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NK'.V r O H K :
ANSON D. 7. R A N D O L P H & CO. ,
TO h u n i t , cos. tra l i n n .
J t i l i r a l r l .
THK following n not a child's stjry. U is intended for those who are inter,
cstcd in children; for those who arc willing to stoop to view life as it appears to a child, and to enter for half-an-hour into the mani­ fold small interests, hopes, joys, and trials wlm h make up Eta Bin.
I t Has been thought that the lives of chiL dim, as known by themselves, from their own little pOfait of view, arc not always suf­ ficiently realized; that they arc sometimes overlooked or misunderstood ; and io throw some light, however faint, upon the subject. is one of the objects of this little story.
So much of it has been gathered from ob- ftervttkn and recollection, that the author
help hoping it may not entirely fail of its aim.
September, 1S69.
C 11 A I ' T E R I .
"TT^VF.R since ihe nursery dinner has the
\\ rain COme pouring down all over the. fields and meadows, the lawns and gardens, the roofs and gables of old U'archam Abbey, in ihc county of Sussex.
Ever since the cloih was cleared away have two little curly heads been pressed close togi-ihcr ;ii tin: nursery window, and
i r of eager eyes been watching the -louds and sky.
What :i 'Irc.idful wet afternoon! It is so as theii father is ex­
pected home tewUy. and had promised tho
two little brothers that they should coma and meet him at the Mmi.n.
There would be no room for Virginie in the dog-can. and so, if they promised to sit very -li!! U 0 ihc wheel t o g e t
in, nr jump out before, the carriage had stop­ ped, i " do
nary, they were to b»*o been tru • Peter, the coachman, and what fun thai wuuId hare been •
• I - , , , G in Virpoie I i m i ' FL• height HI bmnan enjoyment s h e seemed to (htm A being t rea ted on purpose to interfere with every pbu of ni^yi i icnt . t<» foresee danger when :
• t het everuutjaff ncLiit.* p e s o :
I path of their boyish s-.ii I .i tinea.
Root* ' . . . - • t boon brought to Ihc bOJ
med wi th­
out anv rettreoco lo exlcoiutin:.
stances. And y d she w a s in Uic nviin, a
, well-meaning woman, but unfuriu- I with " nerves;" and the rcspon-
tbe entire charge of the children .1 widow in home, made licr life an ami
more especially as they were a pair of the tares that ever were born—
• Itcssof conscqi and deaf to cnircaty or remonstrance.
Little Miles, the youngest, as she often told their f.itlicr. WIS well enough alone; she could manage him perfectly, for, being
ir years old, he WU amonaplfl I.- ui- tml • Monsieur Humphrey!"
Word irginle at this juncture. She could only throw up her hands, and raise tier eves to the ceiling, with asuppi ;»n.
Sir Bverard Duocombc was a member of Parliament, and during the session was al-
:••!>, so thai beyond hia Saturday to Monday at the Abbey, his children saw but little of him at this lime ol the Year.
Daring I its he « u ovcr-
wheuned with comptointi of all M. Hum' PUrey had ' ' " " r during ihe past week; hour

and slipping into the pond ihe nc*l ; in foci (here was no end lo his misdemeanors.
Hut Ihc point • ..;>• h j rpcd
lie led lii.\ Bill v i m o l i - Humphrey- l id .
Mile* would Ji» too. aiul where l lumjilucy
went, Miles «*t nei ijuitc another thing, a* Vlrginic
urged, (or Miles. Humphrey was proof against colds, coughs, and accidents of all
d little Miles vms physically weak-
c i , anil h.tii atoreorai a tendency t o u d c B - calc thcsl and lo croup; vi that coU winds,
and wet feet, and overexertion, couhl nut
be tod carefully avoided.
Timid and gentle by nature, clinging and af­ fectionate by disposition, he was just the child a father delights in, and to bun Sir Ever- ard's affections were almost wholly given.
Lady Dunoomfac bad observed her hus­ band's partiality for his younger l«>y for some time before her death, and had more than once taxed him Willi il.
" Miles is such a little Coaxing thing," be answered, taking the child up in his arm?,
long (IK- link- curly head which nest­ led at once so contentedly down on his shoulder. "If 1 took Humphrey up, he would struggle to get down, and be climb­ ing over the tables and chairs."
'• I himphrcy is three years older," argued Lady Duncombc; "you could not expect hira to sit so still as a baby not yet two: but he is quite as affectionate as Miles, in a dif­ fered! way."
" It nay be so," Sir Kvcrard returned, " but it is very engaging when • little crea­ ture. clings to one in this way, and sits for hours in DDC'S lap."
Lady Duncombc did not
eye wandered from the : and rested on her eldest I years had been her only child. 7 b bcr, si
irtl an object of pride and pleas­
ure. She gloried in bit n
tiring spirit) and ac t iv i ty; an'l •
•••«es quite as well a* tbc more
coaxing ways of his baby tn
rd to see him <
bound infn lie- lap, even ii he S i knock
!uir or so on his tn.fi upset her
l iny the
soft writxi Mi muddy boota. Wnat then! Did not hi* eager kisses rain D| check? Were not bis dear rough arms round her neck » Did she lint t w what a loving In ir: boat s n d a bis apparent heed­ lessness and f'trgctfulncss ? Wlui if he for-
of no one and not! I and icr .mays sought and c u e d for!
3£1&V$DMRST00D. JJ
Oh! it was a sad day for little Humphrey Duncombc when that mother was taken away from him : when the long, Wasting i 11— DCS* ended in death: when the hollow eye, which t«> I'M- last had rested on him, closed
: on <l>i> world; and the thin, trans­ parent hands were folded for th« but lime on tl»* breast "here he should never again hid«- hi* curly head, and sob out his ( sions ami refinance.
Sir Kverard. overwhelmed by the blow which had fallen on him, hardly MM hi-. children during the early days nf his be­ reavement.
Wfaea he did. he was surprised to find Humphrey much the same as ever: Mill
• ill lull of mischief, and apparently forgetful of what bad happened.
"He has ii.it much I inward comment, as he watched the little figure, in i ling, chasing the young lamb* in the meadow.
SirEverard saw the boy to all apj" the same, because he law turn in his rno-
illness "hen nature and childhood li.nl asserted their rights, and the
DO/'l disposition had cn- OW off the mcni •
« | lie did '...- srr liini when the - lo*s was upon h im; did
the (ace change, when llie recollection CUM over him; did not hear t half uttered, and th
. with tunic DOW licjsurc. some new plan to
! -I—and the sudden stop .it the
• .•• thought swept over him that on the well-known tola there is now no
U :i mid syinpati.-
itslve voice: and the low sob of pain, the listless drop of the arms to the side,
ash away into the open air, away and away, any where, to escape grief and the lotufituf. and the blank sense of desolation.
Hulv He, who .hi-Hi., :
Creature here upon earth, knew what was In the heart of tlii: boy; as no one but He Saw the pillow wet with tears and heard
king forth in the dead of the night from the inmost recesses el UK i" *<>r little orphaned heart. "Oh, mother! moth­ er! what shall 1 do wit bout you!"
All this had happened nearly i " before the day of which 1 am 1$ when the rain was acting its tune-hackneyed part before the two little spectators at ilie
Window* Ii had faded out of Uttlc Miles' mind as if
il bad never been; be could not even re­ member his mother; but bjibe mind of the elder boy her memory WW still, .it times, fresh and green.
Weeks and months might pass without his thoughts dwelling on tier, but all of a sudden, a (lower, a book, or some little thing that bad belonged to her. would bring it all bock, and then the little chest would heave, toe curl) bead » mid droop,and the merry brown eyes 1»: dimmed by a rush of tears.
There was a full-length picture in the now unused drawing-room of I whb Humphrey in her a rms ; and at these
• .mc trouble with ••
curled up OH the BOOJ in I In dai kt ood nOOOJ; putting himself in the t-ame altitude t lut he KM in in ihe picture, and he fell her arm* round him, and her sfaouldcr
I T h e n WOtt certain days when the room
was scrubbed and dusted ; wben the heavy • b a t t e n were opened, tod tin il reamed upon the picture, Then tbotWO hide brolhers might be seen lUnn.
In detailed to the lid remember about her.
MBea had tbt greateri respect and a d . •
i n knickerbockers, is always an Jbject ol i nt fi.nr. wbO is
us yet limited in )>:<< lion could not soar beyond toe 111 dining-room; and tie Could no! r.ui.-mbcr
tnc drawing-room otherwise than n closed room; so hist . ii intensified as he listened to Humphrey's gl<
• i glories of the house, whvn the drawing-room waa one blaze ol When there were muslin curtains in the windows, and chinU on - • 11 the chairs; uid
: lay on the sofa, with ber work-table by her side.
Dim and shadowy was the littk ; Edea of the " m m his brother always spoke in softened tones and with glistening eyes; but that the was something very lair ami holy he was quite sure.
Deep was his sense of his inferi•• Humphrey [n this respect; and a feeling akin to Khame would steal over bfan when one of their long conversations would be abrupt 1. to by Humphrey's •\u\- k, contemptuous "It 's n- use trying to •Hike you understand, because you don* recocmb'.'i :
A rerj wistful look would come over the pretty Utile la.c on tbCM OCCaJBOnS, and ho

