1 Geological Mapping, Lithogeochemical and Geophysical Survey Of the Herring Lake Property Southeastern Ontario An Ontario Exploration Corporation Funded Project OEC Project 2013-011 Submitted to the Ministry of Northern Development and Mines for Assessment Report prepared by Marc Thomas Forget December 30, 2013

Geological Mapping, Lithogeochemical and Geophysical Survey … · 2017-01-16 · 1 Geological Mapping, Lithogeochemical and Geophysical Survey Of the Herring Lake Property Southeastern

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Page 1: Geological Mapping, Lithogeochemical and Geophysical Survey … · 2017-01-16 · 1 Geological Mapping, Lithogeochemical and Geophysical Survey Of the Herring Lake Property Southeastern


Geological Mapping, Lithogeochemical and Geophysical Survey Of the Herring Lake Property Southeastern Ontario An Ontario Exploration Corporation Funded Project OEC Project 2013-011 Submitted to the Ministry of Northern Development and Mines for Assessment Report prepared by Marc Thomas Forget December 30, 2013

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Table of Contents

PROJECT SUMMARY ....................................................................................................................................4

PROPERTY INFORMATION..........................................................................................................................5

MINING CLAIM ABSTRACT..........................................................................................................................6

REGIONAL GEOLOGY...................................................................................................................................7

CENTRAL METASEDIMENTARY BELT (CMB) .................................................................................................7 SHARBOT LAKE DOMAIN ................................................................................................................................8 DISTRIBUTION OF MOLYBDENUM, ZINC AND MARBLE IN THE CMB.............................................................9

LOCAL GEOLOGY ........................................................................................................................................11

LAYER 1: BI-MODAL VOLCANIC SEQUENCE................................................................................................11 LAYER 2: CARBONATE SEQUENCE ..............................................................................................................13 LAYER 3: GRANITES .....................................................................................................................................14

EXPLORATION HISTORY ...........................................................................................................................14

ECONOMICS AND LOCAL PRODUCTION ..............................................................................................16

MOLYBDENUM ...............................................................................................................................................16 MARBLE AND CALCIUM CARBONATE ...........................................................................................................17

PROJECT INFORMATION, PURPOSE AND JUSTIFICATION ............................................................19

STATEMENT REGARDING NEW MINISTRY REQUIREMENTS ........................................................................19 MAPPING .......................................................................................................................................................19 MOLYBDENITE ...............................................................................................................................................19 CALCITIC MARBLE AND CALCIUM CARBONATE ...........................................................................................20 PURPOSE AND JUSTIFICATION OF THE PROJECT ........................................................................................20

STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS .........................................................................................................21


ANALYTICAL METHODS ............................................................................................................................22

SAMPLING......................................................................................................................................................22 MOLYBDENITE & SULPHIDES .......................................................................................................................22 DIMENSION STONE .......................................................................................................................................22 CALCIUM CARBONATE ..................................................................................................................................23 GEOPHYSICAL SURVEY AND GEOLOGICAL MAPPING .................................................................................23

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION.....................................................................................................................24

CAVEAT REGARDING THE PROPERTY LAND FABRIC...................................................................................24 GEOLOGICAL MAPPING ................................................................................................................................24 GEOPHYSICAL SURVEY ................................................................................................................................27 DIMENSION STONE .......................................................................................................................................27 CALCIUM CARBONATE ..................................................................................................................................28 MOLYBDENITE ...............................................................................................................................................28

RECOMMENDATIONS .................................................................................................................................29

MAPPING .......................................................................................................................................................29 MOLYBDENUM ...............................................................................................................................................29 CALCIUM CARBONATE ..................................................................................................................................29 DIMENSION STONE .......................................................................................................................................29

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TECHNICAL BIBLIOGRAPHY ....................................................................................................................30

APPENDIX A: LABORATORY CERTIFICATES ......................................................................................32

APPENDIX B: INVOICES .............................................................................................................................52

APPENDIX C: PROJECT COST .................................................................................................................59

APPENDIX D: DAILY WORK LOG.............................................................................................................60

MAP #1: MINING LANDS CLAIM MAP, SHEFFIELD TOWNSHIP ......................................................61

MAP #2: MINING LANDS ROAD MAP ......................................................................................................62

MAP #3: GEOPHYSICAL SURVEY MAP..................................................................................................63

MAP #4: PROPERTY SCALE GEOLOGAL MAP....................................................................................64

MAP #5: PROPOSED CHANGES TO OGS MAP P3440 .......................................................................65

PHOTO #1: GRANITE TO SEDIMENT CONTACT IN NORTHEAST ...................................................66

PHOTO #2: CENTRALLY LOCATED GRANITE TO SEDIMENT CONTACT ....................................66

PHOTO #3: CENTRALLY LOCATED GRANITE TO SEDIMENT CONTACT ....................................67

PHOTO #4: GRANITE TO SEDIMENT CONTACT IN SOUTHWEST ..................................................67


PHOTO #6: VARVED CLASTIC SEDIMENTS .........................................................................................68

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Project Summary The Herring Lake property is located approximately eight kilometres northeast of Tamworth, in southeastern Ontario. The area geology was mapped to a scale of 1:50000 by the Ontario Geological Survey (OGS Map P3442, Tichborne Area). Historically, one past molybdenite/pyrite producer (Chisholm Mine) and half a dozen molybdenite prospects occur within several kilometres of the property. Mike Easton of the OGS surveyed the Puzzle Lake Area in 1998 (OFR 6064) and analyzed two Herring Lake Area marbles as part of the survey. Major oxide analysis indicated that a high purity calcitic marble is located on the western boundary of the Herring Lake property. Easton concluded that the area was a medium to high potential for molybdenite. There are no other records of exploration for this property. Reconnaissance of the property prior to this project revealed that dolomite was over estimated and granite was under estimated. Furthermore, it was observed that dolomite is actually a minor occurrence when compared to calcitic marble. Since the volume of calcitic marble is significantly larger and a sample was high purity, calcium carbonate was also considered a promising exploration target. The calcitic marble is curiously free of joint sets, is visually appealing and if was dimensionally sound, may make a good dimension stone. Based on the medium to high potential for molybdenite, calcium carbonate and dimension stone, an Ontario Exploration Corporation funded exploration project was executed in October of 2013. The project consisted of three parts: 1) a geophysical survey using a Beep Map to find shallowly buried molybdenite and sulphide deposits, 2) detailed geological mapping, and 3) sampling and testing of calcitic marble. The Beep Map also provided useful information on lithology and was used to help map the contacts between buried granite and carbonates. The results from the geophysical survey indicate that there is no molybdenite bearing sulphide deposits at the surface of the property or they are so deeply buried that they went undetected. A very small but uneconomic magnetite skarn deposit was discovered, thus attesting to the usefulness of the Beep Map for geophysical surveys and mapping. Detailed mapping of the property confirms the observation that OGS Map P3442 over estimates dolomite and under estimates calcitic marble and granite. The distribution of the various lithologies is significantly different from OGS Map 3442 and a two square kilometre mapping bias is noted. Furthermore, dolomites form two distinct narrow north-striking zones and may be stratigraphically correlated to fold limbs. In addition, strong evidence suggests that the granites are eroded remnants of a laccolith emplaced over the sedimentary pile. Since the sediment pile may be deeply folded and shallowly buried under the eroded remnant of a granite laccolith, there exists a good possibility that deeply buried molybdenite deposits may exist and additional deep penetrating geophysical exploration is recommended. The calcitic marble has between thirteen and fifteen percent dolomite content, two percent silica and sufficient graphite to lower the brightness below acceptable levels. All other impurities such as iron and sulphur were negligible. However, the particle size distribution of the pulverized samples was seven times larger than the "Snow White" standard. Since larger particle size diminishes brightness along with graphite, it is recommended that the marble be tested after flotation to remove the graphite and reduce particle size to 5 m. The marble was tested for compression strength and density. Based on positive ASTM test results and attractive polished samples, the calcitic marble is recommended for dimension stone or statuary applications. A complete ASTM C503 "“Standard Specification for Marble Dimension Stone” is recommended as a follow up.

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Property Information Location Herring Lake Property is 8 km Northeast of Tamworth, Southeastern Ontario Sheffield Township, Ontario, Canada Southeastern Ontario District Southern Ontario Mining Division Refer to attached Mining Lands Claim Map #1 UTM 347500 4933000N, WGS 84, Zone 18 NTS 31C/10 Directions The property is located approximately 45 kilometres northwest of Kingston, Ontario. It is accessible by paved roads. (See Road Map #2.) Starting at Kingston, travel west twenty-three kilometres on Hwy 401 to exit 593, County Road 4. Proceed north on County Road 4 for twenty-nine kilometres to Tamworth, Ontario. From Tamworth, take Mountain Road northeast for eight kilometres to the Herring Lake Property. Property Identification The mining claim forms a contiguous block of eight 20 hectare unpatented units of Crown land comprising Lots 7 and 8, Concession 12 of Sheffield Township, Ontario (Mining Lands Claim Map #1). Claim 1500237 is one hundred percent held by Mitch Wilson, prospector licence number 1007560 and is in good standing. Mining Lands Claim List Tag Number Lots Concession Parcel Township Plan 1500237 7, 8 12 All Sheffield NA Name & Address of Claim Holder Mitch Wilson 5445 County Road 6 RR 1 Enterprise, Ontario K1K 1Z0 (613) 358-1201

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Mining Claim Abstract

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Regional Geology The Herring Lake Property is located in the Sharbot Lake Domain (Easton, 2001) of the Central Metasedimentary Belt of the Grenville Province.

Central Metasedimentary Belt (CMB)

The Central Metasedimentary Belt is located east of the older rocks of the Central Gneiss Belt (CGB) in southeastern Ontario. Rocks of the CMB are middle Proterozoic sedimentary, volcanic and intrusive rocks. They have been variously metamorphosed from greenschist to granulite facies. They range in age from about 1.3 Ga to 1.0 Ga. The CMB is divided into major tectonic domains and each domain into groups of formations as shown in Figure #1, 2 and 5. The most striking feature of the CMB is the exceptionally large volume and distribution of sedimentary rocks and hence the name. The CMB is a tectonic collection of back-arc and fore-arc basin complexes including remnants of the continental shelf associated with the older rocks of the Central Gneiss Belt. Certain basin features have been preserved, such as stromatolite bioherms that imply littoral zones within a basin. Evaporites indicate evolution of a partially or closed basin. Carbonate facies include muddy rhythmites, turbidites, reefs, bio-herms, lagoonal and shelves. Carbonate textures vary from micritic to sparry to mylonitic. Metamorphic facies range from mid-greenschist to granulite. The property is located in rocks that have achieved upper-amphibolite facies. The CMB extends northeast into the Province of Quebec and southwest under Paleozoic rocks into New York State. The property is located at the edge of the CMB and overlying Paleozoic rocks of the Appalachian Basin.






Figure #1: Sharbot Lake Domain in the Central Metasedimentary Belt (CMB)


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A second feature that dominates the CMB is the large volume and distribution of volcanic formations and co-genetic intrusive rock. The volcanics are bi-modal suites of basalts and rhyolites associated with back-arc extensional rifting and a suite of calc-alkaline basalts, andesites, dacites and rhyolites associated with island arcs. Several volcanic centres have been identified and are shown on Figure 3. The volcanic centres are associated with deep-sea floor hydrothermal metallogenesis during island arc evolution. The volcanic centres shown by red triangles are definitive and blue triangles are associated with known formations of volcanics and are tentative (Easton 2001, 2006, 2012, Easton & Ford 1994). These volcanic centres are the source of many sea floor volcanogenic base and precious metal deposits in the CMB, including the Chisholm Mine and other molybdenite deposits near the property. A third feature that is difficult to interpret is the granites and gneisses. Some gneisses underlie the volcanics and are intruded by younger granites. Some may be derived from erosional material of the Central Gneiss Belt, which was deposited onto a passive oceanic margin prior to arc genesis and are now granitized. Younger granites tend to have well-preserved igneous textures and high potassium content, but their emplacement is not well understood.

