From Father Don’s Den March 2016 June 2017 Amy Boeck Administrative Assistant (937) 653-3497 [email protected] Sally Johnson Chronicle Editor (937) 653-3801 [email protected] Nedi Rivera, retired Bishop, Eastern Oregon, began team- ing up with Bishop Breiden- thal to provide additional visits to congregations.” She goes on to say that we can expect Bishop and Mrs. Price Sunday, June 25. Our Saviour will host a ten o’clock worship service and Cluster parishes will collabo- rate on a luncheon to follow. Ms. Sabo adds that “Bishop Price would like to use this time to build and re- new relationships, have teaching opportunities, par- ticipate in educational gath- erings and meet vestries.” She also notes that an area confirmation service will be held by Bishop Brei- denthal that day (June 25) at All Saints Episcopal Church in Columbus and, if we have candidates for confirmation, the Bishop prefers that they Bishop Kenneth Price Father Don Duford Home phone 937-738-2216 Cell phone 248-227-9725 [email protected] Bishop Kenneth Price will visit June 25 Ann Sabo, Executive As- sistant to the Bishop, has sent a message stating: “With 73 congregations in our Dio- cese, it is difficult for Bishop Breidenthal to visit as often as he would like Starting in October, 2016, Bishop Kenneth L. Price, re- tired Bishop Suffragan of Southern Ohio and Bishop be brought to that service. We look forward to wel- coming Bishop and Mrs. Price, long-time Cluster friends, and hope that every- one can come and share the worship service, social time and exchange of ideas. Peace and blessings,

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From Father Don’s Den

March 2016

June 2017

Amy Boeck Administrative Assistant (937) 653-3497 [email protected]

Sally Johnson Chronicle Editor

(937) 653-3801 [email protected]

Nedi Rivera, retired Bishop,

Eastern Oregon, began team-

ing up with Bishop Breiden-

thal to provide additional

visits to congregations.”

She goes on to say that we

can expect Bishop and Mrs.

Price Sunday, June 25. Our

Saviour will host a ten

o’clock worship service and

Cluster parishes will collabo-

rate on a luncheon to follow.

Ms. Sabo adds that

“Bishop Price would like to

use this time to build and re-

new relationships, have

teaching opportunities, par-

ticipate in educational gath-

erings and meet vestries.”

She also notes that an

area confirmation service

will be held by Bishop Brei-

denthal that day (June 25) at

All Saints Episcopal Church

in Columbus and, if we have

candidates for confirmation,

the Bishop prefers that they

Bishop Kenneth Price

Father Don Duford Home phone 937-738-2216 Cell phone 248-227-9725

[email protected]

Bishop Kenneth Price will visit June 25

Ann Sabo, Executive As-

sistant to the Bishop, has

sent a message stating: “With

73 congregations in our Dio-

cese, it is difficult for Bishop

Breidenthal to visit as often

as he would like

Starting in October, 2016,

Bishop Kenneth L. Price, re-

tired Bishop Suffragan of

Southern Ohio and Bishop

be brought to that service.

We look forward to wel-

coming Bishop and Mrs.

Price, long-time Cluster

friends, and hope that every-

one can come and share the

worship service, social time

and exchange of ideas.

Peace and blessings,

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Suddenly it’s Summer Seasons change, but the free monthly meals

for friends and congregants continue every third

and fourth Wednesday. Big electric fans were

strategically placed for the comfort of servers

and guests at Epiphany May 17 as outside tem-

peratures hovered in the 80s.

This meal was an “inside job” with Epiph-

any’s Paddy Barr and her daughter Jackie not

only providing the food, but preparing it in

Paddy’s kitchen.

Jackie, Distribution Manager for Robert

Rothschild Farm, isn’t fully restored after an ankle injury last November and Paddy explained that Jackie’s

contributions to the meal were made in advance, sitting down if possible.

For example, Jackie personally “pulled” four beef tenderloins for the roaster of pulled pork seasoned with

barbecue sauce for scrumptious hot sandwiches. Crockpots of baked beans, heaps of potato chips, frosted

cookies and brownies and a cold beverage completed the menu.

The buffet was staffed by Paddy, Sharon Applegate, Veda Jackson, her friend Carolyn Miller and Diane

Kremer. Fr. Don, clergy du jour, greeted guests and offered amenities.

Paddy Barr, left, and daughter Jackie Barr

Servers Sharon Applegate,

Diane Kremer and Paddy

Barr on duty at the buffet.