phrey led the w a y ; obedient and submU'.ivc
h u t ' • bidding he would
••: a t defiance, and lor the lime bo
aa mischievous as be.
long since discovered, to the ruin <•: bcr
nerves and temper.
And now Virginie has several times sug­ gested that if Humphrey will submit to a water-pnxif coat, and goloshes, he may go .ind meet his father at the ctatj Humphrey has consented to come to terms if Miles may g o too.
But here Virginie is firm. N o amount of
up would prevent Miles catching
cold on so damp and rainy a day, as she
A. by fatal experience; so tho fiat
"Don't go," pleaded little Miles, as they pressed their faces ngainst ilic window; " it will be so <hill all alone with Y.i
"She's a crossold thing,"muttered Hum­ phrey; "but never mind, Miles, I won't g i Without you, and we'll count the rain­ drops on the window to make the time pass quick."
This interesting employment had the de­ sired effect, und the next half-hour SOOn slip­ ped by. Indeed, it was so engrossing, that the dog-*'-"ft came up the avenue, and was nearly at the hall door, before the little boys perceived it.
••Qu'est-cc que e'est done!" exclaimed Virginie, startled by Humphrey's jump from tin window-sill t" the ttnnr
"Cest mon p^re," was all the information he vouchsafed her, as he rushed out of the room.
" M \ lire Attendee done que jc i.mgc mi pcu les chevcux."
She spoke to the winds: nothing was heard of Humphrey but sundry bumps and
rapid descent down the stairs.
T h e mora tar-' > mght and
brushed, in spile of his struggle*, and then ha
:oin his brother.
l i e reached the hall door jusl U Use car­
riage drove up, and the two Bttle figures
jumped and capered about, while a loll,
dark gem! If of his
mackintosh and umbrella, and then came u p
the step* into the house.
l i e stooped down tq kiss (be eager laces.
" W e l l , my little iVIl.-v.. rod bow are ytn
both? N'o bones broken since last week? N o
new bruises and bumps, eh ? "
They were so taken up with li
that they ! thai be waa not
alone, but thai —other gentleman had got
Out of the .log-cart, till Si:
gOandahake hands wit!, tl
nun ' s Lice, an.i laid, wMk his color deep­
*• 1 th.nk you arc my Uncle Charlie, who came to sc<? us once a long lime ago, before you went to sea, and before -"
"Quit) right," said Sir Everartl, shortly: " I did not think you would have remem­ bered him, I daresay, Charlie, Humphrey
tered very much ; but this tittle fc-I- U.w was quite a baby when you went
Miles up iii hia looking at his brother-in-law for admiration.
:-,kcncss!"exclaimed UnclcChar- lic.
Sir Everard put the child down with a sigh. " Like in more ways than one, I am afraid.
Look here," [Kiinting lo the delicate tracery of the blue veins on the forehead, and the flash on the tair cheek.
I lumphrey had been listening intently to this conversation, and his father being once more occupied with kissing Miles, he ad­ vanced to his uncle, and put his hand con­ fidingly in his.
" You are a nice little man." said Uncle Charlie, laying his other hand on the curly
1 3 Mia cxDJsasrooo.
phrey. Bal df to btmseU; u
he turned U[> thfl tiri^hr BUM 10 I
gated .ii it intently Car ;> moment, " y o u a™ not a bit i i "
The dressing-gong now sounded, and the
proceeded to their father's room,
a hinder him with his toilette.
himself to the carpet-bag,
4 one and then the o ther of the
articles he was extracting from the pocket
-'--rard had just thrown off.
A suspicious click made the baronet turn
" What ; 1 of, Humphrey r"
An open PQcfccfciroifa dropped from the
!n; bad iu-i moOOCdod in opetw
ing the two blades. ;in<l " Irving the edges on his thumb nail.
Failing in that experiment, his restless
fingers strayed to the dressing-table, and an
ominous rile* a ensued.
" 11 nmphrcy," shouted his fcithor, ** put my
razor down." In th«- glass he had caught sight of a wcll-
soaped face, and spoke just in time lo stop the operation.
Punishment always follows sin, and Hum­ phrey was dispatched to the nursery to have ha bee sponged and dried.
By taking a slide down the banisters, however, be made up for lost time, and arrived at the library-door at the same time fts his father and brother.
Uncle Chad ig by the win­ dow, ready dressed; and the gong sound­ ing at that moment, they all went in to dinner.
The two Uttle brothers had a chair on each side ol their father, ami an oot share in his food,
Dinner proceeded in silence. Uncle Char- ag his soup, and Sir Everard,
dividing himself between his little boj - and his meal
" I t ' s William's birthday to.day," said Humphrey, breaking silence
stockings thltf -ii'l'i'-'iilv
the dish he < m in the net of pulling down
milter. • i i . ' twentj l
tinned Humphrey; " l ie told Rk
morning." raid tried to evince a proper
i interest In so important an an­ nouncement.
• Wl i . , 1
pursued Humphrey. i dd ra t i a f ; ihr thy young footman at tbc Hide-boon!. had retreated with the dish-cover. and from whence ho was making all » r t s of signs to
• •
the end of his fork, and tth^lu.il!y stopped the boy's mouth fur a lew minutes ; but no sooner had he swallowed ft, than he broke out again.
chin n ' : •' ilL" might tl
niently look up into hi
bent U n c l e Cll
head <••• becamr
thrraingl) suffused wiih color.
•• l know what b< 'd l ike," ftni ihcd H u m
ic's (old mc r
t o the d o o r ; b u t
the Inexorable butler handed him the lob-
god to advance
phrrv. i.iU5 glury of bcinir in 11 .
hat would you ,\\
: made
• IIIP iloor with tbe lull-filled tnir,
ami. 111 s;>ilc r.t nirlOUf gboceg frpn tfw i- Charlie
• • had bant oul
•. - pour imck

ffhi D i'. R r n u t i n a p p e d thegentle- relieC were tall
. i
n more than [wo years since I paid and I feci the
come." "Wh.it long words," said Humphrrv

H had dropped from (In- fish, on th< ' 1 the' mound. •'Father." he wenl on, " whal arc abo— abo—"
•'Wild men ol the woods, Huiii;ilirey ; half human beings, hall animals."
i med Humphrey, in I T - l l l .
. enjoying the joke; •• it will be fine fun lor you and Won't it '•"
«d Humphrey, jump-
wi ; " l j u l t boy i w e rather in tlio
lliose who
guei whrn
thing *ei
• inch lcx»

Indeed, the 1 ,]":ili ''" <nc>'
fa their little beds side hy side. i with a sigh
;-cr. "I'm glad she's gone," said Humphrey,
"because now we can have .1 good talk about ''••
" Oh, H secchingly, "flout don't let us talk of llicni
• '
the elder boy in a soothing 1 ledrcw :•- o( the bed, and threw j round the little fine. Miles
nestled close up to him, and with their checks one •gainst the other, and I
ti q>. whom no fond
nail bend to-night, murmuring soft inpled
l whom no lingering kiss shall j-Jl! 3"
Outside in the meadows the young Iambi lay by tl»c
•-lit wing '
but no light step. u<> softly matlbg gown, tnrbed the
dreamless dumber ul tlie two little bro­ ther*.
o'clock, but Ion known t<« 'lie
whole Kou . il, the : ide hi*
Ig [0 gain admittance, kept Eg Ol lilS toil' ••
. . . . i • i all iivel thr " Will you ir bath.
father? . . . A. . v . U'L.i' krt -••••! doing now? . . . Arc
. . What a unlit be drying him-.
• Then sounded the unl eking of a door,

3- MiacMiMxarooD.

"Glorious I bol '' i- going to be very hot •iii.cr right! the walk to church i*
go lochnril iV N Not Miles, but 1 n I b Hum­
phrey ; u I really thinJc - hurch i- the
..here lie can ait S l i l l . '
H.umptu i luring* the whole nl br-\>li.. prayer-book, and was it*. I
"Tlitrc!" he U he put i:.

- An said li • V'ur uncle and mc wail
Humphri y joined them in the hall .it the .11 detained Uy a skir-
Ith Virgwio. it way la church lay through the
IUC l • ii by the ridi

They walked on logcthci u *omc lime.

• • •
and thinkimj of the Ian time he had • churdt, when she had
u \nxasroott.
. ' iJdpping • .1.1 strung
.; (O be U

father different, to
fair and ll
aomet ima ," • •mt W ,1. 1 | « -
Thc> ivn tin-* avenue,
nl last."
• boa ihe b o j o» carta Ditthcd
1 hlcSS,

U t t l e H u m | i-i the
porch, shook back his curly hair from hi-.
rchcad, and walked quietly into
icel, where was

• •

: | •
' •
• •
were on the
tool that ber 's ii
o n ; and t h o u g h the h iy prayer .book w a s
too h a w II, he Liked to put
his own little morocco his little finders <>n the " Ade­
laide" that formed the monogram oi ben
Mine .
• •
i t o church,
»hd I I vninv
od up, id Me ilic iv- 13)1 ami In ..
and ihe I l son dU- •

Troth ' :-iin three •
istcd ihe
UISl.\'DBBSTi)OV. j a
would have bvcii a tri.il l<» the g ra \
i I
well till Hie chanting began, a m ' b u t ' "
11.. what he would h r
could not keep time with the rest , but al .
r ived at the end u) the vet-
t o o r . u l \ or too late.
ed that
tO lite
. Uicj <a he waa e v e t
\tr w h i c h pa r t i cu la r w o r d a
t i repeat , was to him ["al puzz le
IK- •• .1 greal • dmi ra t i on for the turns
Id clerk var ied
D e u m , " and bad mice indulged iu
a mild imita t ion of the s a m e ; till hi i
\i him from the
law Humphrey i» gr.Mt difficulties
^0 KtaVMBMatTi
over finding '»» pbec, v> be made a sijrn lo him to come and shore Ait hymn-1- wilh i in
moving from hii plica,held it onl :• un i.
As (he I "

b h k Dunoombe," ia ilic v d U m o n K d j a d o o
torthc bo / ' i m tl
• in opened his ser­ if, Humphrey Mttled bimmttf in In.
I i l l lT.
It ilwrnj - position, and someliinc", when he ii.nl j u t accomplished U, Sir Evcrard would uncross
quiic di? Hi to hegiu all over
. however, Mi utitnafl * a quite
I •
H u m : 'Dr.
; "In the ilook of
m ot Si lahn, and ;it the sr.:- ill find the woi
rittcn: "And I heard i!"' vo« c i i man? waters
an-1 I beard the harp rs harping with their they tang as i( were ;i new
I I ] n . . i n . I N COuli
ihc hundn which wen nth. '" . . . .
Hun i'-n to ihc ser­ in. in, bat to-day ii wai aO aba il and he liked in heir about that, because his toothei was there.
le rouM human language ever be to paint the g far-off land; but when men touch upon nibji
. "itli them.
And so it was, that as the old preacher warmed and glowed with his t;
• I and 4*
i oawd,Aadoaooi two •

