F PERSONALRey this week Mrs Tas N Miles visited friends in Lexington this week Rev 1 t L AleCready of Avon- dale o was here Thursday Phnrslayfor Mr A F Kirttty and laughter arc visiting relative in Lpuisvilln Miss Jaiiin Dohoney is visiting friends at Loromwe Va- Capr Win lay wife ixiui grand ¬ sons of AHssissippi are in the city Air Sallie Williams has moved to a residence Oil Ann street Rev John K Sweeney of Paris was in the city this wick Col John II Allen of Lexington r attended the courts hero this week i Mr John 11 Dryden and wife wont to Cincinnati on Tuesday Mr and Mrs Lafe Crutchor have returned from New York Mr A Fox Respass and wife visited in Cincinnati this week Gen Jos H Lewis of Scott county was in the city Wednesday Mr Will T Lindse of Tryon N C is visiting relatives in this city Mrs V Berberich is visiting relatives in Cincinnati Mr Arthur Scott left Saturday for Chicago Ills Col Geo G Fetter of Louisville was a visitor hero this week Col D W Fnrlcigli of Louisville attended the courts hero this week Mr J Walter Daugherty visited friends in Lexington Sunday Miss Emma Warford visited friends in Lawrencoburg this week Mr R M Aldridgo and wife have returned from Petoskoy Mich Mr John H Kearney of Ver ¬ sailles was a juror in the U S Court this week Mr Hnhbard IC Ward of Ver ¬ sailles was a juror in the U S Court this week Mr A B White of Versailles was in the city this week as a juror in the U S Court Mr Dudley Lindsoy and wife of Owenshoro attended the Negus Lindsey wedding Miss Lucy Farmer of Louisville is the puost of the Misses Chinii Shelby street this week Miss Mary P Lewis who has boon visiting relatives in Owens boro returned yesterday Col G M Edgar of Paris was the ghost of Mrs 1 F Montgom- ery ¬ this work Judge W E Settle attended the Cumberland Presbyterian General Assembly at St Loup this week Mr O C Kenney and wife visited relatives in Owen county on Sun ¬ dayMrs Lucy Farmer of Farmdalo is the guest of her son Mr W SI Farmer Second street Miss Prue Hunt Hodman who has been living in Philadelphia Penn has returned home Judge W F Hall of Harlan was In attendance upon the courts here this week Mr L H Carter of Lawrence burg attended the courts here this week Mr J B Lewis of this office spent Sunday in Louisville the guest of his son Mr Goo W Lewis Mr David D Smith has returned from his vacation spout in Old Mexico Mr James Heeney returned Sun- day ¬ night from a visit to his sister in Memphis Tenn 4d4TZH lInjor E Bradley and wife who have been in Europe for sev ¬ eral months returned Friday night Mrs Wm Van Antwerp of Aft Sterling is the guest of Mrs W B OConnell on Campbell street Misses Nell and Prattle Thomas are visiting relatives in Louisville and attending the Horse Show Capt J H Tnsco Deputy Collec ¬ 3tot of Carlisle attended the U S J Court this week in this city i Miss Annie Duvall leaves Tues- day ¬ for a visit to relatives in St Louis Mo I Mr John C Alastin has moved into the residence recently pur- l ¬ chased by him on Ann street t Mr C 1 Nugent Jr was tin guest of Rov C J Nugent Sr and wife this week r Mr J McC Blaynoy Jr has re ¬ turned to Harvard Law School to complete his law studies Judge las F Hargis of Breath f dray itt county was in the city Wednes ¬ REMOVAL W E BAXTER D D S11I D I Has removed his olliew to rooms in tho Baxter Building lol1thcHncollwr Bt Clair and Broml WilY entrance on St Clair Special attention given to the higher 1ruteluw of Dental Surgery and to diseases of the Mouth NVwoiiml Throat Both phone New No 6 Old No JS4U I April 111 yr Iii 4y Mr Walter R Day late Repub ¬ lican State Treasurer was in the city this week Capt Noel Gaines and family arrived hero Wednesday night from Chicago Ills to visit relatives Capt W F Dandridg and wife hart returned from a trip to Wash ¬ ington City and other eastern points Mifs Emily Thomas entertained handsomely in lionor of Mi Kath orino Lindsoy on TuoMtlaj morning Mr Lindsoy Fitch of Louisville panic hero on Saturday in his big tourist niitoinobilu car Mr C Fiigai was called to Versailles by the lorrihlo accident t l her brother Mr Mark flu tin II a Master Cromwell Wilkins was tho guest of his aunt Mrs Win Crom ¬ well Shelby street this week Col St John of Louis- ville ¬ was in ttetidiumco upon the courts hero this week Mr H A G rotter wife nod child taro returned front a visit to rein ¬ tives in Chicago Judge H Clay Howard of Paris has been here this week in attend ¬ ance upon tho courts Mr Larue Coleman attended tho Horse Show in Louisville this weekMrs John E Miles returned Fri- day ¬ night from a trip to the East ¬ ern cities covering several months Mr A L Buxton has closed his barber shop in tho Mansion House Building and moved to Louisville Miss Belle Sanders has returned from her summer outing in Michi ¬ ganMrs Joseph Burckhardt and