Friends of Corona Public Library An Electronic newsletter published for the members of the Friends of CPL Winter 2019 We could not be more excited about our 3rd Annual Historical Fiction Author Brunch. All of our popular authors are New York Times Best-Selling authors and their books are often included in "must-read" lists around the country! Join us on Saturday, April 13 for an extraordinary morning of literary delights and a delicious brunch featuring Quiche, breakfast potatoes, fresh fruit salad, muffins and pastries and of course fresh brewed hot coffee. We expect to sell out so purchase your tickets early. Online sales is available today and BookShop (located in the library) ticket sales will be available March 1. This is the Historical Fiction Author Event of the year!

Friends of Corona Public Library

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Friends of Corona Public Library An Electronic newsletter published for the members of the Friends of CPL

Winter 2019

We could not be more excited about our 3rd Annual Historical Fiction Author Brunch. All of our popular authors are New York Times Best-Selling authors and their books are often included in "must-read"

lists around the country! Join us on Saturday, April 13 for an extraordinary morning of literary delights and a delicious brunch

featuring Quiche, breakfast potatoes, fresh fruit salad, muffins and pastries and of course fresh brewed hot coffee.

We expect to sell out so purchase your tickets early. Online sales is available today and BookShop (located in the library) ticket sales will be available March 1.

This is the Historical Fiction Author Event of the year!

Winter 2019

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Dear Friends,

I hope your new year is off to a great start. It is hard to believe that it is already the middle of February. I want to extend a personal thank you to the members of the Friends who made a donation to the Friends of CPL during our end-of-the-year letter writing campaign. We are very excited to have raised $1478.00 through these donations. Thank you for your generosity!

December was a busy month! The Friends hosted three fantastic holiday concerts and this year our attendance numbers rose. We had an average of 100 people attending each of the concerts! We also provided holiday crafts and a visit from Santa making each evening event a great time for the family.

We are just days away from holding the Friends 2nd Annual Ladders and Linguine Dinner and Fundraiser in the library on February 21st. The event is sold out again this year and we have expanded the seating capacity by 12 tables and we are still sold out! It will be a wonderful evening of spaghetti, firefighters, raffle prizes and silent auction items.

2019 is off to a busy start, but we wouldn’t have it any other way!


Kathy Wright

President, Friends of the Corona Public Library

Winter, 2019

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The Corona Public Library is one of ten libraries in the State of California awarded

funding by the state to develop a makerspace. At its most fundamental and

inspirational, a makerspace is an area where people come together to create.

Makerspaces are filled with tools, supplies, and, ultimately, ideas carried in the

minds of those inhabiting those spaces.

The Library’s makerspace will have a designated location in the walls of the

library, as well as a mobile presence at some point yet to be funded. Dani Perez-

Granado, Librarian III of the Library’s Programming and Outreach Division, wrote

and was awarded the grant that has now

garnered $17,000 in support of the

makerspace. This includes myriad

workshops to allow Dani and Martin

Villegas, library assistant, to visit other

makerspaces for inspiration and to meet

with consultants who guide us through

developing this space for our community.

Tools in a makerspace may range from measuring tape to computers to pencils to

recording equipment to knitting needles. These spaces take on the personality,

desires, and interests of the community they support. To that end, the Friends of

the Library are supporting the Corona Public Library’s makerspace with just over

$26,000 in seed money. This will allow us to provide our community with a broad

spectrum of tools and supplies to foster their minds.

Staff are also seeking out additional partners to create a robust space that will

maintain itself for years to come. We are very excited to have the Friends

supporting this fabulous asset to our patrons and our community. The initial target

audience will be teens; however, it will be a resource whose impact we hope will

eventually be felt at all age levels.

Abbie Schellberg

Asssistant Library Director

Makerspace is Coming to Corona Public Library…

And the Friends of the Library are helping in a big way!

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Made possible by the Friends of the Library and an outside donor, the Foundations of Our

Nation—A Constitution Series was hosted every Thursday from 4:00-5:00 PM in the month of

October by faculty from the Political Science department of California Baptist University. Each

discussion averaged about nine people bringing a steady flow of returning attendees. The

group mentioned at least once that they appreciated the insight each speaker offered in their

area of expertise.

