Gelir Ve Yasam Kosullari 2007

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  • 8/3/2019 Gelir Ve Yasam Kosullari 2007


    TRKYE STATSTK KURUMUTurkish Statistical Institute



    ARATIRMASIIncome and LivingConditions Survey


  • 8/3/2019 Gelir Ve Yasam Kosullari 2007


  • 8/3/2019 Gelir Ve Yasam Kosullari 2007


    TK, Gelir ve Yaam Koullar Aratrmas, 2007TurkStat, Income and Living Conditions Survey, 2007


    MTB: 2011-523-80Adet-Copies

    ISBN 978-975-19-5131-1

  • 8/3/2019 Gelir Ve Yasam Kosullari 2007


    TK, Gelir ve Yaam Koullar Aratrmas, 2007TurkStat, Income and Living Conditions Survey, 2007


    lke ekonomisini ve insanlarn yaam seviyelerinibelirleyebilmek, eitli sosyal sistemlerin salkl bir

    ekilde deerlendirmesini yapabilmek iin sadeceekonomik adan deil, sosyal adan da gelir dalmgstergelerine ihtiya duyulmaktadr. Gelir dalmndakiadaletsizlik ve yoksulluk, dnyann karlat en nemlisorunlardan biri olarak, artk sadece sradan bir ekonomisorunu olmaktan ziyade politik ve sosyal bir sorun olarakgrlmeye balanmtr. Gelir eitsizliinin deiiminiizlemeye ynelik almalar yannda, gelir dalmsorununun yoksulluk sorununa indirgenmi olmasyla gelir yoksulluu, sosyal imkn yoksulluu, sosyaldlanma gibi yeni kavramlara ilikin verilerin retilmesiihtiyac da domutur.

    Trkiye statistik Kurumu (TK), 2006 ylna kadargelir dalm istatistiklerini, amac tketim harcamalar vegelir dalm konularnda veri retmek olan HanehalkBte Aratrmalarndan (HBA) yaymlamakta iken 2006ylndan itibaren, Avrupa Birliine uyum erevesinde,amac gelir dalm yannda, yaam koullar, sosyaldlanma ve greli gelir yoksulluu gibi konularda veriretmek olan, panel anket ynteminin kullanld Gelirve Yaam Koullar Aratrmasn uygulamayabalamtr.

    Avrupa Birlii lkeleri ile karlatrlabilir gelir dalm,gelire gre greli yoksulluk, yaam koullar ve sosyaldlanma konularnda veri retmek zere tasarlananaratrmada, rnek fertler 4 yl boyunca izlenmekte ve heryl kesit ve panel olmak zere iki tr veri seti eldeedilmektedir.

    Bu yaynda, Trkiye, kent, kr ve statistiki BlgeBirimleri Snflamas Dzey 1 baznda kesit sonular yeralmaktadr.

    Yaynn karar alclar, aratrmaclar ve dier tmistatistik kullanclarna yararl olmasn dileriz.


    Income distribution indicators are needed for notonly just the economic reasons but also to enable to

    make a good evaluation of the various social systems.Inequity and poverty on income distribution are themost serious problems of the world and the incomedistribution problems are started to appear not only justthe economic but also the political and social problemsanymore. With the studies on monitoring the incomeinequality variation, it has needed to produce data fornew notions like income poverty, poverty of socialopportunity and social exclusion by reducing theincome distribution problem to the poverty problem.

    Turkish Statistical Institute (TURKSTAT) haspublished the income distribution statistics by usingHousehold Budget Survey (HBS) till 2006. The aim ofHBS is to produce data on consumption expenditureand income distribution. Since 2006, TURKSTAT hasstarted to carry out Income and Living ConditionsSurvey, where the panel survey method is used,within the scope of the studies compliance withEuropean Union (EU). The aim of the survey is tosupply comparable data on income distribution, livingconditions, social exclusion and relative poverty basedon income.

    In the survey, which is designed to supplycomparable annual data with European Union (EU)countries on income distribution, relative poverty, livingconditions and social exclusion, sample persons aretraced during four years and it is aimed to get two kindof data set namely cross-sectional and panel everyyear.

    In this publication, cross-sectional results forTurkey, urban and rural areas and Statistical Regions(SR) Level 1 are given.

    We hope that this publication will be beneficial todecision-makers, researchers and all the other users ofstatistics.

    A. mer TOPRAKBakan V.

    Acting President

    Foreword nsz

    A. mer TOPRAKBakan V.

    Acting President

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    TK, Gelir ve Yaam Koullar Aratrmas, 2007TurkStat, Income and Living Conditions Survey, 2007





    nsz Foreword

    indekiler V ContentsGrafik ve Tablo Listesi V List of Graphs and Tables

    Simge ve Ksaltmalar XV Symbols and Abbreviations

    Aklama Explanation

    1. Giri XV 1. Introduction

    2. Tarihe XV 2. Background

    2.1 Gelir dalm aratrmalar XV 2.1 Income distribution surveys

    2.2 Yoksulluk aratrmalar XV 2.2 Poverty studies

    3. Ama XV 3. Objective4. Kapsam XV 4. Coverage

    5. Yntem XX 5. Method

    5.1 Soru kad XX 5.1 Questionnaire

    5.2 rneklem tasarm XX 5.2 Sampling design

    5.3 Arlklandrma XX 5.3 Weighting

    5.4 Referans ve uygulama dnemi XX 5.4 Reference and application period

    5.5 Veri derleme yntemi XX 5.5 Data collecting method

    5.6 Alan uygulamas ve cevapszlk oran XX 5.6 Field application and non-response rate

    6. Tanm ve kavramlar XX 6. Definitions and concepts

    7. Snflamalar XXV 7. Classifications

    8. Standart hata deerleri XXV 8. Standard errors

    Blmler Sections

    1. Gelir dalm eitsizlik ltleri 1. Measures of income inequality

    2. Gelir dalm genel gstergeleri 2. General indicators of income distribution

    3. Hanehalknn niteliklerine gre gelir dalm 2 3. Income distribution by household characteristics

    4. Referans ferdin niteliklerine gre gelir dalm 4. Income distribution by characteristics of the referenceperson

    5. Hanehalk fertlerinin niteliklerine gre gelir 5. Income distribution by characteristics of household

    dalm members

    6. Gelir gruplar ve demografik zelliklerine gre 6. Population by income groups and demographic

    nfus 7 characteristics

    7. Yoksulluk gstergeleri 7. Poverty indicators

    8. Yaam koullarna gre nfus 8. Population by living conditions

    Ek Appendix

    statistiki Blge Birimleri Snflandrmas

    lgili bilgilere ulamak iin.... formu


    Statistical Regions

    The form of To reach the related informations...

    Contents indekiler

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    TK, Gelir ve Yaam Koullar Aratrmas, 2007TurkStat, Income and Living Conditions Survey, 2007




    Gelir Dalm Eitsizlik ltleri


    . BBS, 1. Dzey'e gre P80/P20

    .2 BBS, 1. Dzey'e gre gini katsaylar

    . BBS, 1. Dzey ve yzde 20'lik gruplara gre yllk edeer hanehalk kullanlabilir gelirlerin dalm 2

    . BBS, 1. Dzey ve yzde 20'lik gruplara gre hanehalk yllk kullanlabilir gelirlerin dalm 2

    . Lorenz Erisi (Trkiye)


    . Gelir dalm eitsizlik ltleri, 2007

    .2 Yzde 20'lik gruplara gre blgesel hanehalk kullanlabilir gelirler, 2007

    . Yzde 20'lik gruplara gre blgesel edeer hanehalk kullanlabilir gelirler, 2007

    2 Gelir Dalm Genel Gstergeleri


    2. Yzde 20'lik gruplara gre hanehalk yllk kullanlabilir gelirlerin dalm

    2.2 Yzde 20'lik gruplara gre edeer hanehalk kullanlabilir gelirlerin dalm 7

    2. Yzde 10'luk gruplara gre yllk edeer hanehalk kullanlabilir gelirlerin dalm

    2. Gelir trleri ve yzde 20'lik gruplara gre gelirlerin dalm


    2. Yzde 20'lik gruplara gre hane, fert saylar ve hanehalk yllk kullanlabilir gelirler, 2007 0

    2.2 Yzde 20'lik gruplara gre hane, fert saylar ve yllk edeer hanehalk kullanlabilir gelirler, 2007

    2. Yzde 10'luk gruplara gre hane, fert saylar ve yllk edeer hanehalk kullanlabilir gelirler, 2007 2

    2. Yzde 5'lik gruplara gre hane, fert saylar ve yllk edeer hanehalk kullanlabilir gelirler, 2007

    2. Gelir trleri ve yzde 20'lik gruplara gre hanehalk bana yllk ortalama gelirler, 2007

    2. Gelir trleri ve yzde 20'lik gruplara gre hanehalk bana gelirler, 2007

    2.7 Gelir trleri ve yzde 20'lik gruplara gre hanehalk bana gelirler, 2007 20

    Hanehalknn Niteliklerine Gre Gelir Dalm


    . Hanehalk tipi ve yzde 20'lik gruplara gre yllk hanehalk kullanlabilir gelirlerin dalm 2

    .2 Hanehalk bykl ve yzde 20'lik gruplara gre yllk hanehalk kullanlabilir gelirlerin dalm 22

    . Hanehalknn temel gelir kayna ve yzde 20'lik gruplara gre yllk hanehalk kullanlabilir gelirlerin dalm 2


    . Hanehalk tipi ve birikimli yzdelik gruplara gre en yksek yllk hanehalk kullanlabilir gelirler, 2007 2

    .2 Hanehalk tipi ve birikimli yzdelik gruplara gre en yksek yllk edeer hanehalk kullanlabilir gelirler,2007


    Grak ve Tablo Listesi List of Graphs and Tables

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    TK, Gelir ve Yaam Koullar Aratrmas, 2007TurkStat, Income and Living Conditions Survey, 2007




    Measures of income inequality


    . P80/P20 by SR, Level 1

    .2 Gini coefficients by SR, Level 1

    . The distribution of annual equivalised household disposable incomes by quintiles and SR, Level 1 2

    . The distribution of household annual disposable incomes by quintiles and SR, Level 1 2

    . Lorenz Curve (Turkey)


    . Measures of income inequality, 2007

    .2 Regional household disposable income by quintiles, 2007

    . Regional equivalised household disposable income by quintiles, 2007

    2 General ndicators of ncome Distribution


    2. The distribution of household annual disposable incomes by quintiles

    2.2 The distribution of equivalised household disposable incomes by quintiles 7

    2. The distribution of annual equivalised household disposable incomes by deciles

    2. The distribution of incomes by income types and quintiles


    2. Number of household, household members and annual household disposable incomes by quintiles, 2007 02.2 Number of household, household members and annual equivalised household disposable incomes by

    quintiles, 2007

    2. Number of household, household members and annual equivalised household disposable incomes by deciles,2007


    2. Number of household, household members and annual equivalised household disposable incomes by 5 %groups, 2007

    2. Average annual incomes per household by income types and quintiles, 2007

    2. Incomes per household by income types and quintiles, 2007

    2.7 Incomes per household by income types and quintiles, 2007 20

    ncome Distribution by Household CharacteristicsGraphics

    . The distribution of annual household disposable incomes by household type and quintiles 2