Sharbot Lake Domain

The Sharbot Lake Domain has rocks very similar to the adjacent Mazinaw Domain, but as will be shown later, has a metallogenic trend more like the Bancroft Terrane. It has been assigned to a separate domain because a major tectonic structure called the Robertson Lake Mylonite Zone (RLMZ) separates the Sharbot Lake Domain from the Mazinaw Domain. The rocks of the Frontenac Terrane to the east are significantly different in composition, age and metamorphic facies. Island arc and back-arc volcanics, their enriched sea-floor metallic sulphides and succeeding carbonate sediments have been deposited in the area of the property.





Mont Laurier Basin

Mazinaw Domain

Frontenac Terrane



Harvey Cardiff Domain

BlackDonald Domain



Sharbot Lake


Figure 2: Domains of the Central Metasedimentary Belt

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Distribution of Molybdenum, Zinc and Marble in the CMB

Molybdenite prospects and mines occur in three major zones within the CMB. The occurrences are shown by black dots in Figure 3 below. Zinc occurrences are shown with blue squares. The three zones of molybdenite occurrences are circled and identified with the letters A, B and C. Zinc and marble belts (shown in red) coincide with this trend. Molybdenite typically occurs in massive pyrite or pyrrhotite deposits. Molybdenite for example, is confined to stratabound sulphides at the Hunt Mine (the largest molybdenite mine) and the Zenith Mine (second largest mine). Most notably, the Chisholm Mine (third largest past producer) was both a pyrite and molybdenite mine. The Chisholm Mine is only two kilometres from the Herring Lake property. Molybdenite deposits are stratabound, which indicates that they are syngenetic. The stratiform morphology of almost all molybdenite deposits and the relative stratigraphic position of massive sulphide deposits under carbonate sequences strongly suggests sea-floor hydrothermal vent sources analogous to modern active back-arc systems such as the Manus Basin (Binns, 1993) in the Bismarck Sea. In addition, calcium carbonate played a central role in metasomatic reactions with silica that produced scapolite-hedenbergite skarns associated with many of the molybdenite deposits of the CMB (Karvinen, 1973 & Shaw 1960).

Figure 3: Distribution of marbles, volcanic centres, zinc and molybdenite deposits in the CMB.

Marble map from OGS MDC 28, deposits locations from OGS MDI database, volcanic centres in red from OFR 5454 and volcanic centres in blue are tentative based upon proximity to a bimodal or calc-alkaline suite of volcanic rocks.






Hastings Basin

Mont Laurier Basin





Flower Station


Burnt Lake



Wolfe Grove



50 km

Appalachian Basin

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The largest molybdenite cluster (A) strikes northeast into the Mont Laurier Basin in Quebec. The Mont Laurier and Hastings Basins are the same Proterozoic basin, however its' continuity has been crosscut by the Ottawa-Bonnechere grabben. The Herring Lake property is located in the southwestern portion of cluster B, corresponding to the southern Sharbot Lake Domain. The Sharbot Lake Domain gradually disappears under the Paleozoic sediments of the Appalachian Basin south of the property and there are structural reasons to believe that this molybdenite trend continues southwest towards Nappanee, as does the Sharbot Lake Domain (Mitchell, 2007). Most zinc occurrences are focused in two zones that roughly correspond to the Belmont and Mazinaw Domains. However, zinc is also found proximal to molybdenite deposits of the Sharbot Lake Domain. This makes the Sharbot Lake Domain unique in that it is an area of medium to high potential for both zinc and molybdenum deposits. In fact, the largest past producer of zinc (Long Lake Zinc mine) is seventeen kilometres northeast of the property. The partitioning of molybdenum and zinc at the basin level (macroscopic) has important exploration implications.

Figure 4: Plot of marble brightness versus the log of CaO:MgO ratio Source of Chart: Grant 1989

Problematic Data

Possible graphite vector

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The CMB marbles and dolomites are exceptionally partitioned as illustrated in Figure 4 above. This may coincide with partitioning of zinc and molybdenum at the basin level. A few samples in the chart above have intermediate calcium and magnesium geochemistry and are enigmatic in terms of primary sedimentary processes. Calcium to magnesium ratios are so tightly coupled in dolomite (narrow variance) and so loosely coupled in calcitic marbles (large variance) that a log relationship is required to plot the chart. This difference may be a function of physical rather than chemical processes and this will be expanded upon in the discussion section. Graphite and amorphous carbon is responsible for the large brightness variation in calcitic marbles. Very little graphite is ever observed in dolomites, which accounts for the strong correlation with brightness of dolomites. Brightness and graphite content in calcitic marbles have a strong negative correlation and may be a colorimetric method adaptable in field surveys for vectoring towards graphite deposits. Known volcanic centres in the CMB are plotted on Figure 3 and are shown by red triangles. There is a very strong spatial correlation with molybdenum and zinc occurrences and the volcanic centres of the Mazinaw and Sharbot Lake Domains. It is posited that these volcanic centres were the source of undersea hydrothermal vent systems and sulphide metallogenesis during back-arc volcanism circa 1230 Ma.

Local Geology Referring to Figure 5, there are five major rock units near the property. In decreasing age they include the basement rocks of the Hinchinbrooke, Puzzle Lake and an unnamed Gneiss, a bi-modal sequence of back-arc volcanics, their sediments and intrusives (gabbro and intermediate granites), a carbonate sequence, potassium rich granite intrusives and Paleozoic carbonates. The most important rocks in terms of molybdenum are the volcanogenic tephra, ash fall, tuffs, pyroclastics and sulphide rich hydrothermal deposits of the volcanic sequence, capped by overlying carbonates.

Layer 1: Bi-Modal Volcanic Sequence

The property is about 1.5 km northeast of basalt and andesite flows as shown in Figure 5. Several small angular fine-grained amphibolites boulders (possibly basalt or pelites) were observed in glacial boulder piles during reconnaissance of the property on September 4, 2013. Starting at Carroll Road is a rusty felsic tephra, including tuffs and pyroclastic volcanics. Bedding is well preserved, strikes north and dips steeply to the east under the property. A dolomite unit sits on top of this very rusty formation. This formation is very close to an unknown volcanic centre (Enterprise?) and this volcanic centre was probably the source of heat that drove the sea-floor hydrothermal vent system. Explosive felsic volcanics would have filled third and fourth order basins were precipitating sulphides would preferentially accumulate. Accumulation of sulphides is actively seen today in the eastern Manus Basin. The PACMANUS hydrothermal field of the Manus Basin (Binns, 1993) is an active sea-floor volcanic ridge composed of basalts, andesites and dacites. The entire Manus ridge is presently growing (an active extensional back-arc regime) and measures about 75 km long by 20 km wide. The volcanics associated with molybdenite and pyrite occurrences near the property measure at least 70 km long or longer because they dip under Paleozoic rock in the southwest and converge with the Clare River volcanics in the northeast. The black circles on Figure 6 indicate the locations of these molybdenite occurrences. Note the very strong trend towards the property.

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Chippewa Syenite

Hinchinbrooke Gneiss Puzzle Lake


Cranberry Lake

Granite Granites

Rusty Tuffs





Paleozoic Carbonates


Robertson Lake

Mylonite Zone

California Road

Carroll LakeRoad

Wilkinson Road

Mountain Road

Wilkinson Gabbro


1 km


Youngest RocksCirca 430 Ma

Layer 1: Bi-Modal Volcanic Sequence Circa 1240 Main a back-arc.




Rusty Tuffs



Chippewa Syenite

Cranberry Lake Granite

Paleozoic Carbonates

Oldest RocksCirca 1300 Ma Basement rock derived from Central Gneiss Belt

Layer 2: Post-Volcanic Carbonate Sequence

Layer 3: K-Rich Intrusions Circa 1040 Ma

Alaskite ?

Figure 5: Geological map and stratigraphic sequence of the proposed survey area Source: OGS Map P3442

Layer ?: Insufficient data for determination of relative stratigraphic position

Mountain Road

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Layer 2: Carbonate Sequence

The carbonate sequence has zones of stromatolite bioherms, intercalated with arenites or quartzites, and changes with depth to dolomites and then develops into very thick units of calcitic marbles. The stromatolite bioherms are metre thick, layered, magnesium rich quartz arenites or quartzites, often with much diopside because of the higher metamorphic facies. They are always proximal to dolomite horizons. The calcitic marble sequence is hundreds of metres thick and many kilometres long near the Herring Lake Property. The dolomite sequence is poorly understood. Joint sets indicate kinematic movement due to tectonics. Mitchell (2007) analyzed joint sets along the Robertson Lake Mylonite Zone (RLMZ). The property is located 2 km east of the RLMZ. He examined two principal areas: joint sets in Paleozoic rock along the RLMZ south of the property and joint sets along Hwy 7 at the RLMZ in Proterozoic rocks. He concluded that four sets occur in the rocks near the property: one major horizontal set and three lesser sub-vertical sets. This grouping of joint sets was not observed during reconnaissance of the property. In fact, no joint sets were observed at the property and is an unexpected geological feature (or lack of).

Location of Property


Figure 6: Molybdenite occurrences cluster in the Sharbot Lake Domain


10 km

Sharbot Lake


Chisholm Mine

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Layer 3: Granites

There are tree generations of granite:

1. Gneisses that are strongly foliated. For example the Hinchinbrooke Gneiss was mapped and analyzed by Wallach (1973). Just south of Parham, Wallach found that this gneiss has three sets of folds, with average amplitudes of two kilometres, even though it reached granulite facies. This degree of preservation suggests deeply buried sediments and the Hinchinbrooke may be a paragneiss. Though speculative, the source of the sediments may be the Central Gneiss Belt.

2. The Chippewa Pluton. 3. Late potassium rich granites associated with the Kensington-Skootamata Suite (1080 Ma).

Exploration History There are no Ministry assessment records of exploration records for this property. Molybdenum The discovery of sulphide deposits in the area was co-incidental with the development of farmland on flat marble tablelands. Three roads where built on these naturally flat lying marbles to take advantage of the easy grade and good farmland: they include the Mountain, California and Wilkinson Roads. There is no record of marble quarrying. Farmers discovered several gossany pyrite deposits at the surface in the late nineteenth century. They are named after their owners and are the Chisholm, Burns, Spratt, and Dwyer occurrences. During the First World War, the War Department asked the Mines Department to find as much molybdenite as possible for the war effort. Eardley-Wilmot (1925) was given this responsibility. Many new occurrences were discovered in the Gatineau Hills, Maniwaki, Opeongo Hills and near the property. They are the Calvert, Keller, Wager, Oberkerk, Slave Lake, and Molony molybdenite occurrences. The Chisholm Mine was mined during the war and produced 4 tons of molybdenite and 40 tons of pyrite. The pyrite was shipped to make sulfuric acid. During the Second World War, demand rose again for molybdenum, but there are no records of exploration in the area for this period. Since that time, this is the first project to try and locate additional molybdenite. Marble The area has been explored and mapped by several OGS geologists since the First World War. Most recently, Easton (2001) of the OGS surveyed the area east of Puzzle Lake, which includes the property and adjacent lands. Easton analyzed a calcitic marble (Sample 98R ME-0140) and a dolomite (Sample 98R ME-0138) sampled near the property and the results of the calcitic marble analysis are below in Table #1. The data reveals important properties. Sulphur is at the analytical threshold and may very well be close to nil. This is very significant in consideration of the fact that the calcitic marbles where deposited in an active island arc environment where many large sulphide deposits are located. These calcitic marbles are only several hundreds of metres away from a rusty schist formation and volcanic bombs are observed in underlying dolomites. The LOI is essentially equal to CO2 (42.5 %) and the theoretical maximum evolution of CO2 for a pure calcium carbonate is 44% w/w. If magnesium is in solid solution or not a carbonate such as

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dolomite or magnesite, or in a calc-silicate, the purity of this calcitic marble is 92%. Removal of the silica fraction could render a 96% pure calcium carbonate. Graphite is also present, but can be removed using a flotation circuit. A detailed mineralogical and chemical analysis is required to determine the mineral species present in the marble. The calcitic marbles weather to pale grey in the field and the extremely low MnO2 analytical results attests to this because manganese oxide tends to blacken marbles. The elevated, but not anomalous strontium, coupled with very low barium and sulphur suggests either a spatially or temporally distal deposition of these marbles relative to the active volcanic centres of the arc complex.

