By Grace!

Flood Disaster Math Water, Wind and Earth Game By Grace!

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Page 2: Flood Disaster Math Water, Wind and Earth Game By Grace!

Flooding happens during heavy rains, when rivers overflow, when ocean waves come onshore, when snow melts too fast or when dams break, Flooding may be only a few inches of water or it may cover a house to the rooftop.

Page 3: Flood Disaster Math Water, Wind and Earth Game By Grace!

Slow-Onset Flood Inland Rivers in the vast flat areas of Western Australia and central/western New South Wales and Queensland can often flood.

Flash flood results from relatively short, intense bursts of rainfall, often from thunderstorms. It can occur in almost all parts of Australia and poses the greatest threat of loss of life. People are often swept away after entering floodwaters on foot or in vehicles. These floods can also result in significant property damage and major social disruption.

There are three common types of floods that effect Australia: Slow-Onset Flood, Rapid-Onset Flood & the Flash-Floods

Rapid-Onset flooding can occur more quickly than slow-onset floods. These floods can be potentially much more damaging and can pose a greater risk to loss of life and property.

Page 4: Flood Disaster Math Water, Wind and Earth Game By Grace!

The floods in the summer of 1998-99 in Queensland, the Northern Territory and New South Wales affected 83,500 people, including 6,710 who were left homeless. The floods also resulted in 15 deaths and 169 recorded injuries. The total estimated cost was a $990 million, of which only $184 million was covered by insurance.

Page 5: Flood Disaster Math Water, Wind and Earth Game By Grace!

In the northwest of the state, heavy rainfall from ex-Tropical Cyclone Larry caused several townships to be isolated for several days due to flooding. Helicopters and planes were required to drop food to isolated


Severe Tropical Cyclone Larry was the first severe tropical cyclone to cross near a populated section of the east coast of Queensland since 1999, and the effects of the winds on buildings were devastating.

Rainfall associated with Larry resulted in flooding in the north tropical coast and in the Gulf Rivers. Road and rail access was disrupted for several days due to flooding and, at times, prevented road access.

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Page 7: Flood Disaster Math Water, Wind and Earth Game By Grace!

Floods are likely to be of a major concern in the future especially with larger population living near water. Of possible concern is the idea of a rise in sea levels (due to the melting of ice in Antarctica) and the possible flooding of entire pacific island nations or of flooding along major coastal cities.

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There are two main types of damage caused by floods:

plain water damage.this damage basically soaks everything, sometimes it can dissolve foundations and make the ground unstable and muddy.

rushing water damage.this is damage due to the water crashing into buildings, cars and other things, this is flood water that often kills people and animals.

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On the second last day of school in 2007 there was a very big storm that flooded a lot of Vermont South and the surrounding suburbs. Water filled our backyard and started soaking in under the doors and windows and through the roof in my house. We phoned some neighbours who brought around a lot of towels and we all worked hard trying to soak up the water but it kept rising up around our ankles. That night my sister and I stayed with the neighbours while Mum and Dad kept on trying to soak up the water. All of our carpets and curtains had to be removed and replaced. It took weeks for our house to dry out completely.

On the 6th March this year after another massive rain and hail storm our house was again flooded but this time only my Mum and Dad’s room and the carport was affected. We are still fixing the room and the carport.

We no longer get much sleep when it rains.

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