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Patient Information I P S E M P R E S S ® T H E U LT I M AT E I N M E TA L - F R E E E S T H E T I C S ¡ BEFORE AFTER BEFORE AFTER After meeting with her dentist, she became excited about recapturing a natural- looking, beautiful smile. Not wanting some- thing that looks “Hollywood,” Juliet's Empress ® veneers give her the “real” look she wanted, one that she feels makes her look 25 years young again!

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IPS EMPRESS® ESTHETICYou and your patients have come to expect the best from

IPS Empress. The best performance. The best esthetics.

The new IPS Empress Esthetic layering materials combined with the optimized IPS Empress Esthetic Ingots give your techician the tools to create the most beautiful restorations.

Delivering true life-like vitality, IPS Empress Esthetic has made the best even better.

Available from your trusted IPS Empress Laboratory.


Smile!Changes for Today,Tomorrow & BeyondEmpress has made millions of people'ssmiles possible. From whiter, brighterand healthier looking teeth, to a totalchange in their smiles that completelychanged their appearances and theirlives, Empresshas made it happen.

Empress is a metal-free restorativematerial that has been used in dentistry for almost 20 years. And, it's long-term beauty and clinical successes are backed by hundreds ofscientific studies. In fact, clinicalresearch since its creation proves thatEmpress restorations-whetherveneers, crowns, inlays/onlays orbridges-are strong, durable and long-lasting.

Such Beautiful Results in So Little TimeThe smile of your dreams could beyours in as few as two visits to your dentist's office. Using their professional expertise, your dentistwill take care to gently prepare yournatural teeth for their new look. Inbetween visits, a ceramist at a dentallaboratory will custom-create your Empress restorations to meet your expectations and the clinicalneeds of your smile.

See for YourselfThese patients are living proof thatchanging your smile can change yourlife. Each one tells a different story,but the before and after photosspeak for themselves.

They are so pleased with the results,how quickly they could be achieved,and how painless the process was. Infact, they are wondering why theywaited so long. In most cases, onlyminimal amounts of their own natural tooth structure were removedthroughout the dental treatments.

We encourage you to read their stories and see for yourself theirunique and inspiring smile andlifestyle makeover results. Talk toyour dentist about how changingyour smile with Empress could change your life.

Smile. It makes you feel good when you do it and, it's nice to see others smile back. It's wonderful the way a healthy, nice-looking smile can affect someone's whole attitude. Are you happy with your smile? Have you ever thought about improving your smile but you are not sure how to do it? Empressand your dentist are the answer.


You have seen Empress make dramatic changes to smiles on TVmakeover shows. Empress is the num-ber one all-ceramic material that den-tists around the world are using tomake their patients smile. If you areunhappy with your teeth and wouldlike to close spaces, repair chipped orbroken teeth or improve the overallappearance of your smile, then askyour dentist if Empress is right for you.With Empress, you’ll smile all the time!

Empress Veneers

Veneers are custom-made, thin ceramicshells that are placed on the front ofteeth using very strong cement. Theycan be used by your dentist to correctand treat a variety of dental conditions, including discolored teeth, crookedteeth, chips, cracks, and wear. Becausethey are made specifically for you,veneers look and feel natural, givingyou a whiter, straighter, and pleasinglooking smile.

Empress Bridges

Bridges are all-ceramic restorations thatspan the space created by a missingtooth and are held into place by twocrowns, one on each tooth on eitherside of the space. Not only do dentalbridges fill the space left by a missingtooth, but they also help maintain theposition of your other teeth, enhancethe look of your smile, and make it easier to eat the foods you love.

Empress Inlays/Onlays

Inlays/onlays are custom-created piecesof ceramic that fit perfectly into placewhere cavities or old fillings used to be.Cemented into your natural toothinlays/onlays blend “invisibly” with therest of your teeth, so they provide a natural look.

Empress Crowns

Crowns, sometimes called caps, areporcelain coverings cemented intoplace over the entire tooth. They areused by dentists when a tooth has hadlarge fillings, extensive cavities ordamage, or is too weak. Empresscrowns can be placed on your front or back teeth and, because they aremetal-free, they look natural and youwon't see a black tell-tale dark linearound your gumline.

What Can Empress® Do for You?





Call us toll free at 1-800-533-6825 in the U.S., 1-800-263-8182 in Canada.

© 2005 Ivoclar Vivadent, Inc. Empress is a registered trademark of Ivoclar Vivadent, Inc.


Ask your dentist today what an Empress smile can do for you.


Patient Information


Ask your dentist todaywhat an Empress smile

can do for you!


IPS Empress Esthetic Cover Model ManiaTo celebrate the life-changing impactthat esthetic dentistry can provide,Ivoclar Vivadent initiated the IPSEmpress Esthetic Cover Model Maniacampaign, a 6-month long search thatinvited dentists and laboratories toenter their patients for an opportunityto be one of the next IPS Empress CoverModels. At the close of the contest,hundreds of entries had been receivedfrom across the U.S. and Canada, and10 winning smile and lifestyle makeoverteams were unveiled.

