FRA? GRAND JURY. Indicts Indian Refining Company and Kentucky Traction Company At Versailles. Mr. Jan o critlt, n , .lightly '"iiorP' The grand jury of the Woodford Clr» cult* Court returned ei^^indlctments against the Indian Refining Company, of Georgetown, for transporting oil In tank wagons and unlawfully selling the same at r^^l without license. The grand also indicted the Central Kent^^ Traction Company on eights counts for failure to main- tain signal boards on its line In Wood- ford county at points where public highways are crossed by the railroad and for failing to safeguard its employ* es by blocking the frogs on its tracks. on the Le£ is able t0 b® thorized hit confined didate for de j a sore Congressional . Jibe Ved. , Democratic Con L Mmat venver, T Col., next July. CcNSflP&e says ht is assured of undivided support in his i end of the district, and is anxious to | be one of the two to be sent from th Ashland district to make the trip the Western metropolis and nomini the peerless Nebraskan for the pre dency. Col. Thorne says he has hi his ears to the ground and can hea the rumbling of discontent made by the people, and that the “sign is right,’’ for Bryan, the people’s cham- pion to sweep the country. Accord- ing to Col. Thorne, the Republicans will be hunting cyclone cellars when the next election rolls around,, no matter who they may nominate. TRICTING -AILURE TO SULLIVAN EDUCATIONAL BILL CARRIES IN HOUSE AND CRE- L AND OTHER MEASURES ISTURBING THE GOVER CELIUS TOBACCO BILL IN You will 'need to take extra pains to have your milk clean and free from odors now. (But you can do it by tak r ing care to wipe the udders off clean, and by bedding the cows, and currying them every day. Don’t miss any of these things. NOR. The killing of the county unit bill DFH1UIAIU in the Senate and the failure to pass uLlllllUIl a redistricting bill, or even to consider either, has caused a renewal of the talk of an extra session and it was ja DU UUl fl 111 I fllllOl/ll I E stated on reliable authority that Gov. ||J Ht UtLU 111 LUuIuVILLl Willson will call an extra session to consider four subjects. These four subjects are the county unit bill, a re- q F THE SURVIVORS OF KEN- districting bill, bi-partisan boards for the control of the State penal and charitable institutions and some meas- ures to relieve the tobacco troubles, which have caused the Governor so much anxiety. It is said that the Governor has made up his mind finally that the State must have a redistrict- ing bill, in accordance with the decis- ion of the Court of Appeals which knocked out the last bill that was passed by the Legislature and also that something must be done to stop the raids by night riders. The talk of an extra session is all that one hears now as the big things which occupied the attention of the public during the weeks which have passed have all been settled one way or the other. Gov. Willson is known to be disap- pointed in the Legislature and is said to have expected the two bodies to pass a redistricting bill, although it is hardly believed that he expected the passage of the bill which was drawn by the Republicans and which would have put the Republicans* in control in the State. In order to get a redis- tricting bill it is said to be practically certain that he will call an extra ses- sion and that he will include in the call, as a part of the business which is to be considered, the county unit bill. Gov. Willson has not talked regarding his intentions on the subject of an extra session but his close friends say that it is practically a certainty that he will issue the call. The extra ses- sion may not be held Immediately fol- lowing the presnt session but it may be several weeks before the call is is- sued. The Anti-Saloon League, which is a power in Kentucky as well as other States, is said to have already decided that in case this session ends without the passage .of the county unit bill, petitions asking an extra session will be sent to the Governor from every precinct in the State and will make things so strong that he will be prac- tically forced to call the extra ses- sion. This plan is said to have been fully decided on and will be put into execution at once. Franfort is much interested in all this talk and many would like to see the Legislature come back for an extra session. A prominent Republican member of the Legislature said he is confident Gov. Willson expects to call an extra session. He said that while the Gov- ernor did not say it in so many words he asked questions the purport of which showed that he is at least con- sidering the matter very carefully. The House yesterday morning pass- ed the Sullivan educational bill, which changes the whole system of school trustees and establishes a high school in everj r county in the State. There was some opposition to the bVl and the debate was long, many speech- es being made for and against it. The bill provides that the county Bball be the governing unit in school matters and that a tax of not to exceed 20 cents shall be levied for school purposes in each county. /ty unit extention bill, ex- tenofe JL provisions of the county unit every county in the State, was sleep for good and all. as far as trWpresent session of the Legis- lature is concerned, on Thursday when the Senate adopted a ruie requiring a two-thirds vote to call any bill from the hands of the rules committee. The rule was adopted as a result of an agreement between the Democrats and Republicans who thought it would be better to have one committee in com- plete control rather than have a gene- ral scramble for the passage of their pet measures, by all the members of the Senate. The rules committee is opposed to the passage of the county unit bill and will not report it. The advocates of the measure can not mus- the appellant Mrs. Holtman, filed her ter the necessary two-thirds vote to affidavit before the Court of Appeals call the bill from the committee, bo to show cause why he shall not be it will die a natural death and the compelled to make and deliver to ap- verdict will be: "Choked to death on pellant a transcript of the record for politics.” the prpose of her appeal. The bill had a stormy time, any- The clerk had refused to make a how. It hung up in the House for copy of the record without payment some weeks and not only was not con- of his fee. Appellant says she has no sidered but it effectually prevented means to pay his fee ^nd that she is anything else from being considered, entitled to a hearing of her appeal and Between the county unit bill and the can not have it without the record, contest cases, which the Republicans The motion for the rule was submit- were howling to have reported, and ted. This 16 an action for divorce by then the Senatorial race, there was not Mrs. Holtman. The court below decid- much chance for anything. These ed against her and she has prayed an SENATOR BRADLEY. Entertained Tuesday Evening By Members Of The Legislature At Capital Hotel. One of the gaye3t and most enjoy- able social events of the General As- sembly session was the dance and re- ception given at the Capital Hotel Tuesday evening by the memlfers of the Legislature in honor of Senator- elect W. O. Bradley and his daughter, Mrs. John G. South. The grand march was led by Gov. Bradley and Mrs. W. H. Cox, wife of the Lieuten- ant Governor. Among the informal features were banjo playing by Representative Henry Denham, of the Metcalfe-Mon- roe district, who also called the figu- res for the quadrilles. Representa- tive “Windy Bill” Thompson, of Spen- cer county, showed himself quite handy with his feet and danced a genuine old-fashioned "breakdown” for the edification of the large assem- blage. The afTair was made a society event and many handsome costumes were in evidence. A number of guests were present from Louisville and ^exington and many other points in Central Kentucky. TUCKY’S CONSTITUTIONAL MRS. HOLTMAN CONVENTION, A county board of edu- cation, which shall consist of not less than four nor more than eight mem- bers, with the county school superin- tendent. as a member ex-officio. This board is to be selected by the election of one school trustee in each school district and the trustees of these dis- tricts to compose a division board of education in each educational division of the county, of which there shall be not less than four nor more than eight The teachers are to be selected by the division boards and each trustee is re- quired to look after the needs of the schools in their districts. The main feature of the bill, aside from the al- teration in the methods of managing schools, is that each county in the State shall have a high school. The bill now goes to the Senate and is practically certain to pass there, both th« and Republicans favor- ing it. In the Senate to-day an important local option measure was passed. This provides that no distiller shall sell intoxicating liquor in any local option district except to a licensed wholesale or retail dealer. Tlfls will do away with the present plan of small distilleries selling whisky in five gal- lon lots to anybody who may apply. Senator McNutt’s bill creating the of- fice of assistant jail physician in Lo.uisville was passed by a unani- mous vote. The county unit bill came up again this morning in the Senate when the House bill, which has pass- ed, was read and referred to a com- mittee. On motion of Senator Rives the bill was referred to the Kentucky Statutes Committee. Thia does not affect the bill, however, as the Rules Committee is in complete charge and the bill can be called up only on mot- ion of the Rules committee. The Senate passed the Crecllius bill providing a penalty for selling or buy- ing pooled tobacco, after it had been amended so as to provide that the penalty should be inflicted only where a person knowingly buy* such pooled tobacco. Other bills were passed and the Senate disposed of a great deal of business. Much business of importance was transacted by the House and Senate yesterday and the two bodies are now getting down to work with the pros- pect that all the bills which need at- tention will be disposed of before the session adjourns. There remains of the session only nine days, but in that time a great deal of business can be transacted and the session will end with a great deal accomplished, es- pecially for the cause of education. Who Is Shy On Cash Asks Appellate Court For Rule Against Clerk In Divorce Case. 8AY9 SENTIMENT IN KENTUCKY FROM NOW UNTIL EASTER THE 18 UNIVERSAL FOR BRYAN DEVOUT ARE EXPECTED TO AND PREDICTS HI8 NOMI DENY THEMSELVES PLEAS- Democratic Nat. Committeeman Urey Woodson was in the city on business matters during the week. Mr. Wood- son Is keeping busy as secretary of the subcommittee which is making arrangements for the national conven- tion at Denver, which he believes will prove to be one of the biggest Demo- cratic love feasts this country has ever seen. “Kentucky is certain to cast a solid vote for Bryan for. the nomination,” he said in the lobby of the Capital Hotel. “All this talk of some of the Eleventh-district leaders being against Judson done in the House. The bill came within an ace of getting up on Wed- nesday and might have passed but for a change in one vote. Senator Rives, who has been fighting for the bill, made his usual motion that the rules be suspended and the bill taken from the committe and put on its passage. Senator Charlton moved to lay this motion on the table. The motion to table was lost by a tie vote of 17 to 17, the chair not voting, but declaring the motion lost because it did not pre- vail. He then put the original motion to suspend the ruleB, and Senator Conn Linn, who had voted against tabling the motion, him and favoring Harmon has panned out to be idle gossip. I have Investigated conditions in every part of the State and find the senti- ment almost universal for the nomina- tion of the Nebraskan. “I further believe that all signs point meet auspiciously toward his election. Roosevelt is handing it to himthat’s all there is to it. The Republicans were never split so badly in their history; there is the big stick constantly over their heads; the panic factories idle all over the land; men out of tmployment and wages being reduced. The Republicans have lost their ‘full-dinner-pail’ campaign slo- gan, and the only hope for the return of the country to Bane conditions is the election of Mr. Bryan.” changed his vote and voted against taking the bill from the committee. The motion was lost, the vote being 18 to 16. The county unit opponents thought their time had come and were badly frightened, but that night things were done .and the bill was laid away without funeral ser- vices on the day following. Next to the county unit bill the Mc- Chord bill has aroused most interest,, and the fate of this bill, under the new rule in the Senate, is problematic. It is said that the rules committee is against the bill and that the support- ers of it can not muster the necessary two-thirds to get it out of the hands of that committee, but the supporters of the measure say that It will be pass- ed and it then will be up to the Gov- ernor whether or not it shall be- come a law. The McChord hill, GOVERNMENT. Said To Have Told a Friend That Ha Was Out Of Active Politics. FATAL ACCIDENT Pays For Site On Which New Federal Building Will Be Erected At Paris. Former Governor J. C. W. Becham will, according to a close personal friend, resume the practice of law in a short time. He is said to have told this friend that he is through with active politics and that he Intends to shortly settle down and practice his profession. While he did not say where he would lovate it 1b believed by many of his friend® that he will make Frankfort his home. Ab he was formerly a law partner of Eli H. Brown, a member of the Prison Com- mission, there is some speculation as to whether this partnership will bo resumed. To Anderson County Farmer Whose Pistol Is Accidentally Discharged. Mr. Ishmael Proctor, one of the best known young farmers of the western part of Anderson county, waB acciden- tally shot at his home near Glensboro, and died at an early hour yesterday morning. He had been to his barn shooting rats and while returning to the house his pistol was accidentally discharged. The bullet entered his right eye and he lingered only a few hours. He is survived by his wife. The transfer of the Anthony Thorn- ton property, corner of Eighth and Pleasant Btreets, which was recently purchased by the Government for a Federal building site, was formally completed at Paris, when special agent George M. Davidson, of the Treasury Department turned over to attorney John M. Brennln, trustee, a check for the purchase price, $7,250. Work on the building will probably be begun in the summer. RAISE HEMP. There is as much or more profit in hemp at $7 per hundred, which is being paid now, as there is in tobac- co at the prices that are asked by the poolers. The same ground will grow either, and here is an argu- ment for more hemp and less tobac- oo this year. If you have a small amount of cream do not skim so closely and add some milk. Put in a little starter and warm It before patting the cre&m can in warm water, constantly stirring until the proper temperature is obtained, when it will quickly ripen.

Frankfort weekly news and roundabout: 1908-03-07 · 2015. 11. 27. · FRA? GRANDJURY. IndictsIndianRefiningCompanyand KentuckyTractionCompanyAt Versailles. Mr.Jan ocritlt,n.lightly'"iiorP

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Page 1: Frankfort weekly news and roundabout: 1908-03-07 · 2015. 11. 27. · FRA? GRANDJURY. IndictsIndianRefiningCompanyand KentuckyTractionCompanyAt Versailles. Mr.Jan ocritlt,n.lightly'"iiorP



Indicts Indian Refining Company andKentucky Traction Company At


Mr. Jan

o critlt,n ,

.lightly '"iiorP' The grand jury of the Woodford Clr»

cult* Court returned ei^^indlctmentsagainst the Indian Refining Company,of Georgetown, for transporting oil In

tank wagons and unlawfully selling

the same at r^^l without license.

The grand also indicted the

Central Kent^^ Traction Companyon eights counts for failure to main-

tain signal boards on its line In Wood-ford county at points where public

highways are crossed by the railroad

and for failing to safeguard its employ*

es by blocking the frogs on its tracks.

on the Le£ is able t0 b®

thorized hitconfined

didate for de • ja sore

Congressional. Jibe Ved.


Democratic Con L Mmat venver,T

Col., next July. CcNSflP&e says ht

is assured of undivided support in his i

end of the district, and is anxious to|

be one of the two to be sent from th

Ashland district to make the trip

the Western metropolis and nomini

the peerless Nebraskan for the pre

dency. Col. Thorne says he has hi

his ears to the ground and can hea

the rumbling of discontent made by

the people, and that the “sign is

right,’’ for Bryan, the people’s cham-pion to sweep the country. Accord-

ing to Col. Thorne, the Republicans

will be hunting cyclone cellars whenthe next election rolls around,, no

matter who they may nominate.



ISTURBING THE GOVERCELIUS TOBACCO BILL INYou will 'need to take extra pains

to have your milk clean and free fromodors now. (But you can do it by takring care to wipe the udders off clean,

and by bedding the cows, and currying

them every day. Don’t miss any ofthese things.