Table #1: Analytical Results for Calcitic Marble Sample No. 98RME-0140 SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3* MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2O P2O5 H2O CO2 S LOI Total1.92 0.02 0.28 0.22 0.03 3.88 51.86 0.05 0.1 0.02 0.03 42.5 0.01 42.9 101.3

Cr Ni Co Sc V Cu Pb Zn Sn Mo As Rb Cs Ba 3 9 <5 <1 18 <5 <1 8 <3 <8 27 3 0.23 52

Sr Ga Be Ta Nb Hf Zr Y Th U 481 <1 <3 0.02 0.2 0.08 4 <1 0.06 0.06

La Ce Pr Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu 1.72 1.85 0.4 1.64 0.36 0.09 0.4 0.05 0.36 0.08 0.21 0.03 0.16 0.03

DATA from Ontario Geological Survey Open File Report 6064.

An X-Ray drill collar was discovered in calcitic marble by chance by geophysicist John McCance and witnessed by Marc Forget on September 4, 2013 during reconnaissance of the property. The collar dips perpendicular into calcitic marbles and is located at UTM Zone 18, WGS 84, 347041 E, 4933117 N. The depth is unknown at this time. There are no records of this exploration activity. Geological Mapping During the recent reconnaissance of the property, Marc Forget noticed a significant difference between the actual distribution of lithology in the field and current mapping (OGS Tichborne Area M3442). For example, he observed that the dolomites shown on Figure 5 are entirely over estimated and the granites and calcitic marbles are grossly underestimated. Lithological contacts are not in the same locations as observed in the field and compared with those shown on the map. Ironically, an older map (OGS Map 2053) illustrates the correct relative proportions of marble and granites but do not sub-divide the marbles into calcitic or dolomitic units because the dolomite units are very narrow, which precludes such a subdivision.

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Economics and Local Production


Molybdenum forms very hard and thermally stable alloys, and for this reason most of world production of molybdenum (about 80%) is in the alloying of many types of steel alloys, including high strength alloys and superalloys. It has one of the lowest coefficients of thermal expansion among commercially used metals. Molybdenite is the principal ore from which molybdenum is extracted. Most of the world's production of molybdenum comes from high volume, low grade ore found in molybdenite and copper porphyry deposits. Rhenium, a very rare and important refractory alloying element, is only found in significant quantities in some molybdenite deposits. Molydenum is marketed in its' oxide form. Demand for tool grade high strength steel and stainless steel is slowly recovering from the market meltdown of 2008 and moly prices remain low at $15 per pound, but are higher than historical prices of around 5$ per pound and only slightly higher than cost of production currently set at $12 per pound. New mines are set to enter into production and a surplus is expected to hold the price down to production cost levels. World reserves are large enough to provide molybdedum for many decades. Roasting capacity appears to be a continual bottleneck in moly production. This information is from the 2012 Roskill Report on Molybdenum. During the First World War demand for molybdenum in Ontario spiked. It was used both in armor plating and as a substitute for tungsten in high speed steels. British tanks used lightweight 25 mm molybdenum-steel plating, thus allowing for higher speed, greater maneuverability, and better protection. Krupp industries in Germany used molybdenum alloy steel for heavy artillery because steel melted at the temperature produced by enough gunpowder to launch a one ton shell. After the war, demand plummeted until new metallurgical advances allowed extensive development of peacetime applications. The molybdenite deposits of the CMB are somewhat unique. They are small to mid-sized and invariably the molybdenite occurs as large flakes hosted in stratabound pyrite or pyrrhotite deposits.

Chart 1: Fourteen year price trend for molybdenum

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The molybdenite can be separated from the sulphides using flotation. The sulphides can be sold for the manufacture of sulphuric acid. During the productive years of the First World War, a sulphuric acid plant was in full production at Actinolite, southeastern Ontario and the feedstock was pyrites. Sulphuric acid in North America today is entirely produced from elemental sulphur derived from the natural gas industry. China has almost completely converted its' older "sulphide" acid plants to elemental sulphur. There is some circumstantial cost justification to produce sulphuric acid from sulphides (mainly pyrite or pyrrhotite), but only one plant in South Africa remains in operation. Locally, the Chisholm Mine operated from 1915 to 1917 and produced 4 tons of high-grade molybdenite, grading at 1.2% and 20 tons of mixed sulphides including pyrite and pyrrhotite. The Chisholm Mine sold and shipped the sulphides to the Actinolite sulphuric acid plant. In 1915, the Hunt Mine produced 16 tons grading 0.84 percent MoS2 and was shipped to Ottawa. Between 1916 and 1918, the Hunt produced 19,949 tons of material and total concentrates produced amounted to 48 tons, 85 percent of which averaged about 95 percent molybdenite. The Zenith Mine produced about 80 tons of ore prior to 1924. From 1934-1937, some 15 to 22 tons of concentrates consisting of 80-85 percent molybdenite was produced and from 1942 to 1943, 400 tons at 0.85 percent MoS2 were produced. All three mines are stratabound sulphide deposits and there is no record of how the sulphides at the Hunt and Zenith Mines were treated or stored.

Marble and Calcium Carbonate

Industrial grade "ground" calcium carbonate (GCC) is used as a high brightness filler in plastics, paint, paper, cleansers and many personal care products. It is also used in environmental applications where pH buffering is required. Omya of Canada Ltd quarries high-grade calcitic marble in Lanark County of Southeastern Ontario. Omya's plant, located in Perth, Ontario is the largest producer and distributor of industrial grade "ground" calcium carbonate in North America. The proximity to major transportation corridors and the eastern seaboard marketplace makes low value, high volume commodities such as calcium carbonate economically viable. Another application of high-grade calcitic marble is in architectural applications such as landscape pavement in the form of 3/4" crushed stone. The grade or type (calcite vs. dolomite) is of little concern, and colour is paramount in this application. The local market for this material is saturated

Chart 2: Bar chart of CC in thousands of tons by manufacturer for 2011

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with many small quarries, but pure white with high brightness is always in the highest demand (personal communication with President of Upper Canada Stone). Since the results from previous analysis (Easton, 2001) demonstrate that the marble on the property verges on a high purity calcium carbonate, an investigation is warranted. Growth projections for the calcium carbonate market up to 2016 are similar to molybdenum: both are marginal.

Chart 3: End use bar chart for GCC by thousands of tons

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Project Information, Purpose and Justification

Statement regarding New Ministry Requirements

The Mining Act and Regulations have been revised and now include prescribed planning and permitting thresholds. All the exploration activity in this project was below the official thresholds for both Plan and Permit levels. Therefore, there was no requirement to submit a plan to the Ministry for this project. Licensed prospector Marc Forget managed and executed this project. The appropriate Aboriginal authorities were consulted in accordance with the new requirements. The planned survey and associated methodologies had no impact on the environment.


There are several regional scale geological maps available from the Ontario Geological Survey. As explained in the Exploration History section above, there exists a significant difference between Map P3442 and preliminary mapping Marc Forget has done. Mapping the property in more detail is an opportunity to compliment the existing maps, explore the property and discover and characterize unknown mineralization. Using 50 metre traverses, outcrop, lithological contacts, soils, lithology and mineralization, surface water features including wetlands, lakes, rivers and streams, and anthropological features shall be mapped. Some minor shallow hand dug test pitting may be required. These pits shall not exceed one cubic meter in volume and shall be immediately re-filled in accordance with the new planning and permitting regulations of the Ministry. The scale of the map shall be 5000:1.


It has been established that molybdenite was deposited with pyrite (now pyrrhotite in some cases) in favorable third and fourth order basins and subsidiary troughs of the Hastings and Mont Laurier Basins during peak back-arc metallogenesis circa 1240 Ma. These syngenetic and stratabound deposits are sandwiched between basement rock (granites or gneisses) and marble caps. Some deposits have been exhumed and their gossans and in some cases, skarns, are noticeable at the surface, or in glacial float, whereas others probably remain shallowly to deeply buried. Since much of the rock on the eastern three quarters of the property has been eroded, but is under a cover of glacial drift, it is anticipated that shallow sulphide deposits, if any, will be at or close to the surface in this area. Shallowly buried sulphide deposits will have a strong conductor signal easily detectable by a Beep Map. During reconnaissance, Marc Forget and geophysicist John McCance noticed that some mafics in the granites were altered to magnetite. The Beep Map also simultaneously detects magnetic minerals and EM conductors. In conjunction with mapping, a Beep Map will be used to systematically survey the surface for sulphide deposits and locate geological contacts between contrasting marbles and granites. Gossan shall be sampled and analyzed for base metals using ICP Optical Emission Spectroscopy at SGS laboratories in Lakefield, Ontario. Deeply buried sulphide deposits under the marbles on the west side of the property are equally probable. A TDEM or similar deep penetrating electro-magnetic survey is more suited to this because a Beep Map is limited to a maximum depth of three meters. The TDEM method is beyond the financial limitations of this survey, but is recommended for future surveys.

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Calcitic Marble and Calcium Carbonate

For the most part, calcitic marble underlies the western quarter of the property. A large surface area is unusually free of jointing and fractures. Included in the mapping, shall be an analysis of joint patterns, dip and strike and folding of the marbles. The marbles may have building stone qualities and large slab extraction seems possible. Therefore several ASTM tests, namely absorption, density and compression strength shall be measured to characterize their mechanical properties and brightness to objectively characterize the whiteness of the marble. It has been established that some of this marble is a high purity, moderately siliceous calcitic marble. The survey will include geochemical analysis of three samples spaced at fifty meters apart to verify the results of a single sample (Easton, 2001). Geochemical analysis will identify the distribution of major and trace elements in the marbles and hence its' relative purity. Some minerals are deleterious to the performance of marble, such as pyrrhotite. X-Ray diffraction analysis on these same three samples is proposed to identify major and minor mineral speciation. This analytical technique is semi-quantitative, and is considered an intermediate step to the more expensive and accurate SEM techniques. One of the most deleterious elements found in building stone is sulphur and its' associated sulphides. Microscopic levels of sulphides can cause major surface and structural defects, especially when finely and evenly disseminated. Since these marbles were deposited in a back-arc basin where sulphide deposits and volcanism was significant, the probability of this condition is great. Therefore, in addition to ICP Mass Spectroscopy multi-element analysis (mainly transition metal cations), a LECO Furnace sulphur/carbon analysis on the three marble samples shall be performed.

