Gas systems for GIF++ 14/02/2015 Ernesto Regaño 1

Gas systems for GIF++ 14/02/2015 Ernesto Regaño 1

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Gas systems for GIF++

14/02/2015Ernesto Regaño1

14/02/2015Ernesto Regaño2

Summary: Status and plan Detailed status.Future growth of the systems’ facility.





Preferred installation periods and Duration W08 (false floor) 1week. W09 (complete piping) 3 days. W16 (closed loop connection) 3-5 days

Specific needs Need to open the false floor and limit the access to avoid any

falling accident. RP vacuum cleaner.

Present status. Temporary Lack of false floor due to hard work needed to

prepared and because was completely different from all other experimental zones in EHN1.

Gas available from w10 ( for RPC, TGC)

14/02/2015Ernesto Regaño4

System Status To be done

Panels Validated Nothing

RPC-TGC Mixers On hold for the spill retention tray

Supply pipe work with welding, Connection to analysis rack, two pipe lines between Atex and not Atex rack , connection of T for RPC mixture, Plastic exhaust connections. Electrical work form MFCs, and humidifier , functional test.

Gas service zone

Waiting for aluminium profiles.Spill retention tray To be welded and installed

Install aluminium profile for suport the false floor. False floor already cut and in traspor to GIF++, (Minor cuts in the false floor tiles needed).

IR Analisis rack Waiting for 1 pipe work 1 Pipe work ,electrical work, Funtional test and RUN, Permanent 24v Power supply needed

H2O-O2 Analisis

Being leak tested Leak testing, Transport, Electrical work, Permanent 24v Power supply needed

Pipe cable tray and exhaust pipe support

Pipe cable Tray instaled, Exhaust pipe to be anchored to the wall properly.

Detailed Actual Status.

14/02/2015Ernesto Regaño5

In the Beginning:

Progress of the works.

14/02/2015Ernesto Regaño6

Now At Irradiation bunker and Preparation area:

Progress of the works.

14/02/2015Ernesto Regaño7

Now, at the Gas Service Area

Progress of the works.

14/02/2015Ernesto Regaño8

H2O-O2 Analisis rack to be instaledClosed loop (RPC cosmic trigger) ready to

be instaled, calibrated and used. W16.Several Mixers (paied by the users) will be

build and Instaled.Small closed loop racks (paied by the

users) will be build and Instaled.Control rack to be discussed and defined.Other Users needs.

Coming upgrades

14/02/2015Ernesto Regaño9

PH-DT-DI/Gas Service Team

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