Sub-Task 1: Description of grammar/ language skills lesson observed during PBS II During the second day of my School Based Experience in Sk. Kampung Bukit Wan , I was permitted to enter Year 3 Arif class by my tutor who was an English teacher, Mr. Mohd Nor Bin Che Abdullah , I asked him to give a cooperation because the reason is I want to complete my coursework task on English Language Teaching Methodology assignment. When i in the class, based on my observation, the students mostly came from the rural area because the location of the school is far away from the countryside. There were 24 students in the class and all of them were not so naughty as they are clever and very obedient. Mr Mohd Nor could handle the class so well without any distraction. As his class started 8 0’clock in the morning, he ask his students to go through his previous teaching lesson on the theme of “Let Sing Together’ and the song was ‘Bukcle my shoes’. Before he started to teach, he asked his students to put the book aside. When he started to teach, he asked his students to read after him. The students read the song loudly as they had written the song in their exercise book. Then, he explained to the students by introducing new vocabularies and the meaning of words to his students. The aim reasons for these were to increase the vocabulary and give them new knowledge about the song. 1 | ELT METHODOLOGY


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Sub-Task 1:

Description of grammar/ language skills lesson observed during PBS II

During the second day of my School Based Experience in Sk. Kampung Bukit

Wan , I was permitted to enter Year 3 Arif class by my tutor who was an English

teacher, Mr. Mohd Nor Bin Che Abdullah , I asked him to give a cooperation because

the reason is I want to complete my coursework task on English Language Teaching

Methodology assignment. When i in the class, based on my observation, the students

mostly came from the rural area because the location of the school is far away from the

countryside. There were 24 students in the class and all of them were not so naughty as

they are clever and very obedient. Mr Mohd Nor could handle the class so well without

any distraction. As his class started 8 0’clock in the morning, he ask his students to go

through his previous teaching lesson on the theme of “Let Sing Together’ and the song

was ‘Bukcle my shoes’. Before he started to teach, he asked his students to put the

book aside. When he started to teach, he asked his students to read after him. The

students read the song loudly as they had written the song in their exercise book. Then,

he explained to the students by introducing new vocabularies and the meaning of words

to his students. The aim reasons for these were to increase the vocabulary and give

them new knowledge about the song.

The language skill he focused in his teaching today was reading and singing. He

introduced the new vocabularies and explained the meaning of words to them.

Sometimes, he asked his students to pronounce the words with his guidance one by

one and also asked them to use dictionary to find the meaning. Within this method, he

could realize the weakness and strengthen of his students in pronouncing the new

words. He also called a few students in the class to stand up and try to pronounce some

words that had been practiced. All students were able to pronounce it clearly and loudly,

and mostly the students in the class were capable to pronounce the words as they are

really intelligent.

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The students was enjoyed the lesson and participated so well in the class. I also

could see all of them were smiling happily and Mr Mohd Nor didn’t seems to be having

any problems with them . He always maintained his voice when read the song to

students because he want to ensure his students can pronounce the words and he

could detect any mistakes from his students.

After eighteen minutes had gone, he proceeded to the next steps which sang the

song with body movement and gestures. At this time, the students will move their body

according to the lyric of the song which facilitated by himself. He make some movement

of hand and also body part. For several times, he guided his students to read the text of

the song loudly and clearly. Then, he asked them to read it by themselves. If any

students make mistakes, he never scolds them but he patiently taught his students until

they can follow his instruction. This entirely gave the students motivation and ensured

them to engage and experience the learning was meaningful.

After he finished that session, he told his students to take a 5 minutes break and

allow if any student want to go to the toilet. He also asked his students to do some

exercises in the textbook. I am very shocked to see that all students followed their

teacher’s instruction carefully and they always rose up their hands whenever they had

problems with the exercises given. Not only that, they also asked me to give a hand for

them and I felt so happy as they called me “Sir”. I’m just felt that I’m being appreciated

as this is first time I teach the students in English subject. This shows that the students

had become independent and really easy go-on with their teacher. What I could see that

I’m really fascinating with the commitment of the students in the class on that day.

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Sub-Task 2: Discussion of one learning theory with reference to the lesson


1.0 Introduction

As we are going further to the relation of the learning theory in the English lesson which

was applied in the lesson, it would be better for us to comprehend the four learning

theories so that we can find the suitable learning theory to be associated with the

English lesson that I had observed during my last School Based Experience II.

2.0 Analysis on Learning Theories

i. Behaviorism

Behaviorism is a worldview that operates on a principle of “stimulus-response.”

All behavior caused by external stimuli (operant conditioning). All behavior can

be explained without the need to consider internal mental states or

consciousness. Behaviorism is a worldview that assumes a learner is essentially

passive, responding to environmental stimuli. Behaviorism precedes the

cognitivist worldview.

ii. Cognitivism

The cognitivist paradigm essentially argues that the “black box” of the mind

should be opened and understood. The learner is viewed as an information

processor (like a computer). A response to behaviorism, people are not

“programmed animals” that merely respond to environmental stimuli; people are

rational beings that require active participation in order to learn, and whose

actions are a consequence of thinking. 