Purpose and justification of the Project

The purpose of the Herring Lake Project is to:

1. Map the geology at a 5000:1 scale and compliment previous OGS mapping, 2. Explore the surface for outcrop of gossan, gossany float and shallowly buried sulphide

deposits for molybdenite using a Beep Map, sample and analyze where required, 3. Sample and analyze calcitic marbles for major oxides, trace elements, mineralogy,

brightness, total inorganic carbon and carbonate, and mechanical properties. The Herring Lake property is directly in the middle of a major trend of molybdenite occurrences and the geology is extremely favorable for associated sulphide deposits. Calcitic marbles on the property are unusually devoid of fractures and joint sets, have minimum weathering rind and discoloration, are almost white and there is a strong indication that the marbles are of high calcium carbonate purity. On this basis, the Ontario Exploration Corporation approved a royalty agreement to finance this project.

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Statement of Qualifications I, Marc Thomas Forget, am a licensed prospector in the Province of Ontario, licence number 1001310. I have ten years of experience in mineral prospecting and hold no interest in Mining Land Claims 1500237. I have successfully completed five OEC prospecting projects and one self-funded project. Furthermore, I managed and supervised all the work done on this project. Mitch Wilson, licensed prospector in the Province of Ontario, licence number 1007560, holds 100% to the mineral rights of Mining Lands Claim 1500237. Mr. Wilson assisted me in the field for the entire duration of this project.

Marc Thomas Forget 8 North Hastings Avenue Marmora, Ontario K0K 2M2 (613) 472-0406 [email protected]


1. Peter LeBaron is currently the District Geologist for the Southeastern Ontario District of the Ontario Geological Survey. His technical advice in and out of the field has been extremely helpful for this project. He accompanied Mitch Wilson (the claim holder), Marc Forget and John McCance (a geophysicist) to the property on Wednesday, September 4, 2013 to examine the rocks on the property. Access to the east is restricted by wetlands and Herring Lake.

2. This project was funded in full by the Ontario Exploration Corporation and was not possible without their financial assistance.

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Analytical Methods


The Herring Lake calcitic marble bedding features have been completely destroyed by high-grade metamorphism. Therefore the rift, grain and head grain could not be determined. Surface exfoliation of marble along the horizontal plane varies from location to location and can cause significant parting. It is assumed that weathering and ice contact pressure is responsible for the exfoliation. Therefore great care was taken to sample marble with no physical signs of exfoliation. Several channel cuts were abandoned because of this undesirable weathering feature. Though the marbles have no visible bedding plane, the clastic units of Figure 5 (Rusty Tuffs) have well preserved bedding planes that strike due north and dip steeply to the east. Assuming the carbonates were deposited above these clastic sediments, the marbles would have conformable bedding planes aligned with the clastic beds. Therefore, the marble samples were cut lengthwise due west to intersect the assumed bedding planes. Sample blocks of marble were wet cut using a Stihl Model 410 rock saw equipped with a 12" diamond blade. Each block or slab of marble measured about three inches wide by six inches long by four inches deep. All ASTM samples were from sample location HL001 as indicated on Map #4 because of no signs of exfoliation.

Molybdenite & Sulphides

No gossans (molybdenite) were observed and therefore no samples were collected or analyzed.

Dimension Stone

Exp Consulting of Oakville, Ontario, completed ASTM test methods C-170 (Compression) and C-91 (Density & Absorption). Exp Consulting is a materials test laboratory and consulting company specializing in material testing for the construction industry. The aforementioned test methods require the preparation of squared cubes, cut to a minimum of two inches and a maximum of three inches. Exp Consulting does not prepare samples: their customers are expected to provide cut samples. Marc Forget used a rented brick saw from Battlefield Rentals to cut the marble samples. The cut samples where then squared off and polished using a Delta disc/belt sander and calipers to tolerances of +/- 0.5 millimetres. This took one day of labour. ASTM test method C-170 can be done on wet or dry material. Only dry marble testing was done in this project. Many marbles have distinct bedding planes and failure due to compression favours the rift grain. Herring Lake marbles show signs of exfoliation along the horizontal plane and this plane was arbitrarily set normal to the down cut or Z-axis as shown in the diagram below. The Y-axis is normal to the bedding plane and strikes due west. ASTM C-170 requires five sample cubes per axis for a total of fifteen samples and three sample cubes for C-91.

North = X-axis

West = Y-axis

Exfoliation Plane

Down cut= Z-axis

Bedding Plane

2.5 inches

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Calcium Carbonate

Three calcitic marble samples were analyzed for trace metallic elements using ICP-Mass Spectroscopy (SGS Labs), total sulphur and carbon using Leco furnace IR (SGS Labs), total CO2 using Leco furnace IR (Actlabs), particle size distribution using Malvern laser dispersion (SGS Labs), CIE whiteness using Hunter Labs photospectrometry (Can-Am Instruments), major oxides using X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) (Actlabs) and semi-quantitative mineralogy using X-Ray Dispersion (XRD) (SGS Labs). Both SGS Lakefield and Actlabs were asked to quote on brightness and graphite floatation separation of marble pulp prior to the OEC application. Both informed Marc Forget that they did not do these procedures and there is more on this issue in the discussion. Time did not allow investigating other opportunities. Unfortunately, no Canadian laboratories could be found that could ultra-grind the marble to a median particle size of 5 m. Five microns is the standard or preferred median calcium carbonate size used by the paper industry, which is the largest consumer of CaCO3 in North America. Samples HL001, HL002 and HL003 were taken from three locations, about 100 metres apart as shown on Map# 4. They were crushed and pulverized by SGS Labs in Lakefield to a median particle size of 35m. Aliquots of the pulp were used for the entire gamut of analytical procedures done at the various laboratories. Sample locations are: Sample Easting Northing HL001 346801 4933469 HL002 346882 4933333 HL003 346805 4933293

Geophysical Survey and Geological Mapping

The geophysical survey and geological mapping were done simultaneously while doing east-west traverses. Two control lines were established using GPS, transit compass and tape. One line was established along the west shoulder of Mountain Road using eco-grade spray paint and the other along the east shoreline of Herring Lake and continuing due north along the margin of the granite marble contact using flagging tape. Both lines were tied in using right angle sightings across Herring Lake in the south and Paleo-Channel A in the north. A metal survey pin that coincides with corner post #3 was used to anchor the location of the west control line. This pin has a serial number used by professional surveyors to properly register land survey maps. Fresh orange paint on this pin probably means that a professional surveyer had conducted a recent land survey. Traverses were done using a combination of GPS, compass and chain. The Beep Map was turned on to the continuous reading mode just in case we walked across a conductor. Readings were taken and logged every fifty meters. A new Beep Map was used in the combined conductor-magnetometer mode. This mode permits simultaneous readings on rocks that may be either magnetic (pyrrhotite and magnetite) or conductive (pyrite, pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite, etc.). The data was transcribed daily onto master Map 3. All bedrock exposure was examined for lithology and noted. Float close to traverses or in some cases in large piles was examined for lithology and transport distance. This geological data was then transcribed onto a working map for final geological mapping. Traverses were accurate to within +/- 3 metres over distances of 100 metres when tested against control line markers spaced at fifty metres apart. Since the Beep Map detects only shallow (less than 3 m) geophysical phenomena, the data does not represent field lines and cannot be used to contour a magnetic or conductive field. Therefore raw data is plotted directly onto Map 3.

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Results and Discussion

Caveat regarding the Property Land Fabric

Mr. Mitch Wilson (the Claim Holder) disclosed several very important facts relating different non-overlapping land fabrics for the lots registered as mining lands Claim 1500237. The dissimilar land fabrics overlap one another on the MNDM Claims Map website and they also appear at the Land Registry Office within two separate software application views. No one at the Land Registry Office could explain why two different fabrics are on record! To the best of our ability, and with reference to a professionally placed and serialized survey pin we discovered at UTM Zone 18 347217E 4932285N (corner post 3), we have established that the most likely and correct land fabric is that shown on Maps # 1, 3 and 4.The surveys were designed using this pin as a reference point. In addition, we located very old barbed wire fences that coincide almost exactly (within one meter) with the land fabric shown on Map 3 and Map 4.

Geological Mapping

Five key observations about lithology have been made:

1. Calcitic marbles dominate the sedimentary pile, whereas dolomites and quartzites are minor intercalations, but form consistently long narrow units.

2. Carbonates dominate the western third of the property and granites dominate the eastern two thirds of the property except for three narrow zones, which are paleo-channels,

3. Meter wide units of quartzites (perhaps boundined beaches or fossil sand bars) are constant companions of narrow dolomite units,

4. Though seemingly contradictory, granites are volumetrically insignificant and carbonates and other sediments probably represent 90% of the rocks under the property.

5. North striking ridges of granite parallel marble karsts within paleo-channels that were once capped with the same granite.

Amphibolites (Unit 1, Map 4) Some angular amphibolite float was found in the divot of an overturned tree in paleo-channel B. Up ice tracing located the source bedrock. The bedrock unit measures several metres thick and is about 20 metres long. It appears to pinch out at either end and dips steeply. There is no evidence that this was a flow (basalt) and may be metamorphosed pelite. This makes more sense because it is distal to a source of basalt (southwest of Carol Lake) and is intercalated within clastic and carbonate sediments. Five hundred meters south of the property, and one hundred metres north of the intersection of Mountain and Carroll Lake Roads, is a road cut through a thick bed of dolomite. Some volcanics are imbedded in the dolomite and are very visible from Mountain Road. They may be bombs or boundined layers of volcanics. In any case, this indicates that volcanism was active during the deposition of the dolomites and was proximal to them. The dolomites are very clean and bright white in appearance, which suggests that the volcanics were not accompanied by tephra, ash, tuffs or pyroclastics. The bomb like volcanics have altered rusty margins, are fine grained and look like andesites or altered basalt. A volcanic centre is most certainly nearby and has been tentatively assigned to the location and name of the village called Enterprise. Clastic Sediments or Rusty Tuffs (Unit 2, Map 4)

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These sediments normally have alternating rusty red and blonde coloured layers. They can be traced almost continuously from southeast of Carol Lake to north of the property for a total length of 4 kilometers. The unit strikes due north, dips steeply to the east under the carbonate sequence. It is about 100 metres thick at Carol Lake Road, where it is very well exposed at the road cut. This exposure is visually striking. These rocks are rhyolitic and vary in grain size throughout the column attesting to multiple volcanic events that have generated multiple tephra facies. Individual layers are on average one to three centimeters in size and are very flat (see Photo 6). Alternating layers have a bit of calcite (slow fizz) and these layers weather recessively, giving the rock a varved appearance. In a few places the layers are metres thick and are ultra fine-grained sand (ash?) that falls apart in your hand whereas other layers are fused quartz hard. This volcanic mélange is characteristic of an active island arc in a tropical setting where carbonates were mixing with ejecta from explosive felsic volcanoes that deposited ash fall and pyroclastics in nearby marine basins. Several years ago, beaver dam # 6 failed (see Map 3) and drained a long swamp that covered this clastic unit. The water must have leached a lot of iron out of the rock because it is entirely blonde coloured today (Photo 6). Sediment outcropping continues above the old water line and the color returns to the normal red and blonde coloration as shown in Photo 4. The unit is at least 50 metres thick in this dried out swampy lineament. The steep dip to the east means that these rocks have undergone a major tectonic event. Within the dried out catch basin a peculiar wavy section of this rock was noticed (Photo 5). At first the writer thought they might be minor or secondary tectonic deformations. Their immediate contact with a typical flat layering (Photo 6) precludes a tectonic origin and is probably the fossil remains of submarine slope slumping. A thorough examination, study and field recognition of this unit was important because it showed up in bedrock in several locations within the area of the property. Sandy clastics (quartzites) have not been included with this unit because they appear in a passive marine context with the carbonates. At the southwestern corner of the property, a road cut along the Mountain Road has exposed a one-meter thick stromatolitic bioherm. The bioherm dips almost vertically and correlates with the dolomite sequence. The top of the bioherm is in contact with a thin layer of rusty tuffs of the volcanic sequence. This may have been a kill off of the algal mat colony because no other stromatolites are visible stratigraphically above these beds. The effect of erupting volcanics on algal mat ecosystems is an important organic to inorganic facies and is useful in correlating stratigraphy and the spatial and temporal paleo-reconstruction of the Hastings Basin. Stratigraphy is of paramount importance because the molybdenite deposits are stratigraphically controlled. Carbonates The carbonates include sand bars and sandy tidal bars (now quartzites) and algal reefs or stromatolite bioherms (also quartzites often with much green diopside)) because they developed within a shallow passive basin context. The transition from volcanism to a more quiescent marine environment is recorded in what appear to be volcanic bombs in dolomites in a road cut a few metres north of the junction of Carol Road and Mountain Road. Similarly, a centimetre thick layer of rusty sediments covered a stromatolite bioherm several metres away from corner post 3 (see Map 4). Calcitic Marbles (Unit 3a)