laughter Miss Josie are visiting relatives in Cincinnati Mr Geo B Hunt of Greenville Miss attended the NegusLindsoy wedding on Thursday = Miss Nell Thomas has returned home after a fow days visit to time country Miss Nary Emma Blytho spent a few days here last week the guest of friends Airs Hiram Berry entertained a few lady friends on Wednesday CapitalHotel Air John B Williams of Denver Col arrived in tho city on Wednes ¬ lay night on a visit to relatives j It is his first visit for several years ° Mr Dudley A Gray of Now York City who has been tho guest of his parents Air Frank V Gray and wife has returned homo Miss Hattie Hambrick of George- town ¬ who has been tho guest of Airs L B Woisonburgh Jr lies returned home Air h C Willis Air and Air G G Gilbert of Shelby- ville were attorneys in a case in the U S Court on Thursday Mrs Ieno Coleman of Louisville I who has been the west of Mrs Thos P Rogers home rotll1nodI Miss Lula Overall of AIo who has boon tho guest of Miss Esther Burnam has returned home Miss Nannie AIcAIcekin and Air John Gaines of Georgetown were guests of Alaj Albert Slack und wife this week AJr D L Kennedy and Air P H Newman Sr and wife attended tho funeral of Air John Hagerty in Lexington on Friday General Deputy Collector Chins 1l Randall of London was in at ¬ tendance upon the United States Court this week Revenue Agent David Gates of Atlanta Ga was in attendance upon the U S Court in this city this week Miss Alaria Hensloy Starling ot Greenville Miss attended the NegusLindsey wedding on Thurs- day ¬ Mrs Wm Cromwell was called to Bowling Green by tho serious Ill- ness ¬ of her brothorininw Dr Ben H Alilliken Rov E A Penick wife and child of Phojnix Ariz attended tho NegusLindsey wedding on Thursday Air and Mrs Frank W Clark have returned homo after a few weeks visit to Air Clarks parents in Lewis county firs B R Day has been appointed delegate to the National Prison Congress which meets at Louisville next Week MrsT W Dally returned Suui day from attending time golden wed- ding ¬ of her parents Air James It Patton maul wife in St Louis Mo Air Pat Bohannan and Air Fred ¬ lie Hoffman Frankforts fine brio hallists have como home to remain until next season Airs John C Alustin and laugh- ter ¬ Miss Alario returned Monday afternoon from a visit to Airs H AI Bain in Loxington Air D S Harrod son of Air Lon B Harrod who is a soldier in the Regular Army at Fort Leaven worth Kan is at homo on fur lough Miss Ida AI Dryden who has boon spending lice vacation with her uncle Air David C Dryden at Dayton Ohio returned homo on Tuesday II Air John C Herndon of Louis ¬ ville was in tho city this week tho guest of his sister Miss Annie Herndon Mrs James March of Lexington who has been the guest of Mri Grant L Roberts and wife has re ¬ turned home Airs S1lailey of Versailles sc well known and beloved in this pity has gone to Chicago 1115 toI reside Master W E Hllellfljatul Master Udulpho Bradley who havo been in Louisville for several months returned homo Friday night Rear Admiral Chapman Coleman Iodluu the retired list of time IT S Navy was tilt guest of his sister Airs S 15 Holmes on Satur ¬ lay fir Tarlton O Julian and family of Florida who have been visiting relatives at Alt SIt ltin wore guests of his sister Mrs leo W Chinn in this city this week Miss Alamio Crutcher of Duck ¬ visitingherr 4121 Second street returned homo Thursday Miss Frank Tunes of tho Ebon Holden Opera Co spout yesterday with her mother Mrs H B Times in this county Miss Innos is a beautiful girl and has made n suc ¬ cess in opera music Miss Willanna Smith tho cole brated violinist and vocalist will remain in the city this winter She will slug in time choir of tho First Presbyterian Church She will bo- n groat acquisition to that choir WnshingtonCity tion with her sister Mrs Anna VanDerveer and will attend tho wedding of her nephew Mr Rich- ard ¬ A VanDorveer in Lexington Capt DW Owen of Shelby county a veteran of the Civil War KentuckyInfantry Whittaker was a member of the U S grand jury in tho U S Court this week and made us a pleasant call Mr Archie Campbell and Air daughterlittle ¬ citiwith ¬ liamson corner of Logan and Fourth streets IMrs Negus and daughters Misses Carrie and Susie of Green ¬ Negusiin1sey were guests of Col Chas E Hoge Iat their suburban home Ingleside Miss L J C Daniels and nephew of Grafton Vermont stopped over htI sios Oriental party eight yours ago und is a highly educated accomplished lady She left for Washington D C Friday morning Alonarch over pain Burns cuts sprains stings Instant relief Dr Thomas Electric Oil At nay drug store JACKSONVILLE cryStock short Amotlgthe I who has been confined to her room for several wools Little Miss Nellie B Phillips has boon ill for several days Among tho visitors are tho fol ¬ lowing Mrs Sarah