An Education Tool You Can UseSharing the life-changing effects ofesthetic restorative dental treatments isthe very essence of Cover Model Mania.Therefore, we believe strongly thatsharing the winners' stories can helpyou offer esthetic restorative options toyour patients in an effective way. Asyour patients become more educatedabout what dentists and modern dentalrestorations can do, patients will seekout those treatments that make themlook and feel younger and healthier.The attached patient educationbrochure is designed for you to use in

your waiting room or consultation area. It tells the behind the smile design storyof a cross section of patients from avariety of walks of life.

Marketing Support- What YouNeed, When You Need ItA wealth of marketing and educational materials that span a wide range ofmedia and reach a diverse audience isavailable. These resources, whichinclude the GETEMPRESS.com website,the attached patient brochure, and aDVD featuring the inspiring stories ofthe Cover Model Mania winners in theirown words, can help in marketing thebenefits of IPS Empress and estheticrestorative dentistry. To order yours or to find out more about available IPS Empress marketing materials, call 1-800-533-6825.

Cementation Options-Something for EveryoneIPS Empress® restorations can be confidently placed with adhesive resincements, and Ivoclar Vivadent providesrecommended options, each of whichprovide clinicians with unique featuresand benefits to meet your clinical needs.


Seven amine-freebase shades coordinated withthe Value systemof shading makesAppeal the perfect easy clean up cement for allyour esthetic Empress restorations.Microfill chemistry for high polishabilityand long term function. A perfectcompliment to the perfect EmpressSmile. Get your Appeal at www.getap-peal.com


One cement for all of yourindirect restorations!Whether they are milledZirconia,PFMs, orEmpressrestorations – Multilink provides youwith a simplified self-etch, dual cureoption for clinical success. Available in three esthetic shades with distincttranslucencies and an automix tipfor easy mixing and dispensing – it can’t get easier! Learn more atwww.getmultilink.com

The winning smile and lifestyle makeover teams are:

Call us toll free at 1-800-533-6825 in the U.S., 1-800-263-8182 in Canada. © 2005 Ivoclar Vivadent, Inc. IPS Empress, Appeal and Multilink are registered trademarks of Ivoclar Vivadent, Inc.



Patient Information Brochure Attached!Detach the patient information brochure and place in your consultation or waiting room!Call 1-800-533-6825 for more information on marketing support materials.

Tearing Down Barrierswith the Gift of A Smile!

When you travel the world workingwith young missionaries in such placesas Russia to start up new churches youlearn very quickly that smiling can teardown barriers. It can touch lives in a sim-ple and inviting way. And, according toJulie, smiling can be fun! The vibrant 50-year-old with an unstoppable love for lifesays she smiles a lot these days, nowthat her Empress smile has taken herdark, brown stained teeth and trans-formed them into a naturally beautifulwhite. Her dentist was able to placeJulie's Empress restorations withoutremoving much of her own tooth structure at all, and the results speak

for themselves. It's turned back theclock, she says, giving her a smile that'syouthful and glowing. Since her smilemakeover, she feels blessed to give the“happy gift” of a smile to all sheencounters.

Confidence, Self-Esteem,& Loving to Smile!

Imagine being able to laugh out loudand not put your hands over yourmouth. Imagine that you feel goodwhen you see your smile, a reflection of the hard-working, determined andloving person that you are. in the mirror.Gabriela knows what it's like.

For years she dreamt about fixing herteeth, replacing the old, stained andworn-out restorations that were rightsmack in front. Because she was embar-rassed by the appearance of her teeth,she held back and didn't smile, not evenif she was ecstatic or posing for photo-graphs. Since she's received herEmpress smile makeover, that's allchanged.

Her dentist explained every part ofthe simple veneer procedure every stepof the way. Gabriela believes that thedecision to fix her teeth is the best deci-sion she's made. Now she smiles all thetime with confidence and self-esteem.

When You've Got It, Flaunt It!

To begin her second half century,Mireille felt she needed a boost. Sheknew from magazines and televisionshows that esthetic dentistry couldinstantly remove years from her appear-ance, so she decided to rejuvenate hersmile. What she once considered cute orpart of her character now made her feelold. With a beautiful new Empress smile,she looks as young and beautiful as shefeels, and she says she's never felt better.With years gone from her face and peo-ple regularly asking her what she's done,she's happy to flaunt a new smile.

Her dentist used a combination of Empress crowns for her back teeth andEmpress veneers for her front teeth togive Mireille a younger, sexier look. Sincereceiving her new smile, the responsefrom her daughters, friends and her husband's rock-n-roll band has beeninvigorating!

A Winning Smile in No Time!

Brook knew full well that her smile wasn'tattractive, since her colleagues and supervi-sors pointed out her crooked teeth. The ideaof wearing braces as an adult was an agoniz-ing thought, and the more she worked inbroadcasting and then entered pageants, themore insecure she became about her teeth.

Then, it happened. She was crownedMiss Oregon and had to gear up for the MissAmerica competition. What could she do?She knew that she couldn't fix her teeth byjust tooth whitening or flossing. That's whenher dentist, with the help of Empress madeher beautiful pageant smile a reality…and intime for Miss America.