The killing of the county unit bill DFH1UIAIUin the Senate and the failure to pass uLlllllUIla redistricting bill, or even to consider

either, has caused a renewal of the

talk of an extra session and it was ja DU UUl fl 111 I fllllOl/ll I Estated on reliable authority that Gov. ||J Ht UtLU 111 LUuIuVILLlWillson will call an extra session to

consider four subjects. These four

subjects are the county unit bill, a re- qF THE SURVIVORS OF KEN-districting bill, bi-partisan boards for

the control of the State penal and

charitable institutions and some meas-

ures to relieve the tobacco troubles,

which have caused the Governor so

much anxiety. It is said that the

Governor has made up his mind finally

that the State must have a redistrict-

ing bill, in accordance with the decis-

ion of the Court of Appeals whichknocked out the last bill that waspassed by the Legislature and also

that something must be done to stop

the raids by night riders. The talk

of an extra session is all that one

hears now as the big things which

occupied the attention of the public

during the weeks which have passed

have all been settled one way or the


Gov. Willson is known to be disap-

pointed in the Legislature and is said

to have expected the two bodies to

pass a redistricting bill, although it is

hardly believed that he expected the

passage of the bill which was drawn

by the Republicans and which would

have put the Republicans* in control

in the State. In order to get a redis-

tricting bill it is said to be practically

certain that he will call an extra ses-

sion and that he will include in the

call, as a part of the business which is

to be considered, the county unit bill.

Gov. Willson has not talked regarding

his intentions on the subject of an

extra session but his close friends say

that it is practically a certainty that

he will issue the call. The extra ses-

sion may not be held Immediately fol-

lowing the presnt session but it maybe several weeks before the call is is-


The Anti-Saloon League, which is a

power in Kentucky as well as other

States, is said to have already decided

that in case this session ends without

the passage .of the county unit bill,

petitions asking an extra session will

be sent to the Governor from every

precinct in the State and will makethings so strong that he will be prac-

tically forced to call the extra ses-

sion. This plan is said to have beenfully decided on and will be put into

execution at once. Franfort is muchinterested in all this talk and manywould like to see the Legislature comeback for an extra session.

A prominent Republican member of

the Legislature said he is confident

Gov. Willson expects to call an extra

session. He said that while the Gov-

ernor did not say it in so many wordshe asked questions the purport of

which showed that he is at least con-

sidering the matter very carefully.

The House yesterday morning pass-

ed the Sullivan educational bill,

which changes the whole system of

school trustees and establishes a high

school in everjr county in the State.

There was some opposition to the bVl

and the debate was long, many speech-

es being made for and against it. The

bill provides that the county Bball be

the governing unit in school matters

and that a tax of not to exceed 20 cents

shall be levied for school purposes in

each county.

/ty unit extention bill, ex-

tenofe JL provisions of the county

unit every county in the State,

was sleep for good and all. as

far as trWpresent session of the Legis-

lature is concerned, on Thursday whenthe Senate adopted a ruie requiring

a two-thirds vote to call any bill fromthe hands of the rules committee. Therule was adopted as a result of anagreement between the Democrats andRepublicans who thought it would be

better to have one committee in com-

plete control rather than have a gene-

ral scramble for the passage of their

pet measures, by all the members of

the Senate. The rules committee is

opposed to the passage of the county

unit bill and will not report it. Theadvocates of the measure can not mus- the appellant Mrs. Holtman, filed herter the necessary two-thirds vote to affidavit before the Court of Appeals

call the bill from the committee, bo to show cause why he shall not beit will die a natural death and the compelled to make and deliver to ap-

verdict will be: "Choked to death on pellant a transcript of the record for

politics.” the prpose of her appeal.

The bill had a stormy time, any- The clerk had refused to make a

how. It hung up in the House for copy of the record without paymentsome weeks and not only was not con- of his fee. Appellant says she has nosidered but it effectually prevented means to pay his fee ^nd that she is

anything else from being considered, entitled to a hearing of her appeal andBetween the county unit bill and the can not have it without the record,

contest cases, which the Republicans The motion for the rule was submit-

were howling to have reported, and ted. This 16 an action for divorce bythen the Senatorial race, there was not Mrs. Holtman. The court below decid-

much chance for anything. These ed against her and she has prayed an


Entertained Tuesday Evening ByMembers Of The Legislature At

Capital Hotel.

One of the gaye3t and most enjoy-

able social events of the General As-

sembly session was the dance and re-

ception given at the Capital Hotel

Tuesday evening by the memlfers of

the Legislature in honor of Senator-

elect W. O. Bradley and his daughter,

Mrs. John G. South. The grand

march was led by Gov. Bradley andMrs. W. H. Cox, wife of the Lieuten-

ant Governor.

Among the informal features werebanjo playing by Representative

Henry Denham, of the Metcalfe-Mon-

roe district, who also called the figu-

res for the quadrilles. Representa-

tive “Windy Bill” Thompson, of Spen-

cer county, showed himself quite

handy with his feet and danced a

genuine old-fashioned "breakdown”for the edification of the large assem-

blage. The afTair was made a society

event and many handsome costumes

were in evidence. A number of guests

were present from Louisville and

^exington and many other points in

Central Kentucky.


A county board of edu-

cation, which shall consist of not less

than four nor more than eight mem-

bers, with the county school superin-

tendent. as a member ex-officio. This

board is to be selected by the election

of one school trustee in each school

district and the trustees of these dis-

tricts to compose a division board of

education in each educational division

of the county, of which there shall be

not less than four nor more than eight

The teachers are to be selected by the

division boards and each trustee is re-

quired to look after the needs of the

schools in their districts. The main

feature of the bill, aside from the al-

teration in the methods of managing

schools, is that each county in the

State shall have a high school. The

bill now goes to the Senate and is

practically certain to pass there, both

th« and Republicans favor-

ing it.

In the Senate to-day an important

local option measure was passed.

This provides that no distiller shall

sell intoxicating liquor in any local

option district except to a licensed

wholesale or retail dealer. Tlfls will

do away with the present plan of small

distilleries selling whisky in five gal-

lon lots to anybody who may apply.

Senator McNutt’s bill creating the of-

fice of assistant jail physician in

Lo.uisville was passed by a unani-

mous vote. The county unit bill came

up again this morning in the Senate

when the House bill, which has pass-

ed, was read and referred to a com-

mittee. On motion of Senator Rives

the bill was referred to the Kentucky

Statutes Committee. Thia does not

affect the bill, however, as the Rules

Committee is in complete charge and

the bill can be called up only on mot-

ion of the Rules committee.

The Senate passed the Crecllius bill

providing a penalty for selling or buy-

ing pooled tobacco, after it had been i

amended so as to provide that the

penalty should be inflicted only where

a person knowingly buy* such pooled

tobacco. Other bills were passed and

the Senate disposed of a great deal

of business.

Much business of importance was

transacted by the House and Senate

yesterday and the two bodies are nowgetting down to work with the pros-

pect that all the bills which need at-

tention will be disposed of before the

session adjourns. There remains of

the session only nine days, but in that

time a great deal of business can be

transacted and the session will end

with a great deal accomplished, es-

pecially for the cause of education.

Who Is Shy On Cash Asks Appellate

Court For Rule Against Clerk In

Divorce Case.




Democratic Nat. Committeeman UreyWoodson was in the city on business

matters during the week. Mr. Wood-son Is keeping busy as secretary of

the subcommittee which is makingarrangements for the national conven-

tion at Denver, which he believes will

prove to be one of the biggest Demo-cratic love feasts this country has

ever seen.

“Kentucky is certain to cast a solid

vote for Bryan for. the nomination,”

he said in the lobby of the Capital

Hotel. “All this talk of some of the

Eleventh-district leaders being against


done in the House. The bill camewithin an ace of getting up on Wed-nesday and might have passed but for

a change in one vote. Senator Rives,

who has been fighting for the bill, madehis usual motion that the rules besuspended and the bill taken from the

committe and put on its passage.

Senator Charlton moved to lay this

motion on the table. The motion to

table was lost by a tie vote of 17 to

17, the chair not voting, but declaring

the motion lost because it did not pre-

vail. He then put the original motion

to suspend the ruleB, and Senator ConnLinn, who had voted against tabling

the motion,

him and favoring Harmonhas panned out to be idle gossip. I

have Investigated conditions in every

part of the State and find the senti-

ment almost universal for the nomina-

tion of the Nebraskan.

“I further believe that all signs

point meet auspiciously toward his

election. Roosevelt is handing it to

him—that’s all there is to it. TheRepublicans were never split so badly

in their history; there is the big stick

constantly over their heads; the panic

factories idle all over the land; menout of tmployment and wages being

reduced. The Republicans have lost

their ‘full-dinner-pail’ campaign slo-

gan, and the only hope for the return

of the country to Bane conditions is

the election of Mr. Bryan.”

changed his vote andvoted against taking the bill from the

committee. The motion was lost, the

vote being 18 to 16. The county unit

opponents thought their time hadcome and were badly frightened, but

that night things were done .and the

bill was laid away without funeral ser-

vices on the day following.

Next to the county unit bill the Mc-Chord bill has aroused most interest,,

and the fate of this bill, under the newrule in the Senate, is problematic. It

is said that the rules committee is

against the bill and that the support-

ers of it can not muster the necessary

two-thirds to get it out of the hands of

that committee, but the supporters

of the measure say that It will be pass-

ed and it then will be up to the Gov-

ernor whether or not it shall be-

come a law. The McChord hill,

GOVERNMENT.Said To Have Told a Friend That Ha

Was Out Of Active Politics.

FATAL ACCIDENT Pays For Site On Which New Federal

Building Will Be Erected At Paris.Former Governor J. C. W. Becham

will, according to a close personalfriend, resume the practice of law in

a short time. He is said to have told

this friend that he is through withactive politics and that he Intends toshortly settle down and practice hisprofession. While he did not saywhere he would lovate it 1b believedby many of his friend® that he will

make Frankfort his home. Ab he wasformerly a law partner of Eli H.Brown, a member of the Prison Com-mission, there is some speculation asto whether this partnership will boresumed.

To Anderson County Farmer WhosePistol Is Accidentally Discharged.

Mr. Ishmael Proctor, one of the best

known young farmers of the western

part of Anderson county, waB acciden-

tally shot at his home near Glensboro,

and died at an early hour yesterday


He had been to his barn shooting

rats and while returning to the house

his pistol was accidentally discharged.

The bullet entered his right eye and

he lingered only a few hours. He is

survived by his wife.

The transfer of the Anthony Thorn-

ton property, corner of Eighth andPleasant Btreets, which was recently

purchased by the Government for a

Federal building site, was formally

completed at Paris, when special agent

George M. Davidson, of the Treasury

Department turned over to attorney

John M. Brennln, trustee, a check for

the purchase price, $7,250.

Work on the building will probably

be begun in the summer.

RAISE HEMP.There is as much or more profit in

hemp at $7 per hundred, which is

being paid now, as there is in tobac-

co at the prices that are asked by

the poolers. The same ground will

grow either, and here is an argu-

ment for more hemp and less tobac-

oo this year.

If you have a small amount of creamdo not skim so closely and add somemilk. Put in a little starter and warmIt before patting the cre&m can in

warm water, constantly stirring until

the proper temperature is obtained,

when it will quickly ripen.

Page 2: Frankfort weekly news and roundabout: 1908-03-07 · 2015. 11. 27. · FRA? GRANDJURY. IndictsIndianRefiningCompanyand KentuckyTractionCompanyAt Versailles. Mr.Jan ocritlt,n.lightly'"iiorP


The Elders and Deacons, hel

Joint meeting at the Southern I

byterion Church, and adopted re

tions in reference to the deat^

Walter G. Chapman,

tions will be read at the nlvice, Sunday, March 8th, B

Mr. H. S. Wash has mMr. Louis H. Finnell, th<f'

on High street recently^


The Coyle Press, amWI

next few days open uB

Tea and Coffee house. {

Mr. FrankJ^ney 1«.

a two w^^BPsine.s

York, where he goes#1 up-to-date line of Dry*

and Ladies ready-to-wea*

the coming Spring and



BE RE-BUILT AT ONCE. JVoonanJust before noon Monday Breckin-

ridge Hall the largest building in con-

nection with Centre College, at Dan-

ville, was dJBfcpered on fire. The*flrst

and third stones were used as living

rooms by the students and several-nar-

row escapes were made. A. U. David-

son, a student from Marion, and Geo.

Alley, of Fulton, w^Burrounded by

flames, but fortunateBpid a long rope

In their room, which mey fastened to

furniture and then lowered them-

selves to the ground. Their hands

were blistered, and the roof fell in

shortly after they landed.

Practically all of the belongings of

the fifty boys who roomed in Breckin-

ridge Hall were destroyed, and the

young men are being provided with

homes in private families throughout

Danville. The hall will be rebuilt at

once. It was erected in 1881 and was

jnamed in honor of Dr. R. J. Breckin-

ridge, who at that time was a leader

In the theological seminary, which has

since been moved to Louisville.

. secure

steele ce

the Faincompleted h

. are now a

interior of^,

Mr. J. J. Bri

contract foi^fl

in the couflBank in iK

contract. a^H|work decoratin]


Corner Main and Ann

moved a

King’s Da

has been i

to be sligl

Mr. H. Z. Churchill left Frlday^^

Jessamine county, where he goes to

spend a few weeks with friends after

which he goes to his old home in

Hardin county to reside, ‘The Bishops,’

many friends in Franfort regret he is

not to make his future home here.

Mr. Wm. S. Farmer returned Tues-

day from New York where he spent

two weeks, while in the east Mr.

Farmer selected an elegant line of

the latest styles of Ladles Tal/^red

Suits, Skirts and Waists which he will

display at an early date.

County Clerk N. B. Smith Issued the

following marriage licenses during the

past week: Moses Phillips, 24 years of

age, and Addle Smith, 17 years of age,

both of Grafensburg, and Albert

Hockensmith, 29 years of age and Han-

nah Cohorn, age 26 years, of hlmville.



„retary t

Home in Ok

Mr. Ben Watt, of B Green,

who has been making hisfHome in this

city for the past eight years, during

part of which time he w’as the Corpor-

ation Clerk under Secretary of State

Harry V. McChesney, left Tuesday

evening for St. Louis, en route to

Pawhuska, Oklahoma, where he will

likely locate and resume the practice

of law, which he gave up temporarily

when he entered the service of the

State. Mr. Watt also has received

several offers from prominent and

wealthy politicians of Oklahoma to en-

gage in the newspaper business, one of

the offers coming from Gov. Haskel,

who owns a paper at Guthrie.