Moore and Air J R Kendall was the guests of Mrs L B Gordon Sunday Mr Wlison Moore and wife visited relatives at Polsgrovo Landing Ky Saturday and Sunday Mr Leonard Moors of South Lou ¬ pnrentsMr this week Mr James Clark and wife of Louisville Ky are visiting rein ¬ tives this communty this week woreI week Mr Ira Moore of Highland Park was in our community this weok Mr Thomas Haggard of Finch yule Ky was horn last week Mrs Alarion Holman and her neico Miss Nellie Haggard also her daughter Mrs John Sylvester and her little daughter Alabol and Air N F Force of Smithville fed visited friends and relatives of this community tho past week returning homo on Saturday lust Air W B Moore visited his sun Air John W Alooro of South Lou ¬ isville Ky this weok Air Dan Gray and family of Ok ¬ lahoma havo located hero Regular mooting was hold at this place Sunday last the pastor Rev I N Iceon filled time pulpit Air C W Perkins now house has boon completed and ho will move in soon CLOSE OBSERVER For a pleasant physic take Cham ¬ berlains Stomach und Liver Tab lots Easy to take Pleasant in effect For sale by all druggists If you expect to vote in November it is your duty to go to your voting place and register next Tuesday October 6 J j f l I t SELBERT 4 J E- i Prepared For the IR I S E N- DIAMONDS I Jotw The fact that Diamonds are good property is known by nearly everyone hut very few understand how really good they are how fast they are increasing in value Their Rise In Value The number of Karats found last year was not quite half the output of 1S08 and they sold for almost as much The mines too are very much deeper and the cost of mining is increasing The recent advance in New York of 10 per cent is nn index of what may be expected at short intervals Our Stock We purchased a stock before the rise and while this lasts we can make slightly lower prices than the New York wholesalers and we advise purchasing sow A Guarantee of Valuef As an evidence of our belief in the permanency of this ad 11 vaneeVwe contract to exchange solitarie diamonds atfull value price paid us for them We place 110 limit on this guarantee I Buying Back For Cash I Many people who recognize the genuine help diamonds are in promoting confidence and success hesitated to invest an them for fear of sudden need for money might come For such emergencies we have perfected our llloneybockt plan Any solitaire diamond bought here may be returned within a year and we will refund J0 per cent of its cost We honor the contract in cash and on presentation I M A SELBERT I RELIABLE JEWELER FRANKFORT KENTUCKY I 1II7r4IBm- u u n WORMS u For 20 Prepared byar JAMES F St Louis I PAUL B St Clair f A CURE FOR I hind Dyspepsia in its worst form and felt miserable most all time time Did not enjoy eating until after I used Kodol Dyspepsia Cure which has completely cured toeMrs W ¬ headache hud breath sour risings indigestion dyspepsia and all stomach troubles aro quick ¬ ¬ digestion combined with the great- est ¬ known tonio and properties It cleanses purifies and sweetens the stomach Sold by J W GEN ¬ Ili A h Capt Noel Gaines of Chicago Ills has been appointed Inspector General for tho State National Guard and will he on duty in tho camp at West Point Camp Young Watch and wait for tho Baaar Store Powers old stand jut f IT GOES RIGHT TO THE SPOT When pain or irrjtation exists on ¬ will give prompt relief It goes right to tho spot said an old man who was rubbing it in to cure his rheumatism C It Smith Propr Smith House Tonaha Texas writes I have used Bollards Snow Liniment In my family for several years and have found it to bo a fine remedy for all aohos and pains and I recommend it for pains in throat and chest tic 50o and 100 at Paul B Weiizols r + WHITES I Host In Quantity Best la Quality RemediosAxxa BALLARD VErlZEIJCor Broadway DYSPEPSIA uppoUto constipation Jodol reconstructive Gayle- APPOINTED INSPECTOR nppJicatioll CREA- MVERMIFUGE DEATHS BUXTONOn Friday night at tho homo of her parents on tho Wost Side Emily Scott infant daughter of Mr A Lincoln Buxton and wif- eWA1SONIu this city on Sun ¬ day afternoon an infant son of Mr Romeo Watson nod wife aged about throe year- sI3ARNEi1In I this city on Sun ¬ lay afternoon the infant child of Air O R Barnett and wife aged two months WATSON In this city on Wed- nesday ¬ Mr Horace Watson and wife lost another little girl child being tho second called away within a week Tender sympathy is felt for them in their sorrow IOASTOnEA j Bears You Have Always Bougbt of tht2 1I4 HE LEARNED A REAL TRUTH It is said of John Wesley that ho Whydo thing over and over again John Wesley because mien tolling is not enough It is for this same rea ¬ son that you aro told again and CoughRemedy it counteracts any tendency of thosoI andhint For sale by all drugigste J- I t IiojJI j 4 I

