Framework for the FY13 Operating Plan and Budget 17 January 2012

Framework for the FY13 Operating Plan and Budget · Operating Plan and Budget 17 January 2012. FY13 Budget Process ... development of the FY13 Operating Plan and Budget. ... management

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Page 1: Framework for the FY13 Operating Plan and Budget · Operating Plan and Budget 17 January 2012. FY13 Budget Process ... development of the FY13 Operating Plan and Budget. ... management

Framework for the FY13

Operating Plan and Budget

17 January 2012

Page 2: Framework for the FY13 Operating Plan and Budget · Operating Plan and Budget 17 January 2012. FY13 Budget Process ... development of the FY13 Operating Plan and Budget. ... management

FY13 Budget Process

ICANN’s Bylaws require that 45 days before adoption of the annual budget,

a draft of the annual budget be posted to allow for community feedback.

ICANN posts a Framework of the fiscal year Operating Plan and Budget

several months earlier to engage active dialog and feedback with the

community, and to solicit community input on the priorities, plans, and

resource requirements for ICANN’s activities for the fiscal year.

Community feedback on the Framework is a critical process in the

development of the FY13 Operating Plan and Budget.

The focus of the FY13 Framework is to provide the ICANN community with

the key components of the budget: Core Operations and Projects, and allow

for public comment to provide guidance on the prioritization of the work of

ICANN as it relates to the overall vision, mission and strategic work laid out

for the community, staff and Board.


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FY13 Budget Process

The Operating Plan and Budget outlines the goals to be

accomplished and the resources required to implement ICANN’s


ICANN’s 2012 – 2015 Strategic Plan is pending adoption by the

Board; here is the draft overview: http://www.icann.org/en/strategic-plan/draft-strategic-plan-2012-2015-clean-03oct11-



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FY13 Budget Milestones

Top Down Budget

Dept. Input

SO / AC Addt’l


Detailed Dept.


Community Input and


Board Approval at ICANN 44

First Review Second Review

17 Jan 2012

Post Framework

Final Review

1 May 2012

Post Draft Ops Plan

and Budget

29 June 2012

Final Budget Adopted


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FY13 ICANN Priorities

� The following slide lists the FY13 ICANN Priorities. This

list was determined based on:

• The 2012-2015 Strategic Plan (3 year plan)

• Discussions and input from the community, gathered in Dakar,

• The ICANN Operations Planning sessions

� The FY13 Priorities list is used as a guidance and

reference throughout the budget process, to ensure

permanent consistency of information produced (i.e.

projects, new department activities,…) with the overall

ICANN mission and strategy


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FY13 ICANN Priorities

FY13 Priorities

1. Execute IANA contract follow up

2. Launch New gTLD Program

3. Ensure excellency in the management of DNS Stability, DNS Security, IP addresses and


4. Build on Contractual Compliance

5. Strengthen globalization of Operations

6. Enhance infrastructure, processes and systems for effectiveness and efficiency

7. Integrate ATRT Recommendations into day-to-day culture

8. Enable effective and constructive early participation of the GAC in the policy

development process

9. Effectively support SO/AC and Board increasing activities

10. Engage new stakeholders into the multistakeholder model

11. Support Law Enforcement engagement with Community

12. Advance Whois database policy and procedures

13. Evolve ICANN meetings


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DNS stability and security

3. Ensure excellency in the management of DNS Stability, DNS Security, IP addresses and parameters

4. Build on Contractual Compliance

5. Strengthen globalization of Operations and

7. Integrate ATRT Recommendations into day-to-day culture

8. Enable effective and constructive early participation of the GAC in the policy development process

10. Engage new stakeholders into the multistakeholder model

11. Support Law Enforcement engagement with Community

Competition consumer trust and

consumer choice

2. Launch New gTLD Program

3. Ensure excellency in the management of DNS Stability, DNS Security, IP addresses and parameters

9. Effectively support SO/AC’s and Board’s increasing activities

12. Advance Whois database policy and procedures

13. Evolve ICANN meetings

Core operations including IANA

1. Execute IANA contract follow up

3. Ensure excellency in the management of DNS Stability, DNS Security, IP addresses and parameters

6. Enhance infrastructure, processes and systems for effectiveness and efficiency

7. Integrate ATRT Recommendations into day-to-day culture

A healthy Internet governance eco-


3. Ensure excellency in the management of DNS Stability, DNS Security, IP addresses and parameters

10. Engage new stakeholders into the multistakeholder model

12. Advance Whois database policy and procedures

FY13 ICANN Priorities by strategic pillar


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Composite View of Budget

Core Operations

Strategic Projects

Community Addt’l Requests


• As a rule, the Core Operations

include all of the staff costs (and

the projects do not include any),

with the exception of staff that

is entirely dedicated to projects

• Community Additional Budget

requests are for special projects

and support services from

ICANN community not already

covered in Core Operations

FY13=> $11.5m

FY13=> $63.1m

FY13=> $0.5m

FY13 Operating Expenses => $75.1m

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Composite View of Budget Expenses


