Forces & Magnetic Dipoles B x . F F B U B AI

Forces & Magnetic Dipoles

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B. x. q. F. F. q. m. Forces & Magnetic Dipoles. Today. Application of equation for trajectory of charged particle in a constant magnetic field: Mass Spectrometer Magnetic Force on a current-carrying wire Current Loops Magnetic Dipole Moment Torque (when in constant B field)  Motors - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Forces & Magnetic Dipoles

Forces & Magnetic Dipoles






Page 2: Forces & Magnetic Dipoles

Today...• Application of equation for trajectory of charged

particle in a constant magnetic field: Mass Spectrometer

• Magnetic Force on a current-carrying wire

• Current Loops• Magnetic Dipole Moment

• Torque (when in constant B field) Motors

• Potential Energy (when in constant B field)

• Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Text Reference: Chapter 28.1 and 28.3 Examples: 28.2, 28.3, and 28.6 through 28.10

Page 3: Forces & Magnetic Dipoles

Last Time…• Moving charged particles are deflected in magnetic


• Circular orbits

• If we use a known voltage V to accelerate a particle

F q v B



212qV mv

2 2

2q V

m R B

• Several applications of this• Thomson (1897) measures q/m ratio for “cathode rays”

• All have same q/m ratio, for any material source• Electrons are a fundamental constituent of all matter!

• Accelerators for particle physics• One can easily show that the time to make an orbit does not

depend on the size of the orbit, or the velocity of the particle→ Cyclotron

Page 4: Forces & Magnetic Dipoles

Mass Spectrometer• Measure m/q to identify substances

2 2


m R B

q V

1. Electrostatically accelerated electrons knock electron(s) off the atom positive ion (q=|e|)

2. Accelerate the ion in a known potential U=qV

3. Pass the ions through a known B field– Deflection depends on mass: Lighter deflects more, heavier less

Page 5: Forces & Magnetic Dipoles

Mass Spectrometer, cont.4. Electrically detect the ions which “made it through”

5. Change B (or V) and try again:

Applications: Paleoceanography: Determine relative abundances of isotopes

(they decay at different rates geological age)Space exploration: Determine what’s on the moon, Mars, etc.

Check for spacecraft leaks.Detect chemical and biol. weapons (nerve gas, anthrax, etc.).

See http://www.colby.edu/chemistry/OChem/DEMOS/MassSpec.html

Page 6: Forces & Magnetic Dipoles

Yet another example

• Measuring curvature of charged particle in magnetic field is usual method for determining momentum of particle in modern experiments: e.g.

End view: B into screen




2mv mKR

qB qB

+ charged particle

- charged particle

Page 7: Forces & Magnetic Dipoles

Magnetic Force on a Current

• Consider a current-carrying wire in thepresence of a magnetic field B.

• There will be a force on each of the charges moving in the wire. What will be the total forcedF on a length dl of the wire?

• Suppose current is made up of n charges/volume each carrying charge q and moving with velocity v through a wire of cross-section A.










• Force on each charge =

• Total force =

• Current =


Yikes! Simpler: For a straight length of wire L carrying a current I, the force on it is:


Page 8: Forces & Magnetic Dipoles

Magnetic Force on a Current Loop

• Consider loop in magnetic field as on right: If field is to plane of loop, the net force on loop is 0!

• If plane of loop is not to field, there will be a non-zero torque on the loop!




x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x





FF– Force on top path cancels force

on bottom path (F = IBL)

– Force on right path cancels force on left path. (F = IBL)


Page 9: Forces & Magnetic Dipoles

2) What is the force on section a-b of the loop?

a) zero b) out of the page c) into the page

3) What is the force on section b-c of the loop?

a) zero b) out of the page c) into the page

4) What is the net force on the loop?

a) zero b) out of the page c) into the page

A square loop of wire is carrying current in the counterclockwise direction. There is a horizontal uniform magnetic field pointing to the right.

Preflight 13:

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ab: Fab = 0 = Fcd since the wire is parallel to B. bc: Fbc = ILB RHR: I is up, B is to the right, so Fpoints into the screen.

By symmetry:da bcF F

net ab bc cd da 0F F F F F

Page 11: Forces & Magnetic Dipoles

Lecture 13, Act 1 • A current I flows in a wire which is formed in the

shape of an isosceles right triangle as shown. A constant magnetic field exists in the -z direction.

– What is Fy, net force on the wire in the y-direction?

(a) Fy < 0 (b) Fy = 0 (c) Fy > 0

x x x x xx x x x xx x x x xx x x x xx x x x xx x x x xx x x x xx x x x x







Page 12: Forces & Magnetic Dipoles

Lecture 13, Act 1 • A current I flows in a wire which is formed in the

shape of an isosceles right triangle as shown. A constant magnetic field exists in the -z direction.

– What is Fy, net force on the wire in the y-direction?

