Add this sender to your address book Click to view this email in a browser Vol III, Issue 32: April 15, 2013 Activities News Reader Reactions Members Contact Print Version President's Message "I am deeply moved by the faith reposed in me by my colleagues of FISME’s Central Executive Committee in unanimously electing me President for 2013-14. While FISME’s ongoing work programmes under its three verticals: Market access, Policy reforms and Implementation of externally funded MSME development projects, will continue, I would like to particularly focus on issues related to ‘Marketing’ this year. I am aware of the daunting responsibilities that the job entails and can only carry them out with the cooperation and support of members, friends and well-wishers of FISME. I humbly seek your guidance and suggestions as to how can FISME be more relevant to your needs and which new grounds should we break ‘to make India among the top 10 entrepreneur friendly nations in the world’. " -Shri D. Gandhikumar, President FISME Movie - Indian IPR Exchange You can also view online Activities FISME launches IPR exchange, a book on Intellectual Property and honours winner FISME suggests way forward on SME Exchange to SEBI Working Group FISME suggests measures for export promotion before Parliamentary Committee on Commerce FISME and ITBA co-organise a seminar on Business Opportunities with Turkey Business Banter: Lessons from Entrepreneurs Forget about Traditional Perception -Dhruv Shringi, Co-founder & CEO, Yatra.com Macro Metre February IIP grows at 0.6% versus 2.4% in January Domestic Digest Billion-dollar India Innovation Fund to be in place by June SEBI mulling changes in rules for SME Exchange State Scan Gujarati business woman wins best MSME entrepreneur award World Watch London SMEs call for business rates relief for start-ups Knowledge Store Lakshmi's passion for Bio-Vedic medicines earns recognition ...And ALot More FISME launches IPR exchange, a book on Intellectual Property and honours winner Enabling Micro Small and M e d i u m Enterprises (MSMEs) to buy or sell Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs), an online IPR Exchange has been launched by Secretary in the Ministry of MSME Mr Madhav Lal on April 4, 2013 in New Delhi. This exchange is India’s first online exchange for Intellectual Property , which has been set up by the industry body, Federation of Indian Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (FISME) with support from the British High Commission. Read More FISME suggests way forward on SME Exchange to SEBI Working Group The first meeting of the Working Group set-up by regulator of bourses- Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), to implement the budget announcement made by Finance Minister on SME converted by Web2PDFConvert.com

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Vol III, Issue 32: Apri l 15, 2013 Activities News Reader Reactions Members Contact Print Version

President's Message

"I am deeply moved by the faithreposed in me by my colleagues ofFISME’s Central ExecutiveCommittee in unanimously electingme President for 2013-14. WhileFISME’s ongoing workprogrammes under its threeverticals: Market access, Policyreforms and Implementation ofexternally funded MSMEdevelopment projects, will continue,I would like to particularly focus onissues related to ‘Marketing’ thisyear. I am aware of the dauntingresponsibilities that the job entailsand can only carry them out with thecooperation and support ofmembers, friends and well-wishersof FISME. I humbly seek yourguidance and suggestions as tohow can FISME be more relevant toyour needs and which new groundsshould we break ‘to make Indiaamong the top 10 entrepreneurfriendly nations in the world’. "

-Shri D. Gandhikumar, President FISME

Movie - Indian IPR Exchange

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ActivitiesFISME launches IPR exchange, a book on Intellectual Property and honourswinner

FISME suggests way forward on SME Exchange to SEBI Working Group

FISME suggests measures for export promotion before ParliamentaryCommittee on Commerce

FISME and ITBA co-organise a seminar on Business Opportunities withTurkey

Business Banter: Lessons from EntrepreneursForget about Traditional Perception -Dhruv Shringi, Co-founder & CEO,Yatra.com

Macro MetreFebruary IIP grows at 0.6% versus 2.4% in January

Domestic DigestBillion-dollar India Innovation Fund to be in place by June

SEBI mulling changes in rules for SME Exchange

State ScanGujarati business woman wins best MSME entrepreneur award

World WatchLondon SMEs call for business rates relief for start-ups

Knowledge StoreLakshmi's passion for Bio-Vedic medicines earns recognition

...And A Lot More

FISME launches IPR exchange, a book on Intellectual Propertyand honours winner

Enabling Micro Small andM e d i u m Enterprises(MSMEs) to buy or sellIntellectual PropertyRights (IPRs), an onlineIPR Exchange has beenlaunched by Secretary inthe Ministry of MSME MrMadhav Lal on April 4,2013 in New Delhi. Thisexchange is India’s first

online exchange for Intellectual Property, which has been set up by the industrybody, Federation of Indian Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (FISME) withsupport from the British High Commission.