    .2 The distribution of annual household disposable incomes by household size and quintiles 22

    . The distribution of annual household disposable incomes by main income source of household and quintiles 2


    . The highest annual household disposable incomes by type of household and cumulative percentage groups,2007


    .2 The highest annual equivalised household disposable incomes by type of household and cumulativepercentage groups, 2007


    List of Graphs and Tables Grak ve Tablo Listesi

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    TK, Gelir ve Yaam Koullar Aratrmas, 2007TurkStat, Income and Living Conditions Survey, 2007



    Tablo Sayfa

    . Hanehalk tipi ve yzde 20'lik gruplara gre ortalama yllk hanehalk kullanlabilir gelirler, 2007 0

    . Hanehalk tipi ve yzde 20'lik gruplara gre yllk hanehalk kullanlabilir gelirler, 2007

    . Hanehalk tipi ve yzde 20'lik gruplara gre yllk hanehalk kullanlabilir gelirler, 2007

    . Hanehalk bykl ve yzde 20'lik gruplara gre ortalama yllk hanehalk kullanlabilir gelirler, 2007

    .7 Hanehalk bykl ve yzde 20'lik gruplara gre yllk hanehalk kullanlabilir gelirler, 2007 0

    . Hanehalk bykl ve yzde 20'lik gruplara gre yllk hanehalk kullanlabilir gelirler, 2007

    . Hanehalknn temel gelir kayna ve yzde 20'lik gruplara gre ortalama yllk hanehalk kullanlabilir gelirler,2007


    .0 Hanehalknn temel gelir kayna ve yzde 20'lik gruplara gre ortalama yllk hanehalk kullanlabilir gelirler,2007

    . Hanehalknn temel gelir kayna ve yzde 20'lik gruplara gre ortalama yllk hanehalk kullanlabilir gelirler,2007

    Referans Ferdin Niteliklerine Gre Gelir Dalm


    . Referans ferdin ya grubu ve yzde 20'lik gruplara gre yllk hanehalk kullanlabilir gelirlerin dalm

    .2 Referans ferdin eitim durumu ve yzde 20'lik gruplara gre yllk hanehalk kullanlabilir gelirlerin dalm

    . Referans ferdin iktisaden faal olma durumu ve yzde 20'lik gruplara gre yllk hanehalk kullanlabilir gelirlerindalm



    . Referans ferdin cinsiyeti, ya grubu ve yzde 20'lik gruplara gre ortalama yllk hanehalk kullanlabilir gelirler,2007

    .2 Referans ferdin cinsiyeti, ya grubu ve yzde 20'lik gruplara gre yllk hanehalk kullanlabilir gelirler, 2007 . Referans ferdin cinsiyeti, ya grubu ve yzde 20'lik gruplara gre yllk hanehalk kullanlabilir gelirler, 2007

    . Referans ferdin eitim durumu ve yzde 20'lik gruplara gre ortalama yllk hanehalk kullanlabilir gelirler,2007


    . Referans ferdin eitim durumu ve yzde 20'lik gruplara gre yllk hanehalk kullanlabilir gelirler (dikey %),2007

    . Referans ferdin eitim durumu ve yzde 20'lik gruplara gre yllk hanehalk kullanlabilir gelirler (yatay %),2007

    .7 Referans ferdin iktisaden faal olma durumu ve yzde 20'lik gruplara gre ortalama yllk hanehalk kullanlabilirgelirler, 2007


    . Referans ferdin iktisaden faal olma durumu ve yzde 20'lik gruplara gre yllk hanehalk kullanlabilir geliri,


    . Referans ferdin iktisaden faal olma durumu ve yzde 20'lik gruplara gre yllk hanehalk kullanlabilir geliri,2007


    Hanehalk Fertlerinin Niteliklerine Gre Gelir Dalm


    . Gelir elde eden fertlerin ya grubuna gre ortalama yllk gelirleri

    .2 Gelir elde eden fertlerin ya grubuna gre yllk gelirlerinin dalm

    . Gelir elde eden fertlerin eitim durumuna gre ortalama yllk gelirleri

    . Gelir elde eden fertlerin eitim durumuna gre gelirlerinin dalm

    Grak ve Tablo Listesi List of Graphs and Tables

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    TK, Gelir ve Yaam Koullar Aratrmas, 2007TurkStat, Income and Living Conditions Survey, 2007



    Tables Page

    . Average annual household disposable incomes by type of household and quintiles, 2007 0

    . Annual household disposable incomes by type of household and quintiles, 2007

    . Annual household disposable incomes by type of household and quintiles, 2007

    . Average annual household disposable incomes by household size and quintiles, 2007

    .7 Annual household disposable incomes by household size and quintiles, 2007 0

    . Annual household disposable incomes by household size and quintiles, 2007

    . Average annual household disposable incomes by main income source of household and quintiles, 2007 2

    .0 Average annual household disposable incomes by main income source of household and quintiles, 2007

    . Average annual household disposable incomes by main income source of household and quintiles, 2007

    ncome Distribution by Characteristics of The Reference PersonGraphics

    . The distribution of annual household disposable incomes by age group of the reference person and quintiles

    .2 The distribution of annual household disposable incomes by education status of the reference person andquintiles

    . The distribution of annual household disposable incomes by situation of being economically active of thereference person and quintiles



    . Average annual household disposable incomes by sex and age group of the reference person and quintiles,2007

    .2 Annual household disposable incomes by sex and age group of the reference person and quintiles, 2007

    . Annual household disposable incomes by sex and age group of the reference person and quintiles, 2007

    . Average annual household disposable incomes by educational status of the reference person and quintiles,2007


    . Annual household disposable incomes by educational status of the reference person and quintiles(vertical %), 2007

    . Annual household disposable incomes by educational status of the reference person and quintiles(horizontal %), 2007

    .7 Average annual household disposable incomes by situation of being economically active of the referenceperson and quintiles, 2007


    . Annual household disposable income by situation of being economically active of the reference person andquintiles, 2007

    . Annual household disposable income by situation of being economically active of the reference person andquintiles, 2007


    ncome Distribution By Characteristics of Household Members


    . The average annual incomes of household members received income by the age group

    .2 The distribution of annual incomes of household members received income by the age group

    . The average annual incomes of household members received income by educational status

    . The distribution of incomes of household members received income by the educational status

    List of Graphs and Tables Grak ve Tablo Listesi

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    TK, Gelir ve Yaam Koullar Aratrmas, 2007TurkStat, Income and Living Conditions Survey, 2007



    Grafik Sayfa

    . Gelir elde eden fertlerin gelir trne gre ortalama yllk gelirleri

    . Gelir elde eden fertlerin gelir trne gre yllk gelirlerinin dalm

    .7 alan fertlerin esas iteki durumlarna gre ortalama yllk gelirleri

    . alan fertlerin esas iteki durumlarna gre yllk gelirlerinin dalm


    . Gelir elde eden fertlerin ya grubu ve cinsiyetine gre ortalama ve yllk gelirleri, 2007 7

    .2 Gelir elde eden fertlerin eitim durumu ve cinsiyetine gre ortalama ve yllk gelirleri, 2007

    . Gelir elde eden fertlerin gelir tr ve cinsiyetine gre ortalama ve yllk gelirleri, 2007

    . alan fertlerin ekonomik faaliyet ve cinsiyetine gre ortalama ve yllk esas i gelirleri, 2007 70

    . alan fertlerin meslek grubu ve cinsiyetine gre ortalama ve yllk esas i gelirleri, 2007 7

    . alan fertlerin iteki durum ve cinsiyetine gre ortalama ve yllk esas i geliri, 2007 7

    Gelir Gruplar ve Demografik zelliklerine Gre Nfus


    . Ya gruplar ve yzde 10'luk gruplara gre fertlerin dalm 7

    .2 Ya ve gelir gruplarna gre fertlerin dalm 7

    . Eitim durumu ve gelir gruplarna gre fertlerin dalm 7


    . Yzde 10'luk gruplara gre ocuk, 18-65 ve 66+ ya fertler, 2007 77

    .2 Cinsiyet, ya grubu ve gelir grubuna gre fertler, 2007 7. Eitim durumu ve gelir grubuna gre 15 ve daha yukar yataki fertler, 2007

    . Eitim durumu ve gelir grubuna gre 18-65 ya fertler, 2007 2

    . Eitim durumu ve gelir grubuna gre 66+ ya fertler, 2007

    7 Yoksulluk Gstergeleri


    7. Yoksulluk oranlar (Trkiye, kent ve kr iin ayr ayr hesaplanan yoksulluk snrna gre)

    7.2 Yoksulluk oranlar (Trkiye geneli iin hesaplanan yoksulluk snrna gre)

    7. Ya grubu ve cinsiyete gre yoksulluk oranlar

    7. Eitim durumuna gre yoksulluk oranlar 7. Hanehalk tipine gre yoksulluk oranlar

    7. Hanehalknn temel gelir kaynana gre yoksulluk oranlar

    7.7 BBS, 1. Dzey'e gre yoksulluk oranlar (Her blge iin ayr ayr hesaplanan yoksulluk snrna gre) 7

    7. BBS, 1. Dzey'e gre yoksulluk oranlar (Trkiye geneli iin hesaplanan yoksulluk snrna gre) 7


    7. Yoksulluk snrlarna gre yoksul says, yoksulluk oran ve yoksulluk a, 2007

    7.2 Yoksulluk snrlarna gre yoksul says, yoksulluk oran ve yoksulluk a, 2007

    7. Cinsiyet ve ya grubuna gre yoksul says ve yoksulluk oran, 2007

    7. Eitim durumuna gre 15 ve daha yukar yataki yoksul says ve yoksulluk oran, 2007 0

    Grak ve Tablo Listesi List of Graphs and Tables

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    TK, Gelir ve Yaam Koullar Aratrmas, 2007TurkStat, Income and Living Conditions Survey, 2007



    Graphics Page

    . The average annual incomes of household members received income by income types

    . The distribution of annual incomes of household members received income by income types

    .7 The average annual incomes of working household members by employment status at their main job

    . The distribution of annual incomes of working household members by employment status at their main job


    . Average and annual incomes of household members received income by their age group and sex, 2007 7

    .2 Average and annual incomes of household members received income by their educational status and sex,2007

    . Average and annual incomes of household members received income by income types and sex, 2007

    . Average and annual main job incomes of working household members by their economic activity and sex,2007


    . Average and annual main job incomes of working household members by their occupational group and sex,2007


    . Average and annual main job income of working household members by their employment status and sex,2007


    Population by ncome Groups and Demographic Characteristics


    . The distribution of household members by age groups and deciles 7

    .2 The distribution of household members by age and income groups 7

    . The distribution of household members by educational status and income groups 7


    . Children, household members between the ages of 18-65 and 66 aged and over by deciles, 2007 77

    .2 Household members by sex, age groups and income groups, 2007 7

    . Household members 15 aged and over by educational status and income groups, 2007

    . Household members between the ages of 18-65 by educational status and income group, 2007 2

    . Household members 66 aged and over by educational status and income group, 2007