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Dolomites (Unit 3b) Detailed mapping of dolomites revealed that they form two distinct narrow zones. This is important because bedding in the calcitic marbles is absent, which makes stratigraphic analysis almost impossible. The dolomite units become thicker and more abundant as one goes south. The first dolomite zone is located along the north striking paleochannel B associated with Herring Lake and its' drainage system. The second dolomite zone strikes north along a contact with calcitic marbles just east of the western border of the property. These narrow bands of dolomites appear to dip steeply and strike north. The direction of the dip could not be ascertained with any certainty. The dolomites are clean, white, crystalline and massive. They form noticeable long and narrow metre high ridges above the very flat calcitic marbles. The only place tremolite or diopside alteration was noticed was at a road cut on Mountain Road (Unit 4a). This means that the dolomite has low silica content and is quite pure as well. These two zones of dolomites may correlate with the limbs of tight folds. These hypothetical limbs are five hundred metres apart. If it could be shown that the dolomites are the limbs of a fold and that the fold is a syncline, it is quite possible that a sulphide deposit is deeply buried under the carbonate pile (and Mountain Road!). Figure 5, which is an image of OGS Map P3442, shows that the dolomites surround Herring Lake and represent a significant surface area of the property. In fact, the dolomites are minor intercalations within the much more dominant calcitic marbles. Quartzites (Unit 3c) Quartzites always accompany dolomite, but not the other way around. They have been so strongly metamorphosed that they look like white vein quartz. The single largest bed is a small island in the middle of paleochannel A. This channel is an elongate fen and is typically flooded by several beaver dams. Many of the beaver dams in the area have been breached and geological features that are normally under water were accessible during the survey. High water levels in the past would have masked a large area of calcitic marbles, leaving the slightly more elevated dolomites visible. This probably explains the mapping bias towards dolomites in OGS Map P3442. Stromatolite Bio-herms (Unit 3d) No bio-herms were observed on the property. One bio-herm is located just a few tens of metres southwest of the southwest corner of the property. It is about one meter thick, silicified and diopsidic, strikes north and dips vertically. Pyroxenite (Unit 4a) Some angular float of pyroxenite skarn was found in paleo-channel C (see Map 4). This channel is down stream of the Calvert molybdenite occurrence. This specimen closely matches the skarn located at this occurrence. The pyroxenite float was found with rounded calcitic marble float that has a unique large equigranular grain, and which matched the marble karst further up stream within this paleo-channel.

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Calc-Silicates (Unit 4b) There is a very large surface area of marbles that underlie the granites. We examined hundreds of granite to marble contacts and yet only one outcrop had any significant amount of skarn. It is located in the middle of paleo-channel D at the bottom end of the karst is a sub-substantial calc-silicate skarn. Granites (Unit 5) There are two types of granites with identical mineralogy. Both types are pink with 5 - 10% quartz, 5-10% mafics and the rest is K-spar. The only difference, and is quite noticeable in the field, is the grain size. Unit type 5a is fine grained with some minor secondary magnetite. The Beep Map typically reads between 300 and 600 directly over outcrop of this granite. Unit type 5b is very coarse grained, some feldspar and quartz lathes being as much as 4 cm in size. There is more secondary magnetite in this unit. The Beep Map typically reads between 600 and 1200 and sometimes as high as 2000 on top of this unit. This distinction was used to map the granite types.

Geophysical Survey

Results of the Beep Map survey are plotted on Map 3. One magnetic anomaly was discovered in the southwest end of the property and no conductors were observed. The magnetic anomaly was large enough (2 m wide by 10 m long) and elevated enough to warrant digging a small shallow pit to bedrock. The bedrock is a small pyroxenite rich magnetite skarn.

Dimension Stone

1) ASTM C170 Compressive Strength of Dimension Stone The results for compressive strength have a range of 70 to 80 MPa (10,000 to 11,500 psi). The lowest value of 10,000 psi is above the minimum requirement of 7,500 psi in ASTM C503 and is therefore compliant with ASTM Standard C503 ASTM C170 is a subset of ASTM C503 “Standard Specification for Marble Dimension Stone”. It includes material characteristics, physical requirements, and sampling appropriate to the selection of marble for general building and structural purposes. The table below lists the required minimum and maximum test values for marble: PROPERTY REQUIRED TEST VALUE Density, min lb/ft3 (kg/m3) 162 (2590) Absorption by weight, max, % 0.20 Compressive strength, min, psi (MPa) 7500 (52) Modulus of rupture, min, psi (MPa) 1000 (6.89) Abrasion resistance, min, hardness 10 Flexural strength, min, psi (MPa) 1000 (6.89) 2) ASTM C97 Absorption and Bulk Specific Gravity of Dimension Stone The results show that the average bulk density of the marble is 2.731 and the absorption is 0.12. ASTM C97 is also a subset of ASTM Standard C503. The maximum absorption is 0.20 and the average result from three test samples (in accordance with C97) was 0.12 and is therefore compliant with C503. The minimum bulk density is 2590 kg/m3 and the average result was 2731 kg/m3 or 2.731 g/cc and is therefore compliant with C503.

This survey

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Calcium Carbonate

Marble samples were obtained from three locations in the northwest corner of the property (see Map 4 for locations). They were analyzed for a number of physical and chemical parameters associated with the production of calcium carbonate. They are:

1. Major Oxides 2. Total carbon, sulphur and carbonate 3. Trace elements 4. Mineralogy 5. Particle Size Distribution 6. Brightness

The marble is essentially an 84% pure calcitic marble with 13% dolomite, 2% silica and 1% graphite and amorphous carbon. Otherwise, the marble is devoid of sulphur and metal contaminants. We were a bit surprised by the high amount of dolomite because this is a rare condition and not noticeable in field, but many industrial applications accept elevated levels of dolomite in calcium carbonate feed. The lowest median particle size that could be obtained with the pulverizer at SGS Lakefield was 35 m (see Malvern Test). Brightness was done on several treatments of the marble for comparison. A raw slab (SLAB), combined 35 micron raw pulp from HL001, HL002 and HL003 (HLCOMP) and kerosene washed (NOGRAPHITE) HLCOMP, to remove as much graphite as possible was measured for brightness. Graphite accounts for the reduced brightness when compared with the Omya "Snow White1" reference (see Can-Am brightness spectrograph). The results were promising for NOGRAPHITE1 = 87.49 compared with the reference SNOWWHITE1 = 92.32.


No molybdenite or sulphide deposits were discovered; therefore there was no analysis.

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1. The Ontario Geological Survey should consider revising OGS Map P3442 to include the new lithology data in this report.

2. A more detailed stratigraphic study of the carbonates along Mountain Road and California Road is warranted. This would help to elucidate the stratigraphy and structure of the carbonate sequence. Stratigraphic correlation of the Calvert and other molybdenite occurrences along Mountain Road would perhaps become more clear and help determine which level is mineralized.

3. The long sinewy marble unit along California Road should be carefully examined to see if it is a pendant on top of the granite, or a large sediment unit under the granite as is observed at the Herring Lake property. This would substantially increase the volume of the underlying sedimentary pile, which hosts known sulphide deposits.


If a detailed study (see above) revealed a folded and volumetrically larger sedimentary pile under the massive cover of an eroded granite laccolith this would greatly increase the potential for additional buried sulphide deposits. Consideration should be given to deep penetrating geophysical methods for the detection of sulphide deposits at and near the Herring Lake property.

Calcium Carbonate

Given the fact that pulp characteristics such as particle size distribution and complete removal of graphite were not optimized in this initial survey, the test results were promising but fell short of industry standards. If the brightness, which is presently at 87%, could be improved to 90% or better, the marble would be more promising. Resources did not permit a more complete evaluation of the calcitic marble. To properly evaluate this marble, the pulp should be pulverized to a median particle size of 5 m and put through an engineered floatation circuit to remove the graphite in particular. Afterwards a brightness test should be conducted. In the early stages of the project, there was some confusion within departments at Actlabs and SGS Lakefield as to their ability to do both graphite froth floatation and brightness testing. It is now clear that they both have this capability, but do not have the equipment to micro-pulverize the marble pulp. It is recommended that availability and pricing of micro pulverizing be identified along with quotes from Actlabs and SGS Lakefield for floatation and brightness testing. The graphite is a mixture of ultra fine-grained amorphous carbon and metallic graphite. This fine powdered graphite has more value than flaked graphite and the cost of beneficiating the graphite may be offset by the value of graphite. Additional characterization is required to make this economic assessment. Froth floatation of the graphite and particle size analysis of the graphite is recommended.

Dimension Stone

The positive ASTM test results indicate that the Herring Lake marble should produce a good quality dimension stone and it is recommended that the other three ASTM tests included in ASTM Dimension Stone Standard C503 be completed at a later date, perhaps in conjunction with bulk sampling.