Dr. Kenya Davis-Hayes kicked off our series hosting a

discussion about how the ratification of the constitution

impacted America in the 1700s. She went over how the

democratic parties were formed, key people who played a

role in making the constitution what it is today, and how

new law affected old through different events throughout

history. Following Dr. Davis-Hayes was Dr. Chase Porter. Dr. Porter and attendees explored

political ideologies, discussing how different ideologies can influence candidates running for

office and how voters make their decisions. After, Dr. Troy Hinrichs presented a discussion

about how Supreme Court case decisions impact the interpretation of the Constitution Dr.

Hinrichs discussed Brown v. Education and Roe v. Wade, both which have been challenged

over the course of America’s short history. Closing our series was Dr. Chris McHorney. Leading

discussion about the history of voting in America. Dr. McHorney emphasized the importance of

voting, especially in today’s political climate. He was appreciative that our audience was

interested and willing to have an open discussion right before the local elections.

California Baptist University was very excited about the partnership and will be

discussing further collaborations for another Constitution series or other fields of study for

Spring 2019.

U. S. Constitution Series

Winter, 2019

As the purses started coming in, we emptied and cleaned every purse and wallet, scarf and

jewelry that we got. We had over 550 purses and wallets combined! We ended up selling

most of them and we made $2600.00, which the FOL matched, and we gave the library

$5200.00! In support of Adopt-A-Book. Isn’t

that amazing? We had collection boxes at

Curves, the Chamber of Commerce, City

Hall, and the Circle City Center. And then

all the friends and family that donated too!

We all talked about things that we found in

the hundreds of purses, and here’s the

various and odd things that we found.

Kleenex…. a ton, mostly clean, Mints from

restaurants, candy bars, $$$ change,

(which we donated of course), eye drops,

lotion, pens, earring-just one, lighters, old

movie tickets, like 10 years old, bobby pins,

safety pins, prescription medications, receipts, and the

most unusual thing was…..A LOST FILLING&CAP


We again thank everyone who donated and everyone that

helped with this event. It was more than we ever


...Was a smashing success!

Winter, 2019

Some of the Friends caught in one of Beverly

and Jackie’s crazy schemes. Volunteer in the

Bookshop and become part of the fun, or just

come by.

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Winter, 2019

It is with great sadness that we tell you of the passing of one of our BookShop Volunteers, Ed Bradley. Ed passed away on February 1, 2019 after a short illness. We are collecting monetary donations in the BookShop Office to use towards an Adopt-A-Book donation to the library.

Ed had only been a volunteer for about a year and a half, but he left his mark. From his warm, enthusiastic greeting while working at the Front Desk to his willingness to step in and help whenever and wherever he could. He had a smile and a joke or story to tell. He brightened so many patrons’ visits and will be greatly missed.

Please keep his wife, Karen, in your thoughts and prayers. Karen is also a volunteer in the BookShop working at the Front Desk.

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Winter, 2019

Friends of the Library Board

President: Kathy Wright

Vice-President: Mary Brownlow

Secretary: Susie Rawson

Treasurer: Gretchen Doughty


Deanna Maxell, ENewsletter Editor

Jan Armijo, Adopt-a-Book, Bookshop Liaison

Robin Hoklotubbe, Author events, Publicity

Terri Jaggers, Fundraising Jacqueline Young

and Beverly Smallwood, Membership

There have always been exciting finds and ultimate sales from

the Dungeon but lately there have been some whiz bang

books. A complete set of L. Ron Hubbard’s science fiction

sold for over $200.00, a beautiful old bible and a rare Tarzan

book worth over $100.00, Tarzan is always a big seller in

Corona for some reason. Several of the books end up in the

glass case in the upstairs hallway where they are priced for

much less then they are listed on Internet collectible book

websites. We like to give the people of Corona a chance to

purchase something old and valuable too. Since October,

volunteers at the Bookshop desk have sold about $400.00

worth of books from the glass case. A rare copy of Fancy

Dresses Described or What to Wear at Fancy Balls, in very

good condition from 1887 sold for $40.00. This edition was

listed for much more on bookfinders.com, so it is always a

good idea to check out what valuable finds are in the cases.

The sales on Ebay have been going on for years now and are

a big part of the Bookshops monthly sales figures. Lynda

Scott, John Farr and Ingrid Wicken take care of posting and selling on the Internet and the

results from those sales make up "at least 1/4 of the total monthly sales" Many of the

bookshop volunteers do their work down in the “dungeon” where they

are out of sight of our patrons. They all deserve a big Hoorah!

(This is not an accurate picture of them!!!)