French Super Mega Awesome Review Sheet

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  • 8/3/2019 French Super Mega Awesome Review Sheet


    French Review

    Chapter 9: En route

    Vocab: laroport, la gare, et les points cardinaux (See vocab sheet, and flashcards)

    Verbs:Conduire (To Drive)! je conduis! nous conduisons! te conduis! vous conduisons! il conduit! ils conduisents! PP: conduitConjugated like conduire:dtruire, produire, rduire, and traduire.

    Other structures:

    Depuis et pendant.! Depuis: used with a verb in present tense to talk about an activity that began in! the past and contunues in the present.! Ex: ! Depuis quan est-ce que tu conduis? - Since when have you been driving?! ! Je conduis depuis 2008. - I have been driving since 2008!! Pendant: expresss the duration of a habitual action, with a definite deginnging! and end. Often used with the pass Compos.! Ex: ! Pendant combien de temps es-tu rest en Belgique?- How long did you! ! stay in Belgium?! ! Je suis rest en Belgique pendant deux semaines: I stayed in Belgium for! ! two weeks!Adverbs:! toujours, souvent, et parfois - Sometimes (follow verb in present tense)!

    Affirmative Negative

    Encore -Still Ne... Plus - No longer, no more

    dj- already ne... pas encore- not yet

    dj- ever ne..jamais- never

    !! In pass compos, affirmative adverbs generally placed between the auxiliary! and the past participle.

    Jacki Fournier


  • 8/3/2019 French Super Mega Awesome Review Sheet



    Affirmative Negative

    Quelquun - Someone Personne- no one

    Tout le monde- Everyone Rien- nothing

    Quelque chose- Something

    Tout- Everything

    Chapter 10: Comment communiquez-vous?

    Vocab: Les nouvelles technologies, les mdias et la communication, et otros. (See

    vocab sheet, and flash cards)

    Verbs:Dire (to say)! ! ! ! ! Lire(to read)! je dis! ! nous disons! ! ! je lis! ! nous lisons! tu dis! ! vous dites! ! ! tu lis! ! vous lisez! il dit! ! ils disent! ! ! il lit! ! ils lisent! PP: dit!! ! ! ! ! PP: lucrire (to write)! ! ! ! mettre (to place)! jcris! ! nous lisons! ! ! je mets! nous mettons!! tu cris! vous lisez! ! ! tu mets! vous mettez! il crit! ! ils lisent! ! ! il met! ! ils mettent! PP: crit! ! ! ! ! PP: misVoir (to see)! ! ! ! ! Croire (to believe)! je vois!! nous voyens! ! ! je crois! nous croyens! tu vois!! vous voyez! ! ! tu crois! vous croyez! il voit! ! ils voient! ! ! il croit! ! ils croient! PP: Vu! ! ! ! ! PP: cruRecevoir (to receive)! je reois! nous recevons! tu reois! vous recevez! il reoit! ils reoivent! PP: reuVerb Tenses:

    Limparfait- used to describe continuous, repeated, or habitual past actions or situationsand descriptions, also for feelings and the day/date/age in the past.!

    Jacki Fournier


  • 8/3/2019 French Super Mega Awesome Review Sheet


    ! -Formation: remove the ons ending from the present tense nous form and add! the imperfect endings.! -Endings: ! je parlais! nous parlions! ! ! tu parlais! vous parliez! ! ! il parlait ! il parlaient! -Irregulars:! ! tre is the only irregular verb in the imperfect tense, the stem is t. The! ! endings are the same! ! ! je tais! nous tions! ! ! tu tais! vous tiez! ! ! il tait! ! ils taientOther structures:!Direct object pronouns:! nouns that receive the action if the verb. Usually answer the question what? or! whom?, Robert calls sarah, who does robert call? Sarah.

    Singular Plural

    me (m) nous

    te (t) vous

    le (l) and la (l) les

    ! !!! 1. It will immediately precede the verb in the present, imperfect, and the aux verb! in the pass compos.! ! Robert compose le numro ! Robert le compose! ! Robert a compos le numro! robert la compos! 2. If the D.O. is the object of an infinitive, it is placed immediately before the! infinitive.! ! Annick va poster la lettre demain!! Annick va la poster demain! 3. In a negative sentence the D.O. is always immediately precedes the verb.! ! Nous ne regardons pas la tlvision. ! Nous ne la regardons pas! 4. In the pass compos, when a D.O. precedes the aux verb avoir the PP must! agree with the D.O. in gender and number.! ! Jai lu la revue.! ! Je lai lue.! !!

