Mobile Application for parents of an infant or toddler Basic Interaction Design Fall 2011 | Emily Sappington, James Laslavic, Somya Jampala

FirstSteps App Process Book

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Android App for mothers of infants and toddlers designed by Carnegie Mellon students Emily Sappington, James Laslavic and Somya Jampala

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Mobile Application for parents of an infant or toddlerBasic Interaction Design Fall 2011 | Emily Sappington, James Laslavic, Somya Jampala

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User-group brainstorm

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Parents of infants/ toddlers

Balanced diet

Medical concerns

Behavior diagnosisSocialize (other kids)


Media/ Entertainment

Toys/ play objects

Baby yoga


Baby language

Interaction with pets

Physical developmentFun

Weight/ fitness

Lack of sleep

Management of time

Social networking



Mental development



Baby food products

Eating schedule




Baby care/ cleanliness

Emergency care

Hearing, eye, speech problems

We brainstormed on the different issues related to parents of infants and toddlers.

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Problem statements for parents of infants/ toddlers

Parents/ Mother Medical concerns

Behavior development


Where can I do with other parents while

the kids play?

Where can I meet other parents? Is it clean?

When should my child be vaccinated?

Getting enough nutrients?Is my child eating enough?

What should I start with? Is my child hitting right milestones?

What activities can I do with my child?

What can I brag about?

How will my child develop a sleep schedule?

What are the signs of autism?

What is an appropriate disciplinary response?

How do I make my child shut?

Do I need to contact the doctor?

How should I take care of my child in different temperatures?

What are the healthier options?

How do I know that my child has eye, speech problems?

What should I not feed? How often should I feed?

How do I monitor allergies?

What can I cook rather than buy?

Why is my child so picky, what should I do?

Where are other parents?

Where can I get a baby-sitter?

How can I share my child’s experience with my spouse?

We brainstormed on the different problem statements for the parents of infants/ toddlers.

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Day-care centres





Children’s Organizations

Children’s Product Companies

American Academy of Pediatrics

Autism Speaks

Zero to Three Policy Center

Child Development Association

Toy Companies


The potential stake-holders for this mobile application would range from parents to doctors and day-care centres to children organizations.

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Research synthesis

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We interviewed 6 sets of parents to get their insights.

6 interviewees aged 34 – 42 years Having baby aged between 6 – 16 months First-time parents Mothers – working part-time and non-workingLiving in Connecticut, Massachusetts, Texas, California, Pennsylvania

User interviews

How much help did you get from family in taking care of the baby?What do you do when you have questions and concerns? Why? How often do you ask questions?Do you often question ‘what is the right way to do it’?How often do you call you pediatrician/ask them questions?

Do you consult alternative medicine sources?Do you do anything to monitor your child’s cognitive development?When do you find that you wonder about your child’s development?Do you talk/ brag/ share about your child’s development?How do you record your child’s development?

How do you manage time with child and other activities? What activities do you do with your child when you have free time?Do you base your interactions with your child on their development? Do you discuss when you see a different behavior in your child? Whom do you discuss it with?

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Research & Persona synthesis

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Persona 1: Jane, 36 years old

New-born baby girl Chelsea First-time parent Not working, used to be a real estate agent Lives in Chicago

Parents visit often Attends library group meetings Read books on parenting while pregnant

End goalsWants to do the right activities with Chelsea at the right age Wants to document all the moments of Chelsea’s milestones

Life style goalsWants to be well aware generally and as a mother Likes to document to keep memories

Jane and her daughter Chelsea on a Summer vacation

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Persona 2: Christina, 38 years old

7 month-old baby boy William First-time parent Working part-time doing freelance work Lives in New York

Is determined to be a “cool mom” Views blogs on parenting between work calls Baby-sits her sister’s 12 month-old daughter Sarah

End goalsWants to plan activities to play with William Wants to follow development milestones of Sarah

Life style goalsWants to be well-organized Want to manage her time well for William and her work

Christina and her son William walking on a sunny Spring day

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Buttons in grey or white become blue when hit or active Transitioning the scroll-slider to different ages, sliding left to right

Active State - in “Play Now” mode“Add Photo” being pressed,turns blue to confirm hit

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Add your baby’s profile

Opening the FirstSteps App

Browse activities

Select Activity



Play Now(first new activity of

baby’s age)

first time user

(default to baby’s age)

scroll to specific age


play and record

view recordings


past activities




add to favorites

List of baby profiles(home screen)

returning user

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Color choices allow for easy recognition of different button hit areas

Inspiration was drawn from websites and brands that are familiar to our user. The color schemes are obviously targeted towards mothers, but don’t have an overly feminine aesthetic as shades of pink might.

Menu Item & MainAccent Color

Back-ground Color &mainicons

Text ColorHighlight & Accent Color for Pressed Buttons(Android standard)

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1. Make a baby’s profile2. Play now3. Share4. Browse5. More and favorites


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