Bill Kremer and Sharon

McCall enjoy conversa-

tion with their meal.

Carolyn Miller

replenishes the

baked beans.

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Crossing Over, a gospel bluegrass ensemble, paused on its way to the Promised Land to entertain May

Community Meal guests at Our Saviour. The picnic-style supper featured sandwiches of brats and weiners

grilled by Todd Boeck, potato salad, fruit, apple pie and brownies. The buffet was staffed by congenial servers

from Donald Cannon Post 238 of the American Legion.

All six of the band members are natives of Champaign County and have deep roots in this musical genre.

The parents of Clay and Chris Baldwin and those of Ray and Gary Boggs formed a bluegrass gospel group

while current band members were children. Even then, they loved the music and the message and prepared

themselves to carry on their family traditions.

John Baldwin, uncle of Clay and Chris, and Kenny Castle complete the group which blends guitar, banjo,

mandolin and bass. Crossing Over has appeared at park concerts, church events and services and community

festivities. They play for free---and the joy of making music and spreading the gospel in this time-honored

way. However, the music is original, composed by band member Clay Baldwin.

Clay and Ray Boggs are also evangelical pastors

who have served area churches including the Freewill

Baptist. in that capacity. Many thanks Clay, Chris,

Ray, Gary, John and Kenny---your musical ministry

added spiritual nourishment to our community table.


Bluegrass gospel on the menu

Crossing Over, bluegrass gospel group, enter-

tained Community Meal guests at Our Saviour.

American Legion Donald

Cannon Post 238 served

the picnic-style supper.

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I wager my collection of the Bobbsey Twins’ Adventure Series that neither Christie’s or Sotheby’s or

any reputable auction house ever offered this remarkable lineup: authentic English scone mix from an authen-

tic English lady; dew-fresh asparagus only minutes from the garden; brown eggs, still warm from the nest; a

full-color coffee-table book, the collected work of master artist/ author William Blake; a one-of -a kind hand-

carved, basswood Advent candelabra with battery-powered candles and two paw- paw trees.

The sale of those distinctive items and many more added $2,230 to the camp scholarship fund via the an-

nual May auction. Clerk Diane Kremer announced that this total was a new record high for the fundraiser.

Our Saviour’s hospitality embraced a full complement of Cluster parishioners for supper and the sale.

Among the guests was Interim Camp Director Andrea Foote. She brought greetings from the Procter staff and

praised the Cluster for its ongoing, very tangible support of the camping program. She later personally added

to that support as high bidder of $100 for a big basket of garden tools and supplies including gloves and a pink

hat. Ed Hardin noted that Epiphany’s Tabby McCall, who has just completed her freshman year at Ohio Uni-

versity, will be among the summer counselors at Camp Procter.

Auction feeds scholarship fund


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Interim Camp Director Andrea Foote

The serious business of the evening was expedited with gamesmanship by Ed Hardin, Todd Boeck and

Gary Lantz, auctioneers du jour. Ed lauded his associates as fully-qualified recent graduates of Auctioneer

Tech. That was soon borne out in the original scripting and staging. Highlights were Gary’s moonwalk, a

fencing demonstration by Gary and Ed with long-handled grilling forks and Todd’s deft, masterful display and

disposal of brass-studded leather armchairs.

Articles sold varied from glorious flowering plants to hand-made shrugs, wine, candles, cookies and coffee

cake, a pie carrier complete with pie, onyx jewelry, scarves and a larger than life, highly-aristocratic tin rooster

sporting a red bandana.

Bidding was fast and generous. The most offered for any item was Shary Stadler’s $145 for Barb Renkert’s

exquisite, hand-carved candelabra, representing four months of painstaking work.

Ed concluded the auction by offering $10 reservations for another of Marc and Shary Stadler’s pork pic-

nics, bringing the total to the record high. Ed issued a booming “well done” and spontaneous applause burst

forth from a roomful of happy campers.

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Chronia polla dearest Helen


Every birthday is an occasion for celebration, but those of the ninth decade elicit gratitude as well. We sa-

lute Helen Morris’ Greek heritage with Chronia polla, “may you have many years.” on the occasion of her

90th birthday celebrated May 27. She was honored on that day by a beautiful Open House at Epiphany, a sur-

prise hosted by her son Jim and daughters Anna and Karen. Helen and Rudy were the recipients of a steady

flow of good wishes in every form all afternoon. Jim’s fabulous buffet of hot and cold entrees with accompani-

ments was served followed by a decorated cake, lovingly inscribed.