I •

• •
H e i n w t r d l y re•••'••• i n c d h i s
by ilic shuffling process bcl--i •
iV'mlii i l l TUT NIC l>: i "
irch and do Uk j The next disturbance was o | a m Citing eh.u.icter \
Bbport iug itself in different parts of the
• i.i.].' an i i imad in to th'.- family pew,
Uncle Charlie as its victim.
. :l ict.
• the other, now dn iw i i
. i aovf i s Bad I
. now and then ruaking
H r g n t b i n the air w i th the ha- • >! li ; l u n d .
iiarlie strove to escape from hi- . . -
saikint i n
iard to keep hi
• he \\ ; i t i :i 1 l l [ . encounter, Dil l i t
would not do. The merry smile In
44 jr/ . tr .vit r j r . t r •* on.
ll would, In
Uncle Charlie w « already v . : | being ill .i-:cniiig t o a sermon
he vi;i« enjoying by u • all
of a wasp, and now. when nephew
• •
his heel: and with a sensation ol lief » w Humphrey's countenance return to .in e\[\- dog composure, and
i.:iiself in a condition to I thread of ' he discourse
Humphrey's RUi ice more
Ion Jerusalem; that •
i ;is the voice of mighty ig," Alleluia; lurthe Lord
• i l l . "
COndudt'd the is if in despair of finding words to
eld beauty of the hall* of Sion, '• eye bath n A «ar heard, neither bath it entered Into the
To I lira, ipho bought them for us with hUown blood, be glory for ever.and <•> count!
ro t e forth, doom shut. U)
\ and the congregation •
in his pulpit,
l tmphrey'l cam
on Unit
irai in |«tfcet harmony with ihc
turn which ihc lenwM bad given t<> hfa>
• ill m d ' ' "
i ftbaorbed in than

" V . .1 | I, jT(,| J !•
n-rv law hit rit" ihe whole n i b l e —
I 11st I v the bn Virginic nevi r n ill
read i ' I sin mid not utiilcr- I ••• you uno\ nund the Revels.
tiuns, 11 ii ^^H)S."rctiii
• • •
fttcre Lc t ' i run . : •
.;• jii&cxt>t
WM al liberty la ,rric. UiO Children Were |
tbe iarc« . : Hum]v

-'tiled an ..Hioo,
Had Miles been a girl, he would probably I. i> 'r the | i lure
without further i nqu i ry ; girls' minds lake
a very supei-fici.il g i a s n of a subject; they
I lhe shell of kn •
and to leave the kernel unuis tcd . I
boy, Miles raised his large, grave
Jane 's i • -vitli an inquiring i •••. n ( son .
" Wl r" he asked, lay-
: on the leaf;
and why ii, the man nil sewed itj* in
w h i t e / "
•• '1 that
i grave.
" you don ' t .
pledi my mamma's ,'
up in a box and put into the g n
• .y 've been good", God will como
cad «>f the explanation,
lie whit-
lictiiri iK.in tlut. T b ' n was something ihc * (ieaJ body being
like a Red, and, bat
will m m int-i a bcmUfbl flown • < Inlv I i.m't n-member it quhe lu­ ll ," he •idilcd, t i thing. " I with I could."
- Bttla Mile* eager- . ; up the bwtV,'' (m yon remember
Itut Humphrey taxed hb memory bt I H I all w dim, » Cool d t tmrmbcr wfl
tell ibfl -i H| A i

N o w Jane left out her li 's, mil ltd not
mini! : '' " ' , I i a
with 1 mu*t put up with nrhal they havi .
Poor Ull minds, depending thus

* bruth t h a t cm an<l withal so •
thos' ! •
ir mother, are those which, in
. tmmttkimg . t the i r
the clcai
I j ill.1t SuFMSTOOff.

• • • •
A'nl I
Is this K \---- I t«w I • •
fut? i know; and even as 1

. .-..ilk. V .
There coul one answer to such
• ensue. I.
this weather lasts a::
^ood harvest, eh, Charlie?"
shall," came from Muni.
subject, anil never lost an opportunity of .
have such * h>l of corn we 1J1. i vith it."
I h.ive never found thai to be the case yet," Dridhfii
p a n of your pn- H no, we will ad a daneff, and
the ntfflV dle and down again," with the liirlr gfrb yon can find in the v3fa

.rc«ay, and she'* •
with little girls. Ha !•- " W h o i* the happy lady. Hu'..
. ic Charlie. •
.. Inly.'
"because then she's got hei sleeves clown.
.ill covered
will) little v
" T6*l docs not make her a lady," said the • h i - no use
trying to ea

• i t i i i L , - . r
be 9001C *'ery *mall j;irl, I | ..- the liitlc p r l ..i ton

Charlie, yon nmttcomedi Home, AD<J see ' U p the middle N
I lumnhrey Mmecline with his wb- brmging up ibe
ran with the 'very only •• who is Soulier lluii him.' " The fathers eye rested smilin;: >n hit two ohildn pictured the light lo him-*If.
i imphrey. . plena Kttle a day for the harvest
to begin." < the yellow corn is almosc brown,
I day for the I answered hit mther. " I I
and so it will soon be cut when once l hey begin."
<.DB&STOQD. s;;
., • | know a mu h rn ' ~-<i<\ Hum-
om the gate, an<J ; -cvcral cars of c
" I shall ! • • in the nursery, and
Wc them 11; •
: them too soon, ihcy will
i v looked ruefully *\ his cars of uotn. " I quite : •rgot,'
repeated . full)".

been left to ripen with the re I. Perhaps
thev will thank i foi having
pulled thrin up out o f the rough field, and
- V
• llir i ir.i.
L.nirin-lv >| Id* I
u i&tbg on l i e ' . . •.'{ com in lii* hand.
" I.i t u* go," said Sir Everard. -'• " i t h lob '
lime* in the OCXl Tin- lillle boyirlimlK-il •
ran on to the Indicated spot. foil"-. •
. . ran i and Uncle Charlie thn-w themselves down on the (-raw in the shade,
iiililrc n. Mating thcmaclvt l.'lir r, bcggDd : .: .L s;..rv.
« .totios," "Ml hit •

• j e n loof, Bad in

night. It is p u t s i t . and Virginia will be ^nmc of us."
. drawing a long
bos b e e n ' Mia
you will lot ate bo .1 tail n when I grow •
! don't think that will exactly be
before you."
pore you, How."

Humphrey bad tamed mid was g n f a g intently at liii cats of
•• 11 he leftlous, i peering at the little GUM under the
W i w bat, tear Kc saw ihliliiig among the I cycbihes.
But bcf<«rc lie could make up V, it were to. the child** eye* were sparkling
with A thousand leg*, ul
HI his band. m p up. boy*, ,:
liome." Sir Everard, u he ipoke. picked • r4rt-law'i
arm, wall.- We iball have all • • '
jin qulH iure. Viqjiiiit: lia> a "ire lime bc- I
There WM tety liitle !•
Uur Sii Evenird took alarm 1 bright eyes,
iill'.i. MfflOR excit ing stories so d o s e upon ped-time.
" W i l l y-*n finish about the cmcodilc to- recping up i him good­
n i g h t •
••aid Humphrey. " Wli.it ;i v
" Wli.it
as hi* brother. " I will ;
I"-. as he kissed the two Uttlc faces.
"But when will next time bc.- • cy.
lime be?" repealed
" T I1AVK - t -1- bead, tli.it 1 think I ihallbtu
Humphrey to Hfles ihe next morning a* they stood on tho dow-s' i
••. nn it* I
to climb up tlic big trap overhang.

* ' • ' ' fi J
c r i t i c ! along ihc branch thai stretched over the watci ' Well, this tree has a
: ri^ht u v i t llic JKIIIII ;
it, like he did." •- ll.'in'r we better a e maj
g o all : l'
the vain h ipfl I putting off the evil mo­ ment.
l iumphn v. hmvrvi • I - force
tlc<l off, 11 was
l.inii-viinl then
ami river :.\ him
•S quick!) .1- In: i uulai. imi ihc -mi was very i his head, and he soon gol
| and fell back.
I I " . i ; how kinguid-
(Ug him, lili -i £unt cry front '•'• lind n w bed him.
- id . iphl p u p t o
m bock,
WC RD l i •
now. Look, &l
meadow. ami ll.c corn-field beyond." Miles followed the direction of fala bratk
the cJ[M i. ere ihe win •il,iog.
- n i n , . i •' 1 t.-ll jroe <.h.*i!" K I
" I'll Mr U J! llic prospect,
but be did no) like* t - object. " JuM g '
.mil then I'll carry yea acro*j the field, .nid we'll v«i i be by the pond, where i t will be 4e." i
imbfed, tad then the elder boy dtnuoted hhntotf tit lake his
ithef in iii. arati. Il<"* -Judl 1 •

MiousnnitaTOoD 63 One or Humphrey'* u
round his neck, thai he nl •
with a gripe whii h IO pain ; ;i"'l sttii Ihcn: • airily about hi
j while Humphrey h when he
began to move. Hntnphrey rtnrted \ iih a run. but his
•poed ton, 0 even in lii- own mind as to the
••: the task he ha I u nlcr- taken.
d on. Bin when present!) » . . 1 licgan to*
• •
ncnt. Humphrey caught 11 a rabbit-hole, and b»ih boys
H o d over together. Peab of bughtci From
66 •
Kumphre] n.i'-lily contented, and JcJ lti::i
•• Perhajw we hail betta
"Oh . j ^ijree to
• •

Ha m i " i f in ' triumph. " Isa'l ll
i I how beautiful ii peels. n**d have had ii
•uokcil for hi* dinner, he u M ((Mid u f m t t b -
IT the wild men 's dinner pa r ty?"