    7 Poverty indicators


    7. Poverty rates (By poverty thresholds computed separately for Turkey, urban and rural)

    7.2 Poverty rates (By poverty thresholds computed for overall Turkey)

    7. Poverty rates by age groups and sex

    7. Poverty rates by educational status

    7. Poverty rates by type of household

    7. Poverty rates by main income source of household

    7.7 Poverty rates by SR, Level 1 (By poverty thresholds computed separately for each region) 7

    7. Poverty rates by SR, Level 1 (By poverty thresholds computed for overall Turkey) 7


    7. Number of poors, poverty rate and poverty gap by relative poverty thresholds, 2007

    7.2 Number of poors, poverty rate and poverty gap by relative poverty thresholds, 2007

    7. Number of poors and poverty rate by sex and age groups, 2007

    7. Number of poors and poverty rate of household members 15 aged and over by educational status, 2007 0

    List of Graphs and Tables Grak ve Tablo Listesi

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    TK, Gelir ve Yaam Koullar Aratrmas, 2007TurkStat, Income and Living Conditions Survey, 2007



    Tablo Sayfa

    7. Hanehalk tipine gre yoksul says ve yoksulluk oran, 2007

    7. Hanehalknn temel gelir kaynana gre yoksul says ve yoksulluk oran, 2007

    7.7 ktisaden faal olma durumuna gre yoksul says ve yoksulluk oran, 2007

    7. Yoksulluk snrlarna gre blgesel yoksul says ve yoksulluk oran, 2007

    7. Yoksulluk snrlarna gre blgesel yoksul says ve yoksulluk oran, 2007 7

    Yaam Koullarna Gre Nfus


    . Konut problemi ve gelir gruplarna gre fertler

    .2 evre problemi ve gelir gruplarna gre fertler

    . Hanehalknn bor ve taksit demelerinin yk durumuna ve gelir gruplarna gre fertler

    . Hanehalknn aylk gelirleriyle geinebilme durumu ve gelir gruplarna gre fertler

    . Hanehalknn karlanamayan ihtiyalar ve gelir gruplarna gre fertler 00

    . Hanehalknn konuta mlkiyet durumuna gre fertler 00


    . Konut kolaylklar ve gelir gruplarna gre fertler, 2007 0

    .2 Eya sahiplik durumu ve gelir gruplarna gre fertler, 2007 02

    . Konut, evre problemi olup olmad ve gelir gruplarna gre fertler, 2007 0

    . Hanehalknn geim durumu ve gelir gruplarna gre fertler, 2007 0

    . Hanehalknn ihtiyalarnn karlanabilme durumu ve gelir gruplarna gre fertler, 2007 0

    . Hanehalknn konuta mlkiyet durumu ve gelir gruplarna gre fertler, 2007 0

    .7 Oturulan konutun tipine ve gelir gruplarna gre fertler, 2007 07

    . Oturulan konutun oda saysna ve gelir gruplarna gre fertler, 2007 0

    . Oturulan konutun faydalanlan alan byklne ve gelir gruplarna gre fertler, 2007 0

    .0 Oturulan konutun stma sistemi ve gelir gruplarna gre fertler, 2007 0

    Grak ve Tablo Listesi List of Graphs and Tables

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    TK, Gelir ve Yaam Koullar Aratrmas, 2007TurkStat, Income and Living Conditions Survey, 2007



    Tables Page

    7. Number of poors and poverty rate by household type, 2007

    7. Number of poors and poverty rate by main income source of household, 2007

    7.7 Number of poors and poverty rate by the situation of being economically active, 2007

    7. Number of regional poors and poverty rate by poverty thresholds, 2007

    7. Number of regional poors and poverty rate by poverty thresholds, 2007 7

    Population By Living Conditions


    . Household members by dwelling problems and income groups

    .2 Household members by environment problems and income groups

    . Household members by status of installments/loans burden and income groups

    . Household members by subsistence status with monthly income and income groups . Household members by unmet needs and income groups 00

    . Household members by tenure status of household 00


    . Household members by dwelling facilities and income groups, 2007 0

    .2 Household members by status of possessed items and income groups, 2007 02

    . Problem with dwelling and environment and household members by income groups, 2007 0

    . Subsistence status of household and household members by income groups, 2007 0

    . Capacity to meet the needs of household and household members by income groups, 2007 0

    . Tenure status of household and household members by income groups, 2007 0

    .7 Household members by dwelling type and income groups, 2007 07

    . Household members by number of rooms in dwelling and income groups, 2007 0

    . Household members by size of utilized area in dwelling and income groups, 2007 0

    .0 Household members by heating system in dwelling and income groups, 2007 0

    List of Graphs and Tables Grak ve Tablo Listesi

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    TK, Gelir ve Yaam Koullar Aratrmas, 2007TurkStat, Income and Living Conditions Survey, 2007



    Bilgi yoktur - Denotes magnitude nil

    Gelir ve Yaam Koullar Aratrmas GYKA SLC Survey on Income and Living Conditions

    Hanehalk Gelir ve Tketim Harcamalar Anketi HGTHA HCES Household Income and Consumption Expenditures

    Hanehalk Gelir Dalm Anketi HGDA HDS Household Income Distribution Survey

    Hanehalk Bte Anketi HBA HBS Household Budget Survey

    Trkiye statistik Kurumu TK TurkStat Turkish Statistical Institute

    Avrupa Birlii statistik Ofisi EUROSTAT European Union Statistical Office

    Devlet Planlama Tekilat DPT SPO State Planning Organization

    Sosyal Sigortalar Kurumu SSK S Social Insurance Institution

    Dnya Bankas DB WB The World Bank

    Ekonomikbirlii ve Kalknma Tekilat OECD Organization for Economic Cooperation andDevelopment

    Avrupa Birlii Ekonomik Faaliyetlerin statistikSnflamas

    NACE, Rev.. International Classification of Economic Activities inthe European Union

    Uluslararas Standart Meslek Snflamas SCO, International Standard Classification of Occupations

    Uluslararas Standart Eitim Snflamas SCED, 7 International Standard Classification of Education

    Uluslararas teki Durum Snflamas CSE, International Classification on Status on Employment

    Edeer fert bana gelir EFB E Equivalised Individulas Income

    statistik Blge Birimleri Snflamas BBS SR Statistical Regions

    Aklama Bkz. See. Explanation

    Bilgisayar Destekli Anket Yntemi CAP Computer Assisted Personal Interview


    . Yzdelik gruplarn yerald tablolarda,Trkiye, kent, kr ve blge gelirleri kendi iindeayr ayr sralanarak yzdelik gruplaroluturulmutur.

    2. Tablolardaki oransal rakamlar yuvarlamadandolay toplam vermeyebilir.


    . In the tables related to quintiles or deciles,incomes for each Turkey, urban, rural and regionsare ordered separately.

    2. Proportional numbers may not be correct due torounding of the numbers.

    Simge ve Ksaltmalar Symbols and Abbreviations

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    TK, Gelir ve Yaam Koullar Aratrmas, 2007TurkStat, Income and Living Conditions Survey, 2007



    . Giri

    Gelir ve Yaam Koullar Aratrmas (GYKA), Avrupalkeleriyle karlatrlabilir gelir dalm ve sosyal dlanmaistatistikleri iin kaynak oluturmaktadr. Sosyal dlanma ile

    mcadele kapsamnda toplumsal faaliyet program veAvrupa Konseyine sunulmak zere hazrlanan yllk raporlardayer alan sosyal uyum ile ilgili yapsal gstergeler bualmadan retilmektedir.

    Bir lkede bir ylda oluan toplam gelirin ne kadarolduundan ok, toplam gelirin kiiler ve hanehalklararasndaki dalmn incelemek, en yksek ve dk gelirlerarasndaki farklar aratrmak daha byk nem tamaktadr.Gelirin ne ekilde daldnn bilinmesi, sosyal yapnniyiletirilmesi ynnde byk katk salamaktadr.

    Trkiye statistik Kurumu gelir dalm konusunda istatistikretmeye 1987 ylnda Hanehalk Gelir ve Tketim Harcamalar Anketi ile balam, 1994 ylnda bamsz bir gelir dalmaratrmas gerekletirmi, 20022005 yllar arasnda da gelirdalm istatistikleri hanehalk bte aratrmasndan retilmitir.2006 ylndan itibaren ise Gelir ve Yaam Koullar Aratrmasadl yeni bir alma balatlmtr.

    Avrupa Birlii uyum almalar kapsamnda, 2006 ylndauygulanmaya balanan aratrma ile ulusal amalar yannda, Avrupa Birlii lkeleri ile karlatrlabilir gelir dalm, greliyoksulluk, yaam koullar ve sosyal dlanma konularnda veriretmek amalanmaktadr. Bu nedenle, aratrmann hazrlkaamasnda ulusal koullar yannda, Avrupa statistik Ofisinin(EUROSTAT) standartlar dikkate alnm, bu konuda hazrlanantzklere uyulmutur.

    Alan uygulamasnn her yl dzenli olarak gerekletirildii vepanel anket ynteminin kullanld aratrmada, rnek fertler 4yl boyunca izlenmektedir. Aratrmadan, kesit ve panel veriolmak zere her yl iki veri seti elde edilmektedir.

    2007 Gelir ve Yaam Koullar Aratrmas Nisan - Haziran2007 tarihleri arasnda 12 736 hanehalkna uygulanm, yllkkesit aratrma sonularndan; Trkiye, kent, kr ve statistikBlge Birimleri Snflamas 1. Dzey, panel aratrmasonularndan ise lke geneli iin tahminler retilmesiamalanmtr.

    2. Tarihe

    2.. Gelir Dalm Aratrmalar

    7 Yl Gelir Dalm Aratrmas

    1987 ylnda uygulanan "Hanehalk Gelir ve TketimHarcamalar Anketi (HGTHA)" blge, nfus gruplar ve kent, krayrmnda gelir ve tketim farkllamasn belirlemek zere,Trkiye genelini kapsayan ilk anket olarak dzenlenmitir. Ankette nfusu 20 000 ve daha az olan yerleim yerleri krsalkesim, nfusu 20 001 ve daha fazla olan yerleim yerleri kentselkesim olarak tanmlanmtr.


    . ntroduction

    Income and Living Conditions Survey (SILC) is the source forstatistics on comparable income distribution and social exclusionwith the EU countries. Struggle with social exclusion under the

    "social action program" and "structural indicators of socialcohesion" take part in the annual reports to be submitted to theEuropean Council are produced in this study.

    In a country, examining the distribution of total incomeamong individuals and households and investigating thedifference between the highest and the lowest income havegreat importance than the total amount of income in a year. Tounderstand the distribution of income, provides a majorcontribution towards the improvement of the social structure.

    Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkStat) started to producestatistics on income distribution with Household Income andConsumption Expenditure Survey in 1987 and carried on anindependent survey on income distribution in 1994 and incomedistribution statistics were produced from the household budgetsurvey between 2002 and 2005. In 2006, TURKSTAT started toconduct a new survey namely Income and Living ConditionsSurvey.

    Income and living conditions survey has been conductedwithin the scope of the studies compliance with European Union(EU) since 2006. The aim of the survey is to supply comparableannual data on income distribution, relative poverty, livingconditions and social exclusion. In this reason, in thepreparatory phase of the study, besides the national conditions,the standards of the European Statistical Office (EUROSTAT)were taken into account and the regulations prepared in this

    regard were complied.