    Jacki Fournier


  • 8/3/2019 French Super Mega Awesome Review Sheet


    Chapter 11: Vivre en ville

    Vocab: Une petite ville, et les arrondissements (See vocab sheet, and flash cards)


    Savoir (to know)! ! ! ! Connatre (to know)! je sais!! nous savons! ! ! je connais! nous connaissons! tu sais!! vous savez! ! ! tu connais! vous connaissez! il sait! ! ils savent! ! ! il connait! ils connaissent! PP: su!! ! ! ! ! PP: connuOther structures:

    Le pass compos vs limparfait

    Imparfait Pass Compos

    Ongoing action with no emphasison beginning or end

    Completed action, or a series ofcompleted events or actions

    Habitual or repeated action A single event

    Description, backgroundinformation.

    Foreground information When theletter arrived...

    Physical or mental states of being Specific changes in a state at a

    precise moment I was scaredwhen he dog barked

    Description of the past Narration of the past

    Indirect object pronouns:! Indirect object pronouns are nouns that usually answer the question to whom? or! for whom? In french, is always used before an indirect object noun. They are! identical to D.Os except in the 3rd person (lui, and leur)

    Singular Plural

    me (m) nous

    te (t) vous

    lui leur


    Jacki Fournier


  • 8/3/2019 French Super Mega Awesome Review Sheet


    ! 1. The placement of the I.O. is identical to that of the D.O., however the PP does! not have to agree with the I.O.! ! Je lui ai montr la reception.! 2. In a negative sentence, the I.O. immediately precedes the aux verb in the! pass compos. However if it is the I.O. of an infinitive it precedes that verb.Savoir vs Connatre

    Savoir Connatre

    Means to know, or to haveknowledge of a fact, know by heat,know how to do

    Means to know or to be familarwith someone or something

    Frequently followed by an infinitiveor que, quand. pourquoi

    Means to know a person or place(never savoir)

    In pass compos means learnedor found out

    Always used with a D.O. andcannot be followed directly by aninfinitive or a subordinate clause

    In pass compos means met forthe first time.

    Pronouns y et en


    ! 1. Can refer to a place that had already been mentioned, like there in english.! ! Est-ce que Myriam va au festical avec elle?! ! Non, elle ny va pas avec elle.! 2. Can replace the combination + noun when the noun refers to a place or! thing. Not usually when the noun refers to a person, int hat case a i.o. pronoun! is used.! ! As-tu rpondu la lettre de ta soeur?! ! Oui, jy ai rpondu.! 3. The placement of y is identical to that of the object pronouns.en

    ! 1. En can replace a partitive aricle (du,de la, d l) or indefinite article (un, une,! des) plus a noun. Like some or any in English.! ! Avez-vous achet des souvenirs?! ! non, nous nen avons pas achet.

    Jacki Fournier


  • 8/3/2019 French Super Mega Awesome Review Sheet


    ! 2. Can also replace a noun modified by a number or by an expression of quantity! such as beaucoup. Only en and the number or expression of quantity are used in! place of the noun.! ! Avez-vous une chambre?! ! Oui, jen ai une.! 3. En is also used to replace de plus a noun it modifies. That use the verbs that! include de: parler de, ect! ! Avez-vous besoin de ce guide?! ! Oui, jen ai besoin.When combining y and en it always goes y and then en.