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Technical Bibliography Bell, K., and Blenkinsop, J. 1979: Rubidium-Strontium Isotope studies in Grenville Province of Southeast Ontario; in Current Research, Part B, Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 79-1B, part III, p.167-172. 1980: Whole rock Rb-Sr studies in the Grenville Province of southeastern Ontario and Western Quebec - A Summary Report: in Current Research, Part C, Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 80-1C, p.152- 154. Binns, R.A, Scott, S.D. 1993: Actively Forming Polymetallic Sulphide Deposits Associated with Felsic Volcanic Rocks in the Eastern Manus Back-Arc Basin, Papua New Guinea A Special Issue on Sea-Floor Hydrothermal Mineralization: New Perspectives, Economic Geology, Vol. 88, No.8, pg. 2226-2236 Bright, E.G. 1986: Geology of the Mellon Lake Area; Ontario Geological Survey, Open Pile Report 5598 Ministry of Northern Development and Mines, Ontario Davidson, A. and van Breemen, O. 2000: Late Grenvillian Granite Plutons in the Central Metasedimentary Belt, Grenville province, southeastern Ontario, Geological Survey of Canada, Current Research 2000-F5, Radiogenic age and isotopic studies, Report 13. Eardley-Wilmot, V.L. 1925: Molybdenum, Canadian Department of Mines, Mines Branch, Publication 592. Easton, R.M. 1995: Regional geochemical variation in Grenvillian carbonate rocks: implications for mineral exploration; in Summary of Field Work and Other Activities 1995, Ontario Geological Survey, Miscellaneous Paper 164, p.6-18. 2001: Geology and mineral potential of the Puzzle Lake area, Central Metasedimentary Belt, Grenville Province; Ontario Geological Survey, Open File Report 6064, 26p. 2006: Precambrian geology of the Cloyne–Plevna–Ompah area, northern Mazinaw domain, Grenville Province; Ontario Geological Survey, Open File Report 5454, 165p. 2012: Precambrian geology of Cavendish Township, Central Metasedimentary Belt, Grenville Province; Ontario Geological Survey, Open File Report 6229, 142p. Easton, R.M. and Ford, F.D. 1994: Geology of the Grimsthorpe area, Hastings and Lennox and Addington counties, Grenville Province; Ontario Geological Survey, Open File Report 5894, 153p. Fouquet, Y. et al, 1993: Metallogenesis in Back-Arc Environments: The Lau Basin Example A Special Issue on Sea-Floor Hydrothermal Mineralization: New Perspectives Economic Geology, Vol. 88, No. 8, pg. 2154-2181

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Grant, W.T., Papertzian, V.C., and Kingston, P.W. 1989: Geochemistry of Grenville marble in southeastern Ontario; Ontario Geological Survey, Mineral Deposits Circular 28, 266p. Harnois, L., Moore, J.M., 1991: Geochemistry of two metavolcanic arc suites from the Central Metasedimentary Belt of the Grenville Province, southeastern Ontario, Canada. Can. J. Earth Sci., 28: 1429-1443. Hewitt, D.F. 1964: The Limestone Industries of Ontario, 1958-1963, Ontario Department of Mines, IMR 13. Accompanied by Map 2059, scale l inch to 16 miles. Johnston, F.A, 1968: Molybdenum Deposits of Ontario, Mineral Resources Circular No. 7, Ontario Department of Mines, Ontario, Canada Karvinen, W.O. 1973: Metamorphic Molybdenite Deposits in the Grenville Province Ph. D. Thesis, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, 311 p. Mitchell, F. 2007: Structural analysis of brittle deformation features along Grenvillian shear zones in southeastern Ontario, MSc Thesis, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario Rivers, T., et al. 2008: Assembly and Preservation of lower, mid, and upper orogenic crust in the Grenville Province-Implications for the evolution of large hot long-duration orogens. Precambrian Research 167 (3–4): 237–259 Shaw, D. M., et al 1962: The Petrology and Geochemistry of Grenville Skarns, Part II: Geochemistry The Canadian Mineralogist, Vol. 3, Part I, pp. 578-616 Silver, L.T., and Lumbers, S.B. 1966: Geochronologic studies in the Bancroft-Madoc area of the Grenville Province, Ontario, Canada (abstract); Geological Society of America Special Publication 87, p.156. Wallach, J. 1973: The metamorphism and structural geology of the Hinchinbrooke gneiss and its age relationship to metasedimentary and metavolcanic rocks of the Grenville Group; unpublished Ph.D. thesis, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, 141p. Wolff, J.M. 1982a: Geology of the Long Lake Area, Ontario Geological Survey Report 216, Ministry of Natural Resources, Ontario, Canada, pg. 53 & 64 1982b: Geology of the Kaladar Area, Ontario Geological Survey Report 216, Ministry of Natural Resources, Ontario, Canada, pg. 42

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Appendix A: Laboratory Certificates

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Laboratory Testing of Marble Stone

Date Tested· November 2 1.2013 ProJeCt N,unoer 8RM·00603d39-AO

Specimen No. Strength (MPa)

Xt 66.1

X-2 78 9

X-3 59 3

X·4 76.9

X5 i 648 I

Average j 69.3

Novemoer 21 20 13

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Fi on )C €:< .~n

J.'-rU.'e ,..esl:''9 8RM-0060J.I.39.AO fllr;..P"Y~Pr ' '0 1.1

Laboratory Testing of Marble Stone

Oate Tested: November 21, 2013

I ' I

Tesliv LaOOtatoty R ,_,..,Yousif. C.E.f

p ,.

Specime-n No.

Y· t





Project Number: BAM·00603439·AO

Strength (MPa)






Average 76.7

November 21 20 13

''l ,, ~- (.

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Fron:.e;'ldC Expk.f<Wcn ~. •;ub.'e -r es11119

811 ''-{l(.l6i1J,:39-AO ~~ .. , 2(1-t)

Laboratory Testi f!Q of Marble Stone

Dare Tested: November 21.2013 PrOject Number: BRM-00603439-AO

Specimen No. I Strength (MPa)

Z· 1 79.3

I Z-2 79.8

I Z-3 91.1

I Z-4 792

Z-5 71.7

Avet"age 80.2

November 2!. 2013 Daie

'" ,, . ' M

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I ··on':?'\-?~ E'~p/or.~~Jl)f

\!.1 1-blt-) Tes·; r~f:.

BAM-C0f30,'k1Gl •\0

Laboratory Testing of Marble Stone

Date Tested: November 21 , 2013 Project Number: BRM-00603439-AO

Specimen No. 24 Hour Absorption (%} I Wet Density (kg/m3)

1 0.13 2730

2 0.11 2730

3 0.10 2734

Average 0.12 2731

November 21. 201 3 Date


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A ct ivat,ion Laboratories Ltd . Report: A1 3-14338

AA:ItY.e JymbGA CO;> ;o.-;JO:) CoO CI:OO) t -.;omr) >QCI " d'J Y>tO ,.,., ~ !:fCC' TQ%LOI fQQX r.:•

Unit 1).,.....,1 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... " .. .. .. .. o.toollon Llr'nll OCI CCI OCI 0~ e~ 01)1 QO. OOC'I 0.01 e ocr: 0~ OC!I 001

AA:II~ M OI!hO<l IM IU~IJ' t U:r.NiJ I ll~ f w~., '"""'"' ... ~ ..... ~ t :J:r..vcr ru~ r u~~ tu:;....JW •u:;.,_. t U~)JCII'

t1L001 ·~· o•• !ICa:J oo· O:sl 0 0:: 3 .0 CDt2 COol QQH!,. "' 001 .,~ !I'>JI,4

ttOIXI 4:4 C34 !IIlli' CDI o::s: c •c :)~ CDl!:l COol CO'-' ... 0~ 4:» l:ll: .

t<l:u:J 4 H Ct:l cue • CCI' C:l 011 ~"" a~· c oo C£:>1 ~at oc .UIO !n~

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A ct iva,ti on Laborato ries Ltd . Report: A13-14338

Quality Control

AI\:IIY,:e Symbol co~ .4203 c..o c:.r:xn , --.---at • • '= J!l$1 .....0 ..... "0 r'.:!Ch =:' "102 I.DI IIXIX , ... Urlt S)vt~GI .. .. .. .... .. .. .. .. ' "' "' "' "' ... D<lteall0<1 U:nll 001 001 001 0"" 001 001 00'1 000'1 '"'I o= !)Q1 00'1 001

At\:11)'10:11: Mt!ihod IN I U$-Nd tO~tl tu~ ru~a I U~C1 ta~ I:Y~ I """"""' t a~~ t u~.ICN' nJ.~}./111 f w::..)JII' J J:;..)W

' :.r r:w -w.:a I Bf 44~ c ,:: c ill c :a O::M 0 :1'0 C M XIO tt Q 0 1)

' ~r c:w 'Ill oc C IC Q r.:ll c ~·a C :Dl CD1 ~~ a m:: '2) ~ U 2 o uo \4CM t. w- l~ lD c ..o ac:: ~~ a n ~ •'II C SO!l 0 34 C4J,' ).I GI :.:.o \OCA.U.C ... · ~~ CGI co• "'-G .... ~ "" Qlbl Q:ul Q "f>) , ... l.!>O !:f'--4 ...... 3:11

~-4 C~ 3~

!:"'-4W- 3 ~

:i"'-4Cct l !t !:"'_,. ., ... ,,., :.-r _,. c~ l !t ~...~~ ...... ) «l

~'T~Cct 3 !>

!i'V ..... ...... 3 :00

:i't'-4 C..,. , ,. lel..Mo C:...:acr..a!lt 4>0 ..... -"""~.,. 44 Cb

ll:tJnc:tr.:.cr...nt ·-· ...... il:t..lnCW.:w:r~Gr .. a. "'-~- ~~ ..... W:t.M Gw':.cr_..,. c.- .. a. to.""' Cw'-=cr_...,. ... ..... ~ C:.:xr..:B G_.. .. 0>

~Cor-- 4 H ..... ~c:.r.-e.... .. 0>

-.c~o..;~ w...- C::M ""., 1 0' ""' '.c.!: OCt'!IXD CMt 02> :a ..: ow I ZI

O'D YAIII 2.:C <01..0 oe.· 0 !111 C IC a•n ? COl 0 ' 3 OX) C.. 2.., 4 / lll Of"" Qtlll C IW c 111'0 8 !>11 a IX>

f11.::1DD-.. 0/:J 40<11 CO': C ZI 012 ""' G:c"1 CDI ·= >111 ocr. .t: ra. li'>IJD

llt«D C.., 0/:J 40 !1:> • CO': C ZI a oc ,,., Qtt:!: Q Q> CC'I :.04 ocr. •=n ll'>43

\6olto:: tt.-.; • CO'

~e;l-r) • c c• ....,...:: 12.-..J • cc• - ·• • QQt -· • QQt

........ , . co, • CD1 • oc• · a a• • cc• • 001 • am• • ca• • am; • oc• • OCI

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Semi-Quantitative X-Ray Diffraction

Report Prepared for: Frontenac Explorarlon

Project Number/ U MS No. Custom XRD!MI4546-0CT13

Reporting Date:


Test Conditions:

lntetpretatious .

Detection Limit:


Report Prepared by: Kim Gibbs

No118mber 22. 2013

BRUKER AXS 0 8 Advance Diffractometer

Co radiation, 40 kV, 35 rnA Regular Scanning: Step: 0.02•. Step time:0.2s. 29 range: 3-70•

POF21POF4 JXIm:ler d•ffn:.ction databa&,es 1$Sued by the lntematJonal ee,,,te• ror OiffractJon Data (ICOO). OlffracPius Eva software.

0.5-2%. Strongry dependent on crystallinity.

1) Method Summary 2) Summaty or Mineral Asemblages 3) Semi-Ouanbtatwe XRD Results 4) Chemical Balance(s) 5) XRD Pattem(s)

tiwJ Huyun Zhou. Ph 0 •• P Geo. t .... · Soo;,or M1netatogist

SGS t.t.nerats P.O. Box 4300, 185 Conc:eu10n Street, Lakebeld, Ontario. Canada KOL 2HO a dM:S•c>n ot SGS c..n.:ta Inc Tet- 05 652-2000 Fax: 05) 652-8365 WltHI. s com -w com/met

Membet of the SGS Groop (SCS SA)

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Method Summary

Minora/ Identification and Interpretation:

Mineral identification and interpretation involve matching the diffraction pattern of a test sample m aterial to patterns of stngle·phase reference materials. The reference patterns are compiled by the Joint Committee on Powder Dtffracbon Standards • tntemational Center for Diffraction Data (JCPDS·ICDO) and released on softwo~e as a database of Powder Diffraction Ftles (PDF).

tnterpretabons do not reflect the presence of non~rystalline and/or amorphous compounds. Mineral proportions are based on relative peak heights and may be strongly inftuenoed by crystallinity, structural group or preferred orientations lnterprelabons and relative proportions should be accompanied by supporting pe!fOgraphic and geochemical data (Whole Rock Allalysls. lnducbvety Coupled Plasma • Optical Emission Speeltosoopy, etc.).