    Respondents in the sample are monitored during four yearsin this survey where the panel survey technic is used and fieldapplication is carried out regularly in every year. Two kind ofdata set are get from the survey namely cross-section andpanel.

    2007 Income and Living Conditions Survey applied to12 736 households from April to June 2007 and estimations areproduced on the level of Turkey, urban, rural and SR Level-1from the annual cross-sectional data as well as estimations onthe level of Turkey from results of panel data.

    2. Background

    2. ncome Distribution Surveys

    7 ncome Distribution Survey

    Household Income and Consumption Expenditure Survey(HICES) was the first conducted survey to include the overallTurkey in 1987 and it covered the information indicating thediversification of income and consumption with respect to theregion, population, rural and urban areas. In this study,settlements having a population equal to or above 20 001 andthose having a population equal to or below 20 000 wereaccepted as rural and urban areas respectively.

    Explanation Aklama

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    Anket, 50 kentsel yerleim yerinde her ay deien 1 202hanehalk, 89 krsal yerleim yerinde ise bir yl boyunca sabit998 hanehalkna uygulanmtr. Anket sonular, "TketimHarcamalar" ve "Gelir Dalm" eklinde iki ayr yayn olarakkamuoyuna sunulmutur.

    Yl Gelir Dalm Aratrmas

    Daha nce uygulanan anketlerden farkl bir yntemle,tketim harcamalar ve gelir dalm amalarna ynelik olarak,iki ayr anket eklinde dzenlenmitir. almann 1 Ocak 31

    Aralk 1994 tarihleri arasnda uygulanan tketim harcamalarnaynelik ilk aamasnn ardndan, 8 ubat 1 Mays 1995 tarihleriarasnda almann ikinci aamasn oluturan Hanehalk GelirDalm Anketi (HGDA) uygulanmtr. Bu aratrmada, nfusu20 001 ve daha fazla olan yerleim yerleri kent, 20 000 ve dahaaz nfuslu yerleim yerleri kr kabul edilerek, toplam 62 kentselve 174 krsal yerleim yerinde Tketim Harcamalarkapsamnda olan 26 256 rnek hanehalkna anket uygulanmtr.

    1994 HGDAnn sonular; Trkiye, kent, kr ve 7 corafi

    blge ile 19 seilmi il merkezi ayrmnda kullanclarasunulmutur.

    1994 ylnda uygulamas yaplan HGTHAdan sonra anketalmasnn yinelenmesi amacyla, 1999 ylnda anketuygulamasna ynelik almalara balanmtr.

    2002 Yl Gelir Dalm Aratrmas

    Asl amac, tketim harcama bilgilerinin elde edilmesi olanHanehalk Bte Anketi (HBA), 2002 ylnda gelir dalmbilgilerini de elde etmeye ynelik olarak hazrlanmtr. Bunagre; 2002 HBAnn 1 Ocak 31 Aralk 2002 tarihleri arasndabir yl sre ile 9 600 rnek hanehalkna uygulanmasyla, Trkiye

    geneli, kentsel ve krsal yerleim yerleri ayrmnda tketimharcamas ve gelir dalm gstergeleri elde edilmitir.

    200 Yl Gelir Dalm Aratrmas

    2003 HBA, 1 Ocak31 Aralk 2003 tarihleri arasnda bir ylsre ile kentsel kesimden her ay deien 1 512 ve krsalkesimden her ay deien 648 hanehalk olmak zere aylktoplam 2 160, yllk toplam 25 920 rnek hanehalknauygulanmtr. Trkiye, kent, kr ve statistik Blge BirimleriSnflamas BBS 2. Dzeye gre tketim harcamas ve gelirdalm gstergeleri elde edilmitir.

    200 Yl Gelir Dalm Aratrmas

    2004 HBA, 1 Ocak - 31 Aralk 2004 tarihleri arasnda bir ylsre ile her ay deien aylk 720, yllk ise 8640 rnekhanehalkna uygulanarak, Trkiye geneli, kentsel ve krsalyerleim yerleri ayrmnda "tketim harcamas ve gelir dalm"gstergeleri elde edilmitir.

    200 Yl Gelir Dalm Aratrmas

    2005 HBA, 1 Ocak - 31 Aralk 2005 tarihleri arasnda bir ylsre ile her ay deien aylk 720, yllk ise 8600 rnekhanehalkna uygulanarak, Trkiye, kent ve kr ayrmnda"tketim harcamas ve gelir dalm" gstergeleri elde edilmitir.

    Surveys were conducted on 1 202 households that changeevery month in 50 urban area and on 998 households in 89 ruralarea. The results of this survey were announced to the public as

    Consumption Expenditure and Income Distribution.

    ncome Distribution Survey

    The latter HICES in 1994 was arranged separately for theconsumption expenditures and income distribution by a methodunlike those that were used in the previous surveys. After thefirst step of the study, which was conducted between 1 January

    31 December 1994 relating to consumption expenditure,Household Income Distribution Survey (HIDS) was conductedbetween 8 February1 May 1995 as the second step of thestudy. In this study, settlements having a population equal to orabove 20 001 and those having a population equal to or below20 000 were accepted as rural and urban areas respectively. Thesurvey was conducted on total 26 256 sample households underHICES in 62 urban and 174 rural areas.

    The results of this survey were announced to the public on

    the basis of Turkey, urban and rural areas, 7 geographicalregions and selected 19 province centers.

    After 1994 HICES, the studies relating to 1999 were startedin order to repeat the survey in 1999.

    2002 ncome Distribution Survey

    Household Budget Survey (HBS), the main objective of whichwas to obtain data on consumption expenditures was preparedto obtain data on the income distribution in 2002. Accordingly,indicators of consumption expenditure and income distributionwith respect to the Turkey, urban and rural areas were obtained

    by means of the application of 2002 HBS on 9 600 samplehouseholds for a year between 1 January 31 December 2002.

    200 ncome Distribution Survey

    2003 HBS was conducted between 1 January 31 December2003 for about a year with 2160 sample households thatchanged each month and yearly total 25 920 households.

    Approximately 1512 and 648 households of this total were fromurban and rural areas respectively. Indicators of consumptionexpenditure and income distribution with respect to Turkey,urban and rural areas and Statistical Regions Level 2 wereobtained.

    200 ncome Distribution Survey

    2004 HBS was conducted between 1 January 31 December2004 for about a year with 720 sample households that changedeach month and yearly total 8640 households. Indicators of

    consumption expenditure and income distribution withrespect to overall Turkey, urban and rural areas were obtained.

    200 ncome Distribution Survey

    2005 HBS was conducted between 1 January 31 December2005 for about a year with 720 sample households that changedeach month and yearly total 8600 households. Indicators of

    consumption expenditure and income distribution on the basis

    of Turkey, urban and rural areas were obtained.


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    TK, gelir ve yaam koullar aratrmas ile ilgilialmalarna 2003 ylnda balamtr. 2003 ve 2004yllarnda pre-test, 2005 ylnda da bir pilot anket uygulamasgerekletirmitir. Bu pilot uygulama sonucunda, soru kd, elkitab ve veri giri programnda eitli dzenlemeler yaplmtr.

    200 Yl Gelir Dalm Aratrmas

    2006 ylndan itibaren ise, gelir dalm yannda yaamkoullar, gelire dayal greli yoksulluk ve sosyal dlanmakonularnda bilgi derlemek zere Gelir ve Yaam KoullarAratrmas isimli yeni bir alma balatlmtr.

    2006 yl Nisan-Haziran aylarnda, toplam 12 872 rnekhanehalk ile ilk dnem uygulamas gerekletirilen "GYKA"nn,yllk sonularndan Trkiye, Kent, Kr ve BBS 1. Dzey, panelaratrma sonularndan ise Trkiye genelinde gelir dalm,yoksulluk ve yaam koullarna ilikin tahminler retilmesiamalanmtr.

    2007 Yl Gelir Dalm Aratrmas

    2007 yl Nisan-Haziran aylarnda, toplam 12 736 rnekhanehalk ile ilk dnem uygulamas gerekletirilen "GYKA"nn,yllk sonularndan Trkiye, Kent, Kr ve BBS 1. Dzey, panelaratrma sonularndan ise Trkiye genelinde gelir dalm,yoksulluk ve yaam koullarna ilikin tahminler retilmesiamalanmtr.

    2.2. Yoksulluk Aratrmalar

    Trkiyede yoksulluk zerine snrl sayda aratrmayaplmtr.

    7- Yoksulluk almas

    Trkiyede mutlak yoksulluu belirlemek zere, DPTdeuzmanlk tezi olarak iki aratrma yaplmtr. lkinde 1987 ve1994 yllar iin yoksulluk eikleri, minimum kalori gereksinimyntemine gre oluturulmutur (Dumanl 1996). DPT uzmanlktezlerinden ikincisi, Dumanlnn yoksulluk eii zerinden 1987Gelir Dalm Aratrmasnn yaymlanmam verilerindenhazrlanmtr (Dansuk 1997).

    Trkiyede mutlak yoksulluk eiklerini belirlemeye ynelik birdier alma, TKde yaplm bir uzmanlk tezidir (Erdoan,2000). Bu almada, 1994 yl iin, minimum gda harcamas vetemel gereksinimler yaklamnn her ikisine gre yoksulluk

    snrlar ve yoksul oranlar bulunmutur.Dnya Bankas (DB) 2000 ylnda, 1994 HGTHA sonularn

    kullanarak "Trkiye: Ekonomik Reformlar, Yaam Standartlar veSosyal Refah almasn hazrlamtr. Bu almada, Trkiyeiin eitli yntemlere gre yoksulluk snrlar hesaplanarakyoksul oranlar ve yoksulluk profili incelenmitir.

    2002 Yoksulluk almas

    2002 HBAden elde edilen harcama esasl verilere dayalolarak, Trkiye, kent ve kr dzeyinde, Trkiyede yoksulluunprofili, nedenleri ve sonular zerine TK ile DB ortak bir raporhazrlamtr. Hazrlanan rapor ve elde edilen bulgular, 14 Ocak2005 tarihinde Ankarada dzenlenen seminer ile kamuoyuyla


    TURKSTAT started the study on income and living conditionssurvey in 2003. Pre-test in 2003 and 2004 and a pilot surveywere conducted in 2005. As a result of the pilot survey, variousarrangements were made on questionnaire, manual and dataentry program.

    200 ncome Distribution Survey

    In 2006, TURKSTAT started to conduct a new survey namelyIncome and Living Conditions Survey for compiling informationon income distribution, living conditions and relative povertybased on income and social exclusion.

    The first implementation period of SILC was conducted tototal 12 872 households in April-June in 2006. The aim is toproduce data for Turkey, Rural, Urban and SR Level 1 fromyearly results and to produce estimations relating to incomedistribution, poverty and living conditions on the basis of overallTurkey from panel data.

    2007 ncome Distribution Survey

    The first implementation period of SILC was conducted tototal 12 736 households in April-June in 2007. The aim is toproduce data for Turkey, Rural, Urban and SR Level 1 fromyearly results and to produce estimations relating to incomedistribution, poverty and living conditions on the basis of overallTurkey from panel data.

    2.2. Poverty Studies

    Limited number of studies has been done on poverty inTurkey.

