (cpE) credits are available to participants.


S A v E T H E

D A T E !

WEDNESDAy, JANuARy 25, 2012

GrASP enjoys Successful Inaugural Meeting

over sixty Georgia Community Bankers and associated Special Assets Professionals were in attendance for the inaugural Group of Asset Servicing Professionals (GRASP) meeting held on Thursday, September 15, 2011, at Maggiano’s Little italy Restaurant at Cumberland Mall, Atlanta. The meeting was co-sponsored by the Community Bankers Association of Georgia, independent Community Bankers of America and Howick, Westfall, McBryan & Kaplan, LLP. The networking and educational luncheon meeting featured guest speaker Steve Wood, City President, CFo and Director of The Citizens Bank of Adel, Georgia. Mr. Wood shared insights into his personal career development and discussed the unique challenges community banks are facing in the Special Assets arena. He also offered advice and encouragement to the professionals entering the field of Special Assets. Attendees represented community banks from all over the State of Georgia. The next GRASP meeting will be held Thursday, January 12, 2012. SAVE THE DATE and watch for additional details.

SAVe the DAteS4th Annual Bank Directors’ & Executive Management Conference Monday, December 5, 2011-Intercontinental Buckhead, Atlanta

Bank directors’ responsibilities and liabilities have greatly changed and expanded over the last few years due to an unprecedented and rapidly changing environment. There has never been a more crucial time for bank directors and executive management to understand emerging trends; how to find new opportunities and how to manage increased regulatory compliance and expenses and much more. The CBA is pleased to partner with the law and consulting firm Gerrish McCreary Smith, Memphis, TN to offer this informative solution-driven program designed specifically for Georgia community banks. Make plans now to attend this one-of-a-kind conference. Additional details will arrive at your bank soon.

2nd Annual Workplace Law Conference thursday-Friday, December 8-9, 2011- Atlanta (1½ days)

4th Quarter Compliance Program topic: compliance Update 5 convenient Locations: 12/6-Brunswick; 12/7-tifton; 12/8-Macon; 12/13-Rome; 12/14 Duluth

The past year has confronted financial institutions with an unprecedented array of regulatory changes and developments with more still to come. Navigating these changes while implementing them to your institution’s best advantage has never been more important. Register today at www.cbaofga.com and come learn from an industry expert while networking with other compliance professionals.

6Particpants from the well-attended Bank Directors’ College in Savannah

Now that the social media buzz has quieted to some-thing more akin to a hum, community banks may find their attention to this important communication vehicle begin-ning to slide. Maybe the realization that social media takes a strong commitment has shocked your team into paralysis. Maybe you have simply run out of fresh content ideas. Or maybe your bank’s biggest social media champion switched roles – or worse yet, jobs. Whatever the root cause, you must avoid the tempta-tion to let your bank’s social media presence fade. This is especially important if you began with gusto, engaging your customers and prospects in a really exciting way. They will want to see more, and you will want to give it to them. Nothing says “Something’s funny with this bank” like a blog site that has not been updated for six weeks or a Twitter stream has been idle for months. Fortunately, as more social media sites have developed, so too have the applications and tools for managing an ef-fective social media strategy. There are now some very cool (and inexpensive) ways to make sure you are out there every day with solid, engaging content. One word of caution before you jump head-first into any of these tools: “Set it and forget it” does not work with social media. Much like fraud prevention or compliance, you must be constantly vigilant in monitoring what is hap-pening around you. What this means in the world of social media is that you must plan to supplement each of these management tools with “live” social media engagement in order to do it well. Post It Now Free and easy, social media scheduling tools-abound. These online (and often mobile) applica-



Let It



4By James Ghiglieri Jr., Senior Vice president of

corporate communications, SHAZAM

tions allow you to plan your content to coincide with your other marketing and promotional efforts. Are you launching a back-to-school debit rewards pro-motion this fall? You can write your Tweets for the week prior to the launch right now. And even better yet, you can use free tools online to schedule them for publica-tion at the exact date and time you want them to appear. More importantly, scheduling tools allow you to maintain a daily (or more frequently if that fits your strategy) presence on social sites like Twitter and Facebook, or even a blog. Supplementing your pre-scheduled content is vital to maintaining a truly successful social media presence, howev-er. Plan to visit your various social media sites at least three times a week to post impromptu messages about a recent news headline, an employee or customer success, or a rem-edy to a problem one of your fans or followers has posted. Link It Up Another great way to efficiently manage multiple social media sites is to use linking tools. Also free, these tools al-low you to publish the same content across several sites. For instance, you have just posted a new blog for par-ents about the importance of saving for retirement over their kids’ college tuition. Without having to then run out to Twitter, Facebook, or LinkedIn individually to post a link to the blog on each site, you can set an application to do this for you automatically. These tools spot your new blog post

and publish links on your Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn pages the moment the blog goes live. This strategy allows you to reach those customers on Facebook who would never read your blog. It allows you to connect with your small business clients on LinkedIn who are less likely to find you on Twitter. And most important-ly, it allows you to maintain consistency in your messages across channels. Keep It Fresh You have two options when it comes to the inspiration for content ideas: your own internal team of people and your external community. The key to keeping your blogs, posts, status updates and multi-media content fresh is to look at both sources regularly and in a planned way. Yes, brilliance often comes when you least expect it, and you absolutely need to take advantage of those light-ing-strike ideas. But by their very nature, they are rare. So take a systemic approach to how you will brainstorm. Create a team of three to five people and challenge them to maintain a running list of ideas at their desk, above their drawer, or on their smartphone. Then, get together twice a month to share those ideas. Remember, thanks to those free tools available to anyone online, you do not have to wait to put those great ideas into action.

