Four Levels of Intergenerational Indicators Lili Vargha (HDRI, [email protected] ) and Robert I. Gal (HDRI) NTA10 - Tenth Meeting of Working Group on Macroeconomic Aspects of Intergenerational Transfer, Beijing, 13 November, 2014

Four Levels of Intergenerational Indicators Lili Vargha (HDRI, [email protected])[email protected] and Robert I. Gal (HDRI) NTA10 - Tenth Meeting

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Page 1: Four Levels of Intergenerational Indicators Lili Vargha (HDRI, vargha@demografia.hu)vargha@demografia.hu and Robert I. Gal (HDRI) NTA10 - Tenth Meeting

Four Levels of Intergenerational Indicators

Lili Vargha (HDRI, [email protected])

and Robert I. Gal (HDRI)

NTA10 - Tenth Meeting of Working Group on Macroeconomic Aspects of Intergenerational Transfer,

Beijing, 13 November, 2014

Page 2: Four Levels of Intergenerational Indicators Lili Vargha (HDRI, vargha@demografia.hu)vargha@demografia.hu and Robert I. Gal (HDRI) NTA10 - Tenth Meeting

The four levels


• Different flows of intergenerational transfers representing different systems of reallocation

• 1. Public Pension System• 2. Public Programs• 3. National Economy• 4. Total Economy = National Economy +

Household Economy

Page 3: Four Levels of Intergenerational Indicators Lili Vargha (HDRI, vargha@demografia.hu)vargha@demografia.hu and Robert I. Gal (HDRI) NTA10 - Tenth Meeting

Four levels of intergenerational reallocations

Age profiles from Hungary, 2000. Source: Authors’ calculations

Per c



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Per c



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Page 4: Four Levels of Intergenerational Indicators Lili Vargha (HDRI, vargha@demografia.hu)vargha@demografia.hu and Robert I. Gal (HDRI) NTA10 - Tenth Meeting

The indicators

• Lee arrows

• Indicators about the generational asymmetry of transfers (comparing flows towards children and the elderly)

• Support ratios


Page 5: Four Levels of Intergenerational Indicators Lili Vargha (HDRI, vargha@demografia.hu)vargha@demografia.hu and Robert I. Gal (HDRI) NTA10 - Tenth Meeting

Lee-arrows on four levels

Hungary, 2000. Source: Authors’ calculations

Page 6: Four Levels of Intergenerational Indicators Lili Vargha (HDRI, vargha@demografia.hu)vargha@demografia.hu and Robert I. Gal (HDRI) NTA10 - Tenth Meeting

Lee-arrows on four levels

Hungary, 2000. Source: Authors’ calculations

Per capita 0.1 Per capita 0.4

Per capita 0.6 Per capita 0.9

age 40 age 65age 42 age 45

age 42age 40.5age 43age 38

Page 7: Four Levels of Intergenerational Indicators Lili Vargha (HDRI, vargha@demografia.hu)vargha@demografia.hu and Robert I. Gal (HDRI) NTA10 - Tenth Meeting

The generational asymmetry of transfers


• Comparing net flows towards the two dependent sections of the life-cycle on the four levels

• Elderly Bias of Social Spending (Vanhuysse, 2013)

• Per capita average for old age (58+) divided by the per capita average for children (0-23)

• The definition of old age and children is given by the LCD curve

Page 8: Four Levels of Intergenerational Indicators Lili Vargha (HDRI, vargha@demografia.hu)vargha@demografia.hu and Robert I. Gal (HDRI) NTA10 - Tenth Meeting

Indicator of public programs (per capita)


Public Programs


Hungary, 2000. Source: Authors’ calculations

Page 9: Four Levels of Intergenerational Indicators Lili Vargha (HDRI, vargha@demografia.hu)vargha@demografia.hu and Robert I. Gal (HDRI) NTA10 - Tenth Meeting

Same indicator on the level of national economy


Public Programs National Economy

2.5 1.0

Hungary, 2000. Source: Authors’ calculations

Page 10: Four Levels of Intergenerational Indicators Lili Vargha (HDRI, vargha@demografia.hu)vargha@demografia.hu and Robert I. Gal (HDRI) NTA10 - Tenth Meeting

Elderly bias in inter-age transfers?