    7- Poverty Study

    To determine the absolute poverty in Turkey, two studieswere carried out as a expertise thesis in SPO. In the first study,the poverty thresholds for the years 1987 and 1994 wereestablished according to method the minimum calorierequirement (Dumanl 1997). The second of SPOs expertisetheses was prepared by using unpublished data of 1987 IncomeDistribution Survey according to poverty threshold calculated byDumanl (Dansuk 1997).

    Another study is an expertise thesis, which was written inTURKSTAT, for determining the absolute poverty thresholds inTurkey, (Erdogan, 2000). In this study, poverty thresholds andpoverty rates were calculated by using both the minimum food

    expenditure and basic needs approaches for 1994.The World Bank (WB) prepared the study on "Turkey:

    Economic Reforms, Living Standards and Social Welfare Study",in 2000 by using the results of 1994 HIDS. In this study, povertythresholds were calculated by using various methods and poorrates and poverty profile were examined.

    2002 Poverty Study

    TURKSTAT and WB has prepared a joint report on povertyprofile and its causes and effects based on the consumptionexpenditure data obtained from 2002 HBS by Turkey, urban andrural. The report and findings were shared with public seminarheld in Ankara on January 14, 2005.

    Explanation Aklama

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    200 200 Yoksulluk almas

    TK, 2003 ylndan beri HBA sonularna dayal olarak,Dnya Bankas tarafndan kabul grm yntemler erevesindeTrkiye, kent ve kr iin hesaplamakta olduu mutlak yoksullukve harcamaya dayal greli yoksulluk sonularn haber blteniile kamuoyuna duyurmutur.

    2006 ylndan beri uluslararas karlatrlabilirlii olangreli gelir yoksulluu, Trkiye, kent, kr ve BBS 1. Dzey iinGYKA sonularna dayal olarak hesaplanmaktadr.

    . Ama

    Hanehalk gelir ve yaam koullar aratrmas, lkedeki gelirdalmna, yoksulluun dzeyi ve kompozisyonuna, yaamkoullarna ve sosyal dlanmaya ynelik bilgilerin derlenmesindenemli bir kaynak olma nitelii tamaktadr.

    Bu aratrmadan elde edilecek sonular ile aadaki

    sorulara cevap bulunmas amalanmaktadr:

    lkede gelir ne kadar eit dalyor ve nceki yllaragre ne tr deiiklik gsteriyor?

    Ne kadar yoksul insan bulunuyor ve bunun blgeseldalm nedir? Bunun nceki yllara gre durumunedir?

    Kimler yoksul? Zaman itibariyle bir deiiklik szkonusu mu?

    Yoksul ve zenginler arasndaki bu farkllk zamanla naslbir deiim gsteriyor?

    Kiisel gelirler nasl bir deiim veya gei gsteriyor?Bu deiimin yn karakteristiklere ve koullara bal

    olarak nasl deiiyor, azalyor mu, artyor mu?

    Kimler sosyal dlanma sorunu ve srekli yoksulluk riskiile kar karya?

    . Kapsam

    Corafi kapsam: T.C. snrlar iinde bulunan tm yerleimyerleri kapsam dhilindedir. Bu yerleim yerleri, Kurumumuzundier anket almalarnda da kullanlmakta olan kent-kr tanmdikkate alnarak iki tabakaya ayrlmtr.

    Kentsel kesim: 20 001 ve daha fazla nfuslu yerleimyerleri KENT olarak tanmlanmtr.

    Krsal kesim: 20 000 ve daha az nfusu yerleim yerleriKIR olarak tanmlanmtr.

    Kapsanan kitle: Kurumsal nfus olarak tanmlanan yallarevi, huzur evi, yurt, hapishane, askeri kla, hastane, otel, ocukyuvas vb. yerlerde bulunan nfus dnda, T.C. snrlar iindekonutlarda yaayan ve kurumsal olmayan sivil nfus olaraktanmlanan nfus kapsanmaktadr.

    200 200 Poverty Study

    Since 2003, TURKSTAT has announced to public the resultsof absolute poverty and relative poverty based on expenditurecalculated within the framework of the methods recognized bythe World Bank on the basis of Turkey, urban and rural areas.

    Since 2006, income poverty, which has internationalcomparability, is calculated based on the results of SILC forTurkey, urban, rural and SR Level 1.

    . Objective

    Income and Living Condiytions Surveys are the importantsource for compiling informations about income distribution,level and composition of poverty, living conditions and socialexclusion in the country.

    With the results obtained from this study, it will be possible

    to answer these questions:

    How is the distribution of income in country? What kindof changes is there in income distribution compared tothe previous years?

    How many poors are there in the country and what isthe regional distribution of them? What is the status ofit compared to previous years?

    Whos poor? Is there any changes as of the time?

    What kind of changes are there differences betweenthe poor and the rich over the time?

    What kind of changes or transition does show personalincomes? How does the direction of this change

    depending on the characteristics and circumstances,declining or growing?

    Who is face with the social exclusion problem and riskof persistent poverty?

    . Coverage

    Geographical area covered: The entire of the allsettlements within the borders of the Republic of Turkey wereincluded within the scope/sample selection. According to thedefinition of urban/rural areas used in the other survey studiesof the TURKSTAT, these settlements were grouped.

    Urban areas: Settlements with a population of 20 001 andover are defined as URBAN.

    Rural areas: Settlements with a population of 20 000 andless are defined as RURAL.

    Covered population: The entire members of thehouseholds that live within the borders of the Republic of Turkeywere included within the scope. However the population in theaged home, elderly house, prisons, military barracks, privatehospitals, hotels and child care centers together with theimmigrant population were excluded out of the scope.


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    . Yntem

    . Soru Kd

    Gelir ve Yaam Koullar Aratrmas soru kd, 2006ylndan itibaren Avrupa Birlii statistik Ofisinin (EUROSTAT)gelir, yoksulluk, sosyal dlanma ve dier yaam koullarna

    ilikin bilgi elde etmek amacyla derlenmesini ngrd hedefdeikenlerin salanabilmesine ynelik olarak oluturulmutur.

    Aratrmada; gelir, yoksulluk, sosyal dlanma ve dieryaam koullarna ilikin gstergeleri hesaplamak zereaadaki kategorilerde bilgi derlenmektedir:

    Konut Ekonomik durum Sosyal dlanma Gayrimenkul sahiplilii Eitim Demografi Salk durumu gc durumu Gelir durumu

    Aada bu bilgileri derlemek zere soru kadnda kapsanankonular yer almaktadr:

    Tm hanehalk fertlerinin; Demografik zellikleri (ya, cinsiyet, referans kiiye

    yaknl) Okul andaki ocuklarn eitime devam etme

    durumlar, sosyal-kltrel faaliyetler iin harcadklarsreler

    15 ve daha yukar yataki fertlerin; Eitim durumlar,

    Medeni durumlar, Genel salk durumlar, stihdam durumlar Faaliyet gelirleri (cret, maa, yevmiye, tarm-tarm-d


    Menkul kymet geliri Sosyal transfer (isizlik, emekli, yallk, dul-yetim,

    sakatlk, vb. maalar, eitim bursu, vb.) alma tarihi

    .2 rneklem tasarm

    rnekleme yntemi: Tabakal, ok aamal, kmerneklemesidir.

    rnekleme birimi: Nihai rnekleme birimi olarakhanehalk tanmlanmtr.

    rneklem bykl: Aratrmann tahmin boyutu,amalar ve hedeflenen deikenleri itibariyle yllk rneklembykl, rnekteki ypranmalar da dikkate alarak yaklak12 800 hanehalk civarnda deimektedir.

    Tahmin boyutu: Yllk kesit aratrma sonularndan,Trkiye, kent, kr ve statistiki Blge Birimleri Snflamas1. Dzey, panel aratrma kapsamnda da 2, 3 ve 4 yllk panelverilerle lke geneli iin tahminler retilmesi amalanmaktadr.(statistiki Blge Birimleri Snflamas 1. Dzey blgeleri listesi

    Ek-1de verilmitir.)

    . Method

    . Questionnaire

    Questionnaire on Income and Living Conditions Survey wasformed as of 2006 in order to provide target variables requestedby European Union Statistical Office (EUROSTAT) for gathering

    detailed information about income, poverty, social exclusion andother living conditions.

    The following issues are covered to calculate indicators likeincome, poverty, social exclusion and other living conditionsindicators:

    Housing Economical situation Social exclusion Ownership of assets Education Demography Health status Labour status Income status

    Subjects covered in the questionnaire for compiling thisinformation are shown below:

    For all household members; Demographical characteristics (age, sex, relationship

    with the reference person) Status of continuing education and time spent for the

    social-cultural activities of school-age children

    For household members 15 years of age and over; Education status,

    Marital status, General health status, Employment status Incomes obtained from activities (wage, salary and

    daily wage, entrepreneurial income -agricultural andnon-agricultural-)

    Property income Social transfers (unemployment, retirement, old age,

    widow-orphan, disability, scholarships and etc.) Work history

    .2 Sampling design

    Sampling methodology: The stratified, multi-staggered,clustered sampling method was used.

    Sampling unit: Household has been defined as the finalsampling unit.

    Sampling size: The estimation size of the survey (annualsample size by aims and target variables) varies around 12 800households by concerning the attritions in the sampling.

    Estimation size: The aim is to produce data for Turkey,Rural, Urban and SR Level 1 and, to produce 2, 3 and 4 yearspanel data for the whole country is the another aim for thissurvey. (List of SR Level-1 is given in Appendix-1.)

    Explanation Aklama

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    TK, Gelir ve Yaam Koullar Aratrmas, 2007TurkStat, Income and Living Conditions Survey, 2007


    Panel anket uygulamas: Rotasyonel tasarmn kullanldaratrmada, metodoloji gerei bir ksm hanehalk bir yldandier yla rnekte kalrken, dier ksm rnekten kmakta veyerine yeni rnek hanehalklar girmektedir. Bu aratrmada, yllkrnek hacminin %75inin panel kapsamda rnekte braklmasngrlmtr. Bu dorultuda panel uygulama, hedef kitleyitemsil edebilecek temel rnek seimi ile balamaktadr. Seilen

    bu temel rnek hanehalkndaki 13 ve daha yukar tm fertlerbelirlenmi izleme kurallar dorultusunda 4 yl takipedilmektedir. Takip kurallarnn amac hedef nfusta olabilecekdeiiklikleri temel rnekle yanstmak ve fertleri belirli bir zamantakip etmektir.

    . Arlklandrma

    Gelir ve Yaam Koullar Aratrmas sonular, en gncelnfus projeksiyonlarna gre arlklandrlmakta veyaymlanmaktadr.

    Anket verilerinden kitle tahminlerinin retilmesindekullanlan arlk katsaylar, Adrese Dayal Nfus Kayt Sisteminegre revize edilen 2006 nfus projeksiyonlar esas alnarakhesaplanmtr.

    . Referans ve uygulama dnemi

    Bu aratrmada farkl bilgiler iin farkl referans dnemlerininkullanm sz konusudur.

    Gelir bilgilerinin referans dnemi bir nceki takvimyldr. Yani, 2007 uygulamasndaki gelir bilgileri 2006ylna aittir.

    stihdam bilgileri anketin uyguland tarihten bir ncekihafta ile anketin yapld tarih dikkate alnaraksorgulanmtr.