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iii. Social Constructivism

Social constructivism as a paradigm or worldview posits that learning is an

active, constructive process. The learner is an information constructor. People

actively construct or create their own subjective representations of objective

reality. Take a look at this excerpt, “Learning would be exceedingly laborious, not

to mention hazardous, if people had to rely solely on the effects of their own

actions to inform them what to do. Fortunately, most human behavior is learned

observationally through modeling: from observing others one forms an idea of

how new behaviors are performed, and on later occasion s this coded

information serves as a guide for action. (Bandura 1977: 22)”. Also, the learner is

not a blank slate (tabula rasa) but brings past experiences and cultural factors to

a situation.

iv. Humanism

Humanism is a paradigm/philosophy/pedagogical approach that believes learning

is viewed as a personal act to fulfill one’s potential. Humanism, a paradigm that

emerged in the 1960s, focuses on the human freedom, dignity, and potential. A

central assumption of humanism, according to Huitt (2001), is that people act

with intentionality and values. This is in contrast to the behaviorist notion of

operant conditioning (which argues that all behavior is the result of the

application of consequences) and the cognitive psychologist belief that the

discovering knowledge or constructing meaning is central to learning.

From that four learning theories above, I had analyzed and summarized it so that

we can indicate all these four learning theories and understand the different of each

other which are developed by the entire famous people.

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3.0 The Observed Lesson and Learning Theories

For this part, I will relate one of the learning theories which present in Year 3 Arif class

that I had choose and make my observation to complete this task. During 1 hour of

spending my precious and valuable time in the class, I am capable to use my extra

knowledge on one of all these four learning theories which also has been applied by Mr.

Mohd Nor, who is the English teacher at the school. From the class conducted by Mr

Mohd Nor ,I saw the way he handled it is related to the Social Constructivism theory.

The lesson conducted is focusing on reading skills where students are exposed to a

song text which is taken from Year 3 KSSR syllabus English textbook.

The teacher has introduced the students the new words and explained the

meaning of it. After that, the students are asked to repeat pronouncing the words again.

This obviously shows the evidence of Social Constructivist theory of learning. In this

situation, the teacher becomes the model while the students parrot and imitate upon

him. Based on the originator of this theory, Albert Bandura who is says “Most human

behavior is learned observationally through modeling: from observing others, one forms

an idea of how new behaviors are performed, and on later occasions this coded

information serves as a guide for action.” (Bandura). Besides, the students are very

capable to pronounce the words with the guidance of the teacher, they are asked again

to read aloud along with the teacher. During in this part, the teacher guided the students

to read before they are able to read on their own after the whole class later. This is

evidence had proved that the Social Constructivism theory was applied in this English


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Moreover, there is also evidence proved the extension of this Social

Constructivism theory is the students give full cooperation. We can see this when they

are being asked one by one to pronounce the words and read the text, they reflected

quickly hand up and try to pronounce and read it correctly, clearly and loudly.Thus, it

shows that the active learning process occur as when they are actively involved in the

learning process with the teacher. In this ways, the teacher also plays the important role

as a facilitator. The teacher acts was to assist the students when the students are

having some problems in pronouncing the words and they were unable to read the text


In fact, some the students raise up their hands in order they need to be helped.

This shows that the students also want to learn, not just in the class but they also will

experience it in especially the real life situation. For example, when they do not know

about something or confuse to think, they will ask the right person which is their teacher.

Students also show that they are engaging in serious discussion with the peers and

teachers. All these evidences are exactly can be related with the social activities which

constructivists have emphasized during lesson.

4.0 Conclusion

The learning theory involved in this English lesson Year 3 Ariff class is mostly using a

Social Constructivism theory. The teacher also use this theory so that the students will

be very well participate during the lesson. The students also will give full commitment

and actively involved especially during the discussion with peers and teachers. The

teacher also gives a hand and facilitates them to help students solve their problems. All

these things are the most reasons why I had related the Social Constructivism with the

English lesson which I observed during my last Scholl Based Experience II.

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First of all, Alhamdulillah, finally I finished my course work for subject ELT

Methodology after struggle and having hard time. As the time given so suitable, I

managed to finish up my assignment by hook or by crook. In fact, I’m struggling myself

with patiently to find the suitable sources for this challenging task. However, this task

given for the assignment is not so easy as I have to do many work and research about

the description of grammar and language skills lesson observed during my School

Based Experience II. I also spend my time in the library several times and surfing the


During completing this coursework, I have discus with friends about Social

Constructivism theory to ensure that the right point, opinions and idea as I want to

provide a good and excellent essay about the language learning theory that I have

chosen. Furthermore, this assignment also requires my friends and me to cooperate

and give full teamwork to ensure everything is going according to plan. In this

assignment, the essay is about the English lesson observed during my SBE II. So, the

task make me to create an informative and attractive essay as to fascinate and

persuade my great lecturer, Madam Mariah Bt Ismail. Therefore, I have to settle a lot of

things to provide good essay. For me, to complete that I felt very confident because I

know that satisfaction is guaranteed and I am the first person will be very happy to know

if my essay is approved.

Lastly, with a great pleasure, thank you again to Madam Mariah Bt Ismail as for

giving me a full boost of confidence, facilitating and guiding me through this coursework.

Thanks for your tolerance and commitment with my friends and me. I hope that you will

correct my mistakes and kindly mark my assignment with a big smile . Thank you.

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Bandura, A. (1977) Social Learning Theory, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Chitravelu, N., Sithamparam, S., & Choon, T. S. (2005). ELT Methodology: Principles and Practices. Shah Alam: Penerbit Fajar Bakti Sdn. Bhd.


Retrieved on Sept, 9, 2012 from Learning-Theories.comhttp://www.learning-theories.com/social-learning-theory-bandura.

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