o ld lw no use." answered I l u n v 1 ut we might come here sonic
tig and get a lot if we brought a
basket. I'll tell you what, we'll R I up
fuilt, quite early UMd ic and
i -mi htinl- W
•i.l H u m .
y. " I ' l l d ress y o u , Mile*; I don't think
I up U> early, am) fc WOuld b :
".c goe* to bed bite, and i s / . - t i i ed in (he
" S o it would. iq>«ted [nrnpUe?
b i t acoctc Mowing orn bull row Both i hQilren Uatened.
Vnu many a p a n inund ubuui on ib.u tummer mora buxrini; d
t. ihc chlrrap of the nijishopper* in tlir lung grcw. ihe crowing • i (mill (lie b u n . and the lowing of cattle in the dblnntc but i •
Mili I* Mil | t t .ee. It
gradually approaching sound of a female voice, which, as its owner nested the
-v>uiued lo the two little listeners U toot* 'if the French language.
- M. II .
both exclaimed,
M r$ trXBMM STOOD. ^
frnm home, at the Hate •>; heat in which she (bund Mil having been taken
ing walk. Many were the reproaches she heaped
upon Humphrey as they walked i
' such a luinl in ;.. and h> i nerves RH li i
shock as i] erienced when she bund him and Ms brother In their
i mis. • I do brought him up with the U*
• •• / roui qui] est
tion came in the »:iv. hour-, wtn not in his
by saying be should have thought it had been about
• line. \ J :'.i! i digldfii
H explanation, Till I ball ihMir: and it now being too near dinner
ft r /* l TPMMtlfOB
tirac 10 malcc it woitli while for llumphicy
tn get out his bnoto, >hc informed liim that • .1.1 .ill bh loMoosifl the
T U * « • * perfcap ->i aliment •
Lessons were n H n m p l m j
when once hi i J ' I< • "crc not lor the penauce of having
I " : . '
Ilul tti Mile*, hi* hmthcr'i la- •
He M n«>i allowed in .] mention in any way; aitd ha-l to
uieb-xdt, •
some pni'. d tbc I t m wbett iluin|>luey could not -tec litni witboul i
m m d . •
ii of Ihc nll-poweriulaltraC comply with his pro
po#al. \" .! i • - ihc cham
:.<• ujmn ihc bunk, or the v "1 the ^ i n l c m i - with the
*ing ma
tudtlcn advent

I a time when the same request had
ner after
. ; w . n i -
; • • • •
: tbg t ipo l •
i"niiss;»I, mj child,
Great boor. It was ooly broke')
; . (If'.i'lC «.l l l l l :
'Tciic/- voui bien. Olei doiic \e% bras A Nc donnci j a i dr« coupid
. knocked i
sighs. •
;, and put -i mark in it, and Humphrey .
. a loud " H u r r a h , " dashed his chair
.. .mil turned hi
two rolled over and over each other, in the
feet enjoyment.
( u r a walk with hor, I
Of the Eirmers.
bichci i . while
talked ad i
! , - - : ' . .in i I K ..
the mantdpiccc, " jiutf to tec whether it wai
I DM '
carefully BS&bc u ;. liuil ha

• c lengthened imividerahly when he law how iiuny string* there wuuld he • •
•- ntwrer, '•> bk ' i.r; and
. . . ,!(•-: bOW t'i do the untying process backward*, and wondering whether
i result. - Don't he in RM h tllad "Ut,
: 1
xiscsusnsTOOD. n
Fori : ';i<n. die waa *>< taken ><;• wfa : enlring ti» IIIT in
1 fit :*i'ohis cxlraonliiuirj- iatercit i r the tape String*.
C H A P T E R I V .
LITTLE MILES msa d r a m a gicco hank. Ii lie
and flump • Wily (lie midges began to
boo ina mottdt l Uutr, ban , I UJ checks
•,.i he coulani d 1 to lluinjilircy fur OSMfr-
tancr, and »ach % ttiong gust O! wind blew upon one side o f hi
• le and began to - the bill. I

i till 1
the hulc in the diut ter , bow ftuonj
I of doors. I've been hi..,-. kwake ever since
| the cock crew, watching the light get
. ! " Uut iK-lorc he had concluded his sentence
bis weary little brother had settled himself
again 'in bis pillow.
ir, stooping over him.
'• N o , ' i :camtiy.
"Ve*. you n rc ! " BJld«in>wl Humphrey. r*ritemcnl, thai he wai
•it loud. •• No, i i T.
teem very w ide-a» akc: but the fringed eye- ' •. :IIH1 be
,.pcp Ibcm open in vain.
.i fran the big bed pre- vcutcd Humphrey from •mwtriog, and lie waluhn! Virginic nervously. 11 the rolled orcr from one side lo Hie Other.
Mlka tool ' the c u t e and fell
"Wakfl u]>! u A c u p ! " wid Humphrey. returning to the charge.
ot up in bed. J llie matter, t lumphie?"
n-'» ! he matter, but don't • OUr dtlitiomt pbn to get
Miles, n u n inhered now, but tli< how, a* it
the djy before.
• I
• y,.ii woo'l miad N when we're • liess V'II I before I
i '-dress myself, so be quick and jump apt I • :ill ri^tii when .
•• I'm 'ii sleepy," '»c laid wtstfulljr. ••You'll be better non,"said Humphrey^
ptillinc offlhe Himphfafa*1
Humphrey (ml turned KM •
htl proposal. When he came back to th<:
•« W I L ! b to be i •••*•'-" bemdoimed in despair. A sudden thought h*. w .n i quickly oif la tbc •
U n-il quilc uleep, .1" 1
by a c b l t l I
. room with • % water in his arms.
v In a lour! • •!" bieath, for he
wis oppressed by the weight of the i n t e r • -' hc»t way t o wake people Is to
pour a jug of cold water sudden I • fee*, tod to "
" O h ! I'm quite awake
bed in a RICJI bun
Look at my r y e * " And in great 11 D f ..pened hit b i n e blue eye* to their grtent.
Hufiiphrry m down. sec il safely replaced on hand stand, and olTered to help t birk, if his brother found ii too I
by Hum. phrev's antwrr :
o r , Humphic;
it's bet) in case you ge t
The toiictic now began in earnest; Hum­
phrey gave Miles his Mocking! U> pal on, while he proceeded t o d r e w hil
I, when turning round, itfa his
toe unaccoani i where
. . 1--. 1 ! | .
•• 1 mi,-1 d ' it, 1 'I', i • - • . ' n i d the cldei boy . • i irty upsetting
the st*" fa - out. n ' t nutter the least," b
vim ',v;i« rather discomfited U ibe •'• thread, and general unfinish d
Hut wli.it di./ matter walking -boots had not, of
; .uicd,
. " N c v c i ruiad," said Humphrey [ "shoes I
On hild's thin in-door
b niioxamatxooD, I long grau allciMlanl upon musb*
"•ILie* <i» tbtn divested, of I (Own, and hli utid-rr-ck>!hr* pot
All *c«t .*> moMUjP till the iir»l lying of i lrinp. and here Humphrey w » com-
i) bah. Ii *M M me. " Don't
'and then I'll (Hip on your ' ' m.tkc the
..Iv?" > thii j iLi:>, a* he did In ill • .-idly u bo found tli** a t
IcrmUve was the bnenioa at a bn •ruli •-*:.11 ]. Humparoj oflered i" '
- I d o o ' l k o o w b t tk Mile*. shaking hirmcl) about, "but 1 dotVl foelM
-Don't 'h ike h i , tint. Mill "oxchuaud Humphrey; "it ii •
••\vii> : i navobad ao b a i h r i : ' l ioTI .
i liim].|ircy: " 1 quite 'lii.?" bfl added,; Id . 1 ihlrt
Miles. !:
course; that's why you fell cold. Wdtt, wc can't «
I the out of the room, and <if«: I
It .. . |Qi i; Dion l l i m hoi
bv the dock in ihc in windows H came in fitfully ttu it coultl firnl. .iml gave .i general!; ous as|tc( •. •
iced n th t r tii "• .-y passed
• library and bfllumj«i - of the familiar
the luper- • •
I - nnili.ii, ir.i' which U <]uite tlrango
lly know them as in connection with Ouncira , and <l» not dream •
have jn B •
(hem in tbfl b o y ila? and in the lighten" • night ; Lin wilh ihr gHJT dawn [ m upon them they arc quite
•craciit* itawing-

The two little brothers I Dal by the conservatory, and went to the •
I The dew was boa
and when tiny got i»i" Hie meadow, their feet i: . wtl.
»t> h of mushroom] in the distance, Humphrey got wild, and with n ten
it. From one U. . he sped,
picking as tist ax he could, and was soon aght.
Humphrey had it all t<» bibuel£ I • keep up, and I-
behind with his basket. He was a link- d!s- Jluniphiey
gradually getting fbrtba and nut]
lg satisfied him glance round the 0 were no
!•• his soli I cgan to till bis
1 M>. I ] , - lie went
m* l lnm-1
; and whil JIURC!
triumph, JUII then -.it do«B u»,U-

The cm nn.l he licgan in feci a link culit without hi* flannti shirt Hi i feet, (00, a wcR ami lie |Ot "V <" 'al«* -t Bd warm hlraaeH Me caught light of Hum
l.iin, md ran to
e v e r K C H O B a
Miks lookad * BtUo nervously u the • i . .
*• Mine -irr quitf diflereat, Ham] "Vou haven't been pirflrftig \

"Oh. DO!
. , nrerad lliiiui b i about in the fields. When Show tiniii I* mo. .intck r
•• I bey'n tin ler t b trees,' nld Miles; anil both boyt scl off raoniag,
ued I luni. phrcy, emptying the bosVtt • m ihe ground.
[n tin lot, Why. ; now they're poh

" It - lucky ! DH ihem |M-fon. ' cooked," cnntiiiiH- I llunij infi
wild mi'ii had been poisoned) If your fault."
[utophkr said liitlc M b
"We'll smash them," wid Humphrey ;
"and that'll do u well."
i the (unc i - , and
Stomped upon tl»"'» lill their shi*:s and
• What will Vir

• I . . . . !