Frankfort Roundabout. (Frankfort, KY) 1903-10-03 [p ].nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7t1g0hvh0d/data/0041.pdf · REMOVAL W E BAXTER D D S11I D I Has removed his olliew to rooms in tho Baxter

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Page 1: Frankfort Roundabout. (Frankfort, KY) 1903-10-03 [p ].nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7t1g0hvh0d/data/0041.pdf · REMOVAL W E BAXTER D D S11I D I Has removed his olliew to rooms in tho Baxter


PERSONALReythis week

Mrs Tas N Miles visited friendsin Lexington this week

Rev 1 t L AleCready of Avon-dale o was here Thursday

PhnrslayforMr A F Kirttty and laughter

arc visiting relative in LpuisvillnMiss Jaiiin Dohoney is visiting

friends at Loromwe Va-

Capr Win lay wife ixiui grand ¬

sons of AHssissippi are in the cityAir Sallie Williams has moved

to a residence Oil Ann streetRev John K Sweeney of Paris

was in the city this wickCol John II Allen of Lexington

r attended the courts hero this weeki Mr John 11 Dryden and wife

wont to Cincinnati on TuesdayMr and Mrs Lafe Crutchor have

returned from New YorkMr A Fox Respass and wife

visited in Cincinnati this weekGen Jos H Lewis of Scott

county was in the city WednesdayMr Will T Lindse of Tryon N

C is visiting relatives in this cityMrs V Berberich is visiting

relatives in CincinnatiMr Arthur Scott left Saturday

for Chicago IllsCol Geo G Fetter of Louisville

was a visitor hero this weekCol D W Fnrlcigli of Louisville

attended the courts hero this weekMr J Walter Daugherty visited

friends in Lexington SundayMiss Emma Warford visited

friends in Lawrencoburg this weekMr R M Aldridgo and wife have

returned from Petoskoy MichMr John H Kearney of Ver¬

sailles was a juror in the U SCourt this week

Mr Hnhbard IC Ward of Ver¬

sailles was a juror in the U SCourt this week

Mr A B White of Versailleswas in the city this week as a jurorin the U S Court

Mr Dudley Lindsoy and wife ofOwenshoro attended the NegusLindsey wedding

Miss Lucy Farmer of Louisvilleis the puost of the Misses ChiniiShelby street this week