4Jim Ghiglieri can be reached at [email protected]. SHAZAM is a CBA Endorsed Member Company.

Nearly every day community bankers inspire me as I serve as your ICBA chairman. While traveling to dozens of meetings and events, I’ve learned much more about how community banks are making their Main Street communi-ties better places to live and work. By freely offering their time, talents and special knowledge, ICBA members are doing everything from promoting financial literacy, jump-starting economic development projects, sustaining civic celebrations and cultural arts programs, and helping with the work of nonprofit charities. Many community bank efforts are down payments for the future. One heartening example is a leadership pro-gram for high school seniors conducted by First Southern State Bank in Stevenson, Ala. The bank’s president, Mike Ellenburg, told me about the First Southern Young Leaders program during a Community Bankers Association of Ala-bama gathering. Kicking off its ninth year last month, the program allows about 25 active and academically talented seniors to learn about leadership and explore long-term ca-reer choices. Each year about 100 students from five local high schools apply and are interviewed to participate. Ellenburg gives an overview of the banking system, in-cluding how community banks help all kinds of businesses and business professionals succeed. He also talks about the importance of business leaders giving back to the com-munities that support their livelihoods. Doctors, lawyers, engineers and other business professionals also give the students real-world insights about their professions. Ques-tions such as their daily work routines, the salaries they bring home and their academic requirements are addressed upfront. In addition to team-building exercises and completing a community service project, the program takes the seniors on special field trips to tour university programs in the re-

gion. The students also visit the Federal Reserve Bank in Atlanta. Ellenburg started the First Southern Young Leaders program after his bank participated in a student leadership program by the Community Bankers Association of Ala-bama on lawmaking at the state level. He said the effective-ness of the CBAA program’s out-of-classroom experiences, including meetings with lawmakers and the state’s gover-nor, sparked the idea for a local career-oriented program. Today, the First Southern Young Leaders program is co-ordinated by five employees—Stacey Crabtree, Jeff Smith, Scott Kirk, Chris Richey and Justin Mayhew—who work with guidance counselors at the participating high schools. By the end of the seven-month program, sometimes stu-dents switch career paths. However, most of the students, even the initially shy ones, become more confident and outgoing. Most form several lasting friendships as well as future networking contacts. Already, the First Southern Young Leaders program is beginning to make an impact. Several college graduates who went through the program have returned to their home-towns, obtained valuable jobs and, in particular, are giving back to their communities in various creative ways. The bank has employed several of the students, and some are considering banking careers. With this year’s program underway, more future leaders are on the way. The future is brighter for these communi-ties, and for community banking. Knowing that this is just one of hundreds of innovative programs community banks are creating and maintaining around the country is exciting. The cycle of giving back is as strong as ever on Main Street.

4Sal Marranca, ICBA Chairman, and President & CEO, Cattaraugus County Bank in Little Valley, N.Y.

A Story of Giving Back

By Sal MarrancaCattaraugus County Bank

Little Valley, New York

From the Top

First Southern Young Leaders Program



4Derek Williams and Mark Stevens

2011-2012 Board of Directors

Division 1 Chairperson .......Ricky Nessmith, Farmers & Merchants Bank, Statesboro Division 2 Chairperson .......Len Dorminey, HeritageBank of the South, Albany Division 3 Chairperson .......Tom Arnold, SunMark Community Bank, Hawkinsville Division 4 Chairperson .......Charles Sweat, LaGrange Banking Company Division 5 Chairperson .......Elliott Miller, Georgia Banking Company, Inc., Atlanta Division 6 Chairperson .......Drew Hulsey, Piedmont Community Bank, Gray Division 7 Chairperson .......Andrew Walker, Jr., Alliance National Bank, Dalton Division 8 Chairperson .......Eddie Selph, The Merchants & Citizens Bank, McRae Division 9 Chairperson .......Marc Greene, Mountain Valley Community Bank, Cleveland Division 10 Chairperson .......Rick Basinger, Northeast Georgia Bank, Lavonia Ex-officio (iCBA) ....................Paul Bennett, Alma Exchange Bank and Trust Members At Large .................Pat Blanchard, First Bank of Georgia, Augusta