Mr. Watt spent several deys recent-

ly in various towns in the new State

on a prospecting trip, and while he

has decided to locate permanently in

that section, he has not fully decided

which proposition he will accept, al-

though he regards the one looking to

the practice of law, a partnership hav-

ing been offered him by one of the

most prominent lawyers of the South-

west, as being the best.

Mr. John D. Salle<»»

Blue Grass Trac ion

city, is confined to his rlV

street with a severe attacl

matory rheumatism. Ghe FrankfortTransfer Co.

THREE WILLSMrs. Ben S. Hughes, been

> seriously ill wkh pnelBGnia at

IT home on Fourth amF Conway

reets, was yesterday said to be some

Admitted to Probate in the County

Court Monday."

The last will >of Mrs. Margaret

Noonan was admitted to probate in

the county court Monday morning.

After directing that all of her just

debts and funeral expenses be paid,

she leaves one dollar in cash to each

of the following children, Chas. E.,

Jno. A., Wm., Jas. G., R. Emmltt and

Ben Noonan, and Mrs. Mary Wag-goner. To her daughter, Ella Noonan,

ehe leaves her house, on the south

side of Main street, during her life,

and at her death should Joseph P.

Noonan survive her, he is to have a

life interest in the house, and at his

death, it Is to be equally divided

among her surviving children. To

Mrs. Henry Gobber, who has Deen

critically ill of pneumonia for the

past month at her home on Holmes

street, is now convalescent which will

be pleasant news for her many friends

here. .1

• • •

Miss Marie Mastin, who has been

qnite ill for the past two weeks at

the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.

John C. Mastin, on Ann street, was

yesrterday somewhat Improved.

• • •

Mr. A. B. Scott, who nas been quite

ill with the grip for the past week

at his home on Third street, was able

no nut vesterday for a short while.

Hauling ofAll KindsMr. Phil J. Brogan, of LouiBville,

has purchased an interest in the

plumbing shop of Mr. Charles White-

head, on Bridge street, which for the

past year has been conducted by Mr.

Julian Tilford, as agent.

Mr. Bogan, who is a practical plumb-

er, comes highly recommended from

his home in Louisville. He assumed

charge of the business on Monday

morning and will conduct it under

the Arm name of The Franfort Plumb-

ing Co.

Office L. & N.Freight Depotsurviving

her son, Joseph P. Noonan, she leaves

the vacant lot, on the east side of her

home, on Main street, to dispose of

as he may see fit. Her personal prop-

erty, of; every description, she gives

to her daughter, Ella Noonan. Ti.e

will was written February 2, 1905, and

is witnessed by Jas. R. and Wim. E.



Mr. Edw. B. Dumas, leader of the

Second Regiment Band, recived a tele-

gram last night from Louisville stat-

ing that his brother Afr. Frances Du-

mas had been badly crushed in some

machinery while at work in the foun-

dary of the Ahrens and Ott Manufac-

turing Co., in that city.

Mr. Dumas will leave this morning

for Louisville to be with his brother

who is at St. Anthony’s Hospital.

pneumonia. Is reported as oemg

much improved and hopes to be at

his place of business again the com-

ing week.• • •

Mr. Bowman S. Gaines, who was

confined to his home on Ann street

with a very sore arm, which resulted

from being vaccinated is now able

to be out again.• * •

Col. John N. Crutcher, who has

been so seriously ill pneumonia at

his home on Kentucky avenue for the

last three weeks, still remains in a

critical condi ion and on account oi

his extreme age it is not thought

Mr. J. M. Winters, whose will wasprobated Monday, leaves to his chil-

dren, Lafayette Winters, ColumbusWinters, Newton Winters and Mary J.

Winters, one dollar each, and to his

wife, Mahala Winters, and his chil-

dren Alfred T. twisters, Allie B. Win-ters and Benjamin Winters, he left

the remainder of his property to be

equally divided. C. W. Saffell\

Has Lverytring Best .

and Freshest in

Staple and Fancy Groceries.

Turkeys,; Chickens, Ltc.

One of the first appointments of a

Democrat to office which is expected

to be made by Governor Willson will

probably be that of Senator Conn Linn

of Calloway county, as a member of

the Board of Regents of the Western

Kentucky State Normal School. Mr.

H. C. Miller, a member. of the Board

has resigned, having left the State.

The will of Warren Green, colored,

was also probated. He left his rela-

tives from $10 to $50 and to St. Johns

A. M. E. Church $10, and the remain-

der ’Offals estate to Martha E. Wil-

liams, in&msideration of her kindness

to him.te seed corn. Apply to

J. P. HOSTETTER,R. F. D. No. 2, Lawrenceburg, Ky.

Col. Mervin Parrent, who for the

past four years has been Assistant

Adjutant General of Kentucky, and

who recently went out of office, will

leave the latter part of April for

New Orleans, Louisiana, where he has

accepted a position with the General

Supply and Construction Company,

who were the contractors on Ken-

tucky’s New Capital. The company


Brother of Rev. Jno. J. O'Neil, of This

City, Dies at Home in


Commissioner McD. Ferguson was

present at the meeting of the Railroad

Commission Wednesday lor the first

time this year. For nearly three

months he was confined to his home

with blood poisoning, which affected

one of his feet. He is able to get

about by using care in walking.

* • *

The condition of Mr. Edw. L. Samuel,

who has been so critically W1 at his

home on St. Clair street, since his

return several weeks ago from North

Carolina, where he spent several

weeks in the hope of regaining his

health, was last night said to be but

slightly improved and his relatives and

manv friends in this city now fear

Prompt Delivery. Sole Agents for

Both Phones. Famous Seal Ship OystersReliable

Garden SeedsMr. Frank O’Neil, a well knownbusiness man of Lexington, who, for

mare than 30 years, has conducted a

grocery store at the corner of Lime-

stone and Mechanic streets, died at 2

o’clock Wednesday afternoon from a

complication of maladies, at the homeof his father, Mr. James O’Neil, on

North Limestone street. He was 54

years of age and has been a lifelong

resident of Lexington.

Mr. O’Neil is survived by onebrother, the Rev. O’Neill, who is assis-

tant rector of the Catholic church here

and a sister. Miss Susie O'Neil, of

Lexington who was at his bedside

when the end came.Mr. O’Neill was a man of quiet,

thoughtful demeanor, a loyal friend,

and in every line of life won and held

the respect and esteem of his fellow-

citizens, who will regret his untimely

taking off.

The funeral services were held

Thursday morning at nine o’clock

from St. Pauls Church.

Rev. O’Neil, brother of the de-

ceased, was the celebrant of the sol-

emn requiem high mass. Assisting

him were Rev. Father Risner, deacon

at the mass; Rev. Joe. Flynne, of

Georgetown, sub-deacon; Rev. Martin

Delaney, master of ceremonies, whoalso preached at the funeral.

The burial was held at St. Paul’s .

Catholic cemetery.

ANN STRLLTJWe are handling

this season, as wehave for years, . .

The local order of the Fraternal

Order of Eagles, will give a moving

picture show at the Capital City Theat-

re on Wednesday evening, March 11,

at which they will display The Holy

City, Ben Hur and Daniel Boone. The

pictures of Ben Hur will be something

entirely different from any ever shown

in this section of the country as they

were taken from the original play at

Manhattan Beach where Third Bat-

Battery of the New York National

Guard acted as the soldiers.

An admission fee of twenty-five

cents will be charged as this is for

a worthy cause the 8. R. O. sign will

no doubt have to be hung out early in

the evening.



High Grade VehiclesThan ever before. The public have at last come to the

conclusion that a CHEAP vehicle is PEAR at anyprice. Our work is strictly hand made, and is sold undera guarantee that means something. If you want a vehiole

that is first-class, and will give perfect satisfaction, dropus a card, and we will call to see you. We know we cansuit you in both quality and prices. All we ask is anopportunity to discuss the matter with you.

Subscribers will receive tms p*p«‘

.» usual on Saturday mornings, and

^withstanding the improvement that

the subscription price

dollar aThese goods hare

the repututation

of insuring crops.

will be made,

will remain the same, one


We trust our patrons will ment,on

the fact of the improvements that are

being made to their neighbors and

friends in order that they may take

advantage of t** opportunity to secure

one of the best weeklies In the State

for a nominal sum.

Mr. Caleb W. Merchant enter-

tained a party of friends Wednesday

evening at his home on Steele street

with a dutch luncheon and smoker,

in complltnent to Mr. Luke Norman,

who left Thursday morning for Louis-

ville where he has accepted a posi-

tion as traveling salesman with the

Bradley-Gllbert Company. Amongthose who enjoyed Mr. Merchants hos-

pitality were: Messrs. L. C. Norman,

S. W. Howell, Jr., Ike A. Kennedy,

Jack Drennon, Edw. Coke and Pai


Can WeSupply You?

Seller Carriage CoVERSAILLES, KY

H. K. Ward,President.

dairy wisdom

A little buttermilk saved from a

previous churning is a good starter.

Don’t waste the summer’s profits

fbHtles» winter care and feeding. Sec. and Treas

Page 3: Frankfort weekly news and roundabout: 1908-03-07 · 2015. 11. 27. · FRA? GRANDJURY. IndictsIndianRefiningCompanyand KentuckyTractionCompanyAt Versailles. Mr.Jan ocritlt,n.lightly'"iiorP

Bottled In Bond

A Beverage Whiskeyof top most Class

E. ti.TaylorJr. &Sons jn^pp0PATE


Distillers , Frankfort , Ky.

DfiY MARCH 7, 1908.

som, addit*











No. 2'




Special attention given to

the transfer of baggage. Use

either phone. Oldest andbeBt hostelry in the city.

year we lay In a Freshof Seeds, as that is the

Ml Tor ns to be sure of

Srodiietiveness. YouMter moke sure of theof vonr year’s workg these Fresh Seeds.

I he ^M-jiidgment

plantiiiK seeds or

i value, besides these(Jnes cost no morev other kind. . . .




Scearce, ^ers.

No. 105 rings DlstilL

Co., Stanr fit; Ous WJphouse, st^f iger.



No. 33 vis, Caney: ClifCIbco, sty iger.

No. 355- itfnberrf, MorVhead; J. C. storekeeper-

gauger. v *Lexington C

Lexington: W. B^ff^rerson andM. Burbridge, storekeeper-gauger.

General storekeeper-gauger, R» *

Geers, Lexington.

Lexington Rectllyiug Houses—


on & Co., R. S. Strader & Son, P<& Co., T. H. Shelby, gaugeT.

Frankfort Rectifying House—Jj|.'

Williams; John Stephanksi, gauge


. iSixty ati

./ge, at UvMy here, vl<

of interest

They visit**

House of

In sess 1

The March assignment of store-

keepers and gaugers In the Seventh

Internal Revenue District shows in-

creased activity In the distilling in-

dustry, although it Is still far below

the average for this season of the

year. Four deaths In the service

within a few months and the illness

of several others have made neces-

sary a number of appointments of

temporary men from the civil service

eligible list, mostly for brief periods.

Selection for these emergency ap-

pointments are made as a rule from

the men on the list living nearest to

the distilleries where extra men are

needed, as the terms of servic are

mostly not long enough to Justify long

trips and traveling expenses. Theeligible llBt is the longest the district

has ever had, 42 names in all, and

the outlook is that but a small pro-

portion of the eligibles will be needed,

at least for anything more than scat-

tered periods of a few dayB now andthen.

MARCH ASSIGNMENTS.No. 1—Stoll & Co., Lexington; R.

Strauss, day; Amos Griffith, addition-

al and bottling; W. F. Croghan, gau-


No. 2—Kentucky River Distillery,

Franfort; W. S. Lyne, day; J. R.

Spiers, additional; L. H. Flnnell, addi-

tional; W. H. Sneed, bottling; F. D.

-Clark and A. V. Combs, gaugers.

* No. 3—H. F. Pogue Dlsti>5ry Co.,

Maysville; J. S. Wallingford, day;

Frank Harting, additional aofl bot-

tling; P. D. Wells, gauger.

No. 4—W. A. Gaines & Co., Frank-

fort; S. A. Powell, day; I. T. West,

additional; L. A. Slade, additional;

C. H. Morgan, additional; W. D. Blan-

king, bottling; John Stephanski, gau-


Nb. l>—James E. Pepper & Co., Lex-

ington; John T. Gunn, day; J. M.

Stevenson, additional; Z. J. Phelps,

additional; A. B. Piper, additional andbottling; D. C. Berryman, gauger.

No. 6—Poyntz Bros. & Co., Mays-

more, meal room; Oscar Grigsby,


No. 9—S. J. Greenhaum, Midway;

J. W. Black, day; E. E. Price, meal

room; R. H. Davenport, additional-

H. S. Sinclair, bottling; W. E. Proctor

-night; W. T. Crosthwalte, P. P. Par-

rirfh, A. G. Leonard and J. R. Sams,


No. 10—Peacock Distillery Oo., Kls-

erton; W. W. Cherry, day; C. L.

Hough, additional and bottling; D. C.

Berryman, ganger.

No. 11—S. C. Herbst, Frankfort; A.

W. Nazor, day; J. J. Barnett, addi-

tional and bottling; F. D. Clark, gau-


No. 14—G. G. White Co„ Paris; T.

L. McConnell, day; N. A. Moore, ad-

ditional; J. M. Russell, bottling; D.

C. Berryman, gauger.

No. 17—Old McBrayer Distillery Co.,

Mt. Sterling; J. A. Stephens, day; J.

4. Kearns, additional and bottling; W.F, Croghan, gauger.

No. 32—Jdhn T. Barbee & Co., Ver-

sailles; C. H. Talbott, day; George

T. Mountjoy, additional and bottling;

5. D. Pinkerton, gauger.

No. 33—George Baker, Frankfort;

C. H. Wlclllfe, day; J. D. Shy, addi-

tional and bottling; L. F. T. Steele,

additional; E. B. Davis, meal room;

D. E. Reid, night; John Stephanski,

and Speed F. Owen, gaugers.

No. 37—John Cochran & Co., Frank-

fort; B. McElroy, day; W. A. Hamll- 1

ton, additional and bpttling; R. H.

Whittington, meal room; Warren M.

Van Hoose, night; H. T. Gaines, gau- '

ger. 1

No. 46—James E. Pepper & Co., 1

Yarnallton: E. F. Damaby, day; T.

E. Oldham, additional and bottling; T.1

H. Shelby, gauger.

No. 50—W. J. Frazier Co., Versailles;1

J. B. Berry, storekeeper-aguger.

No. 52!—Labrot & Graham, Frank-

fort; W. L. Baker, day; E. Craig,

additional and bottling; S. D. Pinker-

ton, gauger.