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FISME suggests way forward on SME Exchange to SEBIWorking Group

The first meeting of the Working Group set-up byregulator of bourses- Securities and ExchangeBoard of India (SEBI), to implement the budgetannouncement made by Finance Minister on SME

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BLECH India 2013

Date: 17-20 April, 2013 Venue: Mumbai

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Unclear mandate if recentlyformed inter-ministerial

committee will bear fruits forMSMEs

According to The FISME Factorsurvey, MSMEs are divided,whether recently formed inter-ministerial committee foracceleration of manufacturinggrowth would make a positiveimpact at ground level. Half of theMSMEs say, they expect goodresult and the other half says, itwill not bear fruits.

HR Heuristics

Kick-start Employee Loyaltywith These Exciting Tips

In a typical scenario, an employerdoes just the bare minimum toensure that his employees do notquit; he offers basic training whichhe believes is enough; he offersthe basic benefits and providesbare minimum positivereinforcement or sometimes noneat all.

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Finance Fundamentals

SME financing is key driver ofgrowth: ING Vysya

ING Vysya’s Managing Directorand CEO Shailendra Bhandari

Exchange, was held on April 9, 2013 inMumbai.PresentingFISME views to theWorking Group, MrVK Agarwal,immediate past President FISME, said that theimpediments to issues on SME Exchanges inlarger numbers can be attributed to three major

factors that is lack of enthusiasm for these issues amongst investors,reluctance of Merchant Bankers to take on the assigned responsibilities andhigh cost to issuers.

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FISME suggests measures for export promotion beforeParliamentary Committee on Commerce

FISME has tendered an oral evidence before theParliamentary Standing Committee on Commerceon April 4, 2013 on issues related to Budgetproposals and about measures needed topromote exports. The committee was chaired byMr Shanta Kumar. FISME President Mr DGandhikumar and Secretary General Mr Anil Bhardwaj made the presentation.

According to the presentation, one of the majorreasons for fall in exports has been that the DutyEntitlement Pass Book (DEPB) scheme is phasedout and it has not been replaced with other simpleduty reimbursement scheme.

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FISME and ITBA co-organise a seminar on BusinessOpportunities with Turkey

Federation of Indian Microand Small & MediumEnterprises (FISME) alongwith Indo TurkishBusiness Association( I T B A ) organised aseminar on ‘BusinessOpportunities with Turkey,in order to capitalizepositive trade movementbetween the twocountries, on April 10, 2013 at Embassy of Turkey, New Delhi. The trade betweenIndia and Turkey has grown at 35 per cent Compound Annual Growth Rate(CAGR) in 10 years to reach USD 7.6 billion. Both the countries have good traderelations and in order to get the most out of the positive trade trend, FISME andITBA came together. The chief guest of the event was Mr Caglar Goksu,Commercial Counselor of Embassy of the Republic of Turkey, New Delhi.

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‘The Best Advice I Got’

Forget about Traditional Perception

-Dhruv Shringi, Co-founder & CEO, Yatra.com

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tells Sourav Majumdar what hispriorities for the bank are and howthe bank’s strategy of focusing ona few key areas is helping growth.

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Marketing Mantras

It is a tad easier for serviceoriented women

entrepreneurs in India

Unless you take the leap you willnever know what you are capableof!

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Policy Polemic

Economy is not the villain

If one blames anything for risingbad loans, it is poor creditappraisal, monitoring and follow-up.

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Success Story

Lakshmi's passion for Bio-Vedic medicines earns


Lakshmi, a bio-trainer andentrepreneur chose a careerwhich was once consideredunconventional in modernscience. But owing to herinnovation and painstakingresearch into cure ailmentsthrough Bio-Vedic flowers, she hasbrought recognition to the Bio-Vedic field of medicine.