I himphrcy,
with his i. • t o n k - it 08 .11 the expo ti
Humphrey. Down knelt t h e n 0 0 the gnm,
M they did «t. •
t.'.l Hi TU; I knowing

" M y gTacp?" « i J Mlh-Matlicr K»rcd; , \ Ilum|»hic?"
"O i l . . u liitle book of ' Prayen :
• "

moil was only '
• :''!.•' n l d Hum- plurr. in a Mpefi . ( know, Mil.-. Tben't '
Why yoa tin i ID ! yd it i ' . K M say Iht*
aitcf me: • For whM I bare n o d i
' I
MISI\r>MuaTooo. - ,
i . • i : ..
MH evta had a bit of bread. If you'd only
lit, ii would have done—it's very
He remained for wimc minute* io an atti-
• --.il.-., and of
iti aay my grace afttr m a l i ­
• •
me truly thankful. '"
. j n d counted tin
: . I D
Meanwhile Vi:. I Iiy fha
Vii lip i t be! and looked ab The twi. BUk i
and ihc jug of water in the middle uf rlic room, first attracted her attention; but tbc room being pfirlhHy d.nk, she did nut jxrr-
b&rfren had duajipcarcd. •he ihntten, and
l cda, the fthccla and blankets watta
\ . Humphrey's bed, to sec if the chi l i ; hidden beneath iL She looked •] the ward i
to alarm when »he found their clothes were tod she ran into the day-nunrry,
iha stairs shout
Humphrey! ,\|. Mileal" N,.t bdDg drOBSed, she could not go

men, but volunteered to Scorch I
I White she «.i-
in-i have gonp out," *wiii| ilie
i b the outer door."
• their w.iiidtig boot* have nut mounted ; t h • I iht thin shi«^* uf the house I"
nasi !*• "in." repeated « r. Have
• '
"M..H Dicut" ihe eaehiltned, when »he mptr.
M Mild • •

"Then Inmrd Jane, who ' bail Ruue lo ihc window. - Look lucre t on* in that firtil "'
**la thai . - ii ihc « n gnasV
the twa liiili- Su»rc» in ihe distance. seated nat tant l"
imed to ihc ohBdftn, tin r were much too Car off lo hear. She seized her >hi AI .ml i jii down-Main.
The BU • minjr homeward* when the got intn ihc garden, and the hurried . ad bnld of hi* brmber> hand, u ralhcr weaiiU j bul Humphrey, with hi*
• >>t Ul morning Mfles't languor and

At tin- l ight • -f MQcs'l VCt :
flushed c! • . ill the n> proaches she had prepared ftw Humphrey and merely wilh lofty iliui.iin CO his n w h r o o a u , up in h a
in I carried him bo • :; liy In r >.i.le,
entreating t<> have his bail ; , . i
Into the
nursery, and began t" undlCM him. Ho presented a curious appearance when his blouse was taken oil"—strings all knotted
wttons forced into Ibe wrong d hooks clinging to outlet:- that
d e d i-t them. all the time, and sneezed
twice, c u b time provoking from
n c ic tarnation. half of alomi and bull" of anger.
" \ m n M3es," called out •., who was being washed in the
i toe . -
bold noj coono wiili each other except In 1 i
i jilca&aat .
Mile* was io lir- I lie down. woA Rumphftl I W hardly allowed lor fear of disturbing him.
tben out <*i hrr •ighi f(,[ i a dull walk in the allrinoon, ono on each *M!C of her.
ToVard tr»v<- forth an 1 • •
ai nJfht

„l when • n i t i l i . i t
• • •
ter witii j
• 1 wonder i l l and dean r
doctor ; "you doit r |
o8 r / i n w m * r o o 0
-jiil the ..-•nder, if
• him eat mushroom*." 1 iiinijihrry liunl Olll laughing, having for
Ihc first timr Riven lib attention t„ what die

'• Uut he ili:!n( eat aojr," « H Humphrey, d h- rolled about JO, a j ho
It the docior'i mistake. that he knocked up again4 the bone, tvho immc-
itunged. : the doc­
ooatfnaed, d n «
Why did you » v tbe mu mi in hit chest?"
the flannel ihirt "b i - :
a t at the sound of hi„,iV oa the i_v:"Oli.
.ml ran back to
.c b e w ilic flannel shirt, perhaps,
ocs : bul we were in nich
a bony." rise out of
him, the do >, m d puisued his I 'II details
from v . I -, very had, but
ordered bun U, be kept in two rooms for
the rest uf (be week. t when he came
in 1 luropbr v

• -
II 411:1 ! l -
I • •

children'1. i the prospect »f
the aborigi tireljr escaped hi-.
. i t would have been tan to l . iv . receive I had he had
little bov*. •
in the doorway.
F»MJI ' • : hand,!*• vrlvcteen doUm, * bite witaoottt, and lij;h'
•iili lii. Iir.>-i[» hair bruthcd bcufc "ri^ht t i t t . and hi» ryes sparkling
another aphcrr. amnog the rusty old gentle­ men tungrripilrd in the room.
• took at the pretty boy, and mute than one held out
Bui. ha uttoymoc, Hum­ phrey. whose manner* w i t u>ually peifcd, took oot the slightest notice of any of the*e
Mod at the doof as It ipell liMiini), gaiing around baa with M lease lurpriae, wonder, id i
• ' How do you •
The ghastly truth Bubo I
.\DMMST0OD io5
: ih<: children's convcrsa , tiack to him, and
• •
li.il I mean, lather ." the
child answered, in the- ^ m c ..•:
matiny In
nl«nit L.- - i taid you
I two Ion£ .\ ii -mean*
wild men. h vrta .1 v-iy loug word, the —" n u e n t s ? " gasped the bai
Sir Everard's • Uamcnt. the two 1 .

• mr , or 1
would b i w ben

•nswerod sir Bvenrd "i l ic unknown i» alwaji the man
n a o a is always the n o *
Me hardly knew if be wtml • • mii-l provide .in answer
ulciiccl hU que*. •
civ thai hi '
mi he had belter run b*
It Mill wanted five minutes to dim
he (clt thcrr «*S : n lined in the room.
try, Hum] • with the '
him "good niglu;" then,
r deep in j volume o; print*, jnd two more <••
.--km. Humphr- • i
ihe room. . . • ' • ' . - Bttk pa ta «aa
•• bed. - ! retard ever iftcrwirda looked back
to lliuK slow mornrdls • I ' sort o( I" ire. li-itli minute
1< h H »'. !. 111:1

Interminable B» utaofthc «ld never move;
the gong seemed as if it would new .in I In- i t t id ill .!•
t rfaimpha. progress down ... Bad listening; i
which one and the other rallied the
L,.v on his tnift^ic thought yiw
: :^n^k•n l .^ l - • '
Charlie lold m

1 [umphrcy; with which opinion bin Hithct fervently agreed.
dcscribo i * Ktenml « * the Dlth • Bol I

daring the dim.' B •hook t!i<ir |,r,, that he bad never
He WM truly >\Iicn Ibr natty brofcl Bp, and ihfl
H« Id K* ntiwry •
(he nuiier)" • ••:rd. hut
.. lions the •oh* thi • •
C H A P T E R V I .
VIRGIN!!-: •.. •: rd on h b
in- : .

i n b him 10
• 10 -"teTflOP.
• W h j i I .L f j r J . a*
he ki*vM him Hampfarq looted rmther bond

very solemn; " I am wirry I Krvcd | i
• •

. . . •
hfc head, checking I •• t h t t f fingci*:
nml bbj lathi i. seeing il was life ' • long job. • »Wa«.
toned, after a pause, " hare you remembered ?"
• • \ . . i . • . . ! the i'ly." hut I'm lie will. Shall I run D
in-1 r Sir Everard was unused, bui a little pro-
toked Iti j lumphrey.
But ha • thai. I think 1 can tell yoa a little about it. I
: the urn, and put on >uld think
\ irginie," ho I at Humphrey, MI us to


L!V In »i " I giVfl il l ip." lie Ufa] '
ii no Jiiy- •
" It icnrcd you ijuiic ri •. "for ".nt |i in'.,- in- imn <.n the
ind I iil- ObM
• •

Ooagc of Virginie in the garden if he had «ny more c
looking; very mournful • !. and was vehe­
ment in hii . itld never
I the baro> I then he Rave
bread and h took up the news­
rani , put- the | A] - t. in

• I f ftm bid lived Eo ilic t i inn of the
b a n t a k e n f

[ive hi- opinion in a hurrt He would not, how-
i imaliun by .ilJuiviii
*' War* of lltr R o m , " he repeated, togaia a Utile lime tut reflection k.iniiri;; .1 i;,(-.'. U J I .LV V,1. ll.'iii I 11 • I. .'"
n td Humphrey, »iili a u g h ; U ii
true lluil n a t a l I remember all the batilcs
able to g- < k lay 10?" enquired Sii
F.V.TJlJ. -.111I HurnjihtL-y. "She says, of

: nanies .it tin- I . m in « !• i *a ! ••vliich were
by Yorkists and which by Lancas-
r Bvcrard fell very thankful that lie held scot on less frail • t enure ,and ir
ihu [ t o jiut nlm i'» HI hop**
un>c, father, yvm could . '
1 such a ..id the baronet, nat t i ly; "sop-
run »ut in the •
: lumphrcy's head, and I
But when lie was gone, Sir Kvcrard took Kirn h volume of English History, and
studied it r.>r the rest of the morning.
Alter luncheon. Sir Kvcrard proposed to take Humphrey out riding.
ked w r y ill th^-door, and he
found liimself COtidemncii i
; i6 MiMCSprMtrooB,
noon, bat ST*IIK I ml by a loDf-whii n had ukh hint ixrfurt •tarting.
a d lluiii- •
" Will i.m pBM throflgB
utyr ic!t a very frreat wcicf, that I donl
think I O H tf-ii . B • you can k«rp a MOW
to keep
nbr not ii> ii-H
m •hall know i but I Ihink I would rather you chose H»r Hie; what \- lhall Hto."
• • \ V • ! '
HI- f 17
You see, / should like a pop-gun, or some nine-pin*. mid not care for
i* getting • i- amusements.
• '
• nclcr, and all the oiher thing* grown-up men have, so it is -.
•' Hut . nrj