No. 53—E. H. Taylor, Jr., & Sons,

Frankfort: J. R. Dagley, day; A. E.

Gottschalk, additional; L. R. Diggs,

additional; J. M. Fraley, bottling; T.

J. Craig, meal room; R. B. Woodford,

pight; A. V. Combs, and H. S. Bell,

gaugers. '

No. 72—Miller Anderson, Means;Rolla Fannin, storekeeper-gauger.

Jo. 77—Julius Kosler & Co., Paris:

J. P. Hutchcraft, day; C. T. Throck-morton, additional; tt. D. Grant, ad-

ditional; W. G. Cook, bottling; D. C.

Berryman, gauger.

No. 91—J. & J, M. Saffelle, Frankfort

B. F. Fannin, day; G.-W. McConnell,additional; H. C. Everett, additional;

P. S. Rule, additional; Henry New-

I Am Ready To Make The Best

PHOTOSAnd all of Portraits and Orvopentiry . South Frankfort,Bridie on the Reliable Photo-grapner^^w

hand a complete

k t|» Seeds uf all

bulk and

line oi


packet MATTERN

Lowest r,

Liquors and* Where to Buy Them

The Pure Food Lawwill not arfteot ua* We always didand always will sell nothing butStraight Liquors at

«F-0. B. HA LENDER, 45 St. Cla i

c-ula Perry,

» jv, Hermlonasr >Ols North-

e jBi Krilla Mayl._ dfi, Anna May

i j Copeland, Fay Mor-i .-Post. Sarah K. Adams,

xer, Jessie S, p. Brown,i^wer, Mary Seward CasseffL,

j/ons, Lulu Lyods, MildredSf jfcrginis. Moure, I^ona Barl>ee,

APPleton, Rebecca Cock-

rel^^Hnie Jean Mitchell, Laura Car-

pente^ Gazette Shelton, Lela Kenrs.Martha Potts, Mary- Tomlinson, BessSmith, Ruth Howe, LucUe Brough,Lela Yaiury, Myra Gardner, WHIleHaxned, Vinan Gillisple, Adelaide

Wagstnif, Dorothy ''Norwood, AnnaColumn T.an Meter, Martha VanMeter, Murgam-t Shyrnrk,

or, m the cost oif setftng, 14cewM about two years. Com-pounding* interest at 5 per cent, the.anno til charge of such a post is 7.53

cents; that is, it costs 7.53 cents ayear to keep the post in service. Pre-senative treatment costing io centswill increase its length of life to abouteighteen years. In this case the total

coat df. the post, set, la 24 cents, whichcompounded at 5 per cent, gives anannual charge of 2.04 cents. Thus thesavings due to treatment Is "5.45 centsa year. Assuming that there are 200post* per mile, there is a saving eachyearffor every mile of fence of a sumequivalent to the Interest on $219.60.

In the same way preservative treat-

ment will increase the length of life

«f a iUtiolly pine railroad tie from flve

years to twelve years and win reducedhe annual charge from 11.52 cents to9.48 cents, which amounts te a sav-

MtFGUISTCorner Ann and Broadway



It» Origin And How It la And' (Has

Been Celebrated.

There is anjy room for smiles andjests in New Orleans when MardiGras rolls around each year and the

I day is celebrated with wonted enthu-siasm, preparations being made seve-

ral months before the climax comes,when the old city Is unveiled in all

of its gay attire and such a thing as

business Is forgotten for th* time.

The word carnival is derived from the

Italia, composed of two words, carnoand ‘vale, which means farewell to

meat Mardl -Gras is derived from theFrench and means fat Tuesday; .Mardibeing the word for Tuesday and Grasthe word Star fat.

Dating hack to the time of Teles-

phorus, Bishop of Rome in the secondcentury, the festive date was accord-

ingly devised. The season of Lent, orforty days’ fasting, had already beeninstituted. In Rome the inhabitants

held a series of public dinners, the

city was lighted with torches and the

vineyards, like those which tarnished

Inspiration to Omar Khayyam for bis

immortal verses, were well filled with

guests. The next city which caughtthe flavor of the celebration wasParis, and year after year th® Paris-

ians had thair carnival. Masking be-

came the fashion and the city swarm-ed with mem and women in fanctful

costumes. After the new world wasdiscovered and New Orleans spranginto existence that city caught the in-

spiration from ±he gay Parisians andearly In the eighteenth cenutry Mardi !

Gras, or Shove Tuesday, was observ-

ed as gala day. Feasts were given

and the day wound up with a bail--

grand ball.

Tbe first real procession made its

appearance on the streets when the \

cetehrants paraded in decorated

AU kinds of Hauling’, in-

cluding Moving Household

Cl-oods, Freight, Baggage, &c.

MaryCocke, Kathlyn "Graves, Annutte Cush-ing, Ethel liilton. Hattie Button, MaryGayle, Mary Vance, Crettu. Smith,

f Ethel Todd Mbore, Anna Caswell.Prewitt, Helen Ealey, Clara Bell Wal-ton, Katherine Headley, Sara Beverley>Jonet t, Hfl3th Watts, Belle Wheatley.

This is a Presidential

Year-, and eveiy manmust read to keep post-

ed on politics. The PRINCIPAL OFFICE -

L. 8 N. FREIGHT OFFICECourier-JournaiHenry Watterson,



ber for the anthracite coal mines


alone. Tbe average life of an untr it-1

ed mine prop is not more than threeyears. By proper preservative treat-

ment it cam be prolonged by many\

time* this figure. Telephone and tale-


graph poles, which in ten or twelvelyeare, or even less, decay so badly- atthe ground that they have to be re-

moved, can, by a simple treatment of


their butts, he made to last twentyor twenty-five years. Sap shingles,

which are almost valueless in theiT

naaural *tate, cwn easily be treated

and made to outlast even painted shin-

gles of the most ftecay-resistant wood.Thousands of dollars are lost everyyear by the so-called ‘'bluing” of

freshly sawed sapwood lumber. Thiscan be prevented by proper treatment,and at a cost so small as to put It

within the reach of the smallest

Of Baraca Bible Class, of First Baptist

Church, At Which Ne*v Officials

Are ,Cho*©iV


The Banana BMe .Class of tbe First j

'Baptist Charch, met Thumtay evening• at the Chapel of the church, and aftera short business jnssion went int* the !

semi-annual election of offltcers, wliich

lresulted as follow*.:

President—J. R. Hedrick.

Vice Presklent—J. \V. Shackleford.

Secretary—Cecil Farmer.

Treasurer—W. S. Rossen.


Reporter—Virgil Robinson.

The Baraca Class 8s accomplishing|

a splendid work among the youngmen of the charch and the city, andis aiming to increase it* scope of use-


fulness all the time.

la a Democratic News-paper, fcut it prints the

news as it develops. Onetlollar jl year is the price

of the : : : : :


Office—Todd Building, at St,

Clair Street Bridge-




But you -can get that

Paper and the ; :

RoundaboutBoth One YearFor $1.50


MARRIAGE reachoperator.

In the South the cheap and abun-dant loblolly pine, one of ,the easiest

of all woods to treat, can by properpreparation be made to take the placeof high-grade longleak pine for manypurposes. Black and tupelo gums andother little-used woods have

Miss Utterback and Mr. 8mithSolemnized on Wednesday

at Lexington.

Miss Lelia this

Smith, of

1 in mar-


riage on Wednesday evening at six

o'clock, at the parsonage of the First

Christian Church, in Lexington. Thepastor. Rev. I. j. Spencer, performed

1 the ceremony.

Their marriage at this time cameas a hsppy surprise to friends, their

preference for a quiet wedding havingcaused them to withhold their plansfrom all save a small company.Miss Utterback is the youngest

daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Utter-

bach, who formerly made their homein this county, but recently moved to

Lexington. She is quite au attrac-

tive and lovable young lady, whosemany friends in this county will offer

congratulations. Mr. 8inith is a suc-

cessful young farmer, of Fayette

a newand increasing importance because of

the possibility ,of preserving themfrom decay at small cost. In theNortheastern and Lake States are

tamrack, hemlock, beech, birch, andmaple, and the red and black oaks, all

of which by proper treatment mayhelp to replace the fast diminishing

white oak and cedar. In the States

of the Mississippi Valley the pressing

fence-post problem may be greatly re-

lieved by treating such species as cot-

tonwood, willow, and hackberry.

Circular 139 of the Forest Service,

“A Primer of Wood Preservation,”

tells in simple terms what decay is

and how it can be retarded, describes

briefly certain preservatives and pro-

cesses, gives examples of the saving

in dollars and cent», and tells whatwood preservation can do in the fu-

ture. The circular can be had uponapplication to the Forrester, ForestService, Washington, D. C.

If you will send your

order to This Paper

Not to The Courier-

Journal : : : : :

ville as soon &a the constru<completed, probably about'lot.

The following rataa obtainCliffiside Jet

Trumboi Gardners

Old CrowOld Taylor


Minimum charge, 10cCommutation ticket books

54 trips and good only for use

Daily Courier-Journal$6.00 a Year.

WeeklyCourier-Journal$2.00 a Year

Between Frankfort and Old Crow$6 .00 .


Between Frankfort and Old Taylos15.00.


Issued by""

P. F. MANNNG. Supt )

Approved by 1

8. S. BUSH, Pres. ' V •; >

We can give you a com-bination Cut Rate onthese if you will write

this paper, enclosingcash with Jorder. : :

16 “IN GOOD.


non in policies and his recent succes*ses. In the first place he was one ofthe Republicans who groomed JamesF. Grinstead, of Louisville, put himinto the Mayor’s race and nominatedhim. He was one of the managersof Gov. Willson’s campaign and di-

rected the fight of the Republicansin the legislative districts. Willsonand Grinstead were returned winnersand then Mr. Thatcher came here asformer Gov. W. O. Bradley’s campaignmanager and remained here until

ditlon he is the recognized representa-

Bradley was elected Senator. In ad-

tlve of Mr. Fairbanks in Kentucky.Mr. Thatcher is a modest, unassum

ing man and says he only did what hecould. However, no man in Kentuckyis closer to Gov. Willson, Senator-elect Bradley aod Vice President Fair-

banks than thfi young Louisville law-yer. J

Decides In Favor Of Kennedy HelmAgainst The State Auditor.


Page 4: Frankfort weekly news and roundabout: 1908-03-07 · 2015. 11. 27. · FRA? GRANDJURY. IndictsIndianRefiningCompanyand KentuckyTractionCompanyAt Versailles. Mr.Jan ocritlt,n.lightly'"iiorP


thatjHjjk. found lodgment fit

the Amerncan peo*;Mr. ^roiball and he believes thfu werthing indicates that he will be swer

into the White House by an avals -

of votes. Mr. Kimball g insis*

the Democrats never had atf

pect in the history' of t*f

Entered at the postoffice at Frankfort. Kentucky , as second-class mailable matter.


INCORPORATED. You will have to comequick if you want to takeadvantage of this oppor-tunity, just think !

* You Can Save

The Fairbanks Republ

Third congressional distr

an efTort to defeat J. Fra

Glasgow, for re-electionv’

tral Committeeman, m


M. D. COYLE, Secretary and Treasurer,ures .


te rule

ommun.On main•Ice up

y keep soMbt^,orl y have tnH’eader, and the>’

'rofit from hptho leading

>r ^acruing


:T, MARCH 7, *1908FRANK

,/f/j n? & 1 3.00 on a $ 25.00 Coat

f»^*L / $10.00 on a $20.00 Coat/ .will $8.25 on a $16.00 Coat

? I $6.76 on a $9.60 Coat

//mfor* / : These Coats are goodStyles for the Season.Buy one and lay it away.

BIG SAVINGS IN EMBROIDERIES4-inch wide Edge at 5c yard, 7-inch wide Edge at

10c yard, Corset Cover Embroideries 25c yard.

casion to say a wongBas to the future

policy of the Franl^B News, as the

paper shall herealte^^^ known.

While the new management feels a

pardonable pride In the changes that

have already been effected, It is by

no means the paper that we intend to

make It in a few weeks. Naturally

there is a great deal work incident to

the transfer of -a large business, and

as yet we have not organized our

editorial staff. The volume of work

that has been turned oub by the

Frankfort Printing Company since

the transier of he property has kept

the present force busy dty and night,

but the foice will be enlarged at the

earliest date possible and we hope

then to show out patrons that a first-

class paper can be published and

maintained In Frankfort.

It shall be the policy of this paper

to give the news of the day as it is.

The happenings of the day will not

be colored to please or to injure any

man, or set of men, but it will oe writ-

ten without bias.' The editorial ool-

vmi of the paper will be used to ad-

vance the interests of Frankfort and

the State, and they will not be given

over to “doubtful disputations” 'con-

cernlng matters of personal grievances

or unjust criticisms. We believe the



ion or p.

strive to

it usuallflfk r

worth. WkWe ha^Mt mil uer

who has been wort., dol-

lars to the commuV he

lives. He started in lV manon a farm. By Industrie^ and

economy in a few years.


by enough money to buy farm.

This he worked for all ^HBvas in

It, and it was only x few^^Wt years

until he had it paid for Rid a sur-

plus or cash on hand, and selling

this small farm he was able to buy

desirable lo-


are s. idles

unidentified. So it. iave

been recovered. Th^^^ .issing

now tallies with the uniden-

tified which would Indlrarce l hat all of

the bodies have been found and that

the total death list will stand at one

hundred and sixty-seven.

In fully one hundred cases the fune-

rals will be individual, each family

burying Its own dead. The first of

these funerals were held yesterday

morning and continued throughout

Republican members of the General

Assembly and some of the State of-

ficials have organized the Hughes

League of Kentucky, and hope to have

Kentucky’s delegation to the National

Convention instructed either for

Hughes first or second. If the fight

between Taft and Fairbanks gets any

and the Hughes men say that ^botti

sides could agree on Hughes delegates

from this State. If either a Tart or

a Fairbanks delegation goes from Ken-

hotter something will have to be done

tucky it b believed that this delega-

tion will be composed of men who

favor Hughes as second choice.

The Hughes movement in Kentucky

Is getting to amount to something and

the sentiment Is becoming general

that he will be the nominee on whomthe anti-Taft men will agree. Manyof the leading Republican politicians

who come to Franfort are really for

Hughes, and say that ho will be the

man who can beat Bryan. They are

for Taft or Fairbanks or some other

man' but all have a good word to say

for the Governor of New York, and

those who favor Fairbanks say $hat

they may hace to unite on Hughes to

beat Taft.