    Yaam koullarna ilikin gstergeler ise anketinyapld andaki durum itibariyle sorgulanmtr.

    Alan uygulamas Nisan-Haziran aylar arasnda yaplmaktaolup yaklak aylk bir periyoda yaylmaktadr. Veri derlemealmas iki aamada gerekletirilmektedir.

    Birinci aamada, bir nceki uygulamadaki aynadresinde oturan hanehalklar ve rnee yeni eklenenhanehalklar ile grlmektedir.

    kinci aamada ise, birinci aamada tand iinulalamayan hanehalklar ile hanehalkndan ayrlarakyeni hanehalk oluturmu rnek fertler izlenmektedir.

    . Veri derleme yntemi

    Anket uygulamas yz yze ve dizst bilgisayarlarayklenmi veri giri programlar (CAPI computer assistedpersonel interview) araclyla yaplmaktadr. Veri giriprogramlarna eklenmi olan sorular aras tutarllk kontrollerisayesinde verinin alanda daha tutarl ve kontroll girilmesisalanmaktadr.

    Veri derleme almasn takiben fertlerin anketalmasndan elde edilen T.C. kimlik numaralar kullanlarakkurumlarn idari kaytlarndan; cret/ mteebbis geliri,emekli/dul-yetim ayl, isizlik denekleri, sakatlk/yallk/gazilikvb. aylklar, aldklar sosyal yardmlar, gelir/varlk vergileri ile

    dedikleri sigorta primlerine ilikin bilgiler talep edilmekte ve

    Panel Survey Application: The rotational design is used inthis survey. According to the survey methodology, one part ofthe households stays in the sample frame from one year toanother, and instead of the other households in the sampleframe, the new households enter the sampling frame. The 75%of the sampling size has been foreseen to leave in the frame ofpanel from one year to another. Thus, panel application starts

    with the selection of the basic sampling which represents targetpopulation. 13 years and older individuals in the selected basicsampling household are monitored for 4 years with direction ofthe rules of monitoring-execution. The aim of this followup rulesare to reflect the changes in the target population to the basicsampling and to follow the individuals in a specified time.

    . Weigthing

    Results of Income and Living Conditions Survey have beenweighted and published by the most recent populationprojections.

    Weighting coefficients used for producing populationestimations from survey data are calculated based on 2006population projections which is revised by Address BasedPopulation Registration System.

    . Reference and application period

    In this survey, various reference periods have been used fordifferent information.

    The reference period for income information is theprevious calendar year. So, income information of2007 field application refers to 2006.

    The reference period for labour information is theprevious week from the survey and current date.

    The reference period concerning the indicators on theliving conditions is current situation.

    Field application is performed between April-June and itspreads out almost 3 months period. Data compilation studiesare performed in two stages.

    In the first stage, interview is accomplished with thehouseholds who continue to live in the same address asin previous application and with the households whoadded newly to the sample.

    In the second stage, interview is accomplished with thehouseholds who moved to a settlement which belongsto another regional office responsibility and with thehouseholds who leave the old households andconstitute a new households.

    . Data collecting method

    Survey applications are carried out with face to faceinterview basis/technique by means of special softwares installedto portable computers (CAPI computer assisted personelinterview). Data entries are performed more accurate andconsistent by means of queries added between the questions inthe survey

    Following the data entry studies, some informations arerequested from the administration record of the relatedinstitutions by using the National Identification Number obtainedfrom the survey like payment/entrepreneur income,retirement/survivor pension, unemployment payments,

    disability/old age/ghazi income, social benefits gotten,


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    TK, Gelir ve Yaam Koullar Aratrmas, 2007TurkStat, Income and Living Conditions Survey, 2007


    anket verileri ile karlatrlmaktadr. Anketten gelen eksik/hatalbilgiler idari kaytlar yardmyla kontrol edilmektedir.

    . Alan uygulamas ve cevapszlk oran

    Cevapszlk oran, cevapszlk nedenlerinin toplam rnek

    hacminden ereve hatalar veya uygun olmayan birimlerdldkten sonra elde edilen hane saysna oranlanmaseklinde hesaplanmaktadr.

    2007 ylnda 12 736 rnek hanehalkndan; 10 796s ile anketyaplm, geri kalan 1 940 hanehalk ile eitli nedenlerle anketyaplamam ve cevapszlk formu dzenlenmitir. Buna gre,2007 ylnda anket yaplamama oran % 15,2dir. Kentselyerlerde anket yaplamama oran % 8,8, krsal yerlerde ise% 6,4tr. Aratrmada, rnek hanehalklarnda yaayan toplam15 ve daha yukar yataki 30 380 fert ile grme yaplm, bufertlerden 117si eitli nedenlerle ankete cevap vermemitir.Dolays ile aratrmada fert cevapszlk oran % 0,4tr.

    . Tanm ve Kavramlar

    Hanehalk ile ilgili tanmlar

    Hanehalk: Aralarnda akrabalk ba bulunsun ya dabulunmasn ayn konutta veya ayn konutun bir blmndeyaayan, ayn kazandan yemek yiyen, kazan ve masraflarnayrmayan, hanehalk hizmet ve ynetimine itirak eden bir veyabirden fazla kiiden oluan topluluktur.

    Kurumsal nfus: Gnlk yaam gereksinimleri, yasal birdzenlemeye dayal olarak kurulan zel ya da tzelkurum/kurulularda ksmen ya da tamamen karlanan, bireyselkarar ve davranlarnda yetkili otoritenin kurallarna ksmenya da tamamen baml olarak hareket eden, ancak bireyselharcamalarna ksmen karar verebilen kiilerin yaamlarnsrdrdkleri alanlarda yaayan nfustur. Bu tanma gre; okul,yurt, otel, ocuk yuvas, huzurevi, hastane ve hapishanedebulunanlar ile kla ve ordu evlerinde ikamet edenler kurumsalnfusa dahildir.

    Hanehalk ferdi: Hanehalkn meydana getiren topluluunbir yesidir. Bununla birlikte askerde, hapishanede olanlar vehuzurevlerinde kalan yallar ve yurtta kalan renciler, 6 ayakn bir sredir hastanede kalanlar, hanede kal sresi neolursa olsun misafirler ve hanehalkndan evlenme, askere gitme,almaya gitme gibi sebeplerle kesin olarak ayrlanlar hanehalkferdi olarak kapsanmamaktadr.

    Referans kii: Hanehalknn sosyo-ekonomik durumu vehanede yaayan tm fertlerin kiisel zellikleri hakknda endoru bilgiye sahip, hanenin ynetim veya geiminden sorumluyetikin hanehalk yesidir.

    Gelir ile ilgili tanmlar

    Gelir: Bir milli ekonomide belirli bir dnemde genellikle birylda yeniden yaratlan mal ve hizmet deerlerinin toplamdr.Buna milli gelir veya toplam hasla denir.

    Hanehalk ya da fert asndan gelir, retime yaplan katkkarlnda belirli bir srede elde edilen deerlerin toplam

    olarak tanmlanabilir.

    income/asset taxes and contributions for the insurance paid andso on. The data obtained by the survey are compared andcontrolled by these administrative data.

    . Field application and non-response rate

    Non-response rate is calculated in some steps. First of all,

    non eligible households resulted from sampling frame errors areextracted from total sample. Then the total number of non-response is divided by the total number of eligible households.

    In 2007, out of 12 736 households, 10 796 households wereinterviewed and the interview couldnt be implemented with therest 1 940 households due to various reasons and non-responsequestionnaire was filled. According to this, the non-responserate is 15,2 % in 2007. The same rate is 8,8 % in urban areas,6,4 % in rural areas. 30 380 individuals aged 15 and over wereinterviewed in this survey. 117 individuals of them didntrespond the survey due to various reasons. So, the individualnon-response rate is 0,4 % for the survey.

    . Definitions and Concepts

    Definitions relating to household

    Household: It is a one person or a group of two or morepersons, living together at the same housing unit or part of thehousing unit, who can be relative or non-relative, who havecommon income and expenditures for the household and whomake common provision for food, and contribute to familyissues.

    nstitutional population: It is defined as population whosecomplete or part of the daily life needs are provided by privateor public institutions established through legal arrangements,whose individual decisions and behaviors are also totally orpartially depend on the responsible authority and who can onlyorganize their own expenditures. In this context, populationliving in dormitories of university, guesthouse, kindergarten,orphanage, nursing home, special hospitals, panel institutions,military installations is considered as institutional population.

    Household member: He/she is a member of the groupconstituting the household. On the contrary, persons who are inarmy, panel institutions, old persons living in nursing home,students living in dormitories and persons staying in hospital forat least 6 months are not a member of the households. Inaddition, guests and persons who are away from home due tomarriage, going to army, working another place are not amember of the household regardless of the duration.

    Reference person: He/she is an adult household memberwho is responsible for managing and providing sustenance ofthe household and who knows better knowledge about socio-economic status of the household and the characteristics ofother members of the household.

    Definitions relating to income

    Income: It is the total of values of services and goods re-created in the national economy in a specific period of timeusually in a year.

    In the context of households or individual income, it can bedefined as the total of values provided in a specific time period

    as a result of contributing production.

    Explanation Aklama

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    TK, Gelir ve Yaam Koullar Aratrmas, 2007TurkStat, Income and Living Conditions Survey, 2007


    Faaliyet gelirleri:

    - Maa , cret, yevmiye gelirleri: Gelir referans dnemiierisinde cret karl bir ite alma sonucunda elde edilennakdi veya ayni gelirlerdir. Gelir referans dnemi ierisindealnan ikramiye, i riski, i gl teminindeki glk zamm,fazla mesai, prim ve temettleri ve ek grevlerden elde edilen

    gelirler maa, cret veya yevmiye gelirine dahil edilmitir.

    - Mteebbis gelirleri: Gelir referans dnemi ierisindemteebbis olarak alan fertlerin (iteki durumu kendihesabna veya iveren olarak alanlar) faaliyetleri sonucu eldeettii gayri safi haslatndan, gelir referans dnemi ierisindeyapt tm giderler (iyeri masraflar, vergiler, sosyal gvenlikkesintileri vb.) dldkten sonra elde edilen gelir mteebbisgeliridir.