Semi-Quantitative Analysis:

The Semi·QuanbtabVe analysts (RIR method) tS performed based on eaeh mineral's relatllle peek heights and of their respecwe tn cor values, which are avatlable from the PDF database. Mineral abundances for the bulk sample (in weight %) are generated by Bruker-EVA Software. These data are reconCiled with a bulk chemistry (e.g. whole rock analysis induding Si0 2, A120 , , Naz(), K20 , CaO. MgO, Fe20,, Cr20 s. MnO, 1.02• P20 6, V20, or other chemical data). A ehermcal balance table shows the difference between the assay resuhs and elemental concentrations determtned by XRD.

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SG$ Summary of Semi..Quantitative X-ray Diffraction Results

CrvsG/Jine Mineral Auemb/:u. I relative nroDOrtions based on Deak heiahtJ . ...,,. f) HLOOI

(2} HL()(Xl

/3} Ht.IXIJ



Cslcne Oolomlt.e




1>30% WI)

cal ...





Mo<Scnrte Minor

~10% -30% Wl) (2'$ •10% WI)

dOlomite _..

dOlomite .

dolomilt ~

Fn::JfWenac ~alb'! O..S.O.n XRD'M1454&-0CT13


T, ... (<2% wt)


.. ..,., .

1ht Ou~ XRO lf'1l!lllflod IA'ETH ft 8.-8-I} w ed by SGS Mr.CI"als $M'kft., P 0 Sow 4.XIQ, ISS ~$'$$1010 ~-f.~IJ. Q'&fo, C"'-'«» KOC 2H11 Tel (105j 85-2-<!000FI!Jt. (1t)'1 ln.&JIS.S Mini>~ :tv~ QPct1 teQUC$t

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Semi-Quantitative X-ray Diffraction Results

Mlnorel HL001 HL002 (wt %) (wt %)

Calcite 84 0 81.7 Dolomite 13.7 16.4 Quartz 2.2 1.9 TOTAL 100 100

HL003 (vrl %)

81.3 15.3 3.4 100

Fronlenac Explorallon Custom XRO/M/4546-0CT13


The Qua/Jtatlve XRD method (METH # 8·8·1) used by SGS Miflerttls Serwces, P.O. Box 4300, 185 Ccnoessioo Sueet.. Lalr.efi&Jd., OntariO, C411ad8 KOL 2HO Tel: (705) 652-2000 Fax: (705) 652·63SS Mini-method availabJ.) upon request.

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Name Assay' cao 51 1 MgO 3 37 ~e203 029 Al203 0.23 K20 0.12 SrO 006 Na20 0.03 MnO 0.03 C02 -~102 -


Name Assay' CaO 51.1 MqO 3.95 AJ203 0.25 Fe203 0.17 K?O 0.15 SrO 0.05 Na20 0.04 MnO 0.03 C02 -S102 -


Name Assay' CaO 50.0 MqO 3.33 Fe203 0.24 Al20 3 0.21 K20 0.15 SrO 0.06 ~20 003 MnO 003 C02 . $02 .

I Vi!•uos moasurod b; cttom•CDI .'lssay

Chemica l Balance


51 3 300 -


43.5 2.23


50.8 3 59 -. ---

43 6 1.86


502 3 34 -. ---

430 3 45

Delta -0 19 036 0 29 0 23 0 1? 0 06 0.03 0 03 -43.5 2 23

Delta 0 29 0 36 0.25 0.17 0 15 005 004 003 --436 · 1.86

Delta -0 ?4 0.00 0.21i 0.21 0.15 0.06 0.03 0.03 -43 0 -3 45

Fr<Yltcnac [ xplorat•on Custom XR0/\11 454&-0CT13

22 Nov-13

Status Both Both XRF XRF XRF XRF XRf XRF sao SQD

Status Both Both XRF XRF XRF XRF XRF XRF sao SQD

Status Both Both XRr XRF XRF XRF XRF XRf SQO sao

2. VaJuos ca:cuo'a:ed t>asc:J 01> m•rtCfi.I/ICOI'fiJ)O(.md lcrmv•ils and a:;am.:es KJ6nuroed by semJ-quan:.rarr.,re XRD

1M QtJ!tJ/ftt1 o>~l ' 'XRD mo!llod (METH # 8·8· f) used by SGS M•nerals Servoces. P 0 Bo.< 4300 185 COnCCS.S•Oo'> Slfoot C.Dkof>eld. Orltono Canada KO!.. 2HO

Tal (705) 652-2000 l'oy · (705) 652·6365 M!fll·melhod twaorable uoon reqt..esl

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Frontenac Explorallon Custom XRD/MI4546-0CT13



..__.,_1 •

~ Jl - I I 1 .., ? I t ' I e I I 11 I ' I .t r I 1 & , l ~ ~ " 10 '0 so

3~ 40 !tO .. a

2-Theta- Scale h"JHL001 • ,.,.., 0:14~.At; l f~W . l yp.o 2JNUt IQdc-.t:l - ~'" ., 6 000"'. Fna 70 006 • • ~ .. sap 0 0 19 . - s.~ time t2 , 1~rp 26 ·c lROOn) .. I mtt Slllrwo ,., . .. 2·T~t1 e 000 • • Tf".QtQ

(• Jo· ·07Q-:910 tCi- O<>tOrl< • S•02 ~0•-072-•&5' IC)- C ol<olw CQCOl l•lo··~:!e1~30 IC) • OclotMC C->i/<;J(C0l )2

The Qualtta!lve XRO method (METH I! 8-8-1 J uS9d by SGS 1\<'ncrors Sctviccs P. 0 Box 4300 185 C<lncessoon Street. L8keloeld. Omtirlo Ctinsds I<OL 2HO. Tel (705) 652·2000 FtM (7051 6.52·6365 ~M!·method 8118JJabt! upon roquesr.


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i ' I


Frontenac Exploration Custom XROIMI4546-0CT13


2000-: -

1000 i 1 l ~ 0




. ~

• ' ' I

• .. "' "

" >!() •• 2-Theta- Scale

Qf.HL.002 · ~ .. Oc:••~ .. a ,_ . """' 21111TI'Itoet«~ Stvt: e...909• £nc1: et.931 • • s~ 0.019•. s~..,.. 12. •. Ttm~~ 2:5 ·c (Room) ·Tim~~SUIMCl "' . 2-Tn.t• 11 tot· . rneu , o (!lo1.0Ttooll10 (C) . OIAIU: • 1102 [!Jo 1 .012• 1 102 (C) • CIICI• • CICOl l• l 01..01'• IM7(C) OoiOmll• C•Ma(CO)tl

1J\t ~ XRO /ftltlhotJ (METH • I··· I) u.t1 Oy SGS Uir'Waf$ SretW:es;. P.O. Box' 4300, 185 CGx:esslon Shet. ~ Onr.lw'io.. c...de KOl ZHO. Tot (1051652·2000Fu- (705} 652-6365 --_._


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l ._._. t~4--· • _ _., _ _L._..._ _ _.__.._


Frontenac Exp·orattOn Custom XRO/Mt4546-0CT13

22 'llov 13

1000 j Q ----..,. f i' I I • I I , • I & ; d } . 1 \ I '1 I f ..., I > 't\ eli I





fl 10 JC ,~

I • I 1 • --- ~ J l


~ ~ )U\ :!-' 4.:1 ~ eo

2-Theta - Scale ~· .OO'l '••• ocr.c.:•~J:J,..·.-· yr ... lth·1ho: '-'""J-Sr •• m eooo·.Encs 10001 Ster oo•g· S le-Pt,....• ,2-. · T•"" ,6.C(Room).;~~r.eS:.lr.«t t7:o l ·TMe11 oooo • .. r" ... '• • .01 (17$ · IS 10 (CI • o ... u · ~02 • 101 ll). tt~7 (CI • C-.-'ut<lf • C"'..aCOl OI~U-HlO (Co · 00<1.-.!o • Cot.' ~ COJ)2

Tno Ououror •• -o XRD mci!!OrJ (I.<ETH II 8 8 1) v$«1 1J1 SGS /Moef&l$ SetVOCI!IS, P 0 Boor <f300. 185 CQfiOOSS.OO S:rool Lif~(NIO Oni;Jno. Cblladll KOI. 2HO

Tel (705) 6S2·200!J .''ax ( 105) 652·6365 M.t!NnOtnod OVI)r.';Jb.>J (;()Oil fCQIJCsJ.


Page 50: Geological Mapping, Lithogeochemical and Geophysical Survey … · 2017-01-16 · 1 Geological Mapping, Lithogeochemical and Geophysical Survey Of the Herring Lake Property Southeastern


GS SGS Canad.l lnc. P.O. Box 4300 · 185 Concession St lakefield • Ont uio · KOL 2HO Phone: 705-e52-2000 FA:X: 70~2-6365

Mineralogy Attn : Bernie Yeung I Elaine Glover


Date Rec . : LR Report: Client Ref:

01 November 2013 CA02009-NOV13 MI4546-0CT13


con~rol Quality Assay

Sample ID

1: H L001

2: HL002

3: H L003

Not suitable fo r conmercial Exc hange

Final Report

C(t ) %




s %

< 0 .01

0 .01

0 .01

cL~G9zet Tom Watt Project Coordinator

p.,g., l ol t TN" ~•r•al'to ~t.,l.r4i~t,,u-,.,_bC..UM1'41C~Jiftd,~ul :.crv .... ~••t "tlpJf'wo.,.M,.~~o.u;, "#\u ' •MJ&.Ir'4Lu-"'.lt.frtr .&.ltutU;.rt "'ct-..... -ntotJ • ·t.. t.Y' , u tll l tv. l()r1'rr.UitJOf'l • "dJ...I"bdU»n .... O C:«.',f flt~ ?:-- ••rL 'A.a.ll~¥ ... ; .. '&ata••P • la. ) 'b lll•l-c.hUN .... t!il~. "' '•~-' 11'1,.. CUe t":·~l (iJ~ J ·•.t&lllll'- t¥1W"11) .-.t"'ftn 4"" /~ P!W !Ill!~ !tNU«r<t Ul" C...,4 Utr-..,putl M,l.l!t;r•~ thc:.J.• t--. CI·~ ,.,..., t l""d ~

(lQftllll..LL4 f~ • tnt tv cot L:-.: W""~"~ l q»,...,Ut. .. avotU,.(I.»~ -~ i.tt!Uiy 11ll.eta t o W"'4 W fl\:k(lo). 1'- ~ft.~"Pf K.U~,:.b fKt odlt _, lh .. ..,-cs t O D" 4 0f"V UU ""'"'"'1.11~ ""'•:.lt r •:wn.-4tl(.1.} bri•.NWJJ ~bit &e1.r•..S~. n • ,.,~..._•,..PO"lt:~r dte "*"'J.' D prat:.-4trtU• C:..III c lCS ••• u r~Pur Q.IrT .. -u.. Jca u.rcrau.- ltoC'I)al...,C ~u-r'l):.aciro Air, U'•-&.-owtNO •t.ctollAof\.1\of\i,..,., w l cb .ft'-CLU d L! • tulct'COr • .. 'P«Mrc.a

Clth• o.,........,., .. , .. ...,...,_..J ., "CC~nw<lvt! "'W t t.. ~,.,..W~ LoUtetu u& ullarCUII• ...,... f ot ~ hn.tn"nct.cr ..,, !A• ~oo"'"nr-.uell.