For the young woman who'd NEVERbeen complimented on her smile, the veneerand inlay/onlay procedure was relatively painless and moved quickly. The whole experience, Brook says, has been a life-changing one.

The Solution She Was Waiting For!

For 20 years, since the time her permanent teeth came in, Heather had faithfully seen her dentist and sufferedthrough fillings and anything else that wouldcover her badly discolored, tetracyclinestained teeth. She brushed well, but she just couldn't maintain the “pretty teeth” she wanted.

Now she has the most beautiful smile she's ever seen, thanks to her dentist and the Empress restorations he placed on her topand bottom front teeth. Not only was thesmile makeover essential to the appearanceof her smile, but it was also imperative fordental health.

After receiving her new Empress smile,Heather is so grateful to be able to smile graciously, and she's so happy to finally beable to say that she's proud of her smile.Mostly, though, she's proud of her three sons and her husband - who make her smile the most.

Feeling Great and Looking Fabulous at 40!

It's one thing to not know what you'remissing. It's another when you do. Juliet hadbeen a model, traveling internationally andcultivating her eclectic interests before makingher home in Oklahoma. A makeup artist for alocal and national modeling agency, she's con-stantly working closely with attractive, good-looking people. Although she was feelinggreat and leaving people in a state of disbeliefthat she'd just turned 40, her smile didn'treflect her true self. Old dental work was yel-lowing and the final, devastating straw camewhen one of her clients asked her if her teethwere fake.

After meeting with her dentist, shebecame excited about recapturing a natural-looking, beautiful smile. Not wanting some-thing that looks “Hollywood,” Juliet'sEmpress® veneers give her the “real” look shewanted, one that she feels makes her look 25years young again!

Making the Doctor FeelBetter… With a New Smile!

Andre - a sports medicine doctor inCalifornia was always conscious of hischipped, short, yellow and worn down teeth.He never knew what was possible until hetalked with his dentist. Then, he learned allabout the possibilities that today's dental technology can offer, such as metal-freeEmpress restorations, and he was very excitedabout what he saw. Now, after undergoing acomprehensive smile reconstruction thatincluded Empress crowns on his back teethand veneers on his front teeth, he has a smilethat lights up his face. Andre says his smilemakeover has made an immense difference in how he interacts with people, and he'spleased that even his patients notice him smiling more and more these days.

A new Empress smile. A new Empress confidence. A new Empress beginning.







Winning Patient Dentist Dental Technician LaboratoryBrook Roberts Dr. Jeffrey M. Leinassar Suzanne Warrington Microdental LaboratoriesMireille Corriveau Dr. Elliot Mechanic Camille Halaby CRH Oral DesignGabriela Prado Dr. Gerald Bittner Jr. Shoreh Hemmati, CDT In-houseJulie Jorgensen Dr. John Roberts Michelle Robinson CMR Dental LaboratoryDr. Andre Chevalier Dr. Gerald Bittner Jr. Shoreh Hemmati, CDT In-houseHeather Wollenberg Dr. Paul R. Barnes James Morehead Morehead and Associates Inc., Dental CeramicsJuliet Neal Dr. Edward Lowe Nelson Rego, CDT Smile Designs by RegoLaura Santucci (Not Shown) Dr. Bard J. Levey John Lavicka Dental Ceramics Inc.Gina Pozza (Not Shown) Dr. Timothy M. Meyer Ulf Broda Aurum Ceramic Dental LaboratoriesChristian Bode (Not Shown) Dr. Randy Johnson Kent Hallmeyer Frontier Dental Laboratory

Brook Roberts Mireille Corriveau Gabriela Prado Julie Jorgensen Dr. Andre Chevalier Heather Wollenberg Juliet Neal


















IPS Empress Esthetic Cover Model ManiaTo celebrate the life-changing impactthat esthetic dentistry can provide,Ivoclar Vivadent initiated the IPSEmpress Esthetic Cover Model Maniacampaign, a 6-month long search thatinvited dentists and laboratories toenter their patients for an opportunityto be one of the next IPS Empress CoverModels. At the close of the contest,hundreds of entries had been receivedfrom across the U.S. and Canada, and10 winning smile and lifestyle makeoverteams were unveiled.

An Education Tool You Can UseSharing the life-changing effects ofesthetic restorative dental treatments isthe very essence of Cover Model Mania.Therefore, we believe strongly thatsharing the winners' stories can helpyou offer esthetic restorative options toyour patients in an effective way. Asyour patients become more educatedabout what dentists and modern dentalrestorations can do, patients will seekout those treatments that make themlook and feel younger and healthier.The attached patient educationbrochure is designed for you to use in

your waiting room or consultation area. It tells the behind the smile design storyof a cross section of patients from avariety of walks of life.

Marketing Support- What YouNeed, When You Need ItA wealth of marketing and educational materials that span a wide range ofmedia and reach a diverse audience isavailable. These resources, whichinclude the GETEMPRESS.com website,the attached patient brochure, and aDVD featuring the inspiring stories ofthe Cover Model Mania winners in theirown words, can help in marketing thebenefits of IPS Empress and estheticrestorative dentistry. To order yours or to find out more about available IPS Empress marketing materials, call 1-800-533-6825.