>i Humphrey ; " bul ->i
course it dcpcudi on what I boy- Hen u : • • • •

nondescript shop* to be (ban • wo .
nM Unnphraji « ho jumped down I " " " Ml poo / , " m i n i joa don't i--rp Ihn>ui[K tlie iluor. IK"
M me looking ul things on the counter."
H i - ' . : ' ill he had exact­ ed a | ir»miv from Sir Evcrard, and then •
"I mat w KIIC tiling fur a pro»n-u|> man," lie vud, .i> lie .il- : tor.
Thr ithop-woman did her bc« to ihon Hut, l>ul
I ...
.-.as she began '*»
ol tier.
you lake down, .mil guess It's H r lii> birth-
egged his pardon, 1
I • h
•• i lave
130 MMJtaMBBf
I -in *• »orry," *a»l he; " 1 didirt ready. 1 « o rvow
be'ftdcuL I
i»c, "bccauw I wa» go] . • : .
nwn-up man would like." Then, uJr.ilJ he luil been nnfcdjng, lie added.
' rerocm- i . doubtfully, .in :
UJtc fui lib biitliday •
mected «itli him being tobacco. . . . I -CMC.
Ihiiiijiliu'v m a d d ^ b t t d U the idea. i in the
:. . .. oUjgH to a*i:../
nwuncnt running iu t h e d o o r .
' •Father!" he shouted, "wou ld
turning your head away for a minute, be-
cauie we're g«ing to get something out of
the wim
l>e*t tO escape lliC I .
Ilut:i[lii led with the cigar-
cases. Tbey were *o brilliant in their em-
covers, II w i s particularly at­
tracted by the inttUcSt and smartest.
" I t will hold so very few cigars," sug­
gested the woman, "hail \ m u •! bet ter hove
n larger i
"Oh , l l u t doean't mat ter the Ic
I . •:'( . n u l r .
• .
up. [tlcMc, *• a« t • 'i ca$e ha •hnuld jgutM by ill.- -:, 1;
The widow wrapped it b • lid l!lllll)>l.:
:d not MM, faUier, I hope." he said
. .vuteii him he had mil ante looked

'How mix h?" i 'ked the baronet, u the i H handed up,
"Ten-.! n n d Ihe ihop- woman.
. rrard bid h b (reling*. and paid the
r.Mtbejr .ill embroidered
i. and o b i dear me '
• a rd ; " I mi mmc p u d e d Ihan ever; fur I can'l
d have found in thai hide ibop,U*l would bo all ciuuioidci-
-•»ld." Honphroj VH in sreal glee. "You
X/orXDgXSTOOD. | 3 j

>c!hing you don't . You
IUL Now it is just tho
isn't i t ?"
gnvn eUtlon.
" I t ' s a dreadful thing lu have a secret ,"
be observed presently, i f t a having once or
ik. and *tO|i]>cd short .
Inquired bis nUhcr, smiling.
•' I"wo or three t imes I 've becu
about it, and forgetting
I talk of something else then."
pwue, and then H u m p h r e y n i d i
ither, I think you
' i-ill t ha t ; but I know if 1 waif
n j MtBOSDwasrooD.
much limp-r. I shall !*• idling you the «c re i briiirc 1 CU •!•>;. iftyttU " I only could td l I0OIC our. 1 *lvwM lie all n;-ht ; *JI that J
Mili>." " But 1 w;mt to call on Gcnrr.,: I
and al#> lo nay old DyMin u v u l t Can you list a little lunger, do you think ?"
Hampbnrj * n fond of society, and w took very kindly to the . i n ,
' . i i« the old deal* rami, iin't htt Was he bom deaf?"
' SOj 't h nalj <4 late year* that he hai •
" I ' m ;;' It «O0ld
hjvc been ;i V,VK±\ bore- I WQOd docsa'l buy an ear l : .
I • : • : ' . • • ' . •
• . Ilk; to JiW linn iiiio." - Unl whcic* JTOUr raiincv i"
I ncicr tb hare
- I bo..- i:nl liard-bakc."
" A M we " n ' t cat our cake, and have it.
jr iii l a
ike, father—hardbake!™
- I t ' s all the tame. Now, il you ivcrc to
ild be able to buy useful 11
" S o I will. 1 11 begin saving directly ; the
very nest shilling you give itir, I'll put away.
and g o o n till I've got ennugh to b
an ear-trumpet."
good deal, and it would be a pity to keep
old Dyson waiting."
I in anything else ;" ami Him, ihrcy
faithfully promised it should not.
>n w u in his garden when they
passed, n they drew up lo speak to him
l i d MiaC.\DZBBTUOD.
Hfl win not so deaf as to be unable 10 hear mnf i powerful shout. bin Hum­
phrey's little tttompu were (utile. • pleased bc*d be.1' tttoagfal HttBB-
phr .y (•> Miawa; " if be knew I Wl lo save up my money to buy him an ear- trumpet."
Anil he held up his shilbng to the old iii.ii in triumph, M U Ihfl very sight of It WOaM tctl Inm tl
B -niiled and nodded. "Ay, ay, go- Ing to buy sweeties. I tec !"
Humphrey shook hi- licad vehemently, I -" shout anesj 'i:
-aid the old nun ; " then it'll be a top, maybe?"
nil use trying tn make him under- Bland ; and a* Sir Hverard was moving "If, Humphrey was obliged to fotbwi •baking l:U head t" Ihc last.
• lid never do to tell old I ' secret," hi o h w m d <•• h ^ lather, who* he
" W h y nut?"
CD all (he I were to
i Hi going lo givo
lirthdajr (iicseot, and ip
et .' Oli, lid Hum* •
from kmming the
i ncral Oil- • • •
, \>lirrr were two I *ome children.
watd to receive them. ami informed Sir Evcrard that h r r Itufbojid waa amlmcd to li» room wii U a
luntccrod to
go and «ee him. Mis. Colvillc look hitn up. Mjira, and llumphic) w*» led willi the. athci Lidv.
: . ) o u name, dear?" she asked.
ubs," ho an*wcr- li by licr side. " Who ate
" I'm Mr*. Colvillc"» sister." »hc u milling. " 1 »iij -I'tiomber tut.', Imt I have f t l you hrlnn-. grandmother*.at Ilanlei^h. I livccloso by."
« I woodcr if yoa could keep a secret ?" • I d Humphrey eagsriy.
- Have ne to tell mc*"
i»c. I've DOTOT had One before. ami I ilon'r like il ;,t .ill I mml Idl ' U M "«e. or else I shall be mil lather. you know."
! •
CoIvUle'a es ter" bad been half . ing (.* be nudi II
iljuic of u m c boyish escapade which (he I concealed from his £uh<-r; but
Hbtnphrey'i • \ en
mitd she listened altciniveiy while he poured talc.
It was necessary to Usten attentively, for. i
a hm ry t<i ge l lo his paint. f h.n ! ilurreii over the nccctsary expl and. in the second place, he i. yhltpering it all in her car, on account of
' nee of the children.
jusl finished his Hory, and she WM making wJcmn pn>tcstations of the
- vrccy, when Mrs. Colville came oack.
** Ynu must not tell even her you know," concluded Humphrey ; and, with a sigh of relief, he u l ' iwn again.
of those mothers w h o a r e t l ' ' . • thcr children am
better dressed than thcii own. She was a
• ••
.: 1\ ready acquiescence. unOr came to ihc
the Thincnrabra, and It was I mod to
tec other children dressed like hot- young gentlemen.
'•l . • Utile, like m n l mother*—did nut see that what «uitc.i Hum­ phrey and Milts, both exceeding:
' ha*i quite the same effect on her m , bin. litUc boys,
ami ««M .;.peared oa Humphrey's gra Sunday, was sure to be reproduced on some Cat little
in n o t n Sir
tl unaware of what went on, but, t<» Vir^inie, it iraa a constant touted
ar/so !>!

••• rn," u i I M t o a littli- lance; "there, don't
you sec. Mary, how diucrcntlj his thinj^ *et?''
iw well cnnuyh. and saw lo<» thai it wtu figure and not hrthes that made such
• .<• between the twfl >>>•,. bul ibfl maternal
'.: * a "Does your French bonne an •
clothes, dear?" Mis. Colvilh inquired <>t 11
inc." he answered—"only MilesV .-, "come
ttttm a London • ,:
Hum­ phrey; " I • WW.' tad

KM doo'i remem- •liiwrtion?" Of co«nsa Humphrey
"Stop a Ml." lie will, nil nf a mddoa "I 've teen Ihc direction written BOnMirbeRi quiif Litrly. Where ta*/J I have « n it? Why, *inco I've been in ihia room I've read n '
•iblc, my dear child," o l d M m Oilvillc, 1.
"Bill I h.ive re.ii"y." grltiri;; »]i (r >:n hi. chair in hi* excitement; " Vvr Ken UN pnnv bcr and the name • -traMme*
Von UBIl he dituinin,; "No, I'm quite rare I did. Now where
h.vc been? Did I «o " DBS, he advanced.
.re lorno card". Did I see . i« i r
• v.. I . i 5
MiMcyoi/nsiooa. | u
Humphrey was determined not to give it in \j-itc of the laughter of both la-
dies, he got up. went to the door, ami made hit entry all over agnin, that he might see
•: on ihc way thai had the direction on i t
He tcflccicd out loud a* ho vi **lcaro<- in here and |»assed lh« I not on the books, o r (he work-bask
.1 I ' - by tl Bbuite, while father was shaking hands with Mrs. Col* IDO or the
rhen 1 shook hands with M villc. ttx.ii I sat dowo ou the soil
my side *u—and Oh I" o mddcnlj tl>-»t lie
startled both ladies, " bora if it, written in- fide my hat! TMat'i where I MM ll
ke l : ' Swears and Well R I." Aiit'l yon glad. Mrs Colville?
be able to find the shop. Hadn't •

What I ' m tv-m
tould she h t n wen the n>mc. mimbei and addrc**. icy inlu
<ure there ihould be no nuualcc, tliu imm- Uldl I I m uttcfy
made (or Sir E. Duncombc's Utile boy" t

•• I in afraid the General i* in fur a iharp
tie." •' I am aliaid he «—dc i, go \ n .
dent V. . kfl 'W mv M>lcr. Sir 1 v. . r.inl advanced wltfe ., .,,.:

brribrce? I didn't rccogiii. you arc grown mil of all recollection. TI I IK- in re. H : ir.ee 1 saw you—
. i
Mary aaid Mtuclhing about ll being a long t ine, hut -In di-l i though the rememberii
fcvtiy: beijiix: I-idy Duncombe had been
with bfan .ii the rime. and the w u afiaid of recalling painful associations.