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Core Operations

• The Core Operations Budget

represents the recurring


• This is a reflection of costs to

operate ICANN and can be

assimilated as a base budget or

the starting point

Strategic Projects(including New gTLD)

Community Special


Administration & Infrastructure support

Organizational Activities (IANA,SSR,Policy,DNS,Compliance, etc...)

Community Basic Support

Business Excellence

Organization Effectiveness and



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Core Operations cont’d

• Community Travel


• International Relations

• Ombudsman

• Board Support

• Nom Com

• DNS Operations

• Facilities and Staff


• IANA Function

• IDN Fast Track

• Security, Stability and


• Contractual Compliance

• ICANN Public Meetings

• AC, SO and SG Support

• Policy Development


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Strategic Projects - Overview

Core Operations

Community Special



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Strategic Projects

* See comments for top 10 projects in terms of proposed FY13 budget amount for both

carryover projects and new projects. The FY13 Draft budget will include descriptions for all

projects contained therein.

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Strategic Projects

• The following projects, included in the list of proposed FY13

projects, currently do not have have associated budget amounts

but have been included here for discussion purposes. Staff is

working on quantifying a proposed FY13 budget amount


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FY13 Carryover Project Summaries(top 10 projects by budget amount)

New gTLD Operations – $2,640K

• Resources required to fund operational matters related to the New gTLD program, including:

• Provide technical, legal, and security support for the Program

• Provide communication updates of the Program

New gTLD Appl Support – $800K *

• Program assists potential New gTLD applicants seeking financial or non-financial support

• Qualified applicants may receive reduced evaluation fees

• Resources include support for communication and operation of the program


Advance Whois Program – $622K

• Facilitate and promote discussion about technical evolution of Registration Data Directory Services and potential use of new protocol

• Resources required to carry forward continuing policy work and to complete GNSO Council requested studies

DNS Security – $400K

• Includes training and support for DNSSEC adoption and deployment by TLD operators, ISPs and with law enforcement and regional partners

• Resources for DNS collaboration and train-the-trainer activities with law enforcement

• DNS capability building initiatives

* Represents resources for the operation and communication of the New gTLD Applicant Support

program and are separate from the $2M fund for applicant support.

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Compliance Improvements - $400K

• Improvements and Expansion to the Compliance function, including:

• Design and implement a consolidated and integrated “Compliance Intake, Management and Reporting System” to improve compliance data collection, operational efficiency, measuring and reporting to the community

• Design, implement and rollout annual audits for registrars and registries using industry best practices

Information Security Plan - $355K

• ICANN Information Security governance follows the framework and best practices standards set forth in the ISO-IEC 27002 framework and the guidelines published by the National Institute of Technology Standards (NIST)

• The ICANN Information Security Plan includes FY13 objectives to improve security for IANA, root zone management processes and internal corporate services such as email, digital signing and encryption and mobile device management


ATRT Recommendations - $300K

• ATRT’s final report contained 27 recommendations to improve ICANN

• Improvements focus areas include Board and Policy development

• Resources required to continue implementation in Board support & Policy functions

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) - $250K

• Obtain a new solution to replace, upgrade, and improve ICANN’s customer management systems and supporting processes

• Provide the scalability to support ICANN’s future growth and the increased workload resulting from new programs

• Provide a system that is more responsive to ICANN’s current and future needs while supporting its open and transparent business environment

FY13 Carryover Project Summaries(top 10 projects by budget amount)

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DNSSEC Propagation - $210K

• Support DNSSEC signing and adoption by large ISPs, organizations and governments worldwide

• DNSSEC key signing ceremonies and participation by trusted community representatives

Organizational Effectiveness Initiative (OEI) - $195K

• Program resulting from Board’s recommendation that ICANN improve:

• Operations and Processes

• Staff development, culture, morale, and leadership

• The impact of globalization on ICANN


FY13 Carryover Project Summaries(top 10 projects by budget amount)

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IDN Variant Management: Implementation Phase - $1,850K

• An integrated team of representatives from the six individual teams will provide a single report identifying issues to six common scripts studied

• FY13 work will include development and implementation of solutions to those issues

IDN Variant Management - Further Studies - $950K

• Proposed Internationalized Domain Name (IDN) Variant studies on:

• Visual similarity rules

• Whole string variants

• Mirroring

FY13 New Project Summaries(top 10 projects by budget amount)

Widen International Engagement -$560K

• As a result of the widening of international participation and engagement, it is expected that attendance to ICANN meetings will increase

• Represents a scaling up of services provided to attendees, including meeting rooms, language services, audio/visual, etc.

Trademark Clearinghouse Implementation - $300K

• In connection with the New gTLD Program, ICANN will establish a Trademark Clearinghouse to support trademark protection during registration of domain names in the New gTLD space

• The Clearinghouse model was developed by IP rights experts

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System Enhancements - $275K

• System infrastructure enhancements to:

• Radar

• Fellowship

• Nominating Committee

• Community wiki

• Dashboard automation

• Project management tool

IANA Contract: RZM v2 - $150K

• Enhance Root Zone management software to support adding/removing TLDs as part of the built-in process

• This project was developed in response to feedback and and requests received from the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) and VeriSign, and is included in the IANA contract

Uniform Rapid Suspension (URS) -$150K

• Developed to address trademark protection concerns in the New gTLD Program

• Provides trademark holders with a cost effective remedy to trademark protection in addition to those available under the Uniform Dispute Resolution Process (UDRP) and applicable law

Root Zone System Monitoring -$145K

• Establish baseline measurements for performance of the Root Server system and related Root Zone Management systems

• Publish statistics and identify trends in performance

FY13 New Project Summaries(top 10 projects by budget amount)

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Intercessional Meetings - $130K

• Non-contract community members have expressed a desire for opportunities to discuss/resolve specific issues and conduct outreach/recruitment efforts at events other than ICANN Public Meetings

• Will explore these types of opportunities with a number of "pilot" regional intercessional community meetings

Additional Rights Protection Mechanisms - $110K

• Program is being developed in connection with the New gTLD Program to address defensive registrations

• Continuing initiatives concerning rights protection issues in the New gTLD Program, including defensive registrations or other relevant topics

FY13 New Project Summaries(top 10 projects by budget amount)

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� Updated Views

• A view of the multi-year Statement of Operations for the New gTLD

Application Processing was provided with the FY12 Adopted Budget (FY12

Adopted Budget View on the following schedule)

• This view was developed on the basis of several accounting assumptions

• During the development of the FY13 Framework, Staff initiated a review of

such assumptions and has initiated a validation process. While such

validation is undergoing, updates were made to the assumptions and


• These updates primarily affected the timing of recognition of revenue and

expense, primarily affecting professional fees

• An updated view of the multi-year Statement of Operations for the New gTLD

Application Processing is provided herein based on these updated

assumptions (Current View on the following schedule)

FY13 New gTLD Applications


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FY13 New gTLD Applications


* Based on:

10 applications at 80% in FY12

15 applications at 70% in FY13

25 applications at 35% in FY13

87 applications at 20% in FY13

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� Net Application Processing Fees

• Net revenue is based on 500 applications

• We have elected to reflect concurrent timing of revenues and expenses under

GAAP matching principals. The accounting treatment of revenues and

expenses is currently being reviewed and will be finalized in a few weeks

• Revenues are net of application fee refunds based on an assumption of

applications not completed at each milestone of the application process

� Application Operating Expenses

• Variable expenses are based on 500 applications

• Expenses are budgeted based on projected timing of services to be

performed by panelists, independent objectors, and other consultants

• Fixed costs include ICANN staff allocation and overhead

� Reserves

• Reserves are based on 500 applications

• Risk = $60K/app Historical Dev Costs = $25K/app

FY13 New gTLD Applications


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FY13 Framework:


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FY13 Framework: Main assumptions

� ICANN donation/contribution (expense) to New gTLD

Applicant Support Fund: $2m.

� Implementation of Board compensation, and 3rd Board


� SO/AC additional requests placeholder envelope of $500k

� New gTLD Application assumptions:

• separate entity in accounting system, separate bank


• Assume 500 applications (consistent with FY12 budget


Scope change


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FY13 Framework: Main assumptions

� Headcount (including New gTLD department):

• FY12 ending FTE: 159 HC (vs 173 HC budgeted, Jan 2012

actual: 141HC)

• FY13 ending FTE: 194 HC

� Compensation increase of 2% to reflect salary increase and


� Increase of travel costs in line with headcount increase

� Stable Professional fees:

• Decrease driven by reduction of New gTLD readiness costs

• Increase driven by projects (system implementation,

language policy development, compliance process,…)

Expense trends


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FY13 Framework: Main assumptions

� Increase in facilities costs driven by growth (expansion in

Marina Del Rey / expansion in Brussels) and international

presence (2 HC hosted in temporary Singapore office)

� Increase in HR/Finance/Admin/Legal/IT support to reflect an

increase in activity and overall headcount supported

(including conversion of contracted resources into permanent


� Security: increase of activity and resources driven by increase

risk management (framework, continuity planning)



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FY13 Framework: Main assumptions

� Increase in compliance activity

• Perform compliance audits

• Implement and improve automation through systems: dispute,

management, reporting & metrics, webpage

� Increase in language services: to support the

internationalization development of ICANN

• Increase in demand for simultaneous interpretation, live scribing,

transcription and translation (ICANN meetings and conference calls)

• Develop a comprehensive and permanent set of internal capabilities

to translate information in the 6 UN languages

Departments (1/2)


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FY13 Framework: Main assumptions

� Registry operations expansion, notably in perspective of New

gTLD delegation:

• Onboarding, coordination of contract negotiation, SLA monitoring,

EBERO monitoring

• Regional management/coordination of registries

• RSTEP review

� IANA, notably in perspective of New gTLD delegation:

• Process implementation of automated information for delegation

• IANA contract follow up (secure communication, implement RZM v2)

Departments (2/2)


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FY13 Revenue Framework


(in thousands, US dollars)FY13




Registry 35,926$ 34,753$ 1,173$

Registrar 33,453 30,902 2,551

RIR 823 823 -

ccTLD 1,900 1,600 300

IDN ccTLD - 780 (780)

Meeting Sponsorships 900 900 -

New gTLD Registry/Registrar 1,985 - 1,985

Traditional Revenue 74,987$ 69,758$ 5,229$

New gTLD Application Fees 69,617$ 27,565$ 42,052$




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� Registrar

• Application and Variable fees are budgeted at the same amount as FY12

• Accreditation fees represent an increase in accredited Registrars

• Transaction fees remain at $0.18 per transaction year with a growth of

about 4% in registrations, including .xxx, based on a historical trending

analysis of quarterly transaction growth rates

� Registry

• Registry revenue is based on individual contracts with each accredited

Registry which include fixed fees, transaction fees, or both

• Fixed fees are budgeted at approximately the same amount as FY12

• Transaction fees represent a modest growth of about 4% in registrations

� ccTLD

• Increase to FY13 Budget is derived from actual collections in FY11 and

expected collections in FY12

FY13 Revenue assumptions


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FY13 Revenue assumptions (cont.)

� RIR & Meeting Sponsorship

• FY13 revenue is budgeted at the same amount as FY12

� IDN Fast Track

• Fast track revenue is budgeted at $0 based on reduced applications


� New gTLDs’ Registry/Registrar assumptions

• 500 New gTLD applications will be received in the initial application


• 120 TLDs will be delegated from Jan 2013 to Jun 2013 (60 per quarter)

• 20 TLDs delegated each quarter (1/3) will reach 50,000 transactions in

their first quarter of their first year


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Contingency Fund

Individual FY13 budget items are estimated based upon the most recent

information available.

In order to allow for the possibility of costs exceeding original estimates, an overall

contingency of $3.8m is included in the budget framework for FY13, corresponding

to 5% of operating expenses. The increase in the contingency is considered

reasonable as a result of (i) the budget being established long in advance of the

period considered therefore reducing the accuracy of the estimates, (ii) the ICANN

environment becoming more unpredictable, notably in the circumstances of the

New gTLD Program, (iii) common practice on project contingencies.

The Board Finance Committee will review the contingency levels to ensure that

financial risks are managed appropriately.

The contingency covers items such as unplanned litigation/dispute resolution,

unanticipated expenses and actual costs exceeding budget estimates.


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Community Input

Community input for the FY13 Framework development started

with outreach to the SO/AC and SG constituency leaders in Dakar,

where the concept of basic services, additional requests for

support, and role in the process were discussed.

Policy staff liaisons continue to work with SO/AC/SG community to

validate services and support levels.

Scheduled telephone conferences with each community are

scheduled following the posting of this FY13 Framework, and a

public session will be held in Costa Rica in March 2012.


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Next steps

• Community consultations

• Continued detailed ICANN budget forecasting by staff

• Public Comment on the Framework closes 28 February;

summary provided with follow up activities

• More detailed analysis of new gTLD expenses and revenues

• Post updated Operating Plan and Proposed budget in May

• Final consultations and consideration of budget at June