Public Programs National Economy Total Economy

2.5 1.0 0.7

Hungary, 2000. Source: Authors’ calculations

Page 11: Four Levels of Intergenerational Indicators Lili Vargha (HDRI, vargha@demografia.hu)vargha@demografia.hu and Robert I. Gal (HDRI) NTA10 - Tenth Meeting

Support Ratios on the four different levels

• Indicators incorporating age variation in productivity and consumption-needs

• National economy: economic SR– Weighted number of workers / consumers

(Cutler et al 1990, Lee & Mason 2011, Prskawetz & Sambt 2014, Lee and Mason et al 2014)

• Public Programs: fiscal SR– Weighted number of taxpayers / beneficiaries (Miller 2011)

• Pension System: pension SR – Weighted number of pension contributors / pensioners

• Total Economy: total SR– Weighted number of workers (incl. the value of unpaid

household labor) / weighted number of consumers (incl. the consumption of unpaid household labor)

Page 12: Four Levels of Intergenerational Indicators Lili Vargha (HDRI, vargha@demografia.hu)vargha@demografia.hu and Robert I. Gal (HDRI) NTA10 - Tenth Meeting

Projected SRs and the demographic SR

Source: Authors’ own calculation

Page 13: Four Levels of Intergenerational Indicators Lili Vargha (HDRI, vargha@demografia.hu)vargha@demografia.hu and Robert I. Gal (HDRI) NTA10 - Tenth Meeting

Summary of results

• The level of an economic intergenerational indicator matters

• Once the value of unpaid household labor and consumption is incorporated into the reallocation system– elderly bias in inter-age transfers disappears– asymmetry of inter-age transfers is more

pronounced– effects of aging become less dramatic

Page 14: Four Levels of Intergenerational Indicators Lili Vargha (HDRI, vargha@demografia.hu)vargha@demografia.hu and Robert I. Gal (HDRI) NTA10 - Tenth Meeting

Thank you!

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 613247.

Page 15: Four Levels of Intergenerational Indicators Lili Vargha (HDRI, vargha@demografia.hu)vargha@demografia.hu and Robert I. Gal (HDRI) NTA10 - Tenth Meeting

Age Profile and Lee-arrow of Household Economy

Per c




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Age profiles from Hungary, 2000. Source: Authors’ calculations

Per capita 0.4

age 46 age 38

Page 16: Four Levels of Intergenerational Indicators Lili Vargha (HDRI, vargha@demografia.hu)vargha@demografia.hu and Robert I. Gal (HDRI) NTA10 - Tenth Meeting

Indicators about inter-generational asymmetryPer capita normalized Aggregate value / GDP

TG old age (Net public transfers 58+) 0.43 0.10TG children (Net public transfers 0-23) 0.17 0.05TG indicator 2.51 1.94

TG+TF old age (Net public and private transfers 58+) 0.42 0.10TG+TF children (Net public and private transfers 0-23) 0.40 0.12TG+TF indicator 1.04 0.80

TG+TF+TIME old age (Net public, private transfers and time transfers 58+) 0.45 0.11TG+TF+TIME children (Net public, private transfers and time transfers 0-23) 0.66 0.20TG+TF+TF indicator 0.68 0.52

Hungary, 2000. Source: Authors’ calculations

Page 17: Four Levels of Intergenerational Indicators Lili Vargha (HDRI, vargha@demografia.hu)vargha@demografia.hu and Robert I. Gal (HDRI) NTA10 - Tenth Meeting

Projections: the Hungarian population in 2000 and its projection in 2050

Source: HDRI