Page 51: Geological Mapping, Lithogeochemical and Geophysical Survey … · 2017-01-16 · 1 Geological Mapping, Lithogeochemical and Geophysical Survey Of the Herring Lake Property Southeastern


SGS SGS Canada Inc. P.O Box 4300- 185 Concession S1 lakefield - Ontario- KOl 2HO Phone: 705-652-2000 FAX. 705-G52-6365

Miner~l ogy

Attn : Bernie Yeung I Elaine Glover 29-November-2013

Date Rec. : 01 November 2013 LR Report: CA02009-NOV1 3 Client Ref : MI4546-0CT13


Final Report

Sample 10 LOI Ag AI As Ba Be B i Ca Cd % g /t glt g/t gl t git g /t g/t glt

1: HL001 43.4 56 .1 1190 < 10 35.3 < 0.05 <0.6 365000 < 0 .2

2: Hl002 43.6 < 0.2 1260 < 10 68.0 < 0.05 < 0.6 365000 < 0 .2

3: Hl003 43.1 0 .2 1140 < 10 41.7 < 0.05 < 0.6 357000 < 0 .2

Sample 10 Cr Cu Fe K li Mg Mn Mo Na flli g/t g/( glt g/ t g/t g/t g/t glt g/t g/t

1: HL001 8 6.2 2000 969 < 8 20300 170 < 0.6 215 4

2 : HL002 6 3.2 1150 1240 < 8 23800 151 < 0.6 263 4

3: HL003 8 2.1 1680 1160 < 8 20100 198 < 0.6 179 4

Sample 10 p Pb Sb Se Sn Sr Ti T l u v y Zn g/t g /t glt gl t g/t gft gi t g/t g/t glt g/t g/ t

1: HL001 < 90 1.3 < 0.8 < 10 < 2 503 81.3 < 0 .4 < 0 .4 4 3.2 4 2: HL002 < 90 0 .7 < 0.8 < 10 < 2 412 76.4 < 0 .4 < 0.4 3 2.7 < 2

3: HL003 < 90 1.1 < 0.8 < 10 < 2 523 80.8 < 0 .4 < 0.4 3 3.5 6

Cont: ro l Qualit:y Assay Not: Su it:able f or Conmer ci a l £x change

oY~G9id Tom Wart Project Coordinator

Page 1 01 1

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Appendix B: INVOICES

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INVOICE HL-001 Thursday, December 19, 2013 Mitch Wilson 5445 County Road 6 RR 1 Enterprise, Ontario K1K 1Z0 (613) 358-1201 Re: Herring Lake Project OEC Project Number 2013-011 Thank you for the opportunity to plan and execute OEC Project Number 2013-011. Your able assistance in the field was critical to the completion of this project. This is an invoice for the fieldwork completed between October 7 and October 21, 2013, including maps drawing and report writing completed on December 20, 2013. The total amount below is due upon final approval by the OEC and payable to Marc Forget. Item QTY Description Unit Cost Amount 1 13 Days Geophysics surveying, mapping, Prospecting, line surveying 280.00 3640.00 2 3 Days report writing and map drawing 280.00 840.00 3 2520 Kilometres travel to property 0.50 1260.00 4 420 Kilometres to ship samples to 0.50 210.00 SGS Lakefield, EXP Consulting & Can-Am Instruments, Oakville Subtotal 5950.00 HST 773.50 TOTAL 6723.50 Thank you,

Marc Forget 8 North Hastings Avenue PO Box 605 Marmora, Ontario K0K 2M0 (613) 472-0406 [email protected]

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Appendix C: Project Cost

Item Description Service Provider Unit Cost Units Cost HST Subtotal

1 Geophysics, mapping, channel cutting & prep Marc Forget 280.00 13 3640.00 473.20 4113.20

2 Report Writing Marc Forget 280.00 3 840.00 109.20 949.20

3 Daily Mileage to Property Marc Forget 0.50 2520 1260.00 163.80 1423.80

4 Shipping Mileage to SGS Lakefield & Toronto Marc Forget 0.50 420 210.00 27.30 237.30

5 Daily Mileage to Tamworth - Pick-up Point Mitch Wilson 0.50 204 102.00 13.26 115.26

6 Prospecting Labour Mitch Wilson 150.00 12 1800.00 234.00 2034.00

7 Sample Prep SGS Labs Crush & Pulverize to -75 uM 10.00 6 60.00 7.80 67.80

8 Multi-element Analysis of Marble SGS Labs ICP-MS High Resolution Grade 164.00 3 492.00 63.96 555.96

9 X-Ray Diffraction Mineral Analysis Marble SGS Labs RIR 275.00 3 825.00 107.25 932.25

10 LECO Analysis Sulphur & Carbon in Marble SGS Labs LECO 50.00 3 150.00 19.50 169.50

11 Particle size distribution to 1 uM SGS Labs Malvern Test 130.00 1 130.00 16.90 146.90

12 Pulverize to -74 uM ActLabs RX4 Prep 6.85 3 20.55 2.67 23.22

13 Major Oxides of Carbonates Actlabs Labs XFR 41.75 3 125.25 16.28 141.53

14 add option Total C02 Actlabs Code 4F 17.35 3 52.05 6.77 58.82

15 Sample Disposal Fee Actlabs 0.25 3 0.75 0.10 0.85

16 ASTM C97 Absorption & S.G. of Marble EXP Consulting 55.00 3 165.00 21.45 186.45

17 ASTM C170 Compressive Strength of Marble EXP Consulting 70.00 15 1050.00 136.50 1186.50

18 Brightness of Marble Can-Am Instruments 125.00 3 375.00 48.75 423.75

19 Masonary Saw Rental to cut cubes for ASTM Battlefield Rentals 85.10 1 85.50 11.12 96.62

20 Ship Samples via Fex-Ex Actlabs in Ancaster, Ontario 30.89 1 30.89 4.02 34.91

Total 12897.81

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Appendix D: Daily Work Log

Date From To Work Done September 4, 2013 9:00 AM 1:00 PM Property visit to compare actual geology with OGS Map P3443. Discovered a drill collar.

September 7, 2013 9:00 AM 4:00 PM Recon to locate and map beaver dam(s) & access to east side of property

This logistical inofrmation was critical to properly cost out the proposed project.

October 4, 2013 9:00 AM 11:00 AM Visited Land Registry Office in Napanee, Ontario to clarify claim fabric issues

1:00 PM 3:00 PM Located certified survey pin (corner post #3) at 347217E 4932285N

Start of Geophysical Survey & Geological Mapping

October 7, 2013 8:00 AM 12:30 PM Established control line along Mountain Road & location of corner post #4. Direct access from Mountain Road

1:00 PM 5:30 PM Began Beep Map survey and geological mapping at Line 0 to Line 7 across west control line. Some rain

October 8, 2013 8:00 AM 6:00 PM Suveyed Lines 8 to 20 across west control line. Established east control line in PM. Lots of rain late morning

Found magnetic anomaly & start of narrow units of quartzite+dolomite association. Saw very big black bear!

October 9, 2013 8:00 AM 5:45 PM Surveyed Lines 8 to 20 east of Herring Lake. Mostly granites, some with higher mag readings. Great weather.

Direct access on foot to this area from Mountain Road

October 10, 2013 8:15 AM 5:15 PM Surveyed Lines 7 to 0 west of east control line. Best access is across beaver dam #1. Great weather.

Starting to observe pattern of Paleo-channels & associated karsts, plus two types of granites. Hardly no dolomites.

October 11, 2013 8:20 AM 5:00 PM Surveyed Lines -1 to -5 west of east control line. Walked along shores of paleo-channel A & B to nail down

contact of marbles with granites. Starting to observe under cutting of granite/marble contact.

October 14, 2013 7:45 AM 5:25 PM Surveyed Lines -3 to -9 northeast section of claim. North end of paleo-channel C. Large area of extremely large

grained granite (almost pegmatitic) with higher mag content.

October 15, 2013 7:30 AM 4:30 PM Surveyed Lines -2 to 5 east of east control line. Discovered important marble karst & underground river system

that revealed for first time existence of granite laccolith. Up until this time thought granite intruded sediments.

October 16, 2013 7:50 AM 5:10 PM Surveyd lines 6 to 10 east of Herring Lake. Access by canoe across Herring Lake

Large dolomite unit discovered at north-east shore of Herring Lake

October 17, 2013 8:20 AM 5:05 PM Finished survey with lines 11 to 16 east of Herring Lake. Access by canoe across Herring Lake.

Borrowed Gamma Ray Spectrometer to check potassium readings on granites. Ranged from 4 to 8 % K.

October 18, 2013 8:00 AM 5:00 PM Looked for best place to sample marbles. Cut out marble samples with rock saw.

October 21, 2013 8:30 AM 4:30 PM Returned to dig pit over magnetic anomaly. A small magnetite skarn.

October 25, 2013 7:00 AM 5:00 PM Pick up and return masonry saw from Battlefield Rentals. Mitch & Marc rough cut marble cubes.

End of Survey

November 1, 2013 8:00 AM 11:00 AM Delivered marble samples HL001, 2 & 3 to SGS Lakefield for prep and analysis

November 12, 2013 9:00 AM 5:00 PM Squared off cubes on belt sander to ASTM specifications. Marc Forget only.

November 15, 2013 5:00 AM 5:00 PM Delivered cubes to Exp Consulting & 35 um pulp to Can-Am Instruments in Oakville

November 29, 2013 9:00 AM 11:00 AM Shipped pulp samples to Actlabs, Oakville, Ontario after discovering SGS could not complete Major Oxide analysis

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Map #1: Mining Lands Claim Map, Sheffield Township


1 km

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Map #2: Mining Lands Road Map


Mountain Road

County Road 4


To Hwy 401 2 km

California Road

Carroll Lake Road


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250 mScale 1:5000


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1 Amphibolites 2 Bedded Clastic Sediments 3 a) Calcitic Marble b) Dolomite c) Quartzite d) Stromatolitic Bioherms

4 a Pyroxenite b Calc-Silicates 5 a Fine Grained Granite b Very Coarse Grained Granite

250 mScale 1:5000


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MAP #5: Proposed changes to OGS Map P3440

Old Version

New Version

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PHOTO #1: Granite to Sediment Contact in northeast

PHOTO #2: Centrally located granite to Sediment Contact


Clastic Sediments

22 Dip

Granite Cap


30 cm

3 m

Photo #2: One of many potholes created by the collapse of thin granite cap rock into an underground stream that worked its way through underlying marbles.

Photo #1: Granite intruded sediments along the same bedding plane. This may indicate delamination by a laccolith.

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PHOTO #3: Centrally located granite to Sediment Contact

PHOTO #4: Granite to Sediment contact in southwest

Photo #3: Complete pothole collapse leaves hoodoo like structures in an open stream channel. This rock is not a bolder, it is bedrock.

Granite Cap

Undercut Marble

40 cm thick Granite cap

Clastic (Rusty) Sediments above water line

Photo #4: Eroded cap of granite lies over the contact of marble. These steeply dipping clastic sediments (in foreground) suggest an angular unconformity.

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PHOTO #5: Marine slumping or Tectonic folding of Sediments?

PHOTO #6: Varved clastic sediments

Photo #5: Clastic sediments 100 metres from western margin of property show signs of tectonic folding but may be a fossilized submarine collapse or slump.

Photo #6: Clastic sediment beds on west side of the property dips steeply to the east and strikes almost due north. Note the varved appearance and no

noticeable folding or collapse. Identical unit as in photo #5 and is only metres away.


3 metres

North 2 metres

Clastic "leached" sediments

below water line