Mr. Humphreys, general manager of

the Hughes boom, was in Frankfort

Wednesday and organized the Hughes

Club, which will be spread over the

entire State and will not be confined

to only one city or county. Thomas

B. McGregor was elected president of

the league, Roy Wilhoit secretary and

trea3urer, arid T. F. Vinson, vice

president. John P. Haswell, R. A.

Cook, W. E. Bidwell, D. B. Cornett

and Sawyer A. Smith were appointed

as the executive committee.

Gen. Stew'art L. Woodford, presi-

dent of the Hughes League of the

United States, Is expected in Ken-

tucky the coming week, and will

make several addresses. A strong or-

ganization is on foot in Louisville for

Hughes, and with the organization of

the Kentucky League it will probably

mean the inception of a Hughes boom

In Kentucky which will result In a

tide hard to stem.


MIKE ROONEY his friend, J. Henry Hoertz, former

secretary of the Board of Wors:

“I am glad the administration dis-

charged me, and feel lie sending the

former, members of the oBard of Worka barrel of whisy each, and also somefat lambs. Had I continued working

In the City Hall I would have been a£>

poor as Job’s turkey, and most likely

have been discharged when the Grin-

stead administration came in.”

Rooney says he would rather live In

Kentucky than any place on earth, hut

that Oklahoma Is the State In which to

mae money. After he gets a million

or so toge ther he intends to comeback Her and start a distillery andestablish a stock farm.

For years Mr. Rooney too a promi-

nent part in Kentucky politics. Hav-

ing served as Assistant Warden of

the penitentiary he new many ex-con-

victs and prevented them from vot-

ing after their terms expired. He did

valuable service to the local Democra-

tic organization in preventing negro

ex-convlcts, who had been disfranchis-

ed from voting the Republican ticket

in this city.

a large one in a very


The same thrift and economy that

he has always shown brought Him

good profitsfi. and In a few years a

new house wi:h all modern conveni-

ences took the place of the old one,

and a new barn added to both looks

and value of the farm.

The effecest of this example was

and Is to be seen upon every farm

round about him. Ambitious young

men starting out in life strove to adopt

He was a pio-

and in a few years

Says So Called “Luck” Has Nothing

To Do With Maing Or UnmakingMans Fortune.

The Louisville Times in its column

“All Around The Town,” has the fol-

lowing item which will be of interest

to Mike Rooney’s many friends in


There are those who contend that

so-called "luclf” has nothing to do

with making or unmaking a man’s

fortune. Such is not the belief of

“Mike” Rooney, formerly of Louisville

and Frankfort. Rooney was Inspector

of Drains, in the employ of the city,

six years ago, but was let out be-

cause he was not in accord with the

administration. He immediately went

West, locating at Keokuk Falls, Okla.

Rooney Is a quick-witted Irishman,

and was formerly Assistant Warden of

the penitentiary at Frankfort. He fell

in with a wealthy ranchman namedTomlinson, who suggested to him tt(it

they start a distillery. They did so,

and made “a barrel of money,” so to

spea. Besides being a half owner in

the distillery, Rooney now owns a big

ranch and m|ny ctttle tud sheep in

Olahoma and Indian Territory. Rooney

was in Louisville renectly, and said to

his plans and practices,

neer dairyman,

the whole community had dropped

into the dairy business. He built

a silo, and others Quickly followed

suit. He fall plowed most of his

land upon which spring crops were

to be cultivated, and others seeing

the increase of his crops resulting

from this practice were not slow in

adopting this and other advanced farm

methods which he put into practice.

He is always ready to give advice

when asked, or accommodate a neigh

bor when In his power to do so with

out seriously neglecting his own af-

fairs. When he drives to town with

his family he murrles out in as stylish

a rig as anybody drives, and he don’t

wear chin whiskers nor a ten cent

straw hat.

There is a farmer here and there

who is worth more to the community

in which he lives than he is to him-

self. He is the one who Is always

taking up and trying every new fad

fancy or Invention that cotnes along

—runs a sort of Investigating bureau,

so to speak— an expensive indulgence,

but his experience is worth a good

deal to his fellows. They can sift

out the wheat from the chaff and re-

tain that which is good and profitable

In farm operations and avoid his mis-


The man who has the means to

branch out and test the very latest

Improvements and discoveries made

along agricultural lines—the various

kinds of improved machinery and

pedigree seeds, who can test such

matters as inocculation of the soil,

Ithe various kinds of commercial fer-

tilizers and the like, la engaged in a


pioneer work that is worth much to all

who are engaged In agricultural pur

suits, and where these experiences can

be scattered broadcast through the

medium of the farm press, every ln-

progressive farmer in the

The people of Kentucky owe to

Hon. Jerre Sullivan, representative

from Madison county, a debt of grati-

tude they will never fully be able to

pay. Mr. Sullivan came to the Legis-

lature with the determination to ad-

vance the cause of education in Ken-

tucky, and how well he has done his

to every man andduty is apparen!

woman in this State who has kept

up with the proceedings of the pres-

ent Legislature.

Mr. Sullivan Is a man of splendid

chairacter and exceptional ability, and

that this is appreciated by his col-

leagues Is attested by the fact that

during the hot senatorial fight

Total sales in this market last week

were 5,354 hogsheads, against tj,608

hogsheads sold in corresponding week

of last year. Total receipts last week

were 4.504 hogsheads against 3,168

hogsheads received on corresponding

week of last year. Rejections last

week were 467 hogsheads, 10 per pent,

of the autumn sales, against 10 per

cent, for the preceding week. Of the

total sales 3,956 hogsheads were Bur-

ley and 1,398 hogsheads were dark to-


Offerings were again heavy thfjs

week. Tuesday’s breaks contained

478 hogsheads Burley, and 40a hogs-

heads dark. Wednesday, 1,174 hogs-

heads Burley, and 119 hogsheads Dark,

Thursday, 1,1086 hogheids Burley, and

154 hogsheads Dark. »

The market has not been so satis-

factory this week. Considerable irregu-

larity had some fluctaatlons In prices

developed There was an uunder-

rent indicating an easier feeling on

the red type of Burley, except perhaps

on the medium grades. Good and fine

leaf was several bids lower, while

trash and very common lugs were a

trifle easier. The medium grades

seemed to hold their own fairly well.

Colory types were In limited supply

and met with strong competition.

Prices on this were fairly well main-

Considerable percentage of the of-

ferings this week was In soft order,

and buyers Inclined to discount prices

when the samples appears in soft con-


The market continued strong and ac-

tive yesterday. Offerings were larger

than usual for a Friday, the aggregate

at all the warehouses being 1,028 hogs-

heads—861 Burley and 177 dark.

There was a large attendance of buy-

ers, growers and dealers. The quality

of the offerings was good and sales

figures were generally acceptable to

shippers, as shown by the small per-

centage of repections. No change was

noted in prices.

The Ninth-street house offered sixty-

eight hogsheads of new Burley, which

brought from $7.90 to $16, and twenty-

two hogsheads of new dark brought

from $4.85 to $10.75. A crop of etgl*

teen hogsheads of Burley shipped by

Charts & Well, of Missouri, brought an

average of $13.05. The market was

unchanged. No repections were re-


The People’s house sold 145 hogs-

heads of new Burley, which brought

from $7 to $18.50, and seven hogsheads

Many people make the mistake in

winter of letting the milk and cream

stand too long before churning.even

he received the support of members

of both parties in tne carrying out of

his laudable purpose. The people of

his district should press such a manInto higher service for his State. MARDI GRAS

education has beenThe cause of

greatly advanced by the present ses-

sion of the Legislature, and the relief

did not come before it was needed.

We are all proud of the old Common-

wealth, and we will have cause to be

proud of her than ever when

20.46 ew Orleans and return. $19.15 Mobile andreturn from Georgetown, Ky. via.

Queen & Crescent Routemorethe new educational laws become effec-


Tickets on sale February 26, 27, 28, 29, March 1,2, goodreturning Marcli 10th, 1908. Ask agents for information,

or write H. C. King, G. P. A., Lexington, Ky.ASSUMES HIS DUTIES MONDAY





ARE FINE AND BRYAN WILLMr. M. H. Thatcher, the new State

Inspector and Examiner, who suc-

ceeds Judge Henry B. Hines, assumed

his ofllce Monday morning. He was

appointed several weeka ago by Gov.

Willson, but by agreement his con-

firmation was 1 held up in the Senate

until a few dayB ago In order to allow

Judge Hines to serve out his full four


Mr. Thatcher’s appointment is the

was Gov. Bradley’s most trusted lieu-

reward for valiant party services. Hetenant in his race 4or Senator and

had much to do with the result. Mr.

Thatcher states that his first official

act would be a thorough examination

of the offices of the State Auditor and

Treasurer. He will be a very busy

official for some time to come, as he

has plenty or work cut out for him.

He wants first to get a correct idea

of the State’s finances and how the

State stands and later he may take

up the other State offices. He Is al-

lowed to employ such help as he mayneed and probably will employ expert

accountants to help him In the Treas-

urer’s office.



county Is benefltted.

Even the bad examples set by old

Peter Tumbledown, It seems to us.

has a salutary influence upon all

progressive -agriculturists. Peter

Is not as numerous as he was in days

gone by, and when we do find him

his rickety buildings, dilapidated fenc-

es, fields washed into gutters, and

scrub stock demonstrates to the new

farmer what sort of fortune awaits

him If he doesn’t get Into the harness

in proper shape and pull for success

with an energy and determination

that knows no such word as fall.

It’s a great mistake not to en-

courage farmers who persist in tak-

ing the initiative in all progressive

matters— who bring In new blooded

stock, who are leaders in organizing

agricultural societies, granges, clubs,

poultry Bhows, and the like, for the

result in every instance is, that all

are put upon a higher plans of thought

and labor which Is bound to count on

the side of profit and satisfaction In

the end.—From Farmers’ Home Jour-

nal. \

WEARS LIKE IRONCongressman W. P. Kimball, of the

Ashland district, who Is spending a

few days here “looking in” on the ses-

sion of the General Assembly, is high-

ly enthusiastic over the prospects of

electing a Democratic President at the

coming November election. Congress-

man Kimball says he knows what he

Is talking about when he says that

the Republicans are badly demoraliz-

ed and the worst split up in years.

He says the bitterness has frequently

cropped out at the present session of

Congress, and that many of the g. o.

p. leaders have their knives whetted

to a razor edge.

He says that Taft is certain to be

the next Republican candidate for

President, and this is all over but the

shouting. He sa>\ that, despite the

fact that President Roosevelt has

made the candidacy of the War Secre-

tary his own, there is a vast differ-

ence In the men, and they do not

agree on many things.

Bryan, who, according to the Ash-

land Congressman, will be nominated

by acclamation at the Denver conven-

tion, is the embodiment of principles

While around the fireside these winter evening make

your preparations for spring painting, papering and hous*cleaning generally. I carry the celebrated Green Sea*

Paint (used here for twelve years') and the famous Jap-a-lac

Am also agent for Alfred Peat’s Prize Wall Papers. The1908 sample books which I now have and would be pleased

to send to your home. A postal or call over phone will

bring them.

Hardware> Paints. Oils,

Glass.210 - I- ANN STREET

What Is the News? One dollar a

Page 5: Frankfort weekly news and roundabout: 1908-03-07 · 2015. 11. 27. · FRA? GRANDJURY. IndictsIndianRefiningCompanyand KentuckyTractionCompanyAt Versailles. Mr.Jan ocritlt,n.lightly'"iiorP


- SATURDAY, MARCH 7, 1908.


by MThe


were i

phite Waisting, Moneybak

^ilks, Sunbur^Silks, all

Mopular, Prices,

jR l

.d Miss Stei -



. ^llson and Miss

5 jJl- Redden and

iw Allen Hen-

er a<iwniss Bessie Hi.

es Pickett and Miss sp

j, Mr. Will Dunnigan and In

<ie Hardesty. Mr. Ewell

Wi Miss Nettie Gardner, Mr. wl

ijStone and Miss Mabel Lillis', ha

AixJiMlaee Smith and Miss uTHuTe

LlK^Hr. Rodman Smith and Miss Mi

Anra^mdllis, Messrs. Hugh Hawkins, se

Urbaff Taylor, Arnett Lewis, Ray at

Brown, Harry Brown, Darsie Gill, thi

Marshall Clark. John Buttles,

SMALL BRIDGE CLUB I etta Eales, Messrs. Robert HarFor the last time for forty odd days, Mr. Suter, Lee Hampton, Mr.

the Small Bridge Club met last week Mr. Cloys, Jesse Thomas, Chas. Fi

with Miss Rebecca Johnson, on Sec- lin, Leslie Rice, Bert Bacon, c

ond street. Wells, Weston Furr, Porter Peed, Mr.Miss Johnson won the pin "for Klosterman, Joe Kernen, Richard

keeps” having made the highest score Crutcher, Jr., Elmer Herndon. Mr. andduring the series of the Club’s meet- Mrs. H. M. Parrent, Mr. and Mrs. H.Ings. A. Gretter, Mr. and Mlrs. LewisTea and cakes were served in an at- Crutcher,

tractive manner to 'the guests present. • * *

• • • RECEPTION AT MARTIN’S.THE CHILDREN’S CARNIVAL. A handsome reception was given

The Children’s Carnival last week last Tuesday afternoon by Mr. A. D.

at the Coliseum, was one of the pret- Martin, at his home, on Second street,

tlest affairs yet held at that place of to the Members of the Legislature,

favorite amusement. the Judges of the Appellate Court andFor the prettiest dress present, the present and the retiring State of-

Miss Agnes SafTell won first prize, as ficials.

a “pink chrysanthemum.” Miss I<ella The house was decorated for the

Rosson won second as a “yellow but- smart occasion in red tulips andterfly.” lighted by red tapers in silver candela-

All the costumes were bright and bras. The dining room was es-

beautlful, and the management felt as peclally beautiful. One long table

If he would have liked to have given and several small ones being deco-

one for every effort made—for they rated with low bowls or red tulips;

all deserved one. These were also placed on the mantis• • • and on the bufTet. Here a delicious

FEAMSTER-CROWE. menu was served to the guests. Mrs,

LeonHeaton, Frank Heaton, John Jackson,

Mr. and Mrs. Hostetter, Mr. and Mrs.

A. L. Green, Mr. and Mrs. N. H.Green, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Green, Mr.and Mrs. Ed. Kirk.

• * •

PERSONALS.Mrs. A. C. VanWinkle and little son,

A. C., Jr., have returned from a trip

to Florida.

Mrs. Lindsay South and Miss South

went to Louisville Saturday to see

Lillian Russell, in “Wildfire.”

Miss Virginia Nunn and guest, Miss

Madge Bumam, of Richmond, went to

Louisville the past week to see Lillian


Mrs. Hugh Branch is visiting Louis-

ville friends.