Cementation Options-Something for EveryoneIPS Empress® restorations can be confidently placed with adhesive resincements, and Ivoclar Vivadent providesrecommended options, each of whichprovide clinicians with unique featuresand benefits to meet your clinical needs.


Seven amine-freebase shades coordinated withthe Value systemof shading makesAppeal the perfect easy clean up cement for allyour esthetic Empress restorations.Microfill chemistry for high polishabilityand long term function. A perfectcompliment to the perfect EmpressSmile. Get your Appeal at www.getap-peal.com


One cement for all of yourindirect restorations!Whether they are milledZirconia,PFMs, orEmpressrestorations – Multilink provides youwith a simplified self-etch, dual cureoption for clinical success. Available in three esthetic shades with distincttranslucencies and an automix tipfor easy mixing and dispensing – it can’t get easier! Learn more atwww.getmultilink.com

The winning smile and lifestyle makeover teams are:

Call us toll free at 1-800-533-6825 in the U.S., 1-800-263-8182 in Canada. © 2005 Ivoclar Vivadent, Inc. IPS Empress, Appeal and Multilink are registered trademarks of Ivoclar Vivadent, Inc.



Patient Information Brochure Attached!Detach the patient information brochure and place in your consultation or waiting room!Call 1-800-533-6825 for more information on marketing support materials.

Tearing Down Barrierswith the Gift of A Smile!

When you travel the world workingwith young missionaries in such placesas Russia to start up new churches youlearn very quickly that smiling can teardown barriers. It can touch lives in a sim-ple and inviting way. And, according toJulie, smiling can be fun! The vibrant 50-year-old with an unstoppable love for lifesays she smiles a lot these days, nowthat her Empress smile has taken herdark, brown stained teeth and trans-formed them into a naturally beautifulwhite. Her dentist was able to placeJulie's Empress restorations withoutremoving much of her own tooth structure at all, and the results speak

for themselves. It's turned back theclock, she says, giving her a smile that'syouthful and glowing. Since her smilemakeover, she feels blessed to give the“happy gift” of a smile to all sheencounters.

Confidence, Self-Esteem,& Loving to Smile!

Imagine being able to laugh out loudand not put your hands over yourmouth. Imagine that you feel goodwhen you see your smile, a reflection of the hard-working, determined andloving person that you are. in the mirror.Gabriela knows what it's like.

For years she dreamt about fixing herteeth, replacing the old, stained andworn-out restorations that were rightsmack in front. Because she was embar-rassed by the appearance of her teeth,she held back and didn't smile, not evenif she was ecstatic or posing for photo-graphs. Since she's received herEmpress smile makeover, that's allchanged.

Her dentist explained every part ofthe simple veneer procedure every stepof the way. Gabriela believes that thedecision to fix her teeth is the best deci-sion she's made. Now she smiles all thetime with confidence and self-esteem.

When You've Got It, Flaunt It!

To begin her second half century,Mireille felt she needed a boost. Sheknew from magazines and televisionshows that esthetic dentistry couldinstantly remove years from her appear-ance, so she decided to rejuvenate hersmile. What she once considered cute orpart of her character now made her feelold. With a beautiful new Empress smile,she looks as young and beautiful as shefeels, and she says she's never felt better.With years gone from her face and peo-ple regularly asking her what she's done,she's happy to flaunt a new smile.

Her dentist used a combination of Empress crowns for her back teeth andEmpress veneers for her front teeth togive Mireille a younger, sexier look. Sincereceiving her new smile, the responsefrom her daughters, friends and her husband's rock-n-roll band has beeninvigorating!

A Winning Smile in No Time!

Brook knew full well that her smile wasn'tattractive, since her colleagues and supervi-sors pointed out her crooked teeth. The ideaof wearing braces as an adult was an agoniz-ing thought, and the more she worked inbroadcasting and then entered pageants, themore insecure she became about her teeth.

Then, it happened. She was crownedMiss Oregon and had to gear up for the MissAmerica competition. What could she do?She knew that she couldn't fix her teeth byjust tooth whitening or flossing. That's whenher dentist, with the help of Empress madeher beautiful pageant smile a reality…and intime for Miss America.

For the young woman who'd NEVERbeen complimented on her smile, the veneerand inlay/onlay procedure was relatively painless and moved quickly. The whole experience, Brook says, has been a life-changing one.

The Solution She Was Waiting For!

For 20 years, since the time her permanent teeth came in, Heather had faithfully seen her dentist and sufferedthrough fillings and anything else that wouldcover her badly discolored, tetracyclinestained teeth. She brushed well, but she just couldn't maintain the “pretty teeth” she wanted.

Now she has the most beautiful smile she's ever seen, thanks to her dentist and the Empress restorations he placed on her topand bottom front teeth. Not only was thesmile makeover essential to the appearanceof her smile, but it was also imperative fordental health.

After receiving her new Empress smile,Heather is so grateful to be able to smile graciously, and she's so happy to finally beable to say that she's proud of her smile.Mostly, though, she's proud of her three sons and her husband - who make her smile the most.