Joe Gore, First State Bank, Wrens Kelly Hillis, The Bank of Perry G.W. Johnson, Durden Banking Company, Inc., Twin City Lisa Lane, State Bank & Trust Company, Macon Dr. Narasimhulu Neelagaru, Quantum National Bank, Suwanee Henry Pope, Exchange Bank, Milledgeville Debra Weil, PlantersFIRST, Fitzgerald Shannon Fortson, Pinnacle Bank, Elberton Carolyn Brown, CBA of Georgia, Atlanta

Mark Stevens, Market President for Bibb County, State Bank & Trust Company in Macon, was installed as the 2011-2012 Chairman of the Community Bankers Association of Georgia (CBA) during the 43rd Annual Meeting & Trade Show, held September 21 – 25, 2011, in Savannah. Mr. Stevens succeeds Derek Williams, President & CEO of First Peoples Bank in Pine Mountain. Nominations for the 2011-2012 CBA Board of Directors were announced and approved at the annual meeting. Board members are selected from ten divisions across the state of Georgia, ensuring all Georgia community banks are equally represented. Board members are elected to a one-year term which begins October 1 of each year. During the course of the year, Directors will be involved in a number of items on behalf of the CBA membership, such as responding to proposed rules and regulations from the various regulatory agencies, reviewing numerous products and services which will benefit the community banking industry and the consumer, and continuing and enhancing relationships with elected officials.

“Our membership has elected some of Georgia’s best and brightest banking executives to serve on the CBA board,” commented Carolyn Brown, President & CEO of the Community Bankers Association of Georgia. “Their experience, insight and leadership will be invaluable to the association in the coming year. W e a p p r e c i a t e t h e i r c o m m i t m e n t t o t h e c o m m u n i t y b a n k i n g i n d u s t r y . ”

Elects 2011-2012 Board of Directors at 43 rd Annual Meeting

Chairman ............................. Mark Stevens, State Bank & Trust Company, Macon Chairman-Elect ................... Dan Oliver, Vinings Bank, Smyrna Vice Chairman ..................... Charlie Curry, First State Bank of Randolph County, Cuthbert Treasurer ............................. Dale Morris, First National Bank of Coffee County, Douglas immediate Past Chairman .. Derek Williams, First Peoples Bank, Pine Mountain At Large ............................... Ed Cooney, Affinity Bank, Atlanta

1banc-serv Partners, LLC

product: SBA Loans: Packaging, Loan Sale and Servicing

banc-serv pARtNERS, LLc is

a comprehensive third-party back

office for SBA lending. banc-serv

pARtNERS services consist of loan

structuring/packaging, secondary

market sales/portfolio management,

SBA Loan compliance monitoring,

servicing and liquidation. banc-serv

pARtNERS currently works with over

125 bank partners in 18 states. banc-

serv pARtNERS portfolio consists

of $675,000,000 in packaged loans

and $375,000,000 in annual loan

compliance monitoring and servicing.

For more information, contact Brad Crawford at 866.408.2262 or email at [email protected]. 2

cRS Data

product: CRS Data Banker Suite Real Estate Information

Founded in 1989 to provide a property information service for the real estate community, cRS Data (courthouse Retrieval Systems) offers more than 2,000 corporations access to public tax records, sales and mortgage histories, warranty deeds, comparable sales, GIS and scanned tax maps, area demographics, property and subdivision analysis. the cRS Data Banker Suite helps community banks comply, justify, evaluate, report and market real estate properties with a powerful suite of products using an intuitive user interface and strong reporting structure. today, over 150 banks currently using their system as part of daily operations. For more information, contact Kirsten Elkins at 615.202.3946 or [email protected]. 3


product: TriComply Compliance Solution

tricomply is headed by Blair Rugh, one of the most pre-eminent experts in banking law with over 20 years experience in commercial and investment banking and a juris doctorate from Southern Methodist University. the service offers subscribing banks access to an online database full of compliance information and enables banks to submit questions and receive expert responses, as well as ask for a thorough review of advertisements and bank policies. Additionally banks have access to a calendar of compliance deadlines and weekly compliance updates. Endorsed by several community banking associations across the U.S., tricomply is a cost-effective compliance solution. For more information, contact Starr Largin or Gary Foster at 205.588.4304 or email [email protected].

3 The Community Bankers Association of Georgia is pleased to announce the endorsement of the following companies: banc.serv Partners, LLC, CRS Data and TriNovus for their TriComply solution. After a thorough due diligence process, these companies have earned the approval of both the Member Services Committee and CBA’s Board of Directors. “We are pleased to announce strategic partnerships with these three providers,” said Carolyn Brown, President & CEo of the Community Bankers Association. “in the continued effort to provide CBA’s members with quality products and services at competitive prices, banc.serv Partners, LLC, CRS Data and TriNovus have each earned CBA’s seal of approval. our members can have peace of mind using these companies knowing they have been thoroughly researched by their peers across the state. i encourage our bankers to learn more about these fine companies and how they can help their banks.”

CBA Announces

New Endorsed Member




1900 the Exchange, Suite 600Atlanta, GA 30339