Mrs. W. H. VanWinkle is the guest

of her sister, G. Craft, of I

Louisville. 1

Mrs. John G. South is spending a

few days with her father, Gov. Wm. '

O. Bradley, in Louisville.

Miss Robertson has returned from

a two weeks’ visit with Miss VernaWilliams, on the South Side. I

Miss Ollie Atkinson, of Guston, Ky.,|'

who has been the guest of Mrs. A. G. 1

JefTries, has returned home. '

Mr. Harry G. Bright, of Danville, is

visiting Mr. William Herndon, on the

South Side.

Mr. Will Longmire is the guest of i

relatives in Mt. Sterling.

Misses Mary and Margaret Page are

back from a visit with their brother

Oapt. Thomas M. Page, in Indianapo-

lis. Ind.

Rev. Joseph Severance his returned

from a business trip to Wllliamstown,


Mr. and Mrs. Jim Murray and chil-

dren have returned to Frankfort to

reside. Mr. and Mrs. Murray have

been residing at Brooklyn, N. Y., for

the past several years, and their old !

Kentucky friends are glad to welcome

them home.

Mrs. M. B. Adams and sons. Masters

Charles and Marshall, were called to

Mason county la3t week by the death

of Mrs. Adams father, Mr. A. K.Marshall.

Messrs. Ray and Culbert Welndell

and Miss Bessie Goodwin and Miss

Tiny Howard attended a Leap year

idance at Lexington last week.

Mies Anne Baker, of Science Hill,

spent the week end with her parents.

Mr. and Mrs. George Baker the past


Mrs. James H. Polsgrove, Miss Ida

Stone and Miss Quinn went ro Lexing-

ton Friday to see Mrs. Patrick Camp-


Miss Pearl Sullivan Is spending sev-

eral days with friends in Bloomfield.

Miss Marie Lindsey, who has been

the guest of Mrs. D. W. Lindsey, Jr.,

has returned to her home in Louis-


Mr. Ben Watt left last week for a

stay of several days with relatives in

Bowling Green, before depar:lng for

Oklahoma, where he will make his

future home.

Miss Kathleen Milligan, of Lexing-

ton, was the guest of Miss Anne Baker' last week.

Dr. and Mrs. H. B. Shacklctt, of NewAlbany, lnd., are the guests of Dr.

Crecellus and family on Wapping


Mrs. Pryor Beard, of Shelbyville, is

the guest of Representative and Mrs.

Beard at the Capitol Hotel.

Mr. John Scott and Mr. Paul Hite

have returned f*om a visit with Lex-

ing friends. \

guest of Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Sulli- Mr. W. S. Farmer is back froitt

van. a business trip to New York.

Mrs. Kate Griffin and children, of Miss Roberta Cox, who has been

Knoxville, Tennessee, are the guests spending a few days with Dr. andof her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Mrs. John D. South, is spending sev»

O’Connor, on north St. Clair street. eral days with Mrs. A. D. Martin, onMiss Hazel Dickson, of Louisville, the South Side,

is visiting Miss Flora Rea, on the I Mrs. Morgan Chinn and little SOD,

louth Side. Jack, have returned from a visit witli

Mr. and Mrs. John Sower have re- Louisville friends,

urned from a stay of a few days with I Mrs. Austin, of Bagdad, is the gueet

elatives in Louisville. 'of Dr. and Mrs. E. C. Romele.

Mrs. R. W. Dehoney and littlej

Mr. Frank Heeney left the first of

daughter are visiting relatives in the week for a business trip to Newt

Louisville. jYork.

Miss Gullion, of Carrollton, has con-, Mr. Leslie Rice is back home from

eluded a visit with Mr. 'and Mrs. Ernest a business trip to Louisville.

Gullion. I Mr. James Talbott, of Butte, Moa*Miss ChriBtine Reynolds was visit- 1 tana, an old Frankfort boy, spent %

ing friends in Lexington this week. fewr days in the city this week theMiss Rena Lee, of New Albany, has guest of his siBter, Miss Bertha Tal»

returned home from a visit with Miss bott.

Rose Salendar.|

Miss Nancy Holden is the guest of

OLD-FASHIONED DANCE.The dance at the Capital Hotel

given by the Members of the General

Assembly to the Assembly Ball Club,

and friends, could not, by the widest

stretch of the imagination be called


It was not intended to be such. TheMembers of the Legislature, who have

not been reared in the city, have some-

thing coming to them, and—they got

It. After a few figures had been

danced, the "gentleman from Monroe

county” called out “to get your part-

ners for the quadrlll.”

Some of those present had forgotten

what the quadrlll looked like, but the

dancers were as game as the "gentle-

man from away down there in the

sticks,” and pretty soon a “grape-

vine," a half mile long, were dizzily

cavorting over the floor.

To give a zest to matters generally

several special stunts were indulged in.

“Windy Bill” and a few colleagues

gave some extra fine "jigging,” which

promised to continue till morning till

some of those who wanted morequadrille pulled them off the floor

Representative Denham, who “lowed”

he couldn’t play a note, but could

make some noise on the banjo, kept

his word, and the jigging was con-


Governor Bradley joined heartily in

the encores. The Frankfort Orchestra

caught the spirit of the dance and

from the way that horns brayed and

blared it put music in the feet of those

who had not danced for several years.

The receiving line were composed

of Governor Bradley and Mrs. W. H.

Cox, Governor Cox and Mrs. John G.

South, Mr. Thurman Dixon and Miss

Roberta Cox, M!r. Speaker Gooch and

Mr*. A. D. Martin, Mr. Haaweil and

receptions a vi

agreeable affair.

LAST Y. M. I. DANCE.The last dance at the Y. M. I. hall

was the most brilliant of the series.

Euchre was played till ten o’clock,

and the following won prizes;

Ladles first prize, cut glass “compo,”

Mrs. Cltm E. Benninger.

Gentleman’s first prize, French bevel

place mirror and shaving pedestal,

Mr. Mat Mbdlgan.

Consolation prize, gold plated

sconce, Mliss Rose Salender.

Those present numbered:

Mrs. T. J. Brislan, W. G. Weltzel,

Mrs. F. F. Kellner, of Louisville, Ky.,

Mr. Wm. Weltzel, Mt. W. J. Bower,

Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Benninger, Miss

Kate Newman, Mrs. Margaret


Page 6: Frankfort weekly news and roundabout: 1908-03-07 · 2015. 11. 27. · FRA? GRANDJURY. IndictsIndianRefiningCompanyand KentuckyTractionCompanyAt Versailles. Mr.Jan ocritlt,n.lightly'"iiorP






About fifty dairymen met at the

courthouse in Shelbyville Tuesday

Afternoon and formally organized the

Kentucky State Dairymen’s Associa-

tion. The association has been duly

Incorporated u^er th^ laws of K%n-

tucky, article^Wf Incorporation hav-

ing been filed in the office of the

Secretary of State here last week.

Officers for the year were elected as

Hart Wallace^^Shelbyville,

J. M. Jone^Bf St. John,



Hardin county, first tW president;

Edward Downing, of Lexington, sec-

ond vice president; Z. W. Lee, of Cyn-

thlana, Harrison county, third vice

president; J. A. Bell of Shelby county,

•ecretary and treasurer. The board

Of directors is composed of the presi-

dent and three vioe presidents and J.

!R. Thomas, of Normandy, Spencer

county; W. L. Scott, of Scott’s Station

Shelby county; H. f*.Rogers, of Eliza-

bethtown, Hardin county, and J. W.Ray, Fisherville, Jefferson county.

The organization is to promote

friendly co-operation of the dairymen

of the State for mutual benefit and to

Insure the furnishing to the public of

pure dairy products and to suggest

And advise proper regulations to pro-

mote such ends. Only persons actu-

ally engaged in the production and

tale of dairy products are eligible for

membership. The meeting was very

enthusiastic throughout.


To Be Asked In Louisville To MGrave Of Governor Shelby’s


A motion will be introduced at the

next meeting of the city council in

Louisville, by Eugene M. Dailey, Coun-

man from the Twelfth Ward, to have

that city appropriate $150 to place a

headstone or small monument over

the grave of Mary Carleton, the grand-

daughter of Isaac Shelby, the first

Governor of Kentucky, who is buried

in the Portland cemetery. Mary Car-

leton died at the almshouse on May

2, 1882, and although the location of

her grave is known, nothing marks

the spot. Mr. Dailey deplores the fact

that the first grandchild of a Ken-

tucky Governor should not have a fit-

ting memorial.

patter with Kenftrcky!

Say, ^Wibetter ast what aint.

Half her troubles would a stricken

Old roan Job or Kansas faint.

You jist sit down ca’nj an’ quiet

Ferter diagnose her case,

An’ you’ll find there haiut no ailment

That she hasn’t got some trace.

typewriter user always expects moreand better service from the

IV RemingtonShe's about the sickest daughter

Uncle,Sam’l ever had.

An’, it seems to me, is needin’

Some attention from her dad

Needs it wors’n Californy,

With that yallow janders skeer,

Or her sister, Collyroddy,

In the straw ’bout twicst a year.

Yes, I’d like to know fer certain

If thar’s any ’zease or ill

That Kentucky ain’t a-suf’rin’,

Or haint had or, likely will.

She’s too sick to ’tend to business

Plain a case as ever seen

An’ I’ll second any motion

To appoint a good guardeen.


Form State Club at Louisville AndElect Officers For Ensuing

Year. ’than from any other writing machine. Hehas reason to, a right to, and we want him to.


Returns From Henry qounty Where

He Has Been Conducting A Suc-

cessful Revival.

At a meeting of representatives of

the Louisville, Owensboro and Lexing-

ton automobile clubs, ‘held Thursday

In Louisville, a State body was formed

to be known as the Kentucky Automo-

bile Association, and will become af-

filiated with the American Automobile

Association. It is probable that other

Clubs soon will become connected

With the association.

' Ira S. Barnett, of Louisville, waS

'elected president of the association

for the coming year. Articles of in-

corporation will be filed within the

next few days. The object of the asso-

ciation is to promote the interests of

automobiles of the State and to ad-

vocate good roads. The other officers

Alected are as follows:

President—Lra S. parnett, of Louis-


Vice Presiden— F. R. Toewater. of


• Secretary and Treasurer—Walter

Kohn, of Louisville.

The directors In the State Associa-

tion from the three club members

are; •i


Louisville Club—Ira ft. Barnett, Dr.

Lindsay Ireland, Walter Kobn.

r felue Grass Club—IF. R. Toewater, E.

H. Alexander.

Owensboro Club

3. T. DftWSOn, Al-

len Reid.

Remington Typewriter Company,(Incorporated)

New York and Everywhere

246 4th Avenue, Louisville, Ky

Noel Gaines, the Frankfort evan-

gelist, has Just closed a successful

revival at Bethlehem, Henry county,

Ky., where he was called by the Meth-

odist Church at that place. Mr.

Gaines delivered a number of vigor-

ous lectures during his stay in Henry

county and the meetings accomplished

untold good. The people of that

county regard Mr. Gaines as an ear-

nest and tireless worker and a bril-

liant future is predicted for him in

the evangelistic field.

Mr, Gaines will remain in Frank-

fort the greater part of the present

month where he is engaged in some

special work relative to an investiga-

tion of the Adjutant General’s depart-

ment. / | __

H. H. Farmer




EXAMINATIONS.In The House Of Representatives

Are Now A Dead Issue.

Competitive Examinations Will Be

Held As Indicated Below. Nobody expects to hear anything

more from the contest cases in the

House, and these in,all probability

will be allowed to die in committee.

A sop will likely be thrown to the

contestants in the shape of allowing

claims for their expenses Incurred.

This action will insure their seats to

Hugh Mahin, of Jessamine county,

and J. Hal Woodford, of Bourbon

county. Their opponents made strong

fights and were constantly on the

ground. Their votes were needed by

the Republicans in the Senatorial race

but the Democrats successfully com-

bated every efTort to get the cases

called up for action.


The little son of Robert Marshall

Lee, 4 years old, is very ill of pneu-


There are a number of cases of

sickness reported in and near town,

grip or pneumonia, but none of a very

serious character.

At the administrator's sale of the

late Mr. W. C. Perry, Saturday, there

was a good crowd in attendance and

personal property brought fairly good


Mr. John Lewis Wiley, of Franklin

county, has moved to the Haner

Hotel property, bought by his father,

Mr. Alvin Wiley, at commissioner’s

sale several months ago for $2,500.

Mr. Wiley has opened a meat market.

Moving time has again rolled round

and many changes are being made.

Mr. Charley Murphy will leave the

Wash place and move to his own

home, on the Elmville pike; and Mr.

James Kelley will succeed him. Jas.

Marshall has rented his brother’s

place, near Oldham’s Mill, and Mr.

Newton Morgan, will succeed him,

having bought the Thompson place

near Woolen’s cross roads.

Mr. Jno. Richards, town marshal,

took to Georgetown Thursday after-

noon, Mr. Jno. Lewis Cohorn, who had

given himself up to him Baying that

he had shot at his father. Mr. Hugh

Hohorn, and wanted to be taken to

jail for protection. Cohorn and his

father had had some trouble and the

young man fired through a window at

his father with a shot gun, filling the

back of the chair with shot. The el-

der Cohorn was leaning forward at


the time and no shot took effect.




If you desire to apply for any of

these, the proper blanks will be sent,

upon receipt of your request stating

the name of the examination desired.

Use postal card in making request.

DEPARTMENTAL.Veterinarian (Philippine Islands)

$100 per mo., Mar. 11.

Draftsman Stenographer-typewriter,

$900 per annum., Mar. 25.

Shoe and Harness maker, $720 and

$600 per annum., Mar. 25.

Roller Operator, $3 and $4 per day

Mar. 25.

Soil Chemist, $2000 to $2500 per an-

num, Mar. 25.

Perspective Draftsman, $1800 per

annum, Mar. 25-6

Superintendent of Road Construc-

tion, $4 to $7 per day, Apr. 1.

Laboratory Aid, 2 vaoancies, female

$600 per annum, Apr. 1.

Printer (Male) $720 per annum Apr.



Tickets on sale February 4th & 18th

and March 3d dt 17th. ReturnLimit 25 days


Tickets on sals Daily

March 1st to April 30th



|«nt Up From Louisville With Batch

Of Prisoners. Reward Out

standing For Him.

A reward of $100 was outstanding

for Henry Stepney, colored, received

ht the Penitentiary from Louisville

Thursday morning to serve three years

for grand larceny.