    Chapter 12: La passion pour les arts

    Vocab: Le patrimoine historique, et les oeuvres dart et de littrature.(See vocab sheet,and flash cards)

    Verbs:suivre (to follow)! ! ! ! vivre(to live)! je suis!! nous suivons!! ! je vis! ! nous vivons! tu suis!! vous suivez! ! ! tu vis! ! vous vivez! il suit! ! ils suivent! ! ! il vit! ! ils vivent! PP: suivi! ! ! ! ! PP: veuOther structures:Stressed Pronouns-! used as objects of prepositions or for clarity or emphasis.! ! moi- I, me! ! nous- we, us! ! toi- you! ! vous- you! ! lui- he, him! ! eux- they, them (m)! ! elle- she, her!! elles- they, them (f)! ! soi- oneself! They are used as:! ! 1. Objects of prepositions! ! 2. Part of compound subjects! ! 3. With subject pronouns, to emphasize the subject! ! 4. After ce+ tre! ! 5. In sentences with out verbs, like one word answers to questions! ! 6. Combination with mme(s) for emphasisThe magic order-! When two or more pronouns are used in a declarative sentence they must be in! a specific order! ! ! D.O. or I.O ! D.O.! I.O.! y / en! ! ! me! ! le! lui! y / en! ! ! te! ! la! leur! ! ! nous! ! les! ! ! vous

    Jacki Fournier


  • 8/3/2019 French Super Mega Awesome Review Sheet


    ! However when using a command the order changes, they follow a different order! and go after the imperative verb connected by dashes.! ! ! D.O.! I.O.! ! y / en! ! ! le! moi! nous! y / en! ! ! la! toi! vous! ! ! les! lui! leurVerbs followed by infinitives-! Verbs can be followed by infinitives but some of those verbs have prepositions! and some do not. There is not reason for which preposition goes with which verb,! it must be memorized.! ! 1. Verbs followed by an infinitive w/o a preposition.! !! ! aimer! ! dtester! falloir! ! savoir! ! aller! ! devoir!! pouvoir! venir! ! dsirer! esprer! prfrer! vouloir! !! ! 2. Some require ! ! aider ! chercher ! ! continuer ! ! russir ! ! apprendre ! commencer ! enseigner ! !! ! 3. Some need de! ! accepter de! ! dcider de! ! finir de! rver de! ! arrter de! ! demander de!! oublier de! venir de! ! choisir de! ! empcher de!! permettre de! ! conseiller de!! essayer de! ! refuser deAdverbs-! Adverbs modify a verb, an adjective, or another adverb. They are formed in the! following ways.!! 1. Most are usually formed by adding -ment to the feminine form of an adjective! (Active - activement)!! 2. If the masculine form ends in a vowle, ment is added directly to that (poli-! poliment)! 3. If the masculine form ends in ent or ant then the adverbs end in emment or! amment (diffrent - diffremment)

    Jacki Fournier


  • 8/3/2019 French Super Mega Awesome Review Sheet


    Chapter 13: La vie quotidienne

    Vocab: Lamour et le mariage,et le corps humain,. (See vocab sheet, and flash cards)


    Se reposer(to rest)! je me reposer! nous nous reposons! tu te reposes!! vous vous reposez! il se repose! ! ils se reposent(Example of a pronominal verbs)

    Other structures:Pronominal verbs-! are conjugated with an object pronoun in addition to the subject. Examples of! common ones are:! ! sappeler: to be named! ! sexcuser: to apologize! ! sarrter: to stop ! ! ! sinstaller: to settle down! ! se demander: to wonder! ! se rappeler: to remember! ! se dpcher: to hurry! ! se souvenier (de): to remember! ! se dtendre: to relax! ! se tromper: to make a mistake! ! sentendre: to get along! ! se trouver: to be locatedReflexive Pronominal verbs-! In these constructions the action of the verb reflects or refers back to the subject.! Common reflexive verbs in french are:! ! se baigner: to bathe!! ! se lever: to get up! ! se brosser: to brush!! ! se maquiller: to put makeup on! ! se coucher: to go to bed! ! se peigner: to comb ones hair! ! se doucher: to take a shower! se raser: to shave! ! shabiller: to get dressed! ! se regarder: to look at oneself! ! se laver:to wash oneself! ! se rveiller: to wake upIdiomatic Pronominal Verbs-! When some verbs are used with reflexive pronouns, their meaning changes! ! Aller-to go! ! ! ! sen aller- to go away! ! appeler- to call! ! ! sappeler- to be named! ! demander- to ask! ! ! se demander- to wonder! ! endormir- to put to sleep ! ! sendormir- to fall asleep! ! ennuyer- to bother! ! ! sennuyer- to be bored! ! entendre-to hear! ! ! sentendre- to get along! ! fcher- to make angry ! ! se fcher- to get angry! ! installer-to install! ! ! sinstaller- to settle in! ! mettre- to place, put!! ! se mettre - to begin! ! perdre- to lose! ! ! se perdre- to get lost! ! promener- to (take for a) walk! se promener- to take a walk