Miss Mary P Lewis who hasboon visiting relatives in Owensboro returned yesterday

Col G M Edgar of Paris wasthe ghost of Mrs 1 F Montgom-ery


this workJudge W E Settle attended the

Cumberland Presbyterian GeneralAssembly at St Loup this week

Mr O C Kenney and wife visitedrelatives in Owen county on Sun ¬

dayMrsLucy Farmer of Farmdalo

is the guest of her son Mr W SIFarmer Second street

Miss Prue Hunt Hodman whohas been living in PhiladelphiaPenn has returned home

Judge W F Hall of Harlan wasIn attendance upon the courts herethis week

Mr L H Carter of Lawrenceburg attended the courts here thisweek

Mr J B Lewis of this officespent Sunday in Louisville theguest of his son Mr Goo W Lewis

Mr David D Smith has returnedfrom his vacation spout in OldMexico

Mr James Heeney returned Sun-day


night from a visit to his sisterin Memphis Tenn 4d4TZH

lInjor E Bradley and wifewho have been in Europe for sev ¬

eral months returned Friday night

Mrs Wm Van Antwerp of AftSterling is the guest of Mrs W BOConnell on Campbell street

Misses Nell and Prattle Thomasare visiting relatives in Louisvilleand attending the Horse Show

Capt J H Tnsco Deputy Collec ¬3tot of Carlisle attended the U S

J Court this week in this city

i Miss Annie Duvall leaves Tues-day


for a visit to relatives in StLouis Mo

I Mr John C Alastin has movedinto the residence recently pur-

chased by him on Ann street

t Mr C 1 Nugent Jr was tinguest of Rov C J Nugent Srand wife this week

r Mr J McC Blaynoy Jr has re ¬

turned to Harvard Law School tocomplete his law studies

Judge las F Hargis of Breathf dray

itt county was in the city Wednes ¬



I Has removed his olliew to rooms in tho BaxterBuilding lol1thcHncollwr Bt Clair and BromlWilY entrance on St Clair Special attentiongiven to the higher 1ruteluw of Dental Surgeryand to diseases of the Mouth NVwoiiml ThroatBoth phone New No 6 Old No JS4U

I April 111 yr


Mr Walter R Day late Repub ¬

lican State Treasurer was in thecity this week

Capt Noel Gaines and familyarrived hero Wednesday night fromChicago Ills to visit relatives

Capt W F Dandridg and wifehart returned from a trip to Wash ¬

ington City and other eastern pointsMifs Emily Thomas entertained

handsomely in lionor of Mi Kathorino Lindsoy on TuoMtlaj morning

Mr Lindsoy Fitch of Louisvillepanic hero on Saturday in his bigtourist niitoinobilu car

Mr C Fiigai was called toVersailles by the lorrihlo accidentt l her brother Mr Mark flu tin II a

Master Cromwell Wilkins was thoguest of his aunt Mrs Win Crom ¬

well Shelby street this weekCol St John of Louis-


was in ttetidiumco upon thecourts hero this week

Mr H A G rotter wife nod childtaro returned front a visit to rein ¬

tives in ChicagoJudge H Clay Howard of Paris

has been here this week in attend ¬

ance upon tho courtsMr Larue Coleman attended tho

Horse Show in Louisville thisweekMrs

John E Miles returned Fri-day


night from a trip to the East ¬

ern cities covering several monthsMr A L Buxton has closed his

barber shop in tho Mansion HouseBuilding and moved to Louisville

Miss Belle Sanders has returnedfrom her summer outing in Michi ¬

ganMrsJoseph Burckhardt and

laughter Miss Josie are visitingrelatives in Cincinnati

Mr Geo B Hunt of GreenvilleMiss attended the NegusLindsoywedding on Thursday= Miss Nell Thomas has returnedhome after a fow days visit to timecountry

Miss Nary Emma Blytho spent afew days here last week the guestof friends

Airs Hiram Berry entertained afew lady friends on WednesdayCapitalHotel

Air John B Williams of DenverCol arrived in tho city on Wednes ¬

lay night on a visit to relativesj It is his first visit for several years° Mr Dudley A Gray of Now YorkCity who has been tho guest of hisparents Air Frank V Gray andwife has returned homo

Miss Hattie Hambrick of George-town


who has been tho guest ofAirs L B Woisonburgh Jr liesreturned home

Air h C Willis Airand Air G G Gilbert of Shelby-ville were attorneys in a case inthe U S Court on Thursday