Helen’s nine decades have overflowed with music, home and family, community service and business ven-

tures. She will tell you that some of her happiest years were spent as organist for Epiphany and we can say

without question that her affection is returned in full measure.

Helen takes this opportunity to thank her friends at Epiphany: “My appreciation to my loving church fam-

ily, the honor of your presence given me to celebrate my 90th birthday is over-whelming and unforgettable.

Thank you for all your beautiful cards, love and smiles.” Helen Morris

Clockwise from

right: daughter

Anna and friend

with Helen and

birthday cake;

Rudy, right, at the

buffet assisted by

son Jim; Helen,


Jamie and great-

grand Catherine

Helen; daughter

Karen and Helen

with great-grand


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Hold them in your heart


Helplessness borders on anger when serious illness invades a child. Two Cluster young people are faced

with life-threatening/disabling conditions and need our prayerful support. Blake Barr, 11-year-old grandson of

Paddy Barr of Epiphany had successful brain surgery for cancer last year. Medical therapy and his indomita-

ble spirit allowed him to resume normal life with some limitations. Paddy reports that his May MRI was nega-

tive---no evidence of cancer. Rejoice with Blake and his family! There is a long way to go, but the immediate

future is bright.

Aaron Callicoat, 15, son of Ty and Robyn Callicoat, has suffered grand mal seizures all his life. The condi-

tion has become so disabling that they have decided on radical surgery. Robyn explained the procedure and

gave permission to share it.

Skilled surgeons will perform a functional hemispherecotomy at Nationwide Children’s Hospital in Colum-

bus June 13. The hemispheres of the brain will be disconnected, the frontal lobe and some of temporal and

central lobes removed. The risks are staggering: loss of or limited right-side mobility, loss of right-side periph-

eral vision and some or all loss of speech. But, it’s possible that lost or partial functions could be regained by

intense therapies.

This is the stuff of miracles. The Barr’s and the Callicoat’s have the faith and courage to believe that God

will guide the minds and hands that shape Blake and Aaron’s futures. Let us add our faith to theirs and believe

with them; every breath a prayer.

The Champaign County Youth Choir’s Spring Concert. Choristers include Leo Compton of Our Saviour and

Chris and Katie McCall of Epiphany. Photo courtesy of Ed Hardin.

Society welcomes Sally It was simultaneously uplifting and humbling to be nominated for membership in the Society of St. Simeon

and St. Anna and I accepted on behalf of every Cluster congregant who, day after day, quietly goes about the

business of being a Christian. I pledge every effort to validate your trust, so uniquely expressed. Other Society

members are the late Deacon Gay O’Keefe and Marcia Wing, Dorothy Headlee, Mary Neal Miller and Ruth

Vance. Our Rev. Nancy also deserves an award! She organizes the St. Simeon/ St. Anna selection and induc-

tion each year. I witnessed the great affection with which she is held in the Diocese and the genuine joy with

which she reciprocates. Heartfelt thanks, Nancy, and the steadfast Epiphany family.

Sally Johnson

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June 4 Regular service schedule, Rev. Donald Duford, presiding

June 5 Bible Study, Cindy Heffner’s, 7 p.m.

June 9 Urbana Pediatrics Pool Party, Urbana City Pool, 7:30 p.m.-9:30 p.m.

June 11 Regular service schedule, Rev. Donald Duford, presiding

June 12 Vestry Meeting, Our Saviour, 5:30 p.m.

June 18 Regular service schedule, Rev. Donald Duford, presiding

Morning Prayer, Epiphany, 8 a.m.

June 19 Bible Study, Cindy Heffner’s, 7 p.m.

June 21 Community Meal, Epiphany, 5-6:30 p.m.

June 25 Cluster service with Bishop Kenneth Price, Our Saviour, 10 a.m.

luncheon to follow

June 26 Cluster Council Meeting, Epiphany, 5 p.m.

June 28 Community Meal, Our Saviour, 6 p.m.

Vestry Meeting at Epiphany, 7 p.m.

Sunday Worship Services: Our Saviour, 9:15 a.m., Epiphany, 11 a.m.

Mark your calendars for June


A publication of the Northern Miami Valley Episcopal Cluster

230 Scioto St.

Urbana, OH 43078

1333 N. Main St.

Urbana, Ohio 43078

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Come and welcome

Bishop Kenneth Price

at Our Saviour June 25