    Jacki Fournier


  • 8/3/2019 French Super Mega Awesome Review Sheet


    ! ! tromper- to deceive!! ! se tromper-to be mistaken! ! trouver- to find! ! ! se trouver- to be locatedPass Compos of pronominal verbs-! All pronominal verbs are conjucated with tre in the pass compos and the PP! agrees with the reflexive pronoun in number and gender when the pronoun is the! direct objectof the verb! ! je me suis baign(e)! nous nous sommes baign(e)s! ! tu tes baign(e)! ! vous vous tes baign(e)(s)! ! il sest baign! ! ils se sont baigns! ! elle sest baigne! ! elles se sont baignes! ! on sest baign(e)! Examples of verbs whose PPs do not agree with the pronouns are se demander,! se dire, scrire, senvoyer, se parler, se tlphoner.Imperative of Pronominal Verbs-

    ! In the affirmative imperative, they follow and are attached to the verb with a! hyphen; toi is sued instead of te. In the negative imperative, reflexive pronouns! precede the verb.!Affirmative Negative

    Lve-toi Ne te lve pas

    Dpchons-nous Ne nous dpchons pas

    Habillez-vous Ne vous habillez pas

    ! !!Chapter 14: Sur le march du travail

    Vocab: Au travail, et la banque (See vocab sheet, and flash cards)

    Verbs:Ouvrir (to open)! jouvre! nous ouvrons!

    tu ouvres!

    vous ouvrez! il ouvre! ils ouvrent! PP: Ouvert

    Jacki Fournier


  • 8/3/2019 French Super Mega Awesome Review Sheet


    Verb Tenses:

    Le futur simple- the future tense in french, parallels will in english.

    ! -Formation: Take the infinitive and add the endings (-ai, -as, -a, -ons,- ez, -ont)! The final -e of the infinitive -re verbs is dropped! -Endings: !! ! ! parler! ! ! ! ! vendre! ! ! je parlerai! nous parlerons! je vendrai! nous vendrons! ! ! tu parleras! vous parlerez! tu vendras! vous vendrez! ! ! il parlera! ils parleront! ! il vendra! ils vendront! !! -Irregulars:! ! ! aller: ir-! ! faire: fer-! ! recevoir: recevr-! ! ! avoir: aur-! ! falloir: faudr-! ! saur: saur-! ! ! devoir: devr-! ! mourir: mourr-! venir: viendr-! ! ! envoyer: enverr-! pleuvoir: pleuvr-! voir: verr-! ! ! tre: ser-! ! pouvoir: pourr-! vouloir: voudr-! -Uses! ! 1. The use of this tense parallels that of english, like when using an! ! if-clause where the first verb is in present tense.! !! ! 2. However in dependent clauses following words like quand, the future! ! tense is used in french although the present is used in englishOther structures:

    Relative pronouns: links a dependent clause to a main clause.! !Qui: the relative pronoun used as a subject of a dependent clause. Can refer to bothpeople and things. Qui will always be followed by a conjugated verb.! -It will not elide when followed by a vowel sound! -can also be used at the object of a preposition to refer to people! ! Jai un emploi. Il me plat. - Jai un emploi qui me plat.Que: the relative pronoun used as a direct object of a dependent clause. Can refer toboth people and things. Always followed by a subject and a conjugated verb.

