Fisrst Day of Class Rules

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  • 8/10/2019 Fisrst Day of Class Rules


    Respect material, equipment and each other.

    Raise your hand for permission to speak or leave your seat.

    Use "indoor voice" when speaking in class.

    Be on time. One person talks at a time.

    If you must take roll at least make it fun (e.g., "When I call your name, don't sayhere". Instead respond by telling me your favorite Brittney Spear's song; your

    favorite TV show; who you think will win the presidential election, etc., etc.) "What we anticipate seldom occurs; what we least expect generally happens." -B.


    Examples of Class Rules

    1. Come to class on time.Standing outside the door and rushing in after the bell has begun to ring will constitute a tardy. You

    must be INSIDE the door when it begins ringing to be counted on time.Remain in your assigned seat unless you have permission to get up.Throw scraps away at the

    end of the period on your way out.

    Talk only when permitted.Be aware of the situation since quiet talking is allowed in some situations

    and speaking to the entire group without raising your hand may be allowed in others. I will remind

    you once and expect compliance.

    Use polite speech and body language.Unkind teasing and impolite behavior is unacceptable.

    Do not cheat.Students caughtcheatingwill receive a zero and a phone call home. Both the student

    who shares his work for an independent assignment AND the person who copies it will suffer the same

    consequences. I expect you to do your own work and to be sure no one can copy it.

    A Classroom Management Plan I Recommend

    I recommend the following plan because the rules cover every behavior that could

    potentially interfere with the learning and enjoyment of your students, and the

    consequences, when carried out correctly, teach valuable life lessons.

    Its proven to work regardless of where you teach or who is in your classroom.


    1. Listen and follow directions.

    2. Raise your hand before speaking or leaving your seat.

    3. Keep your hands and feet to yourself.
  • 8/10/2019 Fisrst Day of Class Rules


    4. Respect your classmates and your teacher.



    time a rule is broken: Warning2

    ndtime a rule is broken: Time-Out


    time a rule is broken: Letter Home

    If, after struggling to learn your students' names, you find yourself forgetting your own,


    It's OK to not know everything! Instructors are human too, and they can make

    mistakes just like anyone else.

    Roll up your sleeves and dive in! Learning a large number of names and the faces

    that go with those names is a tough assignment. Be willing to put extra effort into

    this one.

    Think positively! A good attitude will help anyone. Most of us can remember 5-6

    names at a time. Keep reminding yourself that you CAN learn a few names at a

    time, and work to build on this skill.

    Be honest with your students! Let them know that you may have trouble

    remembering who they are. Ask them to be patient. Most students will be happy

    to help you learn if you are up front with them from the beginning.

    Checklist For The First Day

    1. Am I energized to be enthusiastic about this class?2. Is the classroom arranged properly for the day's activities?3. Is my name, course title, and number on the chalkboard?4. Do I have an ice-breaker planned?5. Do I have a way to start leaming names?6. Do I have a way to gather information on student backgrounds, interests,

  • 8/10/2019 Fisrst Day of Class Rules


    expectations for the course, questions, concerns?7. Is the syllabus complete and clear?8. Have I outlined how students will be evaluated?9. Do I have announcements of needed information ready?10.Do I have a way of gathering student feedback?

    11.When the class is over; will students want to come back? Will you want to comeback?


    1. BOYS:

    Black pants/slacks (not maong, flared or baggy pants)

    White polo shirt/shirt jack with the school logo on the left pocket

    White plain undershirt

    Black leather shoes & white socks

    2. GIRLS:

    Royal blue pleated skirt ( 2 inches) below the knee

    White blouse with marine/sailor collar

    Blue tie with the school logo in it

    Black shoes (boys shoetype - not platformed shoes)

    White socks (not knee-high/foot socks)

    3. P.E. uniform should be worn during P.E. classes only

    (Boys and Girls) White shirt with printed school name or plain white

    Navy blue jogging pants

    Rubber shoes (Slippers, mojo, clogs & sandals are not allowed except in very special cases)

    4. Boys must have decent haircut. Skin-head type or spiked style is not allowed. Girls should keep hair

    away from their faces. Dyed hair is not allowed.

    5. Wearing jewelry or expensive watches is discouraged. No dangling earrings for girls. Wearing of

    earrings among boys is strictly prohibited.6. Cell Phones, Beepers, Electronic Devices7. The use of cell phones, beepers and i-pods during the school day can be seen, by

    many, to be a disruptive influence of the daily routine of the school, its students and,

    teachers. Students are using cell phones and other electronic devices not only tocommunicate, but to take pictures, which can be considered as an illegal activity. For

    this reason, students are not permitted to have cell phones/beepers, MP3 player,IPods or any other electronic devices in the classroom, or use them in the building

    during the school day. A student who possesses cell phones and/or beepers, MP3

  • 8/10/2019 Fisrst Day of Class Rules


    Players, IPods or any other electronic device will be told that these must be turned

    off and not used during class time or in classrooms during the school day (7:45 a.m.

    2:15 p.m.) for transmission or reception. For emergency situations to call theirparents, students may request to use a telephone at the main office. Teachers may

    permit, by exception, i-pods in their classroom.

    Students who do not adhere to this regulation will have their cell phone, beeper, MP3Player, IPod or electronic device confiscated for up to 5 days.

    8. The lending and copying of homework or assignments

    Skipping Classes, School, Homeroom

    Leaving School without Permission


    Any form of gambling is not permitted. Students failing to comply with this

    regulation may receive one or more detentions and/or suspension and/or

    community services. Students may be referred for counseling.

    Drug and Alcohol Policy

    The schools policy on drugs and alcohol is that possession, use, or selling of drugs

    or drug paraphernalia, and alcohol in the school (on school property or school

    sanctioned activities) is prohibited. The consequences of any such behavior by

    students will be severe.


    Damaging of Individual or School Property and Stealing