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SME Special

Expert group keen to fill skillshortages in small businesses

The Assistance to TrainingInstitutions (ATI) scheme byMinistry of Micro, Small andMedium Enterprises (MSME) cancontribute towards capacitybuilding in the small scale sectorin a country where approximately83 million people are eitherunemployed or underemployed.

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TN govt organises training onsolar products for MSMEs

Focus on investing in core areas-this is the bestadvice, Dhruv Shringi, Co-founder and CEO,Yatra.com ever got. He says, “One thing whichhelped our business more than double in thepast three years was our focus on investing incore areas like brand and technology.”Traditional wisdom would suggest that weshould have scaled back on these activities. Butafter an initial phasedown in 2009-10, our boardrecommended that we scale up investmentrapidly. This had a multiplier effect on the brandfront as advertisement inventory rates were lower due to the recession andother advertisers had cut back. Similarly on the technology front, we couldattract talent as larger organisations were laying off people. Investment in newproduct development helped us gain market share. Current macroeconomicand structural issues point to a more sustained slowdown, so one might needa different approach.

[Adapted from the Best Advice I Ever Got, Business Today]

Macro Metre

February IIP grows at 0.6% versus 2.4% in January

Showing slump in the economy, the industrial growth has slipped to 0.6 percent in February this year mainly on account of contraction in powergeneration and mining output and poor performance of manufacturing sector.Factory output, as measured by the Index of Industrial Production (IIP), hadgrown by 4.3 per cent in February last year. For the April-February period of2012-13 fiscal, the industrial production growth is at 0.9 per cent, down from3.5 per cent in the same period of 2011-12, according to official data releasedrecently.

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Annual supplement to FTP gets delayed, likely to beannounced in 3rd week of April

Slowdown-hit exporters expecting relieffrom the government will have to wait forsome more time as the annualsupplement to the Foreign Trade Policy(FTP) of the Commerce Ministry hasbeen delayed for a few weeks. “It isexpected that the annual supplement tothe FTP would be announced here bythe third week of April and address boththe immediate and medium term concerns of exports and to give a fillip toIndian exports,” said an official statement recntly. Earlier the government hadindicated that it will be unveiled in the first week of April. Exporters are reelingunder global slowdown and their shipments have dropped by 4 per cent to USD266 billion during the 11 months of fiscal 2012-13.

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Domestic Digest

Billion-dollar India Innovation Fund to be in place by June

The proposed Rs 5,500-crore India Inclusive Innovation Fund, focusing ongenerating employment and supporting livelihoods across the countrythrough innovative enterprises, is expected to be in place by June. The Ministryof Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) is working on the fund, whichwill help Indian enterprises in building innovative solutions for developmentalchallenges. “It is in the process and we will send the proposal to the Cabinetfor its consideration in the next few days. The fund is expected to be in place inthe next two months," an MSME official said. The fund would be guided by fourobjectives -- focus on the poor, combine social and commercial returns, driveemployment and livelihood generation and help establish a model for wider

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solar products for MSMEs

The Entrepreneur DevelopmentInstitute (EDI) that aims toincrease awareness ofentrepreneurship in Tamil Naduamongst MSMEs has organisedtraining programmes onphotovoltaic solar electric systemand solar products beginningApril-17.

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February IIP at 0.6%, beatsestimates

The Quick Estimates of Index ofIndustrial Production (IIP) withbase 2004-05 for the month of

February 2013 have beenreleased by the Central StatisticsOffice of the Ministry of Statistics

and Programme Implementation.

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CPI inflation slows to 10.39%in March

The Central Statistics Office(CSO), Ministry of Statistics and

Programme Implementationreleases Consumer Price Indices(CPI) on base 2010=100 for all-India and States/UTs separatelyfor rural, urban and combinedevery month with effect from

January, 2011.