Mrs Ieno Coleman of Louisville I

who has been the west of MrsThos P Rogershome rotll1nodI

Miss Lula Overall ofAIo who has boon tho guest ofMiss Esther Burnam has returnedhome

Miss Nannie AIcAIcekin and AirJohn Gaines of Georgetown wereguests of Alaj Albert Slack undwife this week

AJr D L Kennedy and Air PH Newman Sr and wife attendedtho funeral of Air John Hagerty inLexington on Friday

General Deputy Collector Chins1l Randall of London was in at ¬

tendance upon the United StatesCourt this week

Revenue Agent David Gates ofAtlanta Ga was in attendanceupon the U S Court in this citythis week

Miss Alaria Hensloy Starling otGreenville Miss attended theNegusLindsey wedding on Thurs-day


Mrs Wm Cromwell was called toBowling Green by tho serious Ill-


of her brothorininw Dr BenH Alilliken

Rov E A Penick wife andchild of Phojnix Ariz attendedtho NegusLindsey wedding onThursday

Air and Mrs Frank W Clarkhave returned homo after a fewweeks visit to Air Clarks parentsin Lewis county

firs B R Day has beenappointed delegate to the NationalPrison Congress which meets atLouisville next Week

MrsT W Dally returned Suuiday from attending time golden wed-ding


of her parents Air James ItPatton maul wife in St Louis Mo

Air Pat Bohannan and Air Fred ¬

lie Hoffman Frankforts fine briohallists have como home to remainuntil next season

Airs John C Alustin and laugh-ter


Miss Alario returned Mondayafternoon from a visit to Airs HAI Bain in Loxington

Air D S Harrod son of Air LonB Harrod who is a soldier in theRegular Army at Fort Leavenworth Kan is at homo on furlough

Miss Ida AI Dryden who hasboon spending lice vacation withher uncle Air David C Dryden atDayton Ohio returned homo onTuesday


Air John C Herndon of Louis ¬

ville was in tho city this weektho guest of his sister Miss AnnieHerndon

Mrs James March of Lexingtonwho has been the guest of MriGrant L Roberts and wife has re ¬

turned homeAirs S1lailey of Versailles

sc well known and beloved in thispity has gone to Chicago 1115 toIreside

Master W E HllellfljatulMaster Udulpho Bradley who havobeen in Louisville for severalmonths returned homo Fridaynight

Rear Admiral Chapman ColemanIodluu the retired list of timeIT S Navy was tilt guest of hissister Airs S 15 Holmes on Satur ¬

layfir Tarlton O Julian and family

of Florida who have been visitingrelatives at Alt SIt ltin woreguests of his sister Mrs leo WChinn in this city this week

Miss Alamio Crutcher of Duck ¬visitingherr4121 Second street returned homoThursday

Miss Frank Tunes of tho EbonHolden Opera Co spout yesterdaywith her mother Mrs H B Timesin this county Miss Innos is abeautiful girl and has made n suc ¬

cess in opera musicMiss Willanna Smith tho cole

brated violinist and vocalist willremain in the city this winter Shewill slug in time choir of tho FirstPresbyterian Church She will bo-n groat acquisition to that choir

WnshingtonCitytion with her sister Mrs AnnaVanDerveer and will attend thowedding of her nephew Mr Rich-ard


A VanDorveer in LexingtonCapt DW Owen of Shelby

county a veteran of the Civil War

KentuckyInfantryWhittaker was a member of theU S grand jury in tho U S Courtthis week and made us a pleasantcall

Mr Archie Campbell and Airdaughterlittle ¬citiwith ¬

liamson corner of Logan andFourth streets

IMrs Negus and daughtersMisses Carrie and Susie of Green ¬

Negusiin1seywere guests of Col Chas E Hoge

Iat their suburban home InglesideMiss L J C Daniels and nephew

of Grafton Vermont stopped overhtIsios Oriental party eight yoursago und is a highly educatedaccomplished lady She left forWashington D C Friday morning

Alonarch over pain Burns cutssprains stings Instant relief DrThomas Electric Oil At nay drugstore


cryStockshortAmotlgthe I

who has been confined to her roomfor several wools

Little Miss Nellie B Phillips hasboon ill for several days

Among tho visitors are tho fol ¬

lowing Mrs Sarah Moore and AirJ R Kendall was the guests ofMrs L B Gordon Sunday

Mr Wlison Moore and wife visitedrelatives at Polsgrovo LandingKy Saturday and Sunday