Feeling Great and Looking Fabulous at 40!

It's one thing to not know what you'remissing. It's another when you do. Juliet hadbeen a model, traveling internationally andcultivating her eclectic interests before makingher home in Oklahoma. A makeup artist for alocal and national modeling agency, she's con-stantly working closely with attractive, good-looking people. Although she was feelinggreat and leaving people in a state of disbeliefthat she'd just turned 40, her smile didn'treflect her true self. Old dental work was yel-lowing and the final, devastating straw camewhen one of her clients asked her if her teethwere fake.

After meeting with her dentist, shebecame excited about recapturing a natural-looking, beautiful smile. Not wanting some-thing that looks “Hollywood,” Juliet'sEmpress® veneers give her the “real” look shewanted, one that she feels makes her look 25years young again!

Making the Doctor FeelBetter… With a New Smile!

Andre - a sports medicine doctor inCalifornia was always conscious of hischipped, short, yellow and worn down teeth.He never knew what was possible until hetalked with his dentist. Then, he learned allabout the possibilities that today's dental technology can offer, such as metal-freeEmpress restorations, and he was very excitedabout what he saw. Now, after undergoing acomprehensive smile reconstruction thatincluded Empress crowns on his back teethand veneers on his front teeth, he has a smilethat lights up his face. Andre says his smilemakeover has made an immense difference in how he interacts with people, and he'spleased that even his patients notice him smiling more and more these days.

A new Empress smile. A new Empress confidence. A new Empress beginning.







Winning Patient Dentist Dental Technician LaboratoryBrook Roberts Dr. Jeffrey M. Leinassar Suzanne Warrington Microdental LaboratoriesMireille Corriveau Dr. Elliot Mechanic Camille Halaby CRH Oral DesignGabriela Prado Dr. Gerald Bittner Jr. Shoreh Hemmati, CDT In-houseJulie Jorgensen Dr. John Roberts Michelle Robinson CMR Dental LaboratoryDr. Andre Chevalier Dr. Gerald Bittner Jr. Shoreh Hemmati, CDT In-houseHeather Wollenberg Dr. Paul R. Barnes James Morehead Morehead and Associates Inc., Dental CeramicsJuliet Neal Dr. Edward Lowe Nelson Rego, CDT Smile Designs by RegoLaura Santucci (Not Shown) Dr. Bard J. Levey John Lavicka Dental Ceramics Inc.Gina Pozza (Not Shown) Dr. Timothy M. Meyer Ulf Broda Aurum Ceramic Dental LaboratoriesChristian Bode (Not Shown) Dr. Randy Johnson Kent Hallmeyer Frontier Dental Laboratory

Brook Roberts Mireille Corriveau Gabriela Prado Julie Jorgensen Dr. Andre Chevalier Heather Wollenberg Juliet Neal


















IPS Empress Esthetic Cover Model ManiaTo celebrate the life-changing impactthat esthetic dentistry can provide,Ivoclar Vivadent initiated the IPSEmpress Esthetic Cover Model Maniacampaign, a 6-month long search thatinvited dentists and laboratories toenter their patients for an opportunityto be one of the next IPS Empress CoverModels. At the close of the contest,hundreds of entries had been receivedfrom across the U.S. and Canada, and10 winning smile and lifestyle makeoverteams were unveiled.

An Education Tool You Can UseSharing the life-changing effects ofesthetic restorative dental treatments isthe very essence of Cover Model Mania.Therefore, we believe strongly thatsharing the winners' stories can helpyou offer esthetic restorative options toyour patients in an effective way. Asyour patients become more educatedabout what dentists and modern dentalrestorations can do, patients will seekout those treatments that make themlook and feel younger and healthier.The attached patient educationbrochure is designed for you to use in

your waiting room or consultation area. It tells the behind the smile design storyof a cross section of patients from avariety of walks of life.

Marketing Support- What YouNeed, When You Need ItA wealth of marketing and educational materials that span a wide range ofmedia and reach a diverse audience isavailable. These resources, whichinclude the GETEMPRESS.com website,the attached patient brochure, and aDVD featuring the inspiring stories ofthe Cover Model Mania winners in theirown words, can help in marketing thebenefits of IPS Empress and estheticrestorative dentistry. To order yours or to find out more about available IPS Empress marketing materials, call 1-800-533-6825.

Cementation Options-Something for EveryoneIPS Empress® restorations can be confidently placed with adhesive resincements, and Ivoclar Vivadent providesrecommended options, each of whichprovide clinicians with unique featuresand benefits to meet your clinical needs.


Seven amine-freebase shades coordinated withthe Value systemof shading makesAppeal the perfect easy clean up cement for allyour esthetic Empress restorations.Microfill chemistry for high polishabilityand long term function. A perfectcompliment to the perfect EmpressSmile. Get your Appeal at www.getap-peal.com


One cement for all of yourindirect restorations!Whether they are milledZirconia,PFMs, orEmpressrestorations – Multilink provides youwith a simplified self-etch, dual cureoption for clinical success. Available in three esthetic shades with distincttranslucencies and an automix tipfor easy mixing and dispensing – it can’t get easier! Learn more atwww.getmultilink.com

The winning smile and lifestyle makeover teams are:

Call us toll free at 1-800-533-6825 in the U.S., 1-800-263-8182 in Canada. © 2005 Ivoclar Vivadent, Inc. IPS Empress, Appeal and Multilink are registered trademarks of Ivoclar Vivadent, Inc.