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Quotable Quotes

" We believe the combination ofexcellence in operations and

strong execution of our strategy iscritical to achieve our vision. Wewill continue to focus on both in

future as well. "

-Azim Premji, Chairman of WiproLimited

inclusive innovation funding, he added.Read More

Kumar Mangalam bats for MSMEs

Aditya Birla Group Chairman, Kumar MangalamBirla has pressed for better financing to the smalland medium enterprises (SMEs) to boost theirgrowth. “The biggest problem that the SME sectorfaces today is of financing. Getting finances fromBanks at competitive rates is difficult for them.Even if there is liquidity in the banking sector, stillfinancing SMEs is difficult and because of thattheir growth gets stifled,” said Birla in a televisioninterview recently. Access to finance is one of the prime areas of concern for theMSMEs in India.

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Ministry bats for tax sops for growing MSMEs; specialpackage on cards

MSME Ministry has approached the Finance Ministry to provide tax benefits togrowth bound MSMEs apart from working out a special package for the sector,MSME Minister KH Muniyappa told reporters recently. “The government isincentivizing growth of the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) bycontinuing to provide the non-tax benefits which they will enjoy for next threeyears after they have grown up. I would urge the Finance Minister to also extend,on a similar basis, the tax benefits to such growth bound MSMEs,” he said.

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SEBI mulling changes in rules for SME Exchange

After a poor response to the launch ofa separate Small and MediumEnterprises (SME) trading platform,market regulator Securities andExchange Board of India (SEBI) is nowworking on a proposal which willenable start-up companies to accesscapital without the expensive IPOroute. The proposed platform, unlikethe one for SMEs, will also allow start-ups to list without IPOs (Initial Public Offering), SEBI Executive DirectorSivasubramanian Ramann was quoted by media reports. Sharing SEBI’sconcern over dismal interest in the newly launched SME exchanges on theBombay Stock Exchange (BSE) and National Stock Exchange (NSE), theindustry body the Federation of Indian Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises(FISME) has suggested to the market regulator that listing of the small andmedium sized companies be permitted on these platforms without offeringshares to the public in the initial stage.

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Govt to intervene if cotton prices rise unabated

The government may intervene to control the price of cotton if its manufacturerscontinue to hike the rate, according to Textiles Secretary Zohra Chatterji. Sheadvised all cotton yarn producers to keep the prices low so that there is no needfor government intervention. Further, she attributed the shutdown of many powerlooms and the resulting job loss to the price rise, according to an officialstatement. Meanwhile, Apparel Export Promotion Council, Chairman, AShakthivel said, “The cotton price has soared considerably over the last monthfrom Rs 37,600 per candy in March to Rs 38,800 per candy on April-1 owing toartificial demand created by manufacturers.”

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MSME to be major source of jobs says PM

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh recently extended support to small andmedium enterprises (SMEs), stating they will be a major source of employment.“We must do more for supporting small and medium industry as this sector willbe the key component support structure for larger industry and will be a majorsource of productive, creative jobs,” said the Prime Minister at the CII AnnualMeet in New Delhi. In terms of value, the MSME sector accounts for about 45 percent of the manufacturing output and 40 per cent of the total exports of thecountry.

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Directory of TestingLaboratories in India

Buy our one-of-a-kind guide to allindustrial testing laboratories inIndia. Find the one mostconvenient for getting yourproducts tested and certified. Aninvaluable compendium for allindustrial units and exporters.PP: 894, Hard Cover.Price: Rs 900.50% discount for members.

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Handbook for ManagingExport Payment Risks

If you are an exporter you simplycannot do without this uniquepublication which tells you how tomanage payment and other risksarising from exports.PP: 78.Price: Rs 300.50% discount for members.

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Free Publications

Identification & Valuation ofIPRs in MSMEs

Identification & Valuation of IPRs inMSMEs - Selected ResearchPapers.

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Fertilizer quality control in

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Government to launch brand 'Khadi Mark'

The Khadi industry will soon get a brandidentity with the introduction of ‘KhadiMark’ which will guarantee itsgenuineness. “Very soon a new identityfor Khadi in the form of ‘Khadi Mark’ isbeing introduced for the uniformity andpurity of its products,” said Minister ofMicro, Small and Medium Enterprises,KH Muniyappa in New Delhi. Its branding will ensure that customers buygenuine Khadi considering that many handlooms products of low quality arealso sold in the name of Khadi. The mark will be registered under theTrademarks Act and the entire process from designing, setting up of testinglabs to infrastructure will cost the government Rs 20 crore.