    ! -will elides with a following vowel sound! ! Cest une entreprise. Je connais bien cette entreprise.! ! Cest une entreprise queje connais bienDont: used to replace the [reposition de plus its object. If the verb is dependent clauserequires the prepostion de(like parler de) before an object, use dont. Also used toexpress possession.! ! O est le reu? Jai besion du reu - O est le reu dont jai besion

    Jacki Fournier


  • 8/3/2019 French Super Mega Awesome Review Sheet


    O- the relative pronoun of time and place. It can mean where, when or which.! ! laroport do vous tes partis est maintenant ferm.Comparison of Adjectives:! ! plus... que (more... than)! ! moins.. que (less.. than)! ! aussi... que ( Bon and mauvais have regular and irregular forms! ! ! ! comparative! ! superlative! Bon(ne)! ! meilleur(e)! ! le meilleur/la meilleure! Mauvais(e)! ! plus mauvais(e)! le plus mauvais/ la plus mauvaise! ! ! ! pire! ! ! le/la pireChapter 15: Les loisirs

    Vocab: Quelques loisirs (See vocab sheet, and flash cards)

    Verbs:courir (to run)! ! ! ! rire (to laugh)! je cours! nous courons! ! je ris! ! nous rions! tu cours! vous courez! ! ! tu ris! ! vous riez! il court!! ils courent! ! ! il rit! ! ils rient! PP: Couru! ! ! ! ! PP: ri! Future stem: courr! ! ! ! Future stem: rirVerb Tenses:

    Conditional- In english, the conditional is a compund verb form consiting of would plus! ! the infinitive. In french it is a simple verb form! -Formation: Take the infinitive and add the endings (-ais, -ais, -ait, -ions,- iez, -aient) !The final -e of the infinitive -re verbs is dropped! -Endings: !! ! ! parler! ! ! ! ! vendre! ! ! je parlerais! nous parlerions! je vendrais! nous vendrions! ! ! tu parlerais! vous parleriez! tu vendrais! vous vendriez! ! ! il parlerait! ils parleraient! il vendrait! ils vendraient! !! -Irregulars: the same as the future tense! ! ! aller: ir-! ! faire: fer-! ! recevoir: recevr-! ! ! avoir: aur-! ! falloir: faudr-! ! saur: saur-! ! ! devoir: devr-! ! mourir: mourr-! venir: viendr-! ! ! envoyer: enverr-! pleuvoir: pleuvr-! voir: verr-! ! ! tre: ser-! ! pouvoir: pourr-! vouloir: voudr-!

    Jacki Fournier


  • 8/3/2019 French Super Mega Awesome Review Sheet


    ! -Uses! ! 1. Used to make polite request.! !! ! 2. Used in the main clause of sentences containing si clauses. Imperfect is! ! the if part of the sentence. Hypothetical.Other structures:interrogative pronouns: used to ask questions

    Use People Things

    Subject of a question quiqui est-ce qui

    quest-ce qui

    Object of a question quiqui est-ce que

    quequest-ce que

    Object of a prepositions qui quoi

    quest-ce qui - followed by a verbquest-ce que followed by a subject and verb

    Lequel: or which one. used to ask about a person or thing that has already beenmentioned. Agree in gender and number witht he nouns to which they refer (Lequel,laquelle, lesquels, and lesquelles)! ! Avez-vous cu cet opra?! ! Lequel?Comparative forms of adverbs: same constuction for adjectives!! plus...que! moins...que! aussi..que!! However the forms of bien are irregular, mal is regular.! ! ! ! ! comparative! ! superlative! ! Bien! ! ! meiux!! ! le mieux! ! Mal! ! ! plus mal! ! le plus malIndefinite Adjectives and pronouns: These refer to unspecified thins and can be used toexpress sameness and difference.! Tout or all must agree in number and gender! ! tout, toute, tous, toutes! Quelques(+noun) = some, a few! quelquun = someone, anyone! ! ! ! ! ! quelquun de (+masc. adj) = someone, anyone! ! ! ! ! ! quelque chose = something, anything

    Jacki Fournier


  • 8/3/2019 French Super Mega Awesome Review Sheet


    ! ! ! ! ! ! quelque chose de = something, anything! ! ! ! ! ! quelques-uns/unes = some, a few! chaque (+ noun) = each, every! chacun(e) = each(one)! un(e) autre = another! dautres = other(s)! lautre/ les autres = the other(s)! certain(e)s = certain, some! le/la/les mme(s) = the same! plusieurs (de) = several (of)Chapter 16: Quen pensez-vous?