Patient Information Brochure Attached!Detach the patient information brochure and place in your consultation or waiting room!Call 1-800-533-6825 for more information on marketing support materials.

Tearing Down Barrierswith the Gift of A Smile!

When you travel the world workingwith young missionaries in such placesas Russia to start up new churches youlearn very quickly that smiling can teardown barriers. It can touch lives in a sim-ple and inviting way. And, according toJulie, smiling can be fun! The vibrant 50-year-old with an unstoppable love for lifesays she smiles a lot these days, nowthat her Empress smile has taken herdark, brown stained teeth and trans-formed them into a naturally beautifulwhite. Her dentist was able to placeJulie's Empress restorations withoutremoving much of her own tooth structure at all, and the results speak

for themselves. It's turned back theclock, she says, giving her a smile that'syouthful and glowing. Since her smilemakeover, she feels blessed to give the“happy gift” of a smile to all sheencounters.

Confidence, Self-Esteem,& Loving to Smile!

Imagine being able to laugh out loudand not put your hands over yourmouth. Imagine that you feel goodwhen you see your smile, a reflection of the hard-working, determined andloving person that you are. in the mirror.Gabriela knows what it's like.

For years she dreamt about fixing herteeth, replacing the old, stained andworn-out restorations that were rightsmack in front. Because she was embar-rassed by the appearance of her teeth,she held back and didn't smile, not evenif she was ecstatic or posing for photo-graphs. Since she's received herEmpress smile makeover, that's allchanged.

Her dentist explained every part ofthe simple veneer procedure every stepof the way. Gabriela believes that thedecision to fix her teeth is the best deci-sion she's made. Now she smiles all thetime with confidence and self-esteem.

When You've Got It, Flaunt It!

To begin her second half century,Mireille felt she needed a boost. Sheknew from magazines and televisionshows that esthetic dentistry couldinstantly remove years from her appear-ance, so she decided to rejuvenate hersmile. What she once considered cute orpart of her character now made her feelold. With a beautiful new Empress smile,she looks as young and beautiful as shefeels, and she says she's never felt better.With years gone from her face and peo-ple regularly asking her what she's done,she's happy to flaunt a new smile.

Her dentist used a combination of Empress crowns for her back teeth andEmpress veneers for her front teeth togive Mireille a younger, sexier look. Sincereceiving her new smile, the responsefrom her daughters, friends and her husband's rock-n-roll band has beeninvigorating!

A Winning Smile in No Time!

Brook knew full well that her smile wasn'tattractive, since her colleagues and supervi-sors pointed out her crooked teeth. The ideaof wearing braces as an adult was an agoniz-ing thought, and the more she worked inbroadcasting and then entered pageants, themore insecure she became about her teeth.

Then, it happened. She was crownedMiss Oregon and had to gear up for the MissAmerica competition. What could she do?She knew that she couldn't fix her teeth byjust tooth whitening or flossing. That's whenher dentist, with the help of Empress madeher beautiful pageant smile a reality…and intime for Miss America.

For the young woman who'd NEVERbeen complimented on her smile, the veneerand inlay/onlay procedure was relatively painless and moved quickly. The whole experience, Brook says, has been a life-changing one.

The Solution She Was Waiting For!

For 20 years, since the time her permanent teeth came in, Heather had faithfully seen her dentist and sufferedthrough fillings and anything else that wouldcover her badly discolored, tetracyclinestained teeth. She brushed well, but she just couldn't maintain the “pretty teeth” she wanted.

Now she has the most beautiful smile she's ever seen, thanks to her dentist and the Empress restorations he placed on her topand bottom front teeth. Not only was thesmile makeover essential to the appearanceof her smile, but it was also imperative fordental health.

After receiving her new Empress smile,Heather is so grateful to be able to smile graciously, and she's so happy to finally beable to say that she's proud of her smile.Mostly, though, she's proud of her three sons and her husband - who make her smile the most.

Feeling Great and Looking Fabulous at 40!

It's one thing to not know what you'remissing. It's another when you do. Juliet hadbeen a model, traveling internationally andcultivating her eclectic interests before makingher home in Oklahoma. A makeup artist for alocal and national modeling agency, she's con-stantly working closely with attractive, good-looking people. Although she was feelinggreat and leaving people in a state of disbeliefthat she'd just turned 40, her smile didn'treflect her true self. Old dental work was yel-lowing and the final, devastating straw camewhen one of her clients asked her if her teethwere fake.

After meeting with her dentist, shebecame excited about recapturing a natural-looking, beautiful smile. Not wanting some-thing that looks “Hollywood,” Juliet'sEmpress® veneers give her the “real” look shewanted, one that she feels makes her look 25years young again!

Making the Doctor FeelBetter… With a New Smile!