« l ., Lady Albion) mid Mi*. Dunrombe the day before I left. They were both veny well."
ip her fcice as she Miss DOUG '
Wc about hep. for it was • ar HILI Ce-
tgfafld he.
I ,:icorobc was a lady of limited in­ tellect, and exceedingly young for her age :
pbody was a t liberty t o laugh a t her. They talked Da aboal time, while Humphrey ufteoed with .ill his might, ami tfaec MOlt hi«
" I ' m better now." said Humphrey, as 6 dong.
roil not feeling wcllr" said Sir l.v. raid, .armed.
" <1h, ye»; but I BMBH ahont D] 1 « mc teel belter i*, that l"*e told
it to ih.il lady-Mr*. G>l»ille»
i « 1 b e t t m you will ever kcc(. iKai • • . I)o you know
my birthday hi not till Mooday week?"
•'i'ti dear! oh dear! I (bought it was much sooner titan that. Let's be quick and talk uf something chc!"
What l U I arc talk about? I am ex- two gentlemen down fata I
to-night, to a|)cnd Sunday; and I'm going -•a as 1
have taken you homo to your tea. Will
• I .at will do. Ale they nice Bcnilc
1 think them 10: but then lastej 1 i baps yon won't." I yOUBgr"
• WellI oac it a good deal older than inc. and "
"While hair, then */ o n v ' " put in Humphrey.
••Will be tell n | .ries about
Mltnd Intar-hni.' •• I ihoold think. pmlwbly DOC The other
| one h more Qkol] • rfet, as be
has had little boys ofbhj own." I . |>ond " h e r e the
branch of a tree bangs overt j*i-t like (he one la Uncle Charlie ' . m~go i«g
to crawl along b n o n e day, a n d look down d in the water, tike the man dui." Hompojer,** aakl Sir Evorard, ** 1
won t have it dooe. The branch ii quite rultrn, and ma> aatbt."
t'liinii-'hrcY loufced very mournful " A r e you quite sure, i
ind I forbid you to d o il.
bear?" •A ell, lather." with a wgh ; " w e
woti'i crawl along. if you don't like i t ; b u t
you won't mind our going to look at it?
We've been prevented so many time*, a n d
ere! If *n fromiu
ill I 'ax you arc not to go near the pood; and 1 m m to you, 1 lum
i ironl k m fcffla led more mi*chW."
adding 10 not moch UK making M MM I'm j*r / to t '
They rode. on in «ik-ncc fiir unite tiinc nftcr iHlI ami when Hiimjihrry nc»t «[*4.c, it was on rjuiir n different •>.
•' I dSdnl know till tivilay.lather, that you didn't I t - |
"Wha t ..'.. you mean, Humphrey?'* said

" Wrll. you seemed to laugh at ber a
leal." • 4 | j , l c a r child," wid Sit livcran!, re>
Laving a little joke about A person ;m>vc uno doc* not life.
BOO. 1 am vciy fond Ol your Aunt It would be odd indeed it I did not Bke my
Why, when 1 laugh •>
• . „ i think I do n.n hkr you?" | l . i a lame sentence, badly pat '
and nut expressing much. Sir UvcranJ was not at all satisfied with it himself Ha bad got it up in such a burry th
• -ii,- : ii wag &t
was anxiouo i<» s*c il it would answer ItJ purpose. CfaUdrcn J I C Sometimes, however, very cosily nl tr iced; and Humphrey r c - ceivi-il the crohuunioo with g n a t
The danger wmi time; but
S i ' Kvcrard inwardly resolved1 never (o •peak befi'rc the children again: and ihc
•>1 the evening !- i the lame EBOCOCUI to fait mind, he determined not M, run any more risk*.
So, on -. bfl >«nl up • pri­ vate m w i | < I" \'ir):itiir thai be should not require either of Ux yrwg gtatfem
. U trtUtug, ihiMiffh llicy «>i | Li.uaL
Then, afief iranilrrfinjj the precious par­ cel (mm hit own to Humphrey * pocket, he
lie boy " gocHl-hye," and weal lo mrct hit (rirndi at the nation.
C H A P T E R V I I .
T ill- nrTt day was Sunday,anil a hope- lessly wet «'»?. Humphrey and Mile*
nude grc-il friend* " i ih (heir father's guests at brcaluarf—ihc formei Riving them the
iboriginet' dinner­ party and (he birthday present.
• sir Bre- i I one of his friends went into the
* i Ionic fur a book they had been talking al»mi, and the two little buys were
• • r gentleman Pi . ! En - M . Hum.
breyl M. I • , • •
" I'm not coming." said Humphrey. " I'm going to stay and nmu* lhi« gint
"Je icvieodnl •nil she went away. with Miles.
•irnurac French?"enquired Colonel
• ,» - -d i e ' s French." •• Tbcn why d<» vou Apeak lo her in Eng-
• ' i =>• •
.:' Why not?" " Lessons arc wrong on Sunday; and
: of losotu—«o French must be wrong too."
- Huiii|ihic"Hud little Miln, rtH • \ Dome ,01 p o u l t b e
i d o e s b e m e a n ? " a s k e d C o l o n e l
Start •l l i m a m p n j n," answered Hum.
phrey: " h e . . . because he only sees the
we begin. a* he's too young lo stay. I sup- , os ii"» so wet. « c arc nol going to
"Oh , that 's it U it* Well. I'm inclined
0 thinL vim ought to go thru, Hmupty- Dnmpljr, •» whatever it is he cull -
The little boy* thought Una a c q 11iim[ity - Il'iiiijilv was ihf m.in
9 sat on ii m D r
\ l great I •• !• i* j»*t wlut you'll d o i n .1 minute ' said the Colonel foHamphrry.who had . l imbed up the back
1 h b chair. and •* • tri lo oa the
" l l u m p t y - D u m p t y was an egg , " said Humphrey, "J dm£l break to

I 1 b o d of their merry voice* died
Mray w th eluding - i) ii-ible.
1*4 ir/fj rpMMirofi*
I Wt ri! mtm after. Ihf (t<*"K wiinded. and ll>C tcrvants 6[ed info Iti- libuiy.
Hmnphrpy was U< lu'» pLice by hit father, HIT'S* seated near, and everything
r,-.nK. Bui Coloocl Sin n I e d Humphrey looked up IU»I •
: • . . .
I IIJI.I.IIN >•'• retU Willutn'« movement" «s he n u e lo obey.
• nt meat be «.u convulsed with bujhtrr . | r,iill*clf.
Mo Oi cite seemed lo we BBJiUog . : be :ni <<> read
but Humphrey.

idp and be breams engrossed in lib
' . •
the bouw. He ha«l a few ROW! picture*. •ml ihi- 0 ii-'- upper room*
aly painted; "t: .. to too.
• i t'liiily-inbjbilcd BOOM •
ncs*. but for the ctiililro. Bui Humph: c* I or along the pass­
ages. and made the unoccupied room* ring • rata*. XhBjr •
amiou* to do the honors of their own opart- meal*, when, in due course. the B
1 bed.
that's ihw?" said Colon taking up an embroidered cigar-caao thai
li- table. A shriek was ihc only amn-er. Colonel Sluit nearly dropped ihc cigat.
1.1I li.-tilv ruaad; jinl HuRSphror, wwtching it op, rntocd cnri of the room
•• Whni i« ihc a Bvomrd. U Ik* HrlUMj £,'"** >'" *>*il lillle
I lo assure bint he lad not •• • ikh made outtcn raj
. kutd-boa. miller
her bcit Sunday Iwm'T't. With v.me diffi­ culty he renssum! llic boy. and brought him back.

i wing to buy ol : •

! i lie boy, but tbrn ,
you know. | only li-Ran yesterday."
good many qur*. *
Humphrey w*>i li«t moch cacUcd by thu
tjicccbe*; but hi* unfeigned Mirpriu: and • v.trc worth ill MM ihanki in th^
world. Ho ran allei hit father lu exhibit hi. tannrctinii rettaacd bi
•Onlj ll
a me ' i i thilliqtf*: to now I can buy lbc trumpet directly, in.| I ihottgfaJ il ttOuld be WCtks an I -rrc^-. '• 1
The ehiMun «cip a ...
•Id lo wiitli the ,v "good-ruKhl," a> Ihcy m
But Humphrey fir.1 .iliirlrd a pMimi«n from Coli ear-trim;; ••• •! day, the Tcry
l arrived in Isuidoa, and hive it tentoif |Hi

holding out tttc .igar-case—" that- Thai's your birth th« grand
[I :- no use "Hi ti (ring 10 keep it My longer, because vro •«<'/. '"
deed Utile , bands, nod Humphrey

-an! could, with all ttulh, assure
prised in hi-lif,-; for, M h) til no* »raoke, | nscnt he would
I a cigar-case I But nil pleasure and gratitude were so
i f , that the children wen! t<> U-J highly delighted with the locoes I
C H A P T E R V I I I .
" y ^ i OOD.BYE. Miimj-iy-DuuipIy! Th« V j " Irumpct nhall be tit the ilalion at
five o'clock iliw aft---. So spoke Colonel Slurl. at Sir Rvcranl
bb t ^ o friends (row the door the. minf*.
Humphrey mved hh b •
flew off lo mflkc arrartfrmmf-' wi:l. \ ' ii. He
had his UlUcf's leave fir himxli and Mile* limaB. nnd lo be
dropped afterward* "I old Dytoa'm. where m l« meet UKI
Nothing* could be more perfect! At abaut n drove up (a the
M/MVSPtmaTOOO. . j i
anil was i-dcly delivered into thi
1 i>n'». Humphrey opened ihr parcel, ami displayed the car- •
. uco so cuiiousui article I I lubci, cadi litling
into the i.
• very impatient to arrive, and tried to periu-idc ilic <:••.••. In.un t., ivbip up Uic h - r . into i gull v . ml tJcady old I'etcr didn't m it at all.
i Mnuclf by length* tiornpclii>g loudly
'! violently,' out. Thru, in shutting it op again, ho drop­ ped it i,' i I to wail while be goi i it up.
All Ihls ciu«ng A delay. JVtcr wa* told, OH -itn. b already bc.ii tltcre, !"ii lint,findfaf she w&a
1 i idl .yi .
Then.' l :
• : '
,tr.»[ old KLin, BIMJ »«» wiling in hi» i n B( In an afternoon u p .
>-.ji. I. u d then I
: (lie tWfl CWWWB entered ihe cMiage.