(a) Fy < 0 (b) Fy = 0 (c) Fy > 0

x x x x xx x x x xx x x x xx x x x xx x x x xx x x x xx x x x xx x x x x






There is never a net force on a loop in a uniform field!

• The forces on each segment are determined by: BLIF

• From symmetry, Fx = 0• For the y-component: 1 2

2y y


3 ( 2 )yF BI L

• Therefore: 0321 yyyy FFFF

F1 F2




Page 13: Forces & Magnetic Dipoles

Calculation of Torque

• Suppose the coil has width w (the side we see) and length L (into the screen). The torque is given by:

• Note: if loop B, sin = 0 = 0maximum occurs when loop parallel to B



where A = wL = area of loop


22 F

r × F








Page 14: Forces & Magnetic Dipoles

Applications: Galvanometers(≡Dial Meters)

We have seen that a magnet can exert a torque on a loop of current – aligns the loop’s “dipole moment” with the field.

– In this picture the loop (and hence the needle) wants to rotate clockwise

– The spring produces a torque in the opposite direction

– The needle will sit at its equilibrium position

Current increased μ = I • Area increases Torque from B increases Angle of needle increases

Current decreased μ decreases Torque from B decreases Angle of needle decreases

This is how almost all dial meters work—voltmeters, ammeters, speedometers, RPMs, etc.

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Slightly tip the loop Restoring force from the magnetic torque Oscillations

Now turn the current off, just as the loop’s μ is aligned with B Loop “coasts” around until its μ is ~antialigned with B

Turn current back on Magnetic torque gives another kick to the loop Continuous rotation in steady state

BFree rotation of spindle

Page 16: Forces & Magnetic Dipoles

Motors, continuedEven better Have the current change directions every half rotation Torque acts the entire time

Two ways to change current in loop:1. Use a fixed voltage, but change the circuit (e.g., break

connection every half cycle DC motors

2. Keep the current fixed, oscillate the source voltage AC motors



Page 17: Forces & Magnetic Dipoles

Lecture 13, Act 2• What should we do to

increase the speed (rpm) of a DC motor?2A

2B • What should we do to increase the speed of an AC motor?

(a) Increase I (b) Increase B (c) Increase number of loops


(a) Increase I (b) Increase B (c) Increase number of loops

Page 18: Forces & Magnetic Dipoles

Lecture 13, Act 2• What should we do to

increase the speed (rpm) of a DC motor?2A

(a) Increase I (b) Increase B (c) Increase number of loops


All of the above, though for variable speed motors, it is always the current that is adjusted.

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Lecture 13, Act 2• What should we do to

increase the speed (rpm) of an AC motor?2B


(a) Increase I (b) Increase B (c) Increase number of loops

Again, all of the above!

BUT, while the answers above are still true, the main change is to vary the drive frequency—this must match the rotation rate.

Page 20: Forces & Magnetic Dipoles

Magnetic Dipole Moment

• We can define the magnetic dipole moment of a current loop as follows:

direction: to plane of the loop in the direction the thumb of right hand points if fingers curl in the direction of current.

magnitude: AI

• Torque on loop can then be rewritten as:

• Note: if loop consists of N turns, = NAI

AIBsin Bμτ




Page 21: Forces & Magnetic Dipoles

Bar Magnet Analogy• You can think of a magnetic dipole moment as a bar


– In a magnetic field they both experience a torque trying to line them up with the field

– As you increase I of the loop stronger bar magnet

– N loops N bar magnets

• We will see next lecture that such a current loop does produce magnetic fields, similar to a bar magnet. In fact, atomic scale current loops were once thought to completely explain magnetic materials (in some sense they still are!).



Page 22: Forces & Magnetic Dipoles

Electric Dipole Analogy



(per turn)EqF



2 NAIμ








-qF F




Page 23: Forces & Magnetic Dipoles

6) What is the net torque on the loop?

a) zero b) up c) down d) out of the page e) into the page

A square loop of wire is carrying current in the counterclockwise direction. There is a horizontal uniform magnetic field pointing to the right.

Preflight 13:

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The torque due to Fcb is up, since r (from the center of the loop) is to the right, and Fcb is into the page. Same goes for Fda.


points out of the page (curl your fingers in the direction of the current around the loop, and your thumb gives the direction of ). Use the RHR to find the direction of to be up.

Page 25: Forces & Magnetic Dipoles

Potential Energy of Dipole

• Work must be done to change the orientation of a dipole (current loop) in the presence of a magnetic field.

• Define a potential energy U (with zero at position of max torque) corresponding to this work.







θθμBU 90cos θμBU cos BμU





Page 26: Forces & Magnetic Dipoles

Potential Energy of Dipole






= 0

U = -B

= 0

U = B

negative work positive work3



U = 0

Page 27: Forces & Magnetic Dipoles

Two current carrying loops are oriented in a uniform magnetic field. The loops are nearly identical, except the direction of current is reversed.

9) How does the torque on the two loops compare?

a) τ1 > τ2 b) τ1 = τ2 c) τ1 < τ2

10) Which loop occupies a potential energy minimum, and is therefore stable?

8) What direction is the torque on loop 1?

a) clockwise b) counter-clockwise c) zero

a) loop 1 b) loop 2 c) the same

Preflight 13:

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Loop 1: points to the left, so the angle between and B is equal to 180º, hence = 0.

Loop 2: points to the right, so the angle between and B is equal to 0º, hence = 0.

Loop 1: U1 = B Loop 2: U2 = B U2 is a minimum.


Page 29: Forces & Magnetic Dipoles

Lecture 13, Act 3• A circular loop of radius R carries current I as

shown in the diagram. A constant magnetic field B exists in the +x direction. Initially the loop is in the x-y plane.

– The coil will rotate to which of the following positions?



(a) U0 is minimum (b) U0 is maximum (c) neither

What is the potential energy U0 of the loop in its initial position?




y B

a b

(a) (b) (c) It will not rotate



a b



a b

Page 30: Forces & Magnetic Dipoles

Lecture 13, Act 3• A circular loop of radius R carries current I as

shown in the diagram. A constant magnetic field B exists in the +x direction. Initially the loop is in the x-y plane.

– The coil will rotate to which of the following positions?


(a) (b) (c) It will not rotate

• The coil will rotate if the torque on it is non-zero: Bμτ

• The magnetic moment is in +z direction.• Therefore the torque is in the +y direction.• Therefore the loop will rotate as shown in (b).



a b



a b




y B

a b

Page 31: Forces & Magnetic Dipoles

Lecture 13, Act 3• A circular loop of radius R carries current I as shown

in the diagram. A constant magnetic field B exists in the +x direction. Initially the loop is in the x-y plane.

– What is the potential energy U0 of the loop in its initial position?


(a) U0 is minimum (b) U0 is maximum (c) neither

– The potential energy of the loop is given by: BμU

– In its initial position, the loop’s magnetic moment vector points in the +z direction, so initial potential energy is ZERO– This does NOT mean that the potential energy is a minimum!!!– When the loop is in the y-z plane and its magnetic moment points in the same direction as the field, its potential energy is NEGATIVE and is in fact the minimum.

– Since U0 is not minimum, the coil will rotate, converting potential energy to kinetic energy!




y B

a b

Page 32: Forces & Magnetic Dipoles

Example: Loop in a B-FieldA circular loop has radius R = 5 cm and carries current I = 2 A in the

counterclockwise direction. A magnetic field B =0.5 T exists in the

negative z-direction. The loop is at an angle = 45 to the xy-plane.

= r2 I = .0157 Am2

What is the magnetic moment of the loop?x x x xx x x xx x x xx x x xx x x xx x x xx x x x





y x




The direction of is perpendicular to the plane of the loop as in the figure.

Find the x and z components of :

x = – sin45 = –.0111 Am2

z = cos45 = .0111 Am2

Page 33: Forces & Magnetic Dipoles


• Mass Spectrometer• Force due to B on I

• Magnetic dipole– torque

– potential energy

• Applications: dials, motors, NMR, …• Next time: calculating B-fields from


dF I dl B



90U B zero defined at

Reading assignment: Chapter 29.1 through 29.3

Page 34: Forces & Magnetic Dipoles

MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) ≡ NMR (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance)

A single proton (like the one in every hydrogen atom) has a charge (+|e|) and an intrinsic angular momentum (“spin”). If we (naively) imagine the charge circulating in a loop magnetic dipole moment μ.

In an external B-field:

– Classically: there will be torques unless is aligned along B or against it.

– QM: The spin is always ~aligned along B or against it

Aligned: 1U B Anti-aligned: 2U B

Energy Difference: 2 1 2U U U B

Page 35: Forces & Magnetic Dipoles

MRI / NMR Example

262 2.7 10 JU B



2.7 10 J41 MHz

6.6 10 J sf

Aligned: 1U B Anti-aligned: 2U BEnergy Difference: 2 1 2U U U B

B = 1 Tesla (=104 Gauss) (note: this is a big field!)

μproton = 1.36•10-26 Am2

In QM, you will learn that photonenergy = frequency • Planck’s constant

h ≡ 6.6•10-34 J s

What does this have to do with ?

Page 36: Forces & Magnetic Dipoles

MRI / NMR continued

If we “bathe” the protons in radio waves at this frequency, the protons can flip back and forth.

If we detect this flipping hydrogen!

The presence of other molecules can partially shield the applied B, thus changing the resonant frequency (“chemical shift”).

Looking at what the resonant frequency is what molecules are nearby.

Finally, because , if we put a strong magnetic field gradient across the sample, we can look at individual slices, with ~millimeter spatial resolution.

f U B


Small Blow freq.

Bigger Bhigh freq.

Signal at the right frequency only from this slice!

Page 37: Forces & Magnetic Dipoles

See it in action!

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