    Faaliyet d gelirler:

    i. Gayrimenkul kira geliri: Apartman dairesi, dkkan,depo vb. gayrimenkuller ile tarla, ba, bahe, arsa gibi mlklerinreferans dnemi ierisinde kiraya verilmesi sonucu elde edilen

    haslattan, bu haslatn salanmas iin yaplan tm giderler(sigorta, vergi, tamir ve bakm giderleri vb.) dlerek eldeedilen gelirdir.

    ii. Menkul kymet geliri: Banka hesabndan elde edilenfaiz, finans kurumlarndan veya sermaye irketlerinden eldeedilen temett veya kar pay vb. gelirlerdir. Menkul kymetgelirlerinde, vergiler gelir elde edilmeden kaynaktankesilmektedir. Ancak, menkul kymet geliri elde eden hanehalkfertlerinin, bu geliri elde etmek iin, menkul kymetlerinkorunmas ile ilgili sigorta, kiralk kasa, tahvil giderleri, vergi vb.giderler dlerek, elde ettikleri net gelirler menkul kymet geliriolarak kayt edilmitir.

    iii. Karlksz (transfer) gelirler: Gelir referans dnemi

    ierisinde devlet, zel kurum/kurulu veya bakakii/hanehalklarndan alnan karlksz transferlerdir (emeklimaa, yallk maa, isizlik maa, karlksz burslar, dzenliolarak alnan ayni veya nakdi yardmlar vb. eklindekidemelerdir). ki gruba ayrlabilir;

    a. Sosyal transferler: Hanelerin baz ihtiyalarnkarlamak veya parasal skntlarndan dolay baz risklerle karkarya kalmalar durumunda gelir referans dneminde devlettenveya eitli kurum/kurululardan aldklar ayni veya nakdikarlksz yardmlar olarak nitelendirilmektedir (Aile-ocukyardm, konut ve kira yardm, yoksul hanehalklarna yaplandier sosyal yardmlar).

    b. Haneleraras transferler: Hanelerin baka kii veya

    hanehalklarndan dzenli olarak aldklar karlksz ayni ya danakdi yardmlardr.

    zafi kira: Konuta mlkiyet ekli ev sahibi, lojman veyadier (babasnn, akrabasnn vb. evinde ikamet edip hi birekilde cret demeden oturanlar) eklinde olanhanehalklarnn ikamet ettii konutun kira deeri izafi kira olarakdeerlendirilmektedir.

    zafi kira deeri iki ekilde hesaplanmaktadr;

    Hanehalklarndan, anket yoluyla, benzer zellikleresahip olan ayn semtte ve yerleim yerinde kira ileoturulan konutun kira deeri emsal alnarak saptanmak

    zere beyan yoluyla alnmaktadr.

    ncomes obtained from activities:

    - Salary, wage, daily wage incomes: In the referenceperiod of the income, it is the income in cash or in kind that isobtained by working as an employee. Incomes related topremium, risk of business, extra for job-hazards, over timeworking, capital bonus, extra work are also included in salary,

    wage or daily wage.

    - Entrepreneur incomes: In the reference period ofincome, it is the gross national product obtained with working asentrepreneur (status in employment is an employer or own-account workers) subtracting all expenditures (such asexpenditures of the workplace, takes, social insurancededuction) in the same period of income.

    ncomes obtained from out of activities:

    i. Rental income: It is the incomes gained by renting thereal property like apartment, shop, store and the properties likefield, garden, land in the reference period subtracting all

    expenditures (such as insurance, tax, renewal, maintenance)which are made to provide this income.

    ii. Property income: It is the incomes gained by theinterest of the bank account, share of profits from financialinstitutions or company and etc. Taxes for transferable incomesare deducted before gaining incomes. However, the net incomewhich is determined by subtracting expenditures which aremade by the household members to protect the transferablevalues like insurance, deposit box, debenture and taxes, fromthe transferable value income, is considered as transferablevalue incomes.

    iii. Transfer incomes: It is unrequited transfers (payments

    such as for pension, old age salary, unemployment salary,unpaid grants, regular benefits in kind or cash, etc.) which aretaken from the government, private sectors orperson/households in the reference period of income. It can bedivided into two groups;

    a. Social transfers: It is defined as unreturned benefits incash or in kind given by the government or otherinstitutions/organizations to the households to provide theirneeds or solving the problems due to the financial pressure inthe reference period of income (social benefits like family-childbenefits, housing and rent allowances, etc. for poor households).

    b. nter-household transfers: It is the benefits that

    households receive from other persons or households asunreturned benefits in cash or kind.

    mputed rent: It is the imputed rent of the dwellings whichare occupied by the owners or provided by public organizationsor employee or other type of dwellings occupied by thehouseholds without paying a rent (such as the household lives ina dwelling which is owner of father, relatives and not paying arent).

    Value of imputed rent is calculated as two ways;

    It is collected from households through surveys byconsidering the rent of other dwellings located in thesame area and same locality as an example.


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    TK, Gelir ve Yaam Koullar Aratrmas, 2007TurkStat, Income and Living Conditions Survey, 2007


    Regresyon modeli kurularak, aklayc deikenlerinyardmyla tahmin edilmektedir.

    Hanehalk kullanlabilir geliri hesaplanrken ikinci hesaplamakullanlmaktadr.

    Nakdi gelir: Nakit; para, zellikle kullanlmaya hazr para

    anlamna gelmektedir. Faaliyet d faktrler veya faaliyetkarlnda gelirlerin nakit (para) olarak elde edilmesidir.

    Ayni gelir:Ayni, mal ile denen anlamna gelmektedir. Aynigelir, emek veya sermaye karlnda gelirin mal olarak eldeedilmesidir. Burada en nemli husus, ayni gelirin hanedetketilmesi gerekliliidir. Ayni geliri oluturan mal satlp nakdeevriliyorsa bu ayni gelir olarak deil, nakdi gelir olarak deer-lendirilmektedir.

    Brt gelir: Emeklilik ve Sosyal Gvenlik Primi ile vergilerdlmeden nceki gelirdir.

    Net gelir: Kiilerin dedii emeklilik ve sosyal sigortalarkesenei ile vergiler hari, eline geen gelir net gelirdir.

    Hanehalk kullanlabilir net geliri: Hanehalkndaki her birferdin elde ettii kiisel yllk kullanlabilir gelirlerin (maa-cret,yevmiye, mteebbis geliri ile emekli maa, dul-yetim aylklarve yallara yaplan demeler, karlksz burs vb. ayni veyanakdi gelirlerin toplam) toplam ile hane baznda elde edilenyllk gelirlerin (gayrimenkul kira geliri, haneye yaplan karlkszyardmlar, 15 yan altndaki fertlerin elde ettii gelirler vb.)toplamndan, gelir referans dneminde denen vergiler ve dierhane veya kiilere yaplan dzenli transferler dldkten sonrahanehalk kullanlabilir gelirine ulalmaktadr.

    Edeerlik lei / edeer hanehalk geliri:Gnmzde gelir eitsizlii bireysel gelirler arasndaki farklardanyola klarak llmektedir. Bu nedenle de hanehalk dzeyindetoplanan gelirlerin bireysel gelirlere dntrlmesigerekmektedir. Bunu, toplam hane gelirini, haneyi oluturan fertsaysna blerek yapmak doru olmayacaktr. Bu hesaplamada,hanelerin yetikin-ocuk bileimlerindeki farkllklar dikkatealmak gerekmektedir. nk, bilimsel olarak ocuklaryetikinlere gre daha az tketmektedirler. Buna gre,edeerlik lei olarak adlandrlan katsaylar kullanlarak herbir hanehalk byklnn ka yetikine (edeer fert saysna)denk olduu hesaplanmaktadr. Hanehalk toplam yllkkullanlabilir geliri hanehalknn edeer hanehalk byklneblnerek, o hanehalk iin edeer fert bana den dierifadeyle edeer hanehalk kullanlabilir geliri hesaplanmaktadr.

    Bu aratrmada, hanehalkndaki referans kii iin 1, 14 yave zerindeki tm fertler iin 0,5 ve 14 yan altndaki tmfertler iin 0,3 katsays ile arplarak hesapland OECD leikullanlmtr.

    Edeerlik lei farkl byklk ve bileimlerdekihanehalklar arasnda karlatrmalara imkn salamaktadr.Gelir dalm eitsizlik gstergelerinin (gini katsays, yzdelikgruplarn analizi vb.) ve yoksulluk snrnn belirlenmesindeedeer hanehalk kullanlabilir gelirleri kullanlarak daha dorukyaslamalar yapmak mmkndr.

    Gelir dalm: Bir lkede belirli dnemler iinde yaratlangelirin fertler, hanehalklar veya retim faktrleri arasndablnmesidir.

    It is estimated by explanatory variables usingregression model.

    Second method is used to calculate the available householdincome.

    ncome in cash: Money in cash is considered as money

    which is ready to use. It is defined as cash money gained as aresult of activities or factors out of activities.

    ncome in-kind: Kind is the payments as goods. Kindincome is the defined as income in kind as result of labor orcapital. It is very important that kind income has to be spent inthe household. If income in kind is sold and transferred to cash,this is considered as cash income not king income.

    Gross income: It is the income that includes the deductionof retirement and Social Security Contributions and taxes.

    Net income: It is the net income that does not cover taxes,deduction of retirement and social insurance which are paid by

    the persons.

    Household net annual disposable income: It iscalculated as the total of individual usable income of allmembers of the household (total of the income in cash or in kindsuch as salary-wage, daily wage, enterprises income, pension,widowed-orphan salary, old-age salary, unpaid grants, etc.),adding the total of yearly income for the household (such as realproperty income, unreturned benefits, incomes gained byhousehold members less than age 15, etc.) and subtractingtaxes paid during the reference period of income and regulartransfers to the other households or persons.

    Equivalence scale/equivalence household income:

    Today, income disparities are measured by taking into accountthe differences between individual incomes. Therefore, totalincome of the household should be transferred to the individualincome. It is not correct way to calculate the individual incomeas total income divided by number of household members. Inthis calculation, it is necessary to take into account the adult-child structure of the households. Because, the consumption ofthe children is scientifically less than the consumption of theadults. In this context, number of adults for each household sizeis calculated by using the constants which are called asequivalence scale. Equivalised individual income to the specifichousehold in other words, equivalised household disposableincome, can be calculated total of household income divided byequivalised household size.

    In this survey, OECD measure which is 1 for the referenceperson of the household, 0.5 for household members aged 14and over, 0.3 for household members less than age 14 is used.

    Equivalence measure allows comparing to the householdswith different size and structure. It can be possible to makecomparison by using the equivalence household income in orderto identify the indicators for income disparities (such as ginicoefficient, analysis of percentage groups, etc.) and poverty line.

    ncome distribution: It is to allocate the created income(income which is created in a country and in a specific timeperiod) between the individuals, households and production


    Explanation Aklama

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    TK, Gelir ve Yaam Koullar Aratrmas, 2007TurkStat, Income and Living Conditions Survey, 2007


    Bireysel gelir dalm: Gelirin fertler ya da hanelerarasndaki dalm n plandadr. Bireysel gelir dalmnda fertlerya da hanelerin gelirlerinin byklne gre gelir eitsizlikleribelirlenir. Ayrca, bu dalmda gelirin sosyo-ekonomik gruplara,mesleklere, sektrlere, blgelere ve eitim durumuna gresnflandrlmas da yaplabilmektedir. Kiisel gelir dalmekonomik olduu kadar sosyal eitsizliklerin olduka iyi bir


    Fonksiyonel gelir dalm: Gelirin emek gelirleri (cret,maa, yevmiye) ile emek d gelirler (kar, faiz, kira gelirleri)arasndaki blmdr. Bu dalmda, retim sreci sonucundaortaya kan gelirin retim faktrleri (emek, sermaye, toprak,giriim) ve sosyo-ekonomik gruplar arasndaki blm nemtar.

    Ortalama gelir: Gelirlerin toplamlarnn rneklembyklne blnmesi ile elde edilen deerdir. Yani, belli birgruba ait gelirlerin aritmetik ortalamasn ifade etmektedir.

    Medyan gelir: Gelirler kkten bye sralandndaortaya den deer medyan geliri ifade etmektedir.