    Vocab: Lenvironnement, et les problmes de la socit moderne (See vocab sheet, andflash cards)


    Verb Tenses/moods:

    Subjunctive- used to present actions or states as subjective or doubtful, instead of asfacts. It appears most frequently in dependent clauses.

    ! -Formation: The stem for the subjunctive is found by dropping the -ent of the 3rdperson form and adding the subjunctive endings (-e,-es,-e, -ions, -iez, and -ent)

    ! -Endings: !! ! parler! ! ! ! ! finir! ! je parle! nous parlions! je finisse! nous finissions! ! tu parles! vous parliez! ! tu finisses! vous finissiez! ! il parle! ils parlent! ! il finisse! ils finissent! ! ! !! -Irregulars:! ! Two stem: some have verbs that have two stems in the present indidctive! ! also have two stems in the subjunctive. One stem is from the ils and one! ! from the nous. verbs of this type are, acheter, apprendre, boire, prfrer,! ! prendre, and venir.! ! ! Boire! ! ! je boive! nous buvions! ! ! tu boives! vous buviez! ! ! il boive! ils boivent! !! ! Irregular stems: some verbs have irregular stems. The endings are al! ! regular except for some endings of avoir and tre.!!

    Jacki Fournier


  • 8/3/2019 French Super Mega Awesome Review Sheet


    ! ! aller: aill/all! ! ! ! faire: fass! ! je aille!! nous allions! ! je fasse! nous fassions! ! tu ailles! vous alliez! ! tu fasses! vous fassiez! ! il aille! ! ils aillent! ! il fasse! ils fassent!! ! pouvoir: puiss! ! ! savoir: sach!! ! je puisse! nous puissions! je sache! nous sachions! ! tu puisses! vous puissiez! tu saches! vous sachiez! ! il puisse! ils puissent! ! il sache! ils sachent!! ! vouloir: veuill/voul! ! ! avoir: ai/ay! ! je veuille! nous voulions! je aie! ! nous ayons! ! tu veuilles! vous vouliez! ! tu aies!! vous ayez! ! il veuille! ils veuillent! ! il ait! ! ils aient! ! tre: soi/soy! ! je sois!! nous soyons! ! tu sois! vous soyez! ! il soit! ! ils soient! -Uses! ! 1. The subjunctive will almost always follow a que, and be part of a! ! dependent clause.! ! 2. With verbs of volition or desires, like aimer bien, dsir, exiger, insiter! ! (pour), prfrer, souhaiter, vouloir, and vouloir bien.! !! ! 3. With impersonal expressions like:! ! ! will or necessity! ! possibility, judgement, or doubt! ! ! il est essentiel que! ! il est normal que! ! ! il est important que! ! il est peu probable que! ! ! il est indispensable que! il est possible/impossible que! ! ! il est ncessaire que! il se peut que! ! ! il est prfrable que!! il semble que! ! ! il faut que! ! ! il vaut mieux que! ! !! ! ! Example: il est important que le racisme disparaisse.! !! ! 4. With expressions of emotion:! ! ! happiness: tre content(e), tre heureux/heureuse! ! ! regret: tre dsol(e), tre triste, regretter! ! ! surprise: tre supris(e), tre tonn(e)! ! ! fear: avoir peur! ! ! relief tre soluag! ! ! anger: tre furieux / furieuse! ! !

    Jacki Fournier


  • 8/3/2019 French Super Mega Awesome Review Sheet


    ! ! Example: Le prsident est content que les lecteurs aient confiance en lui.! !! ! 5. With impersonal expressions of emotion:! ! ! il est bizarre que! ! il est juste / injuste que! ! ! il est bon que! ! il est stupide que! ! ! il est dommage que!i! l est utile/ inutile que! ! 6. However there are some expressions of where the indicative is used! ! instead of the subjunctive. This is because they imply certainty or! ! probability (instead of possibility) These DO NOT use the subjunctive! ! ! il est certain que! ! il est probable que! ! ! il est clair que! ! il est sr que! ! ! il est vident que! ! il est vrai que! ! 7. One phrase to watch out for is je pense and je ne pense que. je pense! ! implies certainty and uses the indicative and je ne pense pas inplies doubt! ! and uses the subjunctive.

    Jacki Fournier