Mr Leonard Moors of South Lou ¬pnrentsMrthis week

Mr James Clark and wife ofLouisville Ky are visiting rein ¬

tives this communty this weekworeIweekMr Ira Moore of Highland Park

was in our community this weokMr Thomas Haggard of Finch

yule Ky was horn last weekMrs Alarion Holman and her

neico Miss Nellie Haggard alsoher daughter Mrs John Sylvesterand her little daughter Alaboland Air N F Force of Smithvillefed visited friends and relativesof this community tho past weekreturning homo on Saturday lust

Air W B Moore visited his sunAir John W Alooro of South Lou ¬

isville Ky this weokAir Dan Gray and family of Ok ¬

lahoma havo located heroRegular mooting was hold at this

place Sunday last the pastor RevI N Iceon filled time pulpit

Air C W Perkins now house hasboon completed and ho will movein soon

CLOSE OBSERVERFor a pleasant physic take Cham ¬

berlains Stomach und Liver Tablots Easy to take Pleasant ineffect For sale by all druggists

If you expect to vote in November itis your duty to go to your voting placeand register next Tuesday October 6

J j f l




Prepared For the



The fact that Diamonds are good property is known bynearly everyone hut very few understand how really good theyare how fast they are increasing in value

Their Rise In ValueThe number of Karats found last year was not quite half

the output of 1S08 and they sold for almost as much Themines too are very much deeper and the cost of mining isincreasing The recent advance in New York of 10 per centis nn index of what may be expected at short intervals

Our StockWe purchased a stock before the rise and while this

lasts we can make slightly lower prices than the New Yorkwholesalers and we advise purchasing sow

A Guarantee ofValuefAs an evidence of our belief in the permanency of this ad 11

vaneeVwe contract to exchange solitarie diamonds atfull valueprice paid us for them We place 110 limit on this guarantee


Buying Back For Cash I

Many people who recognize the genuine help diamonds arein promoting confidence and success hesitated to invest anthem for fear of sudden need for money might come

For such emergencies we have perfected our llloneybocktplan Any solitaire diamond bought here may be returnedwithin a year and we will refund J0 per cent of its costWe honor the contract in cash and on presentation




I 1II7r4IBm-u

u nWORMSuFor 20Prepared byar JAMES F St Louis


PAUL B St Clairf


I hind Dyspepsia in its worst formand felt miserable most all time timeDid not enjoy eating until after Iused Kodol Dyspepsia Cure whichhas completely cured toeMrs W


headache hud breathsour risings indigestion dyspepsiaand all stomach troubles aro quick¬


digestion combined with the great-est


known tonio andproperties It cleanses purifiesand sweetens the stomach Soldby J W


Ili A h

Capt Noel Gaines of ChicagoIlls has been appointed InspectorGeneral for tho State NationalGuard and will he on duty in thocamp at West Point Camp Young

Watch and wait for tho BaaarStore Powers old stand jut f


When pain or irrjtation exists on¬

will give prompt relief It goesright to tho spot said an old manwho was rubbing it in to cure hisrheumatism C It Smith ProprSmith House Tonaha Texaswrites I have used BollardsSnow Liniment In my family forseveral years and have found it tobo a fine remedy for all aohos andpains and I recommend it for painsin throat and chest tic 50oand 100 at Paul B Weiizols

r +


Host In Quantity Best la Quality


VErlZEIJCor Broadway








DEATHSBUXTONOn Friday night at

tho homo of her parents on thoWost Side Emily Scott infantdaughter of Mr A Lincoln Buxtonand wif-

eWA1SONIu this city on Sun ¬

day afternoon an infant son of MrRomeo Watson nod wife agedabout throe year-

sI3ARNEi1InI this city on Sun ¬

lay afternoon the infant child ofAir O R Barnett and wife agedtwo months

WATSON In this city on Wed-nesday


Mr Horace Watson andwife lost another little girl childbeing tho second called away withina week

Tender sympathy is felt for themin their sorrow

IOASTOnEAj Bears You Have Always Bougbt



It is said of John Wesley that hoWhydothing over and over again JohnWesley because mien tolling is notenough It is for this same rea ¬

son that you aro told again and

CoughRemedyit counteracts any tendency of thosoIandhintFor sale by all drugigste



tIiojJI j

4 I