    Gelir dalm eitsizlik ltleri:

    Gini katsays: Kiisel gelir dalmn lmek iin, yaygnolarak kullanlan bir dalm lsdr.

    Gini katsays, Lorenz erisine bal ve eri ile kegenarasnda kalan alann, kegenin altnda kalan toplam alanoranna eittir. Bu oran bydke, dalmdaki eitsizlik artyordemektir. Gini ls 0 ile 1 arasnda deiir. Bir toplumda,gelir adaletli olarak paylalmsa, gini katsays 0a eit,toplumdaki gelirleri yalnz bir kii almsa, gini katsays 1 e eitolmaktadr.

    Theil endeksi: Bilgi teorisindeki entropi kavramndan 1967ylnda gelitirilmi bir gelir eitsizlii lsdr. zelliklelkelerin gelir dalmlarn birbiriyle karlatrmak iin yaygnolarak kullanlmaktadr. Theil endeksi aadaki ekildehesaplanabilir: n

    T=[ (Yi/)log(Yi/)]/ni=1

    Theil endeksi btn dier llerde olduu gibi transferlerilkesini salar. Zengin bir kiiden yoksul bir kiiye yaplacak gelirtransferi,Theil endeksini kltr. Theil endeksinin ne kadarklecei, sadece kiilerin gelirleri arasndaki orana baldr(Cowell, 1995: 50).

    Logaritmik sapmalarn ortalamas (LSO): Gelirdalmlar, kk deerler dolaynda younlaan saa arpkdalmlardr. Gelir dalmn simetrik hale getirebilmek iinlogaritma dntrmesi uygulanabilir. LSO ls, gelirlerinlogaritmasnn, dalmn aritmetik ortalamasnn logaritmas ilearasndaki sapmalarn ortalamasdr. Aadaki ekilde formleedilebilir (OECD, 1998: 84):

    n n

    LSO=[ (logYi- log)]/n=(log(Yi/)/n

    i=1 i=1

    LSO, Gini katsaysndan farkl olarak, gelirlerin birbirleriarasndaki farklar deil, ortalama gelirden farklar dikkate alr.Transfer ilkesini de salar. Zengin bir kiiden yoksul bir kiiyeyaplan gelir transferi, LSO lsn kltr. LSO ls alt

    ndividual income distribution: The distribution of theincome between individuals or households is in the foreground.Income inequalities in the individual income distributions aredetermined according to the amount of income of individuals orhouseholds. Moreover, it is also possible to classify the incomeby socio-economic groups, occupations, sectors, regions andeducation status. Individual income distribution is a good

    indicator not only for economic but also for social inequalitiy.

    Functional income distribution: It is the distribution ofincome between labor income (Payment, salary, per diem) andincome which is out of labour (profit, interest, rent income). Inthis distribution, the distribution between the incomes appearsas a result of production process, and the socio-economicgroups are important.

    Average income: This is the value that is obtained bydividing total of incomes to sample size. It means, It refers to anarithmetic means which belongs to a specific group.

    Median income: When the income values listed in the formof ascending order, then the value at the middle is called median


    Measures of income inequality:

    Gini coefficient: To measure personnel income distribution,widely used distribution criteria is gini coefficient.

    Gini coefficient depends on Lorenz curve and equival to theproportion of the area between the curve and diagonal to thearea under the diagonal. If the value is getting close to 1, thenthe inequality in the distribution is getting bigger.The ginicoefficient varies between 0 and 1 . If the income isdistributed fairly in a society, then the gini coefficient is equal to

    0. If the income is received by only one person, then the ginicoefficient is equal to 1.

    Theil index: The Theil index is a measure of incomeinequality generalized from the term of entropy in informationtheory in 1967. It is especially used to compare the incomedistribution of the countries. It can be formulated as below;


    T=[ (Yi/)log(Yi/)]/ni=1

    The Theil index provides the principle of transfers, as in allother measures. Income transfer from rich person to poorperson, reduces the Theil index. Theil index, how much willreduce depends on the ratio between incomes of persons(Cowell, 1995: 50).

    Mean logaritmik deviation (MLD): Income distributions,focusing around small income values are right-skeweddistributions. Logarithmic transformation can be applied to makeincome distribution symmetric. The MLD is the average of thedevation between logarithm of incomes and logarithm of themean of distribution. It can be formulated as below (OECD,1998: 84):

    n n

    MLD=[ (logYi- log)]/n=(log(Yi/)/n


    The MLD, differently from the Gini coefficient, take intoaccount differences from average income, not to differencesbetween incomes. It also provides the principle of transfers. Theincome transfers from a rich person to a poor is make the MLD


  • 8/3/2019 Gelir Ve Yasam Kosullari 2007


    TK, Gelir ve Yaam Koullar Aratrmas, 2007TurkStat, Income and Living Conditions Survey, 2007


    gelir gruplarndaki gelir transferlerine, st gelir gruplararasndaki gelir transferlerinden daha fazla duyarldr.

    Deiim katsaysnn karesi (Greli varyans): Grelivaryans (GV), istatistikte standart sapmann aritmetikortalamaya blnmesiyle bulunan deikenlik katsaysnnkaresine eittir. n 2 2

    GV= (Yi -) / ni=1

    Greli varyansn bir st snr yoktur. lnn deeribydke, gelir eitsizliinin artt sylenebilir. Greli varyans,yksek gelir gruplarndaki gelir transferlerine daha duyarl birgelir eitsizlii lsdr (OECD, 1982: 12).

    Deiim katsays: Deiim katsays (DK) standartsapmann aritmetik ortalamaya blnp, 100 ile arplmas ileelde edilir. Deiim katsays ile standart sapmann aritmetikortalama iindeki pay bulunmu olur.

    Deiim katsays her dzeydeki gelirler arasndaki gelirtransferlerine kar duyarl olma zelliine sahip olmasyla

    beraber varyanstan farkl olarak ortalama gelirden ve lbiriminden bamsz olduundan lkeler aras karlatrmayapmada kullanlabilir bir ldr. Btn gelirlerin eit olmashalinde deiim katsaysnn deeri sfr olur.

    Lorenz erisi: Lorenz erisi, gelir ya da servetin nfusadalmndaki eitsizlii gstermekte kullanlan grafiktir. Eri birkarenin kegenini u noktalarda keser. Karenin dikey kenarndagelirin birikimli paylar, yatay kenarnda ise nfusun birikimlipaylar yzde olarak gsterilir. Kegen doru, gelirin nfusarasnda eit dalmn (mutlak eitlik) gsterir. Lorenz erisikegenden uzaklatka, gelir dalmndaki eitsizlikartmaktadr.

    Yzdelik gruplar: Hanehalklar kullanlabilir hanehalkgelirine veya hanedeki tm fertler edeer hanehalkkullanlabilir gelirlerine gre kkten bye doru sralanarak;20 gruba blnerek yzde 5lik, 10 gruba blnerek yzde10luk veya 5 gruba blnerek yzde 20lik hanehalk/fertgruplar oluturulmaktadr. Bu gruplarn toplam gelirden aldklarpaylar gelir dalm eitsizlii hakknda bilgi vermektedir.

    Yzde paylar analizi (P0/P20): Yzde paylar, kiiselgelir dalmn lmede kullanlan ltlerden biridir. Yzde20lik fert/hanehalk gruplarnn toplam gelirden aldklar paylaragre; Son yzde 20lik grubun toplam gelirden ald pay/ lkyzde 20lik grubun toplam gelirden ald pay formlndenhesaplanmaktadr.

    Yoksulluk ile ilgili tanmlar

    Greli yoksulluk: Toplumun genel dzeyine gre belli birsnrn altnda gelir veya harcamaya sahip olan birey veyahanehalk greli anlamda yoksul saylmaktadr. Refah lsolarak amaca gre harcama veya gelir dzeyi seilebilir.

    Bu aratrmada, edeer hanehalk kullanlabilir medyangelirlere gre 4 ayr greli yoksulluk snr hesaplanmtr;

    Medyan gelirin % 40,

    Medyan gelirin % 50si,

    measure reduces. The MLD measure is more sensitive to incometransfers in lower income groups then transfers between theupper groups.

    Squared coefficient of variation (SCV): The SCV, definedas the square of the coefficient of variation which is defined theratio of the standart deviation to the mean in statistics.

    n 2 2SCV= (Yi -) / n


    There is no upper limit of the SCV. It can be said incomeinequality has increased when the value of the measure is grow.The SCV measure more sensitive to income transfers in upperincome groups (OECD, 1982: 12).

    Coefficient of variation: The coefficient of variation (CV) isdefined as the ratio of the standard deviation to the mean. It issome times expressed as percentage, in which case the CV ismultiplied by 100.

    Coefficient of variation is a measure that can be used inmaking comparisons between countries, due to capable of being

    sensitive to income transfers between at all levels of incomesand also of being indipendent from the average income and theunit of measurement differently from the variance. The value ofcoefficient of variation will be equal to zero if all of incomes areequal.

    Lorenz Curve: Its a graphic used to indicate the inequalityin distribution of the income or assets among population. Thecurve intersects the endpoints of a squares diagonal.Cumulative shares of income are indicated by percent on thevertical side of the square and cumulative shares of income areindicated by per cent on the horizontal side of the square.Diagonal line indicates the equal distribution of income (absoluteequality) among population. Inequality in the income distributiongrows bigger as the Lorenz curve gets farther from the diagonal.

    Quintiles/Deciles: The households are listed from the leastamount to the most amounts by disposable household incomeand all individuals in the households is listed by equivalentdisposable income in the same way. Household/ individualsquintile groups is formed by dividing the number of thehouseholds in 5 equal parts and deciles is formed by dividing thenumber of the households in 10 equal parts and 5 % groups isformed by dividing the households in 20 equal parts. Share fromtotal incomes of these groups informs about income distributioninequality.

    S0/S20 quintile share ratio: This is a criteria to measureindividual income distribution and it is the ratio of totalequivalised income received by the 20% of persons with thehighest income (top quintile) to that received by the 20% ofpersons with the lowest income (lowest quintile).

    Definitions relating to poverty

    Relative poverty: The households having incomes andexpenditures below a specified line compared to the generalpopulation shall be defined to be the poor in a relative meaning.

    As a welfare measure, consumption or income level may beselected according to the situation.

    In this survey, four different relative poverty lines arecalculated by equivalised household disposable median income:

    40 % of median income,

    50 % of median income,

    Explanation Aklama

  • 8/3/2019 Gelir Ve Yasam Kosullari 2007


    TK, Gelir ve Yaam Koullar Aratrmas, 2007TurkStat, Income and Living Conditions Survey, 2007


    Medyan gelirin % 60, Medyan gelirin % 70i.

    Bu snrlarn altnda edeer hanehalk kullanlabilir geliresahip olanlar yoksul olarak tanmlanmtr.

    Yoksulluk a: Yoksulluun derecesi hakknda bilgi verir.Bir kiinin yoksulluk a, yoksulluk izgisi ile geliri arasndakifarka eittir. Yoksulluk a, toplumdaki ortalama yoksullukann, yoksulluk izgisine oranna eittir. Yoksulluk ann100'e yaklamas, yoksulluun derecesinin ok fazla olduunu,klmesi ise yoksulluk risk der