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More handicraft artisans to join Dilli Haat from May

Ministry of Textiles has extended an opportunity to new handicraft artisans fromacross the country to display their unique products at Dilli Haat. Artisans ofvarious art pieces such as jewellery, handlooms, candles, bags, jute, wood andpaper products, toys and home décor have been asked to submit theirapplications before April-18 as per the notice from the Office of the DevelopmentCommissioner (Handicrafts). Stalls inside the complex that is popular for itsinimitable ethnic wares will be allotted on a fortnightly basis from May-1 toOctober-15. Selection will be made through a draw of lots of April-19.

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Nine companies from Gujarat bag national MSME Awards

Nine companies from Gujarat bagged awards given by the central Micro Smalland Medium Enterprise (MSME) 2011, recently organized in New Delhi. Theseinclude Rajkot-based M/s Noble Refractories in innovation category, Rajkot-based Infinity Infoway Private Limited in micro and small enterprise (service)category, Ahmedabad-based Shree Umiya Surgical Private Limited in qualityproduct category for micro and small enterprise for Plastic and Disposable,Rajkot-based Cyber Ceramic in the same category for ceramic glazed tilessegment, Ahmedabad-based HOF Furniture Systems Private Limited in thesame category in wooden furniture segment and Ahmedabad-based NBEMotors Private Limited in the same category for electric motors segment.Ahmedabad-based Bluecoat Private Limited bagged the award for outstandingentrepreneurship in small enterprise (manufacturing category).

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Business Today felicitates the best SMEs

The fourth edition ofthe Business Today-YES Bank SMEawards, whichrecognise the bestsmall and mediumenterprises in thecountry, was heldrecently in New Delhi.Vadodara-based Ankur Scientific Energy Technologies won the overall Best SMEaward in the small (revenue below Rs 50 crore) category. Delhi based-DFMFoods walked away with the overall Best SME award in the medium (Rs 50- Rs200 crore) category. In all 15 awards were given away across eight categories.

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Goa records 48% industrial growth

Goa registered a 48.11% industrial growth in 2012-13 as compared to 2011-12as a total of 617 micro, small and medium enterprises were registered with thedirectorate of industries, trade and commerce for setting up new projects in thestate. The figure was however, only up to February 2013. According to

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Fertilizer quality control inIndia: Need for change

This monograph argues for asystemic change in fertiliserquality control. Essential readingfor those in policy-makingpositions.

Ask for your copy now

FISME regularly receives monthlyreports on the economies ofvarious countries from theirmissions in India. These reportsprovide information on keyeconomic parameters, traderelated information and all newsrelevant for importers andexporters. In this edition you cantake a look at reports on:


information provided by the department of industries, trade and commerce, forthe same period , 51 micro, small and medium enterprises started commercialproduction as compared to 48 enterprises in 2011-12, thereby registering agrowth of 6.25% during the same period.

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Gujarati business woman wins best MSME entrepreneuraward

Gujarat based business woman Sangita Shrinand Palshikar won the MSMEnational award-2011 for best woman entrepreneur while Nirmal Rani ofHaryana bagged the first prize for outstanding SC/ST entrepreneur. Winners inother categories included Punjab based companies Mecpro Heavy Engineeringand Preet Agro Industries which bagged first prize for Research andDevelopment, respectively. As for the innovation category, the awardeesincluded Imperial Home appliances (Himachal Pradesh), Noble Refractories(Gujarat), Preet Agro Industries (Punjab).

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Jammu and Kashmir

Jobs for school dropouts in J&K

In Jammu and Kashmir, about one lakh youth including dropouts will be giventraining and jobs by 2017 under the Himayat scheme, out of which over 15,000would be given training and placements during the year 2013-14. As per theHimayat scheme, priority would be given to youth who are school drop-outs,those who have studied up to class 10 or class 12 and to college drop-outs. Todate, 45 Himayat training centres have been set up across 19 districts out of thetotal 22 districts in the state. “Over 5,000 youth had been provided jobs invarious companies within and outside the state since the inception of thescheme and over 15,000 would be given training and placements during theyear 2013-14,” Union Minister for Rural Development Jairam Ramesh said.

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Centre clears engineering cluster in Mysore

MIA proposed to prepare an electionmanifesto on industries' expectationsfrom political parties contesting in theMay 5 Karnataka State Assemblyelections. The Centre has given an in-principle approval for the proposedgeneral engineering cluster in Mysore. Itwill provide a financial assistance of Rs15 crore. The approval was given at a meeting on March 20 chaired bySecretary, Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSME) in Delhi,according to Mysore Industries Association (MIA) general secretary SureshKumar Jain.

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Small industries see good growth in district

The District Industries Centre has informed that the micro and small-scaleindustries have shown an impressive growth in the last financial year. In the lastfinancial year, 1,483 micro and small industries were started in the district. Theinvestment is Rs 188 crore and the employment generated is 9,372. TheIndustries Centre disbursed Rs 1.13 crore as subsidy for 60 entrepreneurs. Astate-level industrial equipment exhibition was conducted and a buyer-sellermeet was organised, apart from the training programmes.

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Tamil Nadu

TN doubles funding for new entrepreneurship scheme

In a move to boost entrepreneurship inthe state, the Tamil Nadu governmenthas allocated Rs 100 crore to the NewEntrepreneur Cum Enterprise

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Development (NEED) Scheme, whichwas introduced in 2012-13. Theallocation in 2013-14 is almost doublewhat it was last year. Under thisscheme, the government will provide acapital subsidy of 25 per cent on investments, besides training and consultancysupport. The state government has allocated Rs 100 crore to the NEEDscheme in the Budget for 2013-14, and 50 per cent of this amount has beenearmarked for women beneficiaries. In 2012-13, the state government hadreleased Rs 52 crore for the scheme.

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South Africa

Rise in self-employment boosts SME index

The Absa small and mediumenterprises (SME) index for South Africarose slightly in the fourth quarter of2012, to 92, due to some growth in self-employment, the bank said whenreleasing the index recently. The growthin self-employment translated to an

estimated 1.2-million self-employed businesspeople, according to the index.The index is compiled using official Statistics South Africa data on variouseconomic indicators. Economists.co.za chief economist Mike Schussler, whoworks on the SME index in partnership with Absa, said the effects of the globaleconomic downturn were still being felt, given that self-employment was still2.5% below its recent highs.

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United Kingdom

London SMEs call for business rates relief for start-ups

SME owner managers feel the recent Budget didn’t provide enough immediaterelief for start-ups and growing businesses, with measures providing long-termincentives to invest rather than immediate help. This was the conclusion of around-table panel of small business leaders convened to look at the outcomesof the Government’s Budget last week, organised by the leading provider offlexible work space for growing businesses, Avanta Managed Offices.

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SME's hit by post-crisis lending squeeze

According to research conducted by theNational Institute of Economic andSocial Research, a higher proportion ofloan applications from smallerbusinesses have been rejected since2008. The findings are likely to increase

pressure on banks to lend more after early figures published by the Bank ofEngland revealed net lending had dropped since the Government’s flagshipFunding for Lending scheme was launched in August. Business secretaryVince Cable says: “Small and medium-sized businesses are still telling me thataccess to finance is their number one problem, preventing them from investingand growing.

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United States of America

Obama proposes a slew of measures for small businesses

Small businesses that hired new workers or gave salary hikes to their workersin the US, last year, are likely to be given a 10 per cent tax credit, according to amedia report. A proposal to this effect figured in US President Barack Obama’sUSD 3.8 trillion budget plan that was released recently. For the fiscal year thatbegins October-1, the President’s budget message also contained proposalsthat would streamline the application process for Small BusinessAdministration (SBA) loans and increase the number of lenders working with

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the small scale sector. Read More

Write and Win prize!

Write your comments on the FISME Factor. Share your views and suggestionson MSME issues. Win prize! The best mail will get a special book every fortnight.send mail to: [email protected]

Business Opportunities for India in Srilanka

There are business opportunities available for Indian companies in Srilanka.The interested MSMEs can check details.

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Business Opportunities for India in Turkey

There are business opportunities available for Indian companies in Turkey. Theinterested MSMEs can check details.

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15 New Members Join FISME

During the period from April 1, 2013 to April 15, 2013 a total of 15 new MSMEsbecame member of FISME.

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