AJbout eight years ago Henry Step-

ney was sent to prison for burglary

to serve a seven-year sentence. Whenbut about sevn months of his sentence

remained, he apparently became In-

sane. After a thorough investigation

of his case he was committed to the

asylum at Lexington. A few months

later he escaped from that institution.

As he had bupt a short time to serve in

prison, the authorities, after notifying

the police of the different cities, took

no especial pains to locate him be-

yond a reward of $100 for his arrest

and return to the Penitentiary.

Nothing more was heard of him

until Thursday, when he was received

from Louisville with a batch of prison-

ers. He had been sentenced there

under his own name to serve three

years for grand larceny.


For further information address

PAUL ESCOTT, Trav. Pass. Agent L, J. IRWIN, Gen. Pass. Agent



Comes to Eleanor VanDerveer, Bright

Little Daughter of Mr. and

Mrs. J. M. VanDerveer

VanDerveer, theLittle Eleanor

youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs.|

~J. M. VanDerveer, died Sunday morn-

lng at eleven o’clock, at the home of

her parents, on Shelby street, near

Second street. She had been ill for v|j

the past two weeks with pneumonia,

and early Sunday morning gradually

grew worse until death came to her Vgrelief. The little girl was not quite

two years old, a charming child, who Mwas the inspiration of fond hopes and effi

had won the devotion of all who knew


The funeral services were held Tues- fpQ,

day morning, at ten o’clock, from the

residence of her parents, and were ^conducted by Rev. Jesse R. Zeigler, puof the First Presbyterian Church, and

the remains were interred in the ^family lot at the State Cemetery.

La Vogue Stylesi I


AND SUITSJackets, $5-OC, $6.50 were $7 50, $i()00

Suits, 12.00, 15.00 were 15.00, 20.00

These Prices are Most Reasonable

and Styles Correct-

Wash Goods SaleLinens, Lawns, Ginghams, Scotch

Zephyrs, Etc.



Libratory Asst. In farm manage-

ment, (female), $600 to $900, Apr. 1.

Apprentice, $3.50 per day, May. 6

These examinations may be taken

County Judge James H. Polsgrovo,

Monday morning sustained the demur-

rer Of Gus LaFontaine in the suit of

M. P. Rehorn, State Revenue agent at

large, against him to collect from him

a license for selling liquor at bistres-

taurant on Broadway.


Elected For Woodford County Law

And Order League. A new law firm was established at

Lawrenceburg, on Thursday morning,

under the name of Carter & Hlner, OCL/

who will practice their profession in

the the courts of Anderson and ad-

joining counties; also the Appellate

Court at Frankfort. The firm is com-

posed of ex-Lieutenant Governor Car- fXpter, of Lawrenceburg, and Mr. T. T.

Hlner, formerly of Jackson, of which

town he was at one time mayor.

Judge Pols-

grove held that he had no author-

ity to make Mr. I^aFontaine take out

a license, but holds that if he is guilty

of violating the liquor laws Mr. Re-

horn should swear out a warrant

against him and have him tried, and

if he is found guilty, then a fine is

the proper remedy for the court to use.

It is said Mr. Rehorn will appeal the


The Law and Order League of

Woodford county, which was launched

at Versailles last week, has elected

the following permanent officers: Ca|>t.

James Blackburn, president; George

C. Graddy, secretary, and Lewis 8.

Johnstone chairman of Executive Com-

mittee. About three hundred citizens

have signed as members of the league.

Page 7: Frankfort weekly news and roundabout: 1908-03-07 · 2015. 11. 27. · FRA? GRANDJURY. IndictsIndianRefiningCompanyand KentuckyTractionCompanyAt Versailles. Mr.Jan ocritlt,n.lightly'"iiorP

PAGE SEVEN.Saturday, march 7, i«oa.




Schedule .effective .on and afUcDecember 3, 1907.Care will leave Lexington for Veit

-aillee and Frankfort every hour from6:00 a. m., to 6:00 p. m ., Incluelvo,...Cars will leave Lexington for Vo*

sailles at 7 p. m ., 9 p. m. and 11 p. rmCars will leave Versailles for Fronto

fort every hour from 6:45 a. m., until•••45 p. m .f Inclusive.

Cars will leave Frankfort for Var»•allies and Lexington at 6:00 a. m__nd every hour from 7:30 a. m.f until7.30 p. m., Inclusive.

V™ will leaye Ven^Jles for Le*ngton every hour froW:15 a. m. urv

til 8:15 p. m., Inclusive and at 10:18p. m.

Runlng time Lexington to Vereall.['*• * to Fr«k.fort, 45 min^K^ B. CRAWFORD, ^

. . 1 ( General Manager, .

C. C. Calhoun, of Washington,thc‘ attorneys for the State

^via. has been informed that

^m*6 of Sdl.ooO was, on Mon-by the Controller of thethe claim of the State of

for pay to her Spanish-Lar soldiers.



1BAN RAILWAY FINED^AILL^^^^DAY.Bt a coikR^^^ on ®themlles-Lexington Trac-

r fined $75 and costs, at

Monday, for a violation

Ale-coach law In falling

.^fopaasengers to ride

a trolley car


.he compapart for^jimilimiimP tfriusands of dollars

The hoop on the avrproduct.

If your wagon waYou will find electrically welded hoops on ice cream freezers and washing" PITTSBURGH PERFECT " fences are made by this modern, simplTHAT HELD.”

MR. FARMER 1 LISTEN, NOW. Every agent handling " PITTSBtizcd to guarantee this t

That ths wires ars net Injured at tha Joints,That ths tenos Is psrfsotly adjustable to uneven ground.That tha stays will not separata from the strands.That the fenoe Is all right In evbry particular.

Could you ask any more definite protection ? Your complete satisfaction fa ahassured.

Lincoln Farm Favored by Repre-

sentative Johnson,

^Representative Befa Johnson, ofKentucky, appeared before the HouseCommittee on Appraprlatlons at Wash-ington, Wednesday, on behalf of theMadden bill appropriating money forthe erection of the old Lincoln farm.In Larue county, Ky., of a memorialhall, which shall serve as a nationalshrine of patriotism.

The hall is to cost $250,000, ofwhich sum the Government is to pay$100,000 and the Lincoln Farm Asso-ciation, of New York, $150,000. The

i-<ocai lime TatEFFECT JANUARY

t»AiLiTkxcjcvt.84|»0.«| SUNDAY.

_ No.81|No.l

2 06 6 % D‘


rankfort Ar - 11 l^Tli2D 6 S4 ••

• • •

"I11 » «

2 19 6 42 ••‘ •

• Kw(

h,°rn • * • 01 7 0]

2 47 :n ‘’r 7ii?

hn*°n • • • " 10 sS # m» c{ n li is

* / Oeorjretown i .11

10 S3 6 ft

Ite 72^• ‘ °«8 D«Pot /.«: lutfsS

il 1**2 sp_8_26 7 j) Ar| .Part*. , , \ ijV g £1 g £Oonnacte st Georgetown Union Depot with i

COPCo^L P,U^ 0n,OB D<To* Kentnck

Oon^Hcte at Frankfort Union Depot with L. 4


M ain't 84 reef.


Mr. Cox is one of the most popular

and able men in the State.


Representative Ollie James was on

the floor of the National House of

Representatives at Washington Mon-day morning after a long absence,

during which he was undergoing treat-

ment at the Providence Hospital In

New York for a severe affliction of

the head. Mr. James is not entirely

recovered, but his condition is greatly


LATER—>Br James was forced to

return to Naw York City, on Friday,

by a recurrence of his trouble.

(Seeking Profitable

Publicityinnati . .Lv.


WHO RESIGNED.The man who does not advertise

because it costs money, should quitpaying rent for tlhe same reason.

10 80 | 6 10 |At , , . Cincinnati Lv!| $


I 47P ? Si a'••^nWor»—A-qiT»A»|

8 *P 7 6& A. : ±\ | 1


? JJ?• Winchester . L.I 7 WA 8 4m ± 62t

sit Sp 10 soaIa'

• •^C^D0,?d • L-! r 20A 16


Did it ever occur to you that yourprinted matter Is one of the thingsthat point largely to your style of do-ing business? What do you think ofa man whose stationery is poorly




Have both farm and city

property for sale at all times,

and are also prepared to place

loans on first-class farm prop-erty at five per cent.

Cincinnati . . L|Success in advertising depends up-

on favorably attracting the attention

of that portion of the public you wish

to reach. The eye appreciates a fine

piece of printed work and disposes

the mind to accept the argument be-

fore a single line of type matter is

read. The opposite is, of course,

true of poor printing. The verystrongest argument may be lost behind



We study the style in typography

and are constantly prepared to ar-

range your work in the manner that

fashion dictates, though we always

avoid the extremes that appear ab-

surd. Verily, the styles change in

printing as in dress, and good taste

is seen in one as in the other. Wesecure the latest productions of the

type foundarles that are desirable,

and carry an assortment of the good

things in paper In medium and high-

er grade, and when we send you a

finished Job It will be a credit to youas well as to us. We strive to makeeach Job better than the proceeding


Trains leave Versailles for Boatty>Till® and intermediate points at 7; $8a. m. and 12:20 noon.


corrospondence, the sta-

tionary you Use should Nave that

stamp of neatness which creates a

favorable impression of your business

and its methods. Remember, yourstationary is your personal representa-

tive and is all by which some of yourcorrespondents have to Judge you.

Then, too, the pleasure of using neat

stationary. The little extra thought

and time we put on each individual

job, with a little more expense, per-

haps, in material here and there, gives

our work that touch of completenesswhich, consciously or unconsciously

impresses the observer of superior

workmanship in any branch of indus-

try, and makes it resultful printing.

We are daily planning stylish, busi-

ness-getting things. We want you to

get next to some of those things

some of thos© happy effects in print-ing which can not help but warm upthe soul of the buyer. Haven't wesaid enough?


Train* from Beattyville and tntar>mediate points arrive at Versaillesat 10; 15 a. m. and 5:35 p. m.ON SATURDAYS ONLY — Trim

leaves Versailles for Richmond udlnterm^iate points at 7:10 p. m.

ON SUNDAYS ONLY— Trainleaves Richmond for Versailles aaAintermediate points at 3:65 p. m.

The L. A A. and the Traction lianaffords excellent service betmmanFrankfort and Nicholasrilla, YnHkmond, Irvine, Beattyville end lnftermmdiate points.

For further Information eddran|

H. R. SMITH, G. P. A.,*

Versailles, Ky.

Konsider the postage stamp, my son.Its usefulness konslsts in its abilitytew stick tu wun thing until it getsthere.—Billings.

desire, we will at once make effort

to secure it for you; it you havo somespecial idea that you wish carried out,

or if some cuts are to be designed andmade, you can not do better than to

consult us. We take a particular In-

terest in such things, and give the

matter personal attention.

The U. S. Postoffice

Department hasmade a new ruling,

requiring all pub-lishers of newspa-pers to exact the payin advance for all

subscribers whosepapers are carriedin the mails at thesecond-class rate, orone cent per pound.Otherwise the post-age rate would beprohibitory. Allpublishers givena limited time inwhich to adjusttheir subscriptionlist to the new rul-

ing. Therefore all

our subscribers arerequested to at oncepay up in advance,else when the timelimit expires weshall be compelledto stop sending thepaper except tothose who have paidin advance.

It is not always the man who hasthe goods that makes good—Its theman who delivers the goods.

The spring term of the UnitedStates Court for the Eastern District

of Kentucky, will open here Mondaymorning at eleven o’clock, with Dis-

trict Judge A. M. J. Cochran of Mays-ville, presiding. Jas. H. Tinsley, Dis-

trict Attorney and Capt. Stephen G.Sharp, Marshal.

At this term of court, Judge Cochranwith the sanction of Circuit JudgeHorace H. Lurton, of Nashville, Tenn.,will have the appointment of a clerk

to succeed the late Walter G. Chap-man. Among those most prominentlymentioned for this position are Mes-srs. Chas. N. Wiard and J. Gray Mc-Lean. Miss Emily H» Coleman, thepresent deputy clerk, who has Bervedso capably and faithfully under thelate Mr. Chapman, will be retained.

equivalent to election. The winnerwill most certainly be a candidate for

the full six-year term, the election

for which takes place in November,1909.so long as we love, we serve. So

long as we are loved by others I

would almost say we are indispensa-ble; and no man Is useless while hehas a friend.

We have seen it written somewherethat “confidence 1 b a creature of slowgrowth,’’ and believing such to betrue, it is with much gratification that

we note the many friends we havemade during our ownership and man-agement o/ this business; we say it

with personal pleasure that we re-

count the many new names on ourbooks, an.d how, from time to time, wehave been able to add material to

our prlntshop, and keep It up to the

requirements of our constantly In-

creasing patronage. This has not,

however, been without obstacles to

surmount—such as most business

men have encountered—but by con-

stantly striving to give high-class

work at honest prices, have accom-plished all that we could modestlyhope for.

Makes Formal Announcement of HisCandidacy for National Repre-


Schedule is effect Nov. 17, 1907, s«faject to change without notice.


Opporchunity knocks at ivery man’sdure wanst. On some men's dures it

hammers till it breaks down th’ durean’ thin it goes In an’ wakes him upif he's asleep, an’ aftherward it wurrksfr him as a night watchman. Onother men’s dures it knocks and runsaway, an’ on th’ dures iv some men it

knocks an* whin they come out it hitsthim over th’ head with a ax. Butiverywan has an opporchunity.—Mr.Dooley. i

Hon. William H. Cox, LieutenantGovernor, formally announced Wed-nesday night that he will be a candi-

date for national committeeman to

succeed John W. Yerkes. His oppo-nent will be R. P. Ernst, who has al-

ready announced as a candidate for

the place.

This means that there will be a hot

fight for the position, but friends, of

Lieut. Gov. Cox believe that he will

have no trouble landing the honor.He will have the backing of the new-ly elected Senator, W. O. Bradley,and will have the support of the Fair-

banks wing of the Republican partyin Kentucky, as well as many of thestrongest Taft supporters. It will bea fight of the Ernst faction againstthe others, and it now looks like Mr.Ernst will be lost In the shufflle.

The fact that Mr. Ernst was oppos-

ed to Bradley and trRftl to defeat himfor Senator as Is charged and believ-

ed by many of the Republicans, will

rally to the support of his opponenta large number of the leading Repub-licans of the State. At any rate

there will be an interesting contest.

Limited tor Louisville, Nashville, Hem*phis, West and Southweat

9:40 A. H. and 6:15 P. M. DalitLimited.

For Washington, Baltimore, FhilaAaft*phla, New ¥ork, Richmond. Otd

Point, and Norfolk

10:15 A. M. and 7:45 P. M. De||«M-lyr


Carried Over The Dam At Lock No.

5, On The Kentucky River AndDrowned.

Mr. Cary Carter, a well-known youngman of Anderson county, was drown-ed at Lock No. 5, In the Kentuckyriver, Monday afternoon. Accompa-nied by several friends he went outon the river for a boat ride. Theriver is rising rapidly and the boatgradually drifted Into the strong cur-

rent and could not be controlled.

The other occupanas seeln gtheir dan-ger jumped overboard and swam a-

ashore, but Carter, i^ his attempt touave the skiff was carried over thedam and drowned. The boat wassmashed to piece* on the rocks.


We have had a whiff of success andnow we hanker for more. Success is

proof of merit. It must meet the ne-cessity of trade.

/ We are right hereIn Frankfort to meet such n necessi-

ty—that of good printing, and In do-ing so we hope to attain success.The facilities of our plant are such as

to help us do this, and we are Justthe sort to do good printing. We canprint booklets and other forms of goodstuff that will dodge the waste-basket,and make jou glad you are In busi-


We do not want ALL thework; only such as we can do withperfect satisfaction to our customersand ourselves. While It Is our regu-

lar customers to whom we owe oursuccess, we would be ungrateful not

to express our thanks for their sup-

port and ask its continuance.

Cars leave Capital HotelFor Pgrk Line.

6:18 a. m. and every 46 minute*« til 16 p. m.

For Cemetery Line.6:45 a. m. and every 46 minufeta

until 9:45 p. nv

For Loesftown Line.•:30 a. m. and every 46 minutes

sntll 10:15 p. m.THE CENTRAL KY. TRAC. CQt


The man who does not advertise

because he tried It and failed shouldthrow away hi* cigar because tlhe

light went out. •, —

Page 8: Frankfort weekly news and roundabout: 1908-03-07 · 2015. 11. 27. · FRA? GRANDJURY. IndictsIndianRefiningCompanyand KentuckyTractionCompanyAt Versailles. Mr.Jan ocritlt,n.lightly'"iiorP


Prevent® Veniremen In The JnJner Murder Cate From Reach!


Heavy rains and swollen mount®'

streams in Breathitt county Thuprevented the arrival of tlMmen summoned for jury seowspecial venire In the John /Uder trial, thus delaying theWof this celebrated case for an

Although Abner was original

ed jointly with John Smitlrf

sassination of James CocRtrial Abner is to be triet*

ing asked a separation cf"

SmiUi will be £*

a wimess agat^^^bner.®will attempt to establish

From present indicatic^

that the Abner case maydrawn out as to prevent

Beach Hargis. ThUjr '

. be

gether satisfactot^^’ ; Hargis,

he believes pu^flfr it is so ui

versally aga^HT it would b-

very difflcu^^R jury in his

case that her be free

from bias at thi^retm of the coitfi

An efTort is said to have been m^Rto-day to induce Senator Alex HarBito intercede in Beach’s behalf win|

the men back of the prosecution.

Senator Hargis continues to affirifi -iis

determination not to have anything to

do with the case one way or the other.




Messrs Lucas Broadhead, Wm. O.

Davis, J. Andrew Cain and Jos. Mi-

nary. who were appointed a committee

to decide on exact location of t^ie

new Y. M. budding, it Ver-

sailles, met Monday afternoon in Ver-

sailles and agreed to erect the new

home on the corner of Maiu and

Green streets. It is A^be ten feet

back from the sidewallMha line with

the Presbyterian Chuil^ which ad-

have at last been accepted. Rump &

Son will begin the foundation at once,

the contract being given to Porter


The plans show a most attractive

exterior, cut stone foundation, two

etory red brick with massive stone

cappings, an imposing entrance, large

windows on either side, and the ui^

stairs windows are to have ornamental

balconies. In the attic are dormer

windows. The basement is to have a

cement floor, with a gymnasium,

shower baths, locker rooms and the

boiler. The first floor has a vestibule,

wide hall, rooms on either side to be

used for reading, games and commit-

tee rooms, secretary’s office and lava-

tories. Running the entire length of

the building in the rear of the gynf-

msium, 60x40 feet, lighted by large

windows, which will be used as an

auditorium, with stage and dressing

rooms on either end and gallery on

the opposite side and end.

Six bed rooms, a few with bath at-

tached, and a general bath will be

on the second floor.

Particular attention will be given

to the woodwork. All exterior frames

and finish are to be yellow poplar,

first and seconds, and the interior will

The flooring

jc. tie are ,1

at all; . suits \ jl’

you waJtarto be suited^guarantee you a first-*,

largest majority of thesome time, and we beli

t; some can not be suitedsome suits suit well; wheninting and binding we willsuit. We have suited theWe have suited the

irchants in Frankfort forwe can suit you.


"A bachelor, old and cranky,

Was sitting alone in his room;

His toes with the gout were aching,

And his face was o’erapread with


No little one’s shouts disturbed him,

From noises the house was free,

In fact, from the attic to the cellar

Was quiet as quiet could be.

IncorporatedNo medical aid was lacking;

The servants answered his ring,

Respectfully heard his orders,

And supplied him with everything.


But still there was something wanting,

Something he couldn’t command;The kindly words of comparison,

The touch of a gentle hand.Classified

A d'OertisingAnd he said as his brow grew darker

And he rang for the hireling nurse,

"Well, marriage may be a failure

But this is a blamed sight worse.”

be selected yellow pine,

throughout the building will be 18-

wllled, matched yellow pine, B grade,

edge grain, 2 1-4 face. Steam heat and

electricity apparatus for the gym will

Tdl be of the latest Improvement.

ThiB lot and building will cost $15,-

000. It is not only an ornament to

the business part of Versailles but

& monument to the public-spirited


All advertisements in these col umnsjar©| five cents perline for each insertion[and to be paid for strictly in advance.Cattle—The receipts of cattle yes-

terday were light, 118 head; for the

week thus far 1,547. The attendance

of buyers was rather light, and the

market light from start to finish. De-

sirable butcher cattle were just about

steady, while the medium and Inferior

kinds were dull and draggy and slight-

ly lower than the first of the week.

The feeder and stocker trade was also

quiet; high grades are eagerly sought

after at current prices, but the med-

ium, plain and common grades were

a trifle slow, yesterday. Bulls firm;

canners and cutters slow. Good de-

mand for choice milch cows and fancy

springers; common and trat\y light

cows slow sale. No heavy shipping

cattle here yesterday; the feeling on

that class of cattle just about steady.

The pens were well cleared last even-

ing, but the closing tone of the market

was slow.

Calves—Receipts of calves 93 head;

for the week thus far 570. The bulk

of the calves coming are of commonquality, and on that class the market

ruled extremly dull and lower; bulk

of the best coming are selling at 6@6 1-2; some strictly choice calves, 120

to 150 lbs., are selling a shade higher.

Hogs—Receipts of hogs yesterdfy

were 2,623 head; for the we<%c thus

far 10,715. There was a good healthy

demand for heavy, medium and light

hogs, yesterday, and prices were a

dime higher, while the pig trade was

rather slow; good heavy pigs about 5c

higher, but light pigs were steady. Wequote: Selected heavy and mediumhogs, 160 pounds and up $4 65; 120 to

160 poungs, $4.50; pigs ranged from

$4@ $4.30, and roughs sold $4.10 down.

The pens were well cleared of good

hogs the market closing steady on

that clasB. but rather slow on pigs.

Sheep and Lambs—Receipts of

sheep and lambs were light; for the

week thus far 432 head. The market

ruled slow, not much doing; somelittle inquiry for good to choice sheep

and lambs; the common and trashy

kinds dull and draggy at low prices.


NEW REDISTRICTING ANDFOR SALE.—We have a first-class 1-

horse power Water Motor that wewill sell at a low figure. Apply at

this office tf


first class newspaper foreman at

once. Short hours, ^ood wages andpermanent place for the right party.If you can make good, write ub.


FOUND—A man that didn’t believe In

advertising, and we noticed the

spiders and woven web over his

door. A hint to the wise should be





WANTED—A first-class, all round Job-

printer, one that can make good-Good wages and a permanent placefor the right man.

FISCAL COURT.districting bills and a “fair” election

law. This was decided upon at a

caucus held Monday night at which

every phase of the matter was fully

discussed. It is understood that it

was the temper of the meeting that

these measures were more essential

than any local option law, and that

they would be given precedence over

the sumptuary measure.

The Republican leaders here claim

that, unless they can secure the enact-

ment of legislation that will insure

to them an apportionment of the State

into districts where they will have

something like an even chauce with

the Democrats, and the passage of

a law that will insure fairness in elec-

tions and the counting of the votes

as they are cast, they will have gained

little for their efforts in carrying the

State for Governor Willson and the

rest of the Republican State ticket.

They insist that they want to remedyconditions and place everything on a

strictly fair basis.

In this connection they point to the

fact that by the provisions of their

Congressional redistricting bill, seven

of the eleven districts are given to

the Democrats, Including the fifth dis-

trict, which gave Sherley, Democrat,

an overwhelming majority over


As to the senatorial district appor-

that their bill

Of Franklin County Make® Offer For

Old State Capitol Buildings.

REPAIRING—We repair and bind

any and all kinds of old books at

reasonable figures.

For Saie

At a bargain, shares in a concerndoing large business. Will double-

your money in less than a year-

investigation solicited.

B. C. CRUTCHER,R. F. D. No. 1, Midway, Ky-

The building of a system of sewers

in Shelbyville is now a certainty. The

Court of Appeals having affirmed the

decision of the Shelby Circuit Court in

the case of Topton v. the City of

Shelbyville, in an action brought to

test the validity of the election at

which the vote on the bond issue was

taken. The Sewer Commission has

advertised $30,000 worth of gold bonds

for sale, and as soon as they are dis-

posed of, work on the sewers will be

started. The preliminary map for the

sewers was made last year by a Phil-

adelphia firm, and the contract was

awarded Frank Sbofield & Co., of

New ^.lbany, Ind., provided a favorable

decision was handed down by the

higher court.

The State has a chance to dispose of

the old State Capitol buildings and

grounds to Franklin county for $50,-

000, the sum desired to erect a new

of Franklin county has appointed a

committee of Magistrates to makethe offer to the Senate and House

Committees on Capitol Buildings and

Grounds. One of the terms of the

proposition made by the county pro-

vides that the historic old Statehouse

-will be preserved intact. The object

of the county in acquiring the prop-

erty is for courthouse purposes, the

presnt ramshackle temple of justice

having been frequently condemned as

unsafe and wholly inadequate to the

Heeds of the present day. Should

the deal go through it is likely that

the present executive building will

be converted into a courthouse. The

county officials will not oppose the

plan to convert the old State build-

ings Into a State Normal and Central

Law School, a bill providing for which

Is now pending in the Legislature.

The county’s offer will be withdrawn

In the event the measure becomes a


FOR SALE—Printing and binding

that is different from the other fel-


FOR EXCHANGE—Printing of all

kinds for either gold, currency or

Bilver. They’re here! Take your choice.

Equity’s flrRt deal, natural leaf

plug; American Society of Equity-

Navy; American Society of Equity-

Twist. The first and only real

Equity tobacco purchased from the

Burley Society. Branch A. 8. of E.-.

Winchester, by the Lovell & Buf-

fington Tobacco Co., Covington,

Ky. Stand by your colors. Re-

member the names. Every grocer

and tobacco dealer sells them.

United we stand, divided we fall.


FORSALE CHEAP.—-We have a 32

inch Paper Cutter, m perfect condi-

tion, that we will sell very cheap.

Address this office tf

For 8ale — A handsome two-story

frame residence of eignt rooms, with

attic over entire house. This houseis superbly built and finished, "andhas all the latest modern improve-ments. For terms call at this of-



Famous Statue Of Washington In

State University at Lexington.

Painstaking searcu by Dr. John

Quincy Adams, of New York, assistant

secretary of the Municipal Art Com-

mission, has resulted In the tracing

of five bronze copies of Houdon’s fa-

mous marble statue of Washington

another bronze statue of which stands

on Riverside Drive in New York


The whereabouts of all these copies

had been lost eight of for years, al-

though diligent search had been made

for them by art lovers. Six bronze

copies of the original Houdon statue

were made In 1851 from plaster casts

taken in Richmond, Va.. by W. J.

Hubbard, a Virginia sculptor. One, it

is disclosed by Mr. Adams’ researches,

is now owned by North Carolina andanother by South Carolina, and are in

in their respective State Houses.

A third statue is in the Slate Univer-

sity at Lexington, a fourth in Lafay-

ette Park, St. Louis, and the fifth

owned by private parties is in the Cor-j

coran Art Gallery in Washington. The I

sixth statue has been in New Yorksince 1858.


Order ofV EaglesMoving Picture Show

R. B. BROWNtlonment, they say

makes nineteen of the districts Demo-

cratic, eighteen Republican and one


While the party stands committed

to the County Unit bill and a majori-

ty of the Republicans would vote for

it if brought to a vote, they recognize

that every step of the way this meas-

ure will encounter bitter opposition,

and should they stake their all on this

measure would likely meet with de-

feat and destroy every chance of get-

ting through their pet measure. Con-

sequently the leaders of the party

are counseling that “a half loaf is bet-

ter than no bread,” and that the exi-

gencies of the situation demand that

they do not undertake to carry too

big a load. Some of the Republicans

are also saying that it is no more

incumbent on them to pass the Coun-

ty Unit Extension bill than the Demo-crats.

Announces As A Candidate For Dele-

gate To The Democratic National


Senator R. B. Brown, of Warsaw,

Ballatin county, is an announced can-

didate for delegate from the Sixth con-

gressional District to the Democratic

National Convention to be held in

Denver, Col., July 7. Senator BrownIs one of the most active Democrats

in the Sixth district and a tower of

strength to the party. He served in

the State Senate twelve years ago

and is one of the ablest lawyers in

the upper branch of the Legislature

at the present session. Senator

Brown Is a most ardent admirer of

William Jennings Bryan and predicts

the complete triumph of the “Great

Commoner” at the coming presiden-

tial election. In the estimation of

the Gallatin Senator the Nebrasgan is

the greatest statesman the nation has

ever produced and he is glad to sub-

scribe to anything he advocates.





Judge R. Frank Peak will move his

family to Louisville, where he is nowengaged in the practice of law during

the past week, sold his residence on

Clay street, in Shelbyville. The pur-

chaser is Mr. George L. Pickett, Coun-

ty Attorney, and the price was $5,000.

Possession will be given at once.

Congressman Helm, of the Eighthdistrict, has announced his candidacy

for re-election. He wants a Demo-cratic primary called to make the