Andre - a sports medicine doctor inCalifornia was always conscious of hischipped, short, yellow and worn down teeth.He never knew what was possible until hetalked with his dentist. Then, he learned allabout the possibilities that today's dental technology can offer, such as metal-freeEmpress restorations, and he was very excitedabout what he saw. Now, after undergoing acomprehensive smile reconstruction thatincluded Empress crowns on his back teethand veneers on his front teeth, he has a smilethat lights up his face. Andre says his smilemakeover has made an immense difference in how he interacts with people, and he'spleased that even his patients notice him smiling more and more these days.

A new Empress smile. A new Empress confidence. A new Empress beginning.







Winning Patient Dentist Dental Technician LaboratoryBrook Roberts Dr. Jeffrey M. Leinassar Suzanne Warrington Microdental LaboratoriesMireille Corriveau Dr. Elliot Mechanic Camille Halaby CRH Oral DesignGabriela Prado Dr. Gerald Bittner Jr. Shoreh Hemmati, CDT In-houseJulie Jorgensen Dr. John Roberts Michelle Robinson CMR Dental LaboratoryDr. Andre Chevalier Dr. Gerald Bittner Jr. Shoreh Hemmati, CDT In-houseHeather Wollenberg Dr. Paul R. Barnes James Morehead Morehead and Associates Inc., Dental CeramicsJuliet Neal Dr. Edward Lowe Nelson Rego, CDT Smile Designs by RegoLaura Santucci (Not Shown) Dr. Bard J. Levey John Lavicka Dental Ceramics Inc.Gina Pozza (Not Shown) Dr. Timothy M. Meyer Ulf Broda Aurum Ceramic Dental LaboratoriesChristian Bode (Not Shown) Dr. Randy Johnson Kent Hallmeyer Frontier Dental Laboratory

Brook Roberts Mireille Corriveau Gabriela Prado Julie Jorgensen Dr. Andre Chevalier Heather Wollenberg Juliet Neal



















IPS EMPRESS® ESTHETICYou and your patients have come to expect the best from

IPS Empress. The best performance. The best esthetics.

The new IPS Empress Esthetic layering materials combined with the optimized IPS Empress Esthetic Ingots give your techician the tools to create the most beautiful restorations.

Delivering true life-like vitality, IPS Empress Esthetic has made the best even better.

Available from your trusted IPS Empress Laboratory.


Smile!Changes for Today,Tomorrow & BeyondEmpress has made millions of people'ssmiles possible. From whiter, brighterand healthier looking teeth, to a totalchange in their smiles that completelychanged their appearances and theirlives, Empresshas made it happen.

Empress is a metal-free restorativematerial that has been used in dentistry for almost 20 years. And, it's long-term beauty and clinical successes are backed by hundreds ofscientific studies. In fact, clinicalresearch since its creation proves thatEmpress restorations-whetherveneers, crowns, inlays/onlays orbridges-are strong, durable and long-lasting.

Such Beautiful Results in So Little TimeThe smile of your dreams could beyours in as few as two visits to your dentist's office. Using their professional expertise, your dentistwill take care to gently prepare yournatural teeth for their new look. Inbetween visits, a ceramist at a dentallaboratory will custom-create your Empress restorations to meet your expectations and the clinicalneeds of your smile.

See for YourselfThese patients are living proof thatchanging your smile can change yourlife. Each one tells a different story,but the before and after photosspeak for themselves.

They are so pleased with the results,how quickly they could be achieved,and how painless the process was. Infact, they are wondering why theywaited so long. In most cases, onlyminimal amounts of their own natural tooth structure were removedthroughout the dental treatments.

We encourage you to read their stories and see for yourself theirunique and inspiring smile andlifestyle makeover results. Talk toyour dentist about how changingyour smile with Empress could change your life.

Smile. It makes you feel good when you do it and, it's nice to see others smile back. It's wonderful the way a healthy, nice-looking smile can affect someone's whole attitude. Are you happy with your smile? Have you ever thought about improving your smile but you are not sure how to do it? Empressand your dentist are the answer.


You have seen Empress make dramatic changes to smiles on TVmakeover shows. Empress is the num-ber one all-ceramic material that den-tists around the world are using tomake their patients smile. If you areunhappy with your teeth and wouldlike to close spaces, repair chipped orbroken teeth or improve the overallappearance of your smile, then askyour dentist if Empress is right for you.With Empress, you’ll smile all the time!

Empress Veneers

Veneers are custom-made, thin ceramicshells that are placed on the front ofteeth using very strong cement. Theycan be used by your dentist to correctand treat a variety of dental conditions, including discolored teeth, crookedteeth, chips, cracks, and wear. Becausethey are made specifically for you,veneers look and feel natural, givingyou a whiter, straighter, and pleasinglooking smile.

Empress Bridges

Bridges are all-ceramic restorations thatspan the space created by a missingtooth and are held into place by twocrowns, one on each tooth on eitherside of the space. Not only do dentalbridges fill the space left by a missingtooth, but they also help maintain theposition of your other teeth, enhancethe look of your smile, and make it easier to eat the foods you love.

Empress Inlays/Onlays

Inlays/onlays are custom-created piecesof ceramic that fit perfectly into placewhere cavities or old fillings used to be.Cemented into your natural toothinlays/onlays blend “invisibly” with therest of your teeth, so they provide a natural look.

Empress Crowns

Crowns, sometimes called caps, areporcelain coverings cemented intoplace over the entire tooth. They areused by dentists when a tooth has hadlarge fillings, extensive cavities ordamage, or is too weak. Empresscrowns can be placed on your front or back teeth and, because they aremetal-free, they look natural and youwon't see a black tell-tale dark linearound your gumline.

What Can Empress® Do for You?





Call us toll free at 1-800-533-6825 in the U.S., 1-800-263-8182 in Canada.

© 2005 Ivoclar Vivadent, Inc. Empress is a registered trademark of Ivoclar Vivadent, Inc.


Ask your dentist today what an Empress smile can do for you.


Patient Information


Ask your dentist todaywhat an Empress smile

can do for you!



IPS EMPRESS® ESTHETICYou and your patients have come to expect the best from

IPS Empress. The best performance. The best esthetics.

The new IPS Empress Esthetic layering materials combined with the optimized IPS Empress Esthetic Ingots give your techician the tools to create the most beautiful restorations.

Delivering true life-like vitality, IPS Empress Esthetic has made the best even better.

Available from your trusted IPS Empress Laboratory.


Smile!Changes for Today,Tomorrow & BeyondEmpress has made millions of people'ssmiles possible. From whiter, brighterand healthier looking teeth, to a totalchange in their smiles that completelychanged their appearances and theirlives, Empresshas made it happen.

Empress is a metal-free restorativematerial that has been used in dentistry for almost 20 years. And, it's long-term beauty and clinical successes are backed by hundreds ofscientific studies. In fact, clinicalresearch since its creation proves thatEmpress restorations-whetherveneers, crowns, inlays/onlays orbridges-are strong, durable and long-lasting.

Such Beautiful Results in So Little TimeThe smile of your dreams could beyours in as few as two visits to your dentist's office. Using their professional expertise, your dentistwill take care to gently prepare yournatural teeth for their new look. Inbetween visits, a ceramist at a dentallaboratory will custom-create your Empress restorations to meet your expectations and the clinicalneeds of your smile.

See for YourselfThese patients are living proof thatchanging your smile can change yourlife. Each one tells a different story,but the before and after photosspeak for themselves.

They are so pleased with the results,how quickly they could be achieved,and how painless the process was. Infact, they are wondering why theywaited so long. In most cases, onlyminimal amounts of their own natural tooth structure were removedthroughout the dental treatments.

We encourage you to read their stories and see for yourself theirunique and inspiring smile andlifestyle makeover results. Talk toyour dentist about how changingyour smile with Empress could change your life.

Smile. It makes you feel good when you do it and, it's nice to see others smile back. It's wonderful the way a healthy, nice-looking smile can affect someone's whole attitude. Are you happy with your smile? Have you ever thought about improving your smile but you are not sure how to do it? Empressand your dentist are the answer.


You have seen Empress make dramatic changes to smiles on TVmakeover shows. Empress is the num-ber one all-ceramic material that den-tists around the world are using tomake their patients smile. If you areunhappy with your teeth and wouldlike to close spaces, repair chipped orbroken teeth or improve the overallappearance of your smile, then askyour dentist if Empress is right for you.With Empress, you’ll smile all the time!

Empress Veneers

Veneers are custom-made, thin ceramicshells that are placed on the front ofteeth using very strong cement. Theycan be used by your dentist to correctand treat a variety of dental conditions, including discolored teeth, crookedteeth, chips, cracks, and wear. Becausethey are made specifically for you,veneers look and feel natural, givingyou a whiter, straighter, and pleasinglooking smile.

Empress Bridges

Bridges are all-ceramic restorations thatspan the space created by a missingtooth and are held into place by twocrowns, one on each tooth on eitherside of the space. Not only do dentalbridges fill the space left by a missingtooth, but they also help maintain theposition of your other teeth, enhancethe look of your smile, and make it easier to eat the foods you love.

Empress Inlays/Onlays

Inlays/onlays are custom-created piecesof ceramic that fit perfectly into placewhere cavities or old fillings used to be.Cemented into your natural toothinlays/onlays blend “invisibly” with therest of your teeth, so they provide a natural look.

Empress Crowns

Crowns, sometimes called caps, areporcelain coverings cemented intoplace over the entire tooth. They areused by dentists when a tooth has hadlarge fillings, extensive cavities ordamage, or is too weak. Empresscrowns can be placed on your front or back teeth and, because they aremetal-free, they look natural and youwon't see a black tell-tale dark linearound your gumline.

What Can Empress® Do for You?





Call us toll free at 1-800-533-6825 in the U.S., 1-800-263-8182 in Canada.

© 2005 Ivoclar Vivadent, Inc. Empress is a registered trademark of Ivoclar Vivadent, Inc.


Ask your dentist today what an Empress smile can do for you.


Patient Information


Ask your dentist todaywhat an Empress smile

can do for you!