至高旅會 G G O L D Rotterdam • Paris • London • Budapest • Beijing • Shanghai • Hong Kong The Ultimate in Luxury Travel 至高品位 跨越尊貴

G-Gold Brochure

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G-Gold Travel Brochure

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至高旅會至高旅會至高旅會至高旅會至高旅會G G O L D

Rotterdam • Paris • London • Budapest • Beijing • Shanghai • Hong Kong

The Ultimate in Luxury Travel至高品位 • 跨越尊貴











G • Gold is a subsidiary of GEG Travel Limited. Founded in Rotterdam for over 25 years, the parent company has earned a remarkable reputation in the industry based on its profound expertise, and also maintains close relationships with significant political and business associations across Europe and Asia, including OTOA, ADS, Sport Club and TIC many more. It highly strengthens our operational agility and consequently, our global reach has been extended to various strategic locations, covering the Netherlands, France, Hungary, UK, China, Hong Kong and Taiwan,ensuring that at any hour of the day or night, our valued customers are well taken care of at either one of our offices somewhere in the world.

Indeed, the establishment of G • Gold has proven the company’s perspicacity and extensive network. Having served a considerable number of privileged customers with their specific travel needs, GEG Travel drew lavish praise from our VIPs and noticed the need of elevating our service to an even higher level.With a strong team of talented, innovative and extremely experienced experts, not only does G • Gold provide a wide range of luxury theme tours, but also the unrivaled and impeccable custom-tailored tours that ensure you can experience “the Ultimate in Luxury Travel”.

至高 •歐洲高端旅遊 G •Gold Luxury Travel ~ Europe











G • Gold is a subsidiary of GEG Travel Limited. Founded in Rotterdam for over 25 years, the parent company has earned a remarkable reputation in the industry based on its profound expertise, and also maintains close relationships with significant political and business associations across Europe and Asia, including OTOA, ADS, Sport Club and TIC many more. It highly strengthens our operational agility and consequently, our global reach has been extended to various strategic locations, covering the Netherlands, France, Hungary, UK, China, Hong Kong and Taiwan,ensuring that at any hour of the day or night, our valued customers are well taken care of at either one of our offices somewhere in the world.

Indeed, the establishment of G • Gold has proven the company’s perspicacity and extensive network. Having served a considerable number of privileged customers with their specific travel needs, GEG Travel drew lavish praise from our VIPs and noticed the need of elevating our service to an even higher level.With a strong team of talented, innovative and extremely experienced experts, not only does G • Gold provide a wide range of luxury theme tours, but also the unrivaled and impeccable custom-tailored tours that ensure you can experience “the Ultimate in Luxury Travel”.

至高 •歐洲高端旅遊 G •Gold Luxury Travel ~ Europe




















Adding Zest to Your Every JourneyUnless the art of travel is truly appreciated, not everyone exudes the same level of charm while being pampered in superior luxury. By coming to us, there is no doubt you are above the rest, like us. G • Gold has always been farsighted and experienced in meeting specific travel needs of our distinguished VIPs. Each and every detail is catered to your every whim for only one purpose - adding zest and a touch of the unexpected to your already-extraordinary experience.

Travel As Art Collection Every moment experienced in your journeys builds a valuable "collection" in your memories, whether it be fanciful or artistic, G • Gold offers limitless ideas to enrich your collection with vivid colors.

Safety & Privacy First While your safety and privacy are at the top of our agenda, our notion is to also ensure you can enjoy blissful moments leisurely without disturbance.

Royal-class Butler Service Our incomparable butler service not only marks the level of your eminent position, but also ensures a carefree journey along the way.

Custom-tailored Tours Setting your travel preference displays your lifestyle standards. The key differentiator is to follow your heart -like maneuvering a paintbrush spontaneously and smoothly.

Exclusive Luxury Transportation Always above the rest no matter you are traveling by land, air or sea, let us take you places where others can only dream of.

Splendid Dining and Accommodation Whether it be a branded hotel, a castle, a private island you are staying at, or the splendid gourmets catered to your personal taste, all details are taken care of to contrive entrancing moments exclusively for you.

理念 • 元素 Our Notion 旅遊藝術‧奢華真義‧量身定制‧二人成行真正懂得追求旅遊藝術的您,總是在各種非凡享受之中,散發著一種攝人氣魄;那份



















Adding Zest to Your Every JourneyUnless the art of travel is truly appreciated, not everyone exudes the same level of charm while being pampered in superior luxury. By coming to us, there is no doubt you are above the rest, like us. G • Gold has always been farsighted and experienced in meeting specific travel needs of our distinguished VIPs. Each and every detail is catered to your every whim for only one purpose - adding zest and a touch of the unexpected to your already-extraordinary experience.

Travel As Art Collection Every moment experienced in your journeys builds a valuable "collection" in your memories, whether it be fanciful or artistic, G • Gold offers limitless ideas to enrich your collection with vivid colors.

Safety & Privacy First While your safety and privacy are at the top of our agenda, our notion is to also ensure you can enjoy blissful moments leisurely without disturbance.

Royal-class Butler Service Our incomparable butler service not only marks the level of your eminent position, but also ensures a carefree journey along the way.

Custom-tailored Tours Setting your travel preference displays your lifestyle standards. The key differentiator is to follow your heart -like maneuvering a paintbrush spontaneously and smoothly.

Exclusive Luxury Transportation Always above the rest no matter you are traveling by land, air or sea, let us take you places where others can only dream of.

Splendid Dining and Accommodation Whether it be a branded hotel, a castle, a private island you are staying at, or the splendid gourmets catered to your personal taste, all details are taken care of to contrive entrancing moments exclusively for you.

理念 • 元素 Our Notion

顯赫奢華 Luxury Icons華貴風範 超越平凡時間疾馳,人生飛快!光陰的流轉瑰麗與否,取決於您如何選擇。儘管奢享過










Beyond Ordinary LuxuryIf your life were a TV channel, would it be the “Travel and Leisure Planet” ?

Not enough! The theme is “luxury”- something uniquely elegant and extraordinary in every single detail; something that elicits your inner desire you don’t even realize before.

Be spoiled like a king and queen on the legendary “moving palace”- the Orient Express, with incomparable nobleness and romantic ambience, silhouetted by the European picturesque beauty all along while exploring how the ancient and modern landscapes are subtly linked together through the wheel of time.

Preferred to explore the exotic charm from a higher perspective? Enjoy a pampered ride with your beloved pets on a private jet followed by a perfect indulgent moment in the world’s leading palace hotel in Switzerland, neighbored with some royal family members and Hollywood superstars.

Or fancy a ride on a luxury yacht along the spectacular Italian riviera? Let the historic wonderment, breathtaking landscapes and crystal blue water unfold their stories and inspire your sensation of dining on board.

顯赫奢華 Luxury Icons華貴風範 超越平凡時間疾馳,人生飛快!光陰的流轉瑰麗與否,取決於您如何選擇。儘管奢享過










Beyond Ordinary LuxuryIf your life were a TV channel, would it be the “Travel and Leisure Planet” ?

Not enough! The theme is “luxury”- something uniquely elegant and extraordinary in every single detail; something that elicits your inner desire you don’t even realize before.

Be spoiled like a king and queen on the legendary “moving palace”- the Orient Express, with incomparable nobleness and romantic ambience, silhouetted by the European picturesque beauty all along while exploring how the ancient and modern landscapes are subtly linked together through the wheel of time.

Preferred to explore the exotic charm from a higher perspective? Enjoy a pampered ride with your beloved pets on a private jet followed by a perfect indulgent moment in the world’s leading palace hotel in Switzerland, neighbored with some royal family members and Hollywood superstars.

Or fancy a ride on a luxury yacht along the spectacular Italian riviera? Let the historic wonderment, breathtaking landscapes and crystal blue water unfold their stories and inspire your sensation of dining on board.

自駕優悠 Leisure Driving傲然駕馭 彰顯真我駕馭尊爵級超跑的閃耀之處在於展現其頂尖科技與個人藝術品味的微妙糅合,隨著引擎徐徐啟動,吼叫聲清







至高將根據您的個人喜好、要求,甚至心情,為您作出最完善的建議及安排 - 尊貴選擇,盡在您掌握中。

Life’s Greatest Driving PleasureOnly the privileged few can enjoy the luxury of a splendid getaway in the world’s most magnificent supercars. Not only does it reflect your prestigious status, but also your tasteful preference and attitude.

With the engine howling upon acceleration, feel the subtle frequency, the momentum, and your superior energy all mixed in the air. Even flowers and trees along the roadside bow to you as you sweep forward!

G • Gold has been working closely with the finest European luxury driving tour operators for years. Whether it be Ferrari, Maserati, Lamborghini, Porsche, Formula One, or Mille Miglia classic car race, the choice is always yours. With a professional personal assistant at your disposal throughout the trip in his own vehicle, he will guide you through the most spectacular scenes, show you the way to the finest restaurants, the grandest hotels, the most famous fashion houses, or to wherever you desire, with every detail well taken care of.

Embellish your travel experience by either picking a well set driving tour from our wide range of programs, or have our travel experts design an exclusive one just for you. Either way, we will unfold layers and layers of luxury and experiential wonders that match your prestigious status.

自駕優悠 Leisure Driving傲然駕馭 彰顯真我駕馭尊爵級超跑的閃耀之處在於展現其頂尖科技與個人藝術品味的微妙糅合,隨著引擎徐徐啟動,吼叫聲清







至高將根據您的個人喜好、要求,甚至心情,為您作出最完善的建議及安排 - 尊貴選擇,盡在您掌握中。

Life’s Greatest Driving PleasureOnly the privileged few can enjoy the luxury of a splendid getaway in the world’s most magnificent supercars. Not only does it reflect your prestigious status, but also your tasteful preference and attitude.

With the engine howling upon acceleration, feel the subtle frequency, the momentum, and your superior energy all mixed in the air. Even flowers and trees along the roadside bow to you as you sweep forward!

G • Gold has been working closely with the finest European luxury driving tour operators for years. Whether it be Ferrari, Maserati, Lamborghini, Porsche, Formula One, or Mille Miglia classic car race, the choice is always yours. With a professional personal assistant at your disposal throughout the trip in his own vehicle, he will guide you through the most spectacular scenes, show you the way to the finest restaurants, the grandest hotels, the most famous fashion houses, or to wherever you desire, with every detail well taken care of.

Embellish your travel experience by either picking a well set driving tour from our wide range of programs, or have our travel experts design an exclusive one just for you. Either way, we will unfold layers and layers of luxury and experiential wonders that match your prestigious status.

體壇盛事 Sports Tournament 見證最激動人心的一刻體育最令人著迷之處,除了每次都蘊含著變化多端的內容和結局之外,還有那份超越體能的動力、那種







Experience the Most Exciting MomentsEnjoying live sports is an experience like no others.

Attending the World Cup in the VIP box with the unparalleled service is surely one of the most finger-biting excitements, let alone the precious moments of meeting the legendary and top players in person! The fun doesn’t end just there. How about living the vibrant and thrilling atmosphere of the F1 Grand Prix by watching the action on the track from privileged viewing points? Or listen to the powerful crisp sound every time the top tennis players hit the ball at the tournament; and feel the energy of how a golfer makes a full swing to propel the club head and send the ball into the target like magic!

With G • Gold’s privileged connections in all these events, we’ll make sure your every trip a stunning experience.

體壇盛事 Sports Tournament 見證最激動人心的一刻體育最令人著迷之處,除了每次都蘊含著變化多端的內容和結局之外,還有那份超越體能的動力、那種







Experience the Most Exciting MomentsEnjoying live sports is an experience like no others.

Attending the World Cup in the VIP box with the unparalleled service is surely one of the most finger-biting excitements, let alone the precious moments of meeting the legendary and top players in person! The fun doesn’t end just there. How about living the vibrant and thrilling atmosphere of the F1 Grand Prix by watching the action on the track from privileged viewing points? Or listen to the powerful crisp sound every time the top tennis players hit the ball at the tournament; and feel the energy of how a golfer makes a full swing to propel the club head and send the ball into the target like magic!

With G • Gold’s privileged connections in all these events, we’ll make sure your every trip a stunning experience.

華貴風範 超越平凡時間疾馳,人生飛快!光陰的流轉瑰麗與否,取決於您如何選擇。儘管奢享過










Beyond Ordinary LuxuryIf your life were a TV channel, would it be the “Travel and Leisure Planet” ?

Not enough! The theme is “luxury”- something uniquely elegant and extraordinary in every single detail; something that elicits your inner desire you don’t even realize before.

Be spoiled like a king and queen on the legendary “moving palace”- the Orient Express, with incomparable nobleness and romantic ambience, silhouetted by the European picturesque beauty all along while exploring how the ancient and modern landscapes are subtly linked together through the wheel of time.

Preferred to explore the exotic charm from a higher perspective? Enjoy a pampered ride with your beloved pets on a private jet followed by a perfect indulgent moment in the world’s leading palace hotel in Switzerland, neighbored with some royal family members and Hollywood superstars.

Or fancy a ride on a luxury yacht along the spectacular Italian riviera? Let the historic wonderment, breathtaking landscapes and crystal blue water unfold their stories and inspire your sensation of dining on board.

華貴風範 超越平凡時間疾馳,人生飛快!光陰的流轉瑰麗與否,取決於您如何選擇。儘管奢享過










Beyond Ordinary LuxuryIf your life were a TV channel, would it be the “Travel and Leisure Planet” ?

Not enough! The theme is “luxury”- something uniquely elegant and extraordinary in every single detail; something that elicits your inner desire you don’t even realize before.

Be spoiled like a king and queen on the legendary “moving palace”- the Orient Express, with incomparable nobleness and romantic ambience, silhouetted by the European picturesque beauty all along while exploring how the ancient and modern landscapes are subtly linked together through the wheel of time.

Preferred to explore the exotic charm from a higher perspective? Enjoy a pampered ride with your beloved pets on a private jet followed by a perfect indulgent moment in the world’s leading palace hotel in Switzerland, neighbored with some royal family members and Hollywood superstars.

Or fancy a ride on a luxury yacht along the spectacular Italian riviera? Let the historic wonderment, breathtaking landscapes and crystal blue water unfold their stories and inspire your sensation of dining on board.

醇酒佳餚 Gourmet Tours觸動味蕾,感悟豐盛人生歐洲氣候適中,大地潤澤,正是農苗興旺、六畜茁壯。加上如畫風光的映襯下,







When Fine Dining Meets Fine ArtVisiting the best Michelin starred restaurants and wineries in Europe is beyond fine dining.

It is an art of living and aesthetic pleasure .

With the picturesque scenery as backdrop, experience the heavenly aroma of fresh

truffles, the extraordinary rich, buttery, and delicate texture of animal-friendly foie gras

exquisitely presented, and paired with the perfect wine!

While the fragrance is still lingering between your lips and teeth, beautiful stories are

shared over impeccable desserts. Excitements for your taste buds certainly won’t stop

here. Another culinary genius is already waiting to present you more enticing creations…-

for this is only the beginning of your exploration in the art of living.

時尚享樂 Leisure Lifestyle盡享歐洲貴族的濃墨重彩承襲著貴族風格的歐洲,不單是個奢華浪漫又時尚的醉人國度,更盛載著多種既激情又瑰麗的繽紛玩






Fill Your Trip with Abundant PleasuresCrammed with glorious history and culture, yet fashionable and delightful, the myriad attractions offered by Europe are surely dazzling.

Can’t wait to join the “invitation-only” fashion show? Or let the gentlemen cheer at the Prix de l’Arcde Triomphe while the ladies indulge in designer shopping accompanied by a celebrity? How about soothing your eyes with the awe-inspiring scenery by hopping on a helicopter or a luxury yacht for a sophisticated arrival at a Monte Carlo entertainment center? After all, blissfully rejuvenate yourself with a luxury spa and health treatment is equally tempting!

With G • Gold’s finest arrangement, you can enjoy them all whenever, wherever and however you please.

時尚享樂 Leisure Lifestyle盡享歐洲貴族的濃墨重彩承襲著貴族風格的歐洲,不單是個奢華浪漫又時尚的醉人國度,更盛載著多種既激情又瑰麗的繽紛玩






Fill Your Trip with Abundant PleasuresCrammed with glorious history and culture, yet fashionable and delightful, the myriad attractions offered by Europe are surely dazzling.

Can’t wait to join the “invitation-only” fashion show? Or let the gentlemen cheer at the Prix de l’Arcde Triomphe while the ladies indulge in designer shopping accompanied by a celebrity? How about soothing your eyes with the awe-inspiring scenery by hopping on a helicopter or a luxury yacht for a sophisticated arrival at a Monte Carlo entertainment center? After all, blissfully rejuvenate yourself with a luxury spa and health treatment is equally tempting!

With G • Gold’s finest arrangement, you can enjoy them all whenever, wherever and however you please.

繽紛活動 Events / Activities 擁抱貴族風尚,閃耀奪目光芒歐洲一年四季,不論在高雅廳堂、醉人湖畔、翠綠草坪,以至私人府邸,尊貴娛樂活動及各國貴賓所散








Enrich Your Year with Our Social CalendarIn Europe, a spectacular array of venues often echoes with uproarious laughter elegantly. Whether it be a

grand hall, a lakeside garden or a private mansion, you’ll find socialites revel in the undoubted glamour of

festivities throughout the year.

Ranging from private parties of top luxury brands, celebrating the Mille Miglia, dinner in the sky with 360

degree breathtaking views, to joining an exclusive lunch with European royal family, each one of them

comes with an established international reputation and represents a charming, fun and flamboyant lifestyle

for the elites. Either one you prefer, G • Gold will ensure you a splendid and impressive experience.

繽紛活動 Events / Activities 擁抱貴族風尚,閃耀奪目光芒歐洲一年四季,不論在高雅廳堂、醉人湖畔、翠綠草坪,以至私人府邸,尊貴娛樂活動及各國貴賓所散








Enrich Your Year with Our Social CalendarIn Europe, a spectacular array of venues often echoes with uproarious laughter elegantly. Whether it be a

grand hall, a lakeside garden or a private mansion, you’ll find socialites revel in the undoubted glamour of

festivities throughout the year.

Ranging from private parties of top luxury brands, celebrating the Mille Miglia, dinner in the sky with 360

degree breathtaking views, to joining an exclusive lunch with European royal family, each one of them

comes with an established international reputation and represents a charming, fun and flamboyant lifestyle

for the elites. Either one you prefer, G • Gold will ensure you a splendid and impressive experience.

文化藝術 Art & Culture讓藝術浸潤人生、滌蕩靈魂縱使博物館在公元前300年已存在於世,也歷盡了多次性質上的變化,但藝術終歸還是要回到它本身







Walking Through the Living HistoryTracing its origins as far back as the 3rd century BC, the word “museum” is a living history itself. Not only does

it preserve and interpret the material evidence of the human race, but also carry a unique resonant frequency

which fascinates those who truly appreciate arts and ancient artefacts.

Whether it be in a museum or an auction anywhere in Europe, it is important not to be disturbed while being

drawn to the poetic, sensuous qualities of such rarities in the world. With G • Gold’s impeccable arrangements

throughout your trip, and a personal bilingual guide serving you professionally all along, you could take a

promenade to freely explore the treasures in a private museum or auction, and inspire your mind through time.

文化藝術 Art & Culture讓藝術浸潤人生、滌蕩靈魂縱使博物館在公元前300年已存在於世,也歷盡了多次性質上的變化,但藝術終歸還是要回到它本身







Walking Through the Living HistoryTracing its origins as far back as the 3rd century BC, the word “museum” is a living history itself. Not only does

it preserve and interpret the material evidence of the human race, but also carry a unique resonant frequency

which fascinates those who truly appreciate arts and ancient artefacts.

Whether it be in a museum or an auction anywhere in Europe, it is important not to be disturbed while being

drawn to the poetic, sensuous qualities of such rarities in the world. With G • Gold’s impeccable arrangements

throughout your trip, and a personal bilingual guide serving you professionally all along, you could take a

promenade to freely explore the treasures in a private museum or auction, and inspire your mind through time.

緣訂一生 Destination Wedding讓愛高貴地延續一場浪漫瑰麗的婚禮中,一點一滴盡是珍貴片段,柔情而實在地為此後的精彩人生揭開華麗的序幕。








The Perfect Place to BeginEnjoy the most precious and memorable moment in life without worrying about a single detail. Simply

choose a destination and G • Gold will take care of the rest.

Either exchanging your vows with the rich aroma of lavender in the South of France, or sprinkle your love in

the ancient city of Prague; take the Swiss mountains as your wedding wonderland, or arrive a German

castle in a carriage and vow with the harp accompaniment like a fairy-tale, G • Gold makes sure every

aspect of your wedding to be as perfect as you could wish.

緣訂一生 Destination Wedding讓愛高貴地延續一場浪漫瑰麗的婚禮中,一點一滴盡是珍貴片段,柔情而實在地為此後的精彩人生揭開華麗的序幕。








The Perfect Place to BeginEnjoy the most precious and memorable moment in life without worrying about a single detail. Simply

choose a destination and G • Gold will take care of the rest.

Either exchanging your vows with the rich aroma of lavender in the South of France, or sprinkle your love in

the ancient city of Prague; take the Swiss mountains as your wedding wonderland, or arrive a German

castle in a carriage and vow with the harp accompaniment like a fairy-tale, G • Gold makes sure every

aspect of your wedding to be as perfect as you could wish.

w w w . g g o l d . e u

Europe Office 歐洲辦事處Mauritsweg 23, 3012 JR Rotterdam, The Netherlands

T. +31-10-2018 880 F. +31-10-2810 238 E. [email protected]

Asia Office 亞洲辦事處Suite E-F, 18/F, Cameron Plaza, 23-25 Cameron Rd, TST, Hong Kong

香港九龍尖沙咀金馬倫道23-25號金馬倫廣場18樓E-F室T. +852-3106 3797 F. +852-3106 3282 E. [email protected]