Financing your Medical Education An Excellent Investment Melet Leafgreen, Director of Student Financial Aid

Financing your Medical Education - UT Southwestern Home€¦ · Average cost –Private Medical School $54,329 ... Tuition and Fees $20,521 UT Southwestern Medical School Direct Cost

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Financing your Medical EducationAn Excellent Investment

Melet Leafgreen, Director of Student Financial Aid

Resident Tuition & Fee ComparisonAssociation of American Medical Colleges


Average cost – Private Medical School $54,329

Average cost – Public Medical School $33,604

UT Southwestern


“Cost of Attendance”

*Books & Supplies figure includes a $2,500 computer allowance

Your Estimated Cost of Attendance

Tuition and Fees $20,521

UT Southwestern Medical School Direct Cost $20,521

Room & Board $12,631

Books & Supplies* $5,570

Transportation $3,235

Personal $5,032

Estimated Indirect Cost $26,468

Estimated Cost of Attendance $46,989

Sources of Financing

UTSW will assess your eligibility for:

• Scholarships

• Grants*

• Loans

(Fed*, State*, UTSW)

Other Sources:

• Relatives

• Private Sources

* Requires FAFSA

Have you filed your

Free Application for Federal Student Aid?

File it anytime, at fafsa.gov

DON’T pay someone to help you

Use 2016 tax data (and don’t update it later)

Use the IRS Data Retrieval process

FAFSA on the web

Pick the right FAFSA (2018-2019)

FAFSA on the web

Use the right tax & income information

When a Student Is Attending


When a Student Can Submit a


Which Year's

Income and Tax

Information To Use

July 1, 2018–June 30, 2019 Oct 1, 2017–June 30, 2019 2016

July 1, 2019–June 30, 2020 Oct 1, 2018–June 30, 2020 2017

July 1, 2020–June 30, 2021 Oct 1, 2019–June 30, 2021 2018

July 1, 2021–June 30, 2022 Oct 1, 2020–June 30, 2022 2019

Financial Aid Award Notification

Scholarship & Grant Processing

• Accept FA awards

• Certain scholarships require a

Thank You note from you

• Some scholarship checks must be

picked up at our office

Loan Processing – Federal

• Unsubsidized Stafford Direct Loan

1. accept FA award

2. studentloans.gov

MPN & entrance counseling

• Grad PLUS Loan

1. accept FA award

2. studentloans.gov (credit check!)

MPN & entrance counseling

6.00% interest

1.066% fee

7.00% interest

4.264% fee

Gotta have a budget. Seriously.


• helps you achieve academic and financial goals

• makes it easier to plan, to save, and to control your


• helps you avoid unnecessary debt and build or

improve your credit

When you budget, you decide where

your money goes, instead of wondering

where it all went.

Gotta have a budget. Seriously.


• There’s an app for that.

– Mint

– You Need a Budget (YNAB)

– Every Dollar

• Coming in – Going Out =

better not be negative

Budget - Expenses

The smaller your budget, the

lower your debt.

Tips for saving money

• Live with a roommate

• Shop around for best utility rates

• Eat at home/ take your lunch

• Keep driving your old car

• Ride your bike or walk

• Use Student Wellness services

when possible

Typical Borrowing – Year 1

Your Estimated Eligibility for Other Programs

Student Loans

Federal Unsubsidized Stafford Loan $40,500

Total Loans $40,500

Estimated Remaining Cost After Financial Aid $6,489

Additional Sources of Aid

Federal Graduate PLUS Loan $6,489

Remaining Cost After Other Resources $0

Repayment Estimates

Monthly Payment Estimator for Medical Students –

Direct Unsubsidized Loans

Assumes 4 years of medical

school, then a six-month

grace period with the

capitalization of all accrued

interest occurring at the end of

the grace period.

Resident Tuition & Fee ComparisonAssociation of American Medical Colleges












Public Medical School Resident Tuition & FeesUT Southwestern





North Carolina

UC-San Fran

UC-Los Angeles


UC-San Diego







Websites to know





Office of Student Financial Aid

[email protected]


Bryan Williams Student Center