HisryntUKToop. , S 3
ry hiil the trumpet behind him, and waited eagerly.
bake produced no effect at •II, Dyson only smiled pleasantly in hi* •Imp.
Humphrey. ked doubtfully at the hamy band
lying on the RHa •.! tv*<- cfaatr, -ml B
- upon it, But U
" H a r d c r r cried Humphrey. • •
better, fur thr old man turned over to one side of his chair, and lifted hii * be*d a liMV.
Miles retreated i ( m Mep* Bi I i| 61v ilarm, fc, okl Pysjn'n head I ward again.
'• You nut-: jump on I hi knee. Miles." Ity little face lengtbenc I con
ridermbly. "Ob. Hu"' i
"Wfcttl ••• • Wow
- \ i l . • BtttOtf tbc iiu'iij-rC On the fiimr, I .r HI*III ihc itkl nun, and
;-.ri»u%ly itiat be ' fright; bul when he ww hi. Uttli lie ati down njpiD
N IK* HM I «.i* I > prctiy
dean?" . j . " raid M.I«.
drawing ncaicr. ' I
" he u id . rather l*B nn old nun, and In. .
Humphrey chadded «kb dehght, and MIU-. looked up Miiiling.
- 1 icii ben- MOO, m a ' i be, 1 himnhtor " DVM- i ^ U n g a
few *lcp» and beckoning, -came here." The OASOIfWetJAg aid man"ro*e and ad-
Xf-'MtKHtTOop. , j -
wuKed. The boy tutoppor innitv .uid directly he v u near enough. Htunphi
Hied Mich a "How ore • •
i - ;iir, and then la" backwards with Rich force, that 11 he had IIQI | • t >t i intiiill) lallco inti bUi b iir,
. . e l luvc survived lo ii
bag, tb&king fab bead aboi would mrvci get Kd nf the vj
The two Utlk boys il< pjod lovk would have it. 'lie woi
dtion; and wi n a
Ri Qoed< It

t u i a u m that he * u by no mauu ungrate-
Thcn the unman tpoko gently In him ihc IruMnel, and hi* look of pica-
i o n J I bar ing Well! lobC Mir • I the tlVO
U'lirn I>ysonhad got accustom- '
'. but the WDDHID SUggCsU ed |fc*t Ullea'i roicc *a» ihc • \,l,\ li limn -inn .igicvd.
the trumpet, and lib gentle [tUBpUe made yon jump.1'
i n s whispered n . « only •
Then ihc .>ld man held it out t.. rlno> ! i-Ot got
to say, So no •
MIMXOfBSTOOD. \%1 but it does Bckl uls Hum-
phrry lanj^Ji more, and '!>c woman advi«d 11 day,
I pleased wilh Lis new ncc bo declared it h i , inUiiti.m lo j[0 and pay
ila in the village, saying h was . c lie lud luil a good chal
with bis neighbors.
Bui they all went, ihc old man hurrying • . socager wa* In
u(f his ti
The fir>i |K i >• ,n they i tnii-t have .1 "•
rile." •
bccallr.i M bim he thought it wouKl be a ing for the pond
i n. There ww a •ktik-.it ihr I . . o| th rood, which he knew n i«- ^ ihorl cul to the pond. and he had no doubt they would be able lo find
trouble! l . lb tin- Int. HO \
r • 1>JCC1! So he helped hi» lilllc broiher over the
Mile. and Ihcn they both r«i with all their
Mean"1 • 11; J:FJIIIV tlif'n^h Ibe trumpet i» Hie Ugfa road, did m • •
C H A P T E R I X .
r p H E R E WM on unusual Mir in the quiet J - household of Wairhaw Abbey ibat
early eight o'clcn k the two dad no* returned home.
V lie bud not been very much con- il their absence during ii,.
i an cm before her, - to tome ul their
favorite haunts.
Itui wbca tea-lime csunc MMJ ; |pH uneasy, and went to looW G • •
i in vain the dairy, lawn1 • ind dogJtenncL Then, when it
Ucd; and • •
. -nil ihc icturncd home 10 wiih ihc mhrr «ciT.ini* a* io what «eo» had
takes* • • > (he housekeeper's iot>m,
wringing her hand*, and prOgaa I •
• i
• •
-. -rimer w u di«patchcd one way and the coachman tuuitner, bearing nmhrcl- la* and £• !
>>i liirlc CUI|>M"I» wrre aoofl :
i i hedge, h great credit In himself

"The t in was." bt *aid,"ibtf pond and pJjJSef had been *n rngr-iSMng. that
ho h3d f-irgiilieii . . (ill In­
law (he MM beginning lo sink; then -rail­ ing off in a (prat takes t t a
* h ibf* wood "
I aodcrfaa; on in ii\-
When tlicy mcl u boy, pointed out their mistake, And brought Ihcui back m ibe li gh . Imopfarey
' '»! with
'rethought had e v !.iin. dripping wci a* hi
w u , uadci ' " re they had been ii nboul half an (tour
COkdunan found them. Il wai DO UM- Viij-inie rcntinc '
BfiQfl Humphrey. AH that could be done •lilcsinto bed at quickly u
could be. uid ward But the mischief was done. Miles tossed
. I woke nr*i mrinring with an oppression <>n hi- d m t , which was ot-
ii him the forcnu on the lungs,
: to tee him, and ordered him lObck I ;» bod.
Humphrey spent the rooming with hi t "tier, but was di -mi .wl at last, a j
talking only made MHcs '4*
id vfiynranrooD. In Ihi rw, and
Ybyfafe«Ql . . filling
out i»- Hula brodwi bub chfldBke, be had •
been ill before, tad luil always tfol well . ;.ylhing
I UM liiiJc gardens wlicrc
. (Head in flH- p«noa oi I>.illy. tin:
ihc laundry.and uflcn, when *hc » . nl ll:c window, Dol Ixtn .ti tbdr pUfi •>» I overheard :i.

Chat, had ever been -nt «»( lii» ftlatiiiclichi •spn-Mtcn. She cuuld never brgtft how
tii't rOMMi I • | £ j
fellow had sobbed over the mus­ tard and "<•>.» he b l d i o w n fer his mother. M<1 which
cat her li,i-i l>eeii dry for some lime •
) ha h.i'i vUiji-ii it. thai ;
Mualca; out every vuit had bern in v.in. i • •
: • a hit sorrow, and
the fir»l thing that dad met hi* eye • \ • mocking him
and la xui no DM now," Dolly had heard him
*>b: " I wish it hid never cotae up!" T h i a w a i t b e v i ij he had been cfcas-
• ..n|; Iamb* in the meadow, while i him from |bc
i- led.
Ilumnhiry found a pxx l deal to guden, Jud worked away busilv I
I&J MiacxpMKsroo*
• tboa misted Dolly to turn (ho
of ihc honor in store (or her at t h I IBd anxiously asked her what [>o«-n
il»e meant in wr.ir en the occasion. She inn.! ou very smart, h e n !
I r intention of unruMing in I I K W print drc»,and consulted btl th* color.
thing he had lately »rrn, they revetted lit .-caac, and he suggested
Dolly looked rather seared, and expressed i- j . to ihe probability of iboac
color* bi i id in Uie
: . would A. you know," said Ihon-
phrey, "and it wnuld he like tl r • > ' i y and procure a
yellow | '• " t ; and, if that were impowiblc, a plain yellow ono CJuld KO doubt l>; :
m.TsiiKKArooo- | 6 j
Time slipped by virv qufcUy, lint still Humphrey rathet wondered at last that n*i
il 1 call liiin in 1" h i . t ea ; ami after a while he nut his loots J * J V , and wished
H e n ' Ihc nuiwrydoor : gan i . Id v d
ailed nut, " I ' v e
• -iir, ,/cjt

it was njiened with .in a> inie flounced inl" the passage.
II . . . hrcy saw :»t a gla ' what he and Mile*. cilled "her
U make Oat II
hen her Ucc was •
the was sun: to be out ul temper
I « wim»M*Mfooa wher. the did *>. and Humphrey »aiirxl rather aiunouilv In heir what she had fS ray.
,nt into a voluble flow of talk, •
fowmi il difficult t.i feBo*- l ie managrd Milt* waa very,

• get tome •leep; that he gO "»ay and keep away, and thai
everybody, including the doctor, was very angry with him.
Tlicn al>e retreated latO 'he ra •hut UM passage, with hi* bunch «i nululi -
All l'• face. .11 be tried to think over wli. JaM I Bn I
. that the doctor wi toed."
That was llic most prominent idea at fii>tt
and In Ws dread and apprehension, Hum­ phrey hardly <Ured move.
Sometimes he ]-ut his eye t«> the I l o « e i l be could discover what was going
r .n i i . and thm.lyiiiK ilnnnoQ tbe !i ftO hi> might.
The Mtao .iitUin, only broken I H B r t n S voice*. frightened him. and hi) hcnil
began i" t*j i loudly.
llic vliild nudd have looked into
ii nod " i n hi* l i r ' • • .
l e d poultice "11 his chest, CM whiiparing to i ring ber hi* oooBm-drmightt Ma
i ive %-.ui»bed. Bui a is o v a *> with feaddi
in the dark always bnvaibe wars* of i t ; (or m w c r y and sus­ pense are. like antici[*iiion, alw i
iiiy. Imaginati
k'rcal suffcrinj; i
mill arc children l» lie pitied " 1 these Occasions! "Everyone's thou
accnuffly *»iib the Invalid. and n > »ne has
i word oa the t"
I bey (eel ihej are tur l tu , and con-
' •!! the way; and (In DOt dH
r I flUl who tua in ami Pal
of the room w i i l i impottiui! tux * . why prob-
• b l r o o u U n t •<• i1 to mtw i .• .-w n .? the)
did ; ami *> arc l t f l In m i : ;
into w m " U'rnble M^iiiliaincc, whfch prob­
ably baa "
ordered lancies.

c r m in i l ic r.illinj; (or i p n u u an«i |
and their j ingling u i h r r ore bant led in.
Al l ibis, and more, was cinencnced by
Bull i i i . . ibe. I say mrtr,
tbOKOf ordinary
I [art a nsmetc*!
e j r , nor
they havi- no rajieriencc Of sorrow.
Uul ntocmbet tint tin* chfld was no thai into hU
gUlc hi ' • n t e ra l : that the
• •

H A child of Humphrey's disposition suffers
• face with sorp.iw. i ;
i mitigation, it di*» n i l alter ihc - thr iim*. Life, p u t and fulure,
h grafted into tin- inbery of ihc pieacnt.aod C i i - t . i, , i' • .: